Hypnosis from smoking: types and principles of hypnosis

Having once tried it for fun or to maintain company, a person spends years trying to quit smoking. A cigarette becomes a ritual, a tradition, a method of obtaining peace of mind, a reason to escape the conversation, in a word, salvation from some unwanted situation, from internal discomfort. Even the realization that smoking is an addiction that threatens to develop a host of unpleasant diseases does not become sufficient motivation to give up this habit. If you have tried to quit smoking on your own, but nothing works, we suggest you contact us at the clinic at the River Station. Among the mass of different methods, we will offer you the most effective, hypnosis coding for smoking.

Is it possible to quit smoking with hypnosis?

Let's start with the fact that only the Lord God can give a 100% guarantee of success. However, like everything else in our world. A positive result will occur if three conditions come together: the smoker’s desire to quit, his belief in success, and the hypnologist turns out to be an experienced specialist and not a charlatan.

Additionally, not all people are equally susceptible to hypnosis. Poorly amenable to hypnotic suggestion:

  • emotionally cold people;
  • people with profound mental retardation;
  • patients suffering from complex mental illnesses.

For hypnosis to be effective, a person must understand what is happening to him. When someone who wants to quit smoking is under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or psychotropic drugs, there is no need to talk about achieving a positive result.

What happens to a person when he feels hypnotic influence?

As a result of hypnotic influence, a person is immersed in a certain state called trance, and has the following symptoms:

  • the muscles of the face and body relax;
  • the person takes a motionless pose;
  • the gaze rests on one point;
  • breathing is deep and slow;
  • Swallowing and blinking movements slow down very much or disappear completely;
  • pupils dilate;
  • motor reactions are inhibited;
  • lips, fingers, eyes twitch involuntarily;
  • intense sweating appears.

Mechanism of hypnotic influence

Do you know the state between sleep and reality? The body is relaxed, the brain is open, you seem to still feel reality, but you are ready to plunge into the arms of Morpheus. We are in such half-asleep every day when we go to the side. It is in this state that a person becomes susceptible and suggestible on a subconscious level. This is the main essence of hypnotic influence. The specialist, using his voice, gradually puts the person into a trance. At the same time, some areas of the brain respond successfully in real life - the person hears the voice of the hypnologist, follows his commands, and answers the questions posed.

The session begins with the first stage of hypnotic sleep, during which physical sensitivity and reaction to what is happening around is maintained. It seems to a person that thoughts, sounds, and time slow down. I hear everything, but I’m reluctant to react - for most it looks something like this. For some, the first stage is enough to quit smoking. Others have to be plunged into the deeper depths of the subconscious. It all depends on the suggestibility of a person.

Why can’t one instill an aversion to smoking in a normal state without putting a person into a trance? You can try. Some even try. Only a few perceive this. The human psyche is a cunning and flexible thing. They paint scary pictures on cigarette packs, and they constantly broadcast on television about the dangers of tobacco. And what? Almost nothing. The smoker's consciousness will find a way not to perceive or circumvent the information received. Something like – this doesn’t apply to me, or – I’ll think about it later.

Why don't people quit smoking?

Perhaps everyone knows that cigarettes slowly poison the human body. At the same time, only a few are ready to part with an unhealthy lifestyle. Other people have a lot of excuses why they are not going to give up smoking. This is a strong psychological dependence, and a lack of desire, and the suggestion that cigarettes can calm and relax.

Encoding from smoking using hypnosis can convince a person of the opposite on a subconscious level. This technique provides an opportunity to make a person think differently. Hypnosis from smoking (reviews from patients, as a rule, clearly indicate the high results of this method) will help a nicotine addict admit that all the problems and diseases in his body are caused by smoking.

At each regular session, a person will gradually form a new internal attitude, the functioning of which is aimed at developing a feeling of disgust for tobacco products. If previously the patient associated the habit with pleasure, then coding from smoking with hypnosis radically changes the attitude towards cigarettes.

For a while or forever

Will hypnosis help you quit smoking forever? If you want, yes, it will help. If you really want to, you can refuse it yourself. Replace the pleasure you get during smoking breaks with something more pleasant and less harmful. The main thing is to keep your hands and brains busy with something all the time. Because the greatest desire to smoke occurs when a person is nervous or when he has nothing to do.

Unfortunately, there are no comprehensive statistics on this issue. It's a pity. It would be interesting to know which method helps and how much: how many people completely quit smoking, who couldn’t resist and started again, and what percentage of the total number of those who applied was not affected by hypnosis at all. In reality, you have to rely on reviews from smokers, advertising, or the experiences of friends.

Types of hypnosis

Currently, there are many types of hypnosis used in various fields of activity. Some of them are used for medicinal purposes:

  1. Regressive hypnosis.
  2. Age progression method.
  3. Age synthesis method.
  4. Manual hypnosis.
  5. Verbal hypnosis.
  6. Computer hypnosis.
  7. Self-hypnosis.

Regressive hypnosis from smoking is a kind of time travel. A person is told that he is much younger than he actually is. This allows the patient to increase energy by feeling the mood of the time when he was young, full of energy, happy and not dependent on any addictions.

The age progression method is a similar method with a minus sign. Its essence is that the patient’s age is deliberately increased. It is not used to quit smoking, but it is ideal for increasing self-confidence. During the session, a person feels much older and more experienced, capable of performing those actions that in reality he does not have the courage to do. After the session, he “remembers” how old he is, but does not lose the instilled confidence and, therefore, is not afraid to do what he could not do before.

