How to resist an energy vampire - avoiding an attack

Almost everyone has a friend whose interaction with them brings negative consequences - weakness, fatigue and an unpleasant mood.
This means that it feeds on your energy. The more vulnerable the victim, the easier it is for the vampire to interact with her on terms that are beneficial only to him. What determines the degree of vulnerability to energy aggression? If you are weaker than the one who is stealing your energy, your resistance will be crushed. Most vampires seek emotions from their victims. They provoke people and then feed on what comes out of their reaction to the provocation. The more emotions the donor feels, the more energy the vampire will receive. Many have observed how in public places a certain person becomes the initiator of a scandal. This often happens in transport, hospitals and other government institutions. In such places you can always find someone who will experience some kind of emotion and succumb to provocation. The more people, the better for the vampire.

The first rule of how to get rid of an energy vampire is not to become its victim. To do this, you need to not succumb to the provocations that he starts. You cannot take energy from a person who not only does not show, but actually does not feel emotions. Cultivate in yourself indifference to such people and the situations that they try to create.

In order to successfully avoid an attack, abstract yourself from what is happening at the moment. You need to communicate with a vampire emphatically politely, calmly, without raising your voice. Do not experience negative emotions, and then they will quickly leave you behind and find another source of energy replenishment.


There may be completely different people in the group; it is not easy to guess who is “attacking” you. There are 2 types of energy vampires:

  • solar;
  • lunar.

Protection from solar vampirism

This type of vampirism involves aggressive and active actions of someone who seeks to take away your energy. What a vampire can eat:

  • we cry;
  • painful experiences;
  • grievances;
  • confusion;
  • fear.

Such a vampire can be identified without much difficulty, since he is a clear bearer of all these signs.

To avoid falling into their trap, follow these simple tips.

  1. Don't be fooled by the provocation. A vampire needs a quarrel - it gives him strength. If a director or co-worker raises his voice at you, tries to use physical force, or puts pressure on you, then do not react. Avoid conflict with a colleague, remain silent. To feel normal, a vampire needs a constant scandal. Even if your boss or colleague yells at you, shows aggression and practically attacks you with his fists, do not answer him in kind. Be calm and avoid verbal altercations.
  2. Escape is the best remedy. This option will help you out if you hear that a scandal broke out quite far from you (for example, in the next office). Then it is better to leave the room for a while. This is a one hundred percent guarantee that the vampire will not overtake you.
  3. Laughter will always help. This is a very ancient and effective remedy for protection from offenders. Laughter destroys everything. The vampire thinks you will get scared and stop fighting. Your reaction will be quite unexpected for him. The vampire simply will not be able to get the next dose of your vital energy.
  4. Don't argue with him. Often the boss himself starts the argument. If you feel like you are being driven into a corner, say: “Yes, of course, I was wrong, we’ll fix everything now.” Don't blame yourself. Just agree that you were stupid, don’t let the vampire feed on your experiences.

How to protect yourself from lunar vampirism?

This type of vampire acts differently. They don’t make trouble, but cry, whine, and constantly complain about life, about how unhappy they are.

They share all their troubles and negative events (sometimes even fictitious). And then this is taken away from the victim's optimism and happiness.

Let's see how we can protect ourselves from it.

  • Again, do not be fooled by provocations. If a person constantly cries into his vest, stop feeling sorry for him. Don't pay attention to his stories. It’s better to remember something pleasant and tell him about it. This will upset him.
  • Answer the same as he did. Start complaining about life too, only with redoubled force, tell us about your problems. He will immediately become confused.
  • Cut off contact with this employee. If he does not affect your career in any way, then take care of yourself and refuse further communication. The longer you remain silent, the sooner he will leave you behind.
  • Suppress your guilt. Remind yourself that you are not obligated to solve other people's problems or be someone's psychologist. Don't feel like you left him in the lurch. You don’t have to come up with a lot of “rescue” options.

How to protect yourself from energy vampires during communication

If you were unable to escape the vampire’s attack, and he involved you in a provocative situation, you should immediately calm down. Do not forget that it can only receive recharge when you are in an excited state. Indifference is what you need to achieve when dealing with such people. Silence is one of the best types of protection, but it should be not only external, but also internal.

