Leading factors of personality development: heredity, environment, upbringing

Biological factor: heredity

Definition 2

Heredity is the biological property of an organism to transmit certain characteristics and qualities from parents to children.

The main carriers of heredity are genes. It is heredity that determines the common features that make a person human, and at the same time distinguishes people from each other.

The following can be inherited:

  1. Species characteristics of a person as a representative of his genus
  2. Physical characteristics characteristic of a person depending on race, gender, nationality, etc.
  3. Physiological characteristics (metabolism, blood pressure, Rh factor, etc.)
  4. The structure of the nervous system and its features
  5. Anomalies of the body
  6. Predisposition to a number of hereditary diseases

Heredity must be distinguished from the congenital characteristics of a person, which are associated with changes in the genotype that occurred as a result of unfavorable living conditions.

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One of the most important issues concerning personality development is the question of heredity of ready-made abilities for a certain type of activity or whether only inclinations are inherited. That is, what abilities or inclinations are inherited? It has now been established that only inclinations are inherited.

Definition 3

Makings are the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the human body, which are prerequisites for the development of his abilities.

At their core, inclinations provide a predisposition to engage in a particular activity.

It is customary to distinguish between two types of inclinations:

  1. Universal – inherent specifically to the human species (structure of the brain, nervous system, etc.).
  2. Individual – inherent to a specific person (mental performance, structure of analyzers, cerebral cortex, individual organs, etc.)

Definition 4

Abilities are individual characteristics of a person’s personality, which are subjective conditions for the success of various types of activities.

Abilities are reflected by the speed, depth and strength of mastery of certain techniques and methods of activity.

Note 1

The highest level of development of abilities is genius and talent.

Abilities are lifetime formations that are formed throughout a person’s life. It is necessary to understand that only inclinations are inherited that a person develops or not during the process of upbringing and training.

Thus, inclinations are individual-natural basic abilities. However, they are not sufficient for the full development of abilities. The presence of appropriate external conditions and adequate independent activity is necessary.

The underdevelopment of certain abilities does not mean that the individual does not have the inclinations for this, it may indicate that not enough effort and effort was directed towards their development.

Currently, the main attention of modern pedagogy is aimed at identifying, first of all, special inclinations in a person.

Special inclinations are inclinations for a specific type of activity.

Special inclinations include musical, artistic, linguistic, sports, etc.

In the process of studying special inclinations, it was found that people who possess them achieve high results and advance at a rapid pace in certain types of activities.

Special inclinations can manifest themselves in a person both in childhood and in adulthood; an important factor in their manifestation is the creation of the necessary conditions.

Thus, special inclinations are inherited from generation to generation. An example of this could be the families of musicians, actors, artists, etc.

Education and activity of the individual as factors of its development

Topic: Education and activity of the individual as factors of its development


Education is a purposeful, powerful factor in personality development.

The role of active activity in personality development.

Types of activities for a preschooler

The influence of heredity and environment is corrected by education. Education is the main force that can give society a full-fledged personality. The effectiveness of educational influence lies in purposefulness, systematic influence and qualified leadership. The limitations of its capabilities are that it is based on the consciousness of a person and requires his participation, while heredity and environment act subconsciously and unconsciously. This determines the role of education in the formation of a person. The role of education is assessed in different ways, and the range of these assessments is very wide - from the affirmation of its complete powerlessness and meaninglessness (with unfavorable heredity and the bad influence of the environment) to the recognition of it as the only means of changing human nature. The truth, as usual, lies between extremes. The slogan “education can do anything!”, with which pedagogy has repeatedly come out, has not justified itself. You can achieve a lot through education, but you cannot completely change a person. “Education can do a lot, but it is not unlimited. With the help of grafting, you can force a wild apple tree to produce garden apples, but no gardener’s art can force it to produce acorns,” wrote V.G. Belinsky. Education subordinates human development to the intended goal. The purposeful and systematic influence of educators leads to the formation of new pre-designed conditioned reflex connections that cannot be created in any other way. One of the most important tasks of properly organized education is the identification of inclinations and talents, the development of a person in accordance with individual characteristics, abilities and capabilities. Special studies have shown that education can ensure the development of certain qualities only by relying on the inclinations inherent in nature. Raising baby monkeys in the same conditions as a child showed that baby monkeys, having the same contacts with people, receiving good nutrition and care, nevertheless do not acquire a single mental quality characteristic of humans. Influencing the development of a person, education itself depends on him, constantly builds on the achieved level of development. This is the complex dialectic of the relationship between development and education as a goal and a means. The effectiveness of education is determined by the level of a person’s preparedness to perceive the educational influence caused by the influence of heredity and the environment. People are not equally susceptible to education. Therefore, specific situations and relationships between people in the educational process play a decisive role. The strength of the educational impact depends on a number of conditions and circumstances. Psychologist L.S. Vygotsky (1896-1934) substantiated the pattern according to which the goals and methods of education should correspond not only to the level of development already achieved by the child, but also to the “zone of proximal development.” He distinguished two levels of mental development:

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