Treatment of smoking with hypnosis using the age-synthesis method is suitable for almost everyone and helps to get rid of nicotine addiction. The feeling of strength that makes it easy to give up bad habits, as at a young age, combined with mature self-confidence, allows you to achieve a positive result in treatment.

The manual method is a strong hypnosis from smoking, which is also called tactile, developed by V.L. Raikov. Its essence is to influence a person’s pain points. This method has a number of advantages: quick effect (achieved in 2-3 minutes); lack of verbal contact with the patient; easy to use; accessible to anyone; does not imply knowledge about the location of the points that need to be affected - you can only know the foci of pain; has no negative consequences.

Verbal hypnosis against smoking (reviews from many patients confirm the high effectiveness of this method) involves persuasion with words. Such a suggestion could be:

  • direct (it is clear what the doctor wants);
  • indirect (the patient, as it seems to him, can refuse the path proposed by the doctor; but in reality he steps on the path he was afraid to take);
  • open (implies the patient’s right to choose from a variety of options).

Hypnosis against smoking: types, methods, techniques

People are all different. Some are 100% visual, while others perceive and process most information through hearing. For one smoker, one or two sessions of hypnosis are enough, and he will never smoke again. The subconscious of the other will resist to the last, and the psychotherapist-hypnotist will need several months to understand and eliminate the cause of the addiction.

If we consider the problem, there are not so many ways to influence smokers. Most techniques are based on strong emotions - fear or disgust. They work effectively for some people, which means they have a right to exist. This is a kind of coding against addiction.

Individual or group sessions with a hypnotherapist are often based on a different principle. While the smoker “floats in nirvana,” the hypnologist finds out the causes of addiction and forms a different attitude towards tobacco. The place of the association “smoking - relaxing” is taken by another - “cigarette is evil”.

How to subject a person to hypnosis?

This is achieved through monotonous influence on the senses through subtle stroking, barely audible music, calm speech (verbal suggestion). All these stimuli must be long enough, then the patient will calm down, feel a desire to fall asleep (he will have a feeling of heaviness in the eyelids, numbness), and then fall into a state of deep sleep.

A person falls into a trance when inhibition reactions occur in the cerebral cortex under the influence of verbal instructions. But this state is not uniform throughout the entire session.

Hypnosis techniques against smoking: which is better

It is difficult to decide for someone what is better. Everyone should choose a method according to themselves, their character and ability to communicate with people.

The basis of success is the trust of the person who wants to quit smoking in the psychotherapist or his method. If trust does not arise, the venture is doomed to failure!

Audio hypnosis - listening to a recording at home. The method does not involve personal contact with the hypnotherapist. Suitable for people who have little free time or who for some reason do not want to be alone with a hypnotist. The person chooses the right time for himself, turns on the recordings and plunges into a light trance. The session lasts 30-40 minutes.

The effectiveness of this method is influenced by the hypnotist’s voice, intonation, and timbre.

has a more severe effect on the conscious and subconscious mind . It's like a horror movie, only worse. Because it demonstrates reality. The videos show what catastrophic consequences nicotine addiction can lead to.

For impressionable women with weak psyches and problems with the cardiovascular system, it is better to choose a different method of getting rid of addiction.

Hypnosis from smoking and its varieties

The following types of procedures are distinguished:

  1. Intensive techniques that dramatically change the consciousness of the addict . The doctor convinces the patient that if he tries to smoke, he will experience pain and a sharp deterioration in his health. You can quit smoking using hypnosis using this method, but the effect will be based on fear and is short-term. Therefore, NarMed clinic specialists choose a gentle effect with a gradual effect on the subconscious.
  2. With gentle techniques, the doctor acts extremely carefully, gives instructions for leading a healthy lifestyle, and convinces that nicotine can cause disgust. Reviews about how to quit smoking using hypnosis contain information that this particular technique is the safest and most effective.
  3. Audio hypnosis for smoking . This is a progressive method for busy patients who do not have time to regularly visit a narcologist. The specialist records special phrases on audio that inspire the patient with the idea of ​​giving up his addiction. After this, the patient should listen to such settings independently, several times a day. Please note: on the website you can listen to hypnosis to quit smoking, but for maximum effect it is recommended to additionally visit a narcologist in person
  4. If you are determined to quit smoking, in-office hypnosis is the best solution. During the session, the specialist will communicate with you face to face, find out about the causes of the problem, conduct a comprehensive diagnosis, determine the stage of addiction, and only after that will prescribe the optimal number of sessions and their duration.

Here you can watch a hypnosis video on how to quit smoking. This way you will get a clear idea of ​​the procedure and make sure it is safe and comfortable for the patients.

Methods that work for results

There are many methods of hypnosis against smoking, in contrast to methods of influencing the subconscious. Most of them are based on audio hypnosis. The smoker is offered to listen to messages in various variations and with different frequency, which help to develop a negative attitude towards smoking.

Method of psychotherapist Victor Guzhagin

It was developed by a psychiatrist with extensive medical practice.

The method consists of two courses of 14 days each, with a week's break between them. There are sixteen audio lectures to listen to. On the first and last day of the course, there are two lectures at once. Entries must be placed in the order recommended by the author.

The technique does not work instantly. But, despite this (or maybe because of this), the method has proven itself well.

