Defects of legal socialization. Normal and pathological family


Personality, Process, Social, Man, Society, Formation, Given, Development Why do some people commit crimes and others do not?
A person is not born a criminal, but he is not born with predetermined social and positive properties - otherwise there would be no need for education. His actually human traits, his personality are formed precisely because from the moment of birth he is not just a biological individual, but a social being. This specifically human essence is a consequence of the process of socialization, that is, the process of normal inclusion of a person into society, starting from early childhood. A person gets to know the social environment around him, establishes certain relationships with it and acquires certain qualities and properties that influence his behavior. And first of all, he acquires the ability to act in the most expedient, practically justifiable way. The problem of a criminal’s personality is in many ways a problem of its formation, and the problem of criminal behavior is a problem of the origin of such behavior, its conditionality by the social connections with the outside world into which the person enters.

The process of personal socialization goes through three main phases in its development.

· The first phase consists of mastering social values ​​and norms, as a result of which the individual learns to conform to the whole society.

· The second phase consists in the individual’s desire for personalization, self-actualization and a certain impact on other members of society.

· The third phase consists of the integration of each person into a certain social group, where he reveals his own properties and capabilities.

Only the consistent flow of the entire process can lead to its successful completion.

The main criterion for the socialization of a person is the degree of his independence, confidence, independence, initiative, lack of complexes, autonomy of the organization and the implementation of his life activities.

3 pages, 1262 words

Problems of socialization of children from families of alcoholics

CONTENTS INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………………………3 CHAPTER I. ALCOHOLIZATION OF THE POPULATION AS AN CURRENT SOCIAL PROBLEM OF MODERN RUSSIAN SOCIETY………………………… …………………….……………………….8 1.1.Alcohol abuse: the essence of the concept, condition, problems and reasons for the formation of prevalence in Russia………..8 1.2.Characteristics of a modern family of alcoholics and problems of socialization of children...

The main goal of socialization of an individual is to satisfy his “needs for self-realization” (according to A. Maslow) and to develop the ability to successfully achieve this goal.


Hyperthymia, on the one hand, contributes to the quick and easy establishment of contacts, and on the other hand, people of this type often have difficulty building deep, serious relationships, rather than superficial ones.

This applies to friendly, love, family and business relationships, where any violation of hypertim’s leadership causes an acute negative reaction in him. When establishing love contacts and creating a family, it is very important how well people match their psychotypes.

How the personal life of hyperthyms with other types develops is discussed in the table below:

Hypertim and emotiveEmotives are distinguished by their kindness, humanity and patience, therefore, in such a couple, both everyday life and responsibility for maintaining the relationship will depend on them, since active hypertims care little about such things. Unlike hyperthyms, emotives have a weak nervous system and, despite all their patience, cannot always withstand the antics of hyperthyms.
Hyperthym and schizoidThey are complete opposites in their worldview, since a schizoid does not like active immersion in social life and strives to minimize contacts, while a hyperthymic person needs live communication like air.
A serious relationship or marriage is possible only if the schizoid is a woman and the hyperthymic is a man.
Hyperthymia and hysteroidThe hysteroid has a weak nervous system, unlike hyperthymic, but in contrast to the schizoid, who avoids communications, he strives in every possible way to stand out, to be noticed, to attract attention. For this reason, a kind of competition may arise between hyperthymic and hysteroid, and the suppression of one by the other will negatively affect the relationship.
Hyperthym and epileptioidThe epileptioid has a complex character, the defining features of which are tediousness, suspiciousness, vindictiveness, and hypochondria. At the same time, such people require others to recognize their authoritarianism. In the case of a union between hyperthymic and epileptioid, it will be difficult for them to constantly find common ground, since they are too different and both strive for leadership. Most often, such marriages have selfish overtones, and there is a significant age difference between the partners.

The sources of personal socialization are:

· early childhood experience – the formation of mental functions and elementary forms of behavior;

· social institutions – systems of upbringing, training and education;

· mutual influence of people in the process of communication and activity.

In social psychology, it is customary to distinguish three spheres of human socialization: activity, communication and self-awareness.

The process of socialization itself includes the main stages of socialization of the individual:

· Primary socialization - the process proceeds from birth to the formation of the individual;

· Secondary socialization – at this stage, a restructuring of the personality occurs during the period of maturity and stay in society.

Let us consider this process depending on age in more detail at each stage.

