Topic: “V.A. Oseev’s story “Why?” lesson plan for reading (grade 2)

Many people cannot clearly answer the question of where their money goes - regardless of their income level, by the end of the month it evaporates without a trace. A family financial plan will help you control your budget. It will also allow you to see which expense items spend the most, where you can save and optimize expenses, how to set aside the required amount and achieve your financial goal.

It may seem that you cannot manage a family’s financial plan on your own without the knowledge of a financier or accountant. Actually this is not true. A huge number of people without specialized education know how to properly plan their financial transactions and know where the money goes and how to manage it wisely.

Let’s take a closer look at how to create an effective plan for your family and what you should consider.

What is a family financial plan?

In essence, such a plan is a forecast and planning of all financial transactions of the family for the long term. It takes into account how much income your family receives, how much each member spends and on what. You write down what you are saving money for and how much is needed for this, and also think through possible risks, unforeseen expenses and other nuances.

How to plan correctly?

Surely half of the readers, after looking at the disadvantages, changed their minds about planning. I declare that you were hasty in your conclusion.

Now I will sort out all the mistakes, and you will understand why you need to live according to the plan.

Many people want to incorporate planning into their lives, but they break down as soon as something doesn’t go according to plan. How to prevent this? Here are some recommendations:

1. Firstly, goals and plans for the day come out of goals and plans for the week, which in turn come out of plans for the month, etc. That is, the conclusion is that in addition to the day, it is also advisable to plan the week, month and year.

2. There is a certain time for each task. This is the basics. I think there is no need to explain the principle of operation.

3. Living according to plan is not bad, bad is not being able to adapt to circumstances. Therefore, you must have backup options. In case something goes wrong, plan B is at hand.

4. Sometimes circumstances are not the best. You shouldn't worry about it. Step away from your plans and take a break, give yourself time to think about your next actions.

5. Don't forget about rest. The best way to relax is to change activities.

6. Set priorities. For each task, determine the degree of importance from 1 to 3. Where 1 is mandatory tasks that must be completed. 2 – less important things that will not be so destructive if not completed. And 3 are things that can be safely postponed until later.

7. Write down your plans in the evening.

Why does a family need a budget and why plan it?

There is an opinion that such planning allows you to save a lot, but this is not the only reason. Of course, a financial plan will save you money on thoughtless and useless purchases, but this is not its main goal. Planning your family's finances gives you the opportunity to afford much more for the same money and achieve your financial goals.

With a financial plan, you can predict how long it will take you to save for a new car, an apartment, education in another country, and much more. When you know how to manage your finances and know how much you spend and how much you can save, you turn desires into goals with a clear deadline. This approach is much more reliable than living from paycheck to paycheck with a lack of understanding of where the money goes and why it happens so quickly.

What to consider when planning a family budget

To draw up a competent plan for your financial flows, you need to take into account all possible nuances and circumstances. There are quite a lot of them, and sometimes it takes more than one year to collect money for a cherished goal. It is important to understand what you may encounter and how to protect yourself from unexpected expenses and loss of funds.

Interests of all family members

When forming a family budget, you need to take into account the interests of all its members. After all, everyone has their own interests, obligatory expenses and desires. A small child often needs new clothes, you need rest and recovery. The same applies to individual expenses, such as gatherings in a cafe, spending on hobbies, travel and the rest. It is necessary to take into account the interests of not only those who bring income to the family. This way you will avoid financial conflicts.


In addition to the money that you set aside for a specific goal, you should also take care of savings in case of force majeure - for example, if you are fired from your job or you have unexpected expenses. If you have a reserve of money for such a case, you will not be left without money, and this will not ruin your plans for the future.

It makes the most sense to keep savings in several currencies: for example, rubles, dollars, euros (Japanese yen, British pound, Swiss franc are also suitable).