Suggestion and self-hypnosis of the physiologist Shichko

A simple method, but still showing results. A person’s attention is correctly focused on the fact that he has a problem, which he has denied for a long period. Next, the smoker is asked to mentally return to the past, remember and analyze the actions with the cigarette. That is, how it was and how it could be.

The basis of the method is the mandatory keeping of a diary for at least six months. In the evening, a person describes the events of the past day, looks at himself from the outside and gradually removes the bad habit program. During the recovery process, he is led “by the hand” by an instructor who tries to prevent a possible breakdown.

Quitting smoking according to Paul McKenna

The English hypnotherapist prefers to act by persuasion. His system helps get rid of the fear of living without smoking. It will be strange for people who have managed to avoid the addiction to hear that most smokers are afraid of life without cigarettes. They are convinced that it will be impossible to fully relax without nicotine.

In his method, McKenna evokes positive emotional memories from patients' lives before smoking. During a hypnotic session, he pulls them to the surface of consciousness and makes them the basis of the desire to give up the bad habit.


Reviews of hypnosis against smoking confirm its effectiveness:

Marina : I wanted to quit smoking for quite a long time, but I constantly returned to this bad habit. On the advice of a friend, I decided to see a hypnotherapist. I can say that for a year now I have not been at all attracted to cigarettes. I hope this continues.

Victor : I have always been very skeptical about methods like hypnosis. However, health problems caused by smoking forced me to see such a doctor. Indeed, the craving for nicotine decreased slightly, but severe headaches appeared.

Coding for smoking cessation using hypnosis is a fairly effective method of treatment. However, it requires a firm determination from the patient to cope with the addiction. Otherwise, no method will give the desired results.

Indications and contraindications for hypnosis

As mentioned above, treatment of smoking with hypnotherapy is contraindicated for people with severe mental retardation and serious mental illness. Firstly, they will not understand the messages sent in their direction, and secondly, due to their characteristics, they will not be able to follow the instructions of the hypnologist.

Hypnosis sessions cannot be conducted for people under the influence of alcohol, psychotropic drugs, or drugs. Experts know this. People who are trying to quit smoking on their own need to remember this.

A tendency to hysterics, depression, and panic attacks is a contraindication to watching videos of hypnosis sessions.

In other cases, hypnotherapy will only bring benefits. By influencing the underlying problem, hypnosis has a positive effect on the entire body as a whole. Neuroses disappear, sleep quality improves, headaches go away, the heart begins to function better, and blood pressure normalizes. All this is possible if the sessions are conducted by a good hypnologist.

What happens after hypnosis?

If the procedure is successful, the person’s craving for smoking is noticeably reduced, and he begins to care more about his health. With deep coding, nausea may occur when thinking about smoking. Some people even experience physical pain.

It is worth considering that in addition to withdrawal symptoms, a person may experience the following side effects:

  • Headache.
  • Sleep disorders – insomnia, daytime drowsiness.
  • Dizziness.
  • Problems with eating behavior – loss of appetite or, on the contrary, its increase.
  • General weakness.
  • Mood swings, increased nervousness.
  • Psychological abnormalities - depression, high sensitivity, fears, panic attacks.
  • Changes in blood pressure.

It is imperative to remember that hypnosis cannot be used for all people. The key contraindications to this procedure are the following:

  • Deviations in mental development;
  • Presence of mental pathologies;
  • Increased impressionability, suspiciousness;
  • Frequent insomnia and other sleep disorders.

What people say

The opinions of people who have experienced hypnotic influence in the struggle for a healthy lifestyle are very contradictory. It helped some, some are still in the process of recovery. There are also those who did not feel the positive effect.

Here is a small selection of objective (and sometimes subjective) reviews.


For the last 33 years I haven’t let go of a cigarette. In my youth I smoked Prima and Astra, then switched to filter cigarettes. I started looking for a way out of the situation when my body started to fail. But still I couldn’t get less than a pack a day. I attended several audio hypnosis courses. And she did this when she most wanted to smoke. I didn't quit completely. But now I only take up a cigarette after eating. Enough 3-4 pieces per day.


Your hypnosis is pumping out money. If I want to quit, I'll quit myself. I haven’t tried it, I won’t try it and I won’t recommend it to my friends.


I really want to quit, but I can’t yet. As soon as I start to freak out, my hand reaches for the pack. I tried not to buy it, but I’ll still go and ask my neighbors. The video course didn’t help, or rather, I almost didn’t watch it. It became disgusting, scary and turned off. But I want to quit. Maybe someone can recommend a normal hypnologist to really help. And not too expensive.


But it helped me, although maybe I’m suggestible. I listened to the recordings before bed for two weeks. In the end I even fell asleep without finishing listening. I have had no desire to smoke for over a year now.


I am in favor of working directly with a hypnotist. You can immediately see who is helping and who is not. We had five people at the sessions. Let's call back now. Four of us in our group no longer smoke. And the fifth one periodically breaks down.

As you can see, the opinions are completely different. Based on the reviews, we can conclude that two components are important - desire and a good specialist. Another question is where to find such a specialist.

Self-hypnotic influence

Self-hypnosis - self-hypnosis for the purpose of immersion in a trance - is often used to treat nicotine addiction. Self-hypnosis can influence any organ. It is effective and safe, based on the use of certain rituals to identify the reason that prompted smoking and eradicate it.

Self-hypnosis is divided into several methods depending on the use of the hypnotizing object:

  • hypnotizing object - a point on something (usually on a wall);
  • hypnotizing object - subject;
  • no hypnotic object is used.