Childhood - socialization begins from birth and develops from the earliest stage of development. As you know, it is at this age that almost 70% of the personality of each person is formed. If this process is delayed, irreversible consequences can be traced, since it is in childhood that the beginning of socialization itself is laid. Until the age of 7, understanding one’s own “I” occurs in a more natural way than in older years.

Adolescence is an equally important social stage in the general life cycle of each individual, since during this stage the greatest number of physiological changes occur, puberty and personality formation begin. From the age of 13, children try to take on as many responsibilities as possible.

19 pages, 9448 words

Peculiarities of mental development of an adult’s personality

... work is the essence of the psychology of an adult, because... Every adult is a personality, individuality, uniqueness. V. Conclusion. The process of socialization of adults from the point of view of psychology is considered ... the timing of education and professional training, their importance has increased, “youth has become the most valued age, influencing with its tastes, values, habits, etc. on the …

Youth (early maturity) - the age of 16 is considered the most dangerous and stressful, since now each individual independently and consciously decides for himself which society to join, chooses for himself the most suitable social society in which he will stay for quite a long time.

In older years (approximately between the ages of 18 and 30), basic instincts and developments of socialization are redirected to work and personal life, love. The first ideas about oneself come to every young man or girl through work experience, sexual relationships and friendship. Improper mastery of them, or perception of oneself can lead to serious irreversible consequences.

Primary socialization plays a particularly important role in the formation of personality, when the child still unconsciously assimilates patterns and behavior patterns and typical reactions of elders to certain problems.

Defects in early socialization can have criminogenic significance primarily because the child has not yet learned other positive influences; he is completely dependent on his elders and is defenseless against them. Therefore, the family is the main link in the causal chain influencing criminal behavior.

The decisive role is played not by the composition of the family, not by the relationship between the parents, but by their emotional attitude towards the child and targeted moral education.

It is on the foundation laid in childhood that conscious ideas, concepts, and representations are layered, and elements of developed consciousness are formed with varying degrees of success. In life, all the components of the socialization process are naturally closely intertwined and inseparable from each other.

The process of the emergence of connections and associations in the human psyche continues continuously, it leads to the formation of more and more new connections and more and more new reflexes. So, for example, when a child is told after his bad deed: taking someone else’s thing is not good, this is theft, then in his mind an association arises between unpleasant experiences - a consequence of a wrong action - and the word, the concept of “theft”. In the future, as a person grows and develops, this concept alone will be able to perform a restraining function.

12 pages, 5560 words

The influence of socialization defects on the conflict behavior of adolescents

...socialization. Socialization (from the Latin socialis - social) is the process of assimilation and reproduction by a person of the cultural and historical experience (knowledge, skills, norms, values, styles of behavior, etc.) of that society... we were talking about a purposeful pedagogical impact, which has its direct the purpose of formation... in society. It is in the family that the child feels like a single community and...

By mastering such concepts, the child begins to value what the whole society values, and to despise what it despises. This contributes to the development of socially significant tastes, inclinations, and preferences.

General characteristics of hyperthymia

Hyperthymia in psychology is an accentuated (most pronounced) character trait, which manifests itself in a person’s prevailing good mood throughout life, in his energy, high vitality, and activity.

At the physiological level, in such people the processes of excitation of the nervous system prevail over the processes of inhibition. Hyperthymic people often strive to gain a leading position, both in family and social life, are not too picky about contacts, and cannot tolerate the state of loneliness.

Hyperthymia in psychology - a definition will help you figure out what kind of character trait it is.

Most often, they successfully realize their potential in professions that require powerful energy output:

  • artist;
  • singer;
  • politician.

It is wrong to say that hyperthymic people are good or bad people. Like other personality types, they have a number of both positive and negative character traits, which in different situations affect their lives differently.

Negative traits

Those who have not previously met people of this type are surprised to notice how true the statement is that first impressions are very deceptive.

Behind the image of a lively and cheerful hypertimid person, who seemed to be able to turn everything he didn’t touch into a holiday, very unpleasant character traits are revealed, of which there are quite a few.

The negative aspects of such a personality are:

  • fussiness, attention to detail and lack of global goals;
  • inability to concentrate on monotonous work;
  • the habit of starting several things at the same time and not finishing them;
  • disregard for generally accepted moral principles and sometimes laws;
  • inconstancy in all areas of life (in love, work, hobbies);
  • the desire for leadership, demonstration of one’s dominant position and the expectation of its recognition by others;
  • craving for rash, adventurous and risky actions;
  • lack of punctuality and commitment;

  • tendency to aggression, hysteria, psychopathy.

