How to ask a beautiful girl out on a date and not get rejected

A guy or a man likes a girl or a woman, do you want to meet her, but are you afraid of getting rejected? Don’t give up, the female sex, no matter what they say, loves assertive guys who achieve their goals. There are even men who are not afraid of having a rival. Only in this case can he scare away the girl he likes, then how can he persuade the girl to meet? In this case, one thing can be said: after all, delicacy must be present during acquaintance.

Start of action

Every person has been denied something in their life. Therefore, if the object of the meeting is trying to “evade” the date, you should not immediately slow down and retreat. Turn on optimism, try to find a different approach. For a girl to agree to meet you need to:

  • Try to behave in such a way that she gets the impression that this is a reliable and independent person.
  • Show interest in the girl, find out about her affairs, well-being, hobbies.
  • Don't be a miser. This, of course, does not mean that from the first meeting you need to shower your chosen one with expensive gifts, but not all girls pay attention to petty men. It’s just that when a conversation starts on material topics, the girl will feel it immediately.
  • Be positive. When you become more familiar, the girl herself will see changes in the guy’s behavior and, of course, will try to calm him down.
  • Have a well-groomed appearance. Hardly anyone will pay attention to a sloppily dressed man.
  • Invite them to a restaurant, youth club, or cinema in the evening.
  • If, after spending time, for some reason the feelings have not faded away, you can invite her to continue dating.

Each girl requires a special approach, because the dating option that is suitable for one will be useless for the other. For example, how to persuade a girl who is in the status of “friend” to meet. In this case, it is necessary to show considerable willpower, imagination, and patience in order to make her look at the guy with different eyes. It is necessary to remember her tastes and desires.

If she is a lover of an active lifestyle, you can invite her to the skating rink, go outdoors with her, or invite her to play at the bowling club. The guy will need to live with her interests for some time and maybe this relationship will acquire a new round of communication.

Love stories

How to convince a friend that she deserves better.
I'm proud of my friend. She still packed her things and left him. I wish her the brightest and truest happiness.

it's kind of complicated. until your friend herself understands that she deserves better. there will be no changes in her life

I know myself.. but I feel sorry for her.. I told her at least feel sorry for yourself since he doesn’t feel sorry for you.

Dior, you yourself understand everything better than us. She must understand on her own; it is useless to tell her.

an echo from the past, their relationship has now entered its sixth year. She also loves him madly, but alas, she wastes her love on the wrong man.

I just really want her to be truly happy and not like she is now... this is not happiness. I love her like my own sister and don’t want her to live like this.. she has the opportunity to go abroad to her parents in Italy, but no, she loses her precious time with him. I told her to drop everything, fly away to your family, stay with them, live there and enjoy life. Sometimes she regrets that she didn’t leave right away.

Well, in this situation, I’m not the only one who advises her, there are two more friends and both are married, I told her to at least listen to them.. as they say, I’ve been married for several years)

Source: Love Stories Real life stories Tips - How to convince a friend that she deserves the best????????

How to understand if a girl reciprocates 2

Women become more experienced with age and it costs them nothing to mislead even an adult man. It is much easier to understand how a girl treats a guy while they are still young and inexperienced. For example, a couple has already met several times, went to the cinema, to a club, how can you understand that a girl is interested in a guy? There are several signs by which this can be understood:

  • the girl makes compliments, flirts, “shoots” her eyes;
  • shows jealousy. The girl starts to get nervous when the guy talks to other girls. Even if she makes a demonstrative appearance of indifference, this will also indicate that she is not indifferent to the guy;
  • the girl wants constant communication. She can call for no reason, several times a day, but she must not overdo it. Constant control may turn off some guys, not everyone likes total control;
  • shows concern. Advises you to dress warmly, tries to help with something, takes any of the young man’s failures to heart;
  • presents first minor gifts, then more significant ones;
  • when a girl likes a guy she will be glad to see him at any time of the day;
  • if the young man is pleasant to her, she will allow him to touch her;
  • communication with a guy you like is always exciting in the first stages, the girl has a blush on her cheeks, lights light up in her eyes, and a hoarseness is heard in her voice;
  • there are practically no cloudless relationships; if after a quarrel she is the first to take the initiative for reconciliation, then this is the first sign of the seriousness of the relationship on her part;
  • as if accidentally demonstrating his “charms”;
  • if a girl likes a guy, she will try to test him accordingly, making him jealous;
  • and the final stage is consent to sex. If intimacy occurs between a couple, it means that the girl is really in love with the guy.

The presence of such signs in a girl’s behavior indicates that she is in love. Now it’s the man’s turn; if he really has feelings for the girl, he just needs to take the initiative and turn the relationship in the desired direction.

What will turn her off?

First, get rid of the idea that there will be “the one” who will accept you as anyone and will seek your attention.

