How to improve your relationship with your husband on the verge of divorce: 7 steps

12/09/2020 Zoryan Freidovich Psychology

How to improve relations with a husband on the verge of divorce is a question that faces many married couples. What to do - life is life. And sometimes it happens that it seems that the spouses have no other choice but to get a divorce. Divorce begins to seem to them a quick and decisive deliverance from all the troubles, misunderstandings and dead ends into which husband and wife have driven each other. Well, what’s wrong with that? Divorced, and you start life with a “clean slate”...

But is it? No not like this. For the most part, divorce comes with many difficult, debilitating consequences. There are children, and division of property, and a showdown that can last for years, and what not! So, maybe it’s not necessary to get a divorce in all cases - even if it seems that there is simply nothing else left? Maybe it makes sense for both husband and wife to stop “on the very brink” and try to repair the family boat that has leaked, in other words, try not to get a divorce, but, having sorted out the relationship and identifying all mutual mistakes, try to continue to live as a common family?

Of course, in such a situation there are usually both parties to blame, but in this article we will look at this problem from a woman's point of view.

How to improve your relationship with your husband

According to psychologists, the following tips will help you overcome all the unpleasant moments in the character of your beloved spouse, save your family and improve your relationship with a man:
Do not scold your husband in public, it is better to praise him. If he helps you carry your bag, tell him how strong he is, how he opened the door for you - praise him for his politeness, etc. Be together more often. It is clear that if you have a child, then it is increasingly difficult to be alone, but you can take the baby to grandma for a couple of hours, and go to a restaurant, cafe or just take a walk. Time spent alone is very bonding. Try to touch your spouse as often as possible. A couple of times by chance at breakfast, once in a store or on a walk. Constant “random” touches have a good effect on family relationships. Talk to your husband, ask him for advice, ask for help

It is important for a man to know that he is needed and trusted. Remember what you liked about your husband at the very beginning of the relationship, what traits you fell in love with. Try to focus on his positive qualities

This will cause a lot of positive emotions. Come up with a ritual with your spouse that you will perform regularly. It doesn’t matter what it is, the main thing is that you both like it. This will allow you to get closer.

Try to follow at least a few of the tips described above and see how your family relationships will improve.

Ways to save a family on the verge of divorce

If possible, give a trial period - agree to live together for some more time, a month or two. But if you agree to this with disdain and the thought “let’s see what you can do, dear?”, “Take a risk, dear!” or growing mutual rejection - break up. You are not ready for life together, mutual respect, patience and support.

Otherwise, try:

  • - find common interests. What connects you, besides common everyday life and intimacy. Remember what you both like, what you would be happy to devote your free time to.

If you don’t have a common interesting hobby, invent one! Get to know each other better.

Try all the options - walks out of town, cinema, exhibitions, handicrafts, repairs. There is another plus here: while you are looking, you will spend more time together.)

  • – touch each other more. It's not about intimacy. In a normal conversation, at breakfast, when you see someone off to work, when you meet someone - just touch your shoulder, take your hand, stroke your head, hug. Just prepare tea, serve a jacket, cover with a blanket. Communication works wonders! And the wordless too,
  • – when you once again feel irritation, anger, dissatisfaction, before throwing out the emotion, ask yourself: “Why am I angry? What do I get from anger? What am I protecting myself from or what am I afraid of?

There is such a good phrase: “During a quarrel with a person dear to you, do you want to be right or happy?” Think...

  • – communicate as often as possible. It doesn't matter what it's about. Tell us about your work, what you saw on the street, on TV, what movie you liked, who called, who you met, and so on. For now, on neutral topics - even if the partner does not show any visible interest in listening. Communication is like water - it will find a place to break through...
  • – about intimacy. Don't force each other. Believe me, this won't help. If possible, sleep together. By the way, touching and communication can continue in bed.

In a word, find common points in communication, interests, touches. If you are really worried about how to save your family on the verge of divorce, advice from a psychologist and consultations online or in person, of course, will also not be superfluous.

Just a request: don’t insist, for example, your husband needs a psychologist. This will only prove that you are looking for the reason in someone else, and not in yourself. It’s better to start by visiting a specialist yourself.

