When the candy-bouquet period is over: are you compatible?

Even if a relationship with a guy is the worst thing that has ever happened to you in your life, on a lonely alcoholic evening you will remember how beautiful it all began and succumb to sweet nostalgia. It is these first weeks, and for some, even minutes, when you are in love, carefree and delightfully sweet, that make you regret breaking up with even the most complete idiot. Everyone calls the courtship period the happiest in a relationship. But the thing is that this is also the blindest time, which inevitably ends with insight.

There is strong evidence that passion decreases over time, so people should expect this to happen in their relationships. People who have the most unrealistic expectations about how wonderful and blissful their relationship is will be disappointed.

says Gwendolyn Seidman, a psychology professor at Albright College in Reading, Pennsylvania.

I am still in favor of ending the candy-bouquet period in a relationship as soon as possible. And I have seven reasons for this.

Lots of sex, but it could be better

Once the relationship has reached a certain intimacy, you have sex at every convenient and inconvenient occasion. Some people start right from the first date, others prefer to wait at least a week. The fact is that quantity does not necessarily mean quality - it still takes a lot of time to learn each other's preferences and get used to it enough. Over time, sex will no longer take up as much space in your life, but you may feel more satisfied.

It is normal for sexual frequency to decrease, as does passion. However, research shows that having sex very often is not necessarily a sign that the relationship is particularly good. Couples who had sex once a week or more tended to be more satisfied than couples who had sex less often. But having sex more than once a week did not provide any additional benefit.

says Seidman.

After the courtship stage, you finally don't have to pretend that you want each other absolutely always, and an evening without sex is time wasted.

Why does the candy-bouquet period end?

This period is also characterized by falling in love with each other, as well as increased emotionality on the part of both men and girls, but their perception of what is happening is certainly different.

The man takes all the initiative, appears as a conqueror, and the girl controls the current situation, setting boundaries and boundaries of what is and is not acceptable for her.

The main goal of a man in the candy-bouquet period in a relationship is to win a woman so that she reciprocates his feelings, chooses and recognizes him.

For some men, this is a way of self-expression and raising self-esteem (by the way, just like for girls), for others it is a sincere desire to develop and increase their relationship with the woman they love.

For a girl, this period is a great opportunity to feel loved and desired. I remember the expression “A woman loves with her ears.” Most girls lose their heads when a man starts courting them, from their own reaction to what is happening.

The whole point is that a girl begins to perceive a man’s courtship not as one of the periods of development of a relationship with him, but as a manifestation of her own exclusivity, and begins to stroke her vanity.

One way or another, when the candy-bouquet period is over, the girl begins to suffer from a lack of attention from the man, since he, having achieved the girl’s favor, begins to treat her in an ordinary way.

In the end you stay together for a more boring relationship

Or you realize that it was a fleeting love, and move on. According to scientists, falling in love, like orgasm, was designed to force people to build relationships and procreate.

Evolutionary psychologists argue that this was helpful in getting a person to be truly excited and invested in the early stages of a relationship. It takes a lot of effort to rebuild your life and form relationships. If it weren't so exciting and wonderful, we wouldn't make the effort. People who experienced a lot of passion and excitement in the early stages of courtship are those who were most likely to pass on their genes.

says Seidman.

When the wow effect disappears, withdrawal sets in, and with it painful discussions about whether this is your person and whether you need it. And the problem is not your incompatibility, but this damn candy-bouquet period.

The candy-bouquet period is the name of the period in a relationship that begins with the first date of a couple in love and ends with their decision to live together. This is the most romantic stage in a couple's relationship. The candy-bouquet period differs from other stages of a love relationship in that during this time lovers allow themselves only kisses and gentle touches.

At the initial stage of the candy-bouquet period, the guy is always the first to invite the girl on a date. He buys her bouquets of flowers or one flower. The main thing is that the guy is prudent, and if he is planning a long walk, then he should not give the girl a large bouquet that will be inconvenient to walk with.

During the candy-bouquet period, both lovers are afraid to separate even for a minute. They always look tenderly into each other's eyes and exchange many touches. Both partners want to merge into a single inseparable whole. They want to be with each other everywhere, they dream of living together all their long lives and ending it in one day. This behavior indicates falling in love.

