Formation and development of cognitive processes consultation (grade 1) on the topic

Higher or complex cognitive processes

Mind or intellect

What is mind or intellect?
This is a set of abilities that allow us to solve various problems. Nowadays Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences is very popular. Gardner argues that there is no single type of intelligence, and that it is preferable to use different abilities depending on the situation and field of activity. Intrapersonal, linguistic, logical-mathematical, and musical intelligence are examples of this higher cognitive process. Nowadays, the importance of emotional intelligence is also emphasized, which is so necessary for us to cope in everyday situations.

There are very specific signs that characterize smart people. However, there are also special strategies for developing intelligence. This higher brain process is not static and cannot be limited only by the result obtained in an IQ test.


The complexity and diversity of our thoughts is fascinating. This higher mental process is responsible for problem solving, reasoning, decision making, creative thinking, divergent thinking, etc.

To facilitate these functions, our brain creates thoughts and judgments. We need to group ideas, objects, people, etc. It helps us speed up our mental processes. However, in our desire to be logical, we ignore the fact of how irrational we actually are.

We use shortcuts to help us think faster and avoid having to analyze all the information. This leads to cognitive biases, which are deviations from normal reasoning. For example, we sometimes believe that we can predict the outcome of a gambling game.

In fact, often cognitive biases lead to cognitive distortions, extremely negative and irrational thoughts, such as “the whole world hates me.” However, we ourselves are able to stop our obsessive thoughts.


It's amazing that we can produce and understand different words and sounds, combine countless letters and sentences, accurately express what we want to communicate, etc. This is how we complement our body language with words. We can even speak several languages.

Speech development occurs throughout our life cycle. Each person's communication skills are different and can improve with practice. Some speech disorders can be particularly difficult to communicate for a variety of reasons, but people with these problems can also be helped.

Cognitive Processes in Education: Applications and Examples

In psychology, mental processes are analyzed to help improve our quality of life. It is important that we learn to develop and manage ourselves from birth. In the classroom, we encounter a variety of activities that test our ability to absorb knowledge, listen to our peers, or solve unexpected problems.

Cognitive processes in learning

There are various learning theories. However, with the exception of a number of defenders of the theory of associative learning, none of them ignores mental processes. On the other hand, during learning, no cognitive process occurs independently of the others. We make an effort and use all our resources to improve our study skills and achieve meaningful learning.

Cognitive Processes in Reading

When we open a book, we must recognize the letters, not be distracted, remember the words we read, relate what we read to what we learned earlier, etc.

However, we process information differently depending on whether we just want to find a passage that interests us, study for an exam, or simply want to enjoy a story.

Cognitive Processes in Writing

As for the mental processes involved in writing, the same thing happens here as in reading. We must ignore noises that interfere with our writing, ensure that our handwriting is legible, remember what we have written previously, pay attention to spelling, etc.

It is also necessary that we properly plan what we intend to write about. Is this expression too common? Will others understand what I want to convey? Does this zero look like the letter "o"?

How to improve cognitive or cognitive processes? Tips and exercises

Whether you are looking for cognitive development exercises for children or want to improve your own mental processes, we will give you some general recommendations on how to achieve what you want. Our cognitive abilities can be trained at any age.

Take care of your health

Our physical and mental health are inextricably linked with cognitive processes. There are various bad habits that threaten our mental health and reduce our productivity in various areas of life. For example, the habit of looking away from a mobile phone for a long time before going to bed, underestimating ourselves, not taking care of our relationships with other people, or eating poorly have a negative impact on our mental processes.

Take advantage of technological advances

Today, there are various exercises, such as mind games, that can test and train your brain in a simple and fun way. Neuroeducation helps us better understand how our brains learn and develop our thinking processes.

Celebrate your successes

Regular use of self-assessment or self-testing tools allows us to note our progress, weaknesses and continue to improve. It is important to understand that it is possible to develop your cognitive processes, such as intelligence or speech. It's a matter of practice and trusting yourself.

Develop critical thinking

Asking questions and not accepting any answer helps us become more independent and competent. Critical thinking allows us to improve our ability to think, make connections between thoughts, develop language, deeply analyze our environment, etc. Curiosity is essential to maximizing our potential.