Read also: How to survive a divorce? – advice from a psychologist

How to save a family if your husband has grown cold

Women were able to become more lenient towards certain shortcomings, such as untidy socks or an unclosed tube of toothpaste. It's another matter if the problem is in sexual relationships. If your husband has become cold, you need to do something. And you need to start with yourself. Reflect on the past and remember the days when everything was great. Analyze what has changed since then, and whether the relationship is necessary, or is it better to separate on good terms, and then act.

A psychologist’s advice for women will tell you how to protect marital relationships:

try to smile, and do it sincerely, enjoy even the little things; unobtrusively inquire about how your husband’s day went (just don’t interrogate); thank you for your attention and support; ask for help, make it clear that he is needed now; try to take care of your own appearance, because even if a woman goes to the store, she needs to put herself in order, and she also needs to behave at home; you need to give your spouse the opportunity to be alone, pick up the children and visit their parents; engage in a common cause, because working together for the common benefit brings people together; involve your spouse in various activities related to the younger generation; try to surprise the husband, do something unusual for the wife. If your wife was crying in the bathroom before, you need to make a scandal, you can break the dishes

If you don’t like football, buy a couple of cans of beer and crackers and sit next to your husband on the sofa.

To save the family, you have to mobilize all your own best qualities, but you need to remember that working with relationships is a constant action that lasts a lifetime.

How to become a confident woman and increase self-esteem?

How to improve relationships with a husband on the verge of divorce, advice from a psychologist

After the first impulse to separate and forget each other has been eliminated, proceed with a step-by-step plan for restoring your relationship.

Deal with conflicts first. Surely your life began to deteriorate not yesterday, and it is foolish to believe that you can fix everything in a couple of days.

Each partner should have the opportunity to speak out and be heard.

Talk through your problems, tell your partner what doesn’t suit you in the relationship and what you would like.

Understand your inner motives, understand why you need marriage and why it is important for you to maintain the relationship. It might take a while to figure it out

Be willing to think through different future options and give your spouse time to think.

It may take time to understand this. Be prepared to think through different future options and give your spouse time to think.

Remember that you can only change yourself. Therefore, each partner will take care of himself.

In a relationship, it is important to be able to listen and hear.

This is not so simple and you may need the help of a family psychologist.

Add bright colors, positivity, pleasant moments to your life. Brighten up your everyday life with something that will please both you and your partner.

Make time for each other, relax together, go on a date or buy each other nice gifts.

Attraction and emotional connection

Physical attraction arises from smells that we perceive unconsciously - pheromones. Pheromones reflect information about our internal state, including readiness to enter into paired relationships. This is where the “butterflies in the stomach” begin.

But this condition does not last very long - up to three years. This period is provided by nature so that a child in a couple has time to be born and grow a little, while the mother is still unable to independently provide for herself and the family. What's next?

During the time that there is attraction between lovers, it is necessary to create a strong emotional connection in the couple. Its basis is feelings. And here the main role is assigned to the woman. She is the one who sets the emotional tone in the relationship. It is easier for her to take the first steps and open up sensually to her husband.

This happens gradually: step by step, people become closer in soul. You share memories, experiences, fears, dreams, impressions. You get to know each other more and more, you trust each other, personal secrets become secrets for two. The spouse becomes not only the most desirable woman, but also the closest friend. This is how physical attraction develops into sensual attraction, into love.

You should not allow third parties into your married life: girlfriends, sisters, mother or psychologist. Yes, after talking with them, you will feel relief, but you will not solve the problem with your husband. Get closer to your friend instead of improving your connection with the man you love. What happens between spouses is intended only for the two of them.

What if the emotional connection has not been formed? Time passes, and people move away sensually, the attraction as in the early years is no longer there. Something still keeps us close, but no longer together. And it doesn’t always hold, more and more often the couple separates, they say, they didn’t get along, they didn’t get along. In fact, they didn’t “feel it.” How to improve relations with a husband on the verge of divorce - this is already a pressing question.

Fortunately, building an emotional connection even after years of living together is possible with desire, effort and the necessary knowledge - everything is in the hands of a woman.

So, Tip No. 1: establish an emotional connection with your husband, not allowing strangers into the marital relationship.

USEFUL INFORMATION: Marriage with a foreigner

You can read more in the article Let's talk frankly, or The role of sincerity in couple relationships

Secrets of attraction

Sexual attraction is the foundation on which attraction in a couple is initially based.

