Left her husband because of disrespect and belittlement

Routine and life

The main reason why a husband does not want a wife is a monotonous and boring life. Of course, before officially entering into marriage, both a man and a woman must clearly understand what awaits them in the future. However, a wedding and family ties are not a reason to get rid of romance, forget about compliments and stop giving gifts, even the most symbolic ones.

Work, minor quarrels, shifting responsibilities, judgment, lack of compromise, household chores and helping parents - this is everyday life that gradually eats up relationships within the family, filling them only with hatred for each other and resentment.

Remember the first months of any relationship - while the spark is happening, couples kiss every second, giggle sweetly, satisfy each other at any convenient moment. This spark must be maintained by realizing simple truths:

  • The floors cannot be washed every day, however, like the dishes;
  • sometimes you can do without a fur coat, but spend an extra weekend with your loved one;
  • you should not demand from a man what you yourself do not give (attention, gifts);
  • no need to exchange sexy clothes for old T-shirts with small holes, which are embarrassing to wear even during repairs.

These banal facts show the true reason why a husband does not want his wife and is not attracted to her - everyday life is killing your relationship.

Scandals, quarrels and showdowns

If you want to find out why a husband doesn’t want his wife, you need to first pay attention to his behavior. Women are impulsive and emotional. Sometimes they don’t need a reason to start a quarrel.

Female overprotection, scandals over garbage or dishes, constant arrogance and tediousness only alienate the loved one. And here it is important to remember the elementary thing: an adequate man will understand everything without shouting if a woman talks to him calmly, without getting personal or raising her tone.

Of course, this advice does not apply to careless people who are not aware of their responsibility either to their family or to themselves. Stop shouting, don’t be afraid to show signs of attention and support the man, then he will definitely not move away from you and will not look for attention on the side, forgetting that there is a beautiful and loving woman next to him.

What to do if your husband insults and humiliates: advice from a psychologist

Many are looking for an answer in psychology on how to behave when a husband insults and humiliates his wife. Moral pressure forces you to make the wrong decisions: start swearing, cry and beg him to stop, threaten suicide, etc. However, knowledge of psychology and a cool mind will help you assess the situation soberly.

There are several psychological tips that can help reduce anger. If one doesn't help, you can try another:

  1. Refuse to communicate in a raised voice. If your husband begins to openly insult and call you names, you should confidently and calmly tell him: “I don’t want to talk to you while you behave like this.” You can go to another room and wait there until the man calms down.
  2. Stop contact for a while. If you have fear from your husband’s aggression, your children are suffering, and you feel tired, there have been cases of physical violence, do not be afraid to give yourself rest and your husband time to think. Leave with your children for a couple of weeks to visit your parents or friends, do not answer calls or make contact. Agree to reconciliation only if your chosen one agrees to therapy or is ready to openly discuss the future of your relationship.
  3. Do not develop conflict. Sometimes a tyrant is not so interested in shouting as in provoking a certain reaction in a woman: tears, hysterics, screams in response. Without this, the situation itself becomes uninteresting. To his next insults and complaints, try saying: “Okay, I heard you and took everything into account.” Don't lose your composure, no matter what happens.
  4. Get rid of fear. It is more difficult to tyrannize a self-confident person. Perhaps you need to visit a psychologist, trainings, raise your self-esteem and start loving yourself. In this case, the fear of loneliness, the panic from the thought that the man will touch you again or leave you altogether, will disappear from your relationship. By taking care of yourself, you will not be so fixated on a man who is trying to insult you.
  5. Try to communicate. After a terrible scandal, most of all I want to avoid all dangerous topics, but this is not an option. Try talking to your husband, explaining your feelings, asking how he feels.

Under no circumstances should you shout or insult back, threaten or involve children in quarrels. Also, you can’t start pleasing the tyrant too much. If a man realizes that after his tantrums a woman begins to do everything for him, the attacks of anger will intensify, and he will feel unpunished. Respect yourself first. Of course, understanding a man’s complexes and internal problems is important, but you cannot constantly justify moral humiliation and suppression of your personality in this way. You can try to solve the problem, but you cannot tolerate it.