There are many ways to develop critical thinking in children. You can ask them what motivated a person to behave in a certain way, ask them to give the arguments they used to make a particular decision, or offer to argue with someone who takes the opposite position on some issue. You can try to do this yourself.


As we mentioned earlier, reading involves many cognitive processes. Besides the fact that reading gives us pleasure and brings new knowledge, reading is a great way to learn how to solve a single problem or improve our communication skills.

Make time for creativity

Draw, write stories, compose songs, invent dances, participate in a theater production... It doesn’t matter what exactly we choose, the important thing is that we find time to be creative. Every person is born with the ability to create, and starting to create is a matter of practice and trust in yourself.

Creative tasks are extremely beneficial for our cognitive processes. They help us develop intelligence, concentration, the ability to find original ways to solve problems, fix our attention, relax, etc.

Avoid multitasking

Sometimes we don't understand how to cope with all our responsibilities. It’s logical that we try to do everything at the same time in order to finish everything as quickly as possible. However, this habit is counterproductive. It is very harmful when children do different things at the same time and are not completely absorbed in one thing.

It's amazing that we can coordinate several mental processes at once. But when we're simultaneously trying to watch a movie, answer an email, write a report for work, remember the to-do notes in our diary, and keep an eye on the oven cooking...we're probably not going to get any of the tasks done well.

You need to focus on the present to enjoy the moment and be more effective. This is the best way to complete further tasks correctly.

If you want to help children, let them cope with difficulties on their own.

It is important to support children so that they know that they can always count on our help. But if a child gets used to the fact that people around him will rush to solve all his problems at the first call, he himself will not begin to solve problems that improve his intelligence, and will not look for alternatives that contribute to the development of his basic cognitive abilities.

We need to act only when necessary. You can suggest something to the child so that he makes an effort and moves in the right direction when solving a problem, while at the same time understanding that he can count on our support.

If you'd like to learn more about cognitive processes or want to review what you've read here, we invite you to watch this video on cognition, which covers cognitive processes in psychology.


Cognitive processes (cognitive)

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Voight Tatyana Sergeevna.

You must go to the first pair and the last one.

Ask if it is not clear. Straightaway.

Psychological Dictionary. Ed. Zinchenko, Mishcheryakova. This dictionary most clearly describes the content of various concepts.

Textbook: Vasiliev. Most widely circulated. Available on the Internet. 1991 Enough to pass.

For questions

Last year's certification procedure is on the Law Firm website. But certain changes have been made.

How is the credit obtained? Point system. At least 51 points to receive credit. Several ways to get them.

1 strategy – test, 100 points, 51 – test. The test will consist of two parts: theoretical part = 50 points, practical part = practical tasks within the course, this will be the simplest of those.

It is planned to open a teacher’s page on the faculty portal.

Classes may be rescheduled. The deadlines for delivery of work may be shifted accordingly, etc.

Strategy 2 – completing work as you progress through the course and gaining points. Important point: 1. You can submit no more than five works. 2. Work must be submitted within a strictly specified time frame. The completed work in printed form is submitted at the lecture that follows the topic covered. Or you can send it by mail to make sure it gets there. Due on the day before the next lecture, on Friday until 21.00. Send with a confirmation request. Strictness in terms of deadlines and rigor in design. Requirements for registration, please pay attention. Also pay attention to the amount of work. What you submit must fit on one page. No more than 5 thousand characters. This is a short summary, but there are errors deliberately introduced there; the task is to find these errors, correct them, explain why the text that is highlighted is incorrect, and why it is necessary to use another one that is proposed. 10 mistakes, whoever finds more gets more points. Theoretical work = 15 b. 1.5 b = find an error. Also practical problems as a second option. Type, property, which is confirmed in the problem. The problem has several options. Option A, the simplest, 12 points, is the one that can be found in the test. B=14 b. B = 16 b., D = 18 b. On one topic, only one work. One option. 3 type of task. Creative task. 75 b. This means that you can complete this task efficiently and receive credit. Available in the middle of the course. This task is: select a group of people who committed the same crime and describe how the psychological characteristics of this group of people differ from law-abiding citizens or other people. Originality of the topic. Least original: serial maniacs and Raskolnikov. The second version of the task is a specific person, maybe. literary character, you need a summary, if not a school curriculum. Don't write about serial killers. Less bloody details, more psychological portrait. Quoting sources verbatim is not necessary, it is better to use your own words. More than 70% of what is downloaded is not checked. 15% credit is given for direct citations. By the 12th lecture we must score at least 30 points. If you don’t get it, automatically write the test into the session. If 51 or more points - then automatic. The volume of the creative task is 10-15 thousand characters. The title page and the list of references are not taken into account, the plot of the criminal case is not taken into account if a psychological analysis of a specific person is carried out. The creative assignment is due a week after the lecture “Psychological analysis of crime.” For us it is November 12-13. Possible postponement due to a conference for a week. Read the design requirements. Please indicate course, group, etc.

