Education is a process of purposeful personality formation

Your personality is made up of many details. It is influenced by your genes, your friends, the school you go to, and many other factors. All areas of life play a role in shaping the person you become. But when exactly do behavioral tendencies begin to emerge? For example, if you grew up to be a modest person, does that mean you were a modest child?


By heredity we mean those properties of an organism that are transmitted to children from parents through a certain genetic code. In this case, mainly physiological data is transmitted: the structure of the body, features of functioning, some diseases and inclinations for certain areas of activity (music, drawing).

If we talk about the concept of heredity, then the behavior and development of the individual are determined, first of all, due to the innate characteristics inherent in the formation of the organism. This can be confirmed by the expression “talent will always find its way,” even under negative life circumstances and growth conditions.

It is believed that congenital inclinations or, in other words, heredity are fundamental. However, is this so? There are situations when a person changes over the years and discovers new facets of ability or works on the formation and development of such.

And as for the root cause in physiological characteristics, we can recall the stories of a human baby entering the animal world from the first days of life. For example, the wolf article. It was only in the cartoon that Mowgli was strong and brave; in reality, such children did not have speech or communication skills, and their habits completely copied the animals that were nearby.

Maybe society plays a key role after all, because man is a social being? Let's analyze in more detail the second condition, which has a significant impact on personality development.

Scientists' opinion

Scientists believe that character is developed in childhood. Research suggests that there is a connection between the way we behave when we are just a few months old and the way we become later on. Of course, it cannot be said that character is something predetermined, but its basis can still be traced from the very first days of man. Psychologists who study children usually describe temperament rather than character. One of the first studies in this area was carried out in the mid-twentieth century. American researchers, spouses Stella Chess and Alexander Thomas, studied 133 children, monitoring their behavior from birth to the age of thirty, talking with their parents along the way. Based on research, scientists have suggested that there are nine core traits of an infant's temperament, including activity level, mood, and ability to be distracted. Three groups were identified - children with whom it is easy to get along, children with whom it is difficult, and children with slow reactions.

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Of course, the environment and communication with people largely determine the personality; the child absorbs the culture, norms and rules of behavior accepted in a certain society. And people of different nationalities and cultures can be radically different. Thus, we come to the conclusion that everything is closely interconnected.

Naturally, family, friends, kindergarten and school have a great influence on a person. The child is taught to certain norms and rules of behavior, and the foundations are laid for the formation of moral principles. Under the influence of the people around them, children learn role-playing games, behavior patterns, absorb and learn a huge amount of knowledge thanks to the school curriculum.

Proponents of the “environment” theory believe that a person, like a blank slate, comes into this world, and parents and environment write and create personality. However, we often hear comments that even in the same family, under equal conditions, children are completely different? This means that the natural principle also has a great influence on the development of personality.

So, there are two basic conditions - the external environment and heredity. The question arises: can a person independently influence his development or does everything depend on external factors?

Personal development of a child in the modern world

Today, in modern society, there is increasingly a trend in which people’s attitudes towards many things that are only part of the whole, which until recently were considered the achievements of mankind in the field of art and literature, unfortunately, at this stage, have lost their relevance. And, if you try to analyze the reasons for this situation, it immediately becomes clear that many young people do not even have an awareness of the very concept of the criterion of values ​​related to achievements in the field of world culture and history. In connection with the identified problem, the question of its immediate solution involuntarily arises. Only in this case, our society will be able to raise a child to be a worthy person and citizen.

The process of developing positive personal qualities in a child involves a whole range of obligations in his upbringing. But, of course, we must not forget that a person, at a certain age, is greatly influenced by his own opinion... So the task of society is to give the child the right ideals.

There is an opinion in science that one is born as an individual, becomes an individual, and individuality is defended. At birth, a person’s individuality is limited only by the properties of his body, but as he develops temperamental characteristics, personality traits are formed, his individuality expands and spreads to an increasingly higher level.

For a long period, starting from the 90s, our society, within the framework of an unstable political system, was deprived of any ideals that are the connecting link not only for the younger generation, but also for the population of the entire country.