Apathy and fatigue

In the modern world, the reasons why a husband does not want his wife are common and analyzed by psychologists. The main problem is that today for a favorable life you need to work hard, dedicating the best years of your life to it. Men, as a rule, take full responsibility and take care of the family, giving their wives the opportunity to be at home, take care of the children and themselves. However, women forget the elementary thing that the male sex is also people and they tend to get tired, tend to withdraw into themselves and be lethargic.

In the frantic pace, men forget about what they aspired to before marriage and what they dreamed about, and if there is no support from their beloved, then all desire and sexual craving disappears. Answering the question why a husband doesn’t want a wife, we will highlight two main pieces of advice:

  • Give your loved one a break. Understand that sometimes you can live without a modernized refrigerator and abstain from marbled beef, because sooner or later a person living in a frantic rhythm will give up on everything and go “off into the sunset.”
  • Stop nagging. If your man is a kind, sympathetic person, then your next scandals, which do not carry important information, will only push your loved one away.

Why a husband insults and humiliates his wife: psychologists reveal the reasons

Moral humiliation on the part of a loved one often seems completely unreasonable and undeserved. Even the most loving and caring wife can face aggression from a man. Attacks of anger can be completely unexpected, unrelated to anything. But as psychology says, if a husband constantly insults and humiliates his wife, there is always a reason for this. Often a woman has no idea about it, because in families where swearing and shouting reign, it is not customary to talk openly about your real feelings.

In psychology, the reasons why a husband insults and humiliates his wife may be the following:

  1. Bad example. If a boy grows up in a family where his father does not hesitate to yell at his mother and humiliate her, he begins to copy his behavior. A family model where the woman is unhappy is considered the norm. He is sure that the girl should endure this, because the parents’ marriage was a success, they did not divorce, and raised children.
  2. Diffidence. If a man considers himself unworthy of a woman, he is not always able to strive for her level. Sometimes it's easier to lower it to yours. He begins to insult his wife, telling her that she is ugly, stupid, has achieved nothing, etc. By lowering the girl’s self-esteem, the man keeps her close and does not allow her to find someone better than himself (as he himself believes).
  3. Comparison with other women. This reason is very offensive in itself, but often also results in insults. If a man is too attached to his mother, he compares with her. But there are also comparisons with an ex-wife, a lover, a friend with whom a relationship once did not work out.
  4. Problems at work. If a man is constantly nervous at work, angry, but restrained among his colleagues, all his anger can spill out on his wife and children.
  5. Cooling of feelings. It would seem that a person who has fallen out of love can leave, but sometimes habit, attachment to children, and fear of condemnation from society get in the way. You have to endure and live with an unloved person, which leads to an outburst of aggression.
  6. Provocation on the part of a woman. Understanding this reason must be approached very carefully. For example, a man’s dissatisfaction with sex because a woman wants it less often should not be considered a provocation. This is an issue that can be compromised if discussed honestly. Only your insults against him, his relatives, children, appearance, etc. can provoke your husband into insults.

Most often, couples who are not used to interacting directly with their loved one encounter quarrels and hysterics. They act through revenge, screams in order to convey some idea to a person.

Diseases and pathologies

If a husband does not want intimacy with his wife, this does not mean that he has another one and has lost interest in his rightful soul mate. There are also a number of reasons that are directly related to the physiological characteristics of his body. Let's look at all the reasons why a husband doesn't want sex with his wife:

  • decreased libido occurs against the background of viral or infectious diseases;
  • This is also facilitated by diabetes mellitus, hormonal imbalance, and disorders in the endocrine system;
  • prolonged depression and mental disorders;
  • age-related changes;
  • pathologies and inflammatory processes in the male genital organs;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system;
  • alcoholism and other addictions.

How to humiliate a person with a word: examples of phrases and behavior patterns

How to humiliate a person with a word: examples of phrases and behavior patterns

Hello, today we will talk about how to humiliate a person.

“Turn the other cheek”, “you can always reach an agreement”, “arguing with people is bad” - all these truths will not help you in life. If you already have a conflict and you can’t resolve it peacefully, the only thing that will help you is knowing how to humiliate a person as effectively and efficiently as possible, so that he understands that getting involved with you is more expensive for himself.