How do a man and a woman attract each other? Are there any laws? At Yuri Burlan’s training “System-vector psychology” these patterns are discussed in great detail.

We are all born with a certain set of qualities, abilities, desires and preferences - a set of vectors. And the combination of these vectors gives a complete picture of our psyche. What we gravitate towards, what we are talented at, what we are ready for, what are our fears, aspirations, reactions to certain events, ways to achieve goals, options for manifestation in relationships (pairs, family, friendships, professional, social).

Let's take a closer look at the cutaneous and anal vectors. Naturally, people with precisely these properties are most often attracted to a couple.

An exemplary family man: caring, faithful, upbringing

Owners of the anal vector are distinguished by thoroughness, diligence, perfectionism, good memory, leisurelyness, perseverance, accuracy, a desire for order and cleanliness, for justice and equality, for honor and respect. They love to gain knowledge and experience, strive to complete everything and get the highest quality results, and value memories.

The main values ​​of such people are home and family.

From an early age, girls imagine their adult life: a loving husband nearby, a horde of children, a cozy home in which she, the ideal wife and housewife, happily busies herself, shared dinners and relaxation, guests on holidays.

Family is always a priority for those with an anal vector. They are attentive to their relatives. They remain faithful to their spouses, enjoy raising and teaching children, worry about their family, and try to provide them with comfort and care. Because of their innate desire for justice, they expect the same in relation to themselves.

They experience the most difficult experiences due to family troubles, problems with children and quarrels with spouses. They are conservative, strongly attached to loved ones and are sensitive to drastic changes. Therefore, breaking up a relationship is their worst nightmare. For a woman who has these properties, the answer to the question of how to improve family relationships with her husband is especially important.

Psychology Methods to Improve Relationships

Between spouses, a charge of past unpleasant events, scandals, stress and other psychological trauma accumulates. If you think things are different in your couple, it means you are avoiding looking at what is happening as it is.

Often, in order to avoid a breakup, it is enough to speak out, sort out, and dissolve the negative experiences in your knees.

Imagine that a volcano is seething between you, and now that it is gone - and you can approach each other on stable, calm soil.

Among the methods that help to save a family on the verge of divorce, the advice of the psychologist on our blog boils down to the following:

  • – PEAT, a method that allows you to get rid of grievances, irritation, fears, tension, anxiety and restless thoughts,
  • – Access Bars technique, which removes any blocks and troubles, personal and in family relationships,
  • – Hellinger constellations, where you can clearly see what is really happening in the family,
  • – technology of friendship. Although the name is simple, it is better to do it in the presence of a psychologist. Its essence is that spouses sit opposite each other and, by agreement, take turns, express everything that they are dissatisfied with in their partner, which has long been kept silent and hidden. First one speaks, then the other. Of course, you can talk frankly on your own. But only when you are ready to hear the truth about yourself. Otherwise, the conversation threatens to instantly turn into an avalanche of screams and accusations... If everything went well, remember the pleasant moments that you lived together, plunge into a state of mutual love, cheerful mood and comfort.

Any person comes into our lives for an experience: to teach something, show our weaknesses, something to think about. If you break off a relationship without understanding anything, rest assured that this puzzle will linger in your thoughts for a long time and will not give you peace.

The threat of divorce is not a danger or a nuisance, but a useful opportunity to find the true causes of problems in the family, correct them... and again feel the space of love and warmth in the house. Wish you luck!

Read also: Life after divorce - a woman’s confession

Pink glasses

Very often a woman becomes disappointed in her man after marriage. After all, she didn’t imagine him like that at all! Illusions invented by the woman herself arise during the period of falling in love, when it is impossible to adequately evaluate a partner. A woman in love does not see any flaws in a man; she tends to idealize him. After some time, the “rose-colored glasses” fall off, and her completely imperfect husband appears in front of the wife. It is not without reason that there are many jokes that the fairy tale ends immediately after the wedding. You should not hope that a man will live up to the ideal that a woman has created in her head

It is important to appreciate your real man. It’s not just that the woman chose him and fell in love

This means that there was something to love him for; you just need to remember his merits in the future. There is no need to compare him with other men (acquaintances, husbands of girlfriends, etc.); from the outside it is difficult to judge a person objectively. To truly know what another man is like, you need to live with him. You need to appreciate who is next to you. Maybe not everything is as bad as it seems?