In combination with this, you need to apply energy protection techniques, which you can learn if you read the article to the end. It is also advisable to cross your arms and legs, so you will close your energy and not give it to the energy vampire. In the East they use a different technique - they connect the thumbs and index fingers.

But if you realize that you can't do anything, don't despair. This means that the vampire is much stronger than you, and the best way to get rid of him is to simply leave. Sometimes this is more justified than fighting a strong energy vampire. Protection is not always effective enough, especially if you are just learning these techniques.

The principle of life of the “energy pump”

The phenomenon of vampirism, when one person sucks energy from another, often appears when partners are unequal. This can manifest itself in physical strength, emotional power. But it is not always the case.

Gaining experience in communication, a vampire can change his behavior depending on the situation. For this, criticism and praise, manipulation through sex (in the case of romantic relationships), pity and threats are used. It is important for a vampire to obtain the treasured energy by all means.

Defense techniques and ways to neutralize the enemy

The simplest method of protection, which is more than accessible even to beginners in this matter, is a cocoon. You need to visualize it around you during the attack. But you shouldn’t wait for her to learn this. Build a cocoon for prevention in crowded places, and you will notice how unpleasant people avoid you, and how vampires consider you inedible.

The cocoon can be transparent or mirrored. The first one pushes away all the negativity that could fall on you, and the second one sends it to the one who sends it. It's up to you to decide what your cocoon should look like. Energy dirt and negative energy should not pass through it.

When communicating with an unpleasant person, imagine a solid brick wall between you and him. On the outside facing him, visualize a mirror that reflects all attacks and other negativity with which he is trying to harm you and sends it back. After a while, your enemy will get tired of his own blows and leave you alone.

There is also a Christian method that does a good job of protecting believers from energetic violence. When using it, you need not so much to imagine as to try to feel everything that is described below.

On four sides of you, at the level of the ribs, there are four balls or balls of golden color. They are warm to the touch and evoke only pleasant associations. A cross of four balls lies around you, but its axis passes through your body. It lies in a horizontal plane. The cross then begins to rotate, which turns it into a hoop or disk. The disk quite quickly turns into an egg in which you are located.

This “shell” protects you from negativity and energy theft. It can have several layers of different colors - gold, orange, blue. Layers can have pictures and inscriptions. Place protective symbols or even words of prayer on them. It is better to work out this technique so that a multi-layered and multi-colored egg appears when you need it.

There is another way to defend yourself with a cross. Imagine that your body is surrounded by a variety of crosses. They should be very close to you. Move them away from you at an acceptable distance, and they will gradually merge into impenetrable protection against vampirism and energy attacks. This technique goes well with egg building and they can be used together.

Another good shape to imagine around yourself is a pyramid. Build a golden pyramid, the radiance of which burns or sends back all the negativity that they are trying to give you. It should be a comfortable size for you, not too small and not too big.

There is another way to protect yourself from an energy vampire. It is one of the most powerful, but quite difficult to visualize. First, build a transparent protective shell around you. It should be spherical in shape. Fill it with an energy mass, the consistency of which is similar to smoke, silver-violet in color. Now remember what the meridians of the planet look like and make the same ones. They consist of tapes on which the inscription is clearly visible:

Egregoric protection is also very effective. If you truly believe in God or your guardian angel, turn to them for help. But what is important here is the belief that it will help you.

How to recognize a “monster” in your mother who feeds on your energy?

If your mother is an energy vampire who feeds on negative emotions, is it worth running away from home in search of another shelter? Let’s figure out if this is true, because many teenage children simply do not know how to distinguish a parent’s strictness from excessive care and control. So, vampirism manifests itself as a disease, and the symptoms are as follows:

