Speech therapy exercises for stuttering at home for a child

Stuttering is a pathological process that can affect both children and adults. Treatment of a speech disorder is a long process that requires an integrated approach. Patients are recommended to perform exercises for stuttering, which will speed up the process of treating the disease.

Speech therapy exercises for children and adults

Correct and beautiful speech is the key to success in any endeavor. Listen to your child's conversation and think about whether your speech can become an example for others to follow. If you notice deviations from the norm, you need to contact a speech therapist or try to correct the abnormal sounds yourself. For successful training, many effective methods and universal techniques have been developed that help you quickly achieve the desired result.

  • 1. Start lessons with simple sounds, move on to complex ones gradually (“k”, “g”, “x”, “th”, “l”, “r”).
  • 2. Before starting work, do a speech therapy warm-up for your lips and tongue.
  • 3. Organize activities so that the child enjoys them.
  • 4. Take exercises for making sounds from a speech therapy manual.
  • Perseverance and patience plus consistent implementation of methodological recommendations will allow you to achieve success in the shortest possible time.

For speech development

Articulatory gymnastics - speech therapy warm-up - speech exercises - a set of exercises that improve the mobility of the articulatory apparatus. Gymnastics helps make speech clear; the child should not feel forced.

Repeat the exercises at every opportunity, while training your breathing. Organize breathing exercises in a playful style. Several popular exercises will appeal to your baby and will be extremely useful.

  • 1. “Blow a soap bubble.” You can play in the bathroom, blowing soap bubbles between your palms, or on the street. For this lesson, prepare a soapy solution of shampoo and water.
  • 2. “Blow off the dandelion” (if the dandelion season has not yet arrived, you can blow off fluff or cotton wool from a notebook sheet).
  • 3. “Whose boat will sail further?” Make boats out of paper and put them in a bowl of water. Blow on the boats, competing to see whose can float away the farthest. Do the exercise for no more than 7 seconds to prevent your child from getting dizzy.
  • 4. “Cheerful Monkey.” Puff out your cheeks and pull your ears, show and hide your tongue, grimace in front of the mirror. Make a serious face and then show the monkey again.
  • 5. “Inflating balloons.” Inflate colorful balloons with your child and place them on the table, then blow them off the table.
  • 6. “Like a snake hisses.” Invite your child to show how a small snake hisses (quietly). How a large snake hisses (medium strength) and a huge one (very strong hiss).
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    Working on the sound "r"

    After warming up, start making sounds. The most problematic sound is the “r” sound; it is trained with special exercises.

  • 1. “Whose teeth shine better”:
  • open your mouth and move the tip of your tongue over your teeth from the inside, like brushing;
  • show clean teeth in a smile.
  • Important! There is a smile on the lips, the teeth are visible, the jaw is motionless.

  • 2. “We will paint the house”:
  • stretch your lips in a wide smile, open your mouth and lick the palate with the thin tip of your tongue;
  • move your tongue back and forth, like a painter’s brush painting a house.
  • Important! The lips are motionless, the tongue touches the outside of the teeth.

  • 3. “Who will throw the ball further”:
    • stretch your lips in a smile;
    • stick out your tongue and place its wide front edge on your lower lip. At the same time, pronounce the sound “f” for so long that you can blow the cotton wool onto the opposite edge of the table.
    • Important! Do not puff out your cheeks, make sure that the child pronounces the sound “f”.

      Open your mouth a little and move your tongue across your lips, as if you were licking jam. You can drop a drop of honey or jam on the child’s lips.

      Important! Hold the lower jaw with your finger, if it tries to help the tongue, the tongue does not touch the corners of the mouth.

    • 5. "Bird":
    • open your mouth, place a wide tongue on your upper lip and move it back and forth along the lip;
    • at the same time, without lifting your tongue from your lips, perform stroking movements;
    • do the exercise slowly at first, then increase the pace and pronounce bl-bl-bl like a dove.
    • Important! The tongue licks the lip well, does not fall forward or go to the side.

    • 6. "Musicians":
    • open your mouth in a smile, drum the edge of your tongue on the upper alveoli and try to say a sound similar to English D;
    • The exercise resembles a drum roll, increase the speed each time.
    • Important! The tongue strike is clear, like a drum roll, no extraneous sounds except D are heard. When performing the exercise, a strong air stream is formed, the mouth does not close. When performed correctly, a piece of paper brought to the mouth is rejected.