Secondly, check out 20 reasons why most girls avoid guys:


Perhaps this is the main thing that repels girls. This includes:

  • Fears (rejection, loneliness, mistakes). Everyone is afraid of something. This is fine. However, social fears prevent you from behaving confidently and forming strong relationships. The fear of rejection makes you very intrusive or, conversely, too independent. If you are afraid of loneliness, then you are unlikely to be selective in dating. You'll want to date anyone who reciprocates your feelings. And the fear of making a mistake can become a serious barrier to acquaintance.
  • Low self-esteem. How do people with extremely low self-esteem behave? They slouch, mumble (or are completely silent), do not make eye contact, fuss, and “everything falls out of their hands.” “This is not about me,” you say. Maybe you are right. But keep in mind that self-esteem is a flexible thing. If you do not use your own talents, do not apply the skills you have acquired, and also begin to indulge the “dark sides” of your character, your self-esteem will gradually decrease.

And one more thing: you can pretend to be confident. But girls will see and feel it on an intuitive level. Most of them will try to avoid close contact with an insecure guy.

Inability to express emotions and feelings

It would seem that the skill of expressing emotions is needed only by women, and not by you, a brutal, stern man. It's a delusion. Silence and coldness can become an obstacle to rapprochement. That's why emotionally unavailable guys are more likely to push away than they attract.

Lack of communication skills

Sociability is the ability to easily establish contacts, flexibility in communication, and the ability to carry on a conversation with any person. If you don't know how to communicate, you're unlikely to interest an attractive girl.


If you are self-centered, you will be able to attract a certain circle of women. But still, most of the girls will begin to be annoyed by your egocentrism. Not everyone is ready to live in the interests of another person.

Lack of respect for other people

If you are constantly rude, rude, and arrogant with others, then you will arouse hostility among girls. Only an unhappy and sacrificial woman will tolerate such behavior.

I don't attract girls. How to attract girls' attention?

Unmotivated aggression

Yes, you are a “hunter” and a “breadwinner”; aggression is inherent in you by nature. However, sometimes it can go beyond. If you get irritated over little things, throw objects at the wall, raise your voice at a girl, and what’s even worse, raise your hand to her... a self-respecting woman will run away from you very quickly and she will be right.

Lack of sense of humor

How to make a girl run after you if you don’t understand jokes and don’t know how to joke yourself? No way. Women don't like dull and dull guys.

Low intellectual level

Another extremely unattractive quality for girls is lack of education and stupidity. Without an average or high IQ, you will not be able to get the attention of interesting and beautiful girls. But this is exactly what you need?

Lack of purpose

Think about it, would you like a woman who lives “like grass”? After all, life without dreams, goals and aspirations is meaningless. Moreover, this is a path to depression and despair.

Excessive demands

Are you prone to frequent nagging, do you want to change something in a girl, do you see only shortcomings in her? Believe me, inflated demands will scare your chosen one at the very beginning of the relationship.


A very small number of girls dream of becoming your second “mother”. Lack of independence, capriciousness, irresponsibility - these are the qualities that most women do not want to see in men.

Pathological laziness

Don’t you want to make an effort to do something around the house, find a decent job, are you too lazy to go somewhere? Do you really think that there are girls waiting in line for a lazy man? Surely you understand how absurd this is.

Presence of dependencies

Of course, there are women who enter into unhealthy relationships with drug addicts and alcoholics. And what’s more, they really run after them. If you have a problem with addictions, think about it. Do you really want to live like this? After all, the rest of the female half of humanity stays away from dependent guys.

Unhealthy jealousy

Naturally, it is important to you how the girl you like lives. It's normal to be jealous of other men from time to time. The main thing is to remain calm. Jealousy becomes pathological if you constantly monitor her, forbid her from wearing certain clothes, and insist on refusing to communicate with friends. No adequate girl will tolerate such behavior for a long time.


Think about how to make a girl run after you if you run after her yourself? Do you write to her every half hour, call her several times a day, wait for her at work, meet her at her house? At best, she will lose interest in you after some time. And in the worst case: she will change her phone number and block you in all messengers.

How to please girls? How to meet and seduce girls?

Lack of hobbies

Has your life turned into a routine: from home to work, from work straight home? And there is no time left for hobbies. You may not even have found a suitable hobby. Something needs to change. Understand that many women are turned off by uninteresting homebodies.

Absent-mindedness and unpunctuality

No woman will like it if you are constantly late, “flying in the clouds,” or thinking about questions for a long time. Girls don't like guys who are unfocused and terribly slow.


No, it's not about expensive gifts or paying all her bills. Girls are put off by greed in small things: you feel sorry for money for ordinary pleasant surprises, you don’t see the point of spending money on flowers, you don’t even want to pay for ice cream or chocolate.

Lack of desire for good earnings

Of course, we are not talking about billions. But you shouldn’t blame women for commercialism if your salary is only enough for food and utilities. Think about it, aren’t you tired of living on pennies yourself?

Repulsive appearance

Do you want charming and slender women to run after you? Then think about whether you have any of the following: untidiness, disheveled hair, the “aroma” of an unwashed body, repulsive breath, excess weight, dirty and wrinkled clothes, scruffy shoes?.. This list goes on, but the essence is you Understood. Will you attract at least one beauty in this look?

