How to stop hating your job and become a little happier

What to do if you're tired of work?

If you, following others, joke that nothing shortens your life like an eight-hour working day, if you go to work like hard labor, if on Sunday evening you are ready to shoot yourself just so that Monday does not come, this only says one thing: you hate your job.

It is probably pointless to look for those who are to blame for this. But to solve this problem, it is necessary to at least highlight the reasons that led to this situation. We need to remember at what point it became truly unbearable at work. After all, when getting a job, everyone experiences completely different feelings.

Where to go to realize yourself

From the point of view of System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan, for a full existence, every person needs to realize himself in society. That is, doing certain work that brings a feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment. Her choice depends on the innate mental qualities of a person. To realize them, nature has a talent in each of us, and our task is to recognize and develop it.

What happens when a person chooses an activity without realizing his natural needs?

One of my acquaintances spoke about his attitude towards work: “Every morning the hated alarm clock rings, and I just went to bed. Almost until the morning I sat on the Internet, trying to find meaning in life. You know I hate getting up early. When I arrive at work, the boss is already yelling. I want to cover my ears and just evaporate. And there are these managers scurrying around everywhere. Everyone strives for a bigger salary, a better position. But is this happiness? How annoying they all are and make it difficult to concentrate!”

No career growth, no one to talk to... And no stability

A friend recently said that work became a prison for her. “I got a job at a company. They promised career growth, high wages, and a flexible schedule. How flexible it is, you can’t jump out for a second! You know me, I manage to get everything done in a few hours, and then I can quickly “resolve” personal issues. And here - as if tied. No career growth or salary increase. I can’t go there anymore, everything is disgusting.”

Another friend, on the contrary, says that she has a position and the salary seems high, but she goes to work like she’s going to Calvary. “I come, lock myself in my office, and the whole day is just paperwork. You won't see a single person. There is no one to talk to.

No emotions, just statistics and reports. This kind of work makes me howl like a wolf. I really want to drop everything and leave.”

And what finished me off was my former classmate, who graduated from school with a “gold medal.” I thought that at least everything was fine with him at work. And he also said: “I don’t have the strength to go to the office. In two years, I have already changed four positions in this organization. I hate constant change. And no one appreciates what I do. But only I can summarize all the reports the first time - number by number. I can’t decide to leave. It seems like I'm used to it already. Maybe we can wait a little longer?

Work should correspond to our desires and needs

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains that if work contradicts innate mental properties and suppresses natural desires, then a person naturally falls into a bad state and may experience a negative attitude towards what he is doing.

From the point of view of system-vector psychology, my friend, who loves silence and is constantly in search of meaning, is the owner of the sound vector. To realize the possibilities of abstract intelligence, he needs to choose a job with a flexible schedule or the ability to work remotely. For example, the IT industry, scientific activity, literary field. Where he can concentrate and find the meanings necessary to understand the foundations of the universe.

And a nimble friend who manages to do several things at the same time and strive to climb the career ladder is the owner of the skin vector and a natural leader.

To realize her talents, she needs professional activities related to organizing people. Manager, head of a structural unit or branch - this is for her. Experiencing a healthy need to limit herself and other people, she can feel comfortable in public service and in law.

My emotional friend with a visual vector needs a job where she realizes her natural need for empathy. She will reveal her talents by choosing the profession of an actor, teacher or social worker. She will be comfortable working as a fashion designer, designer or artist.

And the classmate with the “gold medal” is the owner of the anal vector.

Conservatism is his credo. Any changes at work are stressful for him. But his analytical mind and phenomenal memory will be appreciated in pedagogy and scientific work. He can realize himself by choosing the profession of an editor, proofreader, jeweler or another where his scrupulousness is needed.

Ways to stop hating your job

Focus on the positives

Even in the most difficult work you can find its advantages. Therefore, psychologists advise taking a sheet of paper and dividing it into two parts - “+” and “-“. Ideally, there should be more advantages. This includes a stable salary, a prestigious position, a social package - you never know what other good things you can find in any job.

