How to take revenge on a womanizing guy for treason and betrayal?

If the fact of betrayal is obvious, then all that remains is to make a decision: what are the further actions. If you plan to continue living with your spouse, then the strategy is significantly different from the situation when there is no forgiveness for him and further relationships are impossible. Which option to choose is a purely personal matter. But here are some practical tips on what “educational” moments can be applied in this situation, we will discuss below.

Aggressive method

There are cases when a wife harshly punished her husband for cheating. For example, she threw his clothes out of the window or broke the windows in the car, pierced the tires with a nail, broke a brand new mobile phone or a fancy laptop. This helps to let off steam and gets rid of accumulated negative emotions. Yes, from the outside everything looks a little inadequate, but it helps. Especially if you always hold a grudge.

Tricky method

Some people are wondering how to punish a husband for cheating, so that she can get away with it later? After all, an angry husband can file a police report for damaged things. Not everyone is used to solving their affairs within the family circle.

We will give you advice on how to punish your husband for cheating, but at the same time remain unnoticed. For example, your spouse has a very important meeting. Hide his passport or house keys. Collect dirt on him and send it in parts to your friends (and yourself too, so as not to fall under suspicion). Do little dirty tricks behind your back. In general, ruin his personal life, since he ruined yours.


Men who have experienced their wives cheating are given the following advice:

  • Don't deal with lovers, they have nothing to do with it.
  • If you saved your family, then forget about your wife’s betrayal, do not try to put pressure on the feeling of guilt.
  • Think about what your fault was that provoked the betrayal, so as not to repeat the offenses again.
  • Revenge on your opponent will not help you. You won’t get your loved one back this way, or she may not know anything at all.
  • Talk to your wife to understand the reasons for her actions.
  • If you decide to forgive your spouse, then do it sincerely.
  • If you want to talk it out, then do it with your spouse, friends or a psychologist.
  • You can either separate from your wife or save your family, which is up to you personally.

Legal terms

When women begin to think about how to punish their husbands for cheating, they are most often driven by anger and despair. Pride, pride, faith in other people, and so on are hurt. It is clear that after betrayal it is difficult to remain calm, but for revenge, psychologists advise maintaining a sober mind. First of all, after you have come to your senses a little, go straight to the law office. Hire a reputable professional, he will sort out all your rights. Talk to him about divorce and about the share that you can extract from your husband: sue half of the apartment, take back your car or an expensive laptop.

Revenge - humiliation or restoration of justice?

Why should a man take revenge? Ask yourself this question before you go punch someone in the face. Realize that after a fight you will only get temporary pleasure. And then what? The problem won't go away after you punch your wife's lover in the face. She will find herself another lover. She will be disappointed in you because you could not win her over with your actions. You will leave on your own, but you will not take anything good out of the situation.

It’s better not to hit your lover’s face, who may not be guilty of anything, but to figure out why the betrayal happened. You don’t have to forgive your wife, but you shouldn’t humiliate yourself through revenge either. Do you think that by your actions you will restore justice? But who did you decide to beat? The person will get it for nothing, since he may not even know you. To restore justice, you need to deal with your wife and take revenge on her, and not on your lover.

Spread the news

All people want to appear better than they really are. It is not surprising if your spouse created for himself the image of a diligent family man, a keeper of the hearth. Complain about it to your friends too. You will not denigrate his good name or discredit his honor, you will simply tell everything as it really happened. Many will condemn your husband for his baseness and despise him. You will receive support from others, and some will even cut ties with your husband. Let everyone know the bitter truth. Thus, you can easily punish your husband for cheating and lying.

What not to do

You should not discuss his actions with his own friends. A girl who tells everyone what is happening will not command respect.

It is also not recommended to bother him with constant calls, scandals, or clarification of circumstances. If you still live together, this will be an additional reason to meet the other one again.

