Wife FALLS OUT OF LOVE WITH HUSBAND What to do if wife stops loving her, HOW TO GET HER LOVE BACK - Advice from a Psychologist

  • “I value you” - “And you prove it to me!”
  • Do you need to prove your love years later?
  • We only leave those who truly respect you
  • Do you need to remain yourself in the end to prove your love?

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When a love relationship is just beginning, a man must act so that the woman believes in his desires and intentions. Very often, women are faced with betrayal and the desire of men to use them. But how can you prove your love to a woman if you intend to be with her for a long time, if not your whole life? The site for men masculino.ru will consider the question of whether this should be done at all.

In the initial stages of a relationship, a man and a woman often play games. A man must look after a woman, and she must pretend to be inaccessible in order to whet the gentleman’s interest in her. However, games often drag on. A relationship may already begin, but the woman continues to demand proof of her worth and need.

We can say right away: in the initial stages of a relationship, it is necessary and possible to prove your love and intentions. If proof of your love is required after years of being in a relationship together, and you have never deceived or cheated on your woman, then it is she who does not trust you, and not you who are doing something wrong.

You don't have to spend your whole life proving your love. If you love, it becomes obvious over time. At the beginning of a relationship, you can prove and do certain things. But after months and years, this evidence will already exhaust you.

Muscle Wives

  • Wives with a muscle vector do not occur in their pure form, so let’s look at some common combinations.
  • A muscular-visual wife must work as a nurse or nanny in a kindergarten. This is a kind and strong woman. Tireless in her care. It’s the same in the family.
  • The musculocutaneous wife is an athlete. The muscles add strength and endurance to her. Otherwise, everything is the same as in the skin vector. Such women prefer to live not in an apartment, but in a house.
  • The anal-muscular wife is a hard worker. Definitely works where physical endurance and patience are needed. Some kind of monotonous work. For example, a saleswoman at a night kiosk or a quality control department in production.
  • “Muscles” give each vector the desire to move even more and do physical labor. Muscular wives always gravitate towards life in the house, closer to the land. They like to visit their dachas.

Tricky ways

Women value men not for the fact that they can speak beautifully, but for what is done at the same time. Is it possible to win back your wife's love if you give a lot of gifts? It’s unlikely, but if you help her manage the household, she will definitely appreciate it. You can use other tips:

  1. People are always united by a common cause. If you start renovating your apartment, you can jointly make decisions about choosing tiles or wallpaper. This will be the first step towards building relationships. You can plan a trip by jointly choosing a country and a hotel to stay.
  2. The simplest and most effective option would be to discuss with your wife the topic of how to return your wife’s former love. It is worth listening to everything a woman is concerned about, but not criticizing her for it. It is necessary to learn about your shortcomings, since a person may often not notice them.
  3. If the reason for the coldness lies in problems related to your spouse’s health, you need to find a good specialist so that she feels your concern.
  4. A woman should know that you really love her, don’t forget to tell her about it. After all, any lady strives for attractiveness and wants to charm her man.
  5. If the urgent question is how to return your wife’s love, the advice of a psychologist can help. It's better to go see him together. Thanks to a specialist, it will be possible to resolve issues related to cooling a woman. If your spouse refuses to go to the doctor, then be sure to visit him yourself, this will help you find out a lot of necessary information.

How to restore your wife's sexual desire?

We need to help my wife establish a lifestyle in which her muscles will be regularly trained. Just exercising won't help.

Women with a muscle vector need constant tone. If she went jogging in the morning and then works as a librarian all day, then you won’t have sex in the evening. At least it's high quality.

Women with a muscle vector need movement as a way of life. Therefore, you will have to think about how to change her work and lifestyle so that in the evening her main erogenous zone - the muscles - is sufficiently “warmed up”.

God forbid, if such a wife is a housewife, and you still live in an apartment. She'll just get depressed. First, he moves the furniture, re-sticks the wallpaper, and then stops wiping off the dust.

The wife has lost interest in her husband; she herself will not dare to change anything. So everything is in your hands.

Among other features of wives with a muscle vector is a preference for poses where she is active, but the pose itself should be suggested and initiated by you. Because such wives are not very inventive in sex.

A deep massage with warming oil is very sexy for such women. But not light and superficial, but when you thoroughly warm up each muscle, especially those that are tense.

Try to feel not only the muscles, but also the bone itself. As a result of a good massage, the muscles should become like a cat’s – soft and relaxed.

Maybe another woman would find this pleasure unpleasant, but a wife with a muscle vector will be on the verge of orgasm after such a massage. Or maybe beyond.