If the disadvantages still prevail, then perhaps the work still needs to be changed. But, most likely, there will be more advantages, because in our unstable times, consistency is most important, and jumping from place to place is the lot of those who have not developed a basic sense of duty and responsibility.

Create a workday diagram

The ability to abstract from a specific situation is a very important skill in our time. Therefore, no matter how you feel about your work, try to approach it from the point of view of mathematics, preferably algebra, and draw up some kind of diagram of your activities during the working day.

All the resulting ups and downs can help you look at your work from a completely different angle, and maybe even push you to make some changes in the organization of your own activities.

Changing the diagram will help you organize your working time more rationally, alternating it with periods of rest, and then work will no longer be so burdensome, but, on the contrary, will bring the joy of creation. Some begin to see the endless series of clients as people with their individual problems, while others become innovators and receive patents.

Switch attention

As you know, the best rest is a change of activity. If your work is monotonous, you need to learn to switch attention from one type of activity to another. We made a schedule - transfer it to the computer screen, created a draft working version of the contract - call the client, arrange a meeting with him.

The human brain is designed in such a way that it requires constant switching of attention from one object to another. If you learn this, then any job will become not just interesting, but creative.

To conduct an experiment

Even in the modern educational process, development processes are beginning to dominate. It is assumed that the learning outcome will depend on the goal that the student sets for himself. If the result does not coincide with the goal, you need to understand why. This develops the ability with introspection and reflection.

Try setting a goal every day, calculating what should come of it, and then compare. Any scientist loves his work precisely because of its experimental nature. After all, how exciting it is: to hypothetically imagine what and how it can turn out, and then watch how slowly and surely the process approaches the cherished line.

And the ability to introspect in life is useful in any job.

Learn to overcome difficulties

Even the most hated job requires from a person not just skills, but also certain efforts. And as you know, even the smallest efforts strengthen character, teach one to overcome laziness, lack of composure, and indifference, forcing one to always be correct, collected, and ready to perform even the most difficult task. It is these qualities (provided that you develop them in yourself) that will always be in demand, which means that you yourself will be in demand.

Don't hide your opinion

The method is quite extreme, but as you know, those who don’t take risks don’t drink champagne. If you hate your job, it means you don't really value it. Then, perhaps, it makes sense to express all your complaints, all your dissatisfaction with the organization of the labor process directly to your bosses.

If the manager is not a tyrant, but a sensible person, perhaps he will listen to your complaints and respond to them correctly: fire the slackers, change the duty schedule, improve living conditions.

In this case, your complaints, if they are truly justified, can serve you well in the future: perhaps the boss will see hidden potential in you and give you a position where you will develop to the fullest, and the work will become the most desirable for you.

Of course, such chances are one in a million, but who knows!

Fantasize and dream

No matter how disgusting you feel in a job you don't like, there is always time to dream. If we recall the experience of literary heroes, then Ivan Semyonov, a second-grader and repeater, dreamed of a head that could be unscrewed or that there was a machine that could literally drive knowledge into the head.

Ivan also really dreamed of retiring. If you don’t remember how it ended for him - Adelaide threatened to tell everyone that he was mentally retarded, and Ivan quickly learned to do his homework, even without the help of a “tug”.

Of course, times change, but no one is forbidden to dream that someday another boss will come who will immediately appreciate you and reveal all your talents. Fantasize about how you would behave as a boss, what projects you would promote. Perhaps there will be a rational grain in your fantasies, which you will, on occasion, share with your boss, and he will subsequently appreciate you.

So, by applying some (or maybe all!) of the methods listed here every day, sooner or later you will stop hating your job, get used to it, and then fall in love with it, like the hero of the movie “In Love of Your Own Will,” who, thanks auto-training (self-hypnosis), which was fashionable at the time, fell in love not only with his profession as a turner, but also with a woman who at first he did not like at all.