To morally humiliate a person, it is not enough to simply find a few phrases on the Internet, memorize them and use them. They need to sound confident, to fit in, and for the person to feel truly crushed after them. To do this you need to speak calmly.

Imagine that, in response to offensive words, almost crying, you shout to a person: “You’re an imbecile!” It seems that you said that he is stupid and did it without swearing - but it will look more pathetic than impressive. But if, in response to attacks, you answer absolutely calmly, without raising your voice: “How tired I am of your attempts to pretend to be an intelligent person” - this will probably not be the reaction that your opponent expected to receive and he will be unsettled.

In this case, you cannot:

  • Laughing at your own ridicule ruins the whole experience. The listeners themselves must understand that you said something offensive and funny - and laugh themselves.
  • Scream. If you raise your voice, this is weakness, it shows that you are truly hurt and prevents the other person from clearly understanding your words. Plus, if you're fuming, you might not remember that you wanted to sound smart and nice.
  • Cry. Tears, even more clearly than screaming, show that you are truly unpleasant. Therefore, if you feel that you are close to tears, it is better to catch your breath, count to yourself to ten, and only then make your move in the quarrel.

If you feel like you will never be able to act calmly and contemptuously, practice in front of a mirror. Practice a mocking facial expression, an ironic smile, a sympathetic shake of the head. Find a gesture that will ideally show your opinion of the person - you can, for example:

  • tilt your head to your shoulder as if you doubt that you heard the person correctly, what he just said is so stupid;
  • raise an eyebrow in surprise - as if this is the first time you’ve heard such nonsense;
  • if you wear glasses, move them to the edge of your nose and look over it, as if you want to take a better look at your interlocutor and make sure that it is he who is sitting in front of you.

Any non-verbal expression of contempt humiliates a person. You can often humiliate beautifully without saying a single word. For example, ignore - and pay attention to the person only after several unsuccessful attempts to reach you. At the same time, you can look surprised and say:

  • “Sorry, I didn’t hear you”;
  • “Sorry, did you say something?”;
  • “I thought there was a radio playing somewhere nearby, and it was you.”

The main thing is to look sincere and even friendly in the process, so that the person feels like an empty place, which is difficult to even notice.

But ignoring a person is an art that needs to be honed and trained for a long time in order for it to look truly impressive and not to break down in the process. For most of us, it is much easier to humiliate a person with words. The main thing is to choose them correctly.

“It’s easy and pleasant to tell the truth,” said one book character, and he was right. But how rarely do we do this in everyday life! We will never tell a fat person that he is fat, or an ugly person that he is ugly. We are taught politeness from childhood and that is why the truth can be so painful. If you hit it in a weak spot, it will definitely humiliate and confuse a person.

You should take a closer look and identify what the interlocutor is worried about the most. It could be:

For men, a separate point, often a weak point, is potency. In a dispute with an opponent, you can humiliate a person by saying that he is so angry because he is not able to satisfy a woman in bed. Or say something like “If you were such a lion in bed as you are here, girls would follow you in herds.”

For women, external attractiveness is often a weak point. You can hint to her that she looks old, fat or has small breasts - and if you do it softly and sympathetically, it will be doubly humiliating.

The main thing is the ability to observe, draw conclusions and hit exactly the weak spot that hurts a person.

People don't like to be shown that they are worse than others. Therefore, a very effective means of humiliation will be to show that you can handle something better.

  • You can use more expensive things, you can mention that you were on vacation or in an interesting place - but so that it does not look like bragging, but something completely natural for you.
  • You can wear expensive clothes.
  • You can even offer an unpleasant person participation in an event for which he obviously does not have enough money, and enjoy his reaction.

If you have a good memory, you can be great at putting others in their place by reminding them of the stupid or embarrassing things they've done, the stupid things they've said, and the puddles they've gotten into.

You can even make them look like fools in front of mutual friends by divulging some secret and being sincerely surprised by the negative reaction - “Oh, well, I thought we were all our own here, why are you embarrassed.”

The main thing is to justify yourself with the best intentions, so that in the eyes of others you do not turn into a bore who keeps reminding a good person of his mistakes.