Content part

Psychology studies the patterns and phenomena of human

(not entirely accurate, since there are branches such as animal psychology).

Ψ in a circle. Symbol of psychology.

· General psychology. Mental phenomena and the laws by which they occur. How they arise, how they result, how they get rid of them. How is our character formed, etc.

· Social Psychology. No less important industry. There is an opinion that all psychology is social. Man is a creature that cannot be alone. When a company appears, a group of people is the subject of social psychology. How relationships occur in a social group, how relationships between people are formed, why conflicts arise and how they can be resolved. Because the strategy - no person, no problem is illegal.

· Clinical psychology. Not only with pathological disorders, but also with somatic diseases. Often associated with hormonal releases. Zhukov “Biological foundations of behavior” - biological aspects.

· Special psychology or psychology of abnormal development. We are talking about deviations in people from birth who have sensory defects, motor defects, and intellectual underdevelopment.

· Labor psychology or psychology of work activity or psychology of professional activity. Engaged in the study of psychological patterns in the formation of professional knowledge, skills and abilities. How to best train future professionals. The influence of the conditions and nature of professional activity on the employee’s personality is also studied. How the work we do, deformation, spoils our character. What are the causes of professional deformation?

· Legal psychology . It is directly related to our course. UP studies the patterns and phenomena of human mental life related to the application of legal norms and participation in legal activities. Participates in the study of the human-law system.

***This list is not exhaustive, but it is enough for us for now; the emphasis will be on the latter.

Everyone, one way or another, agrees that there are 4 areas of the UP industry:

1. Criminal psychology is the oldest. Criminals have always interested me. Why, what made you? The main subject of criminal psychology is illegal attitudes and psychological patterns of their formation, but not only their formation, but also their implementation in criminal behavior. Criminal psychology studies the psychological patterns of the formation of illegal attitudes and their implementation in criminal behavior. But implementation depends not only on the personality of the criminal, but it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the situation, as well as the behavior of the victim. It's always an interaction. Criminal – Victim. But this interaction is not always direct. Sometimes it is virtual. But the criminal always focuses on some type of victim, which is determined by the crime. Sometimes the victim’s behavior helps him decide to commit a crime. Using it provokes is dangerous, since the blame flows onto the victim, which is not correct, according to the teacher.

2. Correctional psychology. How does punishment affect the personality of the criminal? The teacher's area of ​​interest. During the time that the industry existed, it underwent changes, each time the names reflected what exactly it was doing. At first it was prison psychology . Corrective labor , they called it nothing else earlier, because those who did not work could not improve in principle, and the influence of labor, in the process of punishment, was given a lot of attention in the USSR. But in the 90s the name, the “labor” part of it, disappeared. Correctional psychology will be used more often in lectures. Because correction is the most important thing here. Now it is not called correctional, but only punishing. penitentiary psychology , it is no longer called prison psychology. The influence of the type of punishment on the changes that occur in the personality of the convicted person. Nowadays, research is rapidly underway aimed at exactly how alternative punishment options influence. A million out of 140 are in prison. Some specifically strive. One of the directions is to teach a person to regulate his own life, because in prison everything is decided for him. Responsibility is either on oneself or outside: circumstances, a specific person, etc.