Therefore, in these conditions, the process of personal development took place practically without the participation of public organizations and, of course, what kind of person the child would become depended mainly on the parents, but even here there are still controversial issues.. As a rule, specialists practicing in the field of children psychology, very often argue that parents can also have an active negative influence on a child’s psyche. The reasons that leave a negative imprint on a child’s personality can be different and their manifestation is possible in the following forms: the manner of communication of parents using rude words or the desire of some mothers and fathers to impose their will on the child, some ideals, views, believing that this is the only way , she or he will be able to provide a decent education, without forgetting about the moral attitude.

So, in these circumstances, this situation can become the starting point for the development of relations between the child and parents. Of course, you and I all know that a child’s adolescence is a rather difficult period for the formation of relationships of the whole family, a time when the child stops looking at the world, as rules, through the prism of ideals proposed by his parents, he begins to have his own view of things , which, most often, does not suit parents who do not accept the situation when the child declares his position. Today, in the conditions of modern development of society, a lot is said about new forms and methods of raising children, but, as a rule, their implementation is only within the framework of certain educational institutions. And here, it would probably be appropriate to appeal to parents with an appeal to the fact that it is time to begin reforming the education system within each family. Our society, at this stage of development, has made us hostage to circumstances when money began to be the highest value. And, as a rule, in all this fuss, children remain deprived of attention, care, those tender moments that at a certain age only parents can give their child. Therefore, having once assumed this responsibility, an often difficult mission, we must carry it out with pride and, as a result, obtain a highly educated person who has a set of moral qualities that make him a worthy member of society.

Of course, this appeal does not apply to families that have fairly strong deviations from the generally accepted norms of development of modern society. Work with such parents is carried out at the level of specialized government bodies.

Many moments in life, which at first glance, for us parents, may seem insignificant, have a strong influence on the child, giving rise to specific sensations and concepts in him (fears, complexes, incorrect assessment of values ​​in society that children face), which at a certain moment will make themselves known, leaving a negative impact on the child’s personality.

As a rule, a person who has reached the age of 18 is considered to be a formed personality, when his positions and views on life largely depend on his personal point of view. However, even at this stage, very often, childhood grievances received from parents surface, which can become a serious obstacle to his family well-being. And, in this case, relatives or an experienced psychologist can help in overcoming this problem.

However, when analyzing the above points, we should under no circumstances neglect the role of society in the process of developing a child’s personality, since only in society does a child go through all the necessary stages of socialization corresponding to certain age periods of life, which will make him a person ready for adulthood. life. And immediately, life examples arise in my memory when a man or woman, being at a fairly mature age, continues to live with their elderly parents and not because they need help, but because at some stage they personal development, a mistake occurred, most likely through the vein of his parents, which ultimately led him to this way of life. Of course, such a person, according to social indicators, will not be any antisocial element of society, but I think that many will agree with me that it is unlikely that anyone would want to consider him an exemplary model for personal development, from the very first moments of human development the individual until the final formation of his personality in the life of society.

Having an active influence on the child’s involvement in the process of socialization, thereby striving to provide more independence, we must not forget that in any matter it is important to know a sense of proportion, in other words, on the one hand, giving the child the opportunity to learn a new, previously little-studied world, which and the company of people will become for him, we must observe his steps with particular accuracy, as if from the outside, but at that moment when the child suddenly chooses neither path, due to certain circumstances, our task is to be next to him as quickly as possible, lead you off the wrong path, protecting you from mistakes..

Returning to the topic of the subjective values ​​of modern society, which certainly influence our positions in life, as a rule, we ourselves, very often, perhaps even without realizing it, through our actions and deeds, instill in the child a false system of values. As a rule, in families with great material wealth, where the whole life is subordinated to one idea: increasing material well-being, it would probably be foolish to think that for a person who grew up in such a family, the main personal characteristics would be the concepts of morality, morality, kindness, love, loyalty, tolerance, the ability to sacrifice oneself for others, etc. Motivation, which is the main driver of human activity, as a rule, very often, is laid down in childhood, being realized in practice already in adulthood and, of course, parents, especially parents, must explain and show the child by their own example the true values ​​and ideals . And not to provoke a situation where words and demands regarding a child contradict one’s own actions.