It’s not hard to figure out how to shut the mouth of someone you know. But what if you see your opponent for the first time and know nothing about his weaknesses? In this case, phrases that humiliate a person will come to the rescue.

Beautiful girls often suffer from monotonous attempts to get acquainted - many men simply do not understand that they do not want to hear or see them. Therefore, you can use biting phrases:

  • To you or to me? I suggest: you go to your place, I go to mine, and everyone is happy!
  • No, I don't want to meet you. I will be bored with you, and you will not understand me.
  • You are just a wonderful comedian! If you make a funny joke, it’s already a miracle.
  • I admire you! With such a face, I would spend my whole life under a blanket, but you don’t mind, even trying to make acquaintances on the street...
  • Try dating in the dark. No fool will give you a phone number in the light.

The main thing is to have an expression of bored superiority on your face. Or you can completely ignore the attempt at acquaintance - answer “yes”, “of course” and give the phone number of the nearest morgue.

Most women are concerned about their appearance - and how decent they look in the eyes of society. Therefore, you can use the following phrases:

  • You must have been beautiful. Men so twenty ago.
  • There are injustices - and there is no intelligence, and there is nothing to compensate.
  • God created all women from a rib, but you, it seems, from an ass.
  • It’s a shame to offend you - the mirror already offends you every day.

The main thing is to look better in the process - and this will be an additional humiliation for the opponent.

How to humiliate a subordinate who has forgotten about subordination

In a work team, quarrels are not uncommon, and sometimes you can encounter a situation in which a subordinate forgets about his place and starts an argument with his superiors in a raised voice. This shouldn’t happen, but you shouldn’t sound unprofessional either. The following phrases can be used:

  • Don't make me regret the day I hired you.
  • It seems you just lost your bonus.
  • You disgrace our company and drag the entire team back.
  • We will never succeed with workers like you.
  • Perhaps you should think about continuing your career growth somewhere else?
  • It sounds like the company is overpaying you - with this level of professionalism, you don't deserve this level of salary.

Arguing with a subordinate at his level is a grave mistake. You should speak seriously and nip the dispute in the bud, under the threat of dismissal, so as not to lose your authority.

To hurt a person who committed treason is a natural impulse, and after putting it into practice, you may even feel better. You can use phrases:

  • There is no need to make excuses - do not humiliate yourself even more.
  • I don’t want to share either the table or the bed with you anymore - what can you even find in you?
  • It was so stupid to believe in your honesty that now I hate to even think about it.
  • For a person for whom everything is so bad, you surprisingly easily exchanged me for a couple of pleasant nights.

Each of us always knows more about our partner than about everyone else - and in the event of betrayal, this knowledge can be applied. What is he afraid of? What doesn't he like about himself? In what situations was he a fool? All this can be remembered and thrown in his face as he says goodbye.

Just telling a person that he is a fool is childish. Using swear words is unattractive and embarrassing in public. Therefore, you can use other options - spoken with a due degree of confidence in your rightness and coldness, they can sound great, despite being somewhat old-fashioned:

  • a stupid (very stupid) creature is a person who is not even worthy of the title of man in his stupidity;
  • animal (you can add the adjective “dirty”, “useless”, “evil”) - a person who stands on the same level as unreasonable beasts;
  • scum - a low and vile person, devoid of conscience;
  • shameless, unscrupulous - a person devoid of any shame;
  • reptile - a person whose qualities are more reminiscent of a slimy reptile;
  • cattle - a person is stupid and incapable of reasonable actions;
  • carrion - a person who has nowhere to go lower;
  • imbecile - a person whose mental development is equal to that of a mentally retarded person;
  • idle talker or empty talker - a person who talks in vain.

You should always use words appropriately, otherwise you won’t embarrass yourself for long.

Calling a person stupid is boring, not original and not at all offensive. Beautiful coherent phrases are much more effective:

  • Are you always such a fool, or is it just me who is so lucky?
  • Don't be upset! Cuttlefish have no brain at all, but they live.
  • Carry on my friend. According to the theory of probability, someday you should say something meaningful.
  • Are you thinking about something? This is something new!
  • Don’t try to think, dear, otherwise you’ll get a headache out of habit.
  • I don't know what product you use to remain such a fool, but you should patent it if it works so well.
  • I know you are not such a fool as you might think by looking at your face. It would simply be impossible.