You can save money not only at home in an envelope: you should also use other tools. You can use an investment account or bank deposit. Such financial instruments have their own risks, but if you understand all the nuances and use them wisely, these risks are minimized. In addition, you will be able to at least slightly level out inflation due to interest on the deposit (although there is no talk of real earnings, since interest on deposits is below the inflation rate).

You can invest in federal government bonds - the interest rate there is usually slightly higher than that of banks, the risks are minimal, and besides, working people can officially receive a 13% tax deduction. Don't ignore tax deductions and cashback.

In addition to the funds set aside for force majeure, it is worth taking care of a financial cushion in old age. After all, the size of the pension in our country allows few people to live happily after 60-65 years. Every month, set aside a certain amount for your pension or open an account for this and add money there. It's even better to understand investment instruments and invest that money in conservative, low-risk assets.

Read how to start investing.


Family income can be affected by inflation. If at the beginning of the year you could afford to buy one number of things with your profit, then by the end of the year you will buy less for yourself with the same money. The purchasing power of money decreases over time.

To prevent this from affecting your savings, factor in possible inflation when creating a financial plan. This way, price increases will not significantly affect your plans.


Insurance is something that people often skimp on or completely ignore. An insurance contract is drawn up mainly for tourism or medical purposes. But few people care about possible loss of ability to work. After all, everyone believes that this will not happen to them. As a result, many have to face financial losses and expenses that not every family can bear without losing their breadwinner.

To protect yourself from this outcome, take out insurance for all working family members from a trusted company.

Alexey Zhuravko: If there is no “Dulles Plan”, then why does it work?

The paradox of the “Dulles Plan” is that it is not officially recognized, it seems to not exist, but, as we see, it works.

Much has been written about the “Dulles Plan” and other US plans regarding the USSR, Russia and Russians after World War II. However, they deserve not to lose them from our sight and to constantly “check” with them the events that happen to us in our time, and in the world, in the days of our lives. Especially after the destruction of the Soviet Union.

According to information obtained at the time by Soviet intelligence, a secret meeting of the COUNCIL ON INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS (CFR is an American “independent” organization in the field of international relations) took place in April 1944. Today, this organization is known as one of the three main supranational “shadow” structures, along with the Bilderberg Club and the Trilateral Commission. The Council was created in 1921 through the efforts of bankers close to the 28th US President Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921); it initially existed as a branch of the Carnegie Endowment for Universal Peace. The activities of the Council were AIMED AT CREATION OF A SYSTEM OF GLOBAL GOVERNANCE OF THE PLANET FROM THE AMERICAN METROPOLIS. FROM THE BOWL OF THE COUNCIL GROWED THE IDEA OF CREATING A “WORLD GOVERNMENT.” Since 1927, Allen Dulles served as one of the directors of the CFR, in 1933-1944 he was secretary of the Council, and in 1945-1950 - its president. Later, already heading the CIA (1953-1961), he continued to be one of the directors of the Council (see: Okorokov A.V. USSR vs. USA. Psychological Warfare. - M., 2011. pp. 103-104).

From the intelligence information about the CFR meeting it followed that, despite the demonstration of friendly feelings at the Yalta Conference, the United States was developing plans hostile towards the USSR for the post-war period. The secretary of the Council of the CFR, and later one of the founders of the CIA, General Allen Dulles, who spoke at the meeting, wrote in his book “Reflections on the American Military Doctrine against the USSR,” published in 1945:

The paradox of the “Dulles Plan” is that it is not officially recognized, it seems to not exist, but, as we see, it works. In order to understand this, it is enough to go outside, watch TV news, read newspapers, listen to the radio.

Today we are witnesses of, if not the final, then one of the most active phases of the implementation of the PLAN or DULLES DOCTRINE. And naming a plan after one person is purely arbitrary. In fact, this is the plan of the entire West, the EuroNATO syndicate with the USA, Canada, Australia and a number of other countries. This is the blueprint for a parasitic, brutal, violent system centered on international capital and a real shadow government.

It so happens that this super capital and the invisible government were formed solely as a result of wars and violence! This means that violence for super oligarchs and the global world government is a necessary condition for their existence and development.

