How to manage a man? Secrets of manipulationYulia Zakharova


Relationships between a man and a woman are not always cloudless; often both parties are to blame. Partners are not always able to talk frankly with each other in order to try to constructively solve the problems that have arisen. Sometimes one of the parties, tired of scandals and attempts to convince their half that they are right, resorts to manipulation. It is generally accepted that this is the lot of women, many of whom masterfully manage their men, and they don’t even know about it. But now many representatives of the stronger sex are thinking about how to manipulate a woman. As a result, relationships often turn into a kind of transaction, which often leads to their disintegration.

Why do guys resort to manipulation?2

There are several reasons why you decide to manipulate a girl:

  • Inexperience

When you don’t have your own experience of building relationships, and there was no good example before your eyes (grew up without a father). He just doesn't know what to do or what to say.

  • Infantilism

18 years old is not yet an indicator of maturity. Sometimes at this age and older, a young person continues to act as if he remained in the older group of kindergarten. This is not about his ability to handle gadgets, but about responsibility for life, actions and words. If not, it is called infantilism. Such a young man will not want to invest in relationships or build them. It is much easier to find vulnerable points and, by pressing on them, achieve what you need.

  • Habit

Smart boys notice from childhood that adults react accordingly to certain actions and words. They remember and act the same way later. This habit is perceived as natural behavior; they cannot imagine any other style of treating girls.

The reasons may be different, but the desire is the same - to force the girl to act as the man needs. And here the manipulations are conditionally divided into two groups.

How to manipulate a woman

If you don’t know how to manipulate a woman, then modern psychology will definitely help you with this. There are many practical techniques to help get a woman to play by her own rules.

Emotional manipulation is an art. It starts slowly, but over time the pressure increases.

How to manipulate a woman with words

Words can hurt, lull one's vigilance, or motivate one. How to act is up to everyone to decide for themselves, depending on the final goal. If a man wants to enter into a relationship with a woman, then eloquence will help him. These could be unobtrusive compliments, an emphasis on little things in a girl’s image or on the positive aspects of her character. The main thing is that beautiful words coincide with reality, otherwise the woman will feel false.

Manipulation using an ultimatum works almost flawlessly.

To achieve his goal, a man provides a woman with the illusion of choice. If you correctly pose the question and offer a woman an attractive and unattractive choice, then you can achieve your goal. For example, force you to quit smoking or choose a relationship. There is, of course, a possibility that the girl will choose her bad habit, but then the man will know how dear he is to his companion.

How can you manipulate a woman with a “whip”

In this context, “whip” is a metaphor. Using the toughness of his character, a man can put a woman in her place and make it clear that he is not going to play by her rules.

Example: a conflict has arisen, and a woman begins to become hysterical, breaking dishes and calling the man names. Instead of getting into an argument, sometimes it is enough to warn the girl that the man does not intend to tolerate such behavior. Of course, the woman is unlikely to be satisfied with this outcome of events, and she will suddenly calm down.

In response to this, the man may turn around and leave. Completely ignoring calls and SMS for a week will definitely make your companion think about her behavior. After reconciliation, you should remind her that the next quarrel with such hysterical behavior may be the last.

There are a huge number of ways to manipulate a woman.

Can be used as a lever of pressure:

  • jealousy;
  • guilt;
  • unpredictable behavior;
  • refusal of sex and much more.

The main thing is that this does not humiliate human dignity, but forces a woman to look at things from a different perspective.

Manipulations for scoundrels3

The stick is not good or bad, it takes on characteristics in the hands. Likewise, manipulations can be completely innocent or on the verge of accepting morality, even to the point of meanness. They differ in that by causing pain, a man achieves what he wants. Such actions are not aimed at preserving peace and love, but at satisfying selfish needs.

In order to do this, he carefully studies her, is interested in the past, especially childhood, since that is where the roots of psychological problems lie. Having figured it out, he begins to act.

In practice it looks like this:

  • Duty

The man instills in the girl the idea that she owes it because he is paying for her. And if she thinks differently, a lot of reproaches and complaints pour out on her. Under such pressure she gives in. If not, he disappears, believing that there are many beauties around and there will definitely be one who will succumb.

  • Lie

With its help, a man not only provokes sex, but also material support from the woman, and inducement to the necessary actions. A guy with little experience gets caught in a lie quickly. If the skill is there, then incredible stories are invented, usually pitiful. And in order not to get caught, he can play it safe.

However, lies tend to come out, and the manipulator is left with nothing.

  • Mistrust

The man pretends to suspect the girl. If she is not confident enough in herself and values ​​him, she will begin to make excuses and prove that she can be trusted. In this situation, he will do everything for him. A low-grade game that often leads to the desired result.

  • Unknown

A remedy used in an ongoing relationship. After a quarrel he leaves and doesn’t call or come for a while. Keeping a girl in the dark is cruel, but effective. She will worry about the fate of the relationship and will happily accommodate any wishes when the prince appears on the horizon.

  • A pity

Pressing for pity, using natural female weaknesses, suits the guts of many weak-willed men. They fail to convince a woman, to win her, but they get everything by telling tearful stories about a difficult childhood and female cunning.

  • Not innocence

There is no person without mistakes. In normal relationships, people forgive each other's offenses, draw conclusions and move on. But if a man keeps reminding her of the mistake she made, then this is obvious manipulation. Experiencing an unpleasant moment, filled with guilt, the girl strives to correct the situation and does everything that is required of her.

  • Comparison and humiliation

Only an insecure person can be manipulated. It is possible to develop complexes by comparing a woman with others not in her favor. Moreover, it doesn’t matter whether they are ex-girlfriends or passers-by. The principle works flawlessly. Losing herself in doubt, the girl thinks about how to justify trust, to be better than others. You can also mention her shortcomings more often, so that you can be sure that no one else needs her. In this state it is vulnerable to any treatment.

