How to talk to a man about money (especially if there is none)?

Oh, these money issues - neither anxious couples in love nor spouses with a solid history of living together like them. But sometimes you still need to discuss finances... Read how on

Question: how to talk to a man about money?

Answer: only on equal terms, as with a partner. It is best to say directly what you would consider necessary to spend the total budget on, what you do not have enough for, and how you would consider it necessary to adjust expenses, income or savings. It’s also not superfluous to remind the man what non-financial contribution you make to your life together if he is the only one earning money in your couple.

Don't be afraid to ask

There are now a huge number of schemes on the Internet that tell you how to ask for gifts from men. Usually these are some kind of hints, provocations, all sorts of psychological tricks, hurting the male ego, insults, ignorance and even ultimatums.

Someone “accidentally” makes a mistake in the dialogue, supposedly writes to a girlfriend about what she wants to receive as a gift, and sends it to the man. Someone makes strange hints in the form of photos or intricate phrases.

Don't be afraid to ask directly and openly and accept gifts. When you accept gifts from another, an exchange of energies occurs between people. The giver pumps your “acceptance” energy channel, and you pump his “giving” channel.

Do you want to communicate about money easily and calmly?

Then take a closer look at this course “Awakening Inner Strength and Confidence.” It will be useful to you the next time you again wonder how to ask a man for money. The psychology of this course will help you:

  • gain confidence;
  • stop being a victim;
  • learn to be uncompromising;
  • free yourself from fear;
  • get rid of feelings of guilt and resentment.

Remember, to become a happy woman, you just have to want it!

The course “Awakening Inner Strength and Confidence” will help with this.

Prepare your sleigh in summer

How to ask for gifts from men? The most important thing is to choose the right man. You need to pay attention to a generous person who is ready and willing to give gifts to his beloved just like that. You can find out about his attitude to this issue on the first dates.

If you want to receive some material benefits from a guy, then initially you need to present yourself as a girl who is used to receiving them. Yes, there are completely different beauties with a different worldview who don’t need anything, they can handle it themselves. But that is another story…

You can simply gently tell the man that your dad, grandfather, uncle or brother often spoils your female half of the family. They express their love in the form of gifts and original surprises.

Just recently, dad gave your mom a beautiful bouquet of scarlet roses and a mink coat for her birthday. And your brother gave you an iPhone X for the New Year. And the most important thing is that you answer them in kind in return. And that's absolutely normal.

All this needs to be told very delicately, without imposing. Why do you need to do this? If a man is a greedy redneck, then after the first meeting he will merge and understand that he “will not be attracted to you.” This is definitely not your option.

It is better to say goodbye to him now than to later realize that the person does not meet your expectations. Leave such individuals to those girls for whom the norm is to eat a grain of oats a day with a crust of bread.

How to ask a man for money and is it possible? It is possible, but only once, if he is smart. There are representatives of the stronger sex who are pathologically greedy.

There can be a lot of reasons: a difficult financial situation, poverty in the head, bad upbringing, different principles of life, hatred of the female sex, he rows everything only for himself and much more.

How can you really promote a man with good money and expensive gifts?


We give you advice that can make you richer!

  • Persuade a man to go to the supermarket with you

Walk with him around the “shop” territory. Buy everything for yourself with your savings, subtly hinting that you are still a little short of your dream.

  • Adjust the situation

Write a list of things you need. Throw it somewhere in the “side” of the man. He will read it, hide it and buy everything that is indicated in it. We hope this option suits you? If not, sell everything that he buys you, and hold in your hands those finances that you were so eager to “promote.”

  • Tell your loved one that you lost both your wallet and credit card.

Say that you don’t have a penny or a ruble left in your soul, that you feel insecure without them. The man will definitely give you some money.

  • Take his card or his wallet

Jokingly ask about the PIN code. Ask if you can “use” his funds. A man, of course, will not refuse if he doesn’t turn out to be a cheapskate.

  • Promise that you will give your sweetheart the full amount when possible.

Mention about percentages (to be sure and for the sake of reliability). A man won't ask you for money because he treats you great. It’s ugly to do this, but this option is one of the extreme ones.

