Summary of educational activities on health conservation with elements of Art Therapy in the middle group on the topic: “Journey to the magical land of colors.”

Art is medicine for the soul and body. Music, painting, dancing, writing have a beneficial effect on the mental and physical state of a person, regardless of age, gender, political and religious affiliation.

For the first time, an unknown artist guessed about the healing effects of art. The man was wounded and taken to the hospital. The wound was serious, but did not hinder the movements of his hands. Anticipating a long stay in the hospital, he began his favorite activity - drawing. A few weeks later, the artist felt that he was recovering faster than his roommates. The wounded man attributed his quick recovery to painting. Subsequently, his conclusion became the cause of a dispute about the role of art in the healing process.

Having studied this area, scientists have proven that a person engaged in creative activity during illness recovers faster. The method of introducing patients to art acquired the name art therapy. Art therapy is especially beneficial for preschool children who have difficulty communicating with peers. Every teacher and preschool teacher must master the basics of therapy.

Art therapy theory

Art therapy is a technique in psychology and pedagogy, built on the use of creativity and objects of fine art. Despite the variety of methods used, they are united by the following characteristics:

  • the patient/child is, first of all, an individual who strives for self-expression and self-development;
  • the process of creating images in class is a way of communication between an individual and a specialist, a reflection of the unconscious.

The theoretical basis of the technique was laid by S. Freud, who was the first to suggest that creativity has much in common with dreams. It is in creativity that the framework of the conscious disappears, allowing a person to indirectly realize his unsatisfied needs and relieve tension. In this case, creativity is a natural desire to express oneself, to tell the world about one’s feelings and thoughts. Thanks to this, the use of art therapy helps:

  • express your feelings caused by any events, relieve psychological stress;
  • find your own way of communicating with the outside world;
  • accept and realize the uniqueness and significance of your personality;
  • learn to adapt to changing conditions in the outside world.

When working with a technique, a specialist analyzes not only the final result, but also pays attention to the process, the choice of materials, technique, and the reaction of participants. An experienced child psychologist even takes into account the meaning of flowers in art therapy. But his primary task is to create the most comfortable conditions for the participants, so that they can completely immerse themselves in the process and not think about the artistic value of the result.

All art therapy classes, regardless of goals, consist of two parts:

  • creation,
  • interpretation and discussion.

Important: in art therapy, the final result is not considered from the point of view of aesthetic value, and the object of therapy should not have any skills or talents.

My emblem

Goals: formation of ideas about oneself; awareness of one's interests and aspirations; building self-esteem; emotional rapprochement of children.

Age: school age

Materials: paper of different formats; colored/white cardboard; paints; a set of pencils/markers/crayons; scissors, glue, plasticine; images of various emblems; squad photos.

Description of the exercise:

Show your child various emblems and examine them.

“As you can see, an emblem is a distinctive sign that depicts something that symbolizes some idea, person, or object. What does it symbolize you? What objects most clearly reflect your lifestyle, interests, plans? Try to create your own logo"

After making the emblem:

  • look at it with your child;
  • let him tell you why he depicted these particular objects;
  • Did he like the way he implemented his plan?

Note: You can also invite your child to create a coat of arms for his group of friends. Try to find a common solution that would most fully reflect their vision of the coat of arms.

Art therapy in working with children

The foundations of art pedagogy and art therapy were laid back in Ancient Greece. Today, art therapy in working with children is used for several purposes:

Educational In this case, art therapy classes for preschoolers are conducted in a group format. Their main goal is to teach children to interact, be correct and show respect for the work of others. An additional task is to establish contact and understanding with an adult
Correctional Correction of unwanted behaviors. It is used if, due to the characteristics of upbringing and emotional trauma, the child exhibits some deviations in the development of the emotional-volitional side of the personality
Psychotherapeutic The healing potential of positive emotions has long been known. According to K. Jung, creativity triggers the process of self-healing of the human psyche
Diagnostic The gentlest way to determine the child’s condition, his experiences, fears. In the process, aspects of the personality and problems that require further correction are identified
Developmental In this case, art therapy teaches you to understand yourself, cope with complex tasks, and see unconventional methods of solving

Art therapy is actively used in working with children with disabilities. It is difficult for such a child to perceive information coming from the outside world. Because of his characteristics, he is not able to see the whole picture, and therefore, realize his place in the world. Without correction, contact with the outside world will become destructive over time, and full socialization will be impossible. Art therapy technologies with children with disabilities help to activate hidden resources and compensate for missing capabilities. An art therapy program for children with disabilities is created individually, based on the diagnosis and capabilities of each child. At the same time, the correct organization of the environment is of great importance for its implementation. Standards, norms, as well as the definition of what kind of subject-development environment relates to art therapy are enshrined in the Federal State Educational Standard.

