Whether dreams are good or bad. What to do if you have bad dreams. Sleep importance for health

According to experts, dreams are a visual representation of our experiences in real life, the result of the brain processing existing emotions and fears. What are our dreams trying to tell us, what is the hidden meaning of nightmares and recurring dreams? Martina Kosyan, an Australian psychotherapist and expert in the field of dream psychoanalysis, talks about dreams and their interpretations.

What dreams are bad

It’s hard to remain calm when, after waking up, a terrible picture of your death, etc. is before your eyes. The dream itself is not so scary as the possible consequences, but in real life. After all, many people know that even bad dreams can be prophetic.

Science has proven that people see bad dreams before dawn, so they can convey them accurately. Mostly, bad dreams are provoked by drinking alcohol and difficult life situations. If you lead a healthy lifestyle, and nightmares have become a common occurrence, it’s worth thinking about.

Such dreams push you to think; they come to warn you about something. Perhaps health problems have begun or you are promised troubles at work.

  • A dream in which you see a fire, a fire that brings a lot of grief, suggests that in real life you are too careless and forget about fire safety measures.
  • A dream in which you are participating in hostilities, the end of the world has happened, a flood, an earthquake, a dream in which life is threatened, or you yourself are afraid of the events taking place. If in a dream you are under rubble, at sea during a storm, this suggests that in reality you will not be able to cope with a difficult situation without outside help.
  • Dead relatives or acquaintances come in a dream. The dream says that you are afraid of reality, inventing non-existent diseases for yourself, looking for a catch in everything. Such dreams may indicate your unwillingness to come to terms with the loss of a loved one.
  • If you dream of being late for work, a train, or a visit, this indicates an incorrect lifestyle. Perhaps it is oversaturated with activities that do not bring joy or benefit, and is associated with unnecessary spending, which can lead to financial losses. Also, dreaming about being late indicates an incorrect distribution of time, as a result of which you do not have time to complete assigned tasks.
  • If you see yourself naked in a dream, then in reality this indicates that you have low self-esteem, and at the same time you are too proud, arrogant, and arrogant. The fear of looking ridiculous prevents you from completing your tasks. You are afraid of being misunderstood and unrecognized, so you are always in the shadow of more successful people, you envy them. A stranger is trying to reach you, perhaps this is your future destiny, but you don’t trust people.
  • If in a dream you are dressed, it is not clear what you are wearing. Perhaps you are engaged in a business that you know absolutely nothing about, or it is unprofitable. In reality, you understand this, you don’t want to accept it and stop doing it. You are obviously inviting trouble for yourself.
  • If your husband or loved one left you in a dream. Such dreams say that not everything is going smoothly in a relationship; worries and fear of abandonment haunt you. You are insecure about your lover, you pursue and control him, and because of your lack of faith you can destroy the relationship.
  • If in a dream you fall, go down the mountain, and at the same time you are in a hopeless situation. Such dreams indicate the presence of a situation from which no way out is expected in the near future. It may also be that the assigned task requires a special approach, and you will not be able to prove yourself and complete it.
  • If you are being chased in a dream, but you keep running away. In reality, you are trying to escape responsibility, you don’t want to make decisions, you are afraid to challenge society.

Bad dreams come at a time when troubles occur, difficult situations that bring bad energy into your life.

Medicine has its own opinion about unpleasant dreams:

  • If a person is being chased, it means that he needs to make an appointment with a cardiologist. There may be disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • If you can't breathe, you drown and choke on water. In fact, inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract and nasopharynx are possible; urgent medical attention is needed.
  • If in a dream you see and smell rotten meat, you need to be examined; digestive problems may occur.
  • If you get lost in the forest, in a place that puts you in a state of shock. In real life, you are so overworked that you are unable to even cope with your responsibilities.

How to learn to remember (see) dreams?