And, of course, it is never necessary to forget that a child is the same person, only small, and therefore, when you once again decide to show some kind of negative reaction towards the child, even if it seems to you that he, at that time deserved it, put yourself in his place and think, would you be satisfied with such an attitude towards yourself...

In conclusion, I would like to recall the words of the famous Russian critic and publicist Dmitry Ivanovich Pisarev: “A person who truly respects the human personality must respect it in his child, starting from the moment when the child felt his “I” and separated himself from the world around him.” .

Personal influence

A person continues to develop throughout life. Naturally, everyone has certain inclinations, innate characteristics that we do not choose - there is a family and habitat that we can partially correct over time. How to be? A strong personality who knows what he wants will always strive for self-development, direct it to the necessary character traits, abilities, areas of life. Only through willpower and constant work can one influence these processes.

Moreover, philosophers consider work both literally and figuratively. Labor has made a person a person; in the process of activity and direction of his efforts, the person also develops and acquires certain skills. There is also professional growth, as one of the facets of a holistic personality.

Now psychologists are talking more and more about the personal factor of development and calling for responsibility for one’s life. It is wrong to say that I am the way nature created me and I can’t do anything; this is a passive position in life.

Views on Personality Development

For many years and centuries, discussions have continued on the topic of the conditions for the development of a person’s personality and influencing factors. V. Stern was inclined to the duality of human nature and the balance of biological and social factors as interconnected and inseparable in their influence.

S. Freud put forward another theory, suggesting a confrontation between two main factors in a person - the constant desire for pleasure and the reality of life. Freud in psychoanalysis considers personality at the level of basic instincts that influence life and the formation of personality - a person strives to realize and obtain the necessary pleasures and only morality, the norms of society, restrain him in this direction.

The theory was called "confrontation of two factors." At different times, this idea was supported by A. Adler and K. Jung. There were also psychologists who criticized Freud's assumptions, believing that they led to a strong opposition between the individual and society.

Everything flows and develops. New research has made it possible to discover a new biogenetic law of E. Haeckel and F. Muller, according to which ontogeny (individual development) is a short repetition of phylogeny (development of the species). These stages of development can be observed in the development of the embryo. This theory is quite interesting and partly true - man repeats his ancestors in his development.

Moreover, such reduced copying is not observed for all characteristics of the organism; some properties arise as a result of adaptation to the external environment. In the 30-70s of the 20th century, there was an opinion that a person in his development repeats the development of his species: an infant is at the stage of mammals, at the end of the first year - at the stage of a monkey, in the second year - reaches human development, in adulthood - the level of modern culture .

Quite an interesting theory, although personality development is a rather complex process, and it cannot be characterized by just one parameter. Rather, it is a complex of conditions and factors that inextricably influence a person. At the same time, a strong, stable personality independently shapes himself in the process of life to a greater extent than a weak-willed person who absorbs everything from his environment.


No matter what conditions a person lives in, he has to, through his own efforts, “mold” himself into what he wants.

Definition 1

Self-education is the process of independently obtaining education in a certain field.

Self-education is necessary for every person; without it, he is doomed to degradation. Basic self-education strategies:

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  1. The continuous process of self-improvement contributes to the intellectual development of the individual. Nowadays, you can study endlessly, as knowledge grows at tremendous speed. With any learning, there will be a “zone of proximal development” - something that a person does not yet know and he will have to master it.
  2. Self-education is accompanied by a high level of motivation. First of all, you need to motivate yourself in order to achieve a certain level of knowledge. You should know that self-education faces hundreds of obstacles: fatigue after a hard day, everyday problems, etc. The person who does not succumb to these obstacles, under any conditions, can maintain high motivation to achieve his goal and manage to accomplish his plans.
  3. The process of self-education must be individualized. To learn a foreign language or master any creative process, you just need to open a textbook, reference book or turn on the Internet. Sometimes lack of self-confidence can serve as an obstacle to achieving a goal. The principle of individualization of self-study comes to the rescue: a poorly read person studies philosophy by reading Kant’s scientific works. Such reading will be difficult for him and after this he will lose faith in his abilities. You should know that you need to start small, take into account your own characteristics in learning, and your stock of knowledge.