  1. Constant jealousy. This is the case when a mother always knows what is best for her child. She will control you until marriage and after it. If a son gets married, there will definitely be a reason to doubt the daughter-in-law’s fidelity and her “position” as a wife. Care should not be confused with vampirism - the mother always worries about the child, even when he is 40+ years old.
  2. Playing like a child. If a woman loves attention, but does not receive it from her own spouse, the son is the very path where the spiral of anger will be directed. The mother will use any manipulation to ensure that her son takes care of her until old age. In this regard, often adult men live with mothers who need their care. They cannot find a wife, start a family, or go abroad.
  3. A sense of ownership. The child is only mine, I gave birth to him for myself. This is how women who do not want to share their sons with other women justify their behavior. An adult man either manages to adapt to his mother’s disposition, or he is doomed to live next to her bed, bringing medicines and vitamins.
  4. Constant criticism. There is not a single case when, instead of criticism, a man would receive practical advice. If mom is an energy vampire, she will express dissatisfaction in any conversation. Whatever you say, the answer is the same - you acted badly, thought badly, built your life incorrectly.
  5. Dependence on mother. The lack of emotional support makes a man withdrawn and psychologically dependent. Matriarchy: it tells you where to work, who to be friends with, who to communicate with. In adolescence, it can guide, but in adulthood it is vampirism, since a person already has the right to decide for himself what to do.
  6. Manipulation. There are women who cannot let their child go into adulthood. They begin to manipulate their own “I”, putting their priorities above their son’s personal life. When trying to escape from under the wing of guardianship, the woman begins to try in every possible way to return the child to the family. Sometimes this goes to the extreme - imagine that the child was taken away, stolen from her.

The sooner you can recognize the symptoms of the disease, the easier it will be in your youth, when your mother begins to interfere in every possible way with building relationships, family and life.

Rituals and amulets to defeat a vampire

To prevent vampires from reaching you, you can put protection on yourself. There is a good Orthodox ritual that will help with this. They do it at midnight, seven days in a row. You can start on any day of the week, but the best option is Monday.

As soon as midnight comes, start creating protection. On the table, on the left and right sides, place a white candle and a knife. Knives and candles must be new. Prepare incense and some water. When lighting each candle, the 90th Psalm is read. After this, light the incense and read three times:

Now extinguish the incense. The easiest way to do this is to dip it in water. First extinguish the right candle, and then the left. They should be extinguished with your fingers or a special cap. Wrap all the items you used - knives, candles and incense - in a clean white cloth and hide. No one should accidentally use them. After seven days have passed, these items can be used at your discretion.

After communicating with a vampire, conspiracies and spells are well suited to bring evil back. You can find them on our website. You can use a witch’s bottle as a talisman, which guarantees truly powerful protection against any negativity.

Properly selected and implemented protective techniques, provided you persist in studying, can not only negate the influence of vampires, making you invisible and impenetrable to them, but also protect you from the induction of serious negative programs such as hexes and love spells. Forming the right attitude will also help with this.

Types and behavior

There are different classifications of energy vampires. It can be:

  1. Victims. Such people often speculate on their illness, difficulties in life and other problems. Very pessimistic.
  2. Executioners. This is a type of vampire prone to tyranny and business exploitation. Shows sadism based on the moral humiliation of other people. This type is common among people in leadership positions.
  3. Mixed. This type includes features of the previous two. You can call them, in a sense, sadomasochists or conformists.
  4. Manipulators. These are people who use deceptive influence techniques. They often disguise themselves as friends. Autocratic individuals, for example, domestic tyrants, can also be manipulators.

There is another classification of individuals prone to energy vampirism:

  1. Solar vampires or extroverts. They act openly and directly try to lead to a scandal, a fight, or any other aggressive interaction that releases a lot of energy. Distinctive features: selfishness, cruelty. One of our favorite weapons is tactless remarks.
  2. Moon vampires. Opposite of solar. They prefer to receive energy in a calmer and more accessible way. These are bores and pessimists. They use constant complaints about the injustice of their existence as a weapon. Avoid open confrontations and conflicts.

They also distinguish controllers and arsonists (types similar to solar vampires), whiners and critics (similar to the lunar type). To some extent, every person sometimes becomes an energy vampire, taking strength from relatives or friends. If the situation begins to become pathological, psychological treatment may be required.

How to fight energy vampires - the right attitude

Your energy protection will become stronger, like other techniques, conspiracies and rituals that you will resort to, provided that you form the correct outlook on life and attitude from a magical point of view. This may sound scary, but there is no harm from this, only benefit.

Drive away all negative emotions and thoughts, think only about the good. Smile more often and enjoy life. Everyone has difficult situations, but you shouldn’t get upset or even dwell on the bad. Negative emotions, especially strong ones, have a destructive effect on the aura of the one who experiences them, and in this case there can be no talk of any strong protection.

Achieving harmony with nature and the surrounding world is a difficult but very real thing. Meditation and positive thinking, communication with animals and frequent walks in nature will help you with this. Spend more time developing your spirituality by visiting temples that relate to your faith.

