How to protect a person from negative influences


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What is this site about?

Treatment with Cambrian clay is traditional medicine. The first part of this site is dedicated to her. With the help of clay, people were treated many centuries ago. Clay therapy is traditional medicine, but the explanation of how clay heals takes us to bioenergy.

Extrasensory perception, diagnostics and self-diagnosis of a person , this specific knowledge and abilities will be useful to those who want to use such an extraordinary medicine as Cambrian clay. Moreover, knowledge about the processes occurring in the human body, knowledge about the state of not only the physical body, but also subtle bodies (biofields) allows us to understand the cause of many other incurable and chronic diseases.

Heart disease, brain disease, thyroid disease, cancer, infertility, allergies , etc. all these incurable and chronic diseases, presented in separate sections, are associated either with damage to the subtle body or with incorrect energies circulating in our body. Prevention of many of these seemingly incurable diseases is possible if you know where and how to apply clay.

Karmic diseases, karma - this section demonstrates that the incurability of diseases can also be caused by the way of thinking and the actions of the person himself.

Chronic and incurable diseases - my experience in diagnosing and treating such diseases indicates that their cause in most cases is damage or contamination of the human biofield, and the destruction of the physical body is secondary. In some cases, the cause of incurable diseases is the influence of black magic structures, again on the human biofield, but in order to realize this and somehow resist, one must already believe not only in the existence of the biofield, but also in the existence of the Lord God.

This site is for thinking, proactive, inquisitive people who want to independently understand their illnesses and, if possible, cope with them on their own.

Minimum costs - maximum efficiency.

This site can be accepted and comprehended only by those people who believe in the existence of the Lord God and the immortal soul, or at least in the existence of a biofield.

It's not my whim. To understand how clay heals, one must accept the postulate that the biofield exists. In order to cure many incurable diseases, we must use the help of the Lord God, for only he has the energy necessary for this. I can only pray for you and ask the Almighty for energy for your treatment. However, it works and it helps even in the most severe cases.

Sincerely, D. Limonov


What is a psychological block

Psychological blocks should not be confused with other similar phenomena - for example, with obsessive fears, complexes or reactions to stress. Psychological blocks are deep-seated negative attitudes that, like a wall, cut a person off from any area of ​​life. For example, if a person has a complex related to appearance, he may be afraid to start a relationship, make acquaintances, and gradually develop a fear of communicating with the opposite sex. But if his psyche contains a block, he, in principle, will not want to invest his psychological resources in the love sphere. She seems to fall out of the spotlight. The psychological block becomes a rigid barrier, rooted in the consciousness of its bearer.

Why do psychological blocks arise?

Typically, blocks are associated with negative experiences from the past, mainly childhood. For example, in families with constant scandals and domestic violence, a child may grow up with a psychological block in the sphere of family relationships, with the conviction that marriage will certainly lead to discord and misunderstanding that in a marriage one spouse is always “more important” than the other. Subsequently, it is very difficult for the owner of such a block to start his own family.

This is how a block is formed: a negative situation becomes a kind of anchor holding a person in place. Attitudes that do not follow one another at all (in the example above, “marriage” and “misfortune,” although the block may be different). The owner of the block, as a rule, expresses a protest, not always consciously, and denies the very fact of the problem.

The area with which the block is connected does not receive energy, but this does not mean that a person associated with a psychological block does not develop in other areas. However, if there is a block, even if his external life is prosperous, sooner or later he himself still feels dissatisfaction with himself or the world around him.

How to remove a psychological block

Having discovered a psychological block, you can work with it by getting to the root cause. For example, a lack of privacy can be caused by more than just domestic violence. Perhaps your own unfulfilled relationships left too much of an imprint, or the psychological attitudes implanted by your parents or the fear of betrayal interfere. The psychological block that prevents you from living brightly and richly also grows on different soils - a person is afraid to be happy, has experienced disappointment after rising, believes that happiness is not for him.

It’s not easy to launch the reverse attitude - “I want this”, “I need this”. But once you find out the reason for the block, it becomes easier to do.

When working on a block, it is important to be completely honest in order to find out the true cause of the barrier.

  • blocks of desires are often formed from unrealized possibilities;
  • blocks of happiness - from incorrect attitudes, from internal prohibitions;
  • energy blocks - from an unconscious protest reaction, from negative anchoring.

When working with blocks, you can keep a diary in which you write down the essence of the problem and the ways that will help you overcome it. The idea expressed on paper becomes clearer and more understandable, so it is much easier to work with it. In addition, a diary helps to get rid of negative thoughts; this is, in a way, the hygiene of your inner world.

Once you discover that the negative blockage in your mind is just an annoying obstacle that prevents you from living life to the fullest, you will be able to leave it in the past. Don't be afraid to try new things and then the barrier will give way. Good luck,

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24.02.2017 00:57

Trauma block

A complex psychological phenomenon. The psyche tries to get rid of trauma by deliberately choosing a situation similar (to trauma). But, acting from old experience, he screws up again. Then again and again.


In one company there was an engineer Andrei. Was involved in commissioning of engineering equipment. He understood everything and had the status of an expert. But he did everything “to hell with.” When asked by the management, “Andrey, how is this possible?” he shrugged, “What am I doing?”