Another characteristic of hypnotic influence is its stages: light, medium and deep.

The first and second stages are used for therapeutic purposes to instill certain attitudes (light) and consolidate them (medium). Deep hypnosis is used for scientific research purposes only. Typically, a therapeutic hypnosis session lasts about 30 minutes. To give the patient a chance to rest, the time of hypnosis can be slightly extended.

How to distinguish professionals from charlatans

Fraudsters are found everywhere, in all areas of our lives. It’s especially offensive when they act under someone else’s guise and discredit really good things, services, methods.

How do our people usually look for a good hypnotist? Type “hypnotherapist” and the name of the locality into the search bar. And then they act according to the template - they scan the first 4-5 sentences and choose what they like best. The price of services often plays a role - the desire to save money is in the blood of our people.

What's next? Then the lottery begins - lucky/unlucky. You can do it this way too. No one has ever canceled their luck. But, having run into scammers, you will only have to complain about yourself.

You can find a professional, respectable hypnotherapist on the Internet if you learn a few simple truths:

  • Only doctors and psychologists have the right to conduct hypnotherapy sessions. In order to instill the right messages in a patient, they, at a minimum, need to have knowledge about the workings of the human psyche. You can’t learn this at home, on the couch. Therefore, a hypnologist must have a document on special education.
  • It is advisable to focus not only on reviews published on the Internet, but also on the opinions of familiar doctors. They usually have extensive connections, and recommending a good specialist will not be difficult for them.
  • You can go to a thematic group “quitting smoking”. Just not at once. Chat there for a few days and you will learn a lot of useful information.
  • Go to the hypnotherapist's website. It’s good if there are feature articles, videos, photographs.
  • If you live in the same city, visit the hypnotist in person. Make an appointment in advance by telephone. The person should be pleasant to you on an energetic level. During the communication process, it is not difficult to understand whether this specialist can solve your problem or whether you need to continue searching.

You need to quit smoking. If you can’t do it yourself, then why not use the services of a hypnotherapist? There is no need to be afraid of them. No one is going to turn you into a zombie, find out your secrets and control your actions while you are in a trance state. Most hypnologists are good specialists who really help people. All that remains is to correctly configure the filters and filter out unwanted elements.

Psychics, prayers and hypnosis: How to quit smoking

"Unsolved Secrets": How to Quit Smoking

Do nicotine patches help? How to learn to breathe again without nicotine? Can you quit smoking with acupuncture? Does coding, magical injections and otherworldly powers get rid of a bad habit? The whole truth about how to quit smoking and at what cost victory is given is in a special story on the Moscow Trust TV channel.

Death sticks

There are billions of smokers in the world. Cigarettes kill up to 7 million people every year. Each of them at least once tried to quit smoking. However, not everyone succeeds in defeating addiction in an exhausting struggle with themselves. Is it really impossible to get rid of nicotine addiction? Why do even proven methods often seem like simple scams?

We decided to gather those who are ready to do anything to defeat nicotine. They have two months. Any doctors and clinics are available to them. They will try all possible methods on themselves to understand how addiction works. And most importantly, how to quit smoking forever.

This is not an Alcoholics Anonymous club. More like a military registration and enlistment office for smokers. Each of the 8 people is ready to volunteer to fight their addiction. But in a few minutes there will only be four of them left: the most stubborn, the most addicted, those who really want to quit smoking.

The mechanism of physiological nicotine addiction is simple: our brain produces dopamine. This substance causes a feeling of pleasure, comfort, and well-being. Nicotine increases dopamine levels, prevents it from being destroyed, and thereby maintains a good mood and tone. As soon as the body begins to remove nicotine from the body, the smoker wants to puff again. At the same time, it becomes difficult to have fun without a cigarette.

Psychological dependence is much more dangerous. Every smoker is convinced that he smokes for a reason. Cigarettes help some people concentrate, while for others they fill meaningful pauses in communication. Most smokers understand that cigarettes are a mortal danger, but they can no longer imagine their life without them.

Alexander Tesler is a psychiatrist, psychotherapist, narcologist, neurologist, sexologist. For the last 40 years he has been treating addiction, including nicotine addiction.

Alexander Tesler's task is to find those who are really ready for this among those who want to quit smoking. Only four out of eight volunteers will participate in the experiment.

Photo: M24.ru

Participant No. 1: Evgeny Tolkalin, 54 years old. Civil engineer. Smoker experience - 37 years. Married, has a daughter. He believes that nicotine has destroyed and continues to destroy his health. At 54, he feels 70.

"Legs ache. As I say now, I have become less interested in women. I went to the doctor and he also told me that it was from smoking,” says Evgeniy Tolkalin.

Evgeniy came to this project after being examined by a pulmonologist. A doctor who deals with lung diseases. The preliminary diagnosis is obstructive pulmonary disease and functional failure of the respiratory system.

When breathing is insufficient, oxygen saturation in the blood decreases and the entire body suffers, especially the heart and brain. Evgeniy is at risk of having a heart attack or stroke. In addition, any cold can be fatal.

The harsh truth is this: the sooner Evgeniy quits smoking, the longer he will live. But will Evgeniy be able to do overnight what he couldn’t do in 37 years? Or will he continue to play a deadly game with his health?

Participants numbered 2 and 3: Kirill Goncharov, 31 years old and Oksana Grishina, 34 years old. A married couple working in the advertising and restaurant business. Smoking experience – 30 years between them. I have an 8-year-old daughter. They are planning to quit smoking because they feel ashamed in front of their child.