Psycho-emotional background

Every person has character traits that attract the opposite sex

Another important point for normal family relationships is the emotional background. Sooner or later, one in a couple begins to doubt that the partner’s feelings are mutual. This happens due to the different attractive powers of people.

Most often, an individual knows about his strengths and tries to flaunt them, masking the less attractive ones. For example, a stingy man may be generous while courting a lady in order to attract her.

If family relationships are built on the principle of equal strength of attraction, then everything is fine. If there is an imbalance, then the marriage is doomed. As long as a man and a woman are in love, and harmony reigns in the couple, people are similar both externally and internally.

In the absence of similar qualities, the attractive force is filled with something else. But it also happens that you really want to save the marriage, but the emotions are no longer the same, the passion has faded. How should a woman behave in this case? Psychologists advise the following:

  • Talk to your spouse, try to be as open and frank as possible. Of course, there is no need to tell any secrets that were previously kept secret, but a certain openness will not hurt. This will help you understand each other better
  • Think about how you would like to build a relationship with your husband in the future. Discuss this with him
  • Common goals and interests help in family life
  • Don't try to change your husband, accept him for who he is. Consider his opinion and desires.
  • If you see that your husband is trying and changing for the better, then do not forget to praise him. For example, the spouse has never washed the dishes, but now he does it. Praise him, he will appreciate it and will receive an incentive for further improvement
  • Don’t invent unnecessary problems, solve only those that appear.
  • Try to resolve conflicts peacefully, make compromises, be gentler.
  • Learn to listen and hear your husband.
  • Try to look good to make your husband proud of you. Even if you have three children, this is not a reason to wear dirty clothes.
  • Don't punish your spouse by not having sex. Ultimatum “If you don’t buy a fur coat, there will be no sex!” will not improve family life.
  • Learn to apologize. If you lost your temper and yelled at your husband because of your bad mood, then come up and apologize.

Quarrels and conflicts happen in almost every family

In order not to lead the situation to divorce and save the marriage, it is important that two people want this and work on themselves. If the initiative to save the family comes from a woman, then she should think about whether she is doing everything right

Only patience, mutual respect and love will help restore harmony to the family.

If you are not sure whether you want to live with this man, then do a simple test.

Imagine that your spouse has disappeared, he is not there, you cannot talk to him, call him, touch him. What do you feel? If you are frightened by the complete absence of your husband in your life, then do not let him go, make every effort to save the family. Tell your spouse about your feelings and emotions, about your love. He will appreciate it. Good luck!

Causes of quarrels in the family

Most often, quarrels in family life occur due to mutual claims between spouses; they begin to displease and irritate each other. Women most often do not like the following in their husbands:

  • Excessive temper: when a husband raises his voice at his wife, swears, screams, etc.
  • Quarrelsome character. Such men need a constant release of negative emotions. They do this by screaming, feeding on the energy of another. True, women usually tolerate such husbands, becoming a source of energy for their halves
  • Despotism. Such men love to humiliate their wives, speak rudely to them, and sometimes beat them. All this leads to low self-esteem in women and a feeling of worthlessness
  • Polygamy. Some representatives of the stronger sex are womanizers by nature.

How to prevent a quarrel

It’s easier not to lead to a scandal than to deal with the consequences later. A few simple but effective tips from psychologists will help improve family life and reduce the number of conflicts.

  1. Understand Try to find the reasons for your husband’s aggressive behavior in his past, his character or current problems. It happens that a person just needs to express everything that is boiling, and it is not a fact that the real reason is in your marriage. Perhaps he is haunted by problems at work or long-standing grievances against his father.
  2. Time to cool down You shouldn’t immediately start making arguments and defending your position as soon as a dispute arises. Give your emotions time to subside and take a healthy look at the situation - what was the catalyst that provoked the surge of negativity? First, cool down and only after that go to dialogue.
  3. Once and for all If the conflict repeats over and over again due to the same problem, for example, unwashed dishes or a tasteless dinner, sit down and find a solution. Stop putting it off until later and make peace, just so as not to quarrel. Until the reason is resolved, quarrels will be repeated.
  4. Fight negativity Play sports! Persuade your loved one to find a common hobby or an alternative way to let off steam - this could be a half-hour run, hitting a punching bag or even computer games, anything that will help get rid of accumulated negativity.
  5. Containing emotions Learn not to throw unfounded accusations and get rid of the habit of hurting just to take revenge. Learn to control yourself and not bring the situation to a boiling point. Any conflict can be resolved peacefully and without shouting.
  6. Be smarter Try to observe what leads to quarrels. It could be anything, but once the trigger is identified, simply avoid it or cut it out of your life if possible. For example, if you constantly quarrel over who will walk the dog - either develop a schedule and strictly follow it, or give the pet into good hands - marriage is still more important.
  7. Praise Men are extremely sensitive to praise and support; they just need to know that what they do is appreciated and noticed by someone. Make it a habit to praise your loved one even for little things, don’t take him for granted. Words of gratitude and admiration can turn an insecure and always offended man into a real Superman.

