Prevention and treatment of drug addiction and substance abuse

Causes of drug addiction and alcoholism

There are many factors that can prompt a person to consume drugs (alcohol):

  • social and economic status
  • environment
  • stress
  • traditions

There is no doubt that addictions come at an early age, when the personality is not formed, there is no life experience, and the environment of a young person, like him, is trying to learn about “adult” life.

More than ninety percent of alcoholics and drug addicts began drinking and trying drugs before they reached the age of eighteen. An inexperienced young man, going out into the street, finds himself in a world of temptations, new relationships, unfamiliar processes and dangers.

In this new environment for him, he comes under the close attention of criminals and drug dealers. The colorful world of eternal fun and entertainment uncontrollably attracts a new victim. The first dose is free! Nothing will happen at once! Everything in life must be tried! Play while you're young! Everyone is happy to see you! It is with such simple clichés that drug dealers catch their future clientele. We don’t force anyone, we don’t pull anyone by the hand, if you don’t want to, go ahead! The formal reasons that criminals use as a cover work only with the uncritical thinking of young people who cannot imagine even a small part of the consequences of an evening spent high.

The danger of drug addiction at the physical level

Drugs cause total destruction of the body. The use of illegal drugs leads to the leaching of all vitamins and nutrients, which makes the process of recovery from various injuries impossible.

Negative consequences occur for all organs:

  1. First of all, the liver, bone tissue, teeth, joints, hair, and nails come under attack.
  2. When used intravenously, due to constant injections, skin problems begin: ulcers appear, foci of decay occur, and the risk of developing gangrene is high.
  3. The nervous and cardiovascular systems are destroyed, brain cells are destroyed.
  4. Due to reduced immunity, the drug addict’s body easily “catch” infectious diseases. Unsterile conditions for drug use lead to HIV infection and various hepatitis.
  5. Women develop infertility over time, and men develop impotence.
  6. Another negative consequence is premature aging, when a person’s appearance dramatically changes for the worse in a short period of time.

Drug addiction poses a particular danger to children and minors. When addiction develops, the growing body does not receive the necessary substances for the proper formation of the skeleton, internal organs, muscles, and brain. Additional negative factors for teenage girls include early sexual intercourse, sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy and abortion.

With prolonged non-use of drugs, “withdrawal” occurs - a complex of physical and mental suffering (due to the removal of the previous dose from the body). This is also extremely stressful for the body. If the drug addict’s health is already seriously compromised, “withdrawal” can lead to death.

An overdose can also lead to premature death. This is a common occurrence among drug addicts, since not everyone can resist using all the available drug.

Consequences of drug addiction

Drug addiction is a complex disorder of the brain, a violation of its functions and vital functions. What happens in the brain when drugs and alcohol enter the body? The brain carefully records in memory everything it likes and dislikes. Pleasure, a state of euphoria, positive emotions are remembered, and the mechanisms for bringing the body into this state are also remembered.

In response to a pleasant action or feeling, the so-called neurotransmitter Dopamine is released. Drugs and alcohol cause hyperstimulation of neurotransmitter release, which puts the body in a state of euphoria. The brain records the cause-and-effect relationship and forces a person to repeat actions leading to a state of euphoria. In addition, the way drugs enter the body can influence the intensity of addiction to drug addiction.

Intravenous injection causes the fastest release of dopamine and thus promotes the fastest addiction to drugs, compared to smoking or drinking alcohol. Long-term use of drugs causes the brain to become accustomed to stimulation and reduce the amount of dopamine released. In order to achieve a state of euphoria (or already conditionally normal well-being), it is necessary to increase the dose of the stimulant.

Under the influence of narcotic drugs, changes occur in the brain and personality, the mechanism of decision-making, judgment, and behavior patterns are transformed, and memory deteriorates. Drug addiction and alcoholism are something that must be fought against and prevented, stimulate sharp rejection by society, and carry out preventive work among the most vulnerable part of people - teenagers. Since drug addiction is considered a disease, treatment is necessary.