3. Forensic psychology. Most relevant to what we will do. Forensic psychology studies the psychological patterns of crime investigation and judicial proceedings and is directly related to the activities of people with a legal education. The name itself appeared in the 70s of the last century. It was included in the list of scientific specialties. Dissertations are defended on them; before this, the UP did not exist. Most of the issues were studied under the name forensic psychology. But since the content included in this name was already beyond the scope, the decision had already been made to call the science legal psychology, and to limit forensic psychology to the investigation of crimes and judicial proceedings.

Several directions:

· Psychology of investigative actions. The main point is the psychological patterns of investigative actions and the psychological characteristics of the participants in the investigation.

· Psychology of trial. These are the psychological patterns of the trial and the psychological characteristics of the participants in the trial. Why did a witness give one testimony during the investigation, but another in the courtroom?

· Forensic psychological examination. There are many other examinations, but we are not particularly interested in any of them. If we consider SPE as a field of knowledge, then it deals with the study of the limits within which psychological research can be carried out. There are things that cannot be proven by psychological methods in principle, since it does not have such methods, for example, it is impossible to prove by psychological methods whether a person perceived information at a certain point in time. This, according to the expert, cannot be proven. Polygraphic research.

· Psychology of legal work. How is knowledge formed in future lawyers, how can this process be facilitated for them, and what features of a lawyer’s professional activity contribute to the occurrence of professional deformation and what measures need to be taken to reduce its risk in an individual work team.

· Legal psychology or psychology of law-abiding behavior. The least studied area of ​​legal psychology. Quite an interesting area, the psychological patterns of the formation of legal consciousness, legal education.

§ Psychology of lawmaking. From a psychological point of view, what should the law be, how should it be formulated so that after becoming familiar with it, the population does not forget about its existence. Why do some laws work and are followed, while others do not?

Everything with structure.



Memory helps to return to information received long ago. Ensuring our mental activity. Protective function.

Attention allows you to assimilate a limited part of the entire flow of information. Attention - filter. It is impossible to process all the information. There are selection criteria.

Protective functions of memory. Memorization, storage, perception. Forgetting is necessary for unloading. All information during the day evaporates at night. To make room for something more important. Lack of repetition means forgetting.

3. Feeling

4. Perceptions are inextricable

Associated with obtaining information through direct interaction with it (with information).

Perception allows us to obtain a verbal image.

“Soft sofa” - perception.

In arr. perception combines images subordinate to the senses.

5. Thinking

6. Speech goes inextricably

Thinking is a more indirect process compared to sensation and perception. This is not available through direct interaction.

7. Imagination

Imagination allows you to create something new. What traits are formed in a person who has certain processes. There are violations of these processes.

1. Attention


1. Volume.

It is determined by the number of objects that a person is able to perceive at the same time. V = 7 +- 2.

2. Sustainability.

15 minutes. More - you need special techniques. We need to attract. With age, attention becomes arbitrary.

3. Concentration.

Only what they were doing. We need silence. But this is not always possible. The ability to focus deeply on a task. Noise immunity.

4. Distribution

5. Switching complementary properties

Distribution – the ability to hold many objects.

The quality of work does not suffer.

Switching - a person very quickly moves the focus of attention from one object to another.

Therefore, it is difficult to distinguish between 4 and 5 properties.

Attention can be trained.

15 minutes. Small square


· Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Keeping such a child in place is a huge job. They must move all the time. A teacher's nightmare. It's physiological.

· Distractibility

Voluntary switching to external stimuli.

New, unexpected - attracting attention. For a distracted person, it is a big problem to return back.

Attention is a dominant feature in the brain. But when there is an unhealthy need, another dominant is formed.

If you are interested, we put in little effort. Boredom is a terrible thing.






Depending on how these processions take place there are different types of memory.

For good memorization (accurately and not for long):

1. When memorizing, appeal to different types of memory (saw, heard, wrote down (motor memory)).

Verbal memory – connections between pieces of information.

The duration of storage depends on the storage period.

It is necessary in small portions, but over a long period of time. Contact regularly.

Properties of a good memory include:

· High speed of memorization

· Large volume

Storage duration

· Ready to play.

The best ones are reproduced in the conditions in which they were remembered.

Immersion in conditions.