Lies and lies are also a very common problem in communication. If there is no honesty, there is no future, trust, stability. This is the first step to disappointment and breakup. How to take revenge on a guy for lying? Lie yourself. But this could be the beginning of the end. It is better to show him that you know about the deception and that it brings you grief, disappointment and pain. If everything can still be adjusted, this will be an indicator for him of what exactly needs to be changed.

In any case, whether you take revenge or show your indifference by silence and ignoring, you must remember that your own dignity is above all. The feelings after all this will pass and be forgotten, but self-awareness and reputation will remain with you forever.

Revenge must be served cold

Let's turn to the professionals. What are they, advice from a psychologist, and how to punish your husband for cheating? First, get away from this vile person. Secondly, try to understand the reason for his actions. It happens that a married woman neglects her appearance, gains a couple of dozen extra kilos, and stops putting on makeup and dressing up beautifully. So, you have a great chance to fix everything. Do you want to rub your husband's nose in the face? Become a chic woman, join the gym to get in the right shape. Take care of your beauty, start applying attractive makeup, do your hair, take out the high-heeled shoes from the closet. Don't think about showing your cheater that you're bored or upset. No, you are on top, happy and enjoying your free life. Rest assured, the husband will grab his head and crawl back on his knees. And then, it’s up to you to decide: forgive or send away. Out of sight and out of mind. Then everyone will say: “The wife decided to punish her husband for cheating, and she succeeded.”

Reason for betrayal

Many people mistakenly believe that men are polygamous by nature. This theory has long been debunked. Usually, betrayal occurs due to the monotony of life. The routine is oppressive, and this makes you want something new. This is where the hikes to the left begin.

Other guys can boost their self-esteem in a similar way. They feel like Don Juans, before whom the whole world is open.

All this does not justify the betrayal committed. However, it is worth considering what caused such an act.

READ Why men cheat: psychology and main reasons

The soft way

How to punish your husband for cheating if you don’t want to get a divorce? Even if you have forgiven him in your soul, do not show it on the outside. Step back and be cold at first, do not agree to sex. Then try to recreate the old relationship, but, just like before, continue to keep your distance. When answering his questions, don’t give away the real reason: “I don’t want to sleep with you because you cheated!” Pretend you have a headache or are not in the mood. Come up with excuses: “I’m terribly sleepy, let’s do it another time,” “I’m so tired today, I have no strength left at all.” Plenty of room for flight of fancy.

Wife's disappointed expectations

Why did the wife cheat? A man must understand that the disappointed expectations that she has from the very beginning can push her to betrayal. When a girl meets a guy, she imposes on him to fulfill some of her expectations. She expects him to be able to make her life happier, more colorful, more interesting. It’s also not uncommon for men to start promising women stars and mountains of money. However, time passes, and the woman sees nothing of what she hoped for or what her husband promised her.

  • She thought that they would have their own house or apartment, but, as it turns out, he doesn’t need that at all.
  • She wants to have many children, but he may not want to have them at all.
  • She wanted to live a luxurious life, but her husband did not want to bother himself with earning a lot of money.

If a woman realizes over time that her hopes will not be met in a relationship with her husband, then she may begin to look at other men. Is the gentleman whom the wife noticed guilty of the fact that she chose him as the fulfillment of her desires that her husband did not realize?

Since you are going to “punch the face” not of your wife, who, by the way, caused you a lot of negative emotions with her act, but of her lover, you should think about whether this person is really to blame. He might not even know that his companion was married. Even if the lover knew about your presence, he could not resist her pressure and desire to sleep. Imagine yourself in his place, when a woman throws herself on your neck when you don’t want it. Sooner or later you will want to take advantage of the situation and sleep with her.

The husband should understand that he was offended not by his lover, who could simply not resist the woman who was hanging on him (otherwise, how would he sleep with her if she didn’t want it herself?), but by his wife, who herself decided to sleep with another man.

Psychologists advise every couple to communicate with their significant other before getting married in order to understand what they expect from each other. After all, for some reason everyone is silent and expects their partners to figure everything out themselves.

