Features of the formation of social and moral personality in conditions of cooperation between kindergarten and family

The upbringing and development of a child’s personality occurs under the influence of the laws of society and attitudes instilled by parents. Every adult wants his child to achieve success in life. There are no strictly prescribed educational programs suitable for all children without exception. Even brothers and sisters who develop in the same social conditions grow up completely different. Psychologists offer simple tips to help form a full-fledged, self-sufficient personality.

When to start?

A child’s personality should be developed from birth. After all, at an early age, the baby needs to be given as much knowledge and skills as possible, and against this background, instill in him positive character traits. This does not mean that you can “mold” a child into what you consider necessary. After all, the main thing in any personality is its originality, originality, and dissimilarity from others. But in order to develop and consolidate this originality in a child, you need to “fill” him with the necessary knowledge and instill in him such character traits as kindness, attentiveness, responsiveness, etc. If the principle is clear to you, let's start taking concrete actions.

Formation of a child’s personality through the system of relationships in the family

Natalya Yangulova

Formation of a child’s personality through the system of relationships in the family

The formation of a child’s personality is the process and result of upbringing, socialization and self-development. The key role in personal formation , of course, belongs to the family . After all, directly in the family, the baby sees the first variations in behavior for further imitation, and gets acquainted with the first reaction of the environment to his actions. Since, due to the lack of social and personal experience , the baby will not be able to evaluate his own behavior and the personal traits of other individuals.

Today, the vast majority of psychologists and teachers agree that all character traits, no matter whether bad or positive, are acquired by the child in childhood. of personal are formed in young individuals, namely motivational, stylistic and instrumental qualities. And the sequence of their occurrence has a close connection with the main periods of development.

Formation and development of a child’s personality

A social concept that combines everything that is supernatural and historical in an individual is called personality . This concept is not an innate characteristic of subjects. Personality arises as a consequence of cultural development and social influence. Personal development has unique stages in the formation of a child’s personality .

The unified structure of personality is determined by purposefulness and activity, characterizing the structure of the motivational sphere of subjects.

The formation of a child's personality contains two aspects. One of them is the baby’s gradual awareness of his own place in the real world. The other is the development of feelings and the volitional sphere. They coordinate motives and sustainability of behavior.

Most adults replace the concept of personality

and the term
They believe that if a child has developed individual preferences in a certain area (for example, the baby likes only specific musical compositions), then he is already a fully formed personality . However, such a judgment is incorrect, since preferences in certain areas characterize the individuality of children, and do not indicate about personality ... In turn , communication abilities, character traits and other manifestations are not personality . Individual traits of individuals, such as talent, temperament, characteristics of the cognitive sphere, undoubtedly influence personal formation , but they are not factors entirely determining its structure.
How to understand that the baby is already aware of himself as a person ? Several key criteria can be identified:

the child fully uses personal pronouns ;

has fundamental ideas about things that can be called “good”

, as a result of which he is able to refuse
and sacrifice his own momentary
for the sake of the common good;

the child has self-control skills;

he already knows how to talk about his own appearance or character at the simplest level, and is able to talk about his own experiences, motives and problems.

Taking the above criteria as a basis, it becomes obvious that a small individual begins to feel like a person no earlier than two years of age. Typically, psychologists distinguish the age of three years, as it is associated with the emergence of self-awareness in children. And by the age of five, they are already fully aware of themselves as individuals with specific characteristics and “built-in”

a system of relationships with the real world .
preschool child through certain age-related crises, the most striking of which is considered to be the crisis of the age of three. A crisis at this age stage arises as a result of certain personal achievements and the inability to act adequately to previously mastered models of communication with the environment.

Formation of a child’s personality in the family

School, society, and a friendly environment, of course, leave an imprint on the formation of a child’s harmonious personality , but the foundation, behavioral model, and manner of communicative interaction are laid by the family . It is what the baby hears and notices in childhood that will be the standard of behavior for him. Since the norms of behavior in society are not yet available to him, the standard for him will be his parents and other participants in family relationships . In fact, he will copy their behavioral model. This is how the formation of a child’s personality in the family . And the older the kids become, the more they display character traits and behavioral characteristics similar to their parents.

The family plays the role of an intermediary between society and the child. It is necessary for the transfer of social experience to him. Through communicative interaction within the family, the child masters the moral values ​​and norms of behavior that prevail in a given society. The family is the most effective mentor and leading factor determining the formation of a child’s harmonious personality, especially in his first years of life.

