Depression after vacation - what to do and how to cope with it

Vacation goes away, depression comes

For many, a vacation is a break from reality, when you can not think about anything, live without thinking about tomorrow. But the sad time comes to return home. And although returning home is also a happiness for many of us, upon returning, people most often become disoriented, nervous about trifles, stressed by changes in the situation, and indulge in feelings of nostalgia for the past vacation.

Post-vacation depression has much in common with pre-vacation amnesia, when people also get lost before the start of the vacation and, in anticipation of the vacation, cannot concentrate on work . But still, pre-vacation amnesia has positive emotions behind it, while post-vacation depression is most often associated with negative consequences.

Causes of post-vacation syndrome

Depression after a vacation begins for most Russians who return from a vacation at sea. There are several objective reasons that provoke the autumn blues:

  • Change from sunny, warm weather to rain and slush . As they say, nature has no bad weather, but Russian autumn is sometimes difficult to take in with gratitude: it happens that the rain does not stop for several days, and the sidewalks turn into deep puddles. It is especially difficult to endure the vagaries of autumn weather for a person who, after two weeks at sea, has become accustomed to something completely different.
  • The need to return to work . Some people love their job and even manage to miss it while on vacation, but the vast majority would prefer to stay at the resort for a couple more weeks rather than return to the office. In addition, after a vacation, an employee usually faces a lot of accumulated unresolved issues, which will inevitably cause stress, overexertion and, as a result, depression.
  • Changing your daily routine . Over the weekend, many people get used to getting up no earlier than 10 o’clock, while the work schedule requires an earlier rise. The body does not have time to adapt to the new regime and reacts inadequately: concentration and mood worsen, and a feeling of lethargy comes.
  • Bad vacation . Often, a long-awaited vacation turns out to be far from ideal: bad weather, poor hotel service, flight delays - there can be quite a few reasons for this. Frustration over lost money and a bad vacation can also cause the onset of depression.

Tips on how to get rid of depression after vacation

However, life goes on, and you can’t live in the past forever, remembering your vacation. It's time to move on! We encourage you to try these tips to get into the flow of work without the threat of complete burnout .

Use the holiday as a transition period

We are all different and the end of holidays affects everyone differently. Some people, after the end of their vacation, get into a rut and immediately return to the routine of life, others hang around and relive the moments of their vacation over and over again.

Your sadness can be eased by preparing in advance. Don't start with things that you know will be too much for you to do. Plan your vacation so that upon your return you have at least one day off to cope with the stress of your vacation , relax after the flight, and acclimatize if necessary.

Do your usual household chores on this day. This way your body will understand that not everything is as scary as it seems, and will begin to adapt to the normal environment. If you want, you can come up with a list of things to do immediately after returning. These household chores will distract you from the bad thoughts associated with returning from vacation.

Share your impressions

If you have already returned to work, but are still tormented by nostalgia for your vacation, then it’s time to share your impressions of your trip with your colleagues ! Show photos and tell them what a great time you had on vacation. By speaking out your impressions, you re-experience positive emotions, which can save you from depression.

Once you get home, sort and process your photos and videos. Post them on social networks if you like, or print out the best photos and put them in a family album.

Get some exercise

We all love to indulge during the holidays, and the extra calories take a toll on our bodies. If you exercise regularly, then it will not be difficult for you to return to the gym. If you don’t pay much attention to sports, think, maybe now is the moment when you should start? Motivate yourself to exercise!

Change your life for the better

When you return from vacation, do not allow yourself to think that the world has collapsed and you are being carried into the abyss. Only you can change yourself and your way of thinking. Consider that when you return from vacation, you start a new life . Don't rely on tomorrow, start something new and interesting that you have always put off until later!

On vacation you only had one suitcase of things with you, but you felt great with a limited number of things and items. Maybe it 's time to change and make your life easier ? The more space you have in your home, the more freedom you will have! And most importantly, you will save a lot of money on buying unnecessary things.

During your vacation, you rarely used your cell phone, enjoying your vacation and rarely calling your family and friends, not only because of expensive roaming, but also because the phone seemed like an unnecessary thing to you. Make it a habit to use your phone when necessary, not as a free time filler . The same goes for TV.

Plan your next vacation

There is nothing more pleasant than planning a vacation, coming up with routes, looking for cheap tickets, and seeing what museums you can go to. If you think about the vacation that awaits you ahead, then you will definitely not feel depressed about the end of your vacation. If you're on a budget, plan how you can save so you can spend a week or two at sea or sightseeing.

Mistake #2. Sleep is for dweebs!

Saturday cleaning is over.
Vasily collapses. But he doesn’t consider the prospect of lying on the couch for an hour or two. In forty minutes, Georgy, his friend and faithful companion at night parties, will pick him up. Every Saturday they visit the fashionable club "Float" in the hope of meeting girls and having a good time.

