Analysis of responsibility for your life and health for a practical person.
Is there life after death? Do we have a soul? Did we choose our parents ourselves or “it just happened”? Is this our responsibility?
Are you ignoring these questions and leaving them unanswered? Looking for answers. How long have you been looking? But you have to live without them. Make decisions in your life every day.
Are we responsible for our lives?
Consciously or not, you have already answered yourself. Were you born by chance? What do you think of it? Say the answer to yourself, it will be much more interesting to read further.
We build our lives based on the decision we make; it is part of our worldview. As children, we make a lot of decisions, and they are not always correct (from our “smart” point of view).
When faced with the need to choose, the child makes an instant decision and lives on, he does not freeze in doubt. He doesn’t have time to “think” whether it’s right or wrong. For him, all his decisions are correct. The child does not make mistakes! It’s adults who teach that there are right decisions, and there are mistakes.
At some point between 2-6 years, we become firm in our decision:
- The world is friendly. Trouble and pain - no. Mom and dad are good. “I choose them now” (= I chose them in the past).
- Mom and dad are “evil”, but neighbor Vaska’s are good. “They don’t like me here, I would like others” (= I didn’t choose them).
Everyone chose their own. Some were convinced of this with a vivid and emotional experience, others as a background sensation.
Look back at the decisions you made as a child. Revise it if necessary.
Consider a random person—me, for example.
Topic 9. Responsibilities. Responsibility. Conditions of imputation.
Today we are talking about two basic concepts of moral life: duty and responsibility.
A duty or obligation is something that must be unconditionally fulfilled. Usually, duties arise from laws when applied to life, to specific circumstances, since laws are general in nature, and duties are applied. Moral duties follow from moral laws, civil duties - from civil ones. For example, the commandment “honor your father and mother” gives rise to the duties of obedience to parents, caring for them in old age, fulfilling their wills, and prayers for their repose after death.
Responsibilities for implementing civil laws are usually set out in rules and instructions that require precision in execution. The fulfillment of moral laws, depending on the circumstances and the human factor, can take on a wide variety of forms. For example, the famous Beatitude says: blessed are the merciful. One Christian, remembering this, passing by a beggar on the street, gave it to him. Another visited a friend in the hospital and consoled him as best he could. And the third helped a granny I knew dig up a potato crop. Everyone fulfilled the commandment to give alms, but each in his own way, in relation to his own circumstances.
We can take on responsibilities voluntarily, for example, to society and our conscience for order around us, for cleanliness, adherence to morality, protection of children and the weak. Having taken on these responsibilities, we reprimand rude people, smokers, and shameless people in a public place, call an ambulance for a complete stranger, help remove things from someone else’s house during a fire, and remove trash thrown by someone. What motivates us to voluntarily take on these responsibilities? Moral feeling, the title of Christian, citizen. But you need to understand that not everyone will like this behavior and cause a negative reaction. In the event of unsolicited help to someone, our service may turn out to be a disservice (for example, they tried to offer a can of milk and dropped it). With all that, the responsibilities that we take upon ourselves not out of fear of punishment, but voluntarily, out of conscience, are the most valuable for spiritual growth.
There are three types of responsibilities:
1. To God
2. To your neighbor
3. To yourself (caring about your own salvation, spiritual self-improvement, health, education)
Conflict of responsibilities. The Latin word collisio means collision.
The name conflict of duties is understood as such a combination of circumstances in a person’s life when it becomes necessary to fulfill two duties at the same time, so that, while fulfilling one, he becomes a violator of the other. We can say briefly that a conflict is the need to fulfill two incompatible duties at the same time. It can be very short: this is a clash of responsibilities.
Let's explain with examples.
The abbot is obliged to take care of the protection of the temple. He even has a gun for this. Can he shoot a person with this gun?
An acquaintance asks to borrow a large sum of money. If you give it, it won’t be enough to pay for utilities. To give or not to give?
Relatives invite you to the anniversary, and now it’s Lent.
There are countless examples of such collisions.
Every person should strive to avoid such situations if possible. Sometimes they can be predicted and prevented in advance. Sometimes they come from our wrong behavior, laziness, stupidity. If you drive drunk or smoke in an ammunition depot, you can not only get into trouble...