Each individual family relationship develops its own individually specific system of education , the foundations of which are certain moral and value guidelines, as a result of which the so-called “family credo”


Thus, according to modern ideas, the formation of the personality of a preschool child and his upbringing up to one year should be based solely on the creation of ideal conditions for the development of a physically healthy organism, an intellectually and emotionally formed personality . At this stage, any restrictive influences and attempts at moralizing will be ineffective.

Only after the baby reaches the age of one year should one begin to introduce him to certain social attitudes and moral and ethical ideas. However, you still shouldn’t demand immediate compliance from them, as this is useless. After two years of age, one can appeal to ethical standards more persistently, and at three years of age one can urgently demand their compliance.

The peculiarities of the formation of a child’s personality in relationships where people are connected by family ties lie in the great realism of the social experience children acquire in the family . Since the child builds his own worldview through the prism of the observed actions of close relatives, he forms judgments about the value of phenomena and things.

Education and formation of a child’s personality

The first cultural environment for children, including their subject-spatial, event, social, and information environment, is the family .

Close people, to varying degrees of severity, create an individual educational environment (for example, provide nutritious food, buy clothes, purchase coloring books, toys, etc.). personal of the formation of the child’s personality will proceed for him depend on how the educational environment is organized .

Contrary to popular belief, specific educational measures in the family aimed at developing or correcting certain personal qualities of children occupy an insignificant place. Naturally, in home education there are certain requirements, prohibitions, a system of punishment and incentives. various situations occur every day through which educational or training measures are woven. Therefore, the younger the baby is, the more organically the training and upbringing, supervision and care are combined. Home education is characterized by a purely individual and personalized impact, specificity, as a result of which it has a beneficial effect on the initiation of activity, through which the personality of a preschool child is formed.

Children's activity, realized in types of activities, is the basis for the development of social and psychological new formations in his personal structure , because specific individual characteristics and qualities are formed only in the processes of interaction of children with the environment, in their initiative activities.

The family is a fundamental factor in educational influence due to the fact that it is the organizer of all kinds of activities for children. After all, a baby from birth does not have the skills to ensure his independent life. Interaction with the world is organized for him by his parents and other participants in family relationships . This is where the great pedagogical meaning lies. Since even a baby who is lucky enough to be born in a supportive environment is not able to fully develop if his opportunities to actively interact with her are limited or deprived.

Family education is the purposeful interaction of adult participants in family relationships with younger ones , which is based on love, respect for the dignity of the child, and also involves psychological and pedagogical support, protection of the baby and the formation of the personality of a preschooler, taking into account his potential and, accordingly, family values ​​and the morals of society.

The specificity of family influence of an educational nature lies in its ability to act as both a positive factor and a negative phenomenon in the formation of personality . A beneficial influence on a person is expressed in love . Since no one will love the baby more than his close circle. Along with this, no other social institution can cause personal formation

The key conditions ensuring optimal family education are: genuine love for the baby, consistency in educational influence, unity of principles and requirements, adequacy of educational influences. Compliance with these listed requirements is the key to the baby’s inner peace and mental stability.

Formation of a child’s personality in communication

Communication can be represented as a certain type of activity aimed at the mutual exchange of information between interacting individuals. It is of great importance in the development of the psyche of subjects and the formation of rational, cultural behavior. Through communications with psychologically developed individuals, thanks to a wide range of learning opportunities, the child acquires higher cognitive abilities. Therefore, directly through active communication with formed personalities, the baby himself becomes a personality .

The communicative interaction of children with adults leads to the possibility of forming in them emotions that correspond to templates generally accepted today in a particular society.

The peculiarities of the formation of a child’s personality are that the personality as a whole .

Communication in ontogenesis is the primary, predominant form of the baby’s relationship to the environment , first of all, presupposing understanding on the part of the second individual. Initially, under favorable conditions, the mother acts as the second communicating party. As children grow older, this form is replaced by the form , which presupposes mutual understanding. In other words, with this variation in communication, the baby no longer just formulates his own desires , but also takes into account the desires of the environment, on which the embodiment of his own “wants”

The formation of the personality of a school-age child results from the influence of:
new relationships with peers (classmates)

and adults
(teaching staff of the school)

new forms of activity (learning)

and communication
through which he is included in the system of groups (classroom and school-wide)

The result of this stage of formation is the formation of elements of social feelings and the development of social behavior skills (mutual assistance, responsibility for actions, camaraderie, etc.)


