Adaptation to kindergarten. Advice from an educational psychologist. consultation (junior group)

Degrees of child adaptation to kindergarten

It is known that some children get used to the garden quickly and easily, while others find it more difficult. In total, there are three degrees of adaptation of a child in kindergarten: easy, moderate and severe.


For more than half of the children, adaptation to the conditions of kindergarten occurs easily. They enter the group without hysterics, are in a good mood, willingly communicate with other children, and respond to the teacher’s appeal to them.

Going to kindergarten does not cause protest, sometimes the baby even asks to go there himself; whims and bouts of bad mood are short-lived. In such a situation we can talk about easy adaptation. It usually lasts up to 4 weeks and occurs against the background of good health.


If a child has a moderate adaptation, he experiences anxiety when approaching the group, but after a few minutes he copes with the tension and goes to play with the children. Often, such kids tend to deliberately violate the rules of behavior in the garden in order to check what will happen and to achieve individual attention.

With moderate adaptation, children often suffer from respiratory diseases. The reason for this is stress from changing lifestyles and being in a group where the risk of infection increases markedly.

This adaptation lasts about 1.5 months. If, when ARVI becomes more frequent, you consult a doctor and work on strengthening the baby’s immunity, the addiction will be easier and soon everything will return to normal. Read more about strengthening your child’s immunity with vitamins →


Difficult adaptation of a child in kindergarten is expressed in problematic behavior, frequent, sometimes complicated colds, and nervous breakdowns. The baby does not want to make contact with the teacher and other children, shows practically no interest in the toys offered, and behaves anxiously and fearfully. When parting with your mother, prolonged hysterics are possible.

If this period lasts for months and there is no improvement, parents should seek advice from a child psychologist and neurologist. Prolonged difficult adaptation may indicate a child’s psychological unpreparedness to attend kindergarten.

Adaptation to kindergarten. Advice from an educational psychologist. consultation (junior group)

Consultation with an educational psychologist.

MDOU kindergarten No. 5 in the city of Zhukovsky.

Adaptation of a child to an educational institution, and therefore to new social conditions, is sometimes painful. With the arrival of kindergarten, a serious restructuring of all his relationships with people occurs, a breakdown of the usual forms of life. This change in living conditions can be accompanied by worries, a decrease in speech and play activity, and often affects the child’s health. For a child who has not attended a childcare center, everything is unusual: the absence of loved ones, the presence of unfamiliar adults, a large number of children, a new daily routine, etc.

In order for a child to get used to the conditions of a preschool educational institution relatively painlessly, and to get used to new requirements more easily and quickly, it is necessary to prepare him in advance. This is where the advice of a psychologist will come to the rescue.

Even before entering kindergarten, parents visit the institution and get acquainted with the head, psychologist, and teachers of the group that the child will attend. They should establish contact with them and find out about the conditions of children’s stay in the preschool institution. For your part, familiarize specialists with the habits and developmental characteristics of your baby, talk about the characteristic features of the child’s behavior, his inclinations and interests - this will help to subsequently take them into account.

A necessary condition for successful adaptation is the coordination of the actions of parents and educators. In order to prevent negative emotions, you should not suddenly change the usual way of life of children. It is especially difficult for children to endure separation from their parents if they are brought in at 8 o'clock in the morning and left until the evening. In the first days, it is advisable to take the child only for a walk, where the conditions resemble those in the home yard. It’s easier to get to know the teacher and other children here.

You can stagger your arrival at kindergarten so that children do not witness the tears and negative emotions of other children when parting with their parents. This will affect their mood. The psychologist advises parents to bring newcomers later not only for a morning walk, but also for an evening walk, when you can draw the child’s attention to how the parents come for their children, how they joyfully meet, how they take the children home, how the children say goodbye to each other, agree on tomorrow's meeting. This will help children cope with separation more calmly in the morning, and get used to the fact that a short daily separation does not mean a breakup or rejection from home.

