Human vital energy from the point of view of psychology

Everyone knows that everything in the world is driven by energy. A full and happy life depends on internal, biological energy. She is responsible for ensuring that you can cope with all tasks, both daily and future-oriented. Human energy power is fuel, the level of which must be maintained and increased. In this regard, many questions arise: how to increase the invisible energy volume? What happens if he weakens? How to increase this value so that life is in full swing every day. The answers to these questions contain the secret to success and health, both physical and psychological.

Let's define the term

A person’s vital energy is a kind of motor that powers the entire body, gives strength and inspiration to carry out actions and achieve goals.

She is invisible. But its manifestation can be seen. That is, a high level of human vital energy allows you to achieve your goals, be happy, be in a great mood, love, create and remain emotionally healthy.

Its low level demonstrates weakness, laziness, indifference, apathy, both physically and spiritually. And also bad mood, heaviness, depression. We can say that the emotional state is one of the manifestations of energy.

Human energy structure

Life energy received its first classification thanks to ancient philosophical and religious teachings, especially Hinduism. These works identified seven main bodies of consciousness and the organism:

  • Physical. What we see when we look at ourselves in the mirror.
  • Essential. This is where vital energy lies.
  • Astral. Our emotions are located in this area.
  • Mental. The place where every thought is born.
  • Karmic. Determining the fate and consequences of actions.
  • Buddhic. The soul of each of us.
  • Atmic. Level of spirit and life goals.

All bodies of our existence are interconnected. Only the harmonious development of each side will make it possible to be a happy and full-fledged member of any society. In the modern world there are many factors that can destroy the energetic foundations of an individual. Efforts must be made to counteract these negative influences.

Where does energy come from in the human body?

Let's consider the main sources. So:

  1. Nutrition. This is not the main resource, because you can live for quite a long time without food. But you need to eat right. Eat only fresh and healthy foods. Moreover, you need to cook with love and mood.
  2. Breath. As they say, you need to breathe deeply. The amount of energy will directly depend on the amount of oxygen consumed. Do breathing exercises regularly, spend more time in the fresh air, in the forest, in the mountains.
  3. Positive mood. Perhaps one of the main sources. After all, look, when you are in a great mood, you think only about good things, you want to create, work, flutter around.
  4. An equally important source is sleep. Because in the dark, the human body produces a hormone for youth and restoration of the immune and cardiovascular systems - melatonin. Two conditions are needed - complete darkness and night. Its most active production occurs from 12 to 2 am, and you need to not just lie in bed, but sleep. Healthy sleep gives you a boost of vigor and energy for the whole next day. You need to go to bed and get up earlier.

So, we have looked at the main sources of human energy, let’s return to a positive attitude. Because he is one of the main ones.

Ways to accumulate psychic energy

According to esotericists, the most effective ways to accumulate psychic energy are:

  • Optimism. A positive person energizes not only himself, but also those around him. You want to communicate with such a person, work together, just be around. Optimists never become discouraged or depressed.
  • Formation of the spiritual orientation of the individual. The energy centers will function in full force for the person who strives to satisfy not only material needs, but also spiritual ones. At the same time, in the system of his value orientations, the spiritual should stand above the material.
  • Development of willpower and determination. If a person consciously strives to achieve a goal, he subordinates the work of the entire organism. For such a person, the process of spending and restoring mental strength will be under the control of the mind.
  • Faith. Religion stimulates a person’s spiritual growth and helps cleanse energy, charge a person’s aura with goodness, wisdom, empathy, and tolerance.
  • Intense mental work. When organizing it, it is important to take into account one fact: overwork should not be allowed.
  • Labor activity. In the course of numerous studies, occupational psychologists have proven that a person maintains an active state of energy centers throughout his professional journey. Work does not allow the personality to degrade. A prerequisite for the accumulation of psychic energy is the activity of the individual. It will develop faster if a person is engaged in a professional field that gives him pleasure.
  • Training of mental processes. To become more resilient, it is recommended to train attention, memory, thinking and imagination daily. It has been proven that systematically performing exercises aimed at developing all mental processes is the main secret of longevity.
  • Creative activities. The creation of a masterpiece in one or another field of art is always accompanied by the production of happiness hormones in the body, which nourish the sources of vitality.
  • Yoga classes. Mastering the basic yoga complexes will allow a person to open the chakras.
  • Sports and active lifestyle. Playing sports puts your thoughts in order and allows you to find harmony between physical and mental health. An active lifestyle enriches a person spiritually.
  • Hiking in the fresh air. A walk in the park or in the forest allows a person to feel unity with nature and open energy channels.
  • Self-regulation of emotional states. In order to prevent a critical decrease in energy potential, it is useful for everyone to master relaxation techniques.
  • Friendship connections. Communication with friends enriches a person’s inner world and brings him moral satisfaction. Friendship creates the preconditions for the formation of a person’s personal magnetism.
  • Love. Falling in love and the desire to make another person happy opens the chakras. If a person finds happiness in love, he becomes the owner of powerful positive energy.