If a person is truly stupid, he simply will not understand more complex indications of this fact. So you don't have to worry and use simple, obvious phrases.

It is always useful to remember smart and apt phrases - then, in the event of an unexpected attack, you will be able to answer the offender harshly and bitingly. The psychology of the humiliated is such that he does not want to repeat this experience. The main thing is not to be shy and not afraid to offend a person.

  • Do you still work there? And still the same? Well, at your age you can still plow and plow, I believe you will succeed.
  • And I would like to answer you, but nature has already taken revenge for me.
  • You clearly need to add fish to your diet. It is good for intelligence.
  • If you want to hurt me, you'll have to say something smart. I don't think you'll succeed, however.
  • Are you kidding me like that? Sorry, I didn't understand right away.

The main thing in all phrases is to use them in a timely manner, sound confident and not be afraid of resistance. And if you don’t want to get into an argument, you can simply answer “yes,” “of course,” and “did you say something?” and by all appearances to show the interlocutor that he is worthless - this is also humiliating enough to be used.

Source: How to humiliate a person with a word: examples of phrases and patterns of behavior Examples of phrases to humiliate a person with and without swearing. How to insult a person with a smart word and humiliate his dignity. How to take revenge on a person. https://story-woman.ru/psihologia/kak-unizit-cheloveka/

No proper self-care

We are accustomed to the fact that when a husband does not want intimacy with his wife, the stronger sex is always to blame. But sex is not an obligation, but a way of obtaining satisfaction on a voluntary basis. This means that partners should be as excited and relaxed as possible. But imagine a situation when a man meets a beautiful girl who looks well-groomed and elegant. However, after several years of married life, she gained significant weight, stopped shaving her leg hair and stopped taking care of her hair. Clothing stores have been replaced by grocery stores, and on the shelves instead of cosmetics there is a whole range of medicines to the envy of pharmacists.

“A man should accept me for who I am,” you say. However, will there be a feeling of passion for a loved one who does not shower, wears dirty clothes and sometimes forgets to brush his teeth? A girl is simply obliged to take care of herself at any age, and it is not necessary to spend huge sums on visiting famous cosmetologists.

A beautiful woman is a happy woman. Sometimes in marriage everything is interconnected, because a man wants to become an equal to his beloved, strive to give her the best, so the fair sex should stimulate him to accomplish great things. And it’s better to start with your appearance (keep your body fit, don’t forget about your health, pamper yourself with an openwork peignoir).

Humiliated Husband

My love friend got married. They lived well, amicably, they always did and decided everything together. They lived like this for 3 years. My friend has always been a slender, beautiful girl and she found a husband to match her.

And in general, after 3 years of marriage, the husband stopped taking care of himself. And he began to gain weight very quickly. And just a year later he turned from a slender, handsome guy into a fat, ugly man.

Because of this, their relationship began to deteriorate, old feelings left. She took a lover, and her husband did not lag behind her; he also had a mistress. Of course, they hid it from each other, but each guessed about the existence of the others.

Masha tried to talk to her husband so that he would start taking care of himself and pull himself together, to which he simply turned the arrows on her, saying, look at yourself. But she gave birth to a child, and as usual after giving birth, she gained a little weight.

Although I will tell you, this did not spoil her at all, but on the contrary, it added to her stateliness and femininity. But, according to her husband, she became fat and lost interest in her. I tried to support her, to calm her down, to which she simply snapped.

Apparently you don’t know, so don’t bother. 2 weeks later it was my husband’s birthday and, as usual, guests were invited from both sides. Everything was wonderful. Everyone congratulated him and talked cheerfully, but suddenly Masha, in the presence of the guests, told her husband that he was eating a lot and had become so fat.

Of course, the guests were shocked by what they heard. Everyone's mood soured, and soon they went home. As soon as everyone separated, the husband said that he was filing for divorce and would not live with her under the same roof for another day.

He collected his things and went to his mistress. Masha, of course, cried for a long time, trying to find protection in me, but she failed. I didn’t support her, but on the contrary, I said that she herself was to blame.