In the first few days, you should never leave your child for more than 2-3 hours. By observing his reaction, you can gradually increase the time he spends in kindergarten. The recommendations of psychologists are as follows: for about a week - pick up the child from kindergarten before naptime, then (if the baby is in normal condition) for about a week - immediately after the afternoon snack, and only then you can leave him for an afternoon walk. As a rule, in the first days children get tired both psychologically and physically, so if possible, it is good to arrange “fasting days from kindergarten” - stay at home with him one or two days a week. Parents can be in a group with their child: the presence of a loved one in the group, even if only temporarily, gives the child the opportunity to calmly navigate new conditions. Support, warmth, confidence that the mother is nearby (playing with the children or just looking at toys with them) helps to get comfortable in a new environment.

In getting used to new conditions, an important role is played by the opportunity to bring with you your own toys, familiar and familiar objects - all this creates a background of confidence for the child, provides psychological comfort, and helps him distract himself from parting with loved ones. Try to persuade him to leave the toy overnight in the kindergarten and meet him again the next morning. Let the toy walk with him every day. Ask what happened to the toy in kindergarten, who was friends with it, who offended it, and whether it was sad. This way, you will learn a lot about how your baby manages to get used to kindergarten.

When parting, do not forget to assure the child that you will certainly return for him. Do not forget to constantly tell him that you love him, that he is still dear to you.

Create a calm, conflict-free climate for the baby in the family. Spare the weakened nervous system of the child. Do not increase, but decrease the load on the nervous system - stop going to the circus, theater, or visiting for a while. Significantly reduce your television viewing.

Do not react to your child’s antics and do not punish for his whims. When the baby is not in preschool, try to give him maximum attention and care. Remember that not a single kindergarten in the world can replace your child’s family and the most beloved and dear person in the world - his mother.

Conditions and factors for successful adaptation of young children

The adaptation period can be divided into several stages: Stage I - preparatory. It should start 1-2 months before the child is admitted to kindergarten. The task of this stage is to form such stereotypes in the child’s behavior that will help him painlessly join new conditions. The correction must be carried out at home, and this should be done gradually, slowly, protecting the child’s nervous system from overwork. It is necessary to pay attention to the development of independence skills. A child who knows how to eat, dress and undress independently, in kindergarten will not feel helpless and dependent on adults, which will have a positive impact on well-being. The ability to independently occupy himself with toys will help him take his mind off his worries and smooth out the severity of negative emotions for a while. As soon as the family considers that all these tasks have been successfully completed and the child is prepared to come to the preschool educational institution, the next stage begins - a teacher who will directly work with the child in kindergarten is included in the work.

Stage II is the main one. The main task of this stage is to create a positive image of the teacher. Parents should understand the importance of this stage and try to establish a friendly relationship with the teacher. The teacher, getting to know the child, according to the parents, will be able to find an approach to the child much faster and more accurately, and the child will in due time begin to trust the teacher, while experiencing a sense of physical and mental protection.

Stage III is the final stage. The child begins to attend kindergarten for 2-3 hours a day. Then the child is left to sleep. It should be remembered that in the process of habituation, the child’s mood, well-being, appetite are first normalized, and lastly, sleep.

To facilitate the adaptation process, it is necessary to prepare the child in advance for admission to a child care institution.

It is recommended that parents and the child get acquainted with the preschool educational institution for the first time: visit the playground in the kindergarten, take a tour of the preschool educational institution, come to a children's matinee, etc. When coming to kindergarten, it is advisable to get acquainted with the group where the child will go, with the employees working there. During the adaptation period, it is undesirable to break any habits, including harmful ones (for example, if a child sucks his finger, does not fall asleep without a pacifier or singing, etc.), as this will complicate adaptation to new conditions. At the time of admission to kindergarten, it is necessary to warn the teacher about the child’s “special” habits, if any. It is necessary to adhere to a daily routine as close as possible to the routine at the preschool educational institution. It is better to prepare for visiting the garden together. The child will be more interested in visiting the preschool educational institution if the parents, buying the necessary things, also involve the child. On the eve of the first visit to kindergarten, it is necessary to remind the child that tomorrow he is going to the group and answer all questions.

Adaptation of children mainly begins during the summer health period (this stage is the most rational), when children spend most of their time walking, which contributes to easier adaptation, since children have more opportunities to be in a familiar, natural environment: play with sand, water, which are excellent psychoprophylactic agents.