So it turns out that such a discovery is that if a number of countries in the world are so clever, unite into a powerful force that will be able to ensure the long-term maintenance of peace on the planet, then the EMPIRE OF VIOLENCE will not withstand this and will collapse….

In the meantime... In the meantime, we see how everything works out for them in Ukraine... It’s not for nothing that US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo recently called Ukraine an American project at a press conference in Berlin.

And what did the world see during the years of implementation of this American project? And exactly what Dulles said in the 40s of the twentieth century.

Starting with the murders and bloodshed on the Maidan in 2014, where the representative of the US Secretary of State Nuland distributed cookies to participants in the coup in Ukraine in addition to the 5 billion US dollars previously invested in the changes that made it possible to carry out this coup. Over the years that have passed since then, the world has seen real CHAOS in the management, economy, culture and other sectors of life in Ukraine.

Under the guise of reforms, all opportunities for the people of Ukraine to find salvation and protection in such areas as medicine, the judiciary, and law enforcement agencies have been destroyed. Culture has collapsed in the country, social protection of the population has collapsed, tariffs and prices are constantly rising, surpassing the 1000% mark compared to 2013. It is impossible to find a job in Ukraine, since the authorities are doing everything to ensure that no one can engage in entrepreneurial activity. Interest rates for using loans are tens of times higher than in Europe. President Poroshenko’s “visa-free” project, supported by the European Union, was made in order to quickly free the territory of Ukraine from its indigenous population, since people naturally died more slowly than the new overseas masters of Ukraine needed.

In literature, theater and cinema - the cult of sex, violence, sadism, betrayal, immorality, the depiction and glorification of the basest human feelings. There is corruption, extortion, and bribes everywhere in government, although people are shouting about fighting this everywhere, but the phenomenon itself is only expanding and deepening, like a terrible infection. Honesty and integrity in Ukraine have been declared a relic of the past. The real hero-liberators were equated with the enemies from whom they liberated not only our Motherland, but the whole world. Instead, rudeness, arrogance, lies, deceit, animal fear of each other, shamelessness, and betrayal are instilled. The authorities are doing everything so that the people forget not only the events of the heroic past of our people, but also stop going to the celebrations of May 1 - Workers' Solidarity Day, May 9 - Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War. The authorities banned the very name of the Great Patriotic War, replacing it with the Second World War.

Nationalism and enmity of peoples with the authorities, both led by President Poroshenko and President Zelensky, is the main means for waging a civil war in Ukraine, especially in the Donbass. The result is, even according to official, understated data, tens of thousands of civilians.

The American “chicks” of Dulles and Soros in Ukraine are decisively and bloodily tearing out spiritual roots, vulgarizing and destroying the foundations of spiritual morality, have entered the church and are forcibly dividing and pushing believers into hostility.

They never tire of shaking generation after generation, taking on people from childhood and adolescence, corrupting, corrupting and corrupting them. In primary schools in Ukraine, manuals on early sexual development are already distributed, young boys and girls are taught to use condoms, they explain that both boys and girls can be happy and even create their own families, etc. On the streets, the walls of houses are constantly painted with information about places drug bookmarks and addresses of prohibited drug distribution sites. Prostitution has reached a level where the authorities are seriously discussing plans to pass a law on the legalization of this new “branch of the economy” of Ukraine in order to develop international sex tourism and fill the country’s budget through the sexual exploitation of Ukrainian women. All this is directed against the traditional values ​​of maintaining and strengthening the family in Ukraine, stimulating population growth and increasing the birth rate.

The authorities openly, cynically and treacherously go against the people. This was confirmed by the coordinated actions of President Zelensky and his parliamentary majority, as a result of which the Verkhovna Rada voted to approve the law on the circulation of agricultural land and the opening of the land market in Ukraine. This confirms the worst predictions that the government team led by President Zelensky is a “funeral” team designed to finally destroy everything that somehow ensured the independence and sovereignty of Ukraine, handing over its main potential - land - to American transnational corporations, which is the metropolis that Dulles spoke about.