But what to do when collisions occur due to circumstances beyond a person’s control? What to do in such situations? The holy and wise fathers advise in such cases to choose the lesser of two evils, and the greater of two virtues. Be sure to pray. If possible, postpone the decision. As time passes, the situation changes. For now, this and that, maybe the Sultan will die, or the donkey will suddenly speak. Special wisdom is manifested when it is possible to find a “Solomon’s” solution, when both the sheep remain intact and the wolves are fed.
Debt is a type of obligation that we must fulfill in response to a benefit shown to us.
Responsibility is also a type of obligation, namely the obligation to be responsible for one’s actions and actions, as well as their consequences. The measure of responsibility, naturally, depends on the degree of our personal participation in the events happening to us and around us. Moreover, inaction can also be considered as participation.
A sense of responsibility is one of the manifestations of a moral sense. A normal person does not ask: “Why should I be responsible for my actions?” This feeling is implanted by God in human nature along with shame and conscience.
The biblical prototype of human responsibility for any deliberately done evil is bringing Adam to account before the Creator for original sin.
There are two types of liability:
1. Internal responsibility before conscience and before God. People who believe in God hold the main answer for their actions before their conscience and before God. And not only for actions, but even for the motives of actions, for secret intentions.
2. The second type of responsibility is external. This is a responsibility to people for breaking laws and failure to fulfill (or poor performance) of their duties. We take on this type of responsibility along with our position and title. Every position, social position, high rank (including bishop, priest, deacon) is associated with responsibility. Failure to fulfill one's duties entails punishment. Therefore, punishment and fear of punishment are constant (and very unpleasant) companions of responsibility. They are so closely related that punishment is even called accountability.
All people, starting with Adam and Eve, have an inherent desire to evade responsibility for their actions. Typically one of the following methods is used:
– “translation of the arrow” to someone else (Adam - to Eve, Eve - to the serpent),
– self-justification: in this case, they point to insurmountable circumstances, not
deception (I didn’t know, I couldn’t imagine this!), good intentions (I wanted to do what was best!),
– counter-accusation (look at yourself),
– lie (Vova, who climbed into the refrigerator? – I didn’t climb),
– lack of evidence (and you prove that I did it).
This happens even in confession. Very often people add self-justification to the confession of sins in order to show themselves innocent or at least downplay their guilt.
Responsibility can be personal or collective.
Examples of collective responsibility: for the mistake of a subordinate, the boss gets it, for the mistake of the boss, the subordinate gets it, taking hostages; the loss of the banner entails the disbandment of the entire military unit.
How is the consciousness of moral responsibility formed in a person? This happens gradually, in the process of development and formation of personality. Until adulthood, parents take care of this. While the child is under enhanced parental care, there are no conditions for the development of responsibility. It begins to manifest itself and develop in situations of choice. And parents should provide the child, as he grows up, with this opportunity: to make a choice and be responsible for it (prepare your homework today; here’s the money, go to the store for bread; sit with your younger brother until we get back); Often in everyday life we call this process the development of independence: “do it yourself and be responsible for your actions.” By the end of school, the sense of responsibility should be sufficiently developed for independent adult life. By the time a person comes of age, it is time to realize responsibility not only for the little things in everyday life, but also in relation to the Fatherland, the people, and the Church.
A sense of responsibility is also formed when communicating with a confessor - a spiritual child knows that he will have to be accountable for all his actions. But everything should not stop with the confessor. An even more important goal of spiritual leadership is to develop a sense of responsibility before the conscience and before God.
Responsibility has two essential functions:
– disciplines the personality and directs its strength.
– it keeps the majority of people living in the world from committing a wide variety of crimes.
We already know that responsibility is the obligation to answer for one’s actions. Can such situations happen when a person will not be responsible for his actions? They probably still can. In theology, medicine, and jurisprudence, there is a problem of imputation: such cases are especially considered and studied. The court, for example, will not sentence a criminal if there is doubt that he was in a sane state at the time of committing the crime. In this case, a medical examination is appointed. The killer of the Optina monks, for example, was declared mentally abnormal, insane and sent for compulsory treatment.
The word imputation means to assign responsibility. Holy Scripture recognizes man as morally free, governing his own will and actions and, therefore, responsible for them before the court of God. The Lord in the Old Testament said through the prophet: “ Today I have offered you life and good, death and evil... Choose life, so that you and your descendants may live
"(Deuteronomy 30:15-19).