The feeling of falling in love at the stage of the candy-bouquet period occurs under the influence of a number of hormones. Thanks to hormones, the heart of a person in love begins to beat faster when remembering their partner, and it beats even harder when meeting him.

Lovers see only the good in each other, which is why such relationships in the candy-bouquet period are sublime and inspired. One is trying to please the other, bring joy, share a positive mood.

During the candy-bouquet period, a person is “head over heels” in love and as a result “loses” his head. There are various stages of the candy-bouquet period, but only at the very first stage everyone tries to give everything to their loved one, and not take it away - this is why it is considered the most romantic and sincere. The one who managed to go through all the stages of the candy-bouquet period, and survive all the subsequent ones, has truly come to true love.

What surprises to arrange2

After one person from a couple wants to do something nice to the other, you need to take into account several points: desires, possibilities, appropriateness and possible reaction of the other half. The candy-bouquet period in a relationship should be especially romantic, in order not only to test and express feelings, but also to remember pleasant moments.

Win-win ideas:

  • Basket with sweets. It should contain sweets that have a romantic name. You can put stickers with wishes on some of them.
  • Bouquet of flowers. Don't limit yourself to the standard; it's better to add small cards or toys.
  • Walking under the moon or at dawn. How a couple communicates is important, and spending time alone will help you get closer. It will especially please a girl if a guy reads poetry or tells a romantic story from films or books.
  • Picnic in nature or watching a movie. Joint evenings will help to establish contact, and a properly designed space will add romance and set the mood for intimacy.
  • Intimate atmosphere. Sex is a very important part of a relationship, so it's important to decorate it. A little music, dim lighting and the evening promises to be interesting only for two.

Not only will these options be pleasant for guys and girls, but they will help them feel the trust and interest of people.

Candy-bouquet period in relationships

On their journey together, lovers go through certain stages of relationships, and there are also stages of the candy-bouquet period.

It is impossible to say exactly how long the candy-bouquet period in a relationship lasts, since it is individual for each couple, for some it lasts only a month, and for others it lasts a year.

The candy-bouquet period begins with the meeting of a man and a woman, from the moment they fall in love. Thanks to hormones, each lover’s life begins to seem even brighter than it actually is, and they make up the whole world for each other.

During the candy-bouquet period, everything seems wonderful to a person, and his significant other especially likes it. I like the appearance, the voice, some character flaws are also smoothed out. The person becomes thoughtful, he seems to be intoxicated, he is not interested in anything except what his love is doing at the moment. In such a state, it is better not to engage in important, decisive matters, since decisions made in a state of “romantic intoxication” may not be well thought out.

At the first stage of the candy-bouquet period, people are just starting to get to know each other, they like to make surprises, or they just want to be close all the time.

After a man has been the first to ask a woman out on a date several times, he expects that next time she will choose where to go together, and he will gladly agree to go wherever he is invited. This is the beauty of the candy-bouquet period, that, in fact, it doesn’t matter where you are, what matters is who will be nearby.

If a woman begins to take the initiative, it means that the candy-bouquet period is developing and moving to the next level. A woman should be proactive, but at the same time take into account the wishes of her partner, ask his opinion in advance, so that both feel equally good.

The next stage of the candy-bouquet period can be recognized by the fact that it becomes unimportant who should call whom first. A woman may well call first to chat or arrange a meeting. Men appreciate such steps. However, it is important not to overdo it so that calls do not become annoying. Even if a man doesn’t pick up the phone the first time, this doesn’t mean you need to call him every time. Even the most loving man will not like this. If he truly respects his woman, then he will definitely call back when he sees a missed call.

Some women already at this stage make many mistakes and behave too intrusively, then they screw themselves up that a man no longer needs them. They don’t think about the fact that maybe he has a lot of work, he’s busy, he has a meeting with colleagues. And pictures of betrayal flash in women’s heads, which is why couples often break up without waiting for the end of the candy-bouquet period.

