THE SUBJECT is socio-psychological risk factors for the formation of unlawful behavior of minors


Illegal, Juvenile, Socially, Teenager, Society, Psychological, Paragraph, Reason

§1 . The concept of unlawful behavior of minors: psychological and legal views………..………………………..…5

§2. Types of socio-psychological causes of delinquent behavior in adolescents…………….……………………………………………………………………………….8

List of used literature…………………………………….14


RELEVANCE OF THE RESEARCH One of the most pressing and socially significant tasks facing our society today is to find ways to reduce the growth of crimes among young people and increase the effectiveness of their prevention. Crime is getting younger and taking on a persistent recurrent nature. And such criminalization of the youth environment deprives society of prospects for establishing social balance and well-being in the near future.

The main role in solving this most acute problem is given to social pedagogy, although, of course, it can only be solved comprehensively, with the involvement of all forces of society. However, the integration of the efforts of society can only be carried out within the framework of a scientifically grounded social and pedagogical system for re-education of a minor’s personality, provided with effective technologies, through consistent pedagogical and educational-preventive influences that ensure the formation of a personality with firm and correct life attitudes.

The most significant reason for juvenile delinquency is shortcomings in their moral education. Consequently, the prevention of juvenile delinquency lies primarily in the pedagogization of various spheres of moral influence in the process of raising children and adolescents. The age characteristics of minors require a psychologically and methodologically competent approach to this contingent.

Thus, it is advisable to identify and analyze the socio-psychological reasons for the occurrence of unlawful behavior in adolescents.

OBJECT - social relations formed against the background of deviant behavior of adolescents.

THE SUBJECT is the socio-psychological risk factors for the formation of unlawful behavior of minors.

THE PURPOSE is to study the interdependence of factors in the development of illegal behavior in adolescents.

The goal is specified in the following tasks:

  1. consider the concept of unlawful behavior;
  2. identify the socio-psychological reasons for the unlawful behavior of adolescents;

The THEORETICAL BASIS of the work is the works of S.A. Belicheva, I.S. Kona, N. Smelser, M. Mironova, A.V. Petrovsky and others. To determine illegal (delinquent) behavior, researchers such as Ya.I. Gilinsky, V.N. Gerasimov, Yu.A. Kleiberg, V.N. Kudryavtsev, S. Boss and others worked.

STRUCTURE OF THE WORK: The abstract consists of 3 paragraphs. The first paragraph examines the concept of unlawful behavior in legal literature. The second paragraph analyzes the socio-psychological causes of deviant behavior of adolescents in modern Russia. The third paragraph analyzes the basic principles of preventive work with minors.

METHODOLOGICAL BASIS: The work uses a systematic approach, as well as formal legal and comparative legal methods.

What to do to make your loved one change

  • The next time you are deeply disappointed by someone close to you, pause and ask yourself: “If they never change, will I be able to live with this? Will I be able to continue to love him no matter what? If you answered “yes,” then you will be able to lower your expectations and feel quite comfortable in the relationship in the future.
  • Instead of seeing yourself as a helpless victim, make an active, conscious choice to allow the person to be who they are.
  • List the good and bad qualities of your loved one.
  • To truly accept him, spend some time actively acknowledging his positive characteristics.
  • Purposefully try to transform your desire to change the undesirable qualities of your loved one into the hope that he will change. Your mental well-being should not depend on changes in anyone else.
  • Take pride in knowing that you chose to be kind and compassionate rather than complain and grieve.
  • If you decide to openly tell a person that you hope for changes in him, offer him a compromise: “Is there something about me that you would like to change?” By equalizing positions in this way, you give him a greater incentive to change himself.

§ 1. The concept of unlawful behavior of minors: psychological and legal views

It seems advisable to begin the analysis with lawful behavior, since it is precisely this that is the general purpose of the law, the result of the implementation of a regime of legality in life, and, taken in the totality of its actions, the embodiment of the rule of law in society.

Thus, Academician V.N. Kudryavtsev defined lawful behavior in the socio-legal sense as socially necessary, desirable or acceptable, from the point of view of the interests of society, behavior of citizens and groups, consisting in compliance (execution, implementation) of the rules of law, guaranteed and protected by the state1.

At present, in fact, a similar approach to determining the essence of lawful behavior has been preserved, which also means behavior that complies with the rule of law, laws and other legal acts in force in society, without violating them.