Therefore, the junior school age stage provides significant potential for the development of moral personal qualities . This is facilitated by the compliance and a certain degree of suggestibility of individuals, their gullibility, desire to imitate, and most importantly, the authority of the teacher used.

Communication with children becomes a leading activity during puberty. In interpersonal interaction, adolescents recreate relationships that exist in “adults”

the world or are opposed to them.
Through personal communication, adolescent children form their views on the meaning of life, relationships between people , and their own future.

What can you do?

First of all, a harmoniously developed personality is one who knows how to sympathize and help others. After all, weak-willed people are not capable of this. Therefore, teach your child to observe and help others. Even at home, ask him to give you a mug, explaining that you are very tired and need his help. Any child will feel proud that “he is good.” Also show him how difficult it is for grandma to clean on her own, and even if a baby with a broom in his hands starts sweeping tables, stools and even shelves of bedside tables, saving grandma from fatigue, this is already a very good sign.

Support first!

A harmonious personality will never be able to develop without self-confidence. Therefore, support your child in everything he does. Even if it’s a small thing, for example, drawing colorful squiggles. Praise the child, help him in his zeal (“draw a sun, I’ll show you how”). Teach your child not to be upset if something doesn’t work out for him, but prove to him that next time is always more successful. The little one didn’t manage to climb onto the stool, help him next time and praise his efforts with a smile.

Moral qualities of a preschooler's personality

The most important task is to instill in children from preschool years rules of behavior based on moral values. Understanding of universal moral values ​​and norms is formed gradually, first including those most accessible to age.

Have pity on the one who cries, share toys with other children, do not take other people’s toys without permission - clear guidelines for preschoolers from the “sand” age. Moral education is aimed at developing empathy, goodwill, and friendliness.

Younger preschoolers do not always realize the moral value of accepted standards of behavior. And for the most part they follow the rules so that there is no punishment for breaking them. I want to take away Deniska’s brand new truck, but my mother will immediately take her home and the game will end...

Children 3-4 years old do positive things at the suggestion of an adult, for the sake of praise or to avoid unpleasant consequences. spontaneous morality takes place .

The objective socio-moral meaning of the rules of behavior is comprehended by a preschooler at the age of 5-7 years. The assimilation of moral standards is associated with the ability to put oneself in the place of another person. Such decentration is controlled by social intelligence and experience of interpersonal relationships, which are just beginning to form from the middle of preschool age.

Older preschoolers demonstrate conscientious morality . They understand that moral and ethical standards should be followed because they distinguish between the categories of good and evil. And norms of behavior regulate relationships between people.

Moral norms and rules in preschool age

The formation of the moral qualities of a preschooler’s personality occurs quantitatively and qualitatively, in accordance with the expansion of the social circle and the formation of a worldview. At 4-5 years old, the main moral commandments fit into an extremely short list:

  • Obey mom, dad and other significant adults
  • Do not offend other children (do not take away toys, do not push)
  • Don't hit anyone

By the age of 6, the list of moral standards is replenished, first of all, thanks to the development of communication with peers and adults:

  • Share toys with friends
  • Don't be greedy when giving something to others
  • Help mom with household chores
  • Put your toys back where they belong and use them carefully
  • Do not shout or demand to buy anything in the store
  • Wait if the adult is busy and cannot show attention right away

Older preschoolers are required to follow a number of values ​​regulating joint activities with peers:

  • Be friendly to everyone, not just friends
  • Allow everyone to join the game
  • Provide mutual assistance
  • Listen to others, and not just insist on your own
  • Be friendly
  • To tell the truth
  • Protect the younger ones
  • Be respectful to adults

By obeying moral standards, preschoolers learn to control their desires and emotions. They develop an understanding that “I want” exists, but it must be correlated with “can” and “should”.


The child’s personality and its development depend on the development of creative thinking. Therefore, support your child’s interest in drawing, “writing”, read him fairy tales, interesting stories, sculpt with plasticine, in general, the choice is huge. Also, let the child, as he grows up, come up with his own stories or fairy tales. And also, don’t be afraid of children’s experiments! Let the baby play to his heart's content with whatever he wants, as long as it does not harm his health.

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