At the first stage of the candy-bouquet period, the partners have already learned everything about each other, now it’s time to get to know their social circle, which also tells a lot about a person. The main thing when meeting friends of both partners is that everyone needs to behave at ease, there is no need to pretend to be a person who you really are not. However, what is important is that you can behave in such a way that your partner's friends become your own friends, since this significantly affects the duration of the relationship. Women especially should try to please male friends, since, as we know, men are quite susceptible to the advice of their friends. To do this, it is enough to simply be friendly and friendly.

A little later in the candy-bouquet period, the moment comes when you have to get acquainted with the closer circle of your loved one - his family. It is important to remember that during this meeting, parents are no less nervous. The main thing is to show the seriousness of your intentions; this will reassure and create a positive mood among parents.

If lovers feel that feelings have calmed down a little, this indicates that the candy-bouquet period has passed. Partners begin to soberly assess all the strengths and weaknesses of each other. They get used to each other and begin to behave more naturally, they can make comments, talk about what they don’t like.

Relations after the candy-bouquet period become a little worse. Quarrels begin, and everyone begins to see only shortcomings in their lover and constantly talk about them. It happens that at this stage the couple separates, or everyone begins to look for consolation on the side. They can find other partners, but all the same, the same thing will happen to each of them - a relationship after the candy-bouquet period, in which a phase of disgust will begin.

After the passions of the candy-bouquet period have subsided, quarrels and disagreements happen much less frequently, and they are no longer so fatal. Each of the partners equally knows that in any case the quarrel will end and the relationship will be restored.

Relationships after the candy-bouquet period are distinguished by the wisdom and patience of both partners. Having gone through quarrels, difficulties and insults, the couple becomes truly strong. The lovers have become not just close people, they have become best friends who can share their most intimate things without thinking about what reaction they might encounter in return. Healthy criticism and flawless acceptance of views is what every partner should exude. Friendship between partners is a sign that says that the candy-bouquet period has come to an end and a crucial moment in the relationship has arrived - the beginning of mature love.

Many people consider love only the candy-bouquet period, and everything after that is a habit that has nothing to do with romantic relationships. But in fact, after the candy-bouquet period has passed, the most sincere and true love begins.

The romance of a relationship depends not on how long the candy-bouquet period lasts, but on the individuals themselves. If both people are working on the relationship, then they should distribute responsibilities equally, and both will have nothing to complain about. Also, everyone should take care of the mood and feelings of the other.

Respectful attitude, pleasant little things, interest in your partner, showing attention and other actions should maintain romance in a relationship. Thanks to such little things, the candy-bouquet period can be extended until old age.

It’s good to go out together to the cinema, theater, restaurant, explore previously unknown places and admire discoveries together. Try to come up with something that would interest your other half, perhaps surprise you with a new dish or show you a landscape that is still unknown to her. You can give each other unplanned gifts. So, a man can give a woman a bouquet of flowers just like that, and a woman can buy a man a shirt that he would like.

In every love and family couple, the independence of the individual must be preserved. That is, a woman should not dissolve in a man and live entirely by him and his interests. She must find a personal hobby that she can do in her free time.

Also, a man can do what he wants, for example, meet exclusively with friends, attend sports clubs. This requires a certain period of time.

However, you can notice that such individual time leads to the fact that lovers begin to value the time spent together more.

Even after the end of the candy-bouquet period, romantic love does not go away, it is transformed, but remains, thanks to the efforts of both partners. All this also has its own charm, since the partners already know each other quite well, they know how to surprise and how to please. The initial stage of the candy-bouquet period has passed, and those emotions and feelings that were there before can no longer be returned, but many interesting and exciting events await the couple ahead.

General features of the candy-bouquet period

The bouquet period is characterized by beautiful, gentlemanly courtship, frequent signs of attention, pleasant surprises, unpredictable, spectacular actions. Signs of the candy-bouquet period in a relationship:

  • Sincere, deep feelings.
  • Mutual sympathy.
  • The desire to take care of each other.
  • The desire to please your partner.
  • The desire to create and maintain a psychologically comfortable atmosphere for a loved one.

Usually at this stage of relationship development, people are connected by spiritual intimacy. The time that people spend together gives a lot of positive emotions. A couple in love is more interested in each other's inner world than in carnal pleasures. Innocent touches and tender kisses are usually the only manifestations of physical intimacy. Psychologists advise not to rush things. Entering into intimate intimacy provokes serious, vital decisions for which partners are not yet ready.

