How to ask a guy out and not get rejected

How to refuse a guy’s offer to date without him being offended: answer options, phrases

There is also a situation when it is necessary to refuse an offer to meet, but in such a way that he in no way gets offended or spoils his impression of you. In such cases, you should prepare as many phrases and words as possible that will “insure you” from scandal and quarrel, and also will not offend the person.


  • Dear (person’s name), I don’t want to upset you and lose you, but for some reason it seems to me that nothing will work out for us. You are a wonderful person and it is very important for me not to lose you. Please remain patient and perhaps if we maintain our friendship and trust, one day we will be able to feel like one.
  • Sorry, (person's name), but now I don't see us as a couple. I beg you. Just don’t be offended, because I really appreciate and love you and that’s why I don’t want to lose you. I want you to always be by my side, because you are my best friend. I hope for your understanding and patience.
  • No matter how offensive it may sound, I will answer you “no”. I believe that our friendship is not yet “ripe” for true and romantic love. Let's check our feelings a little more so we know exactly what we're ready for.
  • Sun! I consider you my close person. I can always trust you with secrets and mysteries. Complain and cry. Please don't leave me or turn away, even if I tell you no.
  • A person must do what he feels and is confident in. I don’t feel like we are a couple and, nevertheless, you are important and necessary to me. Don’t leave my life, just understand me and believe that it will be better this way.
  • My dear, I am discouraged and confused, because I truly considered you my best friend and brother. I can trust you like no one else. But I can't love you like a man. I'm not ready to date you now.
  • (Male's name), I sincerely hope for your understanding and sympathy. It’s so painful and unpleasant for me to say “no” to you. But this “no” - it comes from consciousness, and not from the heart, because I love you. This is true. Let's not rush, let's wait and test our feelings.
  • Thank you very much for such nice words and a truly sincere offer. I will disappoint you, but don’t rush to give up! I value and respect you very much, but I have to refuse, because now I’m simply not ready for such a serious relationship. I hope for your understanding and I don’t want to lose a good, kind friend in you
  • Sorry for speaking bluntly, but I don’t agree to a serious relationship and family. I have plans and goals that I must achieve before I become completely owned by my husband and children. If you have enough patience, wait and maybe we have a future in the future.
  • Dear (man's name)! I am, of course, very pleased to receive such an offer from you. But I have to upset you with a refusal, because if you feel that this desire comes from you 100%, then you don’t even think about it! I constantly doubt about us.
  • I cannot answer your question positively. I don’t know what the problem is, I’m just not ready to start a family with you yet. This may not be my final decision, but it is 100% true for now.
  • I ask you in advance not to be upset. For now, my answer is no. I asked myself this question before and, you know, I don't see us as a family. Some traits in us are not entirely compatible and not very compatible. There are two options: either work on it or look for other people.
  • Dear (person's name), I'm sorry, but I will upset you. You and I are great friends, but we make a monstrous pair. Both you and I have a lot of shortcomings and, what’s most offensive, we don’t want to put up with them. Yes, in some ways we are compatible, but these little things will not allow us to connect our lives.
  • My answer is no. However, this is not a harsh word that hurts and hurts the ear. My “no” means that I don’t want to get married yet. In addition, I believe that you should also be “ripe” for this decision, not only in word, but also in deed.

Answer options for men

Tools for action

Many girls do not dare to express their feelings to a man directly. Offering to date while looking your chosen one in the eye is very difficult psychologically. But there is a way out: you can make an offer using a phone call, SMS, messenger or social network. Mutual friends or acquaintances can also help.

SMS with offer

The easiest way is to send the guy an SMS or WhatsApp message. You can record a video or audio message to appear more serious. All the girl should say is that she really likes the young man, but she is embarrassed to talk about it in person.

There is no need to immediately invite him to meet. For starters, it's better to invite him on a first date. During the correspondence, it will become clear whether the guy really wants to go with the girl or is simply afraid of offending her.

Correspondence on VKontakte

VKontakte is a popular Russian social network where almost everyone is registered, especially if we are talking about a teenage boy or student. If you managed to find your lover’s page, then first you need to “knock” on his friend’s door. After accepting the application, you can begin correspondence.

