Memo. Do we know how to listen and hear a child and each other? article on the topic

Listen and hear a presentation for a lesson on the topic

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Listen and hear Completed by: Ankhimkova O.V. teacher of additional education MAOU DO "Belomorsky CDO"

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Definition of concepts Hearing is a general concept that includes the unintentional action of simply “perceiving sound.” Listening - narrower, basically “focused attention purposefully on sound”

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Aphorisms of great people “I died when I stopped listening to others.” Napoleon

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Aphorisms of great people Nature has endowed us with two eyes, two ears, but only one tongue, so that we look and listen more than we speak. Socrates

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The importance of listening skills The ability to listen to your interlocutor is one of the main indicators of culture. People are unusually responsive to those who listen to them carefully. When you become an active listener, you compliment the other person without words. A person who has the ability to listen carefully to his interlocutor not only perceives what he is told, but also shapes the conversation process. In studies, listening is especially important, since it is one of the most important principles of obtaining and assimilating new knowledge. A good reason to learn to listen carefully to your interlocutor is the opportunity to learn a lot of new and interesting things. If you start taking care of this skill, you will definitely feel progress. And you will no longer notice the phenomenon described by the saying “it flies into one ear and flies out of the other.” All information will remain in the mind.

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Train your ears. Consciously practice analytical listening. It consists of returning yourself to a “natural state” in which your brain and ears are tuned to all the sounds in your environment, while at the same time concentrating on what is most important. Listen consciously. Convince yourself that listening becomes one of your defining characteristics. When listening, achieve a truly active state of mind and body, rather than feigning attention. Listen longer. It is often said: the wiser a person is, the less he speaks and the more he listens. Each time you listen, try to withhold judgment until the speaker has finished speaking and you have achieved complete understanding. Try to avoid jumping to conclusions until you have the full picture. How to learn to hear

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How to learn to hear Listening skills presuppose empathy for your interlocutor. To do this, look at things through his eyes, try to stand in his place. This is the only way to better understand the speaker. Judge the content, not the way it is presented. When you listen, try to get rid of any "superiority complex" about any inadequacies in delivery or style that the speaker may have. Focus completely on the content. Listen critically. Even when you have to listen to something boring (in your opinion), try to find for yourself the answer to the question: “What might be interesting for me here?”, rather than just automatically dismissing it. Quite often, where we least expect to find something valuable for ourselves, something useful to us is discovered. During a conversation, avoid thinking about what you will say when your interlocutor interrupts. If you start frantically thinking about what to say or how to give the right advice, you risk missing important information.

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How to learn to hear To learn to listen to your interlocutor, use synesthesia. Synesthesia is your mental ability to combine different channels of information. As you listen, try to include your other senses (especially your vision). The more channels you can connect to a single purpose, the better your hearing, attention, understanding and overall knowledge will be. Use your imagination. Although listening seems to involve only the perception of words controlled by the left hemisphere of the brain, in reality it is a process that affects the entire brain. Therefore, when you listen to the words, try to imagine, as best you can, mental images of the ideas you are perceiving. Keep your mind open. When words are spoken that affect you as emotional stimuli, try to interpret them in the most objective light and understand the perspective the speaker is talking about. Even if you disagree, imagine that the point of view you heard is, of course, just as deserving of the right to exist as your own. Maintain overall physical health. The Latin proverb: “A sound mind in a sound body” is a correct observation. If you maintain good general physical fitness, all your senses, including your hearing, will improve. The ability to listen will open up new horizons for you in communication, which will help significantly improve relationships with family and friends, and will also allow you to expand your circle of acquaintances.

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Sayings Learn to hear well if you want it to be pleasant to listen to. He heard a ringing, but he doesn’t know where it is. Listen to everyone, but don’t trust everyone. Listen more, talk less. Listen to good people - they will lead you on the path. Listen to every advice and note what works and what doesn’t. Don't rush to answer, hurry to listen. He who speaks learns nothing; he who listens learns a lot.

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Hearing organ There are two, you can’t live without them. On the left is brother and on the right is brother, They hear everything, but are silent...

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Protecting your ear health Protect your ears from strong noise Protect your ears from the wind Do not pick your ears or push foreign objects into them Do not blow your nose too much Do not allow water to get into your ears Wash your ears every day Do self-massage to your ears

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Structure of the outer ear

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Self-massage of the ears So as not to forget anything, to be healthy and attentive, be sure to massage your ears. Let's stretch our earlobes with our thumb and forefinger, knead them thoroughly, and squeeze them thoroughly. We'll go up the curl, let's go, let's go, let's go. And we press both ears firmly, press, press, press. Bottom up, up, up, Bottom up, up, up. We do this several times We have a flexible curl Open the ear inside, Twist with a strong finger, Pits and funnels Three without stopping. We will grab the tragus, the thumb and the index finger, Allergies and colds will definitely retreat. Let's give the ears a good rub from the back from top to bottom. We'll find some bones there. Rub them, don't be lazy. We'll pull our ears up, up, up, up. We'll pull the ears down, down, down, down. Let's pull to the sides, Pull, pull, pull. We add health. Twist your ears in all directions diligently. You will definitely become attentive and smart. We will stroke your ears with affection, We are so pleased - just a fairy tale!