Beautiful relationships characteristic of this stage are attractive due to their openness and absence of negative feelings - lovers rarely quarrel, show positive character traits, and try to look better in the eyes of their partner. During this period, people treat each other with reverence, are afraid to part for a long time, and will be ready to talk all night, holding hands and looking at the stars. The action in real life unfolds like in a romantic movie. We understand and believe that we can only be loved because we exist in this world.

Every girl dreams of such a relationship. Having once experienced the happiness of being the object of adoration, passion and desire, having learned how the magic of love is born, how a partner can be romantic, gentle and attentive, every woman hopes to return the candy-bouquet period in a relationship. At this stage of communication, the risk of seeing your beloved man with his mistress is minimal. When he is passionate about the only one, all his thoughts are occupied with the object of love. He is ready for exploits and crazy deeds for the sake of his beloved. Why everything is good:

  1. People do not face everyday problems.
  2. The couple did not have to jointly find a way out of a difficult situation or take any significant actions - run a common household, make repairs, take care of a child, elderly parents, be together all the time.
  3. Partners carefully hide their shortcomings and try to present themselves from the best side.
  4. Rainbow dreams of a wonderful future seem feasible and within reach.

Carefree time, relationships not burdened with mutual responsibility, the absence of serious problems, prospects for development – ​​these are the traits thanks to which we see only the best in our partner and feel exclusively positive emotions in his presence. This is the moment where I suffer and receive support from my partner, regardless of the degree of adequacy, correctness and correctness of my actions. If there is no bouquet period in a relationship, it is worth considering whether this is the very person with whom you wanted to create a happy family and live together for the rest of your life.

Why does everything deteriorate in a relationship after the candy-bouquet period?

November 21, 2020

The period of passion and adoration (candy-bouquet period) lasts approximately 20 months. When a guy and a girl start dating, a huge amount of different hormones are produced in their blood, which contribute to the perception of the world in “pink color”, in all the bright and colorful colors of the rainbow.

At this moment, the partners are satisfied with everything about each other: voice, appearance and actions. At the same time, all each other’s shortcomings are perceived as an amazing phenomenon, as an individual and quite good feature of each of them. During this period, a person seems to be under the influence of a dope. But, like the effect of any psychotropic drugs, it all ends, everything falls into place, and another period of the relationship begins, we’ll talk about this below. You can also add that during this period you cannot make any important decisions, as they can turn against you.

The next stage is the period of satiety. At this stage, a person begins to soberly assess the situation, and also look at his partner with normal eyes. This is accompanied by more relaxed behavior, studying each other, one might say in a new way.

After this, an obligatory stage in the development of relationships follows, such as antipathy towards each other. During this period, a huge number of quarrels and insults occur, mostly over trifles. It is not uncommon for people to break up precisely at this period of relationship development. But doing this, in principle, is pointless, since you will find yourself a new partner, and everything will definitely start all over again.

Next comes patience. During this period, quarrels and conflicts still occur, but much less frequently. People at this stage of a relationship understand that quarrels go away, reconciliation occurs, and the relationship continues. There is a law of nature, the essence of which is that patience and obedience brings you wisdom.

The next stage is the stage of respect and mutual understanding. From this stage, true pure love begins. People try to take care of each other, thinking not about what he needs, but about his beloved, benefit and their own desires fade into the background.

And, of course, after all this comes love! This is a very difficult period, here you have to try to hold on, not to lose that invisible, but already quite strong thread connecting you. At this stage, people are completely devoid of egoism, since they already clearly perceive each other as a single whole.