It is not necessary to immediately offer a romantic relationship, it is enough to transparently hint at sympathy, and entrust the initiative to him. Let it be a heart-to-heart conversation: you can openly ask what type of girls he prefers, whether he has a partner. You can write that it would be interesting to meet and chat sometime. Confessing your love and proposing to date right away is a risky step, the effect of which can be both positive and negative.

Help from friends

School friends or classmates often organize fun parties. At such a noisy event, you can strike up a conversation with a guy. It’s worth enlisting the support of close friends and family in advance: it’s easier to act with a group than alone.


Relationships between a woman and a woman: same gender, different problems

To win his favor, a girl should joke more and talk about her interests. It is important to behave naturally so that the interlocutor does not feel tension. Friends will help the girl to be close to her lover. Perhaps he himself will dare to take the initiative.

How to answer a guy or a man’s question “Maybe we can meet?” as a joke?

Sometimes such a positive answer can mark the beginning of a very cheerful, friendly and happy family relationship.

Possible answers:

  • Maybe we'll meet!
  • And what I get for this?
  • It depends what “flows” from this acquaintance...
  • You can, but only in exchange for sweets and bouquets!
  • You can, but be extremely careful!
  • If you are not afraid, then please!
  • I want to warn you: this can be dangerous!
  • If you are determined, please...
  • Are you a generous man? If yes, I agree!
  • How about we have something to drink together?
  • I'll think about it, try to convince me!
  • I can, but I need to ask my mom for permission first...
  • If you are not afraid of consequences!

Answers to men in correspondence


Not all girls can cope with such a difficult task on their own. Some may need assistants - those people from the girl’s environment who personally communicate with the young man. An ideal option would be a friend, with whose help it is quite easy to hint to a young man about your desire to date him. If the girlfriend does everything right, then the guy himself will take any further actions. Mutual acquaintances can help you find yourself in the same company, which will lead to closer communication, and then to a relationship.

There are many more opportunities on the Internet. You can make hints using quotes or statuses. However, records that can be read by a large number of people should not include the name of a specific young person. It is better to discuss all confessions or personal things in personal correspondence.

How to respond to an offer to meet by correspondence on the Internet?

This is the most popular way of meeting people and is the beginning of any friendship and relationship.

Possible answers:

  • Hello? It depends how old you are and how temperamental you are!
  • Well, try it, you have a chance...
  • I don’t know how you differ from others?
  • It depends what you want to know about me...
  • Let's try, maybe it will work!
  • It depends what you ask me!
  • How are we going to do this?
  • I don’t really like meeting people, convince me otherwise!
  • Dating is a useful thing, but is it interesting?
  • Let's get acquainted... and will we become friends?
  • How exactly do you like to meet people? Close?
  • I really love meeting new people. And you?
  • How closely will we get to know each other?
  • Come on, I haven't had fun for a long time!

Useful tips

Do you really like a girl, but you have no idea how to get her attention? Use our tips.

Excessive attention is harmful

Try to demonstrate that you don’t care about your beloved. This method works very well. Often girls wait for a young man to take the initiative and take the first step. They want gifts, attention, courtship.

You need to do all this in relation to your beloved. But when she doesn't value feelings, stop going along with it. Better try to concentrate on yourself and start to stand out from other guys in some way.

Then the chosen one will pay attention to you

More humor and jokes

Guys with a good sense of humor rarely go unnoticed. Try to keep your jokes original and relevant. It's great if not only your lover notices your charm, but also other girls and guys from the company.

Is your loved one sad? Figure out how to make her smile. Make up a funny phrase that does not contain vulgarity, remember a funny story.

Nice appearance

Girls prefer young men who take care of their appearance. To impress a beauty, remember a few rules:

  1. Keep your hair and body clean.
  2. Do you have a goatee? Make sure she looks neat.
  3. Iron clothes, wash and shine shoes.

Communication skills

Communicate with girls at ease and try to easily find topics for conversation so that your interlocutor does not get bored. To do this, take an interest in current events, films, and new books.

Your erudition and charisma are perceived by others with a bang, and your beloved girl will admire you.


If you want to please girls, then not only build your muscles, but also read. Guys with a rich inner world evoke respect and sympathy. Girls eagerly communicate with such guys. True, you shouldn’t turn into a bore and a nerd. Everything should be in moderation.