What to do when depression hits?

It often happens when you begin to feel despondent, weak, and disappointed. I don’t want to do anything, I just give up. There is no need to panic and aggravate an already difficult emotional state and take it to extreme forms. You just need to follow three basic recommendations. So:

  1. Stop being a victim! You shouldn’t torture yourself with the question, why am I doing all this? It would be more correct to put it differently: “Why?” You need to take control of your emotions and look for the root of the problem, then the answer will come by itself. Take the position of “master of the situation.”
  2. Think exclusively about the good, suppressing bad thoughts. As soon as negativity tries to creep into your head, switch to wonderful memories, to your children, and dream about the upcoming vacation.
  3. Clear your mind. No matter how much we would like it, different streams of information make their way into our subconscious every day. You need to get rid of the bad ones. Special trainings and meditations will help with this.

As soon as you allow negative emotions to get the better of you, everything will begin to crumble under your feet. A depressive state will be characterized by a drain of energy.

Reasons for its decline

There are a lot of them. Let's name some of the main ones. This:

  1. Fear. Has a destructive effect. This can also include grievances, disappointment, and misunderstanding. By developing bad thoughts, a person begins to visualize far-fetched things, thereby becoming their hostage. After a series of failures, it seems that the whole world has turned against him. You give up, you don’t want to do anything, because any action is doomed to failure. The worst thing is that such attitudes do not lead to anything good, but, on the contrary, to sad consequences, even to suicide. Therefore, it is worth taking a different look at the sad picture, seeing colors and light in it. And tell yourself: “This is just a simple string of failures, and since I am smart, positive and resourceful, I will find a way out of any situation. Let it be gradually."
  2. Lies. You need to stop deceiving yourself and others. Just imagine how much energy you spend on remembering what was said, keeping fictitious pictures, images and facts in your subconscious.
  3. Unfinished business. Always bring everything to the end, don’t stop halfway. Promised - fulfilled. If you borrow it, pay it back. Energy debt will contribute to energy leakage.
  4. Gossip.
  5. Any form of addiction, for example, computer, alcohol, smoking, overeating.

As you can see, there are a lot of them. A person’s vitality may be drained due to a promiscuous sexual lifestyle. And also being in an environment unfavorable for normal human life, interacting with energy vampires, bad people, and so on. So, let's move on to discuss the next question.

Seven Ways to Boost Your Energy Levels

No. 1. Energy from awareness

Add more awareness into your life and your energy level will increase significantly.

Mindfulness, which gives energy to a person, is a state when you are focused on your inner state and are able to look at your thoughts, words, reactions and behavior from the outside.

Ordinary people live automatically, constantly waging some kind of “war” in their mental field. Energy is wasted on worries, fears about tomorrow, memories of who offended you, grinding down what cannot be changed.


This is how you lose your vitality and free energy.

Try to spend most of your time in the “here and now” state, monitor your thoughts and feelings, and keep your focus on the positive.