    Setting the sound "ts"

    The most effective are 2 methods of working on the pronunciation of the sound “ts”.

  • 1. Game form:
  • put your finger to your lips and tell the child, “Don't talk so loud. Quiet!" - t-sss; The cat is sleeping on the roof t-sss. Don't wake him up, otherwise he'll eat the mice shhh. Everything around is quiet shhh. Mice, don't make noise shhh;
  • the train stops shhh. Don't make noise passengers shhh. Don't rush out shhh. Don't talk so loud shhh.
    1. 2. From the delivered sounds.
    2. Bring your child's hand to your lips and pronounce the sound ts. He should feel one touch of the air stream. Now bring his hand to his lips and ask him to make the sound “ts”. He will feel two touches of the air stream. This happens when a sound is pronounced incorrectly. Explain to your child that there should be only one stream of air. Repeat the exercise until the child gets tired.

    For the sound "l"

  • "Train whistle." Show your tongue and at the same time say - oooh. The train is moving ooooo. Loud, clear ooooh.
  • "Clean tongue." Press your tongue between your teeth as if trying to brush. Perform up and down movements. The exercise is like a painter painting a house.
  • “Let's play with the horse” (the sound of hooves clattering). A cheerful horse runs, and its hooves sing clop-clop-clop. Run around with your child pretending to be a horse.
  • "The tongue is singing." Biting your tongue a little, sing lek-lek-lek. Be silent and lek-lek-lek again. Do two or three approaches.
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    When stuttering

    When working with stuttering, it is important to form smooth speech, develop speech breathing, and perform many exercises in a playful way in conditions that are comfortable for the child.

  • 1. “Merry carousels”. Walk in a circle and say at every step: “We are a funny carousel opa-opa-opa-pa-pa, tatati-tati-tata.”
  • 2. "Funny Chickens." Jump on the right and left legs alternately with the words: “Clap-clap-clap! Oof-iv-af! Up-tap-tap! Tap-tip-rap-rap-tip-tap!”
  • 3. “Let’s play conductor.” Wave your arms rhythmically; the child should chant any words, syllables or vowels.
  • 4. Clap your hands for each vowel sound. If successful, add foot stomping. If your child is unable to clap and stomp at the same time, practice one at a time, then combine. It is important that the child enjoys the exercise, feels comfortable, is not afraid or embarrassed.
  • 5. Invite the child to read a short children’s poem accompanied by any calm music, making sure that the rhythm is maintained. If you successfully read a short poem, choose more complex and longer ones. Offer to recite a familiar poem to the beat of music, a classical or modern melody without words.
  • Advice from experts in the process of stuttering treatment

    No matter how important breathing exercises are for stuttering, you should always pay attention to the psychological state of the child. Parents and relatives must choose the most appropriate tactics for communicating with their child. Try not to offend a sensitive baby, but at the same time, do not try to please him in everything. Children perfectly feel excessive pity and will reject such care in every possible way. In the end, this is fraught with mistrust on the part of the child, and, as a consequence, the impossibility of ridding him of speech defects.

    Experts recommend teaching your child to start talking exclusively while exhaling, and before starting to speak, take a deep breath. It is also important to convey to the baby that you should exhale smoothly and continuously.

    Children who stutter often have problems with peers - this is another psychological factor that needs to be taken into account. The child needs to be conveyed that his defect is not a flaw, but a feature. And all he needs to make friends is to communicate with the guys and not be afraid of his voice, because no one is perfect.

    A reserve of patience and support for the child is what needs to be invested in balanced work with breathing, in addition to physical exercises for the body. It will take several months for breathing exercises for stuttering, as well as kinesiology, to do their job. You should not expect an immediate result, however, daily work on the problem will ensure complete healing of the child and give him joy and ease of human communication.

    For adults

    Before starting lessons with your child, pay attention to your speech; if you do not pronounce some sounds clearly enough, practice them with tongue twisters. Sequence of classes:

  • read the tongue twister several times;
  • try to pronounce, slowly pronouncing all the sounds;
  • do not speed up the pace until it is clear and precise;
  • Once you achieve positive results, speed up the pace. The main thing is the accurate reproduction of sounds, not speed;
  • Say small tongue twisters in one breath, maintain tempo and rhythm.
  • What are the goals and objectives of speech therapy correction?