The high effectiveness of art therapy in working with children is explained by the fact that this technique uses the right hemisphere of the brain. In modern life, the verbal mode of expression prevails, as a result of which logic and the left hemisphere are more developed. Art therapy uses innate creative abilities, as a result of which both hemispheres develop to the same extent. In addition, art therapy classes for preschoolers help them understand themselves as individuals, understand their fears and desires, and therefore more easily adapt to life and society. The child is just learning to become aware of himself and is not always able to accurately explain what worries him. Art therapy with children in a gentle form helps to understand the essence of their experiences. This feature of this method allows it to be effectively used to overcome age-related crises.

If we are not talking about therapy or psychocorrection, then classes with elements of art therapy can be conducted by a person who does not have a diploma in psychology. In this case, two types of art therapy are possible: work with finished works of art and the creative process. The latter evokes the strongest emotional response in children.

Objectives of art therapy in working with children:

  • formation of abilities (creative, communication);
  • revealing one’s individuality, assistance in self-knowledge;
  • strengthening self-esteem and building self-esteem;
  • assistance in establishing social connections in the children's team;
  • reduction of psychological tension and stress;
  • development of sense organs and sensory perception of the surrounding world;
  • learning unfamiliar creative techniques and gaining new experience.

Working with children using this technique is somewhat different from art therapy for adults. Features of art therapy for preschoolers:

  • the atmosphere should be friendly and positive;
  • prerequisite for classes: the child’s desire to engage in creativity and a trusting relationship with an adult;
  • the teacher/educator/psychologist also takes part in the process: draws, sculpts, discusses. This helps to gain trust on the part of the child and establish contact with him;
  • techniques and exercises are selected taking into account age and interests;
  • the materials used must be of high quality and bright;
  • negative assessments are prohibited, both from other children and from adults;
  • Each final result has something valuable and individual. Praise and approval are required.

Important! When conducting a therapeutic session, from the first lesson the child must know the duration and number of meetings, rules of behavior, and also give his consent to attend them.

The methods of art therapy in working with teenagers remain the same, with adjustments to individual characteristics and problems.

A story from the life of flowers

Goals: development of sensory abilities; development of imagination.

Age: junior school.

Materials: A4 paper; watercolor paints; tassels; photographs of the sky, sun, sea, flowers, trees.

Description of the exercise:

“Today I will tell you one interesting story from the life of flowers. But first, let’s remember what colors there are. I will name the first one, and you will continue, okay? So, red..."

Once the different colors are named, start telling the story.

“Once upon a time there were two colors: Yellow and Blue. They did not know each other, and each considered himself the most necessary, the most beautiful, the very, very best color! But somehow they met by chance... Oh, what happened then! Everyone was desperately trying to prove that he was the best! Yellow said:

  • Look at me! Look how bright and radiant I am! I am the color of the sun! I am the color of sand on a summer day! I am the color that brings joy and warmth!

Blue answered:

  • So what! And I am the color of the sky! I am the color of the seas and oceans! I am the color that gives peace!
  • No! I'm still the best! - Yellow argued.
  • No, I'm the best! – Blue did not give up.

And so they argued and argued... Argued and argued... Until the wind heard them flying past! Then he blew it! Everything was spinning and mixed up! These two disputants also mixed up...Yellow and Blue.... And when the wind died down, Yellow and Blue saw another color next to them - Green! And he looked at them and smiled. - Friends! – he addressed them. - Look, thanks to you, I appeared! The color of the meadows! Tree color! This is a real miracle! Yellow and Blue thought for a moment, and then smiled back.