  1. Talk about the responsibilities and roles that everyone in the family should have to avoid problems.
  2. Discuss what desires each of you wants to realize by having a soulmate.
  3. Take a sober look at the person you want to connect your destiny with to understand whether he really has the qualities that you supposedly see in him.

All people want to live happily. Everyone is looking for ways to achieve their happiness. And usually people are ready to commit betrayal if their hopes are not realized by their spouses with whom they have connected their lives. This applies to both men and women.

Cheaters find lovers because they think that now they will definitely be able to get what they do not get in their family. However, often lovers also do not give what they want. The husband may find out about his wife's infidelity and even forgive her. However, if the wife continues to suffer because of her unfulfilled desires, then soon she will cheat again.

Revenge on the lover in this case will only be a consequence. You are struggling with what has already happened, although you need to eliminate the causes of betrayal.


If you are married, you probably have a common family budget. Take your husband’s card and feel free to take yourself a little vacation: go shopping, buy dresses and handbags. Visit a chic beauty salon and try a series of relaxing and soothing massages. If your budget is small, and you understand that you won’t be able to live on your salary until the end of the month, find a stash. There is a high probability that your chosen one has been saving money for a long time and persistently for a new car, fishing rod, telephone, and other expensive things. This way you won’t end up at a loss, but at the same time teach the cheater a lesson. He will not dare to make a claim, because he is already on the hook and probably feels guilty for what he has done.

How to arrange a farewell party and St. Bartholomew's Night

Let’s say you intend to break up one hundred percent, but for now you’re hiding your plan. Well, he probably won’t refuse an elegant date if you invite him to your place for a romantic evening.

And here’s the catch: everything you do will be truly unforgettable for him. The main thing is that he doesn’t stay at your place overnight, but just comes running for a ride in bed, for about two hours, and cowardly scurries back to his home.

To do this, prepare:

  • pearlescent lipstick in a faint pink shade,
  • self-tanning cream,
  • bottle of perfume,
  • mild laxative.

Well, it’s time to invite your “beloved” and punish him properly:

  1. When you're already in bed, give him a relaxing back massage. Just “accidentally” confuse massage cream with self-tanning. After some time (after 2-4 hours), you can joke about his body, like on the first of April: “Your whole back is yellow.”
  2. When he's relaxed after sex with a cigarette in bed and his guard is down, take care of his clothes (grab his shirt for the bathroom). An inconspicuous smear of pink pearlescent lipstick on the inside of the collar and a spritz of perfume.
  3. And finally - strawberries with whipped cream for dessert in bed after a smoke break. Cream, of course, with a mild laxative. A horse dose is not needed, and dessert should be served at the very end of the date so that the intestines are not in a hurry.

So the original script might be something like this:

If a man has a weak stomach, he will hurry home so as not to shit himself in front of his mistress, and therefore he will get dressed in a hurry, without noticing any stains or odors. At home, after sitting on the push, he will go to bed with his back to his wife, because he emptied his personal belongings to the left. And there is a back with strange yellow spots. Logically, the wife checks the man’s clothes, which shimmer with imprints of mother-of-pearl lips. And the smell of the collar is not at all masculine. It is impossible to prove that the lipstick was accidentally left by a woman passing by, because the prints are inside!

So this scoundrel will have St. Bartholomew's Night from his wife, let his former lover excuse himself as he wants. And basically it’s not your fault. The fact that he shit himself is apparently an allergy to strawberries. The fact that lipstick and perfume were left on the shirt - well, that was in a fit of passion. And the fact that she mixed up the cream - well, it doesn’t happen to anyone!

Fight fire with fire

Previously, you couldn’t even think about flirting with other men? They weren’t allowed to walk you home, take you to the movies, or pay for food during your lunch break? Now everything is possible! Let your husband see that you are desired and always surrounded by rival gentlemen. Flirt with colleagues in the presence of your husband, smile sweetly at them. It will be great if one day you return home with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Have you noticed how unpleasant and offensive he is? Now let him imagine what it was like for you. After all, you did not cross permitted lines, did not violate boundaries, did not sleep with another man behind your loved one’s back.