How? Very simple:

  • Don't let your mind get lost in memories of the past or, on the contrary, in developing endless strategies for behavior in the future. Take a break! Instead, pay attention to what is happening to you right now, completely immersed in observing the current reality, the world around you.
  • Observe your feelings throughout the day. Follow the simple rule of increasing energy: if you feel good, then you are increasing your energy, if you feel bad, then your energy is flowing away.

No. 2. The energy of what you love

Have you noticed how your energy level increases when you are engaged in an exciting activity?

So why don't you plan your life so that there is more room for inspiring activities?

Here's our advice: Make a list of things that bring you pleasure and look at it every time you notice signs of low energy. This could be creativity, communication with loved ones, walks in nature, swimming, and so on - in a word, what you like.

No. 3. Energy of communication

Good communication gives a lot of energy, don't you agree? Therefore, try to contact people as often as possible, after communicating with whom you feel uplifted.

At the same time, reduce contacts with those who constantly criticize, humiliate and offend you. Minimize your interactions with people who make you feel drained after interacting with them.

Avoid any contact with so-called energy vampires - people who feed off your energy, provoking you to negative emotions in quarrels and conflicts, as well as with eternal “whiners” who complain about fate and constantly complain, but are in no hurry to do anything. change in your life.

On the subject: Energy vampire: how to deal with it?

No. 4. The energy of self-attention

To increase your energy level, you need to take care of yourself.

The energy of a person who loves himself, who pays enough attention to his mood and desires, is much higher than that of someone who literally “neglects” his needs.

Review your schedule right now. Does it have enough time to sleep? Is there a place for sports, dancing, fitness, yoga or any other physical activity? How long has it been since you last read something useful and interesting?

Maybe it's time to sign up for interesting courses and learn something new? If there is something to adjust in your schedule, go for it.

For example, do an energy practice from Lisa Volkova, which will help keep your energy levels at maximum. Use it when you feel like your batteries are low >>>>

No. 5. Energy of relaxation

Most people in today's stressful world admit that they do not know how to relax. Endless thoughts about work, worries about children and eternal haste lead to a lack of energy.

To be in constant tension, your body spends a huge amount of strength and energy that you could use to realize your dreams.

How to save energy? Include a “relaxation” item in your schedule every night, after about 21:00.

How to relax well:

  • Do a relaxation meditation, like this one:

  • Take a warm bath with foam and salt
  • Walk through the forest or park
  • Watch a good funny movie

No. 6. Dream energy

Oddly enough, but our experience shows that if a person does not have a dream, that beacon to which he is moving, then life does not give a person energy.

Why? Because there is no focus on one thing. Attention is scattered, and so is a person’s energy.

When priorities are set, and you know exactly what you want, you calmly and smoothly move towards your goals, directing your energy in the right direction. As a result, the desired result is achieved, which fills with new strength and confidence, thereby raising the person’s energy level. A vicious circle in a good way.

If your goals are not defined, your desires are not clearly realized, not recorded on paper, but only spontaneously and chaotically pop up in your mind “here and there”, and not all of them are important and necessary, then you are simply scattered: everywhere a little at a time, but in the end - nowhere.

Result: you get nothing and feel bad. So your energy literally flows into nowhere.

Do you have a list of goals or desires? If not, then it’s time to start compiling it. Dream and formulate them, or even better, write them down in a beautiful notebook, everything as Elizaveta Volkova advises in her instructions for making wishes come true from Elizaveta Volkova: from dreams to results in 30 days >>>

No. 7. Energy of love

Love is one of the highest vibrations on earth. When you experience and express this wonderful feeling, it fills you from within: you find happiness, find inspiration and feel an inner uplift. In this state, you are full of energy and know for sure that you can conquer any heights and overcome any obstacles on your way! This means that a person’s energy level goes through the roof. This is exactly what we need.