Positive features

The advantages of the hyperthymic personality type include:

  • a good (even excellent) mood, which is a familiar and ordinary state for such people and depends little on the influence of various factors and life circumstances;
  • absence of despondency, blues, habit of complaining a lot about life and perceiving everything in black terms;
  • energy, activity, activity;
  • excellent communication skills, publicity;
  • thirst for freedom, independence, new discoveries and acquaintances;
  • dislike of boredom and monotony.

Some qualities of hyperthyms can be both advantages and disadvantages in different situations. For example, a dislike of monotony forces them to move forward all the time, which contributes to the development of the personality as a whole and the conquest of new heights.

However, sometimes this trait can prevent them from showing a little more perseverance and perseverance when performing some tasks that seem boring to them and achieving the desired result.

In general, the predominance of negative or positive traits in hyperthyms is determined by the upbringing they received and the environment that influenced the development of their personality.


Outwardly, many hyperthyms look very peculiar, and may differ from others in their behavior, facial expressions and gestures.

Most often, such people stand out in a crowd because:

  • They dress brightly, expressively, wanting to attract attention. At the same time, their main priority remains personal comfort and their image may not always be neat and impeccable;
  • have a good body constitution - most often they are thin, flexible and mobile;

  • like to talk loudly, excitedly, often interrupting others;
  • all their emotions are reflected on their face, their facial expressions are very lively and active;
  • when talking, they gesticulate a lot and wave their arms;
  • have a hasty, fast gait.

Forms of deviant behavior according to V.D. Mendelevich

Deviations can be both individual and group in nature. Individual deviations are not dependent on the behavior of others. A distinctive feature of group deviations are similar forms of deviant behavior among close associates and authority figures in the reference group. There may be a manifestation of group pressure here.

Deviant forms of behavior can be temporary and permanent, stable and unstable.

There are spontaneous and planned, structured and unstructured types of deviant behavior. Structured – all the roles of the participants are clearly defined. Planned are regulated.

Expansive and non-expansive deviations. Expansive ones involve intrusion into the spheres of people’s lives and activities.

Egoistic and altruistic deviations. Selfishness is self-love. Altruism is self-sacrifice for the sake of other people.

Conscious and unconscious deviations.

Primary and secondary deviations. Primary – any forms of non-normative behavior. Secondary – confirm the deviant’s adherence to the label attached to him.

Types of hyperthymia

Hyperthymia in psychology is a certain type of personality, which is characterized by the possession of a stable, strong psyche and, in connection with this, the presence of great energy potential aimed at building an active and varied social life.

However, most often in hyperthymas other traits characteristic of other types appear, since in their pure form such characters are quite rare.

In this regard, the following types of hyperthymia are distinguished:

  • affective – characterized by hostility, conflict, hot temper, aggression;
  • unstable - for such hyperthyms, leisure and entertainment come first in life. They do not stay long in one workplace and, in pursuit of vivid sensations, tend to commit immoral acts and commit crimes. Often they have some kind of addiction - gambling, alcoholism, drug addiction;
  • hysterical - in such hyperthymic people their strong point - the stability of the nervous system - suffers. They love to become objects of increased attention, consider themselves unsurpassed, but at the same time they are emotionally vulnerable and react poorly to various stressful situations;
  • cyclical - this type exhibits mood swings when social activity gives way to apathy and indifference to others. In this case, hyperthymia finds its expression in inflated self-esteem, promiscuity in relationships, and disdain for the interests of other people.

Clinical forms of deviant behavior:

1) aggression;

2) auto-aggression;

3) abuse of substances that cause changes in mental activity;

4) eating disorders (anorexia nervosa - refusal to eat, bulimia nervosa - overeating);

5) anomalies of sexual behavior (in sexology it is customary to distinguish between individual and partner norms); requirements for partners: number of partners, their maturity, desire to achieve mutual agreement, no damage to their own health, the health and comfort of other people;

6) extremely valuable psychological hobbies (passionate love for something);

7) overvalued psychopathological hobbies (kleptomania, querulantism - an increased sense of justice);

8) characterological and pathocharacterological reactions (emancipation); Paranoid personality disorder, schizoid personality disorder, dissocial personality disorder (disregard for the feelings of others) may be present here.