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Further development of relations

Exchanging passionate declarations of love and tight night hugs does not guarantee that you will live to see your golden wedding in peace and harmony. Some advice for those who are afraid to look beyond the horizon:

  1. Prepare for intense conflicts. They are inevitable after the rose-colored glasses are shattered in some critical situation. Alas, in addition to going to the cinema and cafes, there is also the wrong side of everyday life together. The chosen one will inadvertently step on your sore spot and, turning under the hot hand, will listen to a couple of sensible comments addressed to him. After exchanging pleasantries, returning to the former idyll is impossible. Scandals out of the blue will suddenly turn a fairy tale into reality. Not every pair will pass the test of strength.
  2. Don't be surprised by the sharp decline in interest in yourself. It is naive to hope that your partner will always look at you without looking away, as on the day you met. Sooner or later, satiety arises with continuous communication in the “24/24” format. In this case, cooling cannot be avoided. Whether the former passion will return or the relationship will develop into a strong friendship depends only on you.
  3. Get down to the ground. Ardent confessions and colorful compliments are inevitably replaced by the prose of life. On first dates, it is not customary to complain about noisy neighbors behind the wall, exacerbation of gastritis and the pranks of the tyrant boss. However, this does not mean that such problems disappeared somewhere by themselves due to the onset of spring in the soul. Stress can provoke an attack of Yaroslavna’s crying from any of the partners. The atmosphere of an eternal holiday will be hopelessly spoiled. Get used to the idea that together you will not only drink cold champagne under the starry sky, but also pull the burden of everyday life, experience the bitterness of losses and recover from major defeats.
  4. Don't create unnecessary illusions. The candy-bouquet period in a relationship does not necessarily end with a trip to the registry office. “Darling, we had a good time together. But it's time to move on. To new meetings and bright sensations. That's how I'm built. I’m sorry” – this scenario is quite possible. How to react? Do not throw hysterics and do not try to catch up with your rapidly retreating partner. The charm of first meetings cannot be returned. But you can keep bright memories of a wonderful time spent. Let go without tears or resentment of someone who does not want to go further through life hand in hand with you. This is not the soulmate that is destined for you.

Will the feeling of cloudless happiness ever return if the candy-bouquet period has already ended, but you are still together and intend to maintain the relationship? Hardly. From the previous euphoria of getting closer to a nice stranger, only memories usually remain. But the pleasant realization that you are not alone in this world and someone is always sincerely happy to see you will fill life with special meaning. In order to achieve such a state of mental balance, it is really worth engaging in an “active search” for your soulmate and going through all the stages from dating to creating a strong family.

When the candy-bouquet period is over: are you compatible?

How wonderful is the time of falling in love, inspiration, dates under the moon, beautiful courtship and pleasant gifts. “The candy-bouquet period,” they say about her. It's a pity that it doesn't last forever. For some it is three months, for others it is two years. Why does the romantic period pass, giving way to everyday life? Why is it increasingly difficult for you to find a common language with a once impeccable person? How to keep a partner, and is it necessary? I received answers to these and other questions from Gestalt therapist Lyudmila Kiselenok.

"There's chemistry between us"

– Many young girls come to me for consultation, who at first go crazy with their chosen one (in the literal sense of the word), and then do not understand why he stopped calling or writing SMS.

Chemistry in a relationship is not a myth. Indeed, on first dates between lovers there is interaction at the biological level. Instincts are triggered, parameters such as smell, skin color, eye shine, and voice timbre are subconsciously “read.” He and she, looking closely at each other, determine whether their immune systems are compatible. If yes, sexual attraction arises. Adrenaline and norepinephrine, a stress hormone, are released into the blood in large quantities. The heartbeat quickens, the palms sweat, the limbs tremble. Chemical reactions occur in the body of both, which sometimes turn off the brain.

Date after date, the reactions are repeated, the image of the beloved (beloved) excites the blood, and a craving arises to renew these sensations. Sooner or later, sex happens, which enhances attraction due to more vivid not only biological but also emotional sensations. For the sake of pleasure, lovers are ready to meet more often, do not notice each other’s shortcomings, and are ready to give gifts.

When will this all end3

The sweet-bouquet period in a relationship can be uncomfortable for some couples or individual partners, so they want to move on to everyday life. Usually this moment lasts about 2-3 months, after which the couple begins to live as usual. But is this necessary? Wouldn't it be better if it lasted as long as possible? The best option is not to get hung up on the period, but from time to time to please your loved one with pleasant surprises, thereby constantly talking about your feelings.

Any little thing made or given with love (breakfast, a card, a holiday together, a soft toy, an ice cream cone or an armful of daisies) can be remembered for a long time and give emotions even after a long time.