On topic: Self-love. The main ingredient in the recipe for your happiness

Types of energy

Let's highlight the main 3 human energies:

  1. Positive.
  2. Negative.
  3. Neutral.

The first is characterized by: goodwill, spirituality, positive mood, bright thoughts, and so on. Negative demonstrates negative emotional states. The latter includes all other types of human energy. For example, let's take sexual energy. It can act as the first if both partners love each other, in the case of using it for other purposes (dominance, submission, causing pain, and so on) to the second. So, above we looked at the main sources of energy, we will learn about the main secret of obtaining it.

Human energy exchange

You can learn to manage your energy. To do this you need to understand yourself. We already know about the factors that contribute to its outflow. Now let's talk about energy exchange.

If it is not there, energy reserves will not be replenished. Look, we create positive thoughts and emotions, give with joy, thereby providing energy replenishment. Plus, they return to our field in the form of good events and re-charge energy. Thus, its circulation occurs.

When we think negatively, a bad thought already causes an outflow of energy. Note that the same principle applies here too. That is, we send negativity and receive it back in the form of negative emotions and events, without being nourished at the same time, but causing harm to ourselves, in addition to receiving an outflow of energy again. The circle closes. We are exhausted. Now it’s clear how this happens and how serious it is.

In other words, if we take as much as possible and at the same time want to spend little energy, we become dependent on external circumstances. Any changes in the environment can cause us trouble in the form of bad mood, depression, illness and even death.

Don’t be afraid, you just need to live in harmony with yourself and the world around you, and give as much positive energy as possible. Where then can I get it? Logical question. Above we looked at some basic sources for maintaining human physical strength. Now let's talk about the spiritual-emotional sphere of life energy.


Energy for human life can be replenished using the following resources:

  • Thoughts are an exorbitant source of energy. The only thing you should not forget about is that the law of polarity applies here, that is, both good and bad thoughts are equal in strength, only the former increase the energy level, the latter contribute to the outflow.
  • Emotions and sensations. Here everything happens according to the same principle.

These sources operate in the following areas:

  • Various trainings, spiritual practices (meditation). They help in finding oneself and the meaning of life, they give inner strength.
  • Art and creativity in any of its manifestations, be it cinema, theater or painting. The creator of a masterpiece of art puts all his love, talent, and a colossal charge of energy into his brainchild, so it has incredible life-giving power.

The result of working with the above sources will depend on the depth and level of soulfulness, which changes throughout life. All these components - thoughts, feelings and emotions - a person is able to change, influence them, control and regulate energy replenishment and consumption. The positive energy of these sources is the power of creation, creativity, but the negative energy is considered the energy of destruction. And not only the mental body, but also the physical one.

VQ Research

The term VQ was first introduced by the French psychologist Pierre Casse. In his opinion, the volume of vital energy is the main driving force and stimulator of a person.

He believed that it was this coefficient that determined the desire to realize opportunities in order to translate the main strategy into reality.

But the idea of ​​different types of intelligence was allowed even before the work of Pierre Cass. Thus, in 1983, psychologist Howard Gardner introduced the concept of “multiple intelligences,” which includes the following types:

  • bodily-kinetic;
  • linguistic (linguistic);
  • logical-mathematical;
  • naturalistic;
  • intrapersonal;
  • interpersonal;
  • spatial;
  • musical.

The psychologist argued that every person has one or two main types of intelligence, but if desired, they may well develop abilities in other directions.

Let's talk about energetic integrity

A person spends energy constantly on doing various things, studying, working, and so on. We also need to get it back for normal life. The energy level will be determined by the general tone of the body, its physical condition and mood.

We have already talked above about what takes away internal strength, about the expenditure of human energy. This is the routine performance of monotonous unloved things, for example, work that does not bring moral satisfaction. Here it is important to look at it from the outside, extract the advantages and focus purely on them, but at the same time look for another one, because it takes up most of our life and takes a lot of energy.

This also applies to the house, which must be completely clean. Get rid of old things, clean up the mess. Let's not forget about the financial sector. Close all debts, pay off loans. To become an energetically holistic person, you need to learn how to manage your energy.