There was no need to nag him and poke him at the weight, he needed to start with himself and also remove a few extra pounds. She, of course, was offended. She and her husband divorced. She was left alone with the child, he helped her, paid alimony and even more.

Six months later, she met him by chance on the street and was shocked by what she saw. He became a slender, stately man, and most importantly, he was happy. On the contrary, after the divorce she neglected herself and gained a lot of weight and stopped wearing makeup.

She was in shock and could not understand why this was so, what happened to him. Just because he became free, no one put pressure on him. Only my friend is to blame for everything that happened, I need to start with myself.

You just had to love your husband, even then, help him, set an example for yourself. Just as a husband protects his wife, so a wife should be a protection for her husband. We need to protect each other and respect each other.

After all, you yourself chose your husband and therefore he should be the best in the world for you, no matter what he is. I think that many girls will agree with me, and men too.


No children - no problems

Many women are faced with the same dilemma - why the husband does not want children from his wife. In this case, there is no need to build illusions and harbor false hopes, because the answer lies on the surface. The man has other priorities in life, and children are not yet part of his planned plan. Sometimes it is difficult to reach a compromise, but the only way is to talk to your loved one. Perhaps he has a primary goal that he has been striving for all his life.

Women forget that before they found their soulmate, a man had a completely different life. He developed, worked, dreamed and strived for something, so obliging and forcing him to take such a serious step as having children is stupid. The bottom line is that even before marriage, it is important to discuss this issue so that you know what is a priority. Some men want to provide a good future for their children, build a house, save money, travel and write a book, and only then devote themselves to fatherhood.

But there are also cases when a man made a mistake in choosing his wife, and habit and responsibility do not allow him to leave her. Initially, he saw that his beloved was caring, caring and caring, but frequent emotional outbursts, screams and scandals out of the blue could ruin his opinion of her. A man simply loses the guarantee that his wife will become soft, kind and responsive after the birth of the baby.

How to return peace to the family: the psychology of building relationships

To prevent such a situation, nip rudeness in the bud. After the first offensive remark, say that you will not allow talking to yourself in such a tone, and stop the argument. If your spouse does not stop, go into another room, explaining that you can continue the debate only after he calms down.

We suggest you read: Why a drunk husband insults his wife

When your husband calms down, try to call him for a frank conversation. Explain that you are very offended by his words and ask him to formulate his complaints in a calm tone. What exactly doesn’t suit your spouse? What does he see as the root of the problem? How to fix the situation? You may be surprised to learn that some things that seemed completely harmless to you are categorically disliked by your loved one.

If the spouse gets off with a short “leave me alone” and “everything is fine,” things get worse. But it's not hopeless. Try to analyze the situation yourself and understand what words or actions of yours cause outbursts of irritation in your husband. Often the answer lies on the surface, you just need to be able to see it.

It is very difficult to overcome the wall that separates two people.
In parallel with trying to reach your beloved, work on yourself. Eternal nagging has a detrimental effect on the self-esteem of any person, but women suffer from them doubly. Take care of your appearance, celebrate any, even the smallest victories, rejoice at your achievements. Don't let your spouse make you feel like you're worthless and therefore don't deserve better treatment.

If your efforts are becoming more and more like throwing peas at a wall, and the man continues to stick to his line of behavior, move on to heavy artillery. Announce that you need to think carefully about the current situation, and leave - to your parents, girlfriend, or hotel. Don’t forget to clearly state: you still love your husband and dream of saving your family, but you won’t live under the pressure of constant ridicule and moral kicks.

For a man who really values ​​his soul mate, such a temporary separation will serve as a cold shower - he will understand that he risks losing you forever and will finally make the required effort on himself. True, only those women who are really ready to put an end to an exhausting relationship should dare to take a decisive step.

If neither requests, nor heart-to-heart conversations, nor temporary “escape” from home have had any effect, seriously think about real separation. Well, or reconcile yourself with the role of an eternal doormat under your spouse’s feet and proudly carry your cross further. The choice is yours.

Whether to break or mend a marriage that is cracking at the seams, everyone decides for themselves

A separate “subgroup” of domestic boors are the already mentioned ex-husbands and boyfriends. How should we deal with them?

