What kind of human quality is wisdom?

Translation of wisdom

We offer you a translation of the word wisdom into English, German and French. Implemented using the Yandex.Dictionary service

  • To English
  • To German
  • To French
  • wisdom
    - wisdom, wise wisdom tooth - wisdom tooth
  • sapience
    - intelligence
    • Weisheit
      - wisdom of the world - Weisheit der Welt
  • Weltweisheit
  • Problem
    • sagesse
      - wisdom, philosophy wisdom teeth - dents de sagesse

    What is wisdom (adjectives)?

    Selection of adjectives for words based on the Russian language.

    people's everyday ancient highest great true state eastern old divine deep human greater centuries old life Chinese women's secret greatest political own necessary complete legislative some new military prisoner special fulfilled crazy simple such high soldier calm real famous book eternal practical endless collective any limitless hidden dazzling huge embodied natural serpentine army main false thousand-year eternal biblical amazing Fremen unearthly Eurasian certain centuries-old

    What can wisdom do? What can you do with wisdom (verbs)?

    Selection of verbs for words based on the Russian language.

    to be born to suggest to say to have to prescribe to leave to suggest to be gifted to be helped to be extended to bring to condescend to be to disappear to present oneself to wake up to justify to survive to preserve one's grasp to prefer to win to remain to open up to go in to become illuminated to stop remembered to teach to look to recognize return to get to speak to conclude to endow to love to cover guess to win shake announce to direct to sound make find meet bring turn appear say look go inhale notice turn out build appear obey

    Associations to the word wisdom

    Boris silence eyes secrecy advice future book business face god question life power attitude of light earth contempt path camp goddess man frame woman head choice stupidity dog ​​desert death theme experience preservation Roman suffering time citadel view understanding name priest knowledge given direct history fortress heart organization word world crown interpretation stretch end labor public comparison depth wisdom love masters husband hajji lethargy side

    Scope of use of the word wisdom

    General vocabulary Religion Dentistry Proverb Psychology


    A smart person is someone who finds a way out of a difficult situation, and a wise person is someone who knows how to avoid getting into such a situation. (With)

    Indeed, the line between the concepts of “mind” and “wisdom” is very thin, but nevertheless significant. They say that a person can be smart beyond his years, but there is no such statement regarding wisdom. This means that intelligence is a quality that can be innate, but wisdom is only acquired with experience.

    And the child knows that in order to become smart, you need to devote a lot of time to self-education, and a person who does not even know how to, for example, write or read, can be wise. Fundamental in the definition of the concept “wisdom” is experience, which an uneducated person can have many times more than an Academy graduate. And all because experience, like wisdom, cannot be comprehended by studying sources of information; experience and wisdom are what come to us over time. It accumulates as a result of what has been experienced, planned and implemented. Experience is our mistakes, which we will not repeat next time. So the wisdom discussed in the famous aphorism will at some point tell us how to avoid a difficult situation.

    When wondering what constitutes human wisdom, I turn to examples from life. Sometimes, when communicating with this or that person, I define him as wise. Sometimes it is difficult for me to say from what exactly I draw such a conclusion, but I can say with confidence that this person is wise. He can give answers to questions that you won’t find on the Internet or in books, he can tell you in advance how some undertaking will end, or he can simply say a phrase that will radically change my view of the situation or help me see it from another perspective, previously unknown to me, sides. Yes, such a person can rightfully be called wise. In his words, he conveys to me invaluable experience, which contains the same worldly wisdom that is not written about in books.

    Wisdom guides us with an invisible pointer to the right people, tells us what decision to make in the current situation, or, conversely, gives us a signal that danger awaits us and we urgently need to change something. Wisdom cannot be read or studied, but it can be comprehended. To do this, it is not necessary to go to distant lands, become a hermit or look for a mentor... Everything that is most important lies on the surface, it surrounds us, and in order to understand many questions that seem insoluble to us, it is enough to stop for a minute and think carefully. The answer will certainly find the one who is looking for it.

    For each person, wisdom lies in something different. Wise can be advice and action, a single thought or the person himself. Everything that happens also makes us wiser. This means that the environment that influences our worldview can also be wise. The chain can be continued endlessly: it will end exactly when the last opinion is expressed.

    In my understanding, wisdom is a much deeper and more multifaceted concept than intelligence. A wise person will not get into a situation from which a smart person will have to find a way out! For me, this phrase is the most succinct and accurate answer to what constitutes human wisdom.

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    Declension of the noun wisdom

    CaseQuestionUnitMn. number
    Nominative(who what?)wisdomwisdom
    Genitive(who, what?)wisdomwisdom
    Dative(to whom; to what?)wisdomwisdom
    Accusative(who, what?)wisdomwisdom
    Instrumental(by whom, what?)wisdomwisdom
    Prepositional(About who about what?)wisdomwisdom

    The relationship between wisdom and intelligence

    The problem of wisdom in psychology has remained neglected for a long time. The first empirical studies of wisdom began to be carried out only in the 80s of the last century. In our country there are still few works and studies devoted to the topic of wisdom. Meanwhile, this problem is of great theoretical and practical importance.

    On the one hand, research aimed at understanding the nature of wisdom allows us to make a significant contribution to the understanding of the aging process, the preservation of intelligence and mental health in old age. On the other hand, it is known that wisdom is manifested in the ability to solve various life problems and navigate everyday situations, which means that studying this problem can help a person develop these abilities, learn to make decisions in difficult and uncertain life issues and skillfully overcome crisis situations and obstacles.