The influence of energy on human life

Those who engage in esotericism, yoga and spiritual practices similar to Hinduism speak most about internal energy.
In this worldview, inner strength is a very tangible thing that we receive from our environment. The sun, the earth, plants and people, everything that is around us shares a piece of itself. According to more precise sciences, for a full and healthy existence it is not enough to satisfy only physiological needs. We need to feed other internal flows. This circumstance significantly distinguishes us from animals. Strong spirit and energy allow you to achieve any goals. Therefore, it is important to strengthen and increase your internal energy level.

How to do it?

Let's give some recommendations:

  1. It is necessary to recover regularly. After each expenditure of energy, energy voids must be filled. Daytime activity is replaced by night sleep, food intake by fasting, and so on.
  2. Distribute your forces wisely. Objectively assess your energy potential. Energy needs to be used consistently, and not worked overtime in order to complete an annual report, for example, in a day.
  3. Don't waste your personal energy. Don't waste it on useless things. It is important to identify what is draining you and eradicate it from your life.
  4. Learn to simplify. There is no need to complicate the situation, but take a simpler approach to everything, there is no need to think out and paint the picture with black colors - thoughts.
  5. Manage stress, which takes up a lot of energy. Moreover, if the latter is directed in the wrong direction, remember the law of exchange, it will work against us. Relaxation techniques will help with this.
  6. And, of course, a healthy balanced diet and lifestyle. You can’t even imagine what the energy of a human cell, a small power plant, is capable of. So, in order to ensure its uninterrupted operation, you need to eat healthy and wholesome food, full of vitamins and microelements, and do physical exercise, harden yourself, and get rid of bad habits.

Energy plays a decisive role in human life, because thanks to it we exist.

What is vitality quotient?

Vitality quotient or VQ is a relatively new concept that refers to a person’s ability to use natural energy potential to improve the quality of their life and motivate other people.

The higher the vitality quotient, the better the basis for the development of other important talents and skills. In other words, the more energy a person has, the more success he can achieve.

VQ is an innate quality that does not change much throughout life. We come into this world with a certain amount of vital energy and spend it as we see fit.

A person with a high vitality quotient grows, develops and learns faster and better than others, thereby providing himself with a competitive advantage in the labor market.

As practice shows, more active people have a much greater chance of becoming leaders, since they tend to constantly change and change everything around them for the better, while their less energetic comrades often remain in the shadows.

There are two levels of vitality quotient:

  • potential – the maximum inherent in a person from birth;
  • real, characterized by how successfully a person copes with solving assigned tasks and achieving goals.

Actual VQ is always lower than potential. This is due to the presence of circumstances and reasons that keep us from realizing our maximum. The smaller the gap between these two types, the higher the standard of living.

A person with a high vitality quotient is able not only to motivate himself to achieve goals, but also to share this energy with others. This, in turn, contributes to an increased desire for growth, development, learning and improving the quality of life in general.

How can it be increased?

To find out what causes a strong energy outflow in you, and what, on the contrary, nourishes you, let’s do a practical test. All we need is a piece of paper and a pen. Draw a line dividing it in half. Next, you need to retire, sit down at the table, straighten your back, close your eyes. And mentally say: “I am the master of my destiny. I want to know what takes away my vitality?” And write down the first thing that comes to mind in the form of a picture or thought. There is no need to wait more than a few seconds, the answer comes instantly. There may be two or three of them. And at the end of the training, you can ask yourself the following question: “Are there still energy holes?” If the answer is emptiness, then no.

The same needs to be done with the sources of replenishment of the energy pantry. Say the following phrase: “I am the master of my destiny. And I want to know what gives me vitality?

Just don’t make any assessment of the incoming information; it can be complete nonsense, in your opinion. The picture can be either obvious, for example, you are losing energy due to meaningless telephone conversations or long hours spent playing computer games, or hidden until a certain time. Let's say he comes - “smell the roses.” You are at a loss, but it turns out that the aroma of the flower and the natural products used based on its extract have a beneficial and healing effect on the soul and physical body of a person.

Signs of Low Energy

It is very easy to determine that your spiritual level is thin and weak. There are a number of sure signs pointing to this.

