Mandalotherapy and Luscher color test as methods for diagnosing depression

How to do the Luscher color test

It is carried out like this. The subject is offered 8 cards of different colors. Their sizes and shapes vary. Personally, I use rectangles with rounded tops. They are all the same size - 7 by 4 cm. The colors of the cards are: blue, green, scarlet, yellow (a group of primary colors) and purple, brown, black, gray (a group of additional colors).

The cards are shuffled and laid out in random order on the table. The subject is asked to choose a card whose color is most pleasant to him at the moment. The selected card is turned over and set aside. From the remaining colors, the subject again chooses the most pleasant color.

The selected card is removed. This continues until one colored card remains on the table. The psychologist writes down the order of choice, shuffles the cards and after 2-3 minutes offers to do the same thing again. In this case, the subject should not strive to repeat his first choice. He needs to start from scratch.

The result is two color sequences. The first shows what a person wants, what sensations he strives for. The second talks about his real psychological state.

If the first four positions of the sequences contain primary colors, then the person feels good.

If complementary colors predominate, this may indicate stress, conflict, an inferiority complex or other internal troubles.

But perhaps you want more details? Well, I will give here a brief interpretation of the color preference test. You make colored cards and test yourself.

So, test!

Shuffle and arrange the cards. Choose the color you like the most, then the most attractive among the remaining ones, etc. Lay out the cards in the order you chose them. There are 8 consecutive positions in total. And each is responsible for something of their own.

The first position is related to the means to achieve the goal. That is, the color speaks about how exactly you solve your problems at this stage of life. The second characterizes the goal itself. The third and fourth positions are related to the analysis of the current situation.

They show how you feel and what way of solving problems reality is pushing you towards. In the fifth and sixth positions are colors that you do not associate yourself with today. You don't care about these colors.

The seventh and eighth positions show what exactly you are pushing away, what you are trying to exclude from your life. I will give common interpretations for the first two and last two positions, since they are the most significant.

Psychological test in pictures based on the Luscher technique

I adapted the Luscher color psychological test technique for the blog format.

This test, based on choosing 2 of 8 color pictures, serves to determine the 2 tones of your emotional state, or simply the mood scale, at the moment.

In the picture below there are 8 cards of different colors in random order.

Select 2 Luscher test color pictures.

Luscher test online from a happiness psychologist

Test instructions:

Select 2 colors sequentially by looking at the picture.

The first color is the one you really like at the moment.

The second color is the one you least like at the moment of testing.

Attention! Don't choose your favorite colors at all. The Luscher test online measures your emotional state right now! And it characterizes your psychological portrait for today.

Psychological interpretation of selected color-pictures of the Luscher test online:

The Luscher Picture Test online gives interesting results of your psychological portrait - use its findings carefully and it is better to contact the psychologist - the author of this blog - for support.

Luscher test online: deciphering the result of choosing a picture-color

Interesting tests in pictures - what distinguishes the blog of a happiness psychologist


You like. You strive for agreement, trust, understanding, sympathy. Now you are experiencing emotional comfort, calmness, softness, dreaminess. You are inclined to communicate with friends.

You do not like. You are restless. Perhaps a close relationship has recently broken down. You are lonely and upset.


You like. You are confident, even self-confident. Now is the peak of your strength and self-esteem. You are capable of many things and strive to seize power in communication. Get the upper hand over your interlocutors. Perhaps, on the contrary, you have taken up psychological defense.

How to plant a money tree at home: green is the color of money!

You do not like. You are frustrated by the lack of attention and respect from your partner. You are humiliated, offended, wounded and deprived of power. You have no strength left to resist.


You like. Now you are emotionally excited. The mood is high. You strive for achievement, success. You are advancing, perhaps putting too much pressure. You are assertive and sometimes aggressive.

You do not like. You are constantly irritated and overexcited. You are under deep stress. Sometimes you seem exhausted or even tired.


You like. Optimism fills your soul and makes your heart beat faster. You are relaxed and full of dreams of success. You are ready for change, for complete release from relationships or obligations.

You do not like. You are disappointed to the point of despair. You are distrustful and suspicious. You are tossing around, your emotional state is unstable: sometimes a rise, sometimes a sharp decline.