USEFUL INFORMATION: Deprivation of parental rights of a mother

Factors that destabilize marriage


Scientists involved in family research have come to the conclusion that there are several significant time periods when the risk of divorce increases.

First year

In the case where the future husband and wife did not live together before marriage, the consequences of grinding in the first year of married life are often disastrous. Each partner has a picture of an “ideal relationship” in his head, which he drew by watching his parents, friends, colleagues, and gleaned from the media. The ability to give in, listen to your spouse’s wishes, and time helps you learn to compromise and build your own social unit. In the first year of marriage, mutual reproaches and attempts to remake your partner “to suit you” cannot be avoided. When situations remain unresolved, a collapse of a young family and an imminent divorce occurs.

Birth of first child

After marriage, young spouses have offspring. The birth of a child is stressful for both parents; it is impossible to prepare for this in courses, listening to the advice of relatives and friends. Something will definitely go “wrong” and will lead to quarrels and reproaches. Often a young mother is more busy with pregnancy and caring for the baby than with her husband. The family fades into the background, the man feels superfluous and seeks happiness on the side. Sometimes the opposite happens - the future father is frightened by the new family structure, he is depressed by the thought that during his wife’s maternity leave he will have to become the sole breadwinner.

Child's adolescence

Parents who have successfully overcome previous difficulties face another test - the time when the child reaches the age of 13. The child grows up, taking on minimal responsibility for his actions. The child spends a lot of time in the company of friends and, under the influence of the company, sometimes acquires bad habits. Parents cease to be an authority. If everyone individually tries to find their own approach to a teenager, discord will inevitably arise in the family. Stress and conflicts associated with the inability of spouses to find a compromise in upbringing will have a detrimental effect on the marriage.

silver wedding

25 years of marriage are just around the corner, the child is independent, it would seem, the difficulties are in the past. Age-related and hormonal changes that occur in the body of a person who has reached the age of 45-50 years (it is believed that the average age of marriage is 25 years old) depress the family unit. For men, this time is often accompanied by a midlife crisis (unwillingness to accept that youth cannot be returned); for women, it is menopause. The husband begins to look for a younger partner, the woman delves into health problems, the family is bursting at the seams.


The stability of a marriage is influenced not only by time frames, but also by processes occurring in society and in the spouses’ social circle.

Divorce of relatives

There are studies that show that the likelihood of marriage breakdown is greater among people who experienced the end of their own father and mother's marriage. In families where one of the spouses has divorced relatives, a tolerant attitude towards the collapse of the family institution develops, and the value of marriage is leveled. Philosophy: “This doesn’t work out, it’s easier to break up and find someone else.”

Differences in Education Level and Income

Professional status and well-being have a direct impact on the stability of the union. With the end of the romantic period and the beginning of grinding, factors can provoke divorce and lead to insoluble disagreements if one of the partners earns much more than the other.

"Quick Wedding"

The short period of acquaintance before marriage is inversely proportional to the number of domestic disagreements. Psychologists recommend waiting from 1 to a year and a half to understand your partner and decide whether to start a family with him.

Disapproval of the union by relatives

If the parents of one of the spouses express a negative assessment of the other, refuse to communicate, or accept him into the family, this provokes discord.

Susceptibility to the influence of social attitudes

If one of the spouses, subject to public opinion, sees that colleagues or friends live differently, he transfers these attitudes to his family. The second one does not understand, does not accept this, conflicts arise.

Divergence of interests

When a husband and wife have non-overlapping hobbies, they spend less time together. The tenderness and sensuality of the union are lost, interest disappears. Often a passion appears on the side - a person with a similar hobby.