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Patterns of personality development

The development of personality, its formation is an interconnected and holistic process, which is characterized by stages of personality development. Let's think about the question: what are the patterns of personality development? Why does personality develop and how does it happen?

So, the main patterns of personality development:

  1. Age factor - the younger a person is, the faster his physical development occurs. Over time, the process slows down. There are similar observations about spiritual development; the younger a person is, the faster his spiritual growth occurs.
  2. Therefore, we often hear that young and old, children understand old people very well, they can quickly understand the story, show interest, absorb knowledge and feel the state of mind of the narrator.
  3. Uneven development is observed in the presence of certain periods of growth, which we observe in the development of our children. The body does not develop constantly, it seems to us that the child suddenly begins to grow at a certain stage, these are the physiological characteristics of the body. The same can be said about spiritual development - there is unevenness

At different times, a person’s properties can change and be at different levels of development. In life there are more favorable conditions for personal development and less favorable ones. However, these conditions will be temporary. What influences a person?

Of course, communication with the outside world and people, spiritual development occurs in the knowledge of the world and oneself. There are also leaps in the development and awareness of processes due to stressful situations that make fundamental changes in a person’s personality. “Every cloud has a silver lining,” people say. Even in times when the world seems to be collapsing, think about what you will build from scratch.

3. Fluctuations in development - the organs of the human body develop each at their own pace. This is reflected in mental and nervous processes. Basically, differences between people and the level of development are manifested in behavioral aspects, thinking, intellectual level, social and moral development.

Conditions for the development of human personality: motor skills and child development

For the spiritual development of a person, certain stages are distinguished - age limits characteristic for the acquisition of certain qualities. It is customary to call such periods “sensitive”. Based on research data, psychologists can determine whether a child is developmentally appropriate for his age or diagnose developmental delay.

Thus, for the development of speech, the optimal period is considered to be 1-2 years, and intellectual development most actively occurs before the age of 13. The basis of such periods is that the maturation of the nervous system and brain occurs not constantly, but in periods. Everything in the body is formed gradually and acquired experience plays a very important role.

Now there are special schemes of work to help children who have developmental delays, based on the complex use of treatment by a neurologist, sessions with a psychologist and speech therapist. As a rule, speech development is associated with the maturation of the cerebral cortex, and there are special methods to speed up such processes (medicines, sensory training, Montessori games).

With physical retardation, it often happens that children begin to walk later; there are also programs - massage, swimming, exercise therapy. It is very important to monitor these moments and help children develop comprehensively in time.


Stability of qualities - as a result of personality development, a person acquires stable and permanent mental qualities, but plasticity is also preserved. The complexity of these processes comes down to the fact that a person acquires character traits and at the same time there is always the possibility of changing them and improving them under the right circumstances of life. Thanks to the plasticity of the nervous system, education is possible.

And besides, compensation occurs due to stronger personality traits. So, for example, there are children who grasp knowledge on the fly without working too hard, while others achieve results through hard work, which compensates for their weaker memory.

Every person has strengths and weaknesses, and the strong ones very often override the weak ones and allow them to successfully cope with life situations.


Personal development occurs as a merging of different spheres - intelligence, spiritual development, emotional component, spirituality. Each sphere integrates its own properties. So, emotional - feelings, intellectual - mind. Over time, a person’s psyche hardens and strengthens; in adulthood, a person reacts more calmly to life’s difficulties, with a sufficient level of development. In addition, a worldview and understanding of life processes are formed.

At every stage of life, a person has a dominant activity, which has a great impact on the development of personality.

During school years we study, acquire knowledge and communication skills. As adults, we learn in the process of interaction in the family, communication with loved ones, as well as the work team and profession leave their imprints, the professional development of the individual is formed. All this contributes to the formation of mental qualities and personality traits.

Education is a process of purposeful personality formation

Education as a purposeful process is designed to influence human development. Personality as the goal of education is the subject of numerous studies in pedagogy.