  • Give him a wonderful and romantic evening

Come up with something unusual and original yourself. Put all your imagination into planning the event! A man should be impressed by everything you do for him. Down to the smallest detail!

  • Spend a crazy night with him

She must be so magical that he will shower you with compliments. One condition: do not perceive his “money gesture” in an immoral “image”.

  • Give him invaluable help!

Do something good that will not be forgotten! He will decide to thank you, but will ask you not to be offended. And don’t even think about insults! Concentrate all your thoughts on the long-awaited shopping!

  • Ask (in a playful way) for money for a new skirt or a new T-shirt

You can show what sexy things you chose. Then you won’t have to “unwind” for a long time!

  • Hint (remind) your loved one about some important day or holiday

He himself will come to his senses and say: “Oh, my love, you need money for preparation!” You shyly lower your eyes and smile at him flirtatiously (with gratitude).

  • Give him alcoholic drinks (lightly)

Bring up the topic of money (carefully). He will definitely tell you where they are. And he will also definitely give “full” consent for you to take the amount you need.

  • Give him a memento or a nice gift

You'll see how the man behaves after this. Just be sure to please those given!

  • Message on social networks in private

He will read, smile and “spin” his finances. Remember that asking a man for money is not at all shameful!

Start the conversation like this: “My friend’s boyfriend bought a fur coat for five hundred bucks!” And I would definitely like the same one for myself.” The man will think about it and decide to buy it so that he can be the best for you.

Never date a man just for the money!

Earn them yourself! Prove and show your man that you are good not only in bed. He will be proud of you and will tell everyone how super amazing you are!

Begin with yourself

Asking men for gifts correctly is banal psychology. A state of gratitude works wonders. And this doesn't only work with men. These are the laws of the Universe. The sun is shining - thank you, wonderful weather.

It’s raining – thank you, that means mushrooms will grow, the cars will become clean and it will become easier to breathe. There is bread on the table - thank you! I see, walk and say - thank you!

And if a woman only demands and bends the bar, then this is strongly felt. And the man understands that she only needs resources. Even Pushkin, in his fairy tale about the goldfish, explored a similar theme well.

They are given to those princesses who, by default, are already grateful for the fact that a quality man is with her (not to be confused with “any kind of guy”).

Change it! A bloodthirsty look of profit on the sweet look of a princess who is endlessly grateful for everything.

It is you who must have a high spiritual rating. Don’t be jealous, don’t say that Masha gets more gifts, don’t judge people, don’t count other people’s blessings.

Just be grateful for everything that happens to you and love yourself. Because it is at such moments that other hormones are produced, which improve energy. These are the people you want to give everything to.

Dose increase

How to ask and receive expensive gifts from men? Guys need to be taught this. This word is a little rude towards a person, but it expresses the main idea.

If a man lived alone for a long time or with an ex who didn’t need anything from him, then you need to gradually accustom him to start giving you gifts.

How to do it? When a man starts making some advances towards a girl, even if it’s an ordinary chocolate bar, a rose (without cellophane, I hope), rolls, a scarf or something else, you should always thank him for this. Even if he just gave you a ride home or took you somewhere to the right place.

How to thank and ask for gifts from men list of phrases:

  • Honey, it's so great! I am so pleased that you gave me... (specify what).
  • Thank you for acting like this. It’s so nice to receive these little gifts from you!
  • Thank you for giving me a ride to work (or somewhere else). You are simply my savior! I would have been late (didn't have time).
  • Every time you please me with small gifts, my mood improves. I look at him and constantly remember you.
  • It's so great that you are such an attentive man! Keep up the good work. *kiss on the cheek*
  • I'm so glad I wasn't mistaken about you! You are the same man who makes his woman feel good. This is right. I appreciate this in you.

Phrases can be combined with each other or you can come up with something of your own. After such thanks, a man will develop a special pattern of behavior in his head: he gave something to a girl - > immediately received a pleasant return in response. And then it clicks in his head, and he wants to give more or even more.

The guy should have an inner state that he wants to give something to his soulmate. But, remember that there are thick-skinned individuals who are enough for one time (and not only in this matter).