IS THIS NOT A CELEBRATION OF THE Strict IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DULLES PLAN?! Of course and definitely - this is so! Year after year, day after day, the Americans, with the help of their residents and the fifth column, through bribery and deceit, slowly “crept” into Ukraine. And today they are already openly, without hiding, celebrating the triumph of their next vile and bloody victory, which brought further opportunities for the American oligarchs to plunder the resources of Ukraine, further increasing their capital.

And for all the other peoples of the Slavic world, all honest people and true patriotic leaders of countries united by the same culture and history, this is a vivid example of what needs to be avoided and what and who needs to be protected from, in order to prevent what is happening today in their countries. takes place in Ukraine.

The target of the United States and its allies is Russia. The task of capturing it and mastering its territories and resources was set by the European-American hegemons and globalists. In such a situation, the people of Russia must demonstrate special unity and fortitude. Only a strong and successful Russia will be able to prevent the Dulles Plan from coming true on its territory. And only Russia, like recently the USSR, can instill hope in the whole world that the unpunished evil of the Americans, starting with their mass murders in the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, can and must be stopped!

And the list of black and bloody deeds of Dulles’s followers, unfortunately, is long and terrible. Very briefly, let me remind you of the bombing of Yugoslavia, the separation of Kosovo from it, the destruction and capture of prosperous Libya, the destruction of civilization in Iraq, coups in many African countries, the constant war in Afghanistan, constant terrorist attacks and wars in the Middle East, leading to the complete destruction of Syria , attempts at color revolutions in Egypt, Venezuela. Well, the other day the Americans managed to complete a coup d'etat in Bolivia, having succeeded in overthrowing the legitimate government of Evo Morales. And they mockingly call this a victory for “democracy.”

This means that the DULLES PLAN or the DULLES DOCTRINE work constantly and everywhere. For stopping stability and peace stops violence, and, therefore, the very possibility of global parasites to plunder resources with impunity throughout the entire planet.

No one should ever forget about this as long as the United States and its allies exist in the form they have today.

Everything written from above is not so much my words as it is blood and suffering, even the lives of millions and millions of people who were not allowed to live by those who every day actually implement the Dulles Plan, or rather the Program of the United States and its allies for the conquest of the entire world and domination over it.

Alexey Zhuravko

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How to make a family financial plan: step-by-step instructions

When you have analyzed all the possible risks, ways to increase your income and save money, you can move on to drawing up the plan itself.

Accounting and analysis of all family income and expenses

Regularly filling out a table of family income and expenses is an effective way to track financial flows. Write down all your income and expenses there, without exception. In your income, take into account not only your salary, but also other sources of profit, if any. For example, you work part-time in your free time as a freelancer, rent out an apartment or rent out equipment. The same goes for expenses. Write down even small expenses, such as travel expenses or a candy bar. Do this every day for several months.

When such a table is compiled, analyze all your costs. Determine which categories of expenses are mandatory, which ones you can cut the budget for, or do without them altogether. Calculate how much money you can save after paying for all expenses. If you don’t have enough income and you can’t minimize expenses, consider options for part-time work – for example, you can quickly learn a profession that is in demand online.

Formation of financial goals based on family income

Planning will not be successful without specific goals. If you save money, then you know why and why you are doing it. Therefore, it is important to decide what financial goals you set for yourself, how much money you need for this and how long it will take to accumulate the required amount.

Your financial goals can be long-term or short-term. For example, buying an apartment or educating a child in the future is a long-term goal. This requires a lot of money and time. But the trip to the sea is short-term. Rank all your goals by time frame and category and determine the amount you will save each month for each of them.

To do this, you can use cash and save money in envelopes, or you can make a deposit in a bank. You can also combine these two methods.