The characteristics of the human personality are associated with the individuality of the development of intellectual abilities and the specifics of the innate qualities of temperament. Based on this, the ability to evaluate cultural values ​​and moral aspects is different for each person. In addition to these factors, various social institutions influence the development of personality. Education is designed to combine all factors that influence the ontogenesis of personality to one degree or another. Consequently, education is a process of purposeful personality formation.

The connection between ancient and modern education

The general goal of education involves the development of a harmonious personality. What is this concept?

Different historical eras had their own interpretation of harmonious development. It depended on society’s ideas about a unique ideal to which every person should strive.

In ancient times, the optimal ratio of internal qualities and physical characteristics was considered the standard of harmonious development. The physical and spiritual must be in harmony with each other. Moreover, only in this way, it was believed in ancient times, a person can fully exist and fulfill his mission on earth.

It seems that such an ideal is closest to modern man.

However, our society, unfortunately, is not always ready to develop and improve. People strive to limit their earthly existence only to caring for their daily bread. As a last resort, they will make an attempt to raise children.

However, as practice shows, education without your own example has no benefit. Therefore, in order to raise a worthy and harmoniously developed child, you need to start with yourself. Only by their own example will parents, educators and teachers be able to show the harmony of soul and body.

Developing harmony of spirit

It is important for a person to develop as a person in childhood. In adulthood, this will be much more difficult to do, because the purposeful educational process, carried out by people specially trained for this, occurs precisely in childhood and adolescence.

When a person turns eighteen, he is considered an adult. It is assumed that at this age he is able to take responsibility for his life, actions and their consequences, and make decisions.

However, is an adult always a harmoniously developed personality? Certainly not. This is due to both a lack of upbringing in childhood and a reluctance to improve in adulthood.

The educational process has no end, and a thinking person has a constant need for development. How to cultivate a harmonious personality in adulthood?

Ancient philosophers and modern psychologists are confident that this can be done using the following tips:

  • Limit your needs in different areas of your life. We can do without many things that we are used to. They give pleasure, bring comfort, but do not contribute to development in any way.
  • Provide opportunities for daily self-reflection. Try to set aside a time every evening during which you can talk about how your day went, what was done, and what you would like to do more. Carefully analyze the actions you performed during the day, evaluate them from the point of view of morality and usefulness.
  • Every evening, make a plan of action for tomorrow. Planning is an integral part of the development of personal qualities. Clearly planned activities will help avoid mistakes and rash actions.
  • Set goals for yourself. A global goal towards which a person can move throughout his life, developing and improving, provides for the presence of a number of accompanying ones. These goals can change and be adjusted depending on life circumstances, but all of them should be aimed at developing personal qualities, leading to improvement and helping to achieve the ideal.

Based on the proposed recommendations, we can highlight several provisions of the concept of development of a harmonious personality:

  • Harmony can only be achieved by a person with deep inner convictions and goals;
  • Personality can only be developed in conjunction with the disclosure of mental and physical qualities;
  • It is necessary to purposefully and systematically reveal the internal potential inherent in nature;
  • Develop intellectual abilities in accordance with spiritual and moral needs;
  • Sanity and self-control, which help to cope with unnecessary physical demands, are the main qualities of a harmonious personality;
  • A developed personality should look for the cause of failures and bad luck only in himself. Any reason for what happens lies within every person. The individual accepts responsibility for failures, trying to understand their causes;
  • The ability for reflection and self-analysis is one of the main characteristics of a person who is engaged in self-improvement.

Humanism in education

Modern psychologists and teachers are increasingly inclined to believe that development should not only be harmonious, but also humanistically justified. What is the humanistic model of personality development?

This model of education is based on the uniqueness of a person. It presupposes the presence of a search for moral values ​​in the process of life, the meaning of life.

The main criterion of this direction is the acquisition of inner freedom, which will help to reveal all the best qualities of the individual. This freedom can only be achieved through self-analysis, managing one’s fears and constantly improving one’s personal qualities.