It must be said that they rarely succeed in this. Usually Vasily and Georgy wander around the dance floor for a long time, carefully choosing their “victims,” but when they decide to declare their intentions, the girls refuse.

The cat looks at him knowingly from the tray, around which dunes of sand have already grown. Vasily sighs and takes up the broom. He has three hours left to sleep...

Of course, you want to do everything on the weekend that you can’t do on weekdays. But remember: people who follow the principle “we’ll get some sleep in the next world” get there much earlier than those who sleep at least 8 hours a day.

Regular lack of sleep is a direct path to chronic fatigue and heart problems. Don't neglect getting enough sleep. Be sure to get a good night's sleep after wild parties until the morning.

To sleep soundly, try to have your last meal at least 3 hours before bedtime.

Depression is defeated, and only positive emotions about vacation

Don't dwell on the past, live in the present! And then there will be only positive emotions about the vacation, without an ounce of regret. Dream, and then you can afford a new journey to happiness!

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Mistake #3. You can't refuse dear people

Sunday. 9:30 am. Vasily wakes up to an insistent phone call. This is his mother. She scolds Vasily why he is not at the dacha yet. At 9 am a traditional family event was supposed to start - harvesting potatoes.

Vasily earns enough to not work as a farm laborer at the dacha and regularly buy potatoes, tomatoes and other vegetables for both himself and his mother.

But he cannot refuse the woman who gave birth to him in agony for 20 hours and sacrificed her career so that her son could eat “natural products from the garden.”

After a short but emotional conversation, Vasily gets up and goes to the dacha. He spends his last strength on getting 5 buckets of potatoes from a plantation of seven acres.

This takes eight hours, followed by a fascinating hour-long ride in a hot train, soaked in the noble sweat of summer residents.

Don't waste your time. Your rest and health are most valuable. If there is an opportunity to delegate tasks to specially trained people, use it.

Don't be fooled by your parents' manipulations. Your mother, of course, gave birth to you and raised you, but this is her choice and you don’t owe her anything. On Monday, mom will be able to sleep well - after all, she is retired, but Vasily doesn’t get up early for work.

You shouldn’t sacrifice your weekend or vacation for the dubious prospect of spending time in the company of a shovel and the scorching sun. A country tan certainly lasts longer. But, if you want to gain strength before the new work week, it’s better to go to the beach.

Mistake #4. Thoughts at work

In the evening, dirty and tired, Vasily returns home. The cat greets him with a proud look - he has already managed to build new dunes and even left traces of sandy paws on the kitchen floor.

Vasily does not share this pride. The cat gets a slipper on his fluffy side, not understanding why the person is dissatisfied.

Having dealt with the cat, Vasily goes to clean the apartment, then takes a shower, and falls exhausted onto the bed. It would seem that it’s time to fall into a deep sleep.

But suddenly he remembers that tomorrow there is an important meeting on which his career depends.

The brain, trying to prevent this catastrophe, is looking for options to get out of the situation. The internal brainstorm continues until two o'clock in the morning. In the end, fatigue takes its toll, and Vasily falls into an uneasy sleep.

The brain needs to rest regularly. Otherwise, he will let you down at the most crucial moment. Make it a rule - never think about working on the weekend.

No matter how important the meeting on Monday is, it will take place on MONDAY! You still have time to be nervous about the annual report or the upcoming meeting.

By the way, the brain works best when you stop focusing on the problem. Take a break, do something pleasant, and your subconscious mind itself will give you a solution to the problem. Proven method!

Learn to spend your weekend under the motto “Don't worry – be happy!” And then you will meet the new week in a great mood and full of energy.

Travel at home

To discover new architectural monuments, find original objects for photography, and find yourself in previously unfamiliar places, you won’t need to wait for your next vacation. In the vicinity of your city, there will also be destinations for short trips and new experiences. Imagine yourself as a foreign tourist who is just discovering Moscow, St. Petersburg or another city where you live. Look at your city as if you don't drive past all these landmarks every day that crowds of curious visitors love to crowd around and take selfies. When was the last time you were in the Kremlin, on a tour or in a museum? Isn't that what you do on your trips abroad?

Discover the suburbs. It could be just a picturesque river bank or an abandoned village, a unique corner of nature or an example of ancient architecture. For Moscow, this is, for example, the White Mountain near Voskresensk, the flooded part of the city of Kalyazin with the miraculously preserved bell tower of St. Nicholas Cathedral, or the ruins of a water mill near Yuryatino.

But there are such amazing places near any other city in Russia: you can read about them on thematic resources or learn from avid tourists. If you are not lazy and show curiosity, in a couple of weeks it is quite possible to create your own map of amazing journeys.

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