  1. If we are talking about a retired gentleman, cross him out of your life. Don’t answer calls, don’t read letters, don’t make contact. Let him rage, but somewhere far from you. In some cases, you can change your phone number or go on a long trip - at the same time you will get divorced and get the opportunity to start a new relationship.
  2. When meeting in a public place, behave calmly and calmly. No matter what the rejected boyfriend says, no matter how much he accuses you, be calm as a rock. Ultimately, it is not you who will find yourself in an unpleasant position, but he, sputtering and circling around a woman who is not paying the slightest attention to him. For particularly unrestrained subjects, there is always the police, where you can write a statement about harassment and threats. Don't forget this.
  3. If the pursuer is your ex-husband, with whom you have unresolved legal issues - for example, you are dividing property - conduct business only through a lawyer. It’s better to pay a professional extra than to ruin your nervous system in endless clashes with a boor.

The presence of a third party will protect you from the attacks of your ex.
You will not be able to blacklist the father of your children. But you can try to minimize contact with him. Talk strictly to the point: children, their needs, plans for the holidays. It doesn’t hurt to bring a voice recorder to the meeting, demonstratively turn it on and put it in your purse: for those who like to let their tongues run wild, this often has a sobering effect.

By the way, although the article “Insult to honor and dignity” migrated from the criminal code to the administrative code, no one has yet repealed it, so you are quite capable of causing serious trouble to a rude person. In addition to the voice recording, it would be a good idea to attach to the application a recording of a telephone conversation, a printout of SMS messages and witness statements.

No matter what happens between parents, children should not suffer

Reasons why a husband cools down after the birth of a child

The reason why a husband does not want his wife after childbirth affects 50% of all married couples. Firstly, you need to understand that with the arrival of the baby, family life will change for some period, because a small and failed person has appeared who needs to be looked after. And since men are the main breadwinners in the family, they cannot devote themselves to both decent earnings and the attention of women.

Put yourself in their place: earnings have not changed, but expenses are increasing every day, while the wife has become a housewife and takes care of the child. Absolutely all financial concerns are transferred to the stronger sex, so after a grueling 24/7 schedule, you want nothing more than a hearty dinner and a good night’s sleep.

For this reason, the husband often goes to bed separately. In addition, after the birth of a baby, a woman often stops taking care of herself. Even several years later, when it is already possible to do exercises and read books, she chooses everyday life and immerses herself in it completely, not paying attention to the fact that the marriage is gradually beginning to collapse.

There are situations when a husband does not want a pregnant wife. This can be explained by the fact that the male sex is afraid of harming both the woman and their common child. Often women are offended by this and believe that family life has gone wrong just because the husband does not pester the pregnant woman. The reason is that in modern media there is a lot of information that sex can harm the baby in the womb.

A man develops a feeling of anxiety and fear, because he cannot experience all the nuances of carrying a baby and be sure in what position it is better to perform coitus. And he doesn’t touch his wife because if his beloved really excites him, then even touching and caresses can cause an erection. As a rule, frequent sexual arousal can bring discomfort and even pain to a man.