Try to get rid of resentment and envy. These are destructive emotions that lead to nothing good. Cultivate reasonable optimism in yourself, try to think positively and not cause harm to people.

Characteristics of energy vampirism

The energy of life in the human body ensures the functioning of the body at the cellular level and supports the mind. Society is not yet fully aware of the significance of this energy. At the same time, many people do not even understand that they are stealing other people's energy, making up for their own losses.

Often such interaction is limited only to establishing a balance between the energy sources of the partners. But sometimes the exchange becomes clearly unequal. After this type of communication, the donor feels devastated and weak. Lack of energy subsequently negatively affects not only the physical, but also the spiritual state of the individual.

“Vampiric” personalities differ in their characteristic features, but it can still be difficult to identify them. If a person has mastered independent energy accumulation, there is no need for him to become a parasite. But people who are indifferent to their own development often do this without even realizing it.

What to do after contact with a vampire

If you had to come into contact with an energy vampire, witness a scandal in a public place provoked by him, or simply be in a crowded place, you should take action.
When you get home, take a shower, ideally a contrast shower. Water washes away negativity, and this is a well-known fact. You can further visualize her cleaning up and taking down the drain everything you don't need.

After taking water procedures, drink tea, always hot. This should not be a small, purely symbolic portion, but 200-300 grams of a well-brewed drink. You can add herbs to it that have cleansing, harmonizing and protective properties - nutmeg, eucalyptus, elecampane, tansy, wormwood, mint, yarrow, calendula. Strawberries, lingonberries and blueberries also restore energy well after interacting with an energy vampire.

In general, there are many ways to fight a vampire, and most of them are simple and accessible to every person, and mastering them will not require any serious effort.

Causes of manifestation

The main reason for the occurrence of energy vampirism is a lack of one’s own energy. This can be caused by a person’s stress or depression, a serious illness, or troubles in his personal life. Often young children or elderly people become vampires. The former need energy for growth and development, the latter - to maintain life. In this case, a close relative usually acts as a storage device for them.

Often the tendency to vampirism is observed in a hereditary form. If one of the family members previously exhibited such behavior, the possibility of descendants using similar tactics increases significantly. “Vampire” is loved by cynical manipulators who use others to solve their problems.

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Methods for identifying the parasite

To resist “energy suckers”, it is better to cut off all ties with them. But in reality, it is sometimes impossible to completely stop communicating, since often the vampire turns out to be a relative, spouse or boss.

You can effectively fight vampirism only through your own spirit - to remain calm and balanced, and to resort to various practices. This way you can learn to quickly restore your energy balance and become less vulnerable to vampires.

It will not be possible to completely neutralize such a personality. The ultimate goal is to prevent excessive energy absorption, but the exchange cannot be completely eliminated.

In family

A simple way to recognize a vampire among relatives is to evaluate the condition of indoor plants in a person’s bedroom. If they dry up for no apparent reason, most likely this person likes to consume the energy of their loved ones. Another striking sign is the vampire’s quarrelsomeness with dogs and cats.

Such vampires make scandals, after which they look fresh and rested. At the same time, the other half feels weakness and malaise, apathy. The fight must begin with mentally building a defense around yourself. You can protect yourself from an elderly vampire relative by simply providing him with a sufficient amount of communication with peers.

Among loved ones (friends and distant relatives)

Vampire friends often share their negative experiences, that is, complain. This evokes the emotion they need—sympathy. As soon as this mechanism is started, the energy transfer begins.

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Often such friends try to strengthen the connection with the victim with the help of gifts with or without an occasion. As a result, the vampire receives his portion of energy even at a distance, when the subject looks at the gift and remembers it.

At work

Colleagues and acquaintances at work often “vampire”. Even a boss can absorb energy free of charge. Such leadership is a living illustration of the anecdotal figure of the “always yelling boss.” Unfortunately, complete relief from such interaction is guaranteed only upon dismissal. And here you have to set priorities - work or energy well-being.

Among colleagues, both women and men can be vampires. They often ask a lot of stupid questions. The interlocutor begins to get irritated and react emotionally - this is how energy is supplied. Water will protect you from such attacks. To do this, you need to take a sip of clean water before breakfast or take a morning contrast shower.

You should not get involved in quarrels and react to provocations. This will not only take away a large amount of energy, but will also cause many other problems.

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