Is it always bad to manipulate a person?

Manipulation is a hidden psychological technique that helps change the perception and behavior of another person for your own selfish purposes. Is it ethical to manipulate another person? Each person will answer differently. But such social impact is not always negative.

Articles on the topic


  1. A man may not be satisfied with the large number of friends of his companion. Using manipulation, he makes the woman understand that she should value him and the relationship.
  2. A man doesn't like any of the girl's habits. Using a similar psychological technique, he tries to eradicate them.
  3. The companion has gained weight, which has made her figure unattractive and is preventing her from living a normal life. Manipulation in this case is a way to motivate a person to change for the better.

There are a huge number of such examples.

If such social influence does not humiliate a person and is not unnecessarily coercive, it is considered harmless and in some cases even beneficial.

Why are all women bitches and manipulators?

Let's delve a little into human history. How did it all begin? Man and woman, according to natural laws, united to procreate. But why was it necessary to live together, because individuals could exist separately. No, he is the breadwinner, the protector, and she is the keeper of the hearth.

There is even a legend that the main responsibility of a woman was to maintain the fire in the fire. And in the literal sense of the word. After all, back then there were no matches, lighters, or kerosene, so that the firewood would not go out, you had to constantly throw in dry leaves and logs. And at this time the man was getting food, killing mammoths and hares with a homemade spear, catching fish, etc. Moreover, even then the number of women exceeded the number of men.

In general, this problem has always been present, since the stronger sex more often died when fighting the same mammoths and other animals. So, in order not to be left without their protector and breadwinner, women began to undertake certain tricks and tricks and thus keep Him near them. That is, even then they learned to use training methods to maintain an advantageous tandem. So it happened that all the girls strive to control their protector and keep him on a short leash. It can’t be any other way - they’ll take him away or he’ll run away on his own.

When you begin to understand that she is manipulating you

No, don't even think about claiming that you noticed the use of "tricks" at the very beginning. At the candy-bouquet stage, a man flies in the clouds. He is smitten by her beauty, tenderness, and it seems to him that everything is going like clockwork. But time passes, about 3-4 months pass, and a glass with her toothpaste and brush appears in your bathroom next to the shaving kit. Moreover, you didn’t even notice how you managed to meet her brother, visit her parents and present her mother with a beautiful bouquet of roses. And only after a certain amount of time does a strange feeling arise that there is practically no room in the daily schedule for personal hobbies and affairs. Discomfort arose, every now and then they began to get irritated, since there was no time to solve their own problems, there was no opportunity to plunge into fun with friends, relax in complete solitude, and visit relatives only in private.

Now men are beginning to realize that something is wrong, that their freedom is shrouded in a web of feminine tricks. These are the symptoms of manipulation by the fair sex. A man simply feels as he goes that he is becoming stupid, and can no longer decide anything for himself without her approval, choose the same shirt or tie. It would seem that you can start fighting her tricks, but it is impossible to resist what is being introduced into your life almost unnoticed.

But you don’t need to give up, you should see the light and start taking a closer look at the behavior and actions of your other half. If you miss the moment, you will turn into that same faceless henpecked person whom they loved to laugh at in the old days among freedom-loving friends.

Representatives of the fair half have a lot of advantages. They are smart, sensitive, and able to withstand physical and psychological problems. But there is one quality that has been mastered in full, men in this sense are before them, like before the Moon. This quality is the ability to manipulate. For them, training is a natural gift. They easily cope not only with dogs or cats; a man is the main “beast” to whom they direct all their talents.

The psychological component of women is much stronger than that of the stronger sex; in this sense, they are real professionals. Most of the guys call such girls the not very euphonious word “bitch.” And those who are dating or already live with a very modest quiet woman should not be deluded. Almost every woman has the unsightly quality of bitchiness, and there is a logical explanation for this.

You need to talk to them, or rather actively participate in their monologue.

A woman rarely needs an interlocutor, more often she needs an accomplice, opposite eyes, an interested person - she will find what to say herself. Women have ten times more white matter than men, which is why they are so communicative. I suspect that some part of the thought process is also tied to external means. That is, if it is enough for a man to think about everything in silence, then a woman first needs to express it all, and in the process of this, thinking occurs. It turns out that most of what a woman says is just preparation, material for final conclusions. You can’t let them pass you by. And ideally, you also need to smoothly direct the flow.

Advantages and disadvantages

Men manipulate girls for their own interests. It is not always possible to achieve the affection of a woman by showing care, attention and beautiful courtship. A clever manipulator behaves in such a way that the girl cannot fully understand his relationship to her, or understand what to expect from the next meeting. That is, there is a constant emotional swing that keeps you in suspense and does not let go. So the girl finds herself completely at the mercy of the charming manipulator.

When a selfish and experienced man manipulates, all that remains is to sympathize. He knows how to rebuild the entire system of female values, skillfully play on the contrasts of feelings and emotions. Such men never get boring and many women fall in love with them, hoping for mutual love.

But not all manipulators are insidious seducers with the sole intention of persuading a girl for sex. If the desire for a serious relationship is mutual, then there is nothing wrong with pushing the object of adoration towards your feelings, making the girl more flexible.

Some women, confident in their irresistibility, believe that men should hover around them, anticipate all their desires, shower them with flowers and gifts, without demanding anything in return. Skillful manipulation of a woman in this case often puts everything in its place and, as a result, a long-term and sincere relationship develops.

Only young, gullible representatives of the fairer sex completely trust their chosen ones and cannot recognize a clever manipulator who started a relationship for the sake of sex. Smart and experienced women themselves skillfully manipulate men, using various tricks and tricks. When a man manipulates, he must confront the fair sex with dignity.

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