How to talk to your boss about a salary increase? Instructions

Ideal boss

If you get the perfect boss, you're lucky. This leadership style distinguishes people who are smart, tactful, fair and competent, with a good sense of humor. It’s a pleasure to work under his wing; he helps every employee reach their potential and provides everyone with decent remuneration.

How to behave? Work, improve and appreciate what you have.

We can only hope that you understand how to correctly ask for a salary increase from your boss. We wish you personal and career growth!

Your colleagues in similar positions earn more

According to the rules of modern companies, employees should not discuss the size of their own salaries. However, there are remnants of the past. If a person has received information that his colleague is receiving more money, then he can discuss this issue with management. At the same time, the range of their responsibilities should be approximately the same.

Management also takes into account experience and length of service. That is why this argument can only be made when the situations are completely identical. Perhaps an error occurred when calculating in the accounting department, so management should find out about it in a timely manner. However, focusing on other people's earnings is unacceptable.

You should not point out to management their mistakes or shortcomings. Reception is considered prohibited. The boss will not only not increase the salary, but may also doubt the human qualities. Additionally, he can convey information to the team. They definitely won't like it.

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Advice for an employee whose boss wants to fire him

Man of moods

Just yesterday he was the standard of an ideal boss, but today he throws lightning bolts of reprimands, curses dirty and looks for something to find fault with. But the storm will pass and he will greet tomorrow morning in a state of melancholic calm.

Such antics from management do not contribute to the establishment of a favorable psychological environment in the team. And this only harms the work process, since he evaluates the work of his subordinates not by their abilities and results, but depending on his mood.

How to behave? A person of mood is not yet the worst option for a leader, and all that can be done is to abstract yourself in moments of outbursts, do not get excited, do not argue, but calmly listen, take into account and forgive.

Fake Democrat

As a rule, he tries not to interfere with the work of his subordinates, giving them complete freedom of action, which makes him very similar to a true democrat. But don’t relax, such a boss, as a rule, does not explain what he really wants, and no matter what you do, it will turn out in the end that this is not what he wanted at all.

If a subordinate is suspicious and unsure of himself, such a boss can become a real punishment for him, and work will turn into a source of constant stress.

How to behave? The first and easiest option is to change your boss and find a new job. True, in this case there is a risk that the next leader will turn out to be even worse than the previous one.

The second, more complex, but also the most reliable - strengthen your nervous system, increase your self-esteem, work on yourself.

Developing a conversation script

Write a conversation script. It is clear that it is impossible to predict all scenarios, but it is necessary to think through the main ones. Write down all the possible objections with which your boss will try to change the course of the negotiations and prepare counterarguments for them.

Most likely, you guess that in response to your proposal, the boss will not throw himself on your chest with an enthusiastic cry: “How come I didn’t guess it myself?!”

Most likely, this will be an evasive answer, the purpose of which is to delay time. Perhaps your boss is the type of person who prefers to think things through before making a decision. Perhaps the decision depends not only on him and he cannot resolve the issue on his own. In any case, you need specifics, “yes” or “no,” so clarify when you can come to him for an answer.

Wrong motives

In an effort to explain your motives to your manager, it is undesirable to use the following arguments:

1. “Sidorov has the same position, but the salary is higher.”

If the employee you are referring to is overworked, the boss may wonder if he is overpaying you.

2. “I took out a mortgage, but have nothing to pay.”

Firstly, you did not consult with your boss when you took out the loan. Secondly, he may advise you to live within your means.

3. Refer to inflation and rising prices.

Most likely, he will recommend contacting the Ministry of Finance.

Energetic vampire

In ordinary life, he is an erudite, witty intellectual. He opens a conversation with a subordinate in a quiet voice, gradually increasing the pace and volume of speech, then he gets the hang of it and begins to scold the employee, not allowing him to get a word in.

After a conversation with such a boss, subordinates usually experience a breakdown and emptiness. But the boss is transformed, his mood rises, his cheeks turn pink, and a sparkle appears in his eyes.

How to behave? The first and main rule is not to give in to provocation. Under no circumstances reciprocate the vampire's feelings, don't get excited and don't scream. This is exactly what he expects from you. Your weapon is calm and poise. As a result, he will break his teeth on you and leave you behind, they don’t like hard food.

Simple techniques will help make the task easier. “Close yourself”, just clasp your fingers, this will help save your energy potential. And at the most tense moment, just lightly bite the tip of your tongue seven times. Rest assured, it helps.

You bring tangible profit to the company

Management must evaluate the service contribution of each employee.
According to statistics, thanks to this criterion, 32% of workers increase their salaries. However, one's own merits should not be exaggerated. The boss will look at the work objectively. If it was done well, then he is guaranteed to meet the employee halfway.

It would be a good idea to document your successes. You can prepare graphs or reports that clearly show the work and its high quality. Thanks to this, the topic of increasing the boss’s salary will be more understandable and justified.

Are you willing to work more to increase your income?

As one of the arguments, an employee can cite his willingness to work more and harder.

  1. Management must see the ambition and desire to increase the company's income as a whole.
  2. You can offer a ready-made business plan with calculations. It will propose further ways for the development of an industry, department or entire organization.

Perhaps management will consider them necessary and take them into service. In any case, it will understand the employee’s interest. However, it is not allowed to overdo it. The director should not understand that the person is ready to work more for the same pay.

The right attitude

It is logical to ask for one or another increase to your current salary if:

  • having to do more work;
  • constantly correct the mistakes of colleagues;
  • you received an additional direction for development.

Simply put, with any noticeable increase in workload, the salary must be adjusted.

In the modern world, salary is a determination of the value of a particular employee. Please note:

  • its significance for the enterprise;
  • real qualifications;
  • potential;
  • the average price of a representative of a particular profession.

If you are asking for a raise, then create an objective picture of the above components. Only then will a constructive dialogue with the administration be possible.

Management, for its part, will positively consider the issue of increasing earnings if it is convinced that the person applying is competent, hardworking and has a good reputation. You need to prove your usefulness with facts and figures.

Don’t rely on inspiration - prepare for the conversation with the employer ahead of time. Ask yourself: for what reason should you personally, as a specialist, raise your salary? The more competent and reasoned the answer to this question is, the better.

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