A person bears moral responsibility only for those actions that he commits:
1. in a conscious state,
2. and being free to choose.
Only then are these actions imputed to the person as guilt or merit. In contrast, people who are not aware of their actions or are forcibly forced to commit them against their will are considered insane and are not responsible for these actions. These conditions of imputation are also recognized by civil law.
Examples of unconscious states affecting imputation.
Infancy. Small children, in whom moral feeling is not yet active (or not fully active), even receive communion without confession. Also mental illness, state of passion, sleep, intoxication.
However, the state of intoxication, although it deprives a person of awareness of his actions, does not exempt him from responsibility, since any person knows about the consequences of excessive drinking.
Ignorance does not exempt a person from imputation if he could find out, but did not make his own efforts to do so. “ The servant who knew the will of his master, and was not ready, and did not do according to his will, will be beaten many times; but whoever did not know and did something worthy of punishment will receive less punishment
"(Luke 12:47-48). Civil law also says that ignorance of the law does not exempt from punishment. As soon as the law is published in the official media, it comes into force.
The second condition of imputation is the lack of freedom of choice. What can deprive a person of freedom of choice? For example, coercion. If a person signs a document under torture, it is considered invalid.
Not only coercion can deprive a person of freedom of choice, circumstances can do this. In this case, they talk about involuntary actions. Involuntary actions release one from responsibility or reduce guilt. In the Old Testament, cities of refuge were assigned to unwitting murderers, where they were protected from the revenge of relatives.
The question of collective imputation is very complex. Adam's sin, for example, is imputed to every person. Children often have to suffer for the sins of their parents (“ His blood be on us and on our children
", hereditary diseases). These questions are considered difficult to comprehend for the human mind.
Appendix to topic 9
We are born by chance: consequences
I live with the confidence that I was born by chance. I didn't choose these parents. How else would I have been conceived on January 1 (on New Year's Eve and probably with a dose of alcohol)?
I was born by chance. Let's say. From random parents, at random times, in random environments.
From time to time I asked myself questions, and this is how I answered:
- Conditions . Why was I born on the outskirts of the world? - Bad luck. What to do? - Wait for luck.
- Mother . My mother has been swearing all her life, but everything is fine with the neighbors. - Unbearable. What to do? - Tolerate.
- School . I go to a regular school. - A simpleton like everyone else. What to do? - Accept: I'm a simpleton.
- Capabilities . The program “The Smartest” is shown on TV. “I think they know so much at 16 that I won’t catch up even by 40.” What to do? - Relax. I didn't come out with my mind.
- Financial wealth . I lived poorly throughout my childhood. - Why wasn’t I born in America! What to do? - Envy the rich, they are damn lucky.
Totally positive!
What to do? - Nothing. The situation is hopeless. Wait, hope.
Since I did not choose my parents, I am not responsible for all the consequences of such a choice, then it is not for me to decide. Such a belief leads to passivity, the position of a victim of circumstances.
Let's look at the example of another me.
Basic directions of internal corporate social responsibility
Internal CSR is embodied in appropriate measures and implementation mechanisms. The main directions of its implementation are presented in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Basic directions for implementing internal corporate social responsibility. Author24 - online exchange of student work
The first direction is directly related to the social protection of company employees. It, in turn, is divided into several types:
- non-discrimination;
- ensuring the protection and health of workers, providing them with assistance in critical situations;
- ensuring a decent level of remuneration.
Thus, this area is focused on ensuring equality in hiring, pay and career advancement. Discrimination on any grounds is unacceptable.
If earlier in terms of employee protection it was exclusively about ensuring labor safety, today it also includes ensuring the protection of the life and health of workers. In addition, one of the most important types of social protection for employees is the provision of a decent and stable level of remuneration.
The second area of internal CSR is related to the development of human capital. It is reflected in the implementation of training programs, as well as training and advanced training programs, due to which the competitiveness of workers increases, their dependence on one employer is reduced and the burden on the budget is reduced in the event of loss of employment.
Among other things, this area includes staff motivation, as well as maintaining and developing internal communications in the company.
The third area of internal CSR is the construction of a system of interaction between the company and its employees. The basis of this direction is the identification and consideration of the interests of employees as the main stakeholders when making management decisions, as well as their involvement in the process of strategic development of the company.