Standard reaction

If we look at the standard reaction of men in situations where they find out or, even worse, catch their wives in bed with other gentlemen, then everything is very simple. No one will doubt that a man will get into a fight and start “punching in the face” of the one with whom his wife is sleeping. Is it possible to somehow condemn a man for such an act? Most likely, even a lover who has been “punched in the face” will understand the behavior of the deceived husband. He will not blame his husband for deciding to assault him, since, most likely, he would have done the same in his place.

“Hit the face” is a long-established pattern of male behavior. They will not think, make three-story plans on how to take revenge on their wives. Imagine a situation where a husband comes home, finds his wife with her lover, gets offended, slams the door, and then spends months thinking about how to annoy her lover. This will not happen. If a man catches his wife cheating, his first impulse will be to punish his offenders.

However, there are other situations when a man actually turns around and leaves his wife, blaming only her for everything. The following principle applies here: the one who cheated is to blame for everything. Moreover, such a man could have been raised from childhood with slogans that he is the best and always right. Thus, the man will not even think about the situation. He will blame his wife for everything, forgetting that wives do not just walk away from their husbands.

A relationship is the responsibility of both partners. If someone begins to cheat, it means that the second partner is helping him in this. Of course, the blame still lies with the one who cheated. But still, one should not turn a blind eye to the fact that his partner was to blame, who, with his actions or words, attitude, could calmly push him to cheat.

Make friends with your lover

It often happens that men do not tell girls about their marriage. Perhaps the mistress was also bullied. If the girl was also deceived and did not plan to take anyone away from the family, you have every chance of making a new friend. Carefully and secretly call her behind your husband’s back and talk. Come up with a cunning plan to make the man nervous and rack his brains. Then show all your cards and demand clarification and an apology. Of course, there are also dishonest girls who are ready to do anything to get someone else’s husband. Then the tactics of action are canceled. Move on to another revenge plan, there are plenty of them in this article.

I will take revenge and my revenge is terrible

The psychology of revenge is based on hurting the person who offended you. A guy offends his girlfriend and she comes up with a sophisticated way to take revenge on him. He doesn't take her seriously and she's already making a grand plan to teach him a lesson.

In my opinion, revenge is the worst option to prove something to someone. Apart from his touchiness and fixation on the problem, a person does not prove anything. It is much more difficult to live through the situation, understand what the problem is, delve into yourself and find a worthy solution.

They say “revenge is served cold.” But most people do not interpret this expression that way. What does cold mean? Cold with emotion. Calm, cool reasoning. Understanding the problem. Long thoughts over the decision. Cold here means the time frame that is needed in a situation to make a decision.

You need to understand that mean actions will not make you happier. They will only ruin the life of your offender.

Firstly, it was your decision to be offended rather than to talk and try to solve the problem.

Secondly, your happiness should not depend on the actions of other people.

When you understand this, then you yourself will come to the conclusion that you can prove something to others only by changing yourself. I would like to recommend you the article “What to do if a guy stops loving you.” In it you will find many useful and interesting tips.

Stop caring

Surely you carry out all the household duties, because a woman is the keeper of comfort in the house. Stop doing all these things immediately, or do them half-heartedly. Serve burnt scrambled eggs for breakfast, iron your favorite shirts and trousers, and don’t put his clothes in the washing machine. Such little things will ruin your mood, especially if they are presented early in the morning. If the husband cannot stand it and reproaches him for negligence, calmly, slightly with mockery, casually throw out the following phrase: “Let your mistress serve you.”


Do you laugh at any talk about other worlds, magic, love spells, sorcery? Very much in vain! Sometimes offended women do not have time to take revenge on an unfaithful chosen one; they believe that their method is too gentle for the offender. In such cases, they resort to secret conspiracies that can ruin a person’s life. They differ in the amount of damage they deal:

1) Weak conspiracy (headache and toothache that does not go away for days, a depressed state, a quarrel with all close friends)

Take some of your husband’s things and cut a piece. Burn it at the stake, sprinkle ashes on the comb, saying the following words: “Let the pain that you left on my heart be transmitted to you through your head.” Wait until it cools down and then run through your hair three times. It is important that the husband combs his hair on the same day.