You like. You flirt left and right, trying to have at least some kind of sexual affair. You strive to be liked, supported or complimented. The mood is even, but not calm.

You do not like. You strive to be invisible and hide from unnecessary attention. Modesty, control of feelings and behavior are inherent in you right now.


You like. You are tired and yearning for rest and emotional stability. You are mentally tired and hungry for a supportive relationship. Underneath, you are afraid of something and do not feel safe. You need sensual satisfaction.

You do not like. You are like a taut string. You are denying all your emotional and physical needs. You run from weakness, limiting yourself in everything.


You like. Negativism, rejection, refusal of pleasure and aggression filled your entire mind and body. You are hostile and can explode with rage at any moment. You are close to destroying yourself or your relationship.

You do not like. Outwardly, you are calm and confident. However, you simply drove the aggression deep inside and switched to the rails of denial and self-flagellation.


You like. You are looking for a shoulder to lean on. You want to hide from everything superficial that is in your life, to find emotional peace and refuge. You mimic and disguise your true feelings under the guise of feigned indifference and indifference.

You do not like. You are more proactive than ever. You are completely included in the here-and-now situation. You are contacts, moderately cheerful and resourceful. You have a goal and you gain confident peace of mind in the future. It's like you've found a purpose.

Share the results of the Luscher test online in pictures!

Decoding the results of the Luscher test

Interpretation. First two positions

Blue (first) and...

green (second) - you are calm, and you want to be in this peace; at this stage you tend to avoid quarrels and other unpleasant situations;

red - you need the attention of others; you want to make some relationships closer than they are now;

purple - you surround yourself with beauty; the circle of contacts is small and includes only selected people; nevertheless, you do not feel like a sufficiently calm person;

brown - you are restless; you feel conflicts approaching and at the same time try very hard to avoid them; the fear of loneliness pushes you towards people who cannot give you anything;

black - you don’t like a lot in the current situation; you are tired, have lost a lot of energy; dissatisfaction with yourself depresses you;

gray - you are under stress and need peace.

Green and...

blue - you strive for success, want to act and achieve results;

red - you are not afraid of any obstacles, you will definitely overcome them; you are active, persistent and successful;

yellow - you want to impress others, but this does not always work out; you feel slightly restless, but still seek popularity;

purple - you are looking for impressions, expecting others to react to your actions; you need recognition and you feel anxious about it;

brown - you are dissatisfied with yourself and your surroundings; it seems to you that you are a very important person, but others do not notice this;

black - you are tense and therefore strive to stress others; you get angry, offended and thereby push people away from you;

gray - you are waiting for attention from others, but you are not ready to show it yourself; This leads to growing dissatisfaction with the situation.

Red and...

blue - you strive for active action; you achieve a lot and a lot brings you satisfaction;

green - you want to act and get results; you have high self-esteem;

yellow - you are passionate, you are interested in life; you are attracted to new projects and are optimistic about the future;

purple - you are excited, perhaps for no particular reason; you are fascinated by dubious projects and are concerned about issues of prestige;

brown - you experienced a failure and are now afraid of a repeat of the situation;

black - you are in a bad mood; you get angry at others and provoke a reaction from them;

gray - you want success; For his sake, you do risky things, but satisfaction never comes.

Yellow and...

blue - you feel good, your emotional state is generally positive;

green - you want self-affirmation, but this does not negatively affect your mood;

red - you are very active, take on many things and generally cope with everything;

purple - you want a full, vibrant life; you want to demonstrate to others your importance and irreplaceability;

brown - you are tired and need a good rest; your mood is not very positive;

black - very bad mood; you are trying to resolve a situation that is unpleasant for you, but you cannot make the right decision;

gray - you are stuck in problems, but do not see a way to resolve them.

Purple and...

blue - you want harmony and good relationships with others; contradictory mood;

green - you want to impress, but you don’t trust people, and they feel it;

red - you are passionate, excited and want to be the center of attention;

yellow - you have a rich imagination that involves you in turbulent events;

brown - you want strong emotions, and you do everything to get them;

black - you feel bad, you experience disappointment and melancholy;

gray - you are tense and afraid of negative situations.