- Yes, you are right! This is truly a miracle! And we won't quarrel anymore! After all, everyone is truly beautiful and necessary in their own way! And there is sky and sun, seas and meadows, joy and peace! Thanks to all of us, the world becomes bright, interesting and colorful! And the three of them held hands and laughed merrily! So they felt good!”

After this, invite your child to create a miracle together. To do this, take one landscape sheet, paints and two brushes. Ask your child: what color would you like to draw now - yellow or blue? After he chooses a color, say:

"Great! You chose your color and you will paint with it. And I will paint with the color that remains. And together with you we will create a miracle! Do you remember how the miracle happened in the story I told you? Yes, that’s right, there are two colors mixed with each other: yellow and blue. And it turned out green! So now you and I will try to do this!

To do this, you start painting with your color from one edge of the sheet, and slowly move towards the middle. And I will draw from the other edge. And when you and I meet, a miracle will happen!”

When the “miracle” happened and the color turned green:

  • ask your child how many colors are on the piece of paper now;
  • ask why yellow and blue were arguing;
  • why then they decided not to quarrel anymore;
  • talk again about what you needed to do to get the green color;
  • suggest experimenting with mixing other colors;
  • draw a general picture that includes all the colors you found. Give it a name. Notice how great it really is that our world is so colorful, and everything in it is good in its own way. How important it is to live together.

Note: It will be especially good if, while telling a story, you also show your child photographs or pictures of the relevant topic. Let's say when there is a debate between yellow and blue, then show your child photographs of the sky, sun, sand, sea, etc. When green appears, show meadows and various plants. And at the end of the story, show a photograph in which the child can see how all these colors combine with each other.

Types of art therapy and exercises

When choosing methods and types of art therapy when working with children, one must proceed from the goals of the classes and the emotional openness of the preschooler.

Main directions of art therapy:

Direction Scope of application Examples of exercises
Drawing (isotherapy), this also includes coloring books and mandala Diagnosis of the condition, getting rid of fears and phobias, establishing a close connection between an adult and a child
  • drawing tests (my family, non-existent animal);
  • draw your fear. In the future, you need to change the drawing so that the fear becomes funny or kind. Alternative: make it small, destroy it, erase it.
  • Coloring books not only allow you to achieve a meditative state and relieve stress, but also help develop your creative imagination. The choice of sketch is of great importance: it must correspond to the age and interests of the child. Thus, the “thunderstorm castle” sketch, based on the popular game, is often used for art therapy techniques.
Music therapy (active or passive) Reducing stress levels, developing creativity
  • meditation exercises (ocean, “escaping sound”);
  • fantasies for a certain musical composition. The child is invited to listen to a piece of music, after which he must express his emotions and impressions of what he heard;
  • musical improvisation concert
Sand therapy (Sandplay) Development of fine motor skills, diagnosis of the condition, correction, assistance in surviving difficult periods of life The classic exercise is “build your own world.” The child is offered a sandbox and various small figures. The specialist evaluates how the child works with sand (decisively or not, quickly or thoughtfully), the location of the figures, their choice
Dance therapy Reducing stress levels, working with embarrassment and complexes
  • dance of different emotional states (dance of anger, dance of joy and grief). This exercise teaches the child to better understand himself and express emotions more boldly;
  • dance improvisation allows the child to express his fears and experiences in the form of movements. In this case, the most important thing is that the movements come from the heart and are not technical

These are the most common and popular art therapy techniques. In addition to the above, there are also:

  • clay therapy,
  • fairytale therapy (art therapy and, especially fairytale therapy, is very effective when working with young children during crisis periods),
  • bibliotherapy (working with text),
  • fabric,
  • color therapy,
  • puppet therapy,
  • phototherapy,
  • collage and many others.

There are special art therapy programs that use the maximum range of techniques and various exercises. These programs are adapted for use in kindergartens and specialized early development groups, but if desired, the material from them can be used by any parent for classes at home.

Family activities have become especially popular lately. Joint participation in exercises allows the child to see in the parent not an authoritative adult, but an ally, a comrade. This not only allows one to overcome intra-family conflicts, but also strengthens family relationships.

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