Do you need to prove your love years later?

As mentioned above, if you have been in a relationship with a woman for a long time, then you no longer need to prove anything. Having been in a relationship with a woman for more than a year, your relationship format clearly needs to change. It doesn’t matter whether you became husband and wife, started living in a civil marriage, or continue dating, if a year of constant serious relationship has already passed, then you don’t need to prove anything.

If a woman is sane and sane, then she already understands how you feel about her. All that remains is not to prove, but to confirm your love relationship with the following actions:

  1. Attention.
  2. Sincere communication.
  3. Solving problems.
  4. Maintaining a shared life.
  5. Support and understanding.

Over time, the format of relations between partners changes in any case. Therefore, you no longer need to prove your love. Time already shows how you treat a woman if she remains sane and conscious. Moreover, not only you should try for the sake of the woman, but the woman should also try for the sake of you. A relationship is a union of two people who work for each other's benefit. If only you work, and the woman only demands and accepts, then this is not a relationship.

What could cause the cooling?

Most likely - a small amount of sex. Because urethral women need much more sex than any other.

The second reason may be your tyranny.

A urethral woman is, first of all, freedom and independence. She always lives some kind of social life. And it is useless to fight it. Unless you cut off her wings. But then it will no longer be that proud bird.

The third reason is that she stopped respecting you. This means that you did something truly low and vile.

Advice from a psychologist

A man must understand that old feelings cannot be returned. Therefore, you need to win your spouse again. Psychologist's advice:

  1. Do a lot of work on bugs. Take into account all the claims and complaints of your spouse and try to change your behavior.
  2. Be patient. Haste will only lead to new mistakes.
  3. Call your spouse for a frank conversation. Listen carefully to her speech, without taking hostility or making excuses. It is better to immediately admit all your mistakes.
  4. Communicate more. You should ask your wife about her affairs, take an interest in her hobbies and interests. During a conversation, it is advisable to listen carefully, sometimes ask questions and look into the eyes of the interlocutor.
  5. Give your wife all your free time. You can suggest watching a movie together, going to a recently opened cafe, taking a walk in the park, going to another city for two or three days, admiring the sights. Or follow all the wishes of your wife.
  6. Take care. A man needs to take on some of the household chores, prepare dinner or breakfast at least once a week, and remind him of important matters and meetings.

If a man does not know how to make his wife change her anger to mercy, then it is advisable for him to immediately contact a specialist so as not to further aggravate the conflict.

How to reignite passion?

If she stops respecting you, then nothing can be done. You can try to maintain the appearance of a relationship, but the relationship itself cannot be returned. The urethral woman is cardinal.

If the reason was despotism, a compromise must be sought. A urethral woman is quite capable of it. She is merciful. But just don’t confront her with a fact. She is not afraid of anyone or anything. Don't challenge.

If there is not enough sex, you need more sex. There are no other ways. Of all the orgasms, this woman prefers the vaginal one. Therefore, foreplay and alternative methods of satisfaction are indispensable.

A urethral woman, however, usually does not object to caressing her main erogenous zone with fingers, vibrators and dildos. Just offer her this option.

Because a man with an ordinary temperament can hardly regularly satisfy a urethral woman only naturally. This makes a man feel inferior.

And then he makes a mistake. A urethral woman does not at all insist that you “always have an erection.” She perfectly understands the capabilities of a man. But I want sex...

A urethral wife differs from other wives in that she enjoys the technical side of sex, the process itself. While other wives can be satisfied with gifts, praise, trust - the urethral wife can only be satisfied with sex.

“I value you” - “And you prove it to me!”

“I value you, love, appreciate and respect you,” people often say to each other. But can only words convey the range of feelings experienced for another person? Why often do partners not believe in the love they talk about? The reason for this is the lack of evidence of love and respect.

While people verbally express their feelings to each other, they experience mistrust. It is impossible to believe in what you do not see, do not feel, do not touch. This is comparable to the expression “I want you!” in the absence of attempts to hug, kiss, undress, etc. How can you want to have sex and do nothing for it? Similar questions arise regarding love, values, respect. If you value someone, you have certain urges towards that person. You want to do something for him. And if you don’t do anything, then you don’t value it.

Is it possible to believe in the love of a person who says in words that he loves, but in reality flirts with other representatives of the opposite sex? Can you believe in respect if he only talks about feelings in words, but in reality he calls you names and humiliates you? Can you believe in caring for you if your partner doesn’t lift a finger to help or support you in anything?