The course of the child’s adaptation:

  • favorable – absence of neurotic reactions, stabilization of the psycho-emotional state within 20-30 days within the adaptation schedule;
  • conditionally favorable – mild neurotic reactions for 1-2 weeks, moderate weight loss, a single acute respiratory infection, a delay in neuropsychic development for one epicrisis period (for example, the level of speech development is 2 years old, and your baby is 2.6 years old) , stabilization of the psycho-emotional state for 30 – 75 days (up to 2.5 months);
  • unfavorable - prolonged neurotic reactions, weight loss, frequent acute respiratory infections, delay in neuropsychic development for two epicrisis periods, stabilization of the psycho-emotional state for more than 75 - 80 days (up to 3 months).

Adaptation is complete if:

  • the child has a stable positive psycho-emotional state for a week, i.e. your child is generally in a good mood, plays actively, interacts with adults and peers, follows a daily routine, eats well and sleeps peacefully;
  • he has no diseases;
  • there is a dynamics of body weight;
  • and dynamics of psychomotor development.

But the most important condition for successful adaptation, not so much of the child, but of the entire family, is the parents’ readiness for the child to go to kindergarten (public or private), or for his living conditions to somehow change.

Parental readiness

  1. The most important thing is a positive attitude towards kindergarten; if you believe that kindergarten is the best place on earth for your child, your child will also think the same, albeit at the level of internal sensations. If you don’t think so, do auto-training - take a piece of paper and write in response to the question “Why do I need a kindergarten?” everything positive that you know about this (for example, “My child’s social circle will expand, and this is very useful for his development” - yes, even negative experience is useful, since a child develops only by overcoming obstacles, as, indeed, and any person, or “I can calmly go to the store without tearing a screaming child away from bright boxes,” etc.
  2. Walk with your child on the playground more often, do not rush to intervene in any conflict, give the child the opportunity to learn how to find a way out of the situation, and give yourself the opportunity to be proud of the child: “What a great fellow, how cleverly he took his toy, so he can stand up for his property.”
  3. At least once a week, change the place for a walk with your child - it could be a neighbor’s yard (how many are there around?), a park, a zoo, the city center, just go 2 stops on public transport and walk back or vice versa, etc.
  4. Go on a visit with your child and invite guests to your place, preferably with children of different ages - teach your child to communicate, play together, let them play with their toys, ask for strangers, etc. - show how it should be done.
  5. Play with your child at home in kindergarten, starting from everyday processes (feeding, dressing, sleeping) to games and activities. The role of the child can be played by the child himself or some toy. “This is how Sasha eats carefully, like the kids in kindergarten,” “All the kids went to bed in their cribs and Tanya will also go to bed in her crib.”
  6. If you have decided on the choice of a preschool institution, begin to explore its territory, come for morning and evening walks (which will also help you and your child get used to the kindergarten regime), get to know the teachers, play with the children, remember their names so that you can remind your child of them later . Visit a kindergarten psychologist, consult with a nurse or doctor, i.e. Get as much varied information as possible about the place where your child will spend most of his time. The most important thing is your trust and belief that everything will be fine.

Your child has come to kindergarten

  1. Be sure to follow the adaptation schedule, i.e. regime for a child’s short-term stay in kindergarten, starting from 2 hours. A medical professional or kindergarten psychologist will introduce you to the schedule. Give the child the opportunity to gradually get used to new conditions, new people, new rules, and the absence of his mother.
  2. You can give your child a toy or a book with you, or a “piece” of home.
  3. Communicate with the teacher every day, but not with the goal of asking who pushed and who took the toy, but with the goal of finding out how you can adjust your relationship with your child at home so that he gets used to new living conditions more easily and quickly. Let the teacher become your assistant in raising your child.
  4. Support your child during the adaptation period, pay less attention to his whims, give him your warmth and love. Try not to change anything in the child’s life during this period (don’t wean off the pacifier or breast - it’s better to do this in advance, don’t go on long visits, don’t invite people the baby doesn’t know, etc.). Take care of your child's nervous system!

Patience and optimism to you! Watch your child, listen to him and he himself will tell you the most optimal educational methods and techniques for him!

The emotional state of the child during the period of adaptation

In order not to be angry with the child for bad behavior and whims during the child’s adaptation to kindergarten, parents need to try to understand his emotions. For a baby who has previously been constantly with his mother, starting to visit the kindergarten is a serious stress.