Three types of compatibility

“Scientists have conducted MRI studies of the brains of lovers,” continues the Gestalt therapist. – The tomogram showed that the areas responsible for critical thinking do not work for them. But sooner or later the rose-colored glasses will fall off. Many couples begin to live together, take a closer look at each other in everyday life, and judge each other by their actions and behavior. That's when critical thinking comes into play. And everything would be fine, love would “step over” to the next stage if there had been compatibility at the mental level from the beginning.

There are three types of compatibility:

  1. Sexy.
  2. Emotional.
  3. Mental.

We have already talked about the first two. Communication with the object of desire evokes emotions, it is comfortable, calm, and one is drawn to him. The mental one is determined by the fact that it is interesting to talk with this person, there are common hobbies, goals, views on life, and approximately the same intellectual level. It's even better when the man is smarter. A woman is by nature more flexible and will strive to “grow” to his level. If there is mental and emotional compatibility, you can agree on good sex. If only emotional and sexual, you will experience violent emotions that are not supported by anything in reality. At the physiological level it is easy to find a man, but at the mental level they often find someone who is not the right one.

How and where to meet a worthy man

How to choose a man for a serious relationship

How to get married successfully? Psychologist's advice

Criteria for evaluating men

– With all the adoration of your chosen one, the euphoria from his mind-blowing compliments, excellent sex (and it seems like “he’s not a fool yet”), you need to consider the following:

A man must be successful. By about 27 years old, he should have a car and some kind of housing, even rented, as well as the desire to earn money for further material development. There are enough gigolos and parasites. If by the age of 40 you have nothing of your own, consider yourself to have wasted your years in vain. He may say that he is currently living with his parents, but he is going to take out a loan and buy an apartment. You can gather for decades. It’s worse if a woman, out of pity, lets you live in her apartment and allows you to drive your car. If you already have everything, the desire to make money on real estate loses its meaning.

A truly successful man must provide his own territory for living. Even if a young family takes out a mortgage together, he must pay it.

A successful man always has a hobby. Success is determined by growth not only in work, but in various fields of activity, be it sports, fishing, hunting, dog breeding, tourism, charity, collecting, visiting theaters, cinema, dancing, gardening, computers, politics, reading books. If there is no hobby, it means that after work the man comes home, collapses on the sofa in front of the TV (worse when with beer) and watches everything. It's good when a couple has common interests and hobbies.

His circle of friends. Friends should be about the same level as him. It’s better when they are higher in status and position. This means he has room to grow. It is also important to observe the time spent together. Successful men will not waste time; if there are any moments of relaxation at barbecues, they are not protracted.

His attitude towards his parents (respects and honors them). This attitude determines what kind of father he will become, whether he will be able to instill in his children respect for their elders. The attitude towards your mother can become an indicator of the attitude towards your future wife.

The result of a romantic relationship should be an offer to marry him. If he doesn’t call, doesn’t want, puts it off, it means he can’t take responsibility for another.

Candy-bouquet period: what kind of animal?

A man and a woman do not choose each other by chance. The very first prerequisite for their acquaintance is external data. It’s not for nothing that they say that a man loves with his eyes.

With mutual interest in each other, their sympathy develops into the initial stage of a love relationship - falling in love.

The candy-bouquet period is the most pleasant time of the relationship between partners, the most romantic part of love, which is accompanied by attention to the girl from the man in its various forms and manifestations.

Criteria for evaluating women

– All men also have one secret passion for a woman. It’s not even sex, but the desire that she “not blow his mind,” says Lyudmila. – Life is much more comfortable with a calm, non-critical woman, even if she is incompetent at housekeeping. You can learn how to bake pancakes, but not everyone can avoid reproaches against their husband.

What else do men expect from their chosen one:

1. To talk less about everything and with everyone, and not wash dirty linen in public.

2. So as not to complain, whine or be negative. Men love women who are positive and easy-going.

3. So that you don’t stir up your past and don’t drag memories of previous men with you into your present relationship.

4. So as not to force a man to constantly share his feelings, let him feel what he wants.

5. To be faithful and sexually responsive.

6. To be beautiful and attractive, to be able to present yourself. How she thinks about herself will determine how a man will think about her. Is she worthy of gifts, attention, compliments?

