Classification of people by psychotypes: Myers-Briggs methodology

Using frames for other purposes may lead to unforeseen consequences. Why are some workers able to perform the tasks you give them well, while others are not, with basically the same level of intelligence, motivation and education? Have you ever asked yourself this question? Why is it easy to force some people to perform this or that function exactly as you need, without explanation, while others still need to prove that the required method is better than the one chosen by the subordinate? It is clear that the reason for everything is the psychotype of the person you hired for the job. Is it possible to find out in advance what kind of employee will be like before hiring? It turns out that it is possible. To do this you will need to perform one simple test. It will allow you to determine a person’s propensity for a particular work style and understand whether he is suitable for the desired position.

In order to assess these parameters, it is necessary to use the Myers-Briggs personality typology. In the West, many companies have long made passing this test a mandatory step when hiring personnel. We recommend that you use it too.

Who is an extrovert?

Psychology gives the following definition: this is a behavioral type whose interests are concentrated on external objects. To explain briefly and in simple words, an extrovert is a person who loves to communicate, cannot stand loneliness and is always on the move. It is difficult for him to sit in one place within four walls. He has a huge number of friends and acquaintances. He manages to pay attention to everyone, is within reach and is in touch 24/7. Always ready to help, advocates for organizing any public event. He speaks a lot and beautifully. Dresses tastefully, fashionably and brilliantly. This is a brief description of an extroverted personality.

The opposite type is the introvert.

At first glance, an extrovert seems ideal to many: positive, kind, open, sociable - no catch. In fact, he also has negative character traits. The main one is superficiality. He is not focused on the inner world - neither his own nor those around him. Sometimes he does not understand himself and does not strive to understand what motivates others. This creates a lot of problems for him in relationships.

Physiologically speaking, when an extroverted person experiences new things or takes risks, their brain releases large amounts of dopamine. This ability, according to scientists, is due to a certain gene.

An extrovert and an introvert can coexist in one person at the same time. Such people are called ambiverts.

Definition and classification

An extrovert is a person who projects his main attention to the outside world.

The advantages of such a personality include:

  • achieving great success in work if it is based on communication with people (thanks to good communication);
  • the ability to win over people also has a beneficial effect on your personal life and career;
  • such a person will gladly listen to someone’s advice - thanks to this he will be able to grow and develop;
  • desire, active actions, quick reactions help to become more active in time, adapt to a new type of activity, and understand the task at hand;
  • There is an opinion that extroverts have advantages in learning - such children are able to grasp everything on the fly (however, they can forget new information at the same speed).

Among the negative features are:

  • focus on quantity rather than quality, which may result in the performance of work tasks suffering;
  • such a person may not be obligatory, and there may be a lack of responsibility;
  • such people can be selfish and overly intrusive;
  • likes to remain in the center of attention without thinking about others;
  • some individuals are capable of being influenced by their environment;
  • Lack of planning allows unexpected consequences to arise.

If we consider this whim in detail, we can distinguish these types of extroverts.

  1. Thoughtful. Such an individual has a tendency to systematize information; these are generally smart, educated people with an analytical mind. Representatives of this type are scientists, administrators, politicians, and highly qualified lawyers. They have a clear position in life and are able to sensibly assess the situation. Introspection and reluctance to be alone with thoughts can be frightening. There is faith in ideals.
  2. Senser. The individual perceives the world around him to the maximum, interacts with everyone from a practical point of view. There is a tendency to commit rash acts and a reluctance to engage in planning. Among such individuals it is extremely difficult to find ambitious or ambitious individuals.
  3. Sensing. In the first place are the sensations and feelings of the surrounding world. This psychotype is most often observed in females. Girls are more sensitive and are able to analyze what is happening through their emotions. As a rule, people with this psychotype have many acquaintances and friends and have no communication problems. Such individuals like to engage in soul-searching, and sometimes it is difficult for them to express their feelings. The need for constant communication and excessive emotionality can become a problem.
  4. Intuitive. Such individuals are highly dependent on external influences, on the influence of the situation. Characterized by being in a constant search for something new. There is a subtle instinct, as well as the ability to predict possible changes occurring in the world around us. Representatives of this psychotype cannot be attracted by routine and monotony; they are constantly interested in new opportunities.


Positive character traits:

  • sociability;
  • outward facing;
  • a large number of acquaintances;
  • impulsiveness;
  • activity;
  • artistic and public speaking skills;
  • optimism;
  • erudition;
  • leadership skills;
  • good nature;
  • gaiety.

Negative character traits:

  • dependence on the opinions of other people;
  • vital need for socialization;
  • most contacts are superficial, shallow;
  • the guide for action is the present moment;
  • hot temper;
  • restlessness;
  • poor performance of routine work;
  • carelessness, frivolity;
  • at certain moments - aggressiveness;
  • lack of strict control over feelings and emotions;
  • unjustified risk taking;
  • unreliability.

All of the above signs indicate that a person is an extrovert.

An introverted extrovert (ambivert) has the following characteristics:

  • mood swings;
  • intuitive abilities;
  • lack of random people in your circle of friends;
  • comfort both in society and in complete solitude;
  • ambiguous assessments from others: he seems either quiet or an active erudite;
  • the ability to empathize;
  • skillful use of internal and external energy.