What you need to know about drugs

Prevention of drug addiction begins with the dissemination of truthful information about the dangers of drugs. The use of toxic substances cannot go unnoticed on health. The toxic effect on the body leads to disruption of the functioning of internal organs. What kind of diseases will arise largely depends on the type of formulations used and the method of their administration. By inhaling household chemicals, medicinal compounds or gases, drug addicts very soon face irreversible destruction of brain structures and severe pathologies of the lungs, heart, liver, and kidneys. An overdose results in death. This is how a relatively accessible teenage fun turns into a deadly one.

As for ingestion, here too the consequences may be different. Take for example desomorphine, which is produced in artisanal conditions and is inexpensive. They called him “crocodile” for a reason. Just a few months of its use lead to the formation of ulcers, growths and severe peeling of the skin. A person's skin begins to resemble a crocodile's. The patient is literally rotting alive. But, even despite the terrible changes that happen to him, he is unable to stop and independently refuse further use of the drug.


Detoxification is necessary to cleanse the body of ethyl alcohol and its harmful metabolites (in case of alcohol intoxication), as well as to remove psychoactive substances and their toxic breakdown products (in case of drug intoxication).

Detoxification may be preceded by the patient's motivation for treatment. It is no secret that the patient often does not realize his situation and does not want to hear the voice of reason and the arguments of exhausted relatives. Well, who can admit that he is an alcoholic and drug addict? Well, what are you worried about? Everything's under control! Who doesn't drink?

A specialist interventionist (in a good sense) will be able to provide arguments and find counterarguments to convince a sick person of the need to undergo detoxification and then begin treatment. Sometimes detoxification begins with an urgent call to a doctor to get out of a state of binge drinking or withdrawal.

The terrible consequences of withdrawal syndrome (refusal from intoxicating substances) can manifest themselves in the form of acute psychosis (delirium tremens). Detoxification will relieve withdrawal symptoms and normalize the functioning of the liver, kidneys, heart, and cerebral circulation. The use of diffusion therapy allows you to quickly remove psychoactive substances and breakdown products from the body.

The volume of therapy is determined based on the individual indicators of the patient’s condition and the degree of his intoxication. One or more correctly selected droppers will quickly bring the patient to an adequate state and bring relief to the sufferer.

Detoxification frees a person from physical dependence on drugs and alcohol and predetermines the beginning of deeper further treatment. Of course, this emergency initial therapy takes place under the full supervision of qualified medical personnel.

Activities to prevent drug addiction in educational institutions

Representatives of the drug treatment service should conduct seminars in schools and universities to train teachers in simple techniques for identifying different types of intoxication and creating alertness to this problem among young people. We need stories about real medical and social cases of drug addiction that led to serious consequences. The reports of deaths, severe poisoning, and injuries from the use of large doses of narcotic substances are very convincing. It is necessary to focus students' attention on the harmful effects of drugs on intelligence, physical development, and offspring.


Prevention of drug use at school will provide an opportunity to protect the child from the negative influence of peers who are already drug addicts. Lectures should include detailed information about what drug addiction is, its harm, negative consequences, etc. Teachers must educate their students so that they can, on their own, get rid of psychological problems and difficulties in life without using drugs. Relevant lectures and lessons will help:

  • to form among young people values ​​of a universal human type;
  • instill in teenagers the skills of healthy pastime;
  • to develop psychological protection skills from possible involvement in antisocial pastime.

Lectures are a popular and beneficial prevention technique in which students listen to interesting stories about drugs and their harms. Teachers describe the state that a drug addict experiences with the next dose. Students may focus their attention on this, which will have negative consequences. In this regard, it is recommended to conduct the conversation in a discussion form. Additionally, they conduct open classes and organize creative projects on this topic.

Conducting a class hour

It is within the power of the teacher to organize classroom hours every week. You can invite police officers and doctors to the event. Experts will give students a competent opinion on the topic of drug addiction. One class hour will bring a significant effect, despite the fact that this measure will take a little time. When conducting class hours, visual aids are used: posters, layouts. In order for the material to be better consolidated, the children must make these manuals themselves. Additionally, documentary videos about the dangers of drug addiction are shown.