Watch him for a week, two or a month. Will he want to please you again? If he doesn’t show himself in any way and doesn’t give anything else, then don’t indulge yourself with illusions. This is not your option.

Here's what one of my friends says:

I used to think that a man should understand how much money I need. BUT the fact is that men think completely differently from us. A wise woman, instead of wondering how to ask her man for money, turns on psychology and shows feminine ingenuity in communicating with a man, even if they have been living together for 20 years.

At the training “Awakening inner strength and confidence,” I suddenly clearly saw the work of women’s charms. A man is a conqueror and he is interested in conquering and then protecting a weak woman, and not one who would knock out a bull with her fist. The same should be done with finances. If there are none, or few, pretend that without a man you will be lost! The main thing is that he has something to help with.

Konstantin Dovlatov will soon hold a free webinar “The most realistic way to become happy in 30 days for an ordinary person.”

On it you will learn many life techniques that will be useful to you for communicating with a man and solving many other problems.


You can ask men for gifts using a simple technique. The first technique is to screw a man into a gift. You need to motivate him with something and show him that both people in the couple will benefit from this purchase.


Incorrect: “Darling, I walked by the store window today and saw a super beautiful dress. Buy, buy, buy."

Maybe in this option he will buy something, but not more expensive than a stuffed bunny or a bicycle, as a father gives to his daughter.

Aggressive position

Incorrect: “Honey, I want a dress. Buy me a dress, please. I really like it, you should buy it. You're a man."

Incorrect: “Darling, Vovka bought her Masha that dress. She just asked and he bought it. Why can’t you?”

Incorrect: “Dear, but Kiryukha Oksankin didn’t buy her this dress. But you’re not like me, right? Will you buy me this dress????”

Incorrect: “Darling, buy me a dress, otherwise I have nothing to wear!!! Are you going to allow people to say bad things about me at work, that I’m a bit of a creep?”

In these options, the girl puts herself above the guy and tries to put pressure on him and destroy his authority. This is unlikely to work.


Option: “Dear, today I saw a dress for 10,000 rubles. I have 5,000 rubles, can you add another 5,000 rubles?”

Here both people act on equal terms. He may add money to the dress, but something like this will accompany you all your life and not only with the dress. Do you need this? After all, each of us has our own principles in relationships. For some this is the norm, for others it is not. It's everyone's business.

The best decision

How to make a man want to give gifts?

That's right: “Darling, please buy me this dress. I want to dress up in it and dance for you. I want you to take it off me with further continuation...”

How to ask a man for money? Similar!

Correct: “Darling, I need 10,000 for my needs. And with the change, I’ll buy myself a beautiful lingerie and make you happy.”

If you want an iPhone, promise him that you will delight him with intimate photos while he sits in a boring meeting. If you have a graphic tablet, then say that your man inspires you, and you will draw his portrait.

And if there are dishes, then he will receive a delicious dinner, if there are cosmetics, then he will be able to admire your beauty, even if it is simple wallpaper, then tell him that he will live in a comfortable nest.

The technique of a little girl who presses on pity and asks to buy something only works for 1 man out of 20.

Caring for women: where does it come from?i

Nowadays there is equality in the world. Both men and women work equally, everyone has a choice: to go earn money, or to stay at home to run the household (of course, if possible). And previously, ladies were under the full care of their fathers, then husbands and lovers. And it all started in ancient times.

Since women are physically weaker than men, she never went hunting. Bringing a mammoth leg into the house was a purely male task, and the girls could only prepare a tasty and satisfying dinner from it. Information about the need to care and provide at the genetic level was passed on from father to son, from son to grandson, and so on. That is why many men today continue this tradition and are the breadwinners in the family.

In the Middle Ages, ladies still sat at home, waiting for their lover to bring a beautiful dress as a gift and ensure a comfortable life. And the gentlemen never tired of pleasing their protégés with expensive trinkets, and, oddly enough, the girl chose exactly the suitor who was richer.

And today, men, without realizing it, try to win a woman’s heart with gifts. But you must admit, it’s not girls who go on a date with flowers and chocolate, it’s guys. But gifts are one thing, and it’s very difficult to die from hunger today. So why does a man give money to a woman today?

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