2) There is another way to punish your husband for cheating. A strong conspiracy is a rather serious step, think carefully before you decide to do it:

After this conspiracy, he will suffer from mental pain. He will feel so much guilt for cheating that he will be ashamed to look you in the eyes. At the same time, he will experience an incredibly strong animal attraction and disgust for his mistress. All her touches will be desired, but at the same time disgustingly disgusting.

Think seven times before carrying out such a harsh sentence. In any case, we will tell you how to cancel this conspiracy.

Be sure to choose an odd date. Late at night, light a long candle and go to the mirror. Take with you a photo of your husband where he is smiling. Place a candle in front of the mirror and say: “Today I am going to take terrible revenge on the infidel.” Pass the photo over the flame three times. Take scissors and cut a smile on your husband's face. Turn it over and burn it. Say: “Let this mouth desire kisses, but these kisses will be like touching a cold toad.” Apply bright lipstick, hold the photo up against the mirror, and kiss the face in the image. “Once you give up these lips, you will never return to them.” Burn the photo card. Apply lipstick again, go up and kiss your sleeping husband.

When you decide that your spouse has suffered enough, perform a very simple ritual. On the even-numbered day, go to the mirror with candles and a new photo of your husband. Swipe in front of the flame three times. Apply lipstick and kiss the photo twice in approximately the same place. Say: “I forgive him.” Again, pass close to the flame, but do not burn.


Is it possible to punish a husband for cheating with prayer? No, It is Immpossible. Here we will move a little away from the canons of revenge, because God is the one who taught us mutual love and forgiveness. There are no evil prayers for hatred and revenge, even if a person has committed a terrible sin. You can kneel down and read aloud “Our Father” and “Virgin Mary” with all your heart. Then sincerely ask for family happiness, for your husband to return to you, so that everything will work out. If the Lord sees that your intentions are pure, you do not wish harm to anyone, then he will fulfill your request.

So, this article described many ways to punish a husband for cheating. However, there is no smoke without fire. It would be best to understand the situation and, like two adults, have a heart-to-heart talk. But it’s up to you to decide what to resort to: punishment or pardon.


If the guy is a womanizer

The situation can get worse if you have been cheated on more than once, by accident or under the influence of acute emotions, but they do it constantly, due to the character of your partner. Is it possible to recognize a womanizer, and if so, how exactly? It turns out that this is not so difficult to do if you know. that it is characterized by the following behavior:

  • behaves too confidently without having any reason to do so;
  • uses homemade routines in conversation that are suitable for any woman and in any situation;
  • describes himself immediately and in detail, so that a woman does not need to form her own opinion about him - just use his presentation;
  • dressed flamboyantly in order to create a good first impression;
  • even when he communicates with you, he strives not to miss the opportunity with other women around him - he gives compliments to neighbors passing by and in every way makes it clear to them that he is free to continue communication, but with them;
  • a lover of showering a girl with compliments, but not with the goal of pleasing her, but in order to disarm her and make her an easier prey;
  • you meet him only late in the evening - he does not mix his romantic events with you, with his other, daily life, where there is no place for you and, perhaps, there will not be.

The womanizer uses all his knowledge and charm to achieve a completely understandable goal - to lure a girl into bed. Interest in it immediately fades away after this - the goal has already been achieved and is no longer attractive, you need to look for another one. Such men do not like long-term relationships and, as a result, responsibility.

People of this type are characterized by two leading behavioral traits:

  • they strive for constant and endless pleasure with a variety of partners, easily leaving one for another;
  • easily and quickly leave communication with minimal risk of responsibility and emotional dependence.

Girls who have fallen into the network of such womanizers have a passionate desire to find a way to avenge the betrayal.

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