Working with parents

To maximize the effect of working with schoolchildren, teachers conduct conversations with parents. Many fathers and mothers view drug addiction as a problem that will not affect their schoolchildren. Some parents consider school a breeding ground for drug infections - this opinion is not unfounded. At the same time, not all adults have the necessary knowledge on this specific topic, which is why they do not conduct educational conversations with the child.

It is important for educators to have conversations with parents of students, explaining to them how to communicate with children and what values ​​should be instilled in them. The directions of this activity are as follows:

  • creating a prosperous environment where there is intolerance to bad habits;
  • formation of an active family attitude towards the promotion of narcotic drugs;
  • preventive measures to prevent the student from becoming addicted to these substances.

Teachers and school psychologists, when working with parents, should tell them about the psychological features that are present in young people, and also explain how to act during family quarrels. Often conflicts in the family become the cause of drug use by a child. Interaction with parents is organized by educational specialists, class teachers, psychologists - each employee has their own tasks. The school leadership coordinates and controls such anti-drug propaganda.

Coding from drugs and alcohol

The best time for drug or psychotherapeutic coding is immediately after detoxification. Coding is not a permanent cure for addiction (the disease is insidious and serious), but it allows a person to live for some time without addiction, gives respite to relatives, preserves the person as an able-bodied specialist, which is important, opens up the very ability to see the way out of the problem and save the family.

Medication coding involves the introduction into the body of a substance that is incompatible with alcohol or drugs or neutralizes the effect of their use. Psychotherapeutic coding is based on strong suggestion. Any type of coding is carried out with the consent of the patient and can be removed for one reason or another.

Why are drugs so popular?

Substance abuse and drug addiction are an opportunity to escape from harsh reality. After taking illegal substances, a person experiences a feeling of euphoria and relaxes. It becomes fun and easy for him, all complexes disappear. Thoughts about one’s own insolvency remain a thing of the past. It is because of pleasure, the feeling of “indescribable paradise” that people become drug addicts and substance abusers. But addicts do not take into account that, while high, they themselves can become a victim of violence. There are many known cases of sexual violence and beatings of people who were not aware of their actions due to the use of drugs or alcohol. Therefore, it is important to convey to young people that, trying to relax, you can face not only addiction, but also other serious problems.

Treatment as a measure to counter drug addiction

Very often, the distribution of drugs is carried out by those who use them themselves (this is a common way to always have a dose). According to statistics, one drug addict turns on 3-4 more people. That is, everyone participates in illegal trafficking not only as a consumer, but also as a distributor. Narcology clinics, clinics, and rehabilitation centers help those who are already addicted to drugs get rid of addiction. And, of course, the best clinics not only relieve withdrawal symptoms, but return a person to the track of social life (so that instead of criminal activity, he works, does something that benefits society).

Rehabilitation in

Narconon is one of the most effective programs in the field of rehabilitation. It covers different aspects of addiction, and an important part of it is returning the person to his social skills and tendencies. The drug addict becomes an antisocial person. His actions are directed against other people: theft, deception, active participation in drug trafficking. It causes not only disorders, but also accidents. If this is a company employee, then he is doing his job poorly. A social person, on the contrary, strives to benefit others (and, of course, himself). He tells the truth, acts honestly, drives and uses other equipment carefully, performs his duties well, and follows safety procedures. The Narconon program does more than just promote social behavior. Few people will truly change because of coercion or advice. Thanks to the knowledge that a person receives, he changes his point of view naturally. He understands that his personal well-being and happiness are directly related to how he treats other people. And when a person feels well, he has no need to take drugs. You yourself can help combat drug addiction. And our center will help you do this. And this is holding anti-drug lectures in educational institutions. You can learn to conduct such lectures yourself. You can help us organize a lecture at your school or institute. You can watch one of these lectures with your children right now.

If you have any questions or want to do something about this problem, call us!


Drug BDB

Scolopamine (truth serum, devil's breath)

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