Parent meeting “Negative leader in the classroom”

It is amazing how and under what circumstances leadership qualities are formed in a person. In what proportions should they be mixed to create a person who is devoid of doubt in himself and his own abilities, active in any manifestation, thinking outside the box, acting decisively and capable of uniting any disparate group for a common goal?

Anyone can become a leader, since the qualities discussed below are present to one degree or another in every person. But, as it turned out, this role is not suitable for everyone and not everyone is satisfied.

Key qualities of a leader

Psychologists have studied this topic in some detail and have come to the unanimous opinion that all ideological masterminds have fundamental character traits.

A leader is a person who combines:

  1. Self-confidence. Whether justified or not, the leader has absolutely no reason not to believe in himself. His confidence is contagious - being confident in himself, he instills this feeling in the people around him.
  2. Energy and perseverance. This is not such a rare quality, but coupled with self-confidence it gives amazing results. A person who gives up at the first obstacle is a whiner. A person who blames others for his failures is a psychopath. A person who knows how to analyze his failures and moves on is a market leader. He is such only due to his perseverance and perseverance.
  3. Charm, charisma. Very important human qualities, you will agree. Before starting to lead, a leader must first engage those around him and make them like him. Unfortunately, a person who does not have attractive emotional characteristics is unlikely to become a real leader.
  4. Ability to persuade. To be able to express one’s thoughts competently and intelligibly is already a science, and the ability to put one’s thoughts into other people’s heads so that people accept them as their own is a whole art. Of course, a person with such a gift can be called a manipulator, but the leader is essentially a puppeteer, leading the masses in the desired direction.
  5. Initiative. A leader is an active, energetic person who has a lot of ideas and wants to bring them all to life. A real find for any team!
  6. Responsibility. This is a fundamental quality of a person that is at the basis of the entire pyramid of a leadership figure. After all, if with all the above qualities there is no responsibility for the actions committed, this will turn out to be a portrait not of a leader, but of a poser, windbag and fanfare. A true team leader will readily answer for the consequences of any of his undertakings.

What is the strength of today's leader...?!

Every time has its own heroes... Is it possible to become a leader or do you have to be born one...? One of the main questions asked by those who strive to become better... Why this particular question...? Because these people understand: “A leader is the one who is first, and the first gets everything!!!” Everything flows, everything changes... This rule also applies to leadership today...

One of the Russian radio jokes goes like this: “The best way to escape from a bear in the forest is to run a little faster than your friend...” Everyone knows that every joke has a grain of joke in it... It’s really true... To become a successful leader today, you need to “run” faster others.

What is the strength of a leader

You and I live in the information age, accordingly: “ A successful leader
today is one who quickly learns himself and teaches others!!!” How to become a leader if the necessary qualities are missing...? An excellent answer to this question would be wisdom: “In order to become a master, you must be an apprentice for a certain time...” People, conditionally, can be divided into two groups:

  1. Leaders;

Which group you will find yourself in depends only on the insane Desire to become the best and Faith in yourself and your abilities. Before deciding who to join, you must understand that the difference between these people is huge, but the most important: “Followers, remaining in this group, will never be able to count on the rewards that leaders receive.” If you want to be a follower, please, there is nothing shameful in that, but I am confident that you deserve to take a place among the leaders of today and get the most out of life. Statistics show that most leaders come from followers, but only those who were able to learn from the experience of their mentor “break through.”

So, if you have decided to reach the pinnacle of leadership, pay attention to what qualities a leader has :

  1. Willpower and self-confidence that are based on knowledge.
    Squibs and slobs will never become successful leaders. People are only attracted to a strong personality;
  2. The ability to control your emotions.
    Everything is simple here: “If you don’t know how to control yourself and control your emotions, how can you teach this to others...?” The inability to control one’s thoughts and emotions turns a person into hysterics, which disgusts others;
  3. Thirst for justice.
    This is almost the main quality of a true leader. The thing is that excessive loyalty and pity for subordinates throws the leader’s goals far back. Fairness makes it possible to manage your team calmly, without fictitious priorities;
  4. Determination.
    If you make a decision and always doubt its correctness, you will never become a leader. Said “A”, say “B” too... Made a decision - act!!!;
  5. Having a clear goal.
    The point where you want to come yourself and lead your team is vital, otherwise, you have a chance to stray from the righteous path and, like Ivan Susanin, lead everyone into the swamp;
  6. Self-demandingness and ability to work.
    This is what many followers are missing: they learn to be managers rather than leaders and make demands on others, forgetting that changing the world starts with them. Leaders do much more than any of the followers;
  7. Appearance that commands respect.
    Appearance should correspond to the image of a person whom others will follow. If you are sloppy and disheveled, know that no one will follow such a person;
  8. Warmth and friendliness.
    A successful leader knows how to understand a person’s problems and is ready to help him solve them;
  9. Mastery.
    When it comes to this quality, I always remember one brilliant piece of wisdom: “You will never become a great general if you were not a good soldier.” Looking back at my career, I remember with gratitude every step of my development. The path we have traveled makes it possible to understand from the inside all possible problems that may arise in any department of your team. Accordingly, most of them can be prevented before they even appear. And one more thing... Personal experience shows: “A leader is interesting as a person as long as there is something to learn from him!!!”;
  10. The ability to be responsible for actions.
    Everything would be simple if this responsibility was limited only to one’s actions. Not so... A true leader never shifts responsibility to someone else, he is also responsible for the mistakes of his followers. Yes, if you want to change the world, start with yourself. If someone on your team makes a mistake, ask yourself: “Did you make every effort to avoid this mistake...?”
  11. Ability to cooperate.
    There is safety in numbers. Power without cooperation is like a car without a steering wheel. The ability to work as a team, rather than putting only one's own interests and ambitions at the forefront, is the true path to cooperation.