The peculiarities of children's adaptation in kindergarten are such that in the first stages negative emotions predominate - fear and anger. The baby does not want to enter the group, clings to his parents, and begins to whine. He is afraid that they will forget about him and will not take him away, he is afraid to stay with new people in an unfamiliar environment.

Sudden outbursts of aggression are possible - the child breaks out without allowing himself to be changed, or even tries to hit an adult. This is an expression of protest against separation from parents, which should smooth out as one gets used to the conditions of the kindergarten.

If a few minutes after the mother leaves the child calms down, adaptation proceeds normally. In the future, the baby may still periodically whine when parting and in company with other children, but gradually the negative will be replaced by positive emotions from new impressions, games, and communication. The end of a child’s adaptation to the conditions of kindergarten can be recognized by the child’s good mood in the evening and easy farewell to parents in the morning.

Does my child need to attend kindergarten?

No matter how sociable and calm a child is, no matter how much he strives to go to kindergarten “to see the kids,” the first days in an unfamiliar environment surrounded by strangers are experienced as extreme stress. Over the previous three years, he had been inseparable from his mother, constantly feeling her presence and support, and suddenly she left, leaving him alone among noisy and jostling children, in the care of an angry teacher. For the first time, cut off from home and loved ones, the baby experiences real fear: will his mother return? won't she leave him here forever? Why did my mother leave me, doesn’t she love me anymore? etc.

In a state close to despair, the baby does not perceive the comforting words of the teacher and nanny, does not respond to friendly invitations to take part in the game, and, huddled in a corner, suffers quietly or loudly. By the time his mother arrived, he was so emotionally devastated that he had no strength left for a joyful meeting. At home he also behaves unusually: too quietly or, on the contrary, hysterical, refuses to eat, follows his mother with his tail, and at night he sleeps restlessly, sobs and even wets himself in his sleep, which has not happened for a long time.

After 1-2 days, the baby may get a “cold” not so much because he picked up unfamiliar viruses and bacteria from the children, but because of reduced immunity as a result of stress. Does the child need to attend kindergarten in this case?

In many families, visiting kindergarten ends here, and the child returns to his familiar environment under his mother’s or grandmother’s wing, and an attempt to join social life is remembered as a nightmare. Won't momentary pity for a child result in serious psychological problems in later school and adult life?

The harm and benefits of nurseries

Theoretically, you can send your baby to a nursery as early as 9 months, but in practice few people decide to do this. Such an early age usually does not allow the baby to serve himself, because in order to go to kindergarten, you need to be able to eat and ask to go to the potty. Read more about how to potty train your child →

Even if the family has a difficult financial situation and the mother needs to go to work, psychologists recommend thinking about keeping the child in a nursery group no earlier than he turns 1 year and 6 months. Otherwise, deep stress is guaranteed for both the baby and the parents.

Of course, starting early in kindergarten has its advantages:

  • Mom will be able to go to work and the family’s financial situation will improve.
  • The child will follow a daily routine in the nursery that is optimal for his age, receive a balanced diet, regular walks, and acquire his first physical education skills.
  • Communication with other children helps the child develop new skills.

But there are also significant disadvantages:

  • The child will get sick more often, since infections spread very quickly in children's groups.
  • There is a greater chance that the adaptation of children in the junior nursery group of a kindergarten will be difficult, since at 1.5-2 years they are not yet ready to be separated from their mother.
  • Even the best teacher is physically unable to give each child in the group the amount of attention required at this age.
  • If the baby still speaks poorly, he will not be able to tell you that someone is offending him in the garden.
  • Many important moments of a child's growing up may pass you by. In addition, there is a high probability that he will adopt the habits and behavior of his teachers, and not his parents.

From the point of view of medicine and psychology, the process of children’s adaptation to kindergarten conditions is easier if they have already reached 2.5-3 years of age. Until this moment, it is not advisable to send the baby to a nursery.

Why take your child to kindergarten or nursery?

By the way, the custom that existed in the USSR of sending babies to a nursery immediately after the end of maternity leave (and maternity leave in those ancient times lasted two months) for all its cruelty had a positive aspect. The two-month-old baby tolerated separation from his mother much more easily, and with the caring care of friendly staff, he grew and developed no worse than a “home” child. And by the time he entered kindergarten, he easily and simply joined the new team, without experiencing grief or suffering from the change of “place of residence.”