Remember that storing a large amount in one account in one bank is not safe. In the event of a bank bankruptcy, you may lose your funds, so it would be safer to distribute your finances among different banking organizations. And don’t forget that the amount of deposit insurance in the bank is 1.4 million rubles.

Compiling a table of family income and expenses

When all financial flows are taken into account, proceed to compiling a table of family income and expenses. Take into account all the necessary expenses for the month. Don't settle on just one way to save money. Perhaps for some purpose it is more profitable to take out a loan or borrow money. Also be sure to set aside money for retirement, insurance, and unexpected expenses.

Below is a simple example of financial planning for a family.

Income in rubles Cost items in rubles
Wage 70 000 Mortgage fees 18 000
Additional income (freelance services) 14 000 Public utilities 5 000
Gym 3 500
Minor expenses 4 500
Car 5 500
Holidays at sea 11 000
English courses 3 500
Unexpected expenses 10 000
Pension 2 000

With an income of 84 thousand rubles and expenses of 63.5 thousand rubles, you can save 21,000 rubles every month.

Adjusting the plan depending on circumstances

Family budget planning should take into account possible changes in your plans, because your lifestyle, goals and desires can change over time. New circumstances, interesting opportunities and prospects are a reason to reconsider your original plan.

Pros and cons of planning

I compiled these advantages and disadvantages personally from my own experience, and I think they will agree with the opinion of the majority.

Pros of planning

+ Control over life

By making a plan for tomorrow, a week, a year or 5 years, you realize that you have power over your life.

Thanks to planning, you can structure your day the way you want. You have the right to set aside time for sports, hobbies or games. Because of this, a certain control over fate is felt.

+ Development of discipline

Life according to a schedule forces you to constantly be busy.

The power of our consciousness operates on the principle of “ do or die.”

And if you also plan your day and set goals, this power doubles.

Read also:

How to develop discipline and willpower in yourself

+ Efficiency and productivity

If you're someone who complains about not having enough time, try planning out your day.

Let's say you get up at 8 am and fall asleep by 11 pm. You have 15 hours at your disposal. Do you think this is not enough for your purposes? Not at all.

The most important and exciting thing is the distribution of those 15 hours. Remember that this will determine how quickly you achieve your goals. Now the responsibility lies only with you.

“Every hour spent planning now saves every three hours in the future.”

+ Don't forget anything

How often has it happened that because of work you forgot to devote time to other things. For example, in the evening you were going to read a book, but you didn’t notice how time had flown by and now it was time to sleep.

Now, when you start scheduling your day, you will have the right to decide how to spend your free time. You will relieve your brain of the need to remember everything, as you will transfer plans to paper and periodically look there.

+ All successful people plan their lives

You ask: “But why should I plan my life if no one around me does it?” Then I have a counter question: “Who do you look up to?”

If you want to be like successful athletes and businessmen, it is advisable to start planning. People like Donald Trump, Michael Jordan, Bill Gates and others plan their day almost minute by minute.

+ Satisfaction

Often at the end of the day I feel slightly tired, but at the same time I feel satisfied with the day. Knowing that I have accomplished so many things is simply inspiring.

Disadvantages of planning

I wouldn't call these cons. Rather, they are mistakes that people make when planning. It's OK. How to correct and not make these mistakes again is written in the following paragraphs.

– Unexpected circumstances

The most difficult thing begins when unexpected circumstances burst into life and ruin plans. Remember that you cannot know everything in advance.

No one has 100% control over life.

– Stress

If for some reason plans fall apart, many begin to feel stressed and give up. Thus, they bend to the circumstances. Now fate has control over them. But this cannot be allowed.

- New opportunities

New opportunities can come at any time. And if your plans don't fit, those opportunities quickly slip away.

– Frames

Poor planning can easily force you into a box and keep you there until you learn to adapt to circumstances.

– Routine

Making a to-do list is much more fun than following it. The same activities every day get boring, and there is a desire to postpone or give up on everything. Gradually, life according to a schedule can turn into a routine.

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