If a person suffers from a lack of dreams, they can be restored using simple recommendations. Compliance with the following rules will help:

  • Develop imagination. It is better to engage in creativity: drawing, embroidery, dancing, singing, hand-made art, shooting an original video or writing an interesting blog. Creativity helps to activate the desired part of the brain responsible for the formation of dreams.
  • Do not overeat at night or drink alcohol. This will not only solve your sleep problem, but also get rid of unpleasant nightmares.
  • Keep a “morning” diary. After waking up, pick up a notebook and pen and start writing. Write everything that comes to mind, even if the thoughts seem chaotic and incoherent. This helps develop imagination and turn on the right parts of the brain.
  • Keep a dream diary. If you manage to remember a dream, you need to describe its plot in a diary, share your emotions and impressions of the experience.
  • Engage in meditation and spiritual practices. With their help, it is possible to relax the mind, concentrate and release unnecessary emotions.
  • Follow the regime: sleep at least 6-8 hours. In this case, dream cycles will not be disrupted.
  • After going to bed, work with positive affirmations. It is advisable to repeat the following attitudes: “I see vivid dreams”, “I have good and pleasant dreams that I will remember in the morning”, etc.
  • Exercise in moderation. An excellent option would be yoga, stretching, Pilates. Choose a calm sport that is closest to you.

The absence of dreams is not a very pleasant thing, especially if the person has previously had vivid and memorable dreams. You don’t dream about them for a number of reasons, which, if eliminated, will solve the problem. If you engage in creativity and don’t forget to regularly write on paper about your thoughts, you can bring your dreams back.

What does a bad dream promise?

Emotional bad dreams indicate that a person is at a new stage in his life cycle. He does something, life-changing events happen.

If the periodicity of bad dreams is very frequent, it means that you did something wrong, the balance between bad and good is upset. In the bustle you don’t see this, so you don’t correct it; dreams are a regular reminder. As soon as the situation is corrected, bad dreams will stop occurring.

Bad dreams may indicate that you work hard and don't get enough rest. The body is exhausted and gives you distress signals.

Poor sleep often indicates health problems. For example, it can show you a situation where something smells bad. This is a signal to check the stomach and pancreas. You won't be able to lift or reach anything, beware of injury, etc.

If you have a bad dream after watching horror films, then it does not bode well. The subconscious simply reproduces the picture of what it saw.

Are nightmares the way to yourself?

Dreams in which ominous monsters and monsters are present signify our hidden and repressed emotions or qualities that we would like to change in ourselves.

“Dreams are our subconscious representation of situations that we are trying to avoid, or about what we are so afraid of,” says Martina Kosyan. “Nightmares and eerie dreams that recur over and over again highlight and intensify our fears, but only to first provide us with an understanding of these problems and then help us cope with them.”

Nightmares and recurring dreams will become more frequent until we acknowledge the problem. Psychoanalysis will help us cope with the situation; with its help we can work not only with what we dream, but also find a way to solve even the most difficult problems.

What dreams portend the worst?

It is customary to expect something bad from very bad dreams. It’s worth thinking about if the same dream is repeated several times and you remember it very well. These are far from being the devil’s tricks, these are your angels giving all sorts of signs to protect you from harm.

Dead. If a deceased relative calls you with him, leads you by the hand, this is bad. If you just dream about a change in weather.

White clothes. It’s especially bad if you try on or buy white shoes in a dream. Wearing white means getting sick soon. It is also bad to see white birds in a dream.

Cathedral, church . It is very bad to see yourself in church, especially burning candles and buying church utensils.

Black Crow. It has long been considered a harbinger of trouble and death.

An empty house with all the windows and doors boarded up.

Bury something in the ground.

Seeing your teeth in a dream. If they fall out or are pulled out, it speaks of the loss of a person. If it falls out with blood, it means the loss of a loved one.

Get caught in a strong snowstorm accompanied by wind. Such a dream promises big problems. If the wind knocks you down - serious illness, bankruptcy. Especially if these dreams came to you on a summer night.

If you are bitten by any animal, especially a reptile. Trouble awaits only if you are frightened by a bite. Theft and betrayal are possible.

Find yourself in the thicket of a dark forest. If you don’t find a way out of it, expect imminent illness.

Find yourself in a vacant lot, in an empty room of an old house. Nervous breakdowns and depression are possible.

Rats in a dream mean them in life. Perhaps you have very good friends, relatives who are tying a noose for you.

Conscious dream

Here's another very important tip for remembering a dream: try turning it into a lucid dream. To do this, you need to have a strong intention. Give yourself the mindset that as soon as you feel like you are falling asleep, you will immediately try to look for your hands. If you master this technique, your dreams will be clearer and more memorable. This is the first step towards mastering the technique of lucid dreaming, and it will be quite enough for you. Further practices are more dangerous and require the mandatory presence of an experienced mentor.

