Working with metaphorical cards (instructions for use)

Metaphorical cards are one of the many tools of psychological work. I love them for their versatility and effectiveness and offer you a consultation using metaphorical cards. This is not fortune telling or witchcraft; you and I will not look into a crystal ball or call upon spirits. But we can get magical results.

Cards are pictures with different subjects. Some decks of cards are labeled, others are not. There are sign cards, word cards and regular picture cards with plots and figures. During the consultation, you tell us what worries you, in other words, you voice your request. And you get a metaphorical card. You need to describe the picture, list all the associations it evokes. These associations form the answer to the question. Sounds unclear or strange? I will explain. Looking at the picture, listening to yourself and catching yourself in associations, you turn to your subconscious. Rational thinking turns off, the cynical inner critic becomes silent. You describe the characters in the picture, see what their difficulties are, and offer solutions. You are telling a story. Only this is not a character story. This is your story.

Metaphorical cards. What it is?

Metaphorical maps are a tool widely used in psychological counseling. They have nothing to do with the occult and fortune telling. The main difference from cards on which predictions are made is that they do not predict anything, but help a person to free his subconscious, with the help of a psychologist, find answers to his questions and choose a further path.

Why are these cards called metaphorical and associative?

Metaphorical mind maps were invented in Germany. This is a kind of fusion of the work of a psychologist and an artist. At the request of a psychologist, the artist draws pictures that depict certain emotions or scenarios. The cards can depict animals, fairy-tale scenes, portraits, landscapes, scenes from life, and even individual phrases and words. The cards contain not only positive, but also negative relationship scenarios.

Metaphorical cards help tell the client his story in more detail with all the nuances and all the little things that he may miss or even forget.

The images on the cards are metaphors that stimulate the emergence of associations associated with one or another event in a person’s life.

What are the benefits of metaphorical cards?

When a client comes to a psychologist, he voices pre-prepared phrases about what worries him. Often this hides the true cause of this pain, when and why it all started and what is really happening.

This is explained quite simply. If something has ever happened to you, the brain acts as a guard for your psyche and tries to erase as much as possible the memories of this event. And if quite a lot of time has passed, you are already accustomed to living with this pain. At the same time, your brain has developed a coherent system, a strategy for how you should live and act in this world. He doesn't want you to leave your comfort zone at all. And if you start digging into yourself and start working, you will leave your comfort zone. Changes will begin. And the brain begins to resist very strongly and tries to protect you from these changes. And we begin to be afraid. We are afraid of the unknown, we are very afraid to open the door, to start changing, to start allowing changes into our lives.

When we need to find out the true reason, our opponent is the brain, which, despite a person’s desire to change himself, does not allow him.

And here cards play a very important role. Psychologists suggest telling a story based on a picture. The brain focuses on. And at this moment, when the brain is distracted, the subconscious takes control into its own hands. It begins to provide the necessary and very important information. When the subconscious begins to speak, it becomes possible to realize and unearth the root of the problem, to learn the story more fully, with all the little things and all the nuances. That is, essentially.

The pictures that are depicted on metaphorical cards are the keys to the doors to your subconscious, they help to transfer information from the subconscious to the conscious, while the client himself creates the scenarios that will be optimal for him at the moment. The client will choose those options that are not just optimal, but for which he is ready not only to change himself, but also to be prepared for the consequences of these changes.

Thus, metaphorical associative maps are a way by which the information that has been absorbed by your brain from the surrounding space, but is not conscious to you, is pulled out. You become aware of it and make choices based on new opportunities, new information and new understanding.

Intuitive and metaphorical maps - what questions to ask

When working with intuitive and metaphorical cards, one must, of course, remember that these are not fortune-telling cards. First of all, they have to do with psychology, with working with the subconscious. Maps are a safe way to find answers to your questions in this space that is usually hidden to us. At the same time, we develop our own intuition, instinct, ability to hear and see in depth.

In previous articles I talked about this in more detail:

Intuitive and metaphorical cards - what they are for and what they give

Who needs intuitive and metaphorical maps

Metaphorical and intuitive cards do not have specific interpretations - they always mean only what we ourselves see in them. You pulled out a card, looked at it, read it, and exactly what you felt when interacting with it, exactly those thoughts that came to your mind, those associations that arose, is the answer to your question. There is no right or wrong here, and no one can tell you what it means. Only you can see it for yourself. And that is why maps provide such accurate, unmistakable answers to our questions.

So, how do you ask the right questions when working with metaphorical and intuitive cards?

The most important principle is that all of them should be aimed at searching within themselves. That is, we are not asking someone from outside, we are not asking someone from outside to give us an answer, for example, when will I sell my apartment? Will I get married? Will my business bring me profit?

This is just pure fortune telling. You can, of course, do this - for the sake of laughter, entertainment, the main thing is to understand that this is a completely unscientific approach, and one cannot expect any reasonable answers to such requests.