In Ozhegov’s dictionary, legitimate is defined as internally justified, natural, based on law2. A large legal dictionary interprets legality as the compliance of the phenomena of social life with the requirements and permissions contained in the norms of law of the state will. In the large legal encyclopedia, lawful behavior is defined as one of the varieties of social behavior of people, strict and unwavering adherence to the legal requirements and orders contained in the norms of law3. The legality or illegality of behavior can be judged on the basis of whether the actions and actions of people are consistent with legal regulations. The criterion for determining the degree of legality is the degree of compliance of real actions and actions of people with the behavioral models laid down in the rules of law. Based on the above, lawful behavior can be defined as behavior that is fully consistent with all the requirements of the law.

In order to reveal the main problem of our research, let us turn to the etymology of the concept of “illegal (delinquent) behavior.” Thus, in the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by S.I. Ozhegov, the term “illegal” means the commission of illegal actions by a person that are contrary to the law4. Translated from English, the term “delinquency” means “fault” or “psychological readiness for an offense”, from the Latin “detinguens” (delinguentis) - “committing an act”, in legal terminology from the Latin “delictum” - “any offense”5. Thus, taken together, these interpretations of the concept of “illegal (delinquent) behavior” reflect a single meaning and are understood as operations or actions that are contrary to human rights in society.

Today, various sciences are engaged in revealing the essence of unlawful behavior: pedagogy, psychology, criminology, sociology, psychiatry, etc., thanks to research that has identified about 900 different signs of the essence and content of delinquent behavior of minors. It should be noted that in some cases, delinquent behavior is accompanied by criminal liability, in others it is designated as violations that do not pose a social danger.

In the domestic psychological and pedagogical literature, the concept of “illegal (delinquent) behavior” is defined from different points of view and is used as a synonym for the concepts of “socially deviant behavior” (V.N. Kudryavtsev), “deviant behavior” (Ya.I. Gilinsky, Yu .A. Kleiberg), “asocial”, “antisocial behavior”, “illegal behavior” (V.Yu. Albitsky, P.F. Kapterev), “offense” (G.G. Bochkareva), “difficulty in education” (A. S. Makarenko, V. A. Sukhomlinsky) and others6. However, it can be seen that in all synonyms there is a basis for defectiveness and deviation from social norms, legal and moral consciousness, the content of needs and motives of behavior, character traits, psyche and individuality of a person.

Domestic pedagogical science, in a broad sense, considers delinquent behavior as a type of human behavior in society and represents a complex combination of factual and legal, volitional and emotional, internal and external illegal behavior from a socio-psychological point of view. In foreign pedagogy and psychology, the concept of “delinquency” is usually used as an individual’s potential readiness to commit an unlawful act, that is, a certain kind of predisposition to deviant behavior. Domestic pedagogy sees in delinquent behavior an intentional and consciously committed illegal action of a person. The difference lies in the fact that foreign pedagogy considers delinquent behavior as a readiness or predisposition to deviant behavior that can be anticipated, eradicated and prevented.

In legal literature, illegal behavior refers to behavior that violates norms established by law. A type of illegal behavior is an offense. The social essence of all offenses in society is their social danger, harmfulness to the existing system of social relations, to a given social system. This refers to the harmfulness, the danger, not of a single act, but of a certain type of human action, the spread of which can cause significant damage to social relations. Taken together, they violate the normal conditions of the existence of society, the regulation and order of a given social system, and therefore necessitate organizational forms of state combat against crime.

In other words, illegal (delinquent) behavior is a conscious action, which in society is a social pathology and it is necessary to fight it, eradicating pathological internal mechanisms, as well as the reasons why a person (or a team) moves from lawful (lawful) actions to illegal ones and takes the path of delinquent behavior.

Illegal (delinquent) behavior of minors cannot develop only because of socio-pedagogical contradictions in society, because these contradictions are not antagonistic in nature, but such contradictions cannot but be reflected in the appearance and behavior of young people of the corresponding social strata.

§ 2. Types of socio-psychological causes of delinquent behavior in adolescents

The causes of crime are those socio-psychological factors on which the commission of crimes directly depends, which reproduce crime and crimes as their natural consequence.

The causes of juvenile delinquency can be divided into two large groups:

  1. psychological, related to the personal characteristics of minors;
  2. social - reflecting the shortcomings of the social structure. The first group of reasons is determined by teenage nihilism, when passions often boil in the souls of outwardly impartial people, and timidity is hidden behind the rudeness of young men; catastrophic decline in intellectual potential7.

E.A. Lichko gives descriptions of those accentuations that, in his opinion, most often lead to offenses8.