During the interview, it turned out that life “beat me.” A military family, they moved often during childhood. As soon as Andrei got used to new neighbors, school, friends, then he moved again and everything was new. The trauma in this case can be formulated as follows: when everything gets better, everything goes bad.

Then Andrei had the hectic 90s, during which the trauma only intensified: he had to travel a lot, work at different jobs. People with trauma are distinguished by the fact that they always do work with a 3+ or 3-, even when they can do a 5+. And even if they “accidentally” made it a 5, you can hear from them something like: “Oh, this is not good, not good...”.

As part of corporate governance, trauma is difficult to work with. Here you need to “rewrite” life history, literally teach a person to “walk” again. Showing what is good leads to good, and not vice versa.

If your neck and throat suffer from psychological pressures

If you try to control all the time and do not release such destructive emotions as:

  • Fear,
  • Aggression,
  • You are afraid to let go of emotions that would be poorly received by the people around you, and you literally have to “swallow” them; clamps arise in the throat area.

By clenching your jaw (often out of anger), you do not allow your negative emotions to break through. A clamp in the lower jaw occurs due to the fact that you do not allow people who are unpleasant for you to come in and do not let go of those you love. Fear and unpreparedness for changes in life gives such a result.

To remove such clamps you need to use the following exercises:

  • Yawn. During this action, tension is released from all the muscles that are located near the throat and jaw. It not only relaxes spasms, but gives additional energy by saturating the body with oxygen. The more often you do this, the better. The main thing is not to restrain yourself and open your mouth wide.
  • Bite. Take a towel and roll it into a roll. If you have a clamp in your lower jaw, bite it as hard as you can. And if at the same time you want to growl, then don’t stop yourself.
  • Get a massage. Open your mouth, lower your lower jaw. Press your fingers on the corner of the masticatory muscles in the corner of the lower jaw. Make massage movements. If the lower jaw is tightly clamped, this exercise can cause pain.
  • Scream. Many people simply cannot scream because they suppress their emotions. If you have the opportunity, shout as loud as possible. The tight throat will relax; the louder the sound, the more effective this exercise will be.

Block “hidden benefits”

If a person were a perfect mechanism, always honest with himself, knew what he really wanted, such a block could be called a strategy. But, alas and ah, man is a confused creature. He often lies to himself, to his own detriment, and he lies latently, that is, he does not admit that he is lying.


Sales department again. And again a short-term success story. A quick rise and an equally quick fall. This time they didn’t save me; manager Volodya “fell” too quickly. In the first year, he fulfilled the plan by 150 percent or more, earned two or three salaries with bonuses, and was applauded at general meetings. Then it dropped to 80, then to 60.

Then it turned out that his family decided to reconfigure their lives from such a cash flow. A new car on credit, a new apartment with a mortgage, the wife decided not to work and have children. Volodya was informed about all this by order.

This hit Volodya like a sickle where it hurt. So much weight is about to fall on his shoulders! His psyche chose something else. Stability, less responsibility, even without money.

With all this, Volodya, after he began to slide, began to defend himself: the market has changed, clients are difficult, they don’t give discounts... His psyche defended itself, masking what he really needed - to get rid of a high-paying job, so that his family would fall behind with their Wishlist

Intrinsic benefits are a tricky topic. Doesn't give in to willpower or suggestions. Newton's first law works: the force of action increases the force of reaction. Moreover, in the psychological “field”, unlike the physical one, as a rule, it does not strengthen linearly, but significantly.

Is it possible to independently identify a block of sexual feelings?

The science of “Sexology” is dedicated to this research, and sexologists are the first assistants in helping to understand the blocks, find the root cause and help a person make a decision. A person is unlikely to be able to remove the blocks on his own without the help of a specialist. Sometimes, some people are lucky and they meet a loving partner who, in the process of intimate relationships, can become a “Medicine” and a kind of “Teacher”, or maybe vice versa. It is very important for a person to know everything about his sexuality, because he is phenomenologically individual and what he needs does not suit another at all. I myself made a lot and often made mistakes and suffered until I learned the science of sexology, because in the Soviet Union there was no sex, and how many people suffered from not knowing how to solve sexual problems, they found cures in alcohol, drugs and even suicide. Yes, now there is the Internet and TV, but can a person, even a doctor, study medicine and perform a complex operation on his own? The simple answer is, of course not. That is why I would advise you to consult a specialist and not self-medicate.

Block "for success"

We can say that this is a type of “money” block that exists in N-dimensional space: status, subordinates, driver, or a hundred other attributes that a person associates with the “picture” of success.


Chief mechanic Vasily worked at one of the production facilities. He loved his job and did it well. He was promoted to head of the technical group. The meaning of his main activity has not changed: to deal with equipment. But, subordinates appeared. Control, indicators, office, manager status.

It started here. From a handsome specialist, Vasily quickly turned into a boor and a bully. He openly countered the orders of his management and turned all his subordinates against him with effort and dexterity worthy of better use.

They intervened in time and saved the man from being blocked and fired. The position of manager was renamed chief expert, the office was taken away, control over subordinates was reformulated into mentoring. In general, they did a “rebranding”: the restaurant began to be called a cafe-snack, while maintaining the prices and menu.

This block is more difficult than the “money” block. First of all, you need to understand what a person associates success with. There are many oddities here, which are also multiplied by the hardships of Soviet upbringing: I stole, “our people went to the bakery,” I am the last letter in the alphabet.

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