If we really want to look inside ourselves, gain access to inner knowledge and resources, then the questions must be formulated accordingly.

First, let's first compose our request. After that, in accordance with the request, we ask ourselves one of the questions:

— what will help me on the path to my goal?

- what do I need to change in myself to achieve what I want?

- what do I need to understand, realize, what to work on in order for what I want to happen?

- What is stopping me from realizing my plans?

— what will be the resource that will help me cope with the task?

If we approach the wording of the request in this way, then our questions for fortune-telling can be formulated differently: what spiritual lesson helps me get through the situation with an unlivable apartment? What do I need to realize and accept for her to sell?

What do I need to find and discover in myself in order to get married?

What resource do I have and can I use to develop my business and make a profit from it?

Let's look at a specific example

Request: I want my relationship with a loved one to become warmer.

In this regard, you can ask yourself not just one question, but several:

- For what reason is there not enough warmth in our relationship?

- what do I need to change in myself for the relationship to change?

- what will help me do this?

After this, we draw out three cards without looking. For this I used the “For You” deck of intuitive cards -

We turn to the cards in turn, one after another, otherwise it is very easy to get mixed up.

Here is the first of the cards.

As an example, I took a real situation from my life, a relationship with a friend. Some time ago they were interrupted for a reason unknown to me, but I know for sure that my friend was sincerely disposed towards me. That is why the first card does not evoke any associations in me.

Such situations can also happen; this way, do not discourage you. If you don’t feel it, don’t understand it, then perhaps it’s not the time for this yet, or maybe this question is not the most important in the current situation. Put the card and question aside, ask it in a different way, or just move on.

So, the second question, the second card - what do I need to change in myself for the relationship to change?

But this card makes me think that in fact nothing is impossible, and, despite how mysteriously, without explanation, our relationship ended, it is still possible to resume it, if only you yourself believe that it is possible. Do not slip into insults and reproaches, do not harbor grudges, but simply allow everything to work out in due time.

And the third card - what will help me do this?

Thoughts and feelings are like this - you really shouldn’t be simpler than you really are. You shouldn't try to apologize if nothing is your fault. And maybe, in the end, this is exactly what you need this experience for - to allow everything you need to happen, and you will probably find it very useful for something in the future. So relax, not harboring any anger or resentment, and let everything take its course, without imposing knots where there may not be any.

What do we get as a result?

If after everything you feel peace in your soul, satisfaction with the answers received, then your work with this request is over. If not, you can continue the chain, moving along the requests that arise and haunt you, like beacons.

Again, we remember that the conclusions as a result of working with intuitive and metaphorical maps may be different. Sometimes you calm down, and sometimes, on the contrary, you understand that you need to make quite active efforts to change the situation the way you would like. However, in any case, the main rule here is always only one - listen to yourself, look within yourself, trust yourself, and then the answers will definitely be found.

The meaning of metaphorical cards

The importance of metaphorical cards is difficult to overestimate. They not only release the subconscious.

  • Cards make the tandem of patient and psychologist less stressful and more productive.
  • Working with cards captivates and creates an atmosphere of play and, to some extent, excitement: a person understands that he will not just take a card out of the deck, he chooses the answer to his question with his own hands.
  • The client relaxes and becomes liberated: he understands that there is no coercion, he is not asked “uncomfortable” questions, there is no influence on his consciousness (such as hypnosis), he is free in his choice.
  • When we see a picture, we have no resistance: it’s one thing when a specialist (essentially a stranger to us) tells us something – we may somehow not perceive it. And when you take out a picture, it acts directly on the subconscious, bypassing resistance.
  • The relationship between psychologist and patient is strengthened.
  • Cards not only release the subconscious, they give impetus to emotions. There are people who, just by looking at a map, experience such strong emotions that they are immediately ready to move forward, only forward in a joyful mood.

At the same time, we should not forget that cards are just a tool in the work of a psychologist. Even if you buy yourself one or several decks of metaphorical cards, you will not get the result without the help of a specialist who helps you dive deeper into the metaphor card and maximize the release of your subconscious.

Resource metaphorical cards - how to use

The easiest way to use resource metaphorical maps is to get an answer to the question:

– what is my resource in solving the assigned tasks?

It can also be done differently:

- what is my hidden resource that I have no idea about or have forgotten about, but which will be useful to me now? – what will help me achieve my goal? – what resource can I use to implement my plan? – what opportunities and resources does the current situation give me?

After we have drawn a card for the formulated request, we describe what we see on it, what we feel, what this card tells us, what resource we have at our disposal, it points to.

To implement these simple techniques, you can use the video, which presents one of my decks - “For You”. Formulate your request and select any moment in the video. The map you see will be the answer to your request.

How to work with metaphorical associative maps?

In fact, working with metaphorical associative maps is both simple and difficult at the same time.