Retrograde amnesia.

A person does not remember what happened before a certain time. The problem of one's own "I".

Korsakov's syndrome.

Inability to remember events.

Perception of information.

1. How we perceive information, why different people perceive the same event differently. We always select which objects will be the background and which will be the main one. What is important and what is not. How we determine what is a figure and what is a background depends on our perception. We recognize more easily what is familiar to us, what we expect to see.

2. Also the integrity of perception. By perceiving part of an object, we complete it into a whole. We complete it to the best of our knowledge. If we are missing some information, we tend to fill in the empty space as usual. In this sense, errors in testimony are often visible.

3. Contrast of perception, we tend to perceive two dissimilar objects if they stand next to each other in a very contrasting manner. For a small child, all the people are elderly and tall. It is important to take this into account when receiving information about appearance signs.

An illusion occurs when we perceive real information, and the rest is seen according to certain patterns.

The most famous violations and illusions here are hallucinations. There are also olfactory hallucinations, visual, auditory, tactile, etc.

In addition to perception, we also have thinking. Nevertheless, highlighting essential features of an object that are not available during direct interaction with it is a property of thinking, not perception. Types of thinking:

1. Subject. Manipulating an object is a way to reveal its essential features (about a child). People with developed subject-matter thinking can fix anything; often, they cannot explain how it works.

2. Imaginative thinking. They can tell you what goes with clothes, for example, and what doesn’t.

3. Conceptual. Without which a lawyer cannot be a lawyer. We are talking about verbal intelligence, which means that he is well versed in verbal concepts. Intelligence is generally equated to general abilities, but there is special intelligence. Non-verbal - implies that a person reads gestures, facial expressions well, the notorious ability to understand people, largely depends on how correctly we read emotions from the faces and bodies of other people.

It often happens that one of the types develops to a greater extent. The exception is all three.

Whatever type is developed, when solving certain mental problems, a person uses certain mental operations, the most famous: analysis and synthesis.

A cognitive style is formed one way or another.

There is an analytical one. They cannot see the forest behind a whole row of trees. Unlike those with synthetic style. They operate in larger categories and ignore small details, sometimes significant ones. This is one axis along which cognitive styles can be measured.

The other is reflexivity and impulsiveness. The reflective style emphasizes that a person thinks before making a decision, in contrast to an impulsive one, who quickly finds a solution, but accuracy often suffers. Reflective people think longer, but more often find the right solutions. With age, the reflective becomes faster, and the impulsive finds better solutions. Experience is the great thing here. If not, then there may be options such as inventing the wheel yourself, copying from a neighbor, and getting into a stupor as well.

Field dependence and field independence. Also another type. In one case, a person depends on the field where he is, the other does not care. Field-dependent people are very attached to the structure of the information that is given to them; it is difficult for them: what can be removed from this text without losing the essence. It is very difficult for them to remove the line; they are attached to the painting. Unfortunately, this always affects the quality and evaluation of this work. Unlike field independent ones. They easily give structure to the information given to them, and feel extremely comfortable. It’s good when there is balance, but everyone gravitates towards one pole or another. By definition, both cannot exist together.

What is a smart person? What is productive thinking?

The qualities of productive thinking include intelligence; flexibility of thinking: allows you to find different solutions to one problem, rigidity - it is difficult to find another solution after one, flexibility - the exact opposite; within 10 minutes how many ways to use a simple pencil ; flexibility, breadth, depth, erudition. 3 levels of knowledge: I listened to the lecture, everything is clear, but I can’t understand it at home; I listened to the lecture, I can ask questions; I can explain what is not clear to others; depth - you can explain, but they understand you; independence, ability to apply knowledge. Those who are not independent demand that the decision be explained to them; inquisitiveness, it is not always possible to stop in solving a problem.

The most famous thought disorder: delusion. Violation of the logical connection between the initial and final results. Violation: inability to take advantage of past experience, constantly stepping on the same rake. Another interesting violation: affective logic.

Lecture No. 3.


Emotional phenomena

The topic itself suggests that there will be no dry presentation of the material.

