The basis of the relationship between a man and a woman is the main reason for the relationship

erotic fantasy and science fiction

Despite the large number of definitions of Ds on the Internet, on forums this topic is considered one of the “accordions” - obviously because the definitions given on different sites are radically different. Meanwhile, for a fruitful discussion of any issue, as the ancients said, “we must first agree on terms”...

Definition of D/s

D/s is an interpersonal relationship built on the voluntary transfer of personal rights (from decision-making rights in various areas of life to the right to life) by one partner (submissive) to another partner (Dominant) for a non-predetermined period of the relationship (indefinite). People enter into these relationships within the framework of the principles of SSC, and because such relationships with a specific person are an independent value for them. The scope of the transfer of rights is determined by the agreement of the partners; in the case of the transfer of personal rights in full, such relationships are called lifestyle, and the people in them are the Master (Mistress) and the slave (slave).

Decoding concepts

D/s is an interpersonal relationship. Unlike BD or SM, which are practices and involve various actions, D/s is a relationship. Just like non-thematic relationships of love, friendship, etc., they exist in the minds of people. Thematic practices in the process of these relationships are not a mandatory component of D/s (neither BD, including the execution of orders and the introduction of any restrictions, nor SM). The same applies to sex, non-thematic communication, and any other forms of interaction between partners. The specific practices and forms of interaction in which these relationships are realized are determined solely by the preferences of a particular couple and the social conditions in which this interaction occurs.

D/s relationships, like any interpersonal relationships, do not have a goal that lies outside the relationship - in such relationships they themselves are an independent value. Just as there cannot be love, friendship, hatred “for” (for pleasure, profit, etc.) Any D/s relationship, like any interpersonal relationship in general, exists only in a 24/7 format and cannot be established for a predetermined period. The difference between lifestyle and other D/s relationships lies solely in the scope of transferred rights. Just as an agreement to love (or be friends, or hate) within two hours is impossible, a “D/s session” is also impossible. Disciplinary practice with a predetermined period is called a BD session, or role-playing games (if we are talking about a long period). As part of D/s, meetings of partners for DB or SM influences, which are also called DB and SM - sessions, or actions, can take place.

D/s relationships, like any interpersonal relationships, exist as long as both partners recognize themselves as being in such a relationship. They are not interrupted, even if the partners are completely unable to communicate for a long time. Moreover, they are preserved when thematic practices (if any existed in a given pair), meetings in general, etc. are impossible. Thus, living together, for example, is not a prerequisite for such a relationship.

Built on the voluntary transfer of individual rights. D/s is a transfer of personal rights, that is, fundamental rights recognized for an individual in the modern world, and not a restriction of freedom of choice in certain private matters, not a restriction of physical freedom, not “granting the right” to sexual influence or sex. These thematic practices can be used in a D/s couple, but do not constitute the essence of a D/s relationship.

One partner (submissive) to another partner (Dominant). Defining a person as a submissive or Dominant is a thematic positioning within the framework of D/s relationships in a particular couple, and has nothing to do with personal psychological qualities (submissiveness or dominance) and the social status of a person in society (subordinate or superior). Dominance and submissiveness themselves are psychological characteristics of people that can manifest themselves outside of specific thematic relationships in a completely different way than within their framework. Many slaves are strong personalities, psychologically dominant in their non-thematic environment and have a high social status.

People enter into these relationships within the framework of the principles of SSC, and because such relationships with a specific person are an independent value for them. D/s relationships are only those relationships whose participants recognize them as thematic (as well as existing within the framework of the principles of SSC), and established them due to the internal need specifically for D/s relationships.

Public relations - what is it?

Numerous connections between different classes, nations and within these groups permeate the entire society, constituting a unified backbone for interaction. In the course of life, personal contacts outgrow and become social, so it is extremely important to take into account likes and dislikes, features of psychology, culture and morality. Social relations create stable vertical and horizontal connections in the team, denoting the status and role of any member. They are determined by two main factors:

  1. The established structure and built hierarchy.
  2. Personal relationships within the group.

They are divided into two types:

  • material. Originated and created as a result of human activity, his work takes on a material form that is consumed by other people;
  • spiritual. These are ideal values: morality, creativity, religion, philosophy.

Very often you can see a classification of connections by spheres of life; this is a convenient diagram that allows you to demonstrate the common activities of all peoples, regardless of language, skin color, religious views, history and politics.

  1. Economic relationships are everything related to material production, trade turnover and other aggregate factors.
  2. Social – they become a kind of “glue”, the basis for interactions between subjects.
  3. Political – refers to the functioning of government, compliance with the law and the preservation of order.
  4. Spiritual and intellectual – morality, religion, aesthetic values. This is everything that relates to the cultural heritage of humanity.

The system develops thanks to the efforts of all its members; the status and well-being, direction and pace of development depend on them. Any group consists of individuals and the results of their work, the effectiveness of social relations built.

Within the framework of history, development occurs regardless of the desires of literally every individual, and the entire system functions thanks to the creative and material efforts of active members.

Business and professional

This is communication built between colleagues and based on purely professional activities. Ethics dictates its own rules: you cannot be rude or behave too provocatively. Mutual respect is important in a team; only in this case will normal interaction be possible. The work requires the individual to follow the rules of etiquette, otherwise people would not be able to understand each other and would be at a dead end. Good leadership requires quality collaboration.