Over the past few months alone, Kirill and Oksana have tried to quit smoking several times. First, we forbade ourselves from smoking at home in front of the child. And in order not to reach for cigarettes, they occupied their hands with puzzles every night.

They even tried to play sports. But that didn't help either. The couple managed to smoke even while pedaling. Is there really no way to overcome a bad habit?

Participant No. 4: Elena Kozina, 30 years old. Works for a small manufacturing company. Smokes half of his life. Lonely. She wants to have a child and is ready to quit smoking immediately for this.

Lena thinks that cigarettes are to blame for her loneliness. It is they who spoil her appearance, voice, smile, breathing. A week ago, Lena visited a cosmetologist, and he confirmed her fears.

“If you are going to continue this lifestyle, which is completely ugly for such a young, beautiful, attractive, no doubt smart girl like you, then I won’t do anything to you, because it’s useless,” says cosmetologist Nata Topchiashvili.

Smoking caused Lena's facial skin to become dull, and dark circles appeared under her eyes. This is because nicotine causes spasm of blood vessels and reduces the supply of oxygen to cells.

“A woman who smokes gets smaller breasts, stretch marks appear, and her appearance changes. Moreover, very quickly, because the decrease in female hormones has a very negative effect on appearance, the voice becomes rougher, and the intellect suffers,” says Nata Topchiashvili.

Lena has quit smoking more than once. Will she be able to get rid of her bad habit now, or will another unsuccessful attempt await her?

Which of the four project participants will get rid of nicotine addiction, and which will never be able to overcome the bad habit? The project participants will meet again in exactly 2 months. We learn about every second of their difficult struggle from personal video blogs.

Photo: M24.ru

Fight against nicotine

In a residential area in the east of Moscow, Evgeny Tolkalin begins his path to health. Like many in July, the TV in his apartment is tuned to broadcast the World Cup. Looking at the Brazilian fields, Evgeniy recalls those distant times when he, a young midfielder from the CSKA school, was predicted to have a great future. But at the peak of his athletic form, he smoked his first cigarette. For company, after training.

“I began to run a little, but more slowly. A little bit, but I started to get more tired. With such indicators, a player – why is he needed?” recalls Evgeniy Tolkalin.

A long time ago, having said goodbye to football, Evgeniy still couldn’t give up cigarettes. Alexander Tesler, taking into account Evgeniy’s health condition, chose the simplest and absolutely harmless way for him to get rid of tobacco addiction: read Allen Carr’s book “The Easy Way to Quit Smoking.” Carr's main point is that in order to quit smoking, it is important to understand that a cigarette does not actually bring pleasure.

Carr's fans claim that after reading the book, every second person quits smoking. But the book began to irritate Evgeniy. “Well, it’s all “blah-blah”, “la-la, la-la”... To be honest, I don’t really understand or trust. I have doubts that this will help me,” says Evgeniy.

Allen Carr's condition is that the book must be read in its entirety. In the meantime, our hero smokes absolutely the same amount as before. At this time, in the very center of Moscow, Kirill and Oksana enter the battle with nicotine.

“Starting today, Oksana and I will be running our video blog, in which we will tell how we are fighting the addiction of smoking,” says Kirill Goncharov.

Our consultant, Alexander Tesler, suggested they use the most popular means: nicotine gum and patches. Gum and patches alone will not make you quit smoking. But if you have already quit, they should help you survive the so-called nicotine withdrawal.

“Nicotine enters the metabolism, addiction to nicotine occurs, and chewing gum with nicotine, patches that allow nicotine to be gradually absorbed into the blood - they reduce the withdrawal phenomenon and make it easier for a person to put off cigarettes,” explains Alexander Tesler.

The nicotine found in gum and patches is too low to be addictive. But it is quite enough to ensure that the body of someone who quits smoking does not feel discomfort. In addition, there is no mixture of tar, carbon monoxide and other harmful substances that are found in cigarettes and contribute to cancer.

Chewing gum also has its downsides: if you use it too often, it can cause skin irritation, headaches, nausea, and heartburn. And they have a specific taste.

The nicotine patch works in the same way as chewing gum, only it is active throughout the day and contains more nicotine. The rules of use are simple: stick on different parts of the body every morning and remove before bed.

“Based on the past few days, I can say one thing: the patch helps me. But still, sometimes you have to use chewing gum. But the norm of 2 cigarettes a day is already progress for me,” says Kirill Goncharov.

Oksana quickly realized that her addiction to cigarettes was stronger than that of her husband. Even a small reduction in the daily dose of nicotine turns into torture for her.

“While sticking the patch on, I lit a cigarette, I wanted to find out if I would feel bad or if something would happen to me. Nothing happened to me. I didn't feel bad, I didn't have any nausea. Accordingly, she continued. And also chewing gum: I chew gum, smoke, it’s just the unpleasant taste that’s all,” says Oksana Grishina.

Three weeks passed like this. Oksana, making sure that the patch and chewing gum did not work, smoked. Kirill held on with all his might, smoking no more than two cigarettes a day.

“I’m still putting on the patch, today is my last one. This morning I stuck it here. How I feel: well, after all, it helps me, you can’t say anything, but at the same time, thoughts about cigarettes do not leave me,” says Kirill Goncharov.

Orthodoxy on cigarettes

We will soon find out what will happen when Kirill is deprived of additional nicotine supplementation. In the meantime, let's move to the other end of Moscow. Far in the north of the capital, the fourth participant in our project, Elena Kozina, rents a small apartment.

