The roots of dissatisfaction with life, when everything is good, but something is wrong

A person may feel sick constantly for days, weeks or months due to lack of sleep, stress, anxiety or poor diet.

In other cases, there may be an underlying disorder.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as of 2012, about 50% of American adults had at least one chronic or long-term health condition.

If a person is or may be pregnant, it may be morning sickness, which can occur at any time of the day and cause nausea, with or without vomiting.

In this article, we will look at the causes, symptoms and treatments for people who constantly suffer from the disease.

Causes, symptoms and treatments

Below are some common reasons why a person may always feel sick, plus symptoms, and how to treat each.


Many people may not associate anxiety with illness, but it can often make a person feel sick in their stomach.

A person with anxiety may experience nausea or get sick more often because their anxiety weakens their immune response.

Other symptoms of anxiety include:

  • sweating
  • labored breathing
  • dizziness
  • increased heart rate
  • trembling or shaking
  • avoidance of certain situations

It's normal for people to feel some anxiety. When a person experiences persistent anxiety that interferes with their daily life, they may want to talk to their doctor about anxiety disorders.

If a person experiences anxiety on most days for 6 months or more, they may be diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).

A person may have a specific anxiety disorder or phobia if their anxiety is specific to certain situations, such as social contact or unsanitary conditions.


Anxiety and anxiety disorders are treatable. Possible options include:

  • Addressing the cause of anxiety, which may be caused by lifestyle factors, relationships, drugs or alcohol.
  • Psychotherapy or talk therapy, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or interpersonal therapy (IBT).
  • Talk to your doctor and take medications such as beta blockers.

Chronic stress

Experiencing stress here and there is completely normal, but constant stress can take a toll on the mind and body.

Extreme stress, such as that caused by grief, shock or traumatic experience, can also affect people physically.

People with chronic or extreme stress can have many different symptoms because stress affects the immune system, nervous system, hormones, and heart function.

Other symptoms of chronic stress may include:

  • lack of energy
  • digestive problems such as diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea and constipation.
  • insomnia or difficulty sleeping.
  • excitement
  • muscle pain or stiffness
  • headache
  • more frequent infections such as colds, flu and urinary tract infections (STIs).
  • decreased desire to participate in social activities or social settings


The only definite way to get rid of chronic stress is to address and eliminate its root cause. However, certain lifestyle habits can significantly reduce stress and its symptoms.

There are many traditional and alternative treatments available to help manage or relieve stress.

Good ways to relieve stress include

  • Eliminating the causes of conflicts that cause their disorders.
  • Do regular exercise as often as possible.
  • Spending a decent amount of time outdoors.
  • Practical mindfulness and stress-relieving exercises such as yoga, meditation, deep breathing and guided visualization.
  • Avoiding homecoming issues related to work or unfinished work, as well as issues related to working from home.
  • A stress-relieving hobby, especially one that promotes creativity, such as drawing, writing, painting, or music.
  • Seeking support and understanding from family and friends.
  • Seeking help from a mental health professional.

Lack of sleep

Proper, regular sleep is important for mental and physical health. When someone is chronically sleep deprived, they may feel sick all the time.

Many chronic illnesses can interfere with sleep, usually exacerbating the symptoms of both illnesses.

Common symptoms of chronic sleep deprivation or lack of adequate sleep include

  • daytime sleepiness
  • general fatigue
  • difficulty concentrating or completing tasks
  • irritability and anxiety
  • more frequent infections and longer healing times
  • deepening


Common ways to improve sleep deprivation include:

  • Create a sleep and wake-up schedule and stick to it even on weekends.
  • Remove any sources of distraction, such as electronics, from the bedroom.
  • Seek treatment for conditions that interfere with proper sleep, such as sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, anxiety, and chronic pain.
  • Avoid energy drinks and too much caffeine.
  • Unwind before bed with yoga, meditation, a warm bath or a book.

Poor nutrition and dehydration

Dehydration and malnutrition, or poor nutrition, all create stress on the body. Chronic lack of essential nutrients and hydration can cause many problems, including:

  • chronic fatigue and weakness
  • dizziness or ease of dizziness
  • difficulty concentrating
  • poor immune health and long healing time
  • weight loss


Recommendations for daily water consumption vary depending on a person's age, gender, pregnancy, and health status. It is often said that most people should drink 6 to 8 glasses of water per day.

If a person suspects they are dehydrated, they should visit their doctor to find out what treatment is best.