    Correct speech is one of the main signs of a successful person . Prescribed pronunciation of sounds facilitates communication.

    Therefore, it is important, even in childhood, to pay close attention to the correct functioning of the speech apparatus and respiratory organs.

    The correct pronunciation of speech sounds depends primarily on the mobility of the speech organs, such as:

    • language;
    • lips;
    • lower jaw;
    • soft sky.

    In addition to mobility, it is necessary to maintain the correct location of the above organs in relation to each other.

    Articulatory gymnastics is designed to improve the motor skills of the tongue, lips and jaw, and to acquire the skill of correct placement of organs when reproducing sounds.

    Exercises to get rid of stuttering also strengthen the muscular function of the organs, making pronunciation clearer and more intelligible.

    Since sound reproduction is impossible without breathing, its rhythm and intensity also determine pure pronunciation. The goal of breathing exercises is to develop a clear rhythm and balance of inhalation and exhalation in speech .

    One of the main causes of logoneurosis is a failure of breathing during articulation. Therefore, both types of gymnastics, both articulatory and (especially) breathing, are widely applicable in the treatment of stuttering.

    For clarity of pronunciation

    Say clearly and clearly: grass, firewood, bed, river, cancer, fire, bow, knock, bunch, nail, eagle, goat, came, left, came, karateka, pianist, fascist, foreign tourist, eyebrow, carrot, blizzard, carousel , water, game, reached, sole, regiment, mug, girlfriend, plate, squirrel, bed, stand, write, fly, jump, bird.

    These words help identify problematic sounds.

    Take any poem or text and read it with intonation, clearly pronouncing the sounds. Watch the position of the lower jaw and lips.

    There are no fundamental differences when working with children and adults; the techniques and exercises are the same. Check the correctness of the exercises in the mirror.

    After a stroke

    Speech therapy exercises will help restore speech after a stroke if performed systematically. Repeat each exercise 15-20 times.

  • 1. "Horse". Move your tongue in your mouth to imitate the clicking sound of a horse.
  • 2. "Poisonous snake." Stick your tongue out as far as possible and hiss like a snake.
  • 3. "Wall". Make a grin so that your front teeth are visible. Performs without sound.
  • 4. “The Good Wizard.” Smile without showing your teeth.
  • 5. "Pipe". Show the tip of your tongue, curled into a tube, and blow into it as hard as possible.
  • 6. "Loudspeaker". Make your lips a tube, place your palm on your lips and blow loudly.
  • 7. "Bagel" Curl your lips and sing O-O-O-O-O-O-O.
  • 8. "Pendulum". Stick out your tongue and move it up and down like a pendulum.
  • 9. “Nice palm.” Kiss the palm, smacking loudly (like an air kiss). When performing the exercise, fold your lips into a tube with tension.
  • 10. “Elephant trunk.” Stick out your tongue and try to reach first your nose, then your chin, do not help with your lips.
  • Regular exercise will help a patient after a stroke restore speech and return to full communication.

    Speech therapy classes for children and adults train the articulatory apparatus, increase the clarity of pronunciation, and form correct speech. When making sounds, it is important to perform breathing exercises.


    Voice gymnastics

    Performing exercises for stuttering requires the patient to learn to speak confidently and loudly. It is recommended to keep your head straight while performing gymnastics. In this case, eye contact between the patient and relatives or speech therapist is important. After the patient gets used to it, stiffness and embarrassment are eliminated.

    It is recommended to organize a performance for family members. After this, it is recommended to invite friends whom the patient knows very well to participate. Thanks to the use of this method, the patient learns to speak loudly and not be embarrassed in public. Patients are advised to chant vowels regularly. During the exercise, a person should sing either loudly or quietly. At the final stage, the volume is reduced to a minimum.

    The next exercise requires chanting vowels. In this case, the volume does not change. The patient must change intonation. To perform the next exercise, it is recommended that a person imagine a ball that will hit the change with the sounds “ma”, “mo”, “mu”, etc. At the final stage, the sense of speech tact is adjusted.

    Speech therapy exercises for the correction of stuttering in adolescents and adults.