Every day she smokes a little less than a pack of cigarettes, claiming that she absolutely cannot resist what is stronger than her - nicotine. In the past, Lena read Allen Carr, tried acupuncture, and used patches and gum.

In short, everything except psychotherapeutic methods. For a girl who is easily suggestible, this method may be more effective than others, Alexander Tesler considered and suggested that she go to a psychic.

“Who believes in what? Some people believe in correcting karma through Orthodox prayers, others believe in going to holy places. Some people believe in climbing Chomolungma. But everyone is given according to his faith. If a person believes, if a person believes that this can help him, then it will help him,” says Alexander Tesler.

The essence of mystical rituals is usually simple: the smoker needs to be properly frightened. The more the psychic scared Lena, the more she wanted to smoke.

Nicotine won. That's where we parted ways. Unfortunately, even magic cannot help a person against his will.

“I recently visited a psychic and she tried to tell me what she could do for me in her own ways to help me quit smoking. But she didn't do a very good job because I don't believe in all this nonsense. I think that at her age it would be possible to do more serious things,” says Elena Kozina.

Lena tried to fight nicotine alone, without the help of specialists. And I went on an anti-tobacco diet. “Yesterday I bought a jar of ginger and decided to try it. I was told that products containing nicotine can help quit smoking,” says Elena Kozina.

Ginger actually helps in the fight against smoking. However, it does not contain nicotine. It is believed that its tart, burning taste discourages the desire to inhale for a long time. Nicotine is contained in small quantities in tomatoes and eggplants. When used regularly, these products can function as nicotine patches and gum. But vegetables didn’t help Lena.

“So far nothing has worked out, I still smoke 10-15 cigarettes a day. I hope that someday in the near future this will decrease,” says Elena Kozina.

She asked for a personal meeting with Alexander Tesler. The psychotherapist decides to resort to extreme measures and sends Lena for real hypnosis with a licensed doctor.

“Hypnosis is a medical procedure: a person is put into a trance state and, against the background of hypnosis, suggestibility increases,” explains Alexander Tesler. Lena took time to think and 2 days later came for a hypnosis session. And she seemed to be full of determination. But a 5-minute conversation with the doctor was enough for her.

“I never quit smoking, and in this situation they still offer me all sorts of nonsense - to do hypnosis, which is not a scientific method at all. I don’t even think that this can have any effect or help. To put it mildly, I’m unhappy,” says Elena.

“Our wonderful heroine Lena, she actively participated in the project, actively went through all the methods, but, for some reason, it turned out that she never really completed a single method. She completely left aside the methods that she was afraid of and abandoned them. And it turned out that perhaps her motivation was not to quit smoking this time, but rather to be the center of attention. And she really was the center of attention, but since our project is purely thematic, Lena drops out of the project,” explains Alexander Tesler.

Photo: M24.ru

Breathing exercises

It looks like Lena is deceiving herself. She is not ready to give up her bad habit. And we return to the east of Moscow to Izmailovo, where our hero Evgeniy Tolkalin is fighting the battle against smoking. Allen Carr's book didn't help him.

“It seems to me that this is complete nonsense. This is my personal opinion,” says Evgeny Tolkalin. Alexander Tesler offers Evgeny a method that not only helps fight nicotine addiction, but also improves health.

“Breathing exercises are a wonderful thing, because when smoking, of course, the respiratory system suffers, the lungs suffer. And breathing exercises help you catch your breath, helps remove all these nasty toxins, like tar, that accumulate in the lungs,” says Alexander Tesler.

“Today we begin a therapeutic session of the famous Strelnikovsky breathing exercises. Gymnastics, which was invented for actors and singers, but it turned out that it is useful for everyone, and above all for patients with respiratory diseases,” says Mikhail Shchetinin, a doctor of therapeutic gymnastics using the Strelnikova method.

During normal breathing, the chest expands when you inhale, and contracts when you exhale. When breathing according to Strelnikova’s method, everything happens the other way around.

The lungs begin to completely fill with air and oxygen actively enters the brain cells. Including the so-called pleasure center. A person begins to receive positive emotions, comparable to the pleasure of a cigarette, simply by breathing. And over time, the body’s need for nicotine disappears, according to supporters of this method.

And although Evgeniy doubted the miraculous power of such physical education, nevertheless, he honestly tried to do breathing exercises at home.

“Even though I don’t really like the Strelnikova method, I do it,” admits Evgeniy Tolkalin.

With the help of Strelnikova’s gymnastics, many people get rid of asthma and cardiovascular diseases. Smokers also tend to give up cigarettes. Only this does not happen immediately, but after several months of training.

The experiment has been going on for a month. During this time, our hero reduced his cigarette consumption to 15 per day. But then problems arose.

“A situation arose that my daughter broke her leg. It would seem that it’s broken - it’s young, it will heal and grow. But unfortunately, it has to do with money. With a lot of money,” explains Evgeniy Tolkalin.

For a whole week, Evgeniy ran first to his friends in search of money, then to pharmacies in search of the necessary medications. As a result, I forgot about the fight against smoking.


Meanwhile, our spouses Kirill and Oksana have nothing to boast about. Nicotine gum and patches had no effect on Oksana at all. Kirill held out for a long time, but as soon as the course of taking the patches came to an end, Kirill began smoking a pack again.