Brown and...

blue - you want to get away from conflicts and other troubles; afraid to be alone;

green - you are afraid of making a mistake and getting into a difficult situation; therefore, you constantly and strictly control your actions;

red - you need emotional release;

yellow - you don’t believe that everything can still be good; you act thoughtlessly, and problems suck you even deeper;

purple - you want coziness, comfort, kindness; but you probably have very little of all this;

black - you are disappointed and sad; you want to relax, take your mind off the negative;

gray - you are not ready to deal with problems and prefer not to notice them or move aside, but troubles still find you.

Black and...

blue - you are tired of communication and work; you need peace and are trying to escape from problems;

green - you are stubborn, aggressive with or without reason; people constantly make you angry and irritated;

red - you are tense and often explode; those around you are dissatisfied with your unproductive excitement;

yellow - you feel very bad, you are tired of life and don’t know what to do next;

purple - you are overly tense and strive to harmonize your life;

brown - you set yourself unsolvable tasks and experience deep disappointment; you want to free yourself from heavy thoughts;

gray - everything annoys you, everything causes opposition; you cannot adequately evaluate yourself and those around you and do strange things.

Gray and...

blue - you want peace, but you don’t know how to achieve it;

green - everything seems hostile to you, everything makes you want to hide, leave;

red - you are not satisfied with the way others behave; you try to adjust everything to suit yourself, but reality resists this;

yellow - you cannot cope with problems and run away from them;

purple - you are worried, without knowing why, but you don’t want to show your concern;

brown - you are not able to make decisions and be active, so you avoid problems, refusing to solve them;

black - you are offended, upset, depressed; the decisions you make are not good for you.

Psychology of color

Color has an emotional effect on us: some tones cause anxiety or melancholy, others – joy and inspiration. Some colors calm the nervous system, others irritate.

Color can calm and excite, create harmony and cause shock. You can expect miracles from it, but it can also cause disaster. Jacques Vienot

The psychology of color depends on its symbolism. At different times, in different countries, the same color is perceived differently. So, if in Western European culture white is the color of innocence and purity, then in Asia it is the color of mourning.

Taking into account the symbolism and other features of color perception (gender, age, lighting, etc.), psychologists identify the following psychological characteristics of colors:

  • Red – people who prefer this color are full of energy and self-esteem.
  • Orange is the color of dreamers, as well as people with strong intuition.
  • Yellow – this color is chosen by intelligent and sociable individuals, easy-going and courageous in communication.
  • Green – this color is chosen by people seeking self-affirmation.
  • Blue is the color of carefree, people who prefer it, as a rule, do not like to take on obligations.
  • Blue – people who choose this color are modest and melancholic.
  • Violet – prefer infantile and easily suggestible natures.

In the dark, all colors are the same. Francis Bacon

However, this is only the most general characteristic. Swiss psychologist Max Lüscher is engaged in a fundamental study of color psychology.

Meaning of colors

Colors in psychology color tests have meanings that indicate personality traits:

  1. Red - determination, desire for self-expression, strong will.
  2. Yellow - activity, cheerfulness.
  3. Blue - calmness, the desire for calm.
  4. Green - confidence, perseverance.
  5. Purple is a combination of determination and peace.
  6. Brown - guidance of feelings.
  7. Gray - the desire to hide from the outside world.
  8. Black - denial of the joy of life, a negative outlook on life.

The colors used in the test are divided into primary and secondary. The main ones include red, yellow, blue, green. The rest are considered additional.

If you have passed the Luscher psychological test on colors online and realized that you need specialist advice, you can contact psychologist-hypnologist Nikita Valeryevich Baturin.

Main rules

When placing flowers, you should adhere to several rules:

  1. During the 2nd pass of the psychological test with flowers, do not copy the first layout.
  2. Place primary colors in the first positions, additional colors in the last.
  3. Stick to the rules, but respond according to your feelings too. If you answer dishonestly on a color test with a psychologist, there is a chance that this will come out in a personal interview. Then you will find yourself in an awkward position.

The desire to make a good impression, forgetting about your real qualities, will not always be a plus. Some employers value employees who can be themselves. The main rule here is that everything should be in moderation.

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