    Description: Discussion of various stuttering treatment techniques. Communication with representatives and authors of methods. Moderators: Inkognito, Skif

    I post my posts and recommendations just like that, free of charge. So that people use correct and competent recommendations to improve their speech skills. This will not save you from stuttering, but it will make your speech high-quality, competent and confident. There is no cure for stuttering, but there is a way to manage it - regular and varied speech loads. Also, I do not advertise myself as a specialist. I won’t lie, I have been working as a speech pathologist for many years and most of my practice is devoted to stuttering and severe speech disorders. I am simply posting useful information because I believe that people who stutter should have free access to it.

    Added after 2 minutes 28 seconds: Breathing exercises for stuttering in adolescents and adults. Goal: formation of speech exhalation, coordinated with the speech flow.

    Important: 1. Do not do breathing exercises immediately after eating. 2. If you experience dizziness and darkness in your eyes, stop doing the exercise.

    Technique of diaphragmatic (speech) breathing. 1. Inhale through the nose (mouth closed), exhale through the mouth. 2. The inhalation should be short and silent. The exhalation should be long and effortless. There should be no pauses between inhalation and exhalation. 3. When you inhale, the abdominal wall rises, as if taking in air. When you exhale, the abdominal wall falls and the air comes out. 4. During diaphragmatic inhalation, the shoulders, collarbones and chest remain motionless and relaxed.

    Breathing exercises.

    Exercise 1 “Sharp exhalation.” This exercise helps relieve tension in the chest muscles. Procedure: calmly inhale and exhale sharply through your mouth as if you were quickly blowing out a candle. After this, immediately take a calm diaphragmatic breath, see Exercise 2.

    Exercise 2 “Breathing with the belly.” Lie flat on your back: do not bend your knees. Place a cushion under your neck. This could be a pillow, a folded blanket or a towel. Place one hand on your stomach in the area between your navel and the lower border of your chest.

    Procedure: 1. Exhale sharply (exercise 1) to release the remaining air from the lungs. 2.Then take a calm breath through your nose. In this case, the stomach should inflate as if it was taking in air. The chest almost does not rise at this moment. 3. Exhale - smooth, calm and long. At the same time, the abdomen deflates, as if releasing air. 4.Continue to breathe with your belly. Do several reps.

    Exercise 3 “Breathing while sitting.” Procedure: 1. Sit on a chair, armchair or sofa. No back support. The back should be straight, without arching in the lower back and without slouching in the shoulders. Relax your shoulders and shoulder blades: move them back slightly and lower them down. 2. Keep your head straight, chin parallel to the floor. 3. Bend your legs at an angle of 90 degrees and place your feet parallel to each other so that you can place another foot perpendicular between them. 4. Place your hand on your stomach in the area between the navel and the lower border of the chest. 5. Exhale sharply (see exercise 1). 6. Then take a calm breath through your nose - your stomach will inflate. And exhale - the stomach deflates. Repeat several times. The chest should not move.

    Remember: take a short, silent breath through your nose (mouth closed), with your stomach inflated. Long, silent exhalation through the mouth - the stomach deflates. The chest and shoulders are motionless.

    Exercise 4. “Breathing while standing.” Procedure: 1.Stand up straight. Legs are straight. The feet are pressed tightly to the floor, parallel to each other, and the distance between them is one foot placed perpendicularly. 2. The back is straight - no arching in the lower back and no slouching in the shoulders. The shoulders and shoulder blades are lowered and slightly pulled back. 3.Arms are extended along the body, hands are relaxed. 4. The head is positioned straight, the chin parallel to the floor. 5.Place your hand on your stomach in the area between the navel and the lower border of the chest. 6. Take one sharp exhale (see exercise 1). 7.Then take a calm breath through your nose - your stomach will inflate. And exhale through the mouth - the stomach deflates. Do several reps.


    Breathing exercise challenge

    Breathing exercises for stuttering involve sets of therapeutic exercises of varying complexity in different body positions:

    • During active human movement (running, walking, jumping);
    • In a state of complete rest (standing in a relaxed position, sitting, lying down).

    This is due to several tasks of breathing exercises:

    • Awakening muscle activity in the abdominal press;
    • Mastering the technique of diaphragmatic breathing;
    • Conscious regulation of breathing rhythm;
    • Correct ratio of inhalations and exhalations;
    • Correct placement of exhalations during speech segments.

    A system of targeted, professionally designed training allows you to develop the rhythm and pace of breathing. Initially, the training involves breathing exercises, then it will begin to be accompanied by sounds, sound combinations and verbal manifestations. A gradual increase in the level of difficulty of tasks will lead to a quick and complete recovery of the patient.