“They are repairing an elevator in our house, I live on the 6th floor, the “breathing machine” works much better, but there is one problem: I have run out of plasters. This happened yesterday and I feel an irresistible urge to smoke. With the band-aid everything is fine, but without it everything is somehow dull. Most likely, we need to try something different,” says Kirill Goncharov.

The new method was not long in coming. Our expert Alexander Tesler suggested replacing patches and chewing gum with acupuncturist needles.

“The mechanism of action is an effect on the central nervous system, addiction is blocked, cravings are blocked, needles wonderfully stimulate endorphin, the so-called happiness hormone in common parlance, and needles make it possible to reverse abstinence, needles make it possible to establish vascular tone, since nicotine constricts blood vessels “says Alexander Tesler.

It is no coincidence that the needles are placed in the ear: the reflexologist essentially acts on the brain, relieving withdrawal symptoms. The reflexologist decided to use different methods on the spouses. Kirill will undergo tsubotherapy.

“Tsubotherapy is the impact on certain areas using any magnet, ball, grain - any object without penetration into the skin. That is, not percutaneous, but cutaneous,” explains Alexander Tesler.

In our case, we use the seeds of a Chinese plant. It was no coincidence that the doctor chose this method specifically for Kirill. A man will have no problem wearing the seeds on his ear for several days, no matter how much they irritate him. Women have less patience. Kirill and Oksana will find out after 2-3 sessions whether the smoking habit will remain in place. In between procedures, the spouses try other ways to take their mind off the cigarette. “We eat nuts that Gulya’s friend brought from Kyrgyzstan. All sorts of cookies, sweets,” says Oksana Grishina.

It is believed that seeds, popcorn and nuts distract from smoking. But at the same time, you need to carefully monitor the calorie content of these distracting products, since many who quit smoking begin to gain weight. This, unfortunately, is not a myth.

It is estimated that most people who quit smoking gain an average of 4.5 kilograms per year. The fact is that nicotine speeds up metabolism, but not by improving digestion, but by stimulating the nervous system. This is bad for the body.

As soon as a smoker quits cigarettes, different systems of the body, experiencing nicotine starvation, begin to behave inappropriately. Blood pressure may rise, anxiety may appear, problems with the production of hormones, including insulin, and disturbances in fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

When the body is completely cleansed of the effects of tobacco, all functions will be restored and the weight will be what it should be, experts say. The acupuncture course for Kirill and Oksana has ended. But they still smoke.

The last trump card up Tesler's sleeve is an anti-nicotine injection. If it does not discourage the desire to smoke, then there is only one conclusion: our heroes are absolutely satisfied with life with nicotine. However, Oksana, apparently, throws out the white flag long before the end of the battle.

Oksana refused the injection, and a little later admitted that she was not yet ready to quit smoking. “I just really can’t cope with this problem, that’s all,” says Oksana.

Every time she refuses a cigarette, she starts to get nervous. So much so that relationships with colleagues and household members began to deteriorate. Our heroine is seriously afraid that by giving up nicotine, she will simply ruin her life.

“I don’t just have a month of time to go around and become Satan. I don’t have that opportunity, I don’t know, to yell at my daughter, at my employees and say, “You know, wait a month, now I’ll be shaken.” They are people,” says Oksana Grishina.

“Oksana is a beautiful, wonderful, purposeful girl. Actively participated in the project. Exactly as much time as she could devote, because she is a very busy person, a person built only for success. A person succeeds in business, but, unfortunately, smoking is a psychological crutch. And I have the feeling that Oksana was simply afraid to give up smoking, because her entire behavioral structure, coordinate system, crystal lattice might collapse. And due to objective reasons, Oksana drops out of the project,” says Alexander Tesler.

Photo: M24.ru

Less and less

Only two participants remain in the project: 54-year-old Evgeniy and 30-year-old Kirill. What is stronger than nicotine – youth or experience? There are a few days left until the end.

Evgeny Tolkalin spent the last few days in a state of severe stress - he collected money for his daughter’s operation and smoked like a steam locomotive. Fortunately, everything ended well with my daughter and she is recovering at home. After a breakdown, Evgeniy reduced smoking to 7-8 cigarettes a day.

“I would like to quit completely, without smoking a single cigarette. And now I’m thinking about the question: I was offered to get coded,” admits Evgeniy Tolkalin.

Coding refers to hundreds of different methods of treating alcoholism and smoking, but initially coding was a method that was invented and patented in 1982 by the famous psychotherapist Alexander Dovzhenko.

“Doctor Dovzhenko came up with a treatment where, in contrast to this habit, a code is formed in the brain, as the doctor called it, an anti-smoking code with a stronger effect, which suppresses the habit of smoking for a certain calendar period,” says psychotherapist and narcologist Alexander Vorontsov.

You can code yourself from smoking for years or a couple of months. The main thing is not to violate the prohibition under any circumstances during this period, otherwise the encoded person will begin to have problems, and serious ones at that.

“If he lights up - out of curiosity, out of stupidity, or, as most often happens, after drinking alcoholic beverages, especially after drinking heavily - then the dormant need for tobacco wakes up and reacts with the code. There is such a struggle between two opposite principles. The patient's weak link in the body begins to break down.

That is, if something hurts inside, this something may start to hurt more. A stroke or similar conditions may occur. If, let’s say, the heart hurt, there was, say, angina pectoris, for example, and the patient lit a cigarette, then a myocardial infarction may occur,” says Alexander Vorontsov.