From the first years of school, hypertensive individuals show restlessness, distractibility, and indiscipline. They are characterized by absenteeism and conflicts with teachers and parents. Delinquent behavior manifests itself in the form of minor antisocial acts and offenses, usually to show peers that they are brave. Unauthorized absences are frequent. There is a tendency towards alcoholism, frequent drinking in a group for the purpose of having fun. Promiscuous sexual relationships are possible.

The schizoid personality type manifests itself as complete withdrawal into oneself, an increased feeling of loneliness. Sometimes incomprehensible eccentric behavior is characteristic. Forms of behavioral disorder: may commit antisocial actions for the sake of fighting for justice or for the sake of some idea.

The epileptoid personality type manifests itself maladaptively in any environment. The epileptoid gives an explosion of angry affect in response to provoking factors. He is vindictive.

An unstable personality type manifests itself in the inability to assimilate moral and ethical standards. Various forms of behavioral disorders, inability to complete educational institutions due to absenteeism and lack of interest in studies. Very prone to deviant behavior: theft, robbery, hooliganism. There is a high tendency to alcoholism and taking other intoxicating substances. They often run away from home to avoid punishment or to be in antisocial company.

The second group of reasons covers the contradictions in the social and economic state of society. In the criminological literature in recent years, there has been a strong opinion that the main reason for juvenile delinquency and its rapid growth is a sharp deterioration in the economic situation and increased tension in society. Unable to legally satisfy their needs, many teenagers begin to “make money” and obtain necessary things and products to the best of their ability and ability, often by committing a crime. Minors are actively involved in illegal businesses and other types of criminal activities.

One of the specific reasons for juvenile delinquency at the present stage of social life is the catastrophic situation with the organization of leisure for children and adolescents at their place of residence. Many children's institutions and organizations have ceased to exist, and the premises that belonged to them were leased to commercial structures.

The aggravation of problems of family dysfunction against the general background of poverty and constant need, moral and social degradation occurring in families lead to extremely negative consequences. It is known that among minors from dysfunctional families the intensity of crime is especially high9. Basically, drunkenness, drug addiction, prostitution flourish in these families; there are no moral principles or elementary culture. In such families, violence towards each other and towards their children flourishes.

Conditions conducive to the criminal behavior of minors also include shortcomings in the activities of the bodies charged with combating juvenile delinquency. Unfortunately, at present there is actual inaction of public and state structures called upon to carry out educational and preventive work with adolescents (commissions on juvenile affairs and the protection of their rights; social protection management bodies; education management, guardianship and trusteeship, youth affairs, management healthcare, employment services).

There are significant shortcomings in the activities of law enforcement agencies, including internal affairs agencies, in preventing, identifying, solving and investigating crimes committed by minors.

The motivation for criminal behavior of minors is significantly influenced by the characteristics of the teenage psyche: increased suggestibility in relation to authorities and youthful negativism in relation to persons trying to carry out pedagogical influence, a tendency to socio-psychological infection10. Among minors, as well as among adults, there are quite dangerous types of criminals: embittered, seeking to take out grievances received in the family or school, on peers or on citizens who find themselves in a helpless state (mainly drunk people).

A significant proportion of juvenile criminals suffer from mental anomalies (about 25%).

Among minors who commit violent crimes, this proportion is many times higher. The most common forms of mental abnormalities are psychopathy, neuropathic traits and pathocharacterological reactions (increased sensitivity, irritability, anxiety), and a reduced level of intellectual development. Most mental anomalies of adolescents in this category are caused by abnormal upbringing conditions or birth trauma11.

Symptoms of a teenager “approaching” criminal behavior include: smoking, drinking alcohol, skipping school and leaving school altogether, using drugs, joining a community of fans, rockers, metalheads, etc., friendship with delinquents and criminals , early sexual intercourse, cruelty to animals and people, leaving home, vagrancy.

Attracting attention, gaining authority among peers

Another important topic for a teenager is communication with peers. At this age, it becomes very important to have a group where you are accepted, or better yet, where you are a leader, an authority for others. Shocking behavior turns out to be a good way to gain such authority. Each “crazy” act adds points to the teenager’s score, and his status in the eyes of his peers increases. Behaving cheekily and defiantly, a teenager most often works for the public. Much depends on the characteristics of the team itself, where the teenager is trying to assert himself - what is valued in this team, is considered “cool”.

Evgenia Lepeshova


If teenagers begin to behave brazenly, defiantly, and cross the line, this, first of all, speaks not about the boys and girls themselves, but about the level of development of the team, which means that measures should be aimed specifically at the development of the team.

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