Most family conflicts can be overcome together if each spouse works on himself

Reasons for divorce

There are many reasons for divorce. When a couple is at the disgust stage, even a small flaw becomes greater than any advantage. Spouses who have lived together for several years face difficulties. The attitude towards each other depends on the strength of love, the willingness to put up and listen to the desires of the partner. According to statistics, every second couple gets divorced. The main reasons for divorce are:

  • Infidelity

Modern society has lost the concepts of loyalty and duty. It is almost impossible to find a married couple in which both spouses have remained faithful to each other throughout their entire life together. Everyone has their own reason for cheating: lack of care, attention or love, the desire to try something new, to heighten sensations. In any case, adultery is a blow to the relationship, a loss of trust in the partner. Finding the strength to forgive is difficult, and not everyone is capable of it.

  • Addiction (alcohol, drugs, gambling, etc.)

Divorce becomes a forced measure to protect health and sometimes life. Often the initiator of a breakup is a woman who is unable to change the current situation.

  • Financial difficulties

The discrepancy between the material needs of one spouse and the capabilities of the other, or the complete maintenance of the family by the wife/husband, leads to conflicts. This may include the lack of own housing and household instability.

  • Unpreparedness of partners for family life

Very often, marriages are concluded because “it’s necessary” or “it’s time.” The young couple is not ready to take responsibility for the decisions made and cannot organize their life on their own. In such a situation, parents and friends often get involved and, based on their experience, tell how to behave with your husband or wife. Blindly following the advice of strangers can cause conflict and divorce.

  • Aggression, hot temper

Inability to control emotions and constant aggression lead to quarrels. This destroys the psyche of not only partners, but also children. Psychologists say that screaming kills tenderness, blurs the boundaries between partners and makes them “same-sex.” If one of the spouses grew up in a family where everyone’s opinion is important and taken into account, he will definitely avoid aggression. Outwardly normal families break up without regrets, without specific reasons, the partners are simply emotionally exhausted.

  • Despotism

Such an attitude towards one of the spouses becomes the cause of domestic violence, which affects all family members and, first of all, children. Contrary to popular belief, not only a man can act as a despot in a family. It is almost impossible to save the marriage in this case. If you cannot cope with your emotions on your own, psychologists recommend seeking help.

This is not a complete list of reasons why marriages break up. These also include sexual incompatibility of partners, different hobbies and even temperaments. If you need advice on how to save a family on the verge of divorce, they are collected in this article.

Advice from psychologists

Experienced psychologists who work with couples on the verge of a crisis in family relationships or divorce highlight some general points that will help preserve romantic relationships and marriage as a whole.

  1. Pleasant little things In everyday life, we forget that it is so necessary to please our soul mate from time to time - flowers for no reason, a delicious dinner, a small gift or even ordinary warm words - all this strengthens the relationship between spouses.
  2. Show interest Try to share at least one of your husband’s hobbies, even if you don’t like Star Wars or computer games, but you can go to the concert of his favorite band. He will be pleased, he will see that you are interested in his life and experiences.
  3. Take care of yourself In marriage, people often begin to take each other for granted and no longer try to look their best, like, where will he/she go? Of course, you shouldn’t wake up an hour earlier every morning, put on stellar hair and stunning makeup, but it’s better to throw away an old, worn-out T-shirt, and buy something comfortable and pretty instead.
  4. Self-control This is the golden rule that has kept more than one “family ship” afloat. Men tend to perceive screaming as an admission of weakness and denial of guilt. For many of them, women’s tears are not a manifestation of pain and resentment, but a way to manipulate their husbands, and many careless wives themselves reinforced this judgment, using their tears as a lever of pressure.

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Make it a rule not to shout at your husband, no matter what happens - only calm conversation, and no scandals.

How to save a relationship

The problem or conflict that has arisen needs to be resolved, and not hushed up. Even when a relationship is on the verge of breaking down and divorce seems inevitable, trust can be restored and mutual understanding can be restored. The main thing is the willingness of both partners to act and work on the relationship. Psychologists recommend adhering to three basic rules to maintain warmth and mutual understanding.

  • Do not be silent

Always talk about what you don't like or what worries you. A frank conversation will help you overcome the problem and find a way out. Lack of communication and inability to listen to each other causes misunderstandings between spouses. Make it a rule in your home to talk about desires and express grievances. Suppressed aggression will sooner or later result in a serious scandal, the cause of which can be a mere trifle.