According to statistics, there are very few ambiverts - only about 5%.

Evaluation criteria

The test measures a person's unique combinations of personality factors. To do this, the subject is run through four 4 scales (descriptors):

- orientation of consciousness (introversion-extroversion)

- orientation in the situation (sensory - intuition)

- basis for decision making (logic - pathos)

- way of preparing decisions (rationality - irrationality)

In each descriptor, two opposing preferences are distinguished: extraversion and introversion (first descriptor), sensory and intuitive type (second descriptor), thinking and feeling type (third descriptor), deciding and perceiving type (fourth descriptor).

Of course, in every person all of the listed preferences are present simultaneously, depending on the situation, but most people gravitate towards one preference more. Moreover, over the course of life, a person sometimes learns to display qualities that are opposite to his initial inclinations, and the test allows one to identify precisely innate data. Knowing his characteristics, a person begins to understand why he is good at one job and bad at another, what profession to choose, and so on.

Types of extroverts

There are several classifications. Firstly, there are different types of temperament.


  • jealous;
  • stubborn, self-willed;
  • proud;
  • responsible for everyone, including himself;
  • dominant, does not tolerate competitors, always leading in everything;
  • ready to help and protect “our own” at any time of the day.

Extroverted Sanguine:

  • optimistic;
  • curious;
  • always passionate about something;
  • naive and gullible;
  • able to forgive and sacrifice;
  • capable of compromise.

From a psychological point of view, types such as extrovert-melancholic or phlegmatic cannot exist, since these temperaments belong to introverts.

The second classification is socionic personality types:

Logical-intuitive extrovert:

  • most often a man;
  • loves business trips and moving;
  • efficient;
  • is not afraid to take risks;
  • adventurer;
  • optimist;
  • doesn't like doctors;
  • open, does not tolerate intrigue, lies and falsehood in relationships;
  • experimenter;
  • discoverer.

Logical-sensory extrovert:

  • good organizer;
  • performs any work efficiently and demands the same from others;
  • loves comfort, creates it for others;
  • knows how to handle things;
  • does not like scandals;
  • keep their distance from everyone;
  • does not understand people;
  • loves praise, susceptible to flattery;
  • confidently defends his principles and interests.

Ethical-sensory extrovert:

  • most often joyful, happy and positive;
  • overly emotional;
  • cannot stand the company of introverts, hermits, skeptics;
  • has a huge circle of acquaintances;
  • caring in terms of everyday life: he will feed you, provide you with money, provide comfort and coziness;
  • too fussy, takes on several things at once;
  • does not know how to manage time;
  • trusts people, openly condemns hypocrisy and lies;
  • never misses its benefits.


  • most often a woman;
  • the most emotional of all extroverts;
  • has a high level of empathy;
  • does not know how to control his own emotions;
  • has acting talent;
  • brings joy to delight, and sadness to tragedy;
  • loves mysticism, psychological dramas, everything otherworldly;
  • cannot stand monotonous work;
  • does not tolerate physical suffering;
  • jealous, touchy and vindictive.


  • an observer who lives in the world of ideas and loves everything unusual;
  • good speaker;
  • intellectual, achieves success in science;
  • builds harmonious and logical systems, finds cause-and-effect relationships in everything;
  • does not tolerate restrictions, defends his right to freedom to the last;
  • often familiar and rude in relationships, does not respect subordination, since he does not feel all the subtleties of communication;
  • experimenter in food and healing methods;
  • does not like scandals;
  • knows how to efficiently perform several tasks at the same time.


  • life is a battlefield; everyone around is either opponents or comrades; the goal is to win at any cost;
  • an excellent leader who distributes responsibilities in the group;
  • works for the future;
  • cannot tolerate betrayal and doubt;
  • does not accept generally accepted norms, as he adheres to his own principles;
  • starts with half a turn;
  • mood depends on others;
  • strives for comfort and financial independence;
  • He is an excellent owner of a large house, but he does not like to do routine small things.


  • loves to study people - an excellent psychologist who captures the subtleties of everyone’s mental organization;
  • sometimes uses this for his own purposes: a skilled manipulator and intriguer;
  • knows how to smooth out conflicts;
  • it seems to others that he communicates equally openly with everyone, so they often have the erroneous opinion of him as a flighty and frivolous person;
  • in fact, he doesn’t really get close to everyone;
  • goes into open confrontation if someone encroaches on what belongs only to him: territory, freedom, personal relationships;
  • loves comfort, but does not know how to organize it, so gratefully accept self-care from others;
  • cannot stand routine work;
  • impatient;
  • knows how to hide a bad mood and hostility towards someone.


  • feels responsible for a certain world (family, territory) and defends its interests;
  • knows how to withstand forceful pressure;
  • excellent manipulator;
  • easily gets along with new people;
  • will not communicate with a person if he is unpleasant to him and even useless;
  • interesting, original, attracting attention;
  • polymath;
  • does not like to sit idle, is always on the move, active;
  • suffers from sudden mood swings.