  • Lethargy and drowsiness during the day, despite getting enough sleep.
  • Loss of concentration when performing a task that requires any effort. Even the simplest activities can seem impossible.
  • Apathy and tendency to frequent depression.
  • Frequent outbursts of anger and aggression in response to any mental or physical contact.
  • Dejection for no apparent reason, lack of a sense of humor.
  • Increased tendency to anxiety and worry.

If you find these symptoms, then it’s time to replenish your charge level. By the way, you can determine your inner potential and tendency to energy depletion using DNA research. The achievements of scientists in this area make it possible to read the information embedded in us at the genetic level. The energy of the human body also applies to these data.

How can one restore vitality?

This can only be done with an active position and conscious desire. The interpretation of the problem is important here. The further course of the event depends on how the incoming information is perceived and processed.

Don't rush into making a decision. Any situation must be approached constructively. You need to try to understand and figure out whether you perceived it correctly. Because sometimes ridiculous incidents give a huge reason for disappointment. It shouldn't be this way, it's wrong. An apparent event cannot be mistaken for reality. For example, at work I had to listen to the boss’s complaints. So what, perhaps you made a mistake. People tend to stumble, it just needs to be eliminated and that’s it. Then, returning home, you get stuck in the elevator, and it begins to seem as if the world has turned against you. But there is no global bad luck or fate here either, it’s just that at that time the electricity in the house was turned off.

It so happens that the individual himself becomes the culprit of his own failures, a slave of his own beliefs, which subsequently turn into some kind of “devourers” of a person’s energy power. They begin to control you and control your emotions, behavior, and actions. What happens to a person? He begins to act unconstructively, incorrectly, while losing his vitality. Enters into a discussion with the outside world, which leads to an imbalance of energy, internal conflict and, as a result, depression.

It is necessary to determine which sources replenish energy in the human body. They are the ones who will launch the restoration mechanism. And after realizing that everything around is not as scary as it seemed, bad thoughts will be driven away and restorative positive beliefs will be formed. There is another important issue that we need to address. This is energy vampirism.

Vital energy

Life energy, or prana, is everywhere. The Universe is woven from it, it is necessary for healthy life processes.

If we lift the veil and look a little further than what we can see with the eye, we will see a fascinating picture of our energy body - it is also called the etheric. It is as mobile and functional as it is physical. It has its own system of channels - they are called meridians.

Life energy flows along the meridians. The channels run along the blood vessels, and it is this energy that moves the blood throughout the body from the heart to the organs and tissues.

Taking different forms, prana participates in all life processes of our body.

Concepts such as thoughts and consciousness have not a material, but an informational quality. It is life energy that sets our mind, our thoughts in motion. Inspiration also helps to obtain prana.

Where you can recharge your vital energy:

A colossal source of prana is the Sun and living nature . When you are in nature, try to tune in to its wave. Feel it, feel it. So, when you are near water, touch it with your hand, close your eyes for a minute and merge with its sounds, absorb its properties, feel how you are filled with its energy.

While walking in the forest, lean against a tree, close your eyes for a minute and try to feel its vital rhythm, the movement of juices rushing from the roots along the entire trunk, feel the same process in the spine.

When you are in the mountains, open up to the wind, at least for a minute, feel its lightness, omnipresence and freedom, let it into you.

Sitting by a live fire, look into the flame, into its very core, fill yourself with its warmth and forget about everything for a while.

It is this kind of contact with living nature that can be considered CONSCIOUS; it charges many times more than a regular walk.

- Maintain a healthy sleep schedule. When we sleep, we give the body the opportunity to recover. During sleep, the subconscious processes information, emotions and sensations that you “downloaded” during the day and builds certain programs. You will never do this consciously. This process is directly related to our mental health and even subsequent events.

- Eat fresh and healthy food. Remember that when we eat, we allow many invisible elements to enter our body. If cooked food sits for more than one day, the elements in it die off and the process of decay begins. If they enter the body, the reaction continues inside, which gradually affects health and loss of vital energy - after all, most of it is spent fighting toxins.

