How to manage your attention? Six steps to full concentration

A few days ago we talked about the main secret of the Focus project. There is also a major mistake that we made when using focus. This mistake cost us effort, tension and slow movement forward and upward. Sometimes we simply skidded on the spot, although many people think that we took off so quickly in just three years.

Now, looking back, we see that it can be done even easier and faster. Only fools learn from their own mistakes, smart people learn from others. Don't be like us, be like the smart ones. We are talking about this error right now in a closed online project. Our goal is for you to immediately apply your focus correctly and change your life.


The spider feels the vibrations of its web and crawls out of the shelter to “swaddle” the entangled “game”. If he doesn't see her, he hides. The next vibration of the web appears again, but when all this is repeated many times, the spider stops paying attention to it. Act the same way he did. Train yourself to ignore the quiet gossip of your desk neighbor, giggles from Kamchatka, or requests to write off. For you, there is only HE - the beacon of knowledge and wisdom - the teacher who explains the topic of the lesson, and everything else is not worth your attention.

Focus determines destiny

It is not easy to believe in such statements, especially for a new, inexperienced person. However, we do not ask you to take your word for it. In this article we will examine the concept and how people use focus of attention at different Levels of consciousness. At the end of the article there is a link to a project that you should join immediately if you want to set up and learn how to use focus correctly.

Topic : Are you okay! Stop working on yourself! It is precisely what your focus of attention is that increases. Just don't water the weeds, they will dry out on their own.

What is focus of attention?

Focus of attention is a tool for shaping reality. The ability to manage it is the main factor determining a person’s perception, behavior and destiny.

Where is your attention - this is where you want to be closer. When I first realized what I had been striving for for many years, it was both funny and sad.

TOT focus is focusing on the presence of what you want. Globally - TOT School and we, as its authors, invite you to find what is inside you - love, harmony, joy, strength, wisdom, relaxation, trust. And keep the focus on the presence of this.

On the way to your source, painful memories, beliefs, and fears are encountered and easily transformed. But, since we continue to focus on the truth, on your power and source, the entire process of transformation - liberation of the source from everything superficial, not yours, goes much faster, softer and more environmentally friendly.

You go through the spiral of disclosure much easier and come to harmony within in a shorter way. In this case, everything that needs to be healed is healed.

Topic : Challenge S.O.S. - doubts, assessments, judgments. These thoughts are the biggest enemies of dreams. If you stop thinking only about them, then changes will come at lightning speed! Verified.

Show your interest

Be interested in the lesson. In some subjects, such as mathematics, this will be difficult. But! You can always cheat: show interest not in the topic of the lesson, but in solving the tasks. Imagine that the correctness of your answer determines how much pocket money you will receive this week. This way, you will have a desire to remember the teacher’s words.

These are the simplest ways to help you learn to concentrate in class. Arm yourself with them and begin to “gnaw” the granite of science.

Tags: rules of conduct, personal psychology, working on yourself, attention, learning, memorization

How to use Focus at different Levels of Consciousness

  • Level 1 - SLEEPING

Doesn't know about focus at all. Unconsciously creates more and more situations that you don’t like. He doesn’t think about how and why everything happens. He lives as if he were sleeping.

  • Level 2 – FIGHTER

Even if I heard about the trick, I understood little and did not transfer it to a conscious level. He lives unconsciously, but is not satisfied with the circumstances of life and begins to change them and fight them. Often, the more you struggle, the more you struggle with. And then he moves to the Seeker level.

  • Level 3 – SEEKER

Thinks about the relationship between events and circumstances. Starts with a search for reasons: the search field at this level is huge. Many methods have been created that explain the causes in their own way and offer means of changing the causes and problems.

The more he searches, the more he finds and the further he gets from his goal. The focus is entirely on what you don’t want, what you don’t like, and what you’re afraid of.

We made our first quantum leap when, through an effort of will, we shifted our focus, and this helped us quickly move to the next level of consciousness - within a few weeks.

Topic : What does it mean to consciously think in images? Today on the agenda are my thoughts about what it means to consciously think in images and several phenomena closely related to this concept.

  • Level 4 - PERSONALITY

Knows the power of focus. He doesn’t always use it yet; familiar tracks sometimes lead a person into old experiences and fears. But he quickly turns his attention. A level of growing awareness allows you to see thoughts and consciously choose what to think about.

  • Level 5 – PLAYER

Knows the power of focus of attention and consciously uses his ability to play with focus, to create life using focus of attention. Everything is easy and simple.

  • Level 6 - MAG

Knows about the depth of the power of the focus of attention, about what strengthens the focus many times, about the state. He still cannot always control his state, but strives to master and discover the deep state of the Creator in himself.

  • Level 7 – CREATOR

The Creator creates the main driving force of everything - his state. Knows about the keys that enable the desired state at the right time. Focus is automatic and easy to adjust.

On topic : 7 differences in the way rich people think. Recently I found a short note about the differences in the way of thinking of rich and poor people. Everything resonated inside me and I recognized my past self in all 7 points.