Many newly minted “leaders” only like the presence of power in this process. I hasten to disappoint you: “If leadership is built on dictatorship, of course, this will force people to follow you for a certain time, but be prepared for the fact that your strength as a leader

will soon dry up."

If you are asking the question: “Why is this leadership, I’m fine without it...?”, I will answer this way: “True leaders are needed always and everywhere!!! This is the only way to Success!!!”

Thank you for your invaluable time spent in my company!!! Let the increase in sales bring you pleasure... Sincerely, Andrey Zhulay.

I recommend reading:

Insignificant is the one who feels insignificant...
Basic rules of effective leadership.

Emotional leader!!!

How to develop charisma...?!

7 rules of effective leadership...

Comments on the site: (2 comments)

  1. Olga:

    10/29/2013 at 1:53 pm

    Thank you for the article! I would like to add: “Those who are not afraid to become leaders become leaders, who do not shy away from work and pain, for through pain a person develops.”


      Andrey Zhulay:

      10/29/2013 at 14:50

      Let it be so!!!


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Are leaders and leaders the same thing?

While reading the article, many of you have probably already tried on the portrait of a leader for your manager. There are coincidences, but very rarely. Does this mean that we are led by people who are not capable of leading, random people? Cause-and-effect relationship: if random people are in charge, then the leadership turns out to be ineffective.

Let's figure it out. Of course, there is a manager-leader in nature. He is a rare “beast”, found more in the central part of Russia (ambitions haunt him, and leadership qualities call to conquer the capital). The further from Belokamennaya, the calmer and more measured our leaders become. Leadership qualities are present in their characters, but not to the maximum extent. How do they manage to lead?

The problem can be solved in one action, and the answer is simple: such managers benefit from competent personnel decisions. Indeed, what could be simpler - if I lack some quality, I need to find a person who has it and hire him. This is exactly what a thinking manager, a team leader, does. At the same time, the idea of ​​the organization does not suffer, all components are mutually balanced, and the goals are achieved.

A leader in an organization who does not think about the future of his brainchild takes his brother, matchmaker, or mistress to work for him, thereby discrediting not only himself, but also the company.


Leadership style describes the ways a leader uses to manage and motivate subordinates. Style is determined by personal qualities: worldview, character traits and experience. Different styles are suitable for different situations, for example, in emergency conditions and when the leader’s competence is significantly superior, the authoritarian style is most effective, and in a community of people with a similar level of knowledge and high group cohesion, the democratic style is more suitable[8].

  • Authoritarian style - decisions are made by the leader, power is highly centralized. Initiative is not required from subordinates, only unquestioning execution[8].
  • Democratic style - the entire community participates in decision making. This type of leadership is also called distributed leadership.
  • Liberal style - the leader freely delegates authority to lower levels. This type of leadership helps to increase the creativity and initiative of subordinates.
  • Narcissistic style - the leader ignores the interests of the group in favor of personal interests. However, this style will not necessarily be destructive, although such leaders are usually characterized by arrogance and aggressiveness[9].
  • Toxic style is the use of leadership in such a way that the controlled group ends up in a worse position than before[10].
  • Result-oriented - characterized by following a certain set of steps that should lead to a given goal within a given time frame[11].
  • Relationship-oriented is the opposite of results-oriented. Instead of completing a task, the leader strives to improve relationships within the managed group to the detriment of other goals[12].

There are also: formal and informal leadership (depending on whether influence is exercised from the position of the position held or with the help of one’s abilities, skills or other resources; leadership by popularity and ability, as well as leaders of the “black sheep” type.