Always strive to eat foods that are least likely to be cooked. The more natural and simple the food, the more energy it contains.

When you eat, don’t watch or read the news, don’t talk much. Let this process be conscious. Feel, smell every piece. This way, food will serve not only to satisfy hunger, but also to cleanse, increase your internal vibrations, and activate your sensory system.

By eating this way, you will never eat too much and will learn to listen and understand your body, and not your brain, saturated with family and advertising templates of “tasty and healthy” food. Over time, your tastes and preferences in food change, and then in other aspects of life.

- Play sports, as in this case you increase blood circulation and lymph outflow, which leads to cleansing of the body and its rejuvenation. Remember that all systems are interconnected. By strengthening and tightening your body, your face will naturally rejuvenate and retain your individuality, in contrast to the effect produced by artificial methods that erase it and make you look like others with your lips, cheekbones, and sometimes even the expression of your eyes.

- Try to contemplate beauty. Avoid anything that brings aggression and violence. Keep your emotional world clean, because bad emotions are like stale food, only for the nervous system, the effect is the same - loss of energy.

Listen to high-quality music, preferably classical. Its effect is magical. Thus, at the heart of the Pythagorean school of art, the basic subjects were mathematics and music. Modern research has established that the sounds of the organ organize the mind and have a harmonizing effect on the main energy flows in the spine.

To improve the functioning of the thyroid gland, it is useful to listen to the piano, and the sounds of the violin heal the soul.

Communicate with positive people, get on their wavelength. It's like going with the flow, conserving energy and having time to enjoy the process.

- Say more good and pleasant things, give people compliments, encourage them. You will feel how much energy it will bring you.

- Give yourself pleasure, this is directly related to our resource state. It can be expressed in different things, ranging from small delicacies in food, taking massage sessions, visiting a beauty salon, painting, engaging in a favorite hobby, music, to pleasant and easy shopping. Love yourself.

What is it and what do you eat it with?

To begin with, an energy vampire is an ordinary-looking person who feeds on the energy of another person, often unconsciously, but sometimes intentionally. I wonder how she does this? It's very simple: the purpose of their work is to piss you off.

According to psychotherapists, there are basic motives by which energy “plunderers” can be recognized. So:

  1. Attention. People who always want to be the center of attention force others to focus on themselves, which, of course, takes a lot of energy.
  2. Power. What guides here is the desire to dominate everyone, to control so that, at their behest, others change their minds.
  3. Revenge. Often this is facilitated by deep grievances from childhood. And already in adult life, the offender looks for a victim and tries in every possible way to destroy psychologically. The oppressed, in turn, spends a lot of energy on defense.
  4. Peace. This is, as a rule, an inert, indifferent person who does not want to be bothered. People trying to stir it up waste a lot of vitality.

If after communicating with such a person you feel tired, slightly ill, headache, rapid heartbeat, and so on, you should no longer contact him either in person or through social networks.

What is this resource state, and how to get it?

I was looking for an answer to this question, first of all, for myself, my students and clients. As a person who had to live and work in different conditions (our country offers a quest called “Get Through the Crisis” with enviable regularity), I sought to calculate the sources of efficiency, and my searches developed into a coherent system, which I now see as “access keys.” » to personal resources.

Many ancient teachings offer various systems for working with yourself, but I needed a clear business-oriented approach, techniques and methods for tuning and balancing energy, and practical tools for increasing productivity. I share my findings.

So, all tasks or problems that a person faces can be attributed to four spheres, which correspond to 4 types of energy. They are all different!

How else to recognize an energy vampire?

An individual who feeds on the energy of another person can be identified by the following characteristics:

  • Almost always, after communicating with such a person, you feel bad, you feel irritated, angry, and cannot come to your senses for a long time.
  • It’s hard to stop contacting him, because he will always find an opportunity to meet with you. He can call, write on social networks.
  • You feel like a puppet in his hands, but you can’t do anything.

If this is a person who is close, and you would not like to lose communication with him, just talk frankly, explain everything. And if you are just as dear, he will accept a different model of behavior.