The fourth area of internal CSR is considered to be socially responsible restructuring. It involves the implementation of social programs designed to ensure that business restructuring is carried out in a socially responsible manner.
We choose for ourselves: consequences of responsibility
And now I’m 20 years old, I discover that mentally I still “came out” of what I needed. I read smart books, I think for myself. I choose what I believe in and what I don’t.
While searching, I come to the question: am I sure that I was born by chance? Past experience says - “Of course by accident! Whoops. Yes, you’re actually an atheist.”
By the age of 20, I was already convinced that I was unlucky to be born in an environment in which everyone was convinced of their inferiority.
And so I study religion, theology. They say it's not that simple. And if it’s true that “I chose my parents myself,” what then?
I chose it myself - I deal with the consequences myself:
- Conditions . I will choose where and with whom to live.
- Mother .
I love you, but from a distance
- School . I will give you my own assessment of my abilities. By the way, I’m not allowed to write, that’s what they said there.
- Capabilities . A smart person is not the one who remembers a book by heart, but the one who writes a book. I'll write a book.
- Financial wealth . Poverty is temporary. I'll make money.
What to do? - And here there is complete freedom . I want, I choose, I do, I develop - everything is in my hands.
Such a belief leads to activity, the ability to change everything. A position of power - the master of your life.
Choosing parents or not is a matter of responsibility
I chose my parents - I am responsible for this. I'm looking for solutions. OR I was born by accident - no one is responsible. I'm looking for excuses.
Someone will think that this is not a philosophical question at all, but a matter of character: is a responsible person or not. Yes it is. To what extent are you responsible? - this is the whole philosophy.
Do you bear full responsibility for everything in your life, including: what kind of parents are you, where were you born, how were you raised, for a mole on your butt?
Responsibility is the ability to influence the course of events. According to the subject, responsibility is divided into individual and collective, citizens and legal entities, etc.
Responsibility in the scientific literature in most cases is interpreted only as accountability and immutability. In legal science, the phenomenon of liability is studied mainly in terms of punishability [1, p.12][2]:12. Such a one-sided understanding of responsibility and its implementation in practice leads to significant deformations in the sphere of regulation of social interactions. In foreign theory and practice, along with the noted meanings, the phenomenon of responsibility (responsibility) includes significantly more meanings - liability, answerability, reasonability, accuracy, certainty, dependence ) and others [1, p.12].
The term “responsibility” was first introduced into scientific circulation by Alfred Bahn, who interpreted it in terms of “punishability” [2, p.3]. For a long time, the problem of liability was primarily the subject of attention of legal scholars in this aspect. In modern legal theory, liability is divided into two types - positive and negative. Positive responsibility arises from the obligation to perform positive, useful functions for society and is implemented in regulatory legal relations in which the obligated party is in a position of accountability and control, and negative responsibility - in connection with the commission of an offense by the offender, who is subject to appropriate legal sanctions for the crime that are disadvantageous for him [3, p.232]. This made it possible to distinguish two sides of legal responsibility: prospective - for active or proactive activity committed or expected in accordance with the status (granted rights and legal obligations) in the interests of achieving a particular goal, result, and retrospective - for an offense. The idea expressed by legal scholars that both aspects of responsibility require a comprehensive study is worthy of attention [3, p. 232 Responsibility is a set of actions (measures), the implementation of which allows an individual to safely achieve what he wants.
Degree of responsibility
The question “did we choose our parents?” = “Are we responsible for everything in our lives?”
For example, until we were 7 years old, our parents were responsible for us. After 7 - we are on our own. In everything that happened after 7 years, we are in the position of the owner, we are able to change everything. Up to 7 years - in the position of a victim. “Well, how they raised me,” “It’s not my fault that my legs are crooked.” It turns out:
Before 7 - a victim. After 7 - the owner. Up to 4 years old - a victim. After 4 - the owner. Before birth - a victim. Then - the owner. Before the choice of parents and in the future - the owner . Hmm, we have created the conditions for the existence of the soul and life before birth
But you know a lot of people who are still victims! Some are already 40 years old, their children have grown up, but there is no responsibility. Everyone “owes” such a person something.
Pause, this is worth thinking about.