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Internet resources

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Thank you for your attention!

Listening skills

The ability to listen is a great and quite rare skill. It also includes the ability to hear, that is, the ability to hear the interlocutor, and not your own different thoughts about what he said, and the ability to listen so that your interlocutor wants to tell you, speaks openly and with pleasure. The ability to listen helps to establish contact and win over the interlocutor, understand his point of view - and, if necessary, turn it in the right direction.

A child’s ability to listen is one of the indicators of a child’s readiness for school. When the skill is not formed, the child asks a question and runs away without listening to the answer: he interrupts the speaker or switches to another activity while he is speaking. The steps that make up this skill: the child looks at the person who is speaking, does not interrupt, tries to understand what was said, says “yes” or nods his head, and to better understand, he can ask a question on the topic.

Curious: have you mastered these skills? At least the first, most important skill: when I speak, I look at the interlocutor very carefully, and as soon as I notice that he wants to say something, I stop and ask: “What do you think?” If you really want to master listening, consider this the main skill. Master it!

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Reflective listening can be difficult when the other person wants something different.

There is hardly a universal formula for listening skills; the preferred listening style is determined by the psychotype of the narrator, and different situations require different things. Business listening is mainly about recording information and repeating the main semantic points. Personal listening is more varied. Once upon a time, this was mutual assistance with empathy and reflection of feelings, once upon a time, lively entertainment for interlocutors, involving the exchange of vivid emotions, and an appropriate anecdote in response, and friendly attacks.

With any type of listening, the most important point is attention to the interlocutor, attention to what he says. It seems that in communication, the ability to listen, immersing yourself in the thoughts and feelings of the interlocutor, supporting his train of thought and sharing his feelings is more important than the ability to speak clearly and interestingly. If you remained interestedly silent throughout the conversation, only occasionally asking clarifying questions and once again repeating the thoughts of your interlocutor in order to better understand them, most likely the interlocutor will remain in the best feelings about your communication with him.

Is it good to talk about yourself while listening to your interlocutor? — It’s better to ask your interlocutor about him: about his interests and preferences. About yourself and about your own - it’s also possible and good, but first of all in order to get the interlocutor talking.

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Empathic listening is listening with your soul and heart.

The second most important aspect of quality listening is precise adjustments to the interlocutor. Adjustments to gestures, facial and eye expressions, pace of speech, vocabulary and values, adjustments to breathing - all this creates a feeling of “we are together, we are our own” and improves contact in communication. The ability and habit of empathizing with your interlocutor automatically creates all the necessary adjustments between you, plus gives you the maximum possible feeling of what your interlocutor is feeling now, what you can say to him now, and what would be inappropriate.

When it comes to eye contact, it's not how much, but how. Most people avoid looking into the face and eyes of their interlocutor when communicating; about the same number, when they look, express distrust and criticism, one way or another negative assessment. It is right to teach people to make eye contact more often, but it is even more important to look kindly, with warm support. Then people themselves will realize that at some point it is possible to avert their eyes (namely, when the interlocutor needs to decide something internally), for the rest of the conversation, the more eye contact between people, the better.

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To earn a reputation as a worthy interlocutor, it is useful to know what conflict triggers are - and not to use them in your communication. Categorical negative assessments and objections, reproaches and accusations, complaints and excuses, as well as communication in general on negative topics, are an obstacle to quality communication. On the contrary, mastering the Total Yes skill will make your listening both productive and enjoyable: the interlocutor will be confident that you hear and understand him, while you actually were able to hear what the person wanted to say.

Skillful interlocutors, while listening, repeat the main thoughts of the interlocutor in internal speech, and if it is necessary to clarify the thought, they repeat it in other words or give it a different shade so that the interlocutor can respond to this and clarify his thought. This technique, known as internal and external translator, helps interlocutors better hear each other and coordinate their positions.

A useful detail is the use of listening signs: nods, “uh-huh”, flashes of the eyes at certain interesting or important points in the interlocutor’s speech, paraphrase of meaning and reflection of his feelings.

No matter what technique you decide to start training your listening skills with, everything you learn will be very useful. However, to solve professional problems, the first task is usually to master non-reflective listening, during which you learn to join and feel the speech of your interlocutor with minimal external participation of your own. Having mastered non-reflective listening, the next step is to practice active listening, in which listening increasingly turns into a joint dialogue. Masculine active listening, which focuses primarily on reason and logic, is called reflective listening. Feminine active listening, feeling- and relationship-oriented listening from the heart to the heart—empathic listening.

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