Psychologist's advice

Psychologists recommend being bright, free, enjoying the moment and allowing your chosen one to remain the same. Other expert advice:

In a girl, a guy looks for an outlet, comfort, affection. Tired during the day, a person strives to sincerely rest his soul and be inspired. To turn into a muse, you need to become truly positive, kind, and understanding. To do this, you need to think positively about the world, give compliments to others, help people and animals. It touches men and leaves a deeper mark than beauty and flirting. The guy will think with tenderness about his lady and dream of returning to her.

  • Among the many beauties, men distinguish witty and cheerful intellectuals who can aptly laugh at problems and their own shortcomings. A sense of humor is considered a rare quality in women. Some men enjoy good humor, while others admire “dark” jokes. But you should not make fun of the guy and without aggression. It’s good if the couple has common witticisms and funny words. They unite and become a kind of psychological anchor.
  • In order for the chosen one to have time to get bored, you need to give him freedom. Sometimes parting brings us closer together. Instead of painful expectations, it is better to devote time to a hobby or work. The independence and freedom of a partner make her especially desirable. An erudite and enthusiastic girl will always be interesting to a man.
  • You need to develop intimacy slowly, enjoying the process. Total immersion in a turbulent relationship leads to burnout. Partners get bored with each other. What remains is devastation and irritation. Let the rapprochement happen gradually. This makes the connection stronger and deeper. The halves have time to become close, get used to it, but not get bored.

In order for your loved one to dream of meeting, to yearn for him, you need to become a real outlet for him, a soul mate. At the same time, we must not allow ourselves to become fed up with each other. A balance of sincerity, flirtation and play is required.

Don't push him.

All girls should remember one main rule - under no circumstances should you put pressure on a guy. It will only ruin everything. You must be patient. There is no need to impose your communication on him, call him and bombard him with messages online. The guy must be sure that the initiative comes from him, that you are walking and communicating only because he wants it, although in reality things are somewhat different.

A girl must be resourceful. It is thanks to our cunning and resourcefulness that we get what we want. There is no need to directly tell him how you feel at such an early stage. This will only scare him away. Guys, although the stronger sex, are very weak inside. They can be easily offended and their feelings hurt. And when this happens, guys, like turtles, withdraw into themselves, and there is no way you can lure him out. He is unlikely to trust you again; most likely, he will reduce all communication to nothing.

So remember, you shouldn't be domineering, you should be gentle. More than anything in the world, every guy is afraid of becoming henpecked. Guys hate it when girls make decisions for them, control their every action, and try to be in charge. And although in many happy relationships women are still in charge, although men think that they are in charge. This happens because wise women allow them to think so. This is where the success of many happy marriages lies.

What do they need emotionally?

Many women complain that they have been unable to arrange their personal lives for years. And it's not just a matter of luck.

Relationships will begin to develop if certain conditions are met:

Support and attention. Every guy wants to feel that he is accepted for who he is. If a girl looks at her chosen one as a person and sees value in him, then there is a high probability that he will want to become the best in the world for her. Then there is a desire to overcome obstacles, improve character, and work on personal qualities. Partner's approval

It is important for a guy that a girl shares his beliefs with him. Shared values ​​and aspirations unite and create a platform for creating suitable conditions for future life together

When a man feels a woman’s consent in everything, he begins to act more boldly. A desire to move mountains appears, and any doubts disappear.

Thus, the psychology of men in love is an interesting thing. Each person behaves differently when in contact with romantic feelings. Sometimes it seems like the world has turned upside down. As a result, values ​​and the habit of looking at the surrounding reality change.

Flirting is our weapon.

Once you've gotten a little closer, feel free to start flirting with him. Batting your eyes, straightening your hair, smiling. Sometimes, as if by chance, touch his hand or cheek. Women are endowed with a huge gift, we can achieve our goals simply with a smile. Don't be afraid to compliment him. Compliment his physique, guys love that.

Contact him for help. No wonder they say that men are our protectors. They have instincts to look after the weaker. Become the one he needs to take care of. This is where small, harmless tricks will help you. Ask him to help you carry a heavy bag of books. At the same time, don’t forget, as if by chance, to say how strong he is. You can also ask for help with your homework, thereby showing him that you admire his intelligence and insight.

You have to make him feel like a hero. Pretend that you sprained your ankle and ask permission to lean on him to walk to class. Then thank him with a kiss on the cheek. This is generally a signature feature that always works. Firstly, he will feel needed. Secondly, a reason to get even closer, to give him a kiss.

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