“Prevention of deviant and delinquent behavior in social studies and law lessons”

Prevention of delinquent behavior in adolescents

Interactive platform for the prevention of delinquent behavior in adolescents. Mylnikova A.V., Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia Abstract The author proposes a system of developed and tested exercises aimed at preventing delinquent behavior. The content of the program is aimed at updating universal human values ​​and the meaning in life of adolescents as a basis for the prevention of delinquent behavior.

Key words: prevention of delinquent behavior in adolescents

The growth of juvenile crime in the 21st century is becoming a serious problem for the world community. According to statistical data, the illegal activity of minors in Russia in recent years has been high and poses a social danger to modern society.

In this regard, preventive work with adolescents is being updated at all levels: primary in the direction of promoting a healthy lifestyle; secondary in the development and implementation of rehabilitation programs for minors registered with commissions for minors and the protection of their rights; tertiary, including individual preventive work with convicted minors.

School is the element of the system for preventing neglect and juvenile delinquency where work on the primary prevention of delinquent – ​​unlawful behavior is concentrated. To expand the range of methodological developments in this direction, we offer an interactive platform program for teenagers “I choose life.”

The program is designed for group interaction with teenagers aged 14 to 18 years. The content of the program is aimed at updating universal human values ​​and the meaning in life of adolescents as a basis for the prevention of delinquent behavior.

During the operation of the interactive platform, the following tasks are solved: 1. Involving teenagers in positive activities that are adequate to their interests, abilities and mental state, which can distract them from committing unlawful acts. 2. Development in participants of effective communication and behavioral skills to counter the negative influence of the environment in risky situations, socially acceptable forms of behavior. 3. Formation of responsibility in a teenager for his actions. 4. Prevention of social maladjustment and deviant behavior. 5. Formation of positive motivation and attitudes aimed at resisting the unwanted influence of the environment. 6. Developing effective skills of self-control and assessment of one’s own emotional state in participants to make the right decisions.

Stages of operation of the interactive platform “Prevention of delinquent behavior in adolescents”

1. Opening speech by the presenter, inviting participants of the interactive platform to a constructive dialogue. 2. Discussion of life problems using the method of analyzing situations based on reference to the content of the young man’s essay on the topic “I choose life.”

“I choose life... Not a bad phrase to put together an extraordinary, slightly philosophical story on a piece of paper. Unfortunately, or fortunately, our life is not always written on a white, clean, unsullied piece of paper. It is made up of many hours, minutes, seemingly completely worthless fleeting seconds, which in turn form our lives; for me, these are synonyms, because neither one nor the other can be lived twice. Days fly, I would like to compare them with birds that fly south, but birds return, and our days are irrevocable. So is our whole life...

Although why live it twice?! SHE'S ALONE, YES!!!! So live it with dignity! Do not waste time on quarrels, reproaches, lies, insults and an insurmountable number of other negative emotions. Pride is another of the vices that poison our lives. Believe me, this is not the peak to which you need to strive, this is not the peak of Everest. Of course, I have no goal or desire to impose my point of view, saying that good is good, evil is bad, although this is so!

There are millions of people in the world, there are millions of vices in the world, and we cannot all be wonderful, we are all individual. We were brought up differently, principles, morals, mentality, everything is different. But no matter how different we are from each other, we determine our future and our path ourselves.

Live according to your conscience, do not succumb to temptations such as drugs, alcohol, all these moments of dubious “bliss” are nothing compared to life, to your life, to the life of your child. Just imagine how happy it is to hold a healthy baby, son or daughter in your arms. To have a strong family that is always with you, behind your back, your support and hope, even when you stumble, it will not let you fall, and if you fall, family, it will lift you up! I know this for sure... The great French writer Victor Hugo in the 19th century noted that the family is the crystal of society. But this is really so! Without such a crystal there will be neither society nor life. This is the basis. Firm and unshakable!

Friends! The most precious and important things in our lives are our loved ones, Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister, Friend. There are never many friends, but there are real ones. Be real, for your friends, for your loved ones, for yourself!