    Wisdom is considered as a side (component) of natural intelligence, which is directly related to both the processing of information about what is happening and to adaptation processes [3, 264], as a gift for recognizing trends in transformation, growth, development of people’s lives, changes in social situations of relationships [1 ,17].

    J. Webster gives the following definition of wisdom: wisdom is the application of knowledge gained during critical life events and aimed at solving problems in all areas of life (career, creativity, recreation, health, spirituality and the development of self-actualization). He also emphasizes that a wise person is focused not only on himself, but also on those around him [5].

    M. Ardelt interprets wisdom “as the integration of cognitive, reflective and affective characteristics of the individual” [4, p. 274]. Monica Ardelt's research led her to the conclusion that the presence of these groups of characteristics is necessary and sufficient for a person to be wise [2, 4].

    People often confuse concepts such as intelligence and wisdom, although there are fundamental differences between them. Wisdom is a multidimensional and integrative construct in which intelligence is only part of the entire ensemble of personal and cognitive characteristics included in wisdom.

    Considering intelligence as a certain level of mental and social development of a person, which contributes to his rapid adaptation to changing life conditions and situations, influencing the speed and correctness of decision-making within the limits imposed by society, it can be assumed that there is some connection between the level of general intelligence and a person’s certain , most often unconscious, life scenarios.

    The problem of empirical research of wisdom and intelligence is especially relevant, as this will allow us to study these phenomena in more detail and find out whether there is a relationship between them.

    The empirical study was conducted using J. Webster's SAWS wisdom scale questionnaire and the Raven's Progressive Matrices test. Quantitative data analysis was carried out using mathematical statistics methods (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient). The experiment involved 83 respondents aged from 18 to 45 years (36 men and 47 women). The average age of the sample is 22.54.

    Next, we conducted a correlation analysis to identify various relationships. To begin with, we conducted a nonparametric correlation analysis of Spearman and the J. Webster Wisdom Questionnaire test

    A study conducted to identify the relationship between wisdom and intelligence, using the SAWS wisdom scale questionnaire and the Raven's Progressive Matrices test, revealed the following results:

    Table 1

    Correlations between wisdom and time perspective

    Reflection Humor Openness Emotional regulation Intelligence
    Critical life experience 0,329** 0,307 **
    Humor 0,357** 0,353**
    Openness 0,224* 0,357**

    *. The correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-sided).

    **. The correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

    The results obtained show that wisdom, as represented by J. Webster's model, and intelligence do not correlate with each other and do not confirm the hypothesis about the relationship between wisdom and intelligence. Regardless of age and gender, no relationship was found between wisdom and intelligence.


    Knowledge is simply information that a person has. These are just thoughts, they are illusory. Of course, they can show the direction, but nothing more.

    It's one thing to know how to become a millionaire, it's another thing to become one. No person can tell you how he achieved success. All he can say is that he worked steadily and at some point success came.

    But people don't understand this. Now, however, as always, there are people who advise everyone how to live, although they themselves have not achieved anything in life.

    The advice of such people is worthless, because they have knowledge, but not wisdom and experience. Knowledge in itself is useless and has nothing to do with reality.

    Successful people do not advise anyone, because they know that their word has value, and every advice costs money.

    The same people who teach the people around them to live right and left, in fact, have no idea how to live. And this is easy to check, just look at how a person lives himself, and not at what he says.

    Remember, knowledge in itself does not carry anything if there are no actions, a very large number of actions to apply this knowledge wisely.


    Research by psychologists from the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences has led to conclusions that significantly change traditional ideas about wisdom. This is not a rare personality trait based on life experience and acquired with age, not a static system of knowledge, deep and extensive, but an expert system of knowledge and intuition that can manifest itself even in early childhood, sometimes surprising the person himself who does not consider himself a sage. Wisdom is not a state, but a process that is characterized by contextuality, relativism and uncertainty. In other words, a wise person understands that the development of a situation depends on temporary and socio-cultural circumstances, understands that different people and different social groups have different values, meanings, priorities, and understands the unpredictability of life.

    The works of Professor of the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Psychological Sciences L.I. Antsyferova show that the list of the given signs of wisdom should be supplemented with another important characteristic, the most significant among others - the gift of foresight. We are not talking about the “foresight” that healers and fortune-tellers trade in, but about determining trends in life, transforming situations and social relations.

    The gift of foresight as a characteristic of wisdom presupposes that a person has the following abilities:

    1) realize and understand the meaning of usually unnoticed events, minor changes, 2) trust your own intuition, 3) find out the reasons for your own unclear anxiety, 4) determine the moment when you should take actions necessary for a favorable outcome of the situation or blocking an unpleasant outcome (“now or never").

    It can be assumed that such a wise gift of foresight was possessed by the Russian Emperor Alexander II, who regarded the unsuccessful outcome of the Crimean War not as a catastrophic defeat, but as an unfortunate combination of circumstances. Those social transformations that were implemented by Alexander II can be called fully wise: the abolition of serfdom, judicial and zemstvo reforms, the liberation of friendly Bulgaria from the Turkish yoke.

    Analysis of such examples of “wise-like” activity allows the author to assert that wisdom is not only inherent in old age. A young person can also show wisdom if he manages to find a solution to life’s problems, that is, he is able to analyze the situation, identify its essence (problem), determine the obstacles standing in the way of a solution, as well as the time required for a solution. In this case, you can turn to your own life experience, but this is not the main thing. The main thing is not to give up in the face of difficulties, but also not to hit your head against the wall, but to re-analyze the problem, find the will in yourself to come to the desired solution (possibly at further stages of life).

    “Chemistry and life - XXI century”

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