How to protect yourself?

In fact, they occur much more often than we would like, but there are methods of protection. So:

  1. Keep your breathing even. Exhale and inhale deeply and try to remain relaxed.
  2. While listening to your opponent, think about the good, switch things up a little. This is difficult, but you need to do it, count to one hundred, the main thing is not to break down and start showing your anger and rage.
  3. Don’t waste effort on explanations, answer sparingly: yes or no.

And in some cases it is better to remain silent altogether, thereby showing your opponent that you are simply listening to him attentively. It’s better to try not to communicate with such a person. Do not share your secrets, dreams and plans with him. And another important piece of advice - learn to control your emotions and feelings. After all, they feed only on negative energy. Therefore, you need to learn self-control. And also, you should not trust and communicate with people who talk everyone down, they will do the same with you after the dialogue. Energy in the human body must be replenished. We have already talked about this above, let’s summarize.

Human energy and its types. Sources of energy origin

Not only the quality of a person’s life, but also its duration depends on the amount of internal resources. With irrepressible energy, a person achieves a lot of things, he has many desires, strengths and goals. Remember in the article “Can anyone become financially independent and what does it require?” We talked about how money is energy? So, an apathetic and depressed person will not be able to attract success and financial well-being. There is simply not enough charge to materialize what you want and life resources to recognize these same desires and interests.

Everything in this world has its own sources and does not appear out of nowhere, so I propose to consider the options for how it is produced and stored in our body, and its types:


It is so natural for us that we consciously monitor it either during special breathing techniques or when we feel a lack of oxygen. Which, entering the brain, activates the body’s resources and helps maintain its vital functions. And if a person experiences a lack of oxygen in the blood - he feels excessive fatigue and powerlessness, then what kind of achievements can we talk about?


Everyone knows that a person consists of 70-80% water, and that this is his basic need, otherwise, in its absence, he may die. Its quantity and quality have a huge impact on our physical condition, increasing vitality.


A nutritious diet saturates the human body with essential vitamins, microelements, macroelements and other nutrients. The effect of food can not only help restore strength, but also harm a person if he does not follow the regime. Then it accumulates in the body, having no outlet and destroying it from the inside, leading, for example, to obesity, as a result of which, on the contrary, activity decreases.


An important source of recuperation is sound sleep. Well, you noticed it yourself, didn’t you? That when we didn’t get enough sleep, it was very difficult to do work and generally move and think. During sleep, the body rests and replenishes wasted resources.

Physical exercise

The more we move, the more activity and strength we have. Paradox, isn't it? Therefore, if you want your energy to be powerful, work on increasing your physical endurance.

How to raise your energy level?

The energy used by a person must be replenished. So, what you need to do for this:

  • Take time for proper rest.
  • Do physical education.
  • Eat properly.
  • To refuse from bad habits.
  • Get rid of negativity.
  • Dream, set goals and achieve them.
  • Be in love.
  • Do a hobby.
  • Learn to breathe correctly.

It would seem like simple advice, you say. And how difficult it is to get rid of anger. Learn to forgive, let go of old grievances and unpleasant stories from the past. There is no need to waste precious hours of your life on useless squabbles and showdowns. Better devote your free time to yourself, your family, your children, self-realization, and improve yourself. If you don’t like your job, get another job and retrain. Find meaning in life, set a goal and move towards it. The power of human energy must be maintained and constantly reinforced.

Favourite buisness

The next rule that vital energy requires is doing what you love. Many people spend a lot of time working, even if they don’t like it at all and it’s wrong. Everyone should look for their place in life, choose a decent salary, avoid stress, not envy happy people, and do only what they like.

To ensure that vital energy never decreases, it is very important to devote more time to loved ones, help them, and support them in difficult times. Love for all living things should bloom in your heart. Thanks to pure thoughts and a kind heart, love for all living things, you can stock up on internal energy. After all, by giving, everyone will receive several times more. And to get rid of apathy, engage in volunteer activities, helping weak and vulnerable people.

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