9) communicative deviations (over-communication);

10) immoral and immoral behavior;

11) unaesthetic behavior, or deviations in behavioral style.

So, any behavior that causes disapproval of public opinion is called deviant. This is an extremely wide range of phenomena - from ticketless travel to the murder of a person. In a broad sense, a deviant is any person who has gone astray or deviated from the norm of behavior.

Age characteristics

Hyperthymia begins to manifest itself in character from early childhood. Psychologists believe that the earlier parents manage to understand the nature of their child’s disobedience, the greater the chance of correcting his behavior, redirecting his potential in the right direction.

This will not only help parents survive the teenage crisis in the future, but will also contribute to the formation of a more mature and responsible personality. In the preschool period, the child may already exhibit some features of hyperthymia.

And although most children are restless and disobedient, a hyperthymic child will stand out among others with his special restlessness, talkativeness, and disobedience.

From an early age, he strives to be independent in everything, does not listen to the requests of adults, but at the same time tries to behave with them on equal terms - interrupts, tries to influence their decisions, manipulates.

Among his peers, he feels like a leader and commands them. May show excessive persistence, which often leads to conflicts.

At school, hyperthymia manifests itself even more. As a rule, such children study well, but they have serious problems with discipline and behavior.

It is difficult for them to sit in one place for a long time during lessons, to concentrate on tasks, while they are very curious, but being interested in everything, they do not stop at anything, which is why they often change clubs and sections.

To redirect energy in the right direction, they try to involve such children in various kinds of active school events and send them to sports.

During puberty, hyperthymia manifests itself to its maximum. A hyperthymic teenager does not tolerate any control and often demonstrates extreme forms of protest against any encroachments on her.

It can be:

  • bad habits;
  • absences from classes;
  • leaving home.

Such children are aggressive and embittered and do not recognize authority. They can begin to have a sexual life early. Among their peers they are leaders in companies, provided that they find an environment in which their leadership is recognized.

What hyperthymia will be like in adulthood largely depends on the actions of the parents. If the parents tried to curb their child, but did not lose touch with him, then with a high probability the hyperthym will become an ordinary full-fledged member of society with a slightly more cheerful disposition than other people.

He will adapt and learn to understand the scope and boundaries of what is permitted. If contact was lost due to excessive pressure or the child was not cared for at all, as an adult he may not show his best.

Here addictions, irresponsibility, and loss of interest in normal social life can develop. A constant thirst for fun and an unformed understanding of generally accepted norms can ultimately lead to an immoral lifestyle.


If you want to correct some shortcomings in the character of hyperthyma, you can try to work through them by practicing the following activities:

  • “finish to the end” - being carried away by many things, hyperthymic individuals often abandon their projects, so they should concentrate on completing previously started tasks. You should not grab onto everything at once, let each undertaking wait for its time and be completed in the order of priority that the hyperthymic person himself determines, which will never be completed;
  • "maintaining cleanliness" - not distinguished by neatness, hyperthyms often live slovenly, in chaos, which has a very bad effect on their mental activity, as it becomes scattered and disorderly. To form the right habits, you should start small - every day, first put things in order in one area (table, closet), then expand it, while at the same time trying to get rid of unnecessary unnecessary thoughts;

  • “making plans” is another technique that allows you to remove chaos from the life of hyperthyms. Its essence is that you need to learn to isolate the main thing, making plans for the day in writing and ranking them in order of importance.

Features of communication

Hyperthymia in psychology is a special psychotype of personality, distinguished by its irrepressible energy, optimism and increased desire to communicate.

However, despite the apparent ease and attractiveness of such people, when interacting with them, various kinds of misunderstandings and misunderstandings often arise due to their negative traits - optionality, neglect, inconstancy.

Therefore, when building relationships with hyperthymes, you should take into account some features:

  • in love relationships, in family, marriage - having a significant concentration of sexual energy, hyperthymas are extremely attractive to the opposite sex. They can have many relationships, in parallel, and are often polygamous, so you should not expect loyalty from such a person. It doesn’t make much sense to create scandals about this either. In this situation, you should either accept and forgive the hypertim-cheater, or break up with him forever;
  • in work - hyperthyms are precisely those people for whom collective relationships are very important. In them they receive recognition, significance and simply find like-minded people and friends. Their careers are most successful either in the creative field or in diplomacy, sales, or politics. Boring professions like accountant or librarian are not suitable for them. Wanting to achieve their goals at work, they can resort to various tricks, weave intrigues, and frame their colleagues;
  • in friendships - on the one hand, hypertims have many friends, but at the same time, all their connections are mostly superficial and there are no reliable people next to them, proven over the years. But it is not difficult to enter the sphere of trust in a hyperteam, because after just a few meetings he considers the person his friend. But again, this doesn’t really mean anything, since he needs these kinds of friends for a fun pastime, but he’s unlikely to rush to come to their aid, just as he himself understands that he won’t be able to rely on these people for help. if necessary.