    A careless attitude to breathing exercises can lead, at a minimum, to ineffectiveness of the process. Regularly performing exercises with gradual, elongated exhalations when stuttering in children is the key to the formation of free breathing during a conversation. Full exhalations help to stock up on the required amount of air during inhalation.

    Breathing exercises for stuttering

    Stuttering is one of the most complex speech disorders associated with a convulsive state of the articulatory apparatus. Most often, stuttering appears in preschool age, but it can appear later. By school age, a stutterer develops a fear of his own speech, a number of tricks and accompanying movements appear, which not only do not help, but also aggravate numerous hesitations, stops, repetitions of sounds, syllables and words.

    Unfortunately, no matter what suffering a speech deficiency brings, practice shows that people who stutter are often passive, they seek help when they are quite old and look for techniques and methods that would make their speech perfect without any effort of their own. Eliminating stuttering is a long and complex matter, requiring persistent and systematic work not only on your speech, but also on yourself.

    Since in most cases stuttering is preceded by neurotic disorders, it is believed that even after complete elimination of a speech defect due to any stress, relapses are common. In addition, there is a point of view that stuttering in adults is incurable. In any case, you need to put in enough effort to learn to control your speech and significantly improve it.

    Methods for eliminating stuttering include psychotherapy, a regime of silence and whispered speech, speech therapy sessions with breathing, articulatory and voice exercises, hypnotherapy sessions, self-hypnosis techniques, etc.

    In this article we will talk about training one of the most important conditions for correct fluent speech - breathing. When stuttering, it is almost always impaired. The volume of exhaled air is so small that it is not enough to pronounce a phrase, and often a stutterer even speaks while inhaling or holding his breath, which is absolutely wrong. Therefore, mastering correct speech breathing is an important and necessary foundation for further speech correction for a stuttering person.

    Speech and vital breathing: differences

    It is necessary to understand the difference between speech and basic physiological breathing. The purpose of speech breathing is to participate in the creation of a voice through a smooth and uniform exhalation. The main function of vital breathing is to maintain human life through continuous gas exchange in the body (when inhaling, oxygen enters the body, when exhaling, carbon dioxide is released).

    Unlike physiological breathing, speech breathing is voluntary. The person himself controls the dose of air required for a particular phrase and compares the moments of inhalation with speech pauses.

    During normal breathing, we breathe through our nose, inhalation and exhalation have the same duration; during speech breathing, breathing occurs simultaneously through the mouth and nose, while inhalation is several times shorter than exhalation. Vital breathing is clavicular, thoracic and abdominal. The most convenient for speech is diaphragmatic-costal (lower diaphragmatic) breathing.

    In people who do not stutter, correct speech breathing is developed automatically; when stuttering occurs, it is disrupted and must be developed consciously.

    Treatment of stuttering: development of speech breathing

    With the speech type of breathing, the diaphragm (thoraco-abdominal septum) quickly descends, increasing the volume of the lungs, and rises when exhaling. It is best to practice lower diaphragmatic breathing half an hour before meals in the morning and in the evening before bed. Clothing should not restrict movement. After exercise, a short rest is necessary.

    1. Exercise “Balloon”

    Lying on your back, place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest. Inhale calmly and smoothly. When you inhale, your stomach should inflate like a balloon, and your arm should rise. Then exhale slowly while lightly pressing your hand on your stomach. The chest is in a calm state during inhalation and exhalation.

    At first, to avoid dizziness from excess oxygen, the number of breaths should not exceed five. Then the number of breaths can be increased to fifteen.

    The “Balloon” exercise must be consolidated for two to three weeks. After this period, the hand may no longer provide mechanical assistance, but rather control proper breathing. Then this exercise is reinforced while standing and sitting.

    2. “Storm in a teacup”

    When performing this exercise with the left hand, proper breathing is also controlled. Inhalation is done through the nose and slightly parted lips in a smile. The exhalation is done through a cocktail straw, the end of which is lowered into a glass half filled with water. It is necessary to ensure that the lips are motionless and the cheeks are not puffed out.

    Similar to the previous exercises, you can blow on a piece of cotton wool, a strip of paper, a pinwheel, a feather, release soap bubbles, etc.