Emotional phenomena, like any other mental phenomena, can be divided into 3 groups:

1. Emotional processes

a. Emotions. What are emotions, why are they needed? An emotion is a direct reaction, of an evaluative nature, to a change occurring in the external environment. This immediate reaction always contains subjective experiences. Any change that occurs causes us not only to have some sensations, but also to evaluate these sensations. Motor reactions also always accompany emotions. We show emotions in the way that the people we spent the most time with are the ones we consider more or less acceptable. Control of nonverbal behavior occurs from top to bottom. It is necessary that the legs are visible, among other things, in order to understand the reaction. Nervous tension must go somewhere, down. In addition to the motor accompaniment of emotions, there are vegetative shifts, this is something that cannot be effectively trained: breathing rate, its depth, blood pressure, the production of a certain amount of hormones, etc. and so on. 3 components are required: subjective experience, motor reaction, vegetative shifts. The question is, what comes first: tears or previous feelings? The question of switching, distinguishing between the first and the second is quite difficult, but we can definitely say that if a person produces too many of any hormones, or too few, he mostly remains in one state, which is fraught with the occurrence of emotional disorders. PMS, pregnancy - a woman has special behavior, special emotional reactions. The same thing happens after childbirth: postpartum depression affects a large percentage of women; the woman is not ready for the changes that occur in lifestyle + hormonal levels. What is depression? Depressed mood, decreased desire to do anything. Increased volitional efforts in a person with depression. Most often they attribute some kind of emotion.

Problematic emotions, we don’t know how to work with these 4, then it’s already bad:

a. Joy. They only end up with a psychiatrist for manic-depressive psychosis. Joy -> Mania. The arrow doesn't always work that way.

b. Anger. Characterized by gloom and irritability. For example, epileptoethic psychopaths.

c. Fear. We know the reason. There are those that are groundless, and there are those with which we can be. If you are afraid of a tarantula, but it does not live in this area, then it’s okay. But there is a phobia - it tries to prevent the slightest possibility of encountering the object of its fear. Fear -> phobias. The emotion of anxiety is close to fear, but the main difference is: in fear we know what we are afraid of, in anxiety we cannot understand. Forces you to do something. He can't do anything, he's afraid.

d. Sadness. Sadness -> depression.

b. Feelings. Compared to emotions, they are more stable, a feeling is not situational, like an emotion, it is attached to the person himself, they are personal, not situational, it is constantly stable for a long time. Feelings are deeper and more personal. And the feeling is formed later. Locus of control will determine who is responsible for the events that happen in our lives. Comfortable: the person himself is responsible for achievements in his life, and everyone around him is responsible for failures; it is useful for mental health, but not always for communication. Neurosis is doing exactly the opposite.

2. Emotional states.

3. Emotional properties

a. Predominant emotions. Cheerfulness, melancholy, sadness.

b. Ease of emotion. It largely depends on whether the type of nervous system is weak (sensitive type) or strong.

c. "Resistance". We are talking about how much a person is able to retain this or that emotion, state, despite the fact that the external environment attacks him. These include: emotional stability, stress resistance, frustration tolerance (does not).

d. Switchability. Example: emotional lability (emotions easily change from good to bad, and from bad to good), emotional rigidity (gets stuck on some emotion or state). How easily one quality replaces another. Switching from one emotion to another.

Results : why do we need emotions:

a. Perform a signaling function. They inform us and those around us that changes have occurred and we have noticed them. Either positive or negative emotions occur here.

b. Perform a mobilizing function. They mobilize to the specifics of the situation and external conditions. An important point is that an emotion always has its own energy, one gives, the other takes away. They are divided accordingly: sthenic, asthenic. Asthenic – reduce our activity, level of performance, etc.

c. The most important function of emotion: regulatory. Next time we will talk about volitional regulation. Some help to curb the emotions experienced... The regulatory function lies in the fact that a person takes actions to maintain the experience of certain emotions, or to stop these very experiences. In order not to experience we do something. Either we fight the situation, or we resolve it, or something else.


Volitional regulation

How does our behavior proceed in general? Why do we start doing certain things?

The simplest scheme:

S (stimulus) -> R (response) – the scheme according to which, as a rule, an unconditioned reflex is triggered. We blink, we breathe, we swallow, we vomit. Lemon to the trumpeter.