Constantly change jobs or change yourself

If you no longer have the strength to go to a job you hate or change one for another to no avail, then you need to understand what exactly is preventing you from achieving your goals and changing your attitude towards work. Perhaps these are psychological traumas received in childhood or during life. Or bad conditions associated with the mental characteristics of your vector. Or perhaps you simply don’t understand the characteristics of other people, which is why your colleagues annoy you like crazy. Or you simply do not understand your natural needs and are confused in conflicting desires.

“...finding myself in a new team or a new society, previously unfamiliar to me... I felt fear... of people... fear that they would not understand, offend, underestimate... and so on... after the training, reactions and emotions changed... the realization that there is no evil outside a person , all the evil within himself, helped him accept society as it is. That is, different... everything that happened outside was justified... Now it’s easy for me in any team... even unfamiliar to me... it’s easy, because when communicating with people, you can see and hear who lives what, who lives with them... how they live... and all of this is justification... no complaints... a slight smile of recognition on the face... from happiness... that I am not alone in this world... there are many of us, we are so different, and yet we are together..."

Liliya L., yoga teacher Naberezhnye Chelny

“...I really don’t like my job—do you think there’s something wrong? Yes, sedentary work and without an obvious result, the skin vector is not realized, which means it needs to be changed to something more dynamic. What should KZS do? - raising children! This means you need to try to become a teacher at a school/college/institute. That's all! Life is starting to get better! Not only to get better - to shine with many bright, dazzling rays that you didn’t even notice before! Personal life! Job! Health! The people around me - everything only makes me happy and does not bring disappointments...”

Olga N., Moscow

Do you want to understand the reasons that prevent you from doing what you love?

Do you want to find your dream job that suits your natural needs? Start enjoying not only work, but also life.

Register for a free online training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan here.

Author of the article: Alla Zhalkovskaya

The article was written using materials from online training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan

Reasons to hate your job

Dissatisfaction with your job

If work does not bring either material wealth, or the joy of creativity, or satisfaction of far-reaching ambitious plans, then anyone will lose motivation, and then real violence against one’s own personality will begin.

Internal conflict

And it happens that everything seems to be fine: a good salary, a loyal boss, a creative atmosphere, but you don’t want to go to work at all. This may be due to the fact that you feel like a “black sheep”. For example, all the employees are young and love corporate entertainment, but you are not interested in this due to your age or other cultural values.

Perhaps this contradicts some company principles, and they do not fit into the system of your ideas about true values: for example, “The end justifies the means.” And the principle “The customer is always right” may well make you feel inferior.

Post-vacation syndrome

Statistics show that 80% of resignations are submitted literally immediately after vacation. When, after happy weeks of doing nothing, people return to everyday duties, it becomes so difficult for them that quitting seems to be the only way out of the current situation. Many, of course, later regret what they did, but, as they say, the train has left.

Professional burnout

Of course, in any position there is always an opportunity for career growth. However, having reached a certain level, a person understands that there is no more to expect. This leads to constant irritation, dissatisfaction with oneself and, at the same time, a feeling of guilt towards the company, which expects full dedication from its employees.

The worst thing is if professional burnout poses a threat to health: apathy, increased irritability, constant feeling of fatigue, depression, self-doubt, and to top it all off - constant insomnia.

Dismissal can sometimes be the only opportunity to preserve not only physical, but also moral health. In addition, modern psychologists advise changing jobs every 3-5 years. After all, if you work in the same place, performing constant duties that are not varied, then sooner or later you begin to think narrowly and lose your business acumen.

And when you change jobs, you can gain different experience, master new skills, gradually becoming a generalist in any field of activity.

If circumstances are such that it is impossible to change jobs, then you need to look for ways to love your job or, at least, stop hating it. There are many ways to do this.

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