    Breathing gymnastics A.N. Strelnikova

    Breathing exercises by A. N. Strelnikova are often used to correct stuttering. The peculiarity of this technique is the combination of a short and sharp breath with movements. Active movements of all parts of the body cause a strong need for oxygen. Inhalation is done instantly and emotionally, exhalation is spontaneous.

    When working with people who stutter, I often use the Pump and Shoulder Hug exercises. With their help, within two months you can achieve deep and smooth breathing, and the vocal cords become more flexible and mobile.

    1. "Pump"

    Performed from a vertical position, arms down. The inhalation is short, sharp and carried out in parallel with a downward tilt, while the back is round and the head is lowered.

    After this, you should rise slightly and exhale air through your nose or mouth. Normally, the exercise is 8 breaths 12 times with pauses of 3-5 seconds.

    But before making such a large number of inhalations and movements, daily training is necessary for 2-3 weeks, starting with the number of movements that does not cause tension in the lumbar region, dizziness and poor health. In severe condition, the exercise can be performed from a sitting position.

    Contraindications to performing this exercise are head and spinal injuries , displacement of intervertebral discs, the presence of vertebral hernias, increased arterial, intracranial and intraocular pressure, stones in the kidneys , liver and bladder, high degree of myopia, chronic radiculitis and osteochondrosis, pregnancy, poor health before or while doing exercises.

    2. “Hug your shoulders”

    It is also performed from a vertical position, with the arms bent and raised at shoulder level with the hands facing each other. A short noisy inhalation is carried out at the moment of bringing your hands towards each other, hugging yourself by the shoulders, while the elbows converge on the chest. It is necessary that the arms are parallel to each other, and not crosswise. At the moment of exhalation through the mouth or nose, the arms diverge slightly, forming a square in front of you.

    The number of inhalations-movements is 8 breaths 12 times with pauses between them; after 2-3 weeks of daily training, you can increase the number of inhalations-movements to 32 16 times and do them without stopping.

    If you have heart failure or other serious illnesses, the exercise should not be performed. You can also train in a sitting position and even lying down.

    Treatment of stuttering: a reminder for strengthening speech breathing

  • Before you speak, take a breath.
  • You can only speak while exhaling.
  • The inhalation is always short, and the exhalation is smooth and long. Exhalation must be “spared.”
  • You need to breathe “with your stomach”, while your chest is motionless, your shoulders are motionless and do not rise.
  • On one exhalation you need to say no more than three or four words.
  • Words in a sentence cannot be broken into syllables; they should be pronounced together. You should take a breath in meaningful pauses.
  • When speaking, you must ensure that there is no tension in the muscles of the vocal apparatus, neck, or face.
  • When correcting stuttering, you need to be patient. Speech improvement occurs slowly and has a spasmodic character. Sometimes correcting stuttering requires more effort and time than the patient expected, which leads to despair, he gives up training and withdraws even more into himself. However, experience shows that proper and regular exercise helps to cope with stuttering, no matter how severe it may be.

    Yulia STEPANOVA, speech therapist, psychologist


    The nature of the origin of stuttering

    Before you begin breathing exercises for stuttering, you need to understand why the defect occurs. Researchers and scientists, doctors and professors agree that stuttering in itself is not a speech disorder. Psychologist and teacher R. E. Levina believes that the speed of elimination of speech defects depends on how seriously the child takes the defect, as well as depending on the nature of the occurrence of stuttering.

    A number of Soviet teachers, such as M.E. Khvattsev, M.I. Paikin and others believed that the primary cause of stuttering is a state of shock, psychological trauma, and sudden fear. In addition, experts insist that simple stumbling in speech is not stuttering and it is easier to correct.

    It is worth highlighting the main causes of pathology:

    • Stuttering as a consequence of injuries, frequent illnesses, shock situations;
    • The occurrence of a defect in the case when a left-hander is retrained to be right-handed;
    • Consequences of shock, stress, excessive fatigue during public speaking and preparation for it.

    Each type of stuttering caused by the above reasons can be treated.

    One way to solve the problem is breathing exercises for stuttering.

    Speech therapy exercises for stuttering

    Silent Equipment: cards with numbers 1, 2, 3 for each student. First, an assistant presenter, an “observer,” is selected from among the players. Then the teacher calls the word, and the students raise a card with a number corresponding to the number of words in this word. (The choice of words can be arbitrary and thematic.) For incorrect answers, the “observer” distributes penalty chips to the students. For each chip at the end of the game you must complete one or another task.