How can you prove that you value a person? Through your care and understanding of him. You must hear his desires, understand the motives for his aspirations and do everything possible (without infringing on personal interests and desires) to ensure that his needs are met. If a person says that he feels bad, then he needs to be believed. You may not feel bad. Just because you cannot experience the same thing as him does not mean that his beliefs are wrong.

To value someone means to understand the feelings of another person. You don't have to experience what your partner is feeling, but you do have to accept the fact that they are telling the truth and really need things that you may not think matter.

“I value you” - “And you prove it to me!” Otherwise, no one will believe you. You need to show your feelings, because they will probably motivate you to take some action. If you don't do anything towards another person, it means that your feelings are not as strong and strong as you try to give it away.

If your relationship has just begun, then you will have to prove your love. Every woman is different, if you're lucky, you won't have to prove anything. But what other ways can you demonstrate your feelings?

  1. Courtship.
  2. Gifts.
  3. Frequent meetings.
  4. Lots of attention.
  5. Conversations on various topics with an understanding of what the woman is saying.

In other words, show the woman that you need her, that you are interested in her, and that you want to spend your time with her. It is advisable to devote time to a woman every day, then this will be an excellent proof of your affection.

Olfactory wife

Olfactory wives are as rare as urethral ones. As a rule, these are rather plain-looking, skinny and unremarkable women who have not had a single admirer for a long time, and then bam - and she snatches you: tall, beautiful, teetotal, and, perhaps, even younger than herself! Then you had a daughter, and another daughter.

And when the grandchildren came, they were also mostly girls.

You always obey your wife, although you look like the leader and head of the family. She manipulates you, and she doesn't need to scream to do it.

Another feature is that she is literally “obsessed” with cleanliness, and she never smells of anything. If the signs match, your wife has a keen sense of smell! You have a gray cardinal in a skirt at home.

If your wife falls out of love because of insults

Inflicted insults and insults become a serious reason for the destruction of the love idyll. Constantly insulting and humiliating his wife, in this way, an insecure man tries to completely subjugate her will to himself. Often an offended woman loses self-esteem and is no longer able to live independently, simply not believing in her strength and attractiveness. A bag and a small cart of complexes imposed over the years do not allow you to leave the offender. But most women who have endured this situation for the time being suddenly pack up their things and leave.

By insulting another person, you first of all humiliate your dignity and show your weakness. A weak person, dissatisfied with his life, appearance, financial situation, etc., will always assert himself at the expense of others, insulting and humiliating them. Think about what pushes you to do this - maybe your wife earns more than you or, on the contrary, “sits” on your neck. A frank conversation will help clarify and resolve the situation without loss.

If you have certain complaints against your wife, find the appropriate words and explain yourself without the help of rude and unpleasant statements. It is much easier to achieve what you want with affection. Unflattering criticism of your wife about her appearance, figure, culinary and other talents can destroy all the wonderful feelings.

It only takes a couple of minutes to insult a loved one, but sometimes even a lifetime is not enough to bring back old feelings!
Only real actions and efforts on your part will help you get your wife back if she has fallen out of love due to insults.

How to be optimistic and support yourself

Lack of support is the reason why men fail in trying to get their wives back. An abandoned woman is supported in every possible way, reassured, distracted and bombarded with advice by family and friends, but rarely does anyone help an abandoned man. Therefore, remember three rules that will help you return your beloved woman or survive the breakup of your marital relationship calmer and less painfully:

  1. Think judiciously and soberly
    . Feelings of resentment, despair, and jealousy will play a cruel joke and lead to unnecessary, senseless or harmful actions. Make contact with your loved one only after you have suppressed the remnants of your emotions and done it sincerely, and not trying to hide it behind a mask of sober reason.
  2. There are several patterns of human behavior that characterize him as a weak personality
    . In matters related to family breakdown, weak behavior manifests itself in hysterics and scandals, threats and reproaches, and attempts to arouse pity. Know your worth and remember that a woman will not return to her whining husband or her hysterical husband.
  3. Respect your wife's wishes, even if they are directed against you and do not correspond to your life goals
    . Perhaps the last advice is paradoxical, but accept the fact that she left you and may be trying to find a husband. The absence of selfish tendencies will allow you to quickly get rid of the burden of negative emotions, and at the same time, your ex-wife will understand that you gave her the independence she wanted. In the future, she will consider the prospect of returning.

After giving yourself time and getting rid of the negative influence of emotions, weigh the pros and cons and make the right decision.

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