There is one thing that unites us! This is the world we live in, so let's try to make it kinder. I would like to end this essay with the words of Vasily Makarovich Shukshin: “We would not forget about our souls... We would like to be a little kinder... We only live on earth once, as it happens... But be more attentive to each other, kinder...” Listen, please..."

3. Reflection of perception. Work on the questions: “What did you feel and what were you thinking when you listened to this story?”

4. Analysis of life strategies. Discussion with teenagers: What is life? What are its components? What vices is a person susceptible to in his life’s journey? Why? How not to succumb to these vices, how to resist, get away from them? What is the meaning of human life? What do you value in life? What are you striving for?

5. Diagnostic exercise “Unfinished thesis.” Teenagers need to choose one of the two proposed theses (or both) and continue: “I live well because...”; “I live poorly because...”

6. Homework: you are asked to write your own essay on the topic “I choose life.”

7. Closing of the interactive platform. Thanks to the participants for their active work and personal involvement. The presenter ends the meeting with an aphorism: Our life is a consequence of our thoughts; it is born in our heart, it is created by our thought. If a person speaks and acts with a good thought, joy follows him like a shadow that never leaves.

Links to sources
  1. Mylnikova A.V. State, causes and social prevention of juvenile delinquency in the Altai Territory // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. – 2014. – No. 4 [Electronic resource]. – URL: https://psychology.snauka.ru/2014/04/3004.

Prevention of delinquent behavior in adolescents
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What is delinquent behavior?

The number of juvenile crimes is increasing. What is this connected with? With an inner understanding of who an adult is. After all, this is the main goal of every growing up guy or girl - to grow up. Only some people misunderstand this, which leads to illegal actions. What is delinquent behavior?

In this case, we are talking about an asocial, illegal action, which is aimed at causing harm to others, infringing on their rights, destroying property and social order. This concept comes from the Latin word “delictum”, which means “misconduct”.

In this case, teenagers commit offenses in relation to social norms and rules, the order established in society. Harm is aimed at destroying the social foundation that is accepted. The reasons for this behavior are varied, ranging from troubles in the family to communication with bad people.

It is necessary to distinguish delinquent behavior from deviant behavior. Not every behavior that deviates from social norms is criminal, but every criminal behavior is deviant.

Delinquent behavior is aimed at causing harm to society, and accordingly, it is punished by the state. Depending on the illegality of the offense, the teenager is punished through the courts or with administrative fines. If a teenager commits delinquent acts upon reaching adulthood, then he is called an antisocial person. If his actions are not punished by law, then he is simply an antisocial person.

It seems that all teenagers are criminals. However, different models of behavior must be distinguished. There are teenagers who simply dress brightly, do extravagant hairstyles, laugh loudly and listen to music at night. However, another category of teenagers are those who have promiscuous relationships, use drugs, and commit crimes.

Delinquent behavior is always associated with the law. A teenager or a group of people opposes the entire society. The main problem remains that different actions may or may not be subject to criminal punishment. The teenager commits acts that border on the law. When he crosses these boundaries, then he is punished according to all the rules of the law.

Various types of delinquent behavior. Delinquent behavior of minors

That is, believing that children, going through this difficult period, become victims of their own whims, harmfulness and spoiling, their relatives and friends are deeply mistaken, not even understanding where the roots of such a denial of everything come from.

Meanwhile, so-called delinquent behavior can develop not only in adolescents experiencing puberty, but also in people of any other age category, regardless of their status, marital status, income and upbringing. At the same time, it is quite natural that the delinquent behavior of adolescents is often very different from the behavioral line of a similar plan in adults due to certain circumstances that tend to be dictated by life itself, or rather its rhythm, political, religious and humanitarian spheres, society and other important components. However, one should not assume that such behavior, which very often others mistakenly mistake for negativism, is acquired, because very often one can encounter a situation where delinquent behavior is primary or, simply put, innate in nature.