If the leader of the group and its leader are not the same person, then the relationship between them can contribute to the effectiveness of joint activities and harmonization of group life or, on the contrary, acquire a conflicting nature, which is ultimately determined by the level of group development [ source not specified 1887 days

For example, in prosocial and asocial associations, as a rule, the functions of leader and manager are performed by different members of the group. Moreover, most often the leader in communities of this level of socio-psychological development turns out to be a member of the group, who is primarily responsible for preserving and maintaining a positive emotional atmosphere in the group, while the leader, being focused primarily on increasing the effectiveness of group activities, often does not take into account how this will affect the socio-psychological climate of the community [ source not specified 1887 days

In corporate groups, as well as in groups of a high socio-psychological level of development, as a rule, the functions of leader and manager are assigned to the same person. At the same time, the foundations of leadership and management in these two types of highly developed groups in psychological terms are fundamentally different in nature. Thus, if in corporate groups the coincidence of the status positions of the leader and the manager is associated with a clear priority of power relations to the detriment of the emotional plane of relations, then in a prosocial group of a high level of development of the collective type, it is the emotional “feeding” of power that often acts as a necessary foundation for the implementation of formal power [ source not specified 1887 days


Female leader: a gift from heaven or a punishment?

As experts jokingly assert, in order for a woman to succeed, she must not only be smart and cunning, she must be two heads taller than any man. And this statement is not without meaning, because the gender approach rules here too.

An independent group of scientists experimentally proved that it is very difficult for representatives of the weaker sex to lead. A “leader,” first female, then male, was assigned to the group of subjects. In both cases, the decoy leader had to take the reins of power and, by convincing the subjects, lead them to a solution to the problem. During the test, it turned out that others agreed to perceive quite favorably the desire to lead coming from a man. They allow him to get the better of them and are more willing to agree with his point of view. Whereas the activity of a woman striving for leadership causes rejection and irritation among the majority of those around her.

It is not surprising that women leaders, in competition with the stronger sex, are forced to mask their weaknesses. They acquire masculine character traits, a masculine management style, and masculine habits. This is a kind of defensive reaction.

The essence and content of leadership in an organization

Leadership is the stronghold of management of any organized group, including organizations, enterprises, and firms.
The phenomenon of leadership itself has a very long history of development. However, a unified approach to defining its essence has not yet emerged. Many sciences study leadership, including philosophy, sociology, psychology and economics. Leadership in a general sense is a certain mechanism for the integration of group activities, in which an individual or part of a group (team) unites and directs the actions of the entire group. In this case, the leader is considered to be the member of the group (team) who occupies a leading position in it.

In relation to a single organization, leadership can be defined as a management relationship that arises between the leader and his followers and is aimed at encouraging team members to achieve common goals, which are based on a combination of various sources of power that is effective for a given situation.

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Simply put, leadership in an organization is the authoritative status of an individual in a work team, allowing her to lead a group of people to achieve their goals. Its prerequisite is the presence of a certain amount of power in the team.

The main elements of leadership that define its essence are:

  • a leader with certain personal characteristics, abilities, skills and abilities that are goal-oriented;
  • followers who have their own qualities and capabilities to achieve goals;
  • the situation that determines the conditions for the process of interaction between the leader and followers;
  • tasks facing the workforce;
  • group (team) within which interpersonal interaction takes place.

The participants in leadership are the leader on the one hand, and his followers on the other. Without one, the second is impossible.

Note 1

Leadership, regardless of its typical form, is a critical component of effective management of an organization.

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Can a leader be subordinate?

A very interesting question, you will agree. After all, if a person has more ambition and self-confidence than hairs on his head, how can he submit to the demands of another person, his boss?

Indeed, an informal leader is a big problem for an existing leader. He, due to his character, simply cannot stand aside and will undermine the authority of the current boss every day and every minute. An informal leader is a person who is himself a hostage to his own charisma.

Of course, you can get rid of such an obstacle by dismissal, but if the rebel is also a good specialist, then it is wiser to find another use for his energy. Invite him to take the place of the head of the trade union organization, appoint him responsible for fire safety and labor protection. Believe me, you won't regret it. Empowerment and certain power will ensure the satisfaction of the ambitions of the informal leader. Of course, he won’t stop criticizing you, but only to the point. And besides, you shouldn’t dismiss everything that the informal leader says to you - his brain is designed in such a way that he clearly sees the disadvantages in management. Therefore, it is better to “wind up” and take it into account.

Is it possible to develop a leader within yourself?

Of course, you can, but first you need to decide whether you really need it.

The numerous courses and trainings that currently exist on the development of a person’s personal qualities offer everyone who wants to develop a leader in one or two weeks. This, as psychologists say, promises social significance, fame and attention. Many people really need these trainings and help them. But there is a possibility that a person, having completed such courses, will experience real shock and stress if during the course it turns out that he was not born to be in charge.

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