Don't take anything continues

For those who have truly given up, it would be understandable if the answer was… “I’m just going with the flow.” It's great if you've made it this far. But I tell you that there is also a risk in accepting whatever is going on, and that if it leaks into your consciousness, then it will not serve your Soul's journey, because it may continue to pull you back into the density of the Old Paradigm.

We now live in two worlds, not one. In the Old Paradigm, all around you, you will witness the effort and struggle to maintain a seemingly safe and secure lifestyle that fits the system. It is very dense, seeping into your emotions and thoughts, which then creates cyclical feedback loops in the human psyche based on the feeling of lack: I need to have this to be happy; I need to consume it to feel satisfied; I need to do this to be loved; I need to control my surroundings to be safe. And especially now, as dramatic climate change deprives the system of essential nutritional resources, this sense of scarcity and need for control is intensified.

If you allow repetitive and unconscious control mechanisms to simply control key aspects of your life, the risk is to build fixed neural pathways in the brain that then release neuropeptides that cause these feelings of lack in our body cells. The bodymind then craves the fulfillment of these cycles, causing real physical/emotional/mental pain if these desires are not fully satisfied.

If you look at it, this is exactly how, to one degree or another, a lot of people live. And even when you are awakened, there are still many consciousness programs around you that can easily drag you down.

Types of attention.

The role of attention, if you take a closer look in one form or another, is spoken of in almost all spiritual directions and paths of self-knowledge. However, for the most part this is just general superficial reasoning. This happens for the simple reason that Attention is the basic practice of general internal improvement.

There are five known types of attention:

- first attention: radial - second attention: spherical - third attention: volumetric - fourth attention: spatial - fifth attention: extra-spatial

Psychology has made progress in studying type 1 attention. Attention of the second and subsequent types is a phenomenon for psychologists; accordingly, people who have developed abilities to master the practical skills of the second and subsequent types of attention are rare, and, as a rule, have extraordinary supernatural abilities.

The first four types of attention create a single field of human attention, combining together the functions of all subtle human bodies. You will learn from our lesson what the features of each of the five types of attention are, how to develop them and how to apply them practically in everyday life and in spiritual practice.

In everyday life, a person uses only the first type of attention, which is sometimes called “radial”. Ray, because a “ray of attention” is directed from the chakra to the object of knowledge. The source of ray attention is the chakras and the entire human chakra system. It is radial attention that is the main type of attention and a tool for understanding the subtle nature of the internal and external world of a person.

Physiological and subtle-material mechanisms of attention are interconnected into a single system of “energetic” astral vision of a person, and disruption of the work of any of the components of these systems leads to disruption of radial attention as a whole. Nowadays, a disease called “attention deficit” . Medical workers note the manifestation of such a physiological disorder, leading to inattention, hyperactivity, increased impulsiveness, inability to bring started tasks to their logical conclusion, transition from one task to another, inability to strictly follow instructions, inability to remember information, inability to retain information for a long time. memory of general details and the flow of the conversation itself, constant switching of attention , etc. manifestations that ultimately lead to visible difficulties not only in the learning process, but also in carrying out professional/household/personal affairs and responsibilities.

If we approach the search for the root cause of this disease from the point of view of subtle material and energetic processes, then the main root cause lies in the disruption of the interaction between the physiological and energy systems of the body, which ultimately leads to disruption of the frontal lobes of the brain and the “prescription” of incorrect neural connections, responsible for the tactical and strategic behavior of a person’s personality, the current energy through which triggers mechanisms that reduce the concentration of a person’s intellectual abilities.

Healing attention deficit is possible with the help of certain techniques, practices and training methods aimed at increasing concentration , as well as acquiring the ability to manage one’s attention.

We invite you to practice, where we will consider in more detail aspects of attention deficit, existing types of attention and their features. Also in today’s lesson FeelingKnowledge Practice 9, you will get to know yourself and check which types of attention “work” best for you.

How to manage your attention

Everything in the world competes for our attention: people, messengers, media. How we use it will ultimately determine our satisfaction with life, work and ourselves. For example, it may seem that we are constantly busy, but projects that are important to us are not moving anywhere. Or we constantly do not have enough time for important things, everything is spent only on routine. In fact, this is the result of improper distribution of attention.

Turn off all notifications

The most basic advice, but it is also the most guaranteed to be effective. The reaction to notifications is rapid dopamine. But if you're constantly distracted by the blinking Telegram window or email notifications, you'll lose the focus you need to solve more complex problems.


Determine your priorities for the day and follow them. It’s okay (and right) to say “no” to things that don’t suit them. Try not to be distracted by tasks that seem easier and faster to you: they will prevent you from doing larger things.

Attention is money

Distribute your attention the same way you distribute money. The resource of attention (like money) is finite - spend it only on those things that will truly bring you satisfaction. To understand where you spend your time and attention, analyze several of your work days and see where you spent the most attention. Mark those things that helped you accomplish what you planned for the day or relax. Everything else is irritants and things that steal your attention. Try to get rid of them.

Stop multitasking - it's harmful

Sometimes work requires you to switch from one thing to another frequently, but in the long run this makes you feel always busy and interferes with productivity. Multitasking mode is useful for simple and routine tasks, but is not suitable for serious tasks that require immersion and focus. Don't try to multitask - work on one thing at a time.

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