Friendly and friendly

Relationships can be very close and at the same time involve joint leisure. If people tend to spend a lot of time together, they can be called good friends. Shared hobbies bring people closer together. Sometimes one person helps another to develop emotionally and spiritually. They share their most intimate things with a friend, trying not to upset him in any way. In this case, interpersonal interaction is said to be beneficial. Sometimes friendships turn into mutual love.


Patriarchy reigns in some families. It touches on issues of father and son, brother and sister. People understand that they have certain responsibilities towards each other. Often it is impossible to convince them of anything because they have a habit of doing things in a particular way. Family ties are recognized as one of the strongest. Only close people will not betray you, set you up, or make you feel awkward. Some parents consider it their duty to help their grown children. These are special relationships that cannot be subjected to logical analysis.

Types of social relations

Society is a collection of connections, the result of coordination of actions . All forms and types of relationships have social status. Each of us has his own role and set of functions that give him status. A good example is a family, a guy and a girl become husband and wife, then they have children, new responsibilities and roles arise, the children grow up and start families themselves, forming extensive family ties.

In contrast to accepted roles, there is the concept of deviant behavior. This is a deviation from accepted norms of morality and culture; deviants often suffer from psychological illnesses that do not allow them to integrate into the structure of society; they are identified and isolated from other people. Thus, you can clearly see that the system regulates itself, ridding itself of unnecessary and dangerous elements.

At the general level, the following types of connections can be distinguished:

  1. Class – interactions between different social groups of the population.
  2. National – between different ethnic groups and nations.
  3. Group – they consist of the interaction of different groups of the population.
  4. Family - family ties within a family, no matter whether it is complete or not, and how many generations it contains, two or three (four generations are very rare).

Social relationships help preserve and transmit moral and cultural values, ensure the production of new products for consumption and aesthetic pleasure. They shape the history and worldviews of entire generations.

Main types of relationships between a man and a woman

Love is a feeling that everyone needs. Only those who have found a soul mate know joy and happiness. In this case, we feel fully realized and can aspire to deep relationships. Love incompatibility is also often present in the interaction of a couple. Then they say that the partners got burned and made a mistake in their choice.

intimate connection

A type of relationship that involves a minimum of commitment. People meet solely for the sake of physical intimacy. Feelings do not develop, although at a certain stage some attachment to each other may arise. In such a situation there is less suffering. A man and a woman do not create illusions and do not make high demands. Even if a girl dreams of marriage, but is just a mistress, she cannot openly express her desire.

Often such relationships are beneficial for guys because they allow them to avoid responsibility. Emotional impulses move into the most hidden corners of the heart and are not voiced. An intimate relationship can last for years. At the same time, the relationship itself will not develop, since the partners do not strive for reunification. It’s simpler and easier for them not to build a future together, but to live one day at a time.

Types of marital relationships

When married, people structure their daily interactions differently. In every family there are unspoken rules that must be followed, otherwise the mechanism of interaction will be disrupted and will have to be re-established. Types of marriage:

  1. Traditional family. The most common option you can imagine. The man is in charge. He takes responsibility for everything that happens to his household. The father cares about the well-being of the children and always knows what is happening to them. In a traditional family, the wife relies on her husband’s opinion and trusts him in everything. The spouse acts as a strong personality, capable of solving all sorts of problems. If the interaction goes well, you can live in marriage for many years.
  2. Partnerships. In this case, the spouses are equal. No one tries to prove that they are right, no one takes a dominant position. Often a man and a woman strive to help each other and overcome a relationship crisis together. In terms of educational level in such a marriage, one is not inferior to the other. People are interested in talking together and coming to different conclusions. Partnerships require respect and the ability to appreciate the needs of your other half.
  3. Unquestionable dictate. A highly undesirable option. A man suppresses a woman’s will and does not allow her to have an individual opinion. Children grow up in fear of punishment; any manifestations of personality are immediately suppressed. This is a “victim-tyrant” relationship. In such interaction, a person who knows how to value freedom cannot grow. Everything is based on fear and the constant expectation of reproaches.

Types of love relationships

In every interaction, something comes to the fore, which is why marriages are not alike. There are several types of them.

Men behave differently in relationships with women:

  1. Consumer Union. People seek mutual benefits in order to stay together. Financial well-being becomes the measure of success. An abundance of money guarantees that spouses will strive to maintain the union as long as possible. Sometimes a wife openly takes advantage of her husband's influence.
  2. Dependent relationships. When a feeling turns into mania, it begins to destroy a person from the inside. People don't even know how much pain they cause each other. In a situation of dependence, spouses repeat that they cannot live without their other half. In fact, such attachment is explained by insufficient self-esteem and reluctance to engage in self-development. To move in the direction of what you want, you need to take responsibility for the possible consequences.
  3. Bodily pleasure. If the erotic principle becomes the main thing in a relationship, then people stay together for the sake of sexual satisfaction. Over time, the passion passes, but then an emptiness forms inside.
  4. Altruistic love. Selfless feelings are based on sincerity and the desire to be useful. The relationship can last for many years. Pure intentions imply a renunciation of selfishness and the desire to make a partner’s life bright and eventful.
  5. Love . An alliance in which both maintain friendly relations with each other. This interaction brings joy to both. Partners develop together in the chosen direction, feeling mutual support. Feelings are strong and self-sufficient.
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