We also form conditioned reflexes. But a huge advantage for humans: they are not only of the second order, where a conditioned signal is layered, but in humans they can form conditioned reflexes of as many as 10th order. A chain of conditioned reflex is formed. It is difficult to relearn, a certain program of action is formed, and relearning requires repetition and other new stereotypes of behavior.

Also, impulsive behavior is often implemented according to the same pattern. There is a signal, there is no alternative, it is not remembered, the usual pattern of behavior is triggered. This forms obsessive schemes, etc. Players at the computer discover this and do not notice the time.

This may not be one action, but a whole sequence. He may begin to understand when he has almost reached the end.

Stages - there is a certain stimulus, it can be an impact, a change in the external, internal environment (the leg has gone numb).

The collected information is analyzed, thinking is activated, conclusions are drawn, conclusions are drawn depending on the state.

S -> |B|A|P|B|-> R->O



R-solution. O – assessment

B – perception. A – analysis. R – repertoire. B – choice.

The analysis ends with a list of possible behavior, a repertoire. It doesn’t always look like a list, but the more important the results are to us, the more inclined we are to at least mentally compile this list. The choice is the latter, he either makes it himself, or waits for someone else to do it for him.

Reflective people linger for a long time in the first 3 stages / Impulsive people quickly move on to making a choice.

After the choice is made, the decision taken is implemented, which may represent the implementation of a whole chain of actions.

Be that as it may, the assessment takes place. There are possible options here - unfavorable. The result does not meet expectations, this always causes us negative emotions, and negative emotions force us to make changes to the operation that led to an unfavorable result. We are adjusting what we do. Some get carried away and adjust to perfection. Perfection, the ideal, is unattainable, but this does not bother some; they put a lot of effort into correcting minor shortcomings - perfectionism, in fact.

Option 2 – successful, this program will have priorities as successful, while the one that did not lead to the desired result will not be considered and drops out of the list.

It shapes what we can do and what we cannot do.

When automatically - from a signal to a reaction, conditioned reflex connections are developed.

We can talk about will and volitional regulation, which, by and large, is only a part of voluntary regulation. Willpower is not always required. Sometimes we have enough emotions and motivation to perform certain actions, without exerting volitional efforts.

3 situations where you can’t do without will:

1.1 I need to do something, but I don’t want to. I need + I don’t want. The need for volitional effort

1.2 I want + I can’t

2. choice (the “Buridan’s donkey” situation): whichever is preferred, one has to give up one for the sake of the other.

3. consciousness or control over a mental state. Situation: desire up to a certain point increases the productivity of our actions, we finally reach the level of coincidence of our desire, opportunity, etc. - it acts at its maximum, peak form, optimal motivation, but if this motivation exceeds this level, then success inexorably decreases. Why? When we really want to achieve something, we have strong emotions, this requires control and effort to manage emotions, as a result, the quality of the actions performed decreases.

Some swear at themselves for stimulation, some engage in stroking, this creates a certain mood. All this is volitional regulation, different manifestations. Thus, will can be called a form of mental reflection, which manifests itself in voluntary motivation, an arbitrary decision to choose any action from alternatives, each time it is emphasized that this is done voluntarily, voluntary regulation of mental processes and states, and a very important point: by personal means (self-orders, scolding, praise, approval, words that have personal significance are chosen). Giving personal meaning helps. We look for our personal interest in what we do; if we find it, we are very pleased; if we don’t find it, we continue to suffer further. A wonderful recommendation in popular literature: treat an unpleasant task like having to eat a frog, swallowed without chewing, the more you chew, the worse. There is no need to tell the person how unpleasant it is to do what you ask him to do.

Our expectations shape what we do. Here we have both cognitive assessments and our personal experience; sometimes we force ourselves to do something that will obviously lead to failure. We often put it off until the last minute; we don’t get it. Various volitional qualities are formed. Performing certain actions leads to the formation of certain features. Volitional qualities: purposefulness, perseverance, perseverance (different from stubbornness, perseverance - to the goal, stubbornness - to stand one’s ground).