What to do if you had a bad dream

Having a not very good dream brings a lot of worries. Most people immediately begin to figure out what they dreamed and why.

Before you take out your dream book, you should analyze the previous day. Perhaps there were situations that drove you crazy, provoked a storm of indignation, and became stressful for the body. Late dinner, too high-calorie food can also cause poor sleep. Lack of a sleep schedule, even for an adult, is bad; by sitting at the computer, you program yourself to have bad dreams.

The lack of a routine leads to insomnia, which is why you rarely have good dreams.

No matter what you dream about, you shouldn’t panic and shake your nervous system. If you have such dreams, it means that changes are happening in life, whether they will be good or bad, it’s up to you to decide.

If bad dreams come quite often , you should read the “Our Father,” a prayer to the guardian angel, before going to bed. They will protect you from the influence of Satan and give you sound sleep.

If you wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, don’t be upset. Go back to bed and try to finish the dream and correct the current situation for the better. Using this technique, you teach your subconscious mind to cope with these types of situations. In the future, you will be able to manage such dreams and correct them intuitively.

Why is it important to sleep and dream?

Quality night sleep is an important condition for the proper functioning of our nervous system and psyche. Studies have been conducted in which a group of people were completely deprived of sleep for several days. After four sleepless days and nights, the subjects showed signs of mental disorders, the occurrence of psychosis, hallucinations and delusions.

“Dreams help us express suppressed emotions, process psychological trauma, and influence our mood,” explains the expert. “And our dreams can come true.” The more attention we pay to them, the faster their secret meaning will be revealed to us.”

Based on the Daily Mail

Conspiracies of a bad dream so that it does not come true

To neutralize a bad dream, all methods are good. When using Old Believer conspiracies, you need to believe in their power, otherwise they will not work. Also, you should not change phrases or replace them. The most important thing is that you don’t need to delve into what you dreamed; don’t tell anyone what you saw in your dream.

Dreams bring us a lot of information, sometimes it is good, sometimes not so good. Bad dreams can be interpreted in different ways. They are not always prophetic, which means they may not come true.

If they raise doubts, especially fears, you need to read the plot before noon. There are conspiracies that are accompanied by a small ritual; they must be performed strictly according to the instructions.

All of the following conspiracies are effective and have been tested repeatedly.

Conspiracy on paper

When you wake up, immediately write down everything you dreamed on a piece of paper. If you don't remember everything, write down the part that scared you the most. The leaf is folded into 4 parts (4 parts of the world). Place it in the center of a white plate and burn it.

While the flame is burning, read: “I speak, I put a seal, I change what comes in a dream, I change evil for good. Let it be so!"

You need to burn in a place where there are no drafts. Make sure that the ashes do not fly around the room, but remain on the plate. When it burns out, throw it out the window, from the balcony, but so that nothing flies back in.

Conspiracy of the Sorcerers

Just opening your eyes, say: “Where the night went, there the dream flew. Where the water ran, the trouble floated away.”

Rock salt spell

Make it a rule that there should always be a container with regular rock salt in the bathroom. After a bad sleep, when washing your face in the morning, apply a little salt to your hands and say: “Like holy salt, the negative is taken away from me, everything bad is taken away. Like holy water washes my hands and washes away everything that is far-fetched. So what you dreamed will never come true.”

After completing the ritual, read the “Our Father” three times.

Mini prayer spell

When you wake up, say three times: “A dream you had is a dream that has not come true. From me, the Child of God, it will roll into the heights of heaven, to the angels for trial. Amen"

Window spell

Get out of bed and go to the window, repeat three times: “Saint Samson, where the night has gone, take your sleep there.”

Conspiracy in the name of Christ

When you wake up, say: “I will cover myself with Your robe, I will rise to the domes. I will become closer to You, Lord, protect me! Just as the moon does not meet the sun, so the dream will not come true! Amen."

Are dreams good or bad?

Dreams come to us only in the third phase of sleep. During these two hours, the body should get enough sleep, gain strength, and get a boost of energy for the next day. It is during this period that we see different dreams that weaken our body. During sleep, no matter whether good or bad, we travel while in other realities and do not rest. Therefore, when we wake up in the morning, we feel tired.

Dreams help improve memory, which is very important for humans. Everyone has the right to decide for themselves what is good and what is bad. It’s unlikely that anyone will be able to turn off dreams!

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