These are personality types according to Jung's classification. They are the basis of socionics.


How do you know if you are an extrovert? You can independently take the test of the German-British psychologist Hans Eysenck.


  1. Read the statement carefully.
  2. Imagine the situation described.
  3. Ask yourself how you would act in it.
  4. Write down the first answer that comes to mind.
  5. If you agree with a statement, put a “+” sign next to it.
  6. If you do not agree, use the “-” sign.



Interpretation of answers:

Using the Eysenck questionnaire, you can also determine the type of temperament:

  • an emotionally stable extrovert is a sanguine person;
  • emotionally stable introvert - phlegmatic;
  • emotionally unstable extrovert - choleric;
  • emotionally unstable introvert - melancholic.

This is the simplest and at the same time accurate and detailed test for an extrovert or introvert.

Features of communication

Some useful tips from psychologists on how an introvert can communicate with an extrovert:

  • Use nonverbal cues

For an extrovert, words alone are not enough. He needs nods of agreement, eye contact, handshakes, and supportive gestures. He must see that you are not just listening to him, but also hearing him, you understand. Otherwise there will be no contact.

  • Don't be afraid to interrupt

Extroverts can talk for hours. If you don't interrupt them at some point, they will eventually get tired and conclude that you don't want to communicate with them or are not at all interested in them. Ask questions, express your opinion, argue - this will make them truly happy.

  • Take breaks

Extroverted people are lightning fast and spontaneous. They live and act here and now, demanding the same from others. You are an introvert, you are deeper and cannot make decisions without thinking thoroughly. Don't follow their lead, otherwise you will allow them to manipulate you. Politely ask to take a break - some time to weigh the pros and cons. At first they will be annoyed by this, but then they will begin to respect you and will not force you to adapt to them.

  • Don't take everything seriously

When communicating with an extrovert, you need to understand one simple truth: he often speaks out loud the entire stream of his thoughts, even if they are not yet his final decisions. Therefore, learn to separate the wheat from the chaff: when he says intermediate and raw, and when he says a ready-made version.

  • Get ready for unpleasant communication

This is a very hot-tempered, irritable, overly impulsive type of personality, ready at any moment to launch into a heated argument, in which he will defend his point of view almost to the point of a fight. This is where the advice about a pause comes in handy - look for arguments in advance that will cool his ardor and demonstrate that you know how to stand up for yourself.

If two opposing personality types come together in a married couple, the introvert (if he wants to save the relationship) must understand the following about the extrovert:

  1. He should not be left locked up at home without communication. Be sure to let him go to meetings with friends or to clubs of interest.
  2. To discuss an important decision, prepare in advance: think through the arguments and do not expect a quick result. The discussions will be heated and long.
  3. Love his virtues and do not notice his flaws. There are still more of the first ones.
  4. Load him full of useful things at home - direct his activity in the right direction. Let him take the children to museums, do repairs, and help you with your work.
  5. A couple of times a year, give him light herbal sedatives under the guise of vitamin-mineral complexes. They will help you be a little calmer and more measured.
  6. Do not reproach him for unreliability and frivolity. This is his nature.

As practice shows, an introvert can easily get along with an extrovert if she builds a correct line of behavior with him from the very beginning.

How to become an extrovert

First make sure you really want it. If you are sure, follow the recommendations of psychologists.

Learn the theory:

  1. Explore the personality traits of an extrovert.
  2. Explore the personality traits of an introvert.
  3. Take the extroversion/introversion test.

Step out of your comfort zone:

  1. Find a new job.
  2. Make spontaneous decisions once a day, without plan or preparation.
  3. Go to public, crowded events. Perform on them.
  4. Develop social skills.
  5. Sign up for acting classes.
  6. Join a community or club of interests.

Build interpersonal relationships:

  1. Communicate with other people: in reality and online.
  2. Talk more with others.
  3. Be sincerely interested in the problems of others and talk about your own.
  4. Form a circle of close friends and constantly communicate with them.
  5. Work on relationships with the opposite sex: get to know each other, courtship, confess your feelings, decide to marry.
  6. Don’t forget about communicating with relatives: visit them regularly, call them.
  7. Help colleagues, ask them for help, establish work contacts.

For an introvert, becoming a full-fledged extrovert can take years of self-improvement.

The role of genetic and environmental factors

Studies on mono- and dizygotic twins conducted in different countries have revealed the role of the genetic factor in the manifestation of extraversion. So, D. Lawlin (J. Loehlin, 1992)

provides summary data from four studies conducted on hundreds and thousands of twins, from which it follows that the similarity in the manifestation of extraversion is significantly higher in monozygotic pairs than in dizygotic pairs.

These data are also interesting because they studied the similarity in the manifestation of extraversion in twins living together and apart. In Sweden and the USA, the role of the social factor was also identified, since twins living apart were less similar than twins living together.

It has been shown that the heritability coefficient of extraversion is 0.5 (E. A. Sergienko et al., 1999)

, which also, on the one hand, indicates the role of heredity, and on the other, does not exclude the influence of environmental (social) factors in the manifestation of extraversion - introversion. A decrease in the heritability coefficient of extraversion with age was also revealed.

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