Before entering kindergarten, the child must undergo a medical examination at the clinic. You will have to visit a neurologist, surgeon, orthopedist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist and pediatrician, take blood, urine and stool tests, and get all age-appropriate vaccinations.

Data on the child’s health status will be entered into the medical record, which will become his main document necessary for enrollment in kindergarten.

For several decades now, educational complexes (EECs) have been functioning in our country, in which a smooth transition from kindergarten to primary school is carried out, continuity is observed, facilitating the transition from a happy, carefree childhood to a serious and responsible school period.

They have been working in European countries for a long time, but here we have recently and timidly begun to create play groups to which mothers with children are invited starting from 3-4 months of age. The babies are laid out on the carpet or they remain in the arms of their mothers, and the instructor sings (together with the mothers) nursery rhymes, tells the mothers how to make a simple rattle toy from a plastic bag and a handful of beans, and rocks the babies in a hammock or on a swing. To the surprise of mothers, even the most restless babies behave interestedly and calmly. If necessary, the baby can be fed immediately.

Fell asleep at your chest? No problem - he'll play more next time. Such classes teach babies to communicate from a very early age, give mothers the opportunity to take a break from the hustle and bustle of home and communicate with each other and with the instructor, and get answers to many questions. For crawling children, the playroom provides an excellent opportunity to explore a new space; the ladders, slides, swings and other equipment available in it allow them to master more complex movements.

Children of the second or third years of life can engage in a variety of activities: sitting at tables, drawing, sculpting, cutting out pictures, listening to books read, while in another room they can run and play outdoor games. Such play groups are excellent preparation for children to attend kindergarten.

Risk factors

How your baby adapts to kindergarten depends on many factors.

There are nuances that complicate a child’s adaptation to new conditions:

  • Negative attitude. If parents do not present going to kindergarten as a fun and interesting event, or show their excitement or fear of the upcoming event, there is a greater chance that the child will have problems adapting.
  • Child's temperament. It is known that choleric and melancholic people experience difficulties when joining a team more often than phlegmatic and sanguine people.
  • Family composition. If the child is the only one in the family and is accustomed to increased attention and instant satisfaction of all desires, this also serves as an aggravating factor.
  • Health status. Sick children are more difficult to tolerate changes in environment. This is especially true for children with a weak nervous system.
  • Family atmosphere. If parents often quarrel in front of a child or pay too little attention to him, this affects the formation of personality. Such children are usually unsure of themselves and cannot establish friendly relationships with peers, so the social adaptation of children in kindergarten is delayed.

How does a child adapt to kindergarten?

The model of comfortable adaptation of children of primary preschool age to kindergarten involves gradual accustoming. In the first week, the baby is brought in for a few hours - for breakfast and a walk. At this time, he can get acquainted with the children and teachers, and look around the group.

Subsequently, the child is left in the garden until lunchtime, and later for a daytime nap. If the child’s adaptation process in kindergarten occurs normally, after that the baby can stay the whole day.

Adaptation of children upon entering kindergarten always depends on individual characteristics, but more often its initial period lasts 2-3 weeks. In middle (4-5 years) and older (5-6 years) preschool age, it can last up to 4 weeks. The baby is able to fully adapt to the garden in about 2 months, in difficult cases - in 3-6 months or more.

Habituation occurs in various forms, but typical types of adaptation of a child in kindergarten can be identified:

  • Active. From the first day of visiting the kindergarten, the baby is nervous and has difficulty parting with his parents. He can maintain this attitude for up to 2 weeks, after which the situation gradually improves.
  • Passive. There is no negative attitude towards kindergarten, but at home the baby behaves worse, becomes capricious, sleeps restlessly, and may become constipated. These phenomena pass as one gets used to new conditions.
  • Postponed. For some time (from a couple of days to 3 weeks), the child goes to kindergarten with joy, but then refusal and hysterics follow. Next, the usual adaptation process begins.
  • Failed. Accustoming to the group does not occur, the negativity does not decrease, since the child’s nervous system cannot cope with the load. If this condition lasts more than 2 months, it means that the baby is not yet ready to change his lifestyle or the conditions of this kindergarten (education methods, group) are not suitable for him. There are chances that the child’s adaptation to a new kindergarten or another group will be more successful.