To treat and prevent malnutrition, people should eat a healthy, balanced diet rich in foods, including:

  • whole grains
  • whole fruits and vegetables
  • pulses such as dry beans, lentils and peas.
  • healthy fats such as oily fish, extra virgin olive oil, most nuts, whole eggs, avocado and dark chocolate.

Poor hygiene

Poor physical hygiene, especially in the oral cavity, can cause a variety of symptoms that can lead to a person feeling sick all the time. Poor hygiene allows bacteria to grow and flourish, which can lead to infection.

The skin is the body's natural barrier to things that can cause infection, such as bacteria and viruses.

Washing your body and cleaning your clothes and bedding can help prevent bacteria from growing and keep natural, healthy bacterial communities at bay.

People have many blood vessels in their gums. This blood supply means that chronic, untreated gum infections can spread throughout the body. Severe gum disease is also associated with several medical conditions.


Regular washing of the body, clothes and bedding should help treat and prevent most infections associated with poor hygiene. And maintaining oral hygiene can help with treatment and significantly reduce the likelihood of developing infections and gum disease.

Good oral hygiene habits include:

  • Brushing your teeth with fluoride toothpaste and flossing regularly at least twice a day. Fluoride toothpaste is available for purchase online, along with dental floss.
  • Regular dental checkups and teeth cleanings
  • quitting smoking or using tobacco products
  • avoiding sugary foods and drinks.

Alcohol, caffeine, drugs or medications

Alcohol, caffeine, recreational drugs, and many prescription drugs are known to disrupt sleep, which can lead to an overall feeling of ill health.

Excessive or long-term use of chemicals that act as stimulants or depressants can lead to certain mental and physical changes.


A person should avoid drinks, foods and drugs that contain these chemicals, especially in the evening or before bed. It is important to remember that caffeine and sugar can greatly affect a person's well-being.

If someone's symptoms are caused by prescribed medications, they should talk to their doctor to find an alternative.

immune conditions

Autoimmune diseases weaken the immune system and make it easier for infections, colds and flu to develop. This means that people with chronic immune diseases tend to get sick more often and may take longer to recover from illnesses.

Common immune conditions that can make people feel sick all the time include:

Autoimmune diseases cause a variety of symptoms, including fatigue, rashes, insomnia and gastrointestinal problems.


The only way to treat symptoms associated with an autoimmune disease is to seek medical attention and monitoring the condition.

Impact of infection

A person who has a lot of social contact with other people is more susceptible than others to factors that cause infection, such as viruses and bacteria.

People may be at greater risk of infection if they:

  • work with children
  • work in healthcare
  • living in close proximity to other people, such as in dormitories.
  • travel a lot or use public transport frequently


A person cannot always avoid social contact, although they can use the following methods to reduce the risk of infection:

  • frequent hand washing
  • covering your face when near someone with a contagious disease.
  • using hand sanitizers available for purchase online.


People with anemia do not have enough hemoglobin, the part of red blood cells that carries oxygen in their blood. When their tissues and cells do not receive enough oxygen, they cannot function normally. This means that people with anemia tend to always feel under the influence of the weather.

Common symptoms of anemia include:

  • tired or tired easily
  • difficulty concentrating
  • labored breathing
  • pale skin


Often the easiest way to treat anemia is to change your diet or take iron supplements, available for purchase online.

Foods high in iron include:

  • dark green, leafy vegetables
  • beans, lentils and legumes.
  • chicken, fish, pork and beef.
  • nuts and seeds
  • eggs
  • brown or wild rice
  • fortified cereals and bakery products