Thus, those children whose parents neglect their own responsibilities, primarily towards their own child, automatically fall into the risk group. Moreover, this does not necessarily have to be domestic violence (although frequent assault immediately increases this likelihood, provoking its growth almost exponentially), because even a basic lack of affection, warmth and basic care can become a solid foundation for the manifestations described above. In addition, an extremely negative factor in this most delicate issue can be a serious mental (less often physical) trauma received in childhood, be it severe beating, humiliation, physical violence, loss of loved ones or relatives, natural disasters, wars and other disasters.

The absence of a father in the family has a very detrimental effect on the formation of personality, regardless of what reason led to such a development of events. This is explained by the fact that a child who grew up in an incomplete family needs protection much more than others, which the mother alone is not capable of providing by definition. The result is the application of the old folk saying “The best defense is an attack” in practice with all the ensuing consequences. Often such a child wants to stand out from his peers, who, in his opinion, are more valuable, as a result of which he begins to behave too rudely, bravura, and sometimes even very pretentious, trying to hurt and offend children who are more restrained or morally weaker. .

Among other things, those parents who constantly quarrel in front of their child, make exorbitant disciplinary demands towards him or, on the contrary, act completely inconsistently, which can also lead to constant scandals, should draw certain conclusions for themselves. In the latter case, we mean the classical model, when the father is too strict, while the mother, on the contrary, indulges in every possible way and tries to please her own child, as a result of which a destructive resonance can occur in the child’s consciousness. However, this does not mean that delinquent behavior in a teenager can arise solely against the background of all sorts of negative and stressful situations in his family.

For example, very often such fruits have to be reaped by those parents who very much spoiled their child, trying to fulfill all his requests and wishes with lightning speed. The most dangerous model is also considered to be one in which the mother and father never punish their child, do not scold him, and automatically take his side in a conflict with other children or adults, even if he really did something wrong. The fact is that such permissiveness can sooner or later have the opposite effect, and the first to suffer from this will be the parents of a child with a similar behavioral model.

Having understood a little about the main causes of delinquent behavior, it is advisable to consider its potential consequences, of which, unfortunately, there can be a lot. This concept itself is explained by such a simple, but at the same time, very capacious term as an offense; another thing is that we are talking about a completely conscious and, rather, even deliberate action. Moreover, it is one thing if we are talking about an administrative violation, but things will be completely different when such a person commits a much more serious crime, be it beating, violence or murder. It is the last three acts, if we mean intentional acts, that are among the most dangerous types of delinquent behavior, which indicate serious psychological pathology.

And unfortunately, the list of particularly serious “offenses” does not end there, because it also includes theft, prostitution, participation in the filming of pornography or the sale of such video materials, terrorism, vandalism, distribution of narcotic substances, etc. Less serious forms of such behavior can include situations such as swearing in public places (especially obscene language), rudeness, deliberately defiant behavior, insults, pestering someone, petty hooliganism. This can also safely include drinking alcoholic beverages or using illegal drugs in crowded places, using swear words in the presence of children, offering cigarettes and drinks to persons under the age of majority, defecating in any places other than those specifically designated for this matter.

You shouldn’t be surprised, but even basic failure to fulfill one’s work duties and violation of an employment contract are automatically considered delinquent behavior. This phenomenon is called a disciplinary offense and, in fact, such violations can be observed every day in all corners of the globe. Moreover, even those people who are found to have systematically violated traffic rules automatically fall into the risk group, regardless of which of the participants they are - a driver or a pedestrian. That is, we are talking about a group of people for whom generally accepted rules, norms and such an important concept as order do not make any sense. In fact, a delinquent person is not much different from an ordinary marginalized person, although he may not even realize it, deliberately raising his own bar or putting himself above everyone else, even if we are talking about his closest circle.

That is why it is sometimes extremely difficult, if not impossible, to carry out corrective work with such people, since they do not realize that their actions are a misdemeanor. In fact, effective prevention of delinquent behavior is possible only before the end of adolescence, since at this time a person’s personality is still going through the stage of formation and any delay is extremely dangerous.

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