These three qualities describe the effort required to move towards a goal. In order to achieve a distant goal, you need to solve the problem, the main thing is not to forget where to move. Another group of characteristics is how does a person make a decision?

There are decisive people, there are impulsive people and there are indecisive people.

· Decisive – making a balanced decision and following it.

· Impulsive – make decisions quickly and often regret it

· Indecisiveness:

§ The person cannot make a decision. As a result, it is too late to make a decision at some point, or he is trying to shift the responsibility to someone else. They ask for advice, but they cannot refuse advice from those who are dependent on the field, and they are often very different.

§ The decision is made hastily, and then he tries to change it, at the slightest obstacle. Those who do not experience such torment are inspired, someone else’s decision for their own, those around them often manipulate these features.

There are people who cannot resist a challenge.

Strong-willed qualities that people value in themselves, but do not really accept in others: autonomy, independence.

There are a lot of conflicts when there are 2 independent comrades with different points of view. People who tend to dominate try to find those who will yield to them and obey them in order to work more productively.

Diligence and discipline are not as important in yourself as in those around you

For ourselves, we want to control what is happening, make certain decisions, which allows us to have freedom of choice.

Group of qualities: self-control, self-control, endurance - control over the state of one’s psyche.

Over time, a person develops this in himself.

Or there may be volitional disorders.

1. Abulia . I don’t want to do anything, not even lie on the sofa. Lethargy, immobility. In combination with depression it is dangerous.

2 . Perversions, incl. sexy. The main feature is an irresistible urge to perform certain actions. Kleptomania, pyromania (fascinated by the contemplation of fire, setting fires, exploding, etc.), dromomania (do not stay long in one place, leave home, usually becomes clear in adolescence), as well as various sexual perversions. Opposite volitional disorder.

3 . Obsessive actions. Wash your hands many times, after public transport, for example. An irresistible desire to do something, and it is difficult to stop doing it.

4 . Negativism. It works exactly the opposite.

5. Mannered behavior.

What do we have to do?

Selection criteria in particular.

1. Results. What will I get from this?

2. Efforts. As less as possible.

You need to save your own resources.

The main criteria (1) and (2) determine, among other things, and physiological processes.

3. Taking into account what we will not achieve. What will you have to give up? The price of success in economics.

4. Approval of the result by others. Correlating your behavior with any norms. Social approval is compliance with the norms that exist in the group in the first place. Adequacy of assessment. You may encounter a misunderstanding of your behavior model, different upbringing, culture. It is important not to make a mistake about what will be pleasant. Another correlation parameter. Comfortable locus control: failure is the fault of others, and all successes are our personal efforts.





Communication is the interaction of two or more people, consisting in the exchange of information of a cognitive or evaluative nature. Communication is always an interaction between at least two people.

This is always either cognitive information, or it is information that communicates an attitude towards something.

The amount of information provided about oneself can give a different impression: one is secretive, doesn’t tell anything; others tell what they would not like to hear at all.

Why do we need communication, what functions does it perform:

1. Formative or developmental function. The most important function. Character is formed in the process of communication and activity. When we do not have the opportunity to interact with other people, our main interlocutor is ourselves; we need internal dialogue for our own development, primarily legal consciousness. Why did we get up in the morning today, but yesterday we couldn’t? Awareness of your motivation, capabilities, attitude towards other people, etc. People who, due to the nature of their professional activities, are forced to spend a lot of time alone, they acquire quite interesting habits: a person talks to himself out loud, even finding an animal to talk to is a pattern that confirms the need for communication

2. Interactive, interaction. Any implementation of joint tasks must be accompanied by a process of communication, and the quality and efficiency of this process reflects on the result. It often sounds like a “deaf telephone”.

3. Communicative. This may be due to the characteristics of the person transmitting the information, what kind of information is being transmitted, and there are two points here: 1) code, the essence of the information that is transmitted in words, designations, symbols; 2) but very often the meaning depends on the context; a phrase, gesture taken out of context can have different meanings. 3) the recipient matters, not everyone can be patted on the shoulder; 4) to increase efficiency there must be feedback; giving it is also a skill

Who à what: under+ context à to whom à Effect

We must clearly articulate what we expect.


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