Working with cards is based on a specific scenario. You need to know a few basic rules and operating principles:

  • The card always belongs to the client

A random card never comes. No matter how the client resists the description of the card, even if he says that it is not about him, he does not understand what is depicted here, he may refuse to discuss this card, the specialist can, of course, offer him a choice of another card. However, he will be told the same thing, but in a different metaphorical language. The client is the owner of this card.

Everything he tells about what is happening on the map, he will project it onto his life, correlate it with events in his life. And the greater the dissociation from reality in the client’s reality, the better at first.

When the client begins to talk about the map, about the image, the psychologist guides him: he asks a question and gives the person time to immerse himself in this map to see the details. Because it’s not always possible to see some important little details and nuances the first time.

  • The card is neutral

Decks of metaphorical cards are divided into:

  1. resource
  2. to work with injuries
  3. for working with character placement
  4. archetypal cards
  5. for working with women
  6. for working with finances
  7. and so on

But, nevertheless, if a person draws a card even from a resource deck, he sees in it something very deep, which is very, very his. It will not be a resource for him.

As an example. Having drawn a card with dramatic events, negative images (coffin, death, war), the client will say that everything is not so bad here, this is not a hopeless situation.

It is important to understand that the opposite situation can also happen - a positive card can cause negative emotions.

  • The sequence of actions must be followed

First, the client must voice his question and only after that he is asked to choose a card.

  • The client has the right to change the card

Perhaps the deck or image is not suitable. A person cannot relax and concentrate on the picture. Or he does not understand the image if, for example, an abstract deck was chosen. In this case, the psychologist suggests choosing another card or deck.

  • Responsibility for the interpretation of the image lies entirely with the client

He himself voices what he sees. He himself speaks about what is happening in the picture. The specialist only asks what emotions the card evokes. At the same time, the client clearly sees the entire work process. In other words, everything he sees in the map is only his projection.

If the client says that he does not understand anything, this has nothing to do with his life, let him simply tell what is happening on the map. And then the psychologist will help you associate this with a person’s real life.

  • You need to end the consultation correctly

This is best done on a resource deck. Invite the client to choose a card that will sum up the session and support it. It is important that a person leaves a psychologist not in a state of frustration, but on an even emotional background.

Training in working with metaphorical associative maps

If you want to help people professionally, or you are a practicing psychologist and want to replenish your arsenal with such a powerful tool for working with the subconscious as metaphorical associative cards, then you should approach the choice of training responsibly. You must understand that it is important not only to study the theoretical part of working with metaphorical cards, but also to gain practical knowledge. You should study only from trusted specialists, certified psychologists who have been working with cards for many years.

How to use MAC in everyday life?

For me, the MAC is not just a tool for work. When you need a resource, a hint, advice, metaphorical cards will always help. I use them quite often in everyday life. For example, like a box with ideas.

When I need a topic for an article or inspiration for a course, I mix pictures from different decks and draw one, two or three cards face down, without knowing what they show. Interesting results are obtained and unexpected solutions are found. Especially if you use cards with pictures and words together.

Techniques for working with metaphorical cards

In technical terms, you can work with cards blindly, when the backs of the cards lie up, and face up. In the latter case, the client is asked to turn the cards upside down and choose one or more that best correspond to the question asked of him.

Each specialist himself chooses how to work - openly or closed. However, you need to understand that there are techniques where you need to work only closed, and there are techniques that involve the use of a combined method.

It is important to understand that when a psychologist first offers a client to work with cards, it is necessary to explain the principles of working with metaphorical cards. In this case, it is better to use an open method. This has a number of advantages:

  1. Working with open cards will not cause anxiety or suspicion in a person. For him, these will be just pictures.
  2. A person becomes interested in this technique because he sees that it is quite simple and informative.

It is good to work closed in the subsequent stages. This is where the element of mystery and surprise comes into play.

How to use MAC without the help of a specialist?

If you have not worked with metaphorical maps before and this is your first acquaintance, take note of these recommendations:

1. Before choosing a card, be sure to formulate and write down your request. It is important that the answer concerns only you.

For example:

“What do I need to pay attention to in my behavior in order to get a promotion?”

“What can I do to improve my relationship with my husband?”

2. For maximum effect, choose cards face down, listening to your intuition. Sometimes cards are chosen face up, usually at the beginning of a technique when determining the starting point of the situation.

3. Direct your focus not on the plot or title (sometimes pictures have captions), but on your feelings from the card and the associations that this image evokes. Turn off logical thinking as much as possible.

4. The most important reaction is the first. Pay attention to the first thought, the first reaction in the body, the first emotion after you turn over the card or see it on the screen if you have an online deck.

5. Mark your reactions in a notepad next to the request, write down all the associations, pay attention to every little thing.

6. Remember that all the images and sensations that will come to you, even if at first glance they seem inappropriate, are not. As a rule, the most correct answer is hidden in the strangest associations.

7. Read what you wrote carefully and find the answer.

If you want to practice, I suggest going through a simple but effective technique.

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