So, there are many reasons why you might push a girl away. Perhaps you saw yourself in some points. And it’s good that you honestly admitted this to yourself. After all, this is the only way you can develop the best traits in yourself. Now take a closer look at psychological recommendations to understand how to make a girl run after you.

What does the girl's behavior mean?

First, men think about how to invite a beautiful girl on a date, then they think about how she treats them, and whether there is a chance of moving to a new level of communication.

Young ladies rarely hide their feelings; they are usually visible to the naked eye. If a girl smiles when communicating, laughs at jokes, it means she is not indifferent to you. You can safely call her on a second date, after which the picture will become even clearer.

The look of a young lady is a great helper in determining her attitude towards you. If she looks into your eyes for a long time or quickly looks away when communicating, then she likes you.

READ How to ask a cute guy out on a date and not get rejected

There is another win-win way to determine how a girl feels - physical contact. If she enjoys touching you and does it whenever possible, it means she likes you.

When a woman likes communicating with a man, she will look for meetings with him, write messages, call. If you observe such actions, they 100% indicate mutual sympathy, which may not be limited solely to going on dates.

What do men feel when they ask a girl out on a date?

Having feelings for a lady, many guys think about how to properly invite her on a date so that she remembers this day and is pleasantly impressed. Even though guys are the stronger sex, they also tend to worry and imagine how this long-awaited date will go.

Emotional men may experience the following feelings before meeting a beautiful young lady:

  1. Embarrassment, embarrassment. Asking a woman out on a date is only half the battle. It is very important during a meeting to get rid of embarrassment and control your emotions. Take the first steps towards, dominate, avoid silence when communicating. Many men, out of embarrassment, lose the attention of young ladies, and then greatly regret what happened. To avoid being in their place, immediately note to yourself that embarrassment only gets in the way.
  2. Uncertainty. A man should always be confident. Thoughts “What if she doesn’t like me”, “What will happen if she refuses a second meeting” should be driven away. You only need to think about good things, then communication will go well from the first minutes and last until the end of the evening.
  3. Fear gets in the way. If you like a lady, take the initiative and invite her for a walk. The meeting of two handsome young people is pleasant and interesting. Get rid of intrusiveness, talk on an equal footing, giving your partner the opportunity to speak out. By creating a pleasant atmosphere when you meet, you will get your partner’s attention, earn a plus sign, and go for a walk with her a second time.

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You should get rid of self-doubt once and for all. A man, when inviting a girl on a date, must forget that there is fear, embarrassment, and uncertainty. Only positive emotions, laughter, funny stories and pleasant dialogues should be present during communication.

How to choose a meeting place

So that the girl cannot refuse, the meeting must be discussed in advance, thinking through everything down to the smallest detail. Show your imagination, invite a friend to the theater or cafe, arrange a romantic date for her. It is wrong to immediately call a young lady home - this is a bad gesture that will scare off even the bravest girl.

In order for everything to go at the highest level in the evening, a man must prepare in advance:

  1. Book a table.
  2. Buy a bouquet of flowers and put them on the table.
  3. Ask for a menu, give the young lady the opportunity to be the first to order.
  4. Order the same thing as the girl.
  5. Be sure to leave a tip for the waiter so that the woman sees you as a generous person.

The place for the first date should be quiet and cozy. Every man can beautifully invite a lady to a meeting; you just need to prepare in advance and think through the small details. If possible, you can pick up the girl by taxi or private car.

Preparing for recognition

The best moment is when the girl is already mentally ready for the guy to propose to start a relationship. And in order to achieve this readiness, a young man must prove himself from the best side. By the time he is going to propose dating, he must already demonstrate his ability to care, respect, and tenderness. He must show this to the girl through actions, not words.

What exactly needs to be done? A man must demonstrate his reliability so that a girl can rely on him. He must also demonstrate that he values ​​the girl so that she does not doubt his feelings. At the same time, he needs to show his prospects for the girl in a future relationship, so that she knows that she will not live in poverty with this guy. Of course, this may not seem very pleasant, but this is exactly what can win a girl over to a guy at an early stage of a relationship.

For recognition you also need to choose a suitable place. It is advisable that there are no people around, so that no one can interfere with this process and interrupt one of the partners. It is also important to think about having the right atmosphere (at least a little). For example, you obviously shouldn’t try to propose a relationship to a girl while you’re in a closet or in some alley. It is best to choose a beautiful, but uncrowded place so that it is sure to be imprinted in her memory.

How not to speak

Inviting a girl on a date should be pleasant and contain positive aspects. Rudeness, insolence and intrusiveness should be abandoned; they will be unnecessary in this situation.

It’s stupid to confront a girl with a fact, saying: “We’re going to a cafe or restaurant today, cancel all plans.” Even if this was said with a smile, the girl may take it the wrong way. Then there is no point in talking about continuing meetings.

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Be frank so that the young lady does not suspect some dishonesty and is sure that a pleasant atmosphere awaits her on the date. If you show impudence and frighten with your behavior, then you should not hope for a meeting.

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