Don't be afraid to talk about what you don't want to do; you don't need to go to the cinema if you want to relax and spend time at home. Your partner is not psychic, he cannot read minds, so you need to talk. Between spouses who tell each other about their dreams, share their impressions of the day, warm relationships and mutual understanding are maintained for a long time.

Communication should be easy and positive, remove negative tone, reproaches and harsh criticism. Always talk only about yourself, your feelings, without getting personal or insulting. Even after reconciliation, the offense remains in the memory for a long time.

It may seem difficult at first, but teamwork and effort will help restore trust in a family on the verge of breaking. Partners can experience a crisis in a relationship in different ways. Playing the silent game and waiting for the other to speak first is not the best position to save a marriage. Try to hear your spouse; perhaps the grievances and complaints are objective and deserve attention.

  • Design change

Psychologists are unanimous in their opinion that you should not remake yourself for your partner. It is enough to analyze your actions and remove what poisons the relationship. There are two sides to the conflict. Discuss what you don't like and correct it. In families where a child appears, the woman pays all her attention to the newborn and forgets about her husband. This is dangerous behavior, so pay attention to your spouse, encourage him and praise him. Try to diversify your intimate life, give each other more time. Make your partner feel like they are important. Do only what you want, this will eliminate the accumulation of negativity and aggression.

When the situation reaches its maximum intensity, try to make informed decisions and speak thoughtfully. Any word said out of spite will cause a scandal and destroy all efforts made.

  • Mutual respect

To maintain the warmth of your relationship, respect and accept your partner for who he is, do not try to change him. Another important factor for preserving a family is trust. Your spouse must be confident that he can share any information with you without it reaching other people. Never limit or prohibit something for your partner. Everyone should have a hobby that does not need to be suppressed or criticized. Even on vacation, don’t force your significant other to rest according to your own rules. If you like active recreation, and your husband/wife likes to sleep or go shopping, you shouldn’t make a scandal out of it. Let everyone have fun as they please. While your spouse is sleeping, you can go to the sea, having previously agreed on a time and meeting place.

The most important rule that will help save a family is the willingness of partners to work hard together, the ability to listen and respect. Surprise each other, develop. A free, enthusiastic person is interesting, you want to keep him, to match him.

Here are 7 secrets of proper communication

State your position and the essence of your claims clearly. A man sometimes simply cannot understand why his wife is dissatisfied and what she wants from him. It is advisable to formulate in advance what you intend to talk about. Concentrate on the main thing, without leading the conversation into the jungle of stories about the lives of your friends and classmates. Postpone an important conversation with your husband after a quarrel for a more appropriate time, do not bring difficult topics down on your husband when you meet him on the doorstep. A man may not be ready to have a serious conversation until he has rested after coming home. Resist your urge to talk too much. A man gets tired of verbosity, and because of this his mood quickly deteriorates. Don't fall into the common misconception that verbosity is more persuasive than brevity. What is said briefly and clearly will be better received and understood than a tedious avalanche of words. Men value the ability to remain silent in time. To maintain a good relationship, be willing to forgive your husband's mistake. You should not start a conversation on an important topic to the point of being offended or irritated. Instead of mutual understanding, you can say unnecessary harsh words and finally quarrel. Even when there are good reasons for being offended, try to calm down and put aside the offense in order to make peace with your husband. Don't draw hasty conclusions from your spouse's words or actions. Not only words, but also actions can be thoughtless and erroneous, and we must try to forgive mistakes. It would be a mistake to interpret what your spouse said or did at the moment of irritation as a sign of his cooling towards you and a reason for the destruction of family relationships. Don't rush your husband to make important decisions. The right decision is rarely made in a hurry. To avoid mistakes, it is better to first think everything over carefully, and only then decide

Emotions should not dominate when something important is being decided. A rational approach to any problem requires calmness. Try to adequately perceive reality, taking into account the characteristics of your husband’s character

Accept your spouse's personality as it is. An adult cannot be changed. Do not give in to the temptation to live in illusions, think about how to behave with your husband.

Guided by simple advice, strive not to put your foot down, but to achieve agreement. The best solution is always a compromise, because we must take into account each other’s opinions and interests. If only one side always makes concessions, this leads to a deterioration in mutual understanding.

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