    Physical education minutes during speech therapy classes

    “Thinking Cap” (E. Ballinger). Who likes to have their ears pulled? But if you pull your own ears - carefully, of course - it can be beneficial. Using your index fingers and thumbs, pull the edges of your ears to the sides, as if you want to straighten them. Start at the top of your ear and work your way down to your earlobe. After stretching your ears 15 times, you will be able to listen better and more attentively.

    Exercises to develop the kinetic and kinesthetic basis of hand movements

    By the kinetic basis of speech we mean the ability to perform a series of articulatory movements. An example is: first stretch your lips forward - then smile; open your mouth - show a wide tongue - raise it to the upper lip - lower it to the lower lip - put it in your mouth - close your mouth; carefully move the lower jaw to the right - left; open your mouth - put your tongue on your lower lip - cough with your mouth open with your tongue on your lower lip. The work of the kinetic mechanism of the speech act determines the ability to reproduce not individual sounds, but entire words, syllables. The kinetic program is ensured by the participation of its own brain mechanism, which is different from the mechanism for creating a kinesthetic scheme of voluntary movement.

    What types of logoneurosis can be corrected?

    Stuttering is a consequence of spasms of both the speech apparatus and the respiratory muscles. There are several classifications of types of speech problems.

    Depending on the type of seizure, the following is determined:

    • tonic logoneurosis with prolonged convulsions of the speech and respiratory organs;
    • clonic stuttering with temporary but frequent disruptions in muscle function;
    • mixed, combining both types of spasms mentioned and most often encountered in the practice of a speech therapist.

    The main types of logoneurosis according to the place of occurrence of spasms:

    • vocal, in which the larynx, vocal folds or neck muscles spasm.
    • respiratory is characterized by spasm of the vocal apparatus during inhalation or exhalation;
    • articulatory - during the onset of convulsions, they cover the mouth and jaw as a whole, the tongue or the soft palate.

    In addition, experts distinguish types of stuttering based on their occurrence.

    Logoneurosis often becomes the result of severe stress, fear or another strong emotional outburst. This is the so-called neurotic stuttering.

    Articulation and breathing exercises are effective for any of the listed types of logoneurosis, since they contribute to:

    • strengthening muscles;
    • regulation of respiratory rhythm;
    • relaxation of the speech organs, which leads to the relief of spasm.

    In some cases, stuttering is caused by injuries or problems with the brain. Another reason is the hereditary factor. These situations refer to a neurosis-like disease.

    With this type, it is necessary to resort to additional drug intervention . Nevertheless, gymnastics is prescribed as a concomitant therapy.

    Recently, defectologists have been inclined to think that this division is archaic. Sometimes the actual cause of a speech therapy problem is very difficult to determine. In a number of situations, the anamnesis combines several factors that provoked the disease.

    At what age can it be used?

    It is advisable to start using the methods at the first signs of the disease . Such therapy will be more effective, and getting rid of the problem will come faster. However, classes should be carried out at any stage of the disease.

    According to observations, it is easiest to cure logoneurosis in children aged 2-4 years. In adolescents, the task is somewhat more difficult, since the course of the disease is aggravated by the psycho-emotional characteristics of the puberty period.

    Paradoxically, adult patients find it more difficult to adapt to the rhythm of exercise and get tired faster during the training process.

    Gymnastics are prescribed regardless of the patient's age . The effectiveness of their use depends on the systematicity and frequency of implementation.

    Contraindications for stuttering adults and children of preschool and school age

    There is no absolute medical ban on performing gymnastics; all factors that impede performance are temporary. Articulation exercises are prohibited for any infectious or inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity. In case of ARVI, acute respiratory infections, stomatitis, herpes, it is recommended to postpone classes.

    The situation is similar with breathing exercises. In addition, it must be carried out subject to the following conditions:

    • in a well-ventilated area;
    • not on an empty stomach and not immediately after eating. The optimal time period is two hours after eating;
    • Eating after exercise is permissible an hour later, so that the muscles of the abdominal cavity and diaphragm calm down and rest;
    • During training, the patient’s condition should be monitored, since frequent deep breaths can cause dizziness.

    Otherwise, gymnastics has no negative consequences for the patient . It goes without saying that his physical condition should allow him to perform the exercises prescribed by the speech therapist.

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