Mistakes that women make

– According to statistics, for ten girls there are nine guys, as they say. Therefore, women are very afraid of remaining alone for the rest of their days, they start relationships with low-quality men, they suffer, they endure,” sums up Lyudmila Kiselenok. – But there is no need to be afraid, because according to the same statistics, several thousand men get divorced every year. There are some successful ones among them. We need to find someone who is compatible on a mental level. It is important that goals, interests, views on life, on raising children, on attitude towards parents and even daily routine coincide. If this is not the case, the first signal is: “not your man.”

Even successful men often disappear after a few dates. It is important to figure out: is the reason in him or in you? If he himself realized in time that he does not want or is afraid of a relationship, let him go, it is not yours.

Sometimes the woman herself, without noticing it, makes mistakes that repel her partner:

  1. Shows a constant need for something, self-doubt, anxiety, fears.
  2. He is the initiator of any enterprise: it is not the man who looks after the woman, but she who looks after him.
  3. Asks a lot during the dating stage.
  4. He convinces and persuades a man to do even what he doesn’t want.
  5. Everywhere she pays the bills herself.

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If your boyfriend has disappeared from your horizon, you should not humiliate yourself and pursue him. Successful men respect successful women. Therefore, you should not run after him, but think about yourself, achieve success in one area or another of your life. And let him understand what a purposeful lady he is losing.

A true lady must love herself, then she is interesting and worthy of attention. If he doesn’t love himself, he will become a subject of manipulation. You always need to find the strength to end first a meaningless relationship that has no future. It’s better to have two months of pain than several wasted years.

If you have good compatibility on the mental, emotional and sexual levels, but disagreements and disagreements occur, remember that men need recharge in the form of praise and compliments. A true macho man should feel close to his beloved superhero, the only one who can solve all her problems. Only a woman can create this state and emotional background in the family.

About the candy-bouquet and 6 more stages

1. The candy-bouquet stage lasts approximately 18 months When a man and woman meet each other and fall in love, their bodies produce certain hormones that contribute to the perception of the world in bright colors. At this moment, everything about a person seems beautiful: appearance, voice, even character flaws seem amazing.

The person seems to be in a state of drug intoxication. During this period, under no circumstances should you make any fateful decisions, since the effect of this drug will wear off sooner or later.

2. The next stage is satiety

The storm of feelings and emotions subsides, you begin to soberly assess the pros and cons of your partner. You begin to get used to each other, behave more naturally and relaxed.

3. Third stage - disgust

It is a must for any long-term relationship. During the disgust phase, quarrels begin, as if you are concentrating exclusively on each other's shortcomings. The easiest and at the same time worst way out is separation or divorce. What's bad about it? You will abandon a time-tested relationship and, in addition, you will soon enter the candy-bouquet stage with another partner, and everything will start all over again.

4. The next stage is patience.

Quarrels and disagreements between partners happen, but they are no longer so fatal, since both know that the quarrel will end and the relationship will be restored again. If partners make efforts to develop patience, then wisdom comes to them along with patience. This is the law of nature. So, at this stage, partners acquire wisdom.

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5. The fifth stage is the stage of duty or respect. This is also the first stage of love!

In fact, before this there was no love yet. At this stage, each partner begins to think not about what is owed to him, but about what he himself should do for his loved one. Understanding one's responsibilities develops a person.

6. Stage six - friendship

You have truly become close and dear to each other. You trust each other like your closest friends. Friendship is a serious preparation for love.

7. Seventh stage – love

True love is not easy. It takes a very long time to get there. Love is learned through all kinds of life situations in long-term and intimate relationships. True love is not something that suddenly falls on your head, as is commonly believed. For true, adult love, a person matures, abandoning selfishness and prejudices.

People choose their own husband or wife. But to experience true love in family life, you need to get to know each other well, then become friends, and then fall in love. Many couples consider the first candy-bouquet period to be love. But as soon as the romance goes away and the rose-colored glasses fall off, the first difficulties, the first tests of the relationship begin. And someone thinks that love has passed. . Love has all the tastes: sweet and salty, tart and astringent, bitter and even sour. Devotion and patience are the main qualities of love. If you decide that “love is over” in your relationship, rest assured that it has not yet begun.

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