Evgeniy carefully read about the consequences of coding on the Internet and decided that he would not risk it. “At my age, this can have a pretty serious impact on my health. I will still quit smoking, but not by this method,” explains Evgeniy Tolkalin.

Evgeniy is ready for psychotherapy. But I would like the method to be less harsh. Hypnosis comes to the rescue - what Lena refused, Eugene thought was a worthy method. “I am a psychotherapist with extensive experience, I also work with addictions, that is, with dependencies,” says psychotherapist Sergei Kulikov.

“I don’t even feel like smoking anymore, but there’s this thing in my head: I can’t imagine that I got up in the morning, drank a cup of coffee and didn’t take a cigarette,” says Evgeniy Tolkalin.

What is hypnosis - it slightly reduces the criticality of the individual. That is, a person seems to allow his personal will to fall asleep a little. And in this state, already introduce those instructions that we agreed with the hypnotized person that this will be done.

You will develop a very strong, impenetrable immunity to tobacco. Smelly tobacco grass. To the smell of tobacco. To the taste of tobacco. “Some kind of pleasant wave goes through the body. You don’t think at all about smoking, a cigarette, to get it. Compassion, good. I’m not drawn to cigarettes at all,” says Evgeniy Tolkalin.

The effect of such hypnotherapy, according to doctors, is felt immediately. True, it does not last longer than a year. However, this procedure can always be repeated.

Before hypnosis, Evgeniy smoked 7-8 cigarettes a day. Will he, as a former football player, snatch victory in this difficult match? Meanwhile, Kirill is preparing to deal the most important blow to his addiction: to give an anti-nicotine injection.

Kirill was warned that he would feel very sleepy for several hours after the injection.

“Yes, it lasts several hours until a person falls asleep and in the morning he wakes up already alert, active, he has no restrictions. The only peculiarity in his awakening will be that he will not have morning cravings, like a non-smoking person,” says Olga Gulko, a leading specialist at the medical clinic.

The injections, according to doctors, are almost 100 percent effective.

“Thanks to the medications that are introduced into the body in our case, withdrawal is excluded, because the receptors, the excess number of receptors that actually experience nicotine hunger, will be blocked and eliminated,” says Olga Gulko.

The injections have contraindications: glaucoma, epilepsy and prostate adenoma. But, as the examination shows, Kirill is completely healthy and ready for the injection.

On the way home from the clinic, Kirill records another video blog. “I’m going home now. The sensations are still quite unique, there is no strong drowsiness, coordination is not impaired. But you definitely can’t get behind the wheel,” says Kirill Goncharov.

The Last Heroes

Exactly two months have passed since the start of the experiment. Of the eight volunteers who came to our studio to gain access to any ways to quit smoking, after the first selection only four remained: Alexander Tesler immediately dismissed those who doubted their abilities.

A month later, there were three of them left: Elena Kozina was still unable to overcome her skepticism and suspiciousness. A few weeks later, Oksana Grishina also dropped out of the project: unlike her husband Kirill, she was unable to suppress her irritability after giving up cigarettes. Only two participants reached the finish line: Kirill and Evgeniy.

A week ago, Kirill received an anti-nicotine injection. Today he looks cheerful and confident. But, as it turns out, only because he smoked before entering the television studio.

The injection destroyed the physical dependence, but it could not do anything with the psychological dependence. The only thing Kirill had enough willpower to do was reduce the dose of nicotine.

“I don’t see that, you know, “Well, that’s it, I’m doomed.” Under no circumstances,” says Kirill Goncharov. “No, if you are doomed, then only to success. The fact that you are reducing the number of cigarettes suggests that you have taken a more thorny path, longer, but also quite effective,” says Alexander Tesler.

Kirill is not ready to give up cigarettes yet. And without strong motivation, even the most effective method will not work.

“If a person has a motive to give up a bad habit, doctors, psychotherapists, psychologists can support, they can be members of the team, but no one will ever do anything for you,” says Alexander Tesler.

What about Evgeniy? At the beginning of the project, he had the most modest chances of quitting smoking. Beating an almost 40-year addiction is very difficult. The book and breathing exercises did not help. Last chance - hypnosis session.

Since then, after this course, I have not smoked. Very pleased with the results. Great. I began to feel that my legs began to hurt less, and my breathing began to hurt. A little bit at a time, but it’s all the better,” says Evgeniy Tolkalin. Hypnosis just helped Evgeniy believe in himself. He did the rest himself.

There are many ways to quit smoking. Why do these methods work for some and not for others? The answer is simple: patches, chewing gum, and needles help survive nicotine fasting. Psychotherapy - forget for a while about the habit of holding a cigarette in your hands.

But without a colossal desire to quit, nothing will happen. And for someone who is seriously thinking about continuing to live without nicotine, absolutely any method is often good. Evgeniy did it. You can do it too.

Plot: City stories

Differences in the effects of hypnosis on men and women

Statistical studies note different degrees of impact of hypnosis for the purpose of quitting smoking on the female and male body: it is easier for men than for women. The reason, apparently, lies in the difference in female and male psychology. It can be assumed that it is more difficult for a woman to overcome an addiction than for a man, even despite the greater suggestibility of women. Scientists explain this by the presence of a special gene that controls dopamine metabolism and is responsible for the feeling of satisfaction. Many women are carriers of a certain combination of it, which makes it difficult to quit smoking.

We should not forget that the female body suffers more from nicotine than the male body. In addition, a woman bears great responsibility for her offspring, since her egg is highly susceptible to toxic effects.

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