Psychologists and psychological assistance

Hello! I am 21 years old. It’s hard to realize this, but I seem to myself to be a bad person - and the worst thing is that I can’t tell anyone about this, because my loved ones will start convincing me. I realized this after I almost cheated on my good friend with her boyfriend on New Year's Eve. There was no eroticism in the situation, but without a twinge of conscience I went to bed with him so as not to feel so lonely. When I did this, I didn't even realize how bad I was doing. My friend found out about everything, and now I can’t find a place for myself. The bad thing is that I can’t adequately apologize to her when I’m with her, I don’t care, and when I’m alone, I start crying. My friends, with whom I have been friends for 10 years, annoy me. I realize that I love them, but I can’t express it and I’m irritated all the time. It seems to me that I don't know how to love. I never had normal relationships with guys, I dated scumbags who fueled my interest with indifference, but there was no love. I am angry at everyone all the time, I carefully hide it, but inside I am irritated by everything, every movement of my loved ones. Inside myself, I always notice their misdeeds and shortcomings, and I oppress them for it. I like to tease people, make evil jokes about their mistakes, I don’t know how to support them in a difficult situation. I think my friends piss me off even more because they start to realize who is around them. After a couple of things like that, they see who I really am and it annoys me. I am very selfish, in any situation I think only about myself, how to benefit from circumstances, I want to communicate only with people who can benefit me. I can’t fully open up to people, I didn’t understand why before, but now I clearly see that I have nothing good inside, I have nothing to give to people - no love, no compassion, just indifference. It seems that soon everyone around will understand what I am, and I will be left alone. I haven’t had a boyfriend for 2 years, because I can’t let anyone close to me, and I know that I can’t give a person anything. I’m afraid of a repetition of the situation - they will love me, but I will be cold, mock the person, manipulate him and hate myself more and more because of this behavior. I had never been able to understand before why I couldn’t love myself and accept myself with all my shortcomings, but now it’s clearly obvious that I’m a bad person, and no one would ever love someone like that. And this happens with everything, I feel very bad about it. Help! I don't know what to do or who to contact about this.


People who always feel sick are more likely to have to miss work or school, or they may be less able to perform daily tasks. This is especially true when a person suffers from a chronic illness.

Chronic conditions can also cause anxiety and interfere with activities important to good health, such as proper sleep, exercise and socializing.

Although the specific complications depend on the cause, a person who constantly feels sick and whose symptoms do not improve may develop depression, anxiety, or fatigue.


Feeling weak, often sick or sick is often attributed to lack of sleep, poor diet, anxiety or stress. However, it can also be a sign of pregnancy or a chronic illness.

If a person is not sure what is causing them to feel sick all the time, they should consult their doctor for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

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The roots of dissatisfaction with life, when everything is good, but something is wrong

He is sure that everything is fine with him (but in reality there is nothing good), and his inner voice does not allow him to forget about it.

Psychologists often come across cases where people consider their families to be normal, despite the fact that the mother drinks regularly, the father beats her, and this is perceived as the norm. Another life for them is a plot from a fairy-tale series. From a social and psychological point of view, such norms cannot be considered normal. They have a negative impact primarily on children who grow up with a pathologically incorrect perception of society and their place in it.

Read on the topic: Life scenarios from childhood

“I know that everything is fine with me, but for some reason I feel bad, and the feeling that I was deceived does not leave me.”

This is often said by people who are unable to live in harmony. It seems to them that they live like everyone else, that there are not enough stars in the sky. They do not go beyond the boundaries of their own world, because it changes their lives, and the castles in the air that have been built over the years collapse. After the world around us opens up in a new vision, knowledge comes and a feeling arises that according to generally accepted standards everything is fine, but something is going wrong .

The contradiction between “everything is good” and “the soul is bad”

The internal conflict is that in the presence of such a feeling, a state of false comfort does not bring positive emotions.

This feeling can be rooted in deep childhood, when the child’s perception of the world is formed. For example, at 2-3 years old the baby already begins to understand that he lives in society, surrounded by parents, brothers and sisters, and neighbors. The so-called “herd feeling” is genetically inherent in humans (ancient people were forced to flock into groups in order to survive, and were deprived of this right either as punishment or due to a disease that could destroy the entire tribe), and rarely is anyone ready to give up communication and strengthen the opinion that he doesn’t need anyone.

The desire to be part of society prompts a person to sign up for clubs, make friends, go on vacation together, join groups on social networks, and subconsciously he fears that he may lose everything. The fear of loneliness dominates insecure people who prefer bullying and humiliation, but not deprivation of the chance to be part of society. For a “downtrodden” person, such a state is accepted as nothing other than “everything is fine,” although this is self-deception. In other words, as long as everything is “not bad”, it is “good”. Even if the person feels bad in this state. Such a substitution of concepts.

Everything is fine with me, but I feel bad: inability to live in harmony with myself

It is possible to correct faults in upbringing and perception that have been established since childhood, but it is impossible to change them and the memories of them. The person himself cannot understand what happened to him. We need a psychologist who will answer all the questions and sort them out.

But you can overcome the feeling of dissatisfaction yourself.

People are strange creatures, they like to say that they feel bad at every step, but as soon as they are offered help, they quietly leave (because “they know better”). Often, those who like to plunge into melancholy suffer from this, and when problems become more numerous, the blues immediately pass and the desire to fight for a place in the sun is born. They are already happy to return to the original state of “something is wrong.” We need to get rid of this position.

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