Raising a hyperthymic child

The way of life and the path he will take in adulthood will largely depend on the upbringing of a hyperthymic child.

Starting from an early age, children’s energy should be directed in the right direction - invite the child to attend sections and hobby groups, explain to him the generally accepted rules and norms, teach him to be responsible and obligatory and not give up halfway.

For such children, it is also important to adhere to the daily routine, proper organization of the educational process and completion of lessons. Do not put too much pressure on your child and force him to sit for hours on books.

It will be much more beneficial if he completes the tasks to the end, interrupted by small pauses, than if he suffers for a long time without a break and in the end simply hates this whole process and stops learning altogether.

In adolescence, you should strengthen control over the child’s environment, monitor whether he misses classes or deceives adults.

During this period, it is important to find a line in order to be able to control the life of a teenager, but not turn into a despot in his eyes and not lose contact with him, as this will further exacerbate his desire to try and do everything that is prohibited.


Examples of hyperthymia can include both real individuals and various fictional characters. There are many hyperthymic people among famous people, which is due to the characteristics and characteristics of this personality type.

Such people include comedians Kharlamov, Urgant, Galustyan, actor Jim Carrey, circus performer Oleg Popov. Among politicians, Gaius Julius Caesar and John Kennedy were hypertimics.

A striking example of fictional hyperthymic images are the girl Masha from the modern cartoon series “Masha and the Bear”, as well as Carlson from the Soviet cartoon “Kid and Carlson”.


In general, the first general impression of hyperthyma is good. They are smart, charming, talkative, and know how to win over and be the life of the party.

However, with closer communication, not the most pleasant qualities may appear:

  • optional;
  • lack of punctuality;
  • coarseness;

  • superficial attitude towards people and life in general.

It is easier to make friends with such people for those who have a similar type of character and are themselves hyperthymic.

Hyperthymic people are helped in life by their energy, resistance to stress and optimism. They are not inclined to give up and give up where others would have stopped fighting long ago.

Methods of self-control and communication with hyperthymia

The most effective way of self-control is keeping a diary, where you should write down your plans. Then, after a short period (2-3 hours) of time, reduce them.

This will help you systematize all the information in your head, soberly assess your strengths, avoid making empty promises, and finish more of the things you started.

Another way is a kind of “punishment” that a hyperteam can set for itself for not completing a task on time or come up with together with a loved one. When building communication with hypertim, you should not be deceived and expect him to fulfill everything that he promises.

If hyperthym becomes depressed, then, of course, it is worth supporting him, but you don’t need to worry too much about his condition, since usually such people very quickly forget about their sadness and continue to move forward with new strength.

Hyperthymia in psychology is a special type of character and mental qualities of a person that allow him to go through life easily and with optimism. Being attractive personalities, such people become the heart of any company and are always surrounded by many acquaintances and friends.

However, their optionality and superficiality often prevents them from having a family and organizing their lives in all other areas.


The classification of hyperthymia is similar to the division of this psychotype by type, but has a slightly larger position:

  • sthenic – characterized by mental instability and increased craving for artificial simulators, since hyperthymic people of this type experience a constant need to feel strong joyful emotions;
  • pedantic - this type tends to pay excessive attention to details, is somewhat slow in comparison with classic hyperthymia;
  • affective – often produces inappropriate reactions (aggression, hot temper) even to quite ordinary things;
  • hysterical – develops against the background of prolonged stress, manifests itself in the desire to prove to everyone around one’s superiority;
  • cyclical – characterized by frequent mood changes;
  • radical - the most “pure” type of hyperthymia, which is characterized by excessive love of life and optimism, which often does not allow an objective assessment of the situation;
  • explosive - similar to cyclic, but occurs due to mechanical reasons, due to head injuries suffered by hyperthymas. Characterized by outbursts of anger and an inability to cope with failures with dignity.
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