Let us list the basic principles of this direction in educational activities:

  • Each person is an integral organism. Therefore, education should take this into account;
  • The uniqueness of the individual involves the analysis of not only general behavior, but also the consideration of each specific case separately;
  • It is important for a person to constantly interact with the social environment. He must be open to society, and it, in turn, is disposed towards him. The feeling of an individual as a part of society is an important psychological detail;
  • Human life must become an inseparable whole with personal development;
  • Self-development and personal fulfillment are part of the human essence;
  • A certain degree of freedom is necessary for proper development. It will provide an opportunity, guided by common sense and a moral position, to make the choice that a person needs.

So, based on the humanistic principles of personality education, a person is a creatively active being, whose ontogenesis occurs due to his individuality.

Social environment

Considering education as a purposeful process, it is important to note the role of socialization in the development of personality.

First you need to understand why the upbringing process should be purposeful. Let us list the main ways in which the goals of education influence personal development:

  • A goal represents a pattern of behavior for an individual;
  • With its help, the choice of means and methods of educational influence is carried out;
  • It helps to track the effectiveness of the educational process.

So, setting goals for developing personal qualities is important for both the teacher and the student.

However, what should the goals of education be aimed at to a greater extent? To develop personal qualities or a person’s social responsibility to society?

Of course, both positions on this issue are important. It is important to note that it is impossible for them to exist separately: they complement and reveal the essence of each other.

We have already talked about the importance of personality development and the formation of its internal qualities. However, a person cannot experience deep inner harmony if he is at odds with his social environment.

We do not now take into account religious and spiritual practices that involve a complete rejection of social life. Since we are talking about the everyday life of the average person, he needs connection with society not only for successful development, but for a comfortable existence.

At the same time, the educational process should take place in such a way that a person feels the internal need for social relations, and does not do it under duress.

Internal awareness of the need for social relations and citizenship must become the basis of a voluntary and creative approach.

Social relations must be defined in terms of a moral position. That is, the relationship of one person to another must be equal, independent of nationality, gender, citizenship or social status.

One of the types of socialization of an individual is citizenship. This is a system of social orientation that characterizes a person as a citizen of his country. At the same time, an important condition for a correct civic position is a person’s personal responsibility for what is happening in his state.

In the process of educational influence, it is important to take into account the influence of interpersonal relationships, which are a manifestation of social consciousness. The deeper the social interaction, the wider the opportunities for unlocking the potential of a harmoniously developing personality.

So, purposeful education of the individual is possible by updating the personal position through its inclusion in social connections.

Controversy and progress

Contradictory personality is a quality that Freud and other psychologists talked about. Man is structured in a rather interesting way and is constantly in interaction with the world around him. At the same time, every day he makes decisions and makes life choices, and it happens that he goes against the grain of his immediate environment in his judgments and enters into confrontation.

We can also recall situations when we have an internal conflict and struggle between different parts of the personality - an adult, a child, a teacher. Or maybe this is a conflict between good and evil, it’s hard to say, the main thing is that in these moments the truth is born, it is important to find yourself and form the necessary qualities.

The desire for progress - it is natural that everyone wants to achieve success in life; in the process of overcoming life's obstacles, on the way to the goal, character is strengthened and the strong-willed qualities of the individual are formed. All life situations are lessons that we go through, and as a reward we receive a new “I”, with new and even better qualities.


Personal self-development - we constantly improve ourselves by working on our inner world, subordinating mental processes and emotions to our will, improving character traits. Such work can be done either independently or through special training. Each person determines for himself how it is easier for him to develop. The main thing is the desire to achieve new results, constantly work on shaping your personality, and search for the necessary information and knowledge.

Development can also act as a protective function. A person is constantly developing, both physically and spiritually, this is necessary for survival in our world. A successful life requires certain qualities, such as immunity to fight diseases, willpower to achieve results, and patience is an important weapon for conquering peaks. Naturally, for a full life we ​​need: good health, high intellectual and spiritual qualities, which we develop in the process of life, voluntarily or involuntarily, under the influence of life circumstances.

Thus, we have examined the patterns of personality development, and now we better understand the cause-and-effect relationships. Of course, our development is influenced by many factors, the conditions for the development of a person’s personality, and yet we are happy that we can correct our life and development through our own efforts.

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