Why does a child need to go to kindergarten and when is the best time to send him to kindergarten?

A three-year-old child feels cramped in his home and there is not enough communication in the family. He is drawn to peers and feels the need for friends. There is an interest in joint games that broaden the child’s horizons, enrich them with new ideas about the world and people, and bring the joy of communication and conscious friendship. And a common cause helps you gain experience communicating with different people and teaches you how to build relationships in a team.

Children love to play role-playing games, choosing a profession based on their interests: I will be a doctor, and I will be a pilot, and I want to be a driver, and I will be an artist. Games with peers help shape the child’s personality, develop a sense of joy from joint actions, teach them to restrain excessive emotions and control their feelings. In his vocabulary, along with the word “I,” the word “we” appears. He craves communication, constantly asks his parents to play outdoor or board games with him, talk and read fairy tales. And the mother begins to think: “Maybe it would be better to accustom the child to kindergarten, as it was in my childhood?”

A new important period begins in your life - preparing your child for social life. It is very important to determine whether the time has come to visit a child care facility. If your child is currently overcoming the “crisis of 3 years”, then kindergarten should wait; you should not change your usual living conditions. The child must confidently master self-service skills: eat with a spoon, drink from a cup, be equally good at using the potty and toilet, wash, dress and undress independently. It is better to send your child to kindergarten when he has grown up and strengthened during the summer months in the fresh air - that is, at the end of August.

Almost all parents understand why to send their child to kindergarten. It is in kindergarten that the child gains invaluable experience of communicating with peers, learns to defend his rights without his mother’s help, and cope with difficulties on his own. Here he makes friends and understands the value and power of a team. Why else should a child go to kindergarten, it’s to gain knowledge, because it will help the future first-grader fit into school life without problems, especially since daily classes teach children to work and prepare children for school better than at home.

How to make addiction easier

The question of how to facilitate a child’s adaptation to kindergarten worries all parents who are planning to send their child there. There are several techniques that, although they do not guarantee instant adaptation to the group, can significantly facilitate and speed up the process.

Psychologists recommend the following methods for parents to adapt children in kindergarten:

  • Keep your child positive. Explain that going to kindergarten is an advantage, an indicator of how mature he is. Tell him that interesting activities and new friends await him in kindergarten.
  • Teach your child in advance basic self-care skills - washing, eating, using the potty, dressing and undressing. Try to make the daily routine close to what it will be in kindergarten.
  • When you bring your child to the group, leave easily. Long goodbyes and a worried parent's face will only make the situation worse.
  • If it is very difficult for a child to part with his mother, instruct him to take him to his father, grandmother or grandfather in the first days.
  • On the day of the first visit, give your baby gifts for other children. This will make it easier to get to know them.
  • Be sure to start with short visits to the garden.
  • Tell the teachers about your baby’s characteristics, explain how it is easier to calm him down and distract him.
  • Dress your child so that he does not feel hot or cold in the group. Bring enough change of clothes with you.
  • Provide your baby with maximum comfort at home, and be understanding of increased moodiness during the period of adaptation to the garden. It is also worth reducing the number of recreational activities.
  • Take an interest in everything that happens to your child in kindergarten, praise him for obedience, crafts done, and new skills.

During the period of a child’s adaptation to kindergarten, when he is just starting to attend the group, it is recommended to come with him for an evening walk so that he can see how parents pick up other children. This reduces anxiety levels.

It will be useful to give your child a favorite toy to kindergarten, but not very expensive and not arousing envy. It is also worth discussing in the evening what he will wear and what things he will take with him.

What can't you do?

In order not to cause fear and persistent rejection of kindergarten in the baby, the following is strictly prohibited:

  • take a sick child to kindergarten;
  • deceive the baby by saying that you will pick him up very soon, if in fact you do not plan to do this;
  • scold or punish the baby because he does not want to part with you;
  • speak poorly about teachers or conditions in the kindergarten;
  • Comparing the baby with other children is not in his favor.

You need to understand that adaptation to kindergarten is a complex process and it can take a lot of time. The main thing that a baby needs both at 2-3 years old and at 5 years old is parental love and understanding. With them, the problem of a child’s adaptation to kindergarten will be completely solvable and the baby’s first step towards adulthood will take place without much loss.

Author: Yana Semich, especially for

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