My husband beats, humiliates, insults my parents

Hello. My husband and I have been married for 11 years. I am 30 years old, my husband is 32. I have a son, he is 6 years old. Before marriage, we dated for 2 years and my husband was very kind, good, very calm. They told me to “twist ropes out of it.” My mother and I admired his family. The parents maintained a warm, respectful relationship in the family. You can call this family ideal. Sons (my husband has a younger brother) love, respect and honor THEIR parents very much. In my family it's the other way around. Dad drank, because of this there were almost daily scandals. Although dad was violent, he never laid a finger on mom, and he rarely scolded us (I have a younger sister). But an alcoholic father is still terrible. Therefore, I wanted to leave home as quickly as possible, I ran headlong to get married. After the wedding, they immediately began to live separately (they rented an apartment). 4 months later he pushed me for the first time. I came late after a corporate party and very drunk, I began to be indignant. Perhaps it was my own fault; I shouldn’t have touched him. After that, we no longer rested separately, all the activities were together. And I don’t forbid him to drink (I don’t want to repeat my mother’s mistake, how my dad came home from work, drunk from the garage, because his mother always pulled him by the elbow during the holidays), my husband drinks to his satisfaction. After the first push, insults began slowly but surely, then terribly, very offensive insults. The physical violence did not keep me waiting either - he pushed me, threw me away, hit me on the cheek. I still loved him very much and didn’t want to leave (I believed in the myth about his correction). His parents and mine were informed. We all sat together, talked, agreed that he wouldn’t do this again, and my character is not the best. At that time, we moved to live in another area, away from our parents. That's where it started. My husband and I both worked, the schedule was the same - we were both at work for 24 hours and both at home for 2 days. But in his opinion, only he was tired. While there, in the rented apartment, beatings and abuse began. He could strip him naked and throw him out into the entrance and close the door, even in winter. He presses him against the wall with a table so that he can’t get out and says that no one needs him, that he pulled him out of the mud (he was my first man), etc. I was silent and didn’t tell my parents, because I felt sorry for him. After every quarrel, he asked for forgiveness, said that he loved me and would not live without me. There were, of course, good happy moments. Once he beat me so much that I lost the child; I found out about my pregnancy in the hospital when I came in with bleeding. Mom, of course, took me home without talking. I myself divorced my husband. And it was as if he had been replaced again. He became again very kind, attentive, and sensitive. He begged to come back, that he understood everything and would never repeat what happened. A year later we got together and registered. This is how I completely ruined my life. He didn't change for long. I got pregnant, he started going on walks, and he could even beat the pregnant woman. When she gave birth, she generally began to interfere with his life. He could have beaten me because she asked me to go get my son formula (the milk disappeared after 2 months), but he needed to finish watching the program; he was not interested in what the child often ate. I complained to his parents, but they asked him not to leave (they love their grandson madly) and talked to him. All to no avail. It didn't last long. We bought a house in another city. I cook delicious food, and I want to please my family with something new and tasty. I have a large vegetable garden, I plant it for the winter, my house is in order. He continues to call him names, insult him, beat him more and more sophisticatedly and cruelly each time. He insults my parents, knows that I won’t answer, and if I try to answer, he hits me. I never allowed myself to say anything bad about his family, we have a good relationship, I don’t burn with love for them, but I respect them very much and set their relationship as an example to my husband. When he starts to get angry, I’m as silent as a mouse, I’m afraid even to get caught in the eye once again, it got to the point where I had dinner with my son behind the garage on the street, holding the plates in my hands, fortunately it wasn’t cold. Or we sit like mice with our son in his room without a TV, the lights are turned off everywhere, and we have a night light in the winter, when you can’t sit outside for a long time. He can do anything, he can do anything. I don't have the right to vote. We have practically no sex. I don’t want him as a man, but he gets mad, throws hysterics, scandals, baselessly accuses him of cheating, beats me and still goes to bed with him in order to stop all this madness. I hate him to the last of my hair. He hasn't had love for a long time either. Was she there at all? Leave now... I have nowhere to go. My mother has a 2-room apartment, in which my sister and her husband also live. I can’t afford to rent an apartment financially. The house we bought on my husband's behalf, because... He took out a loan to buy it and his parents helped pay. I no longer have grandmothers. And he loves his son very much. We depend on him financially. I work, I like my work, but my earnings are not enough for my son and me to live in a rented apartment. I’ve also gained weight, I’m not fat, but I still have excess weight. I can’t get rid of it, and I diet and run, all in one pair. My self-esteem is below the plinth, I already believe that no one needs me, that I’m ugly. I have always been amazed how such different children can be born in the same family, from the same parents. His brother is the complete opposite of his husband. Blaming parents for not raising them that way, well, that’s nonsense, they didn’t raise their children in isolation from each other, and the brothers are 3 years apart. Now I feel like a decrepit old woman, helpless. I don't want anything from life at all. I’m 30 years old, but I feel like I’m 70 and there’s nothing to expect, nothing to believe in. Nothing happens in life, no joy, we only have his friends, and mine are all vicious. I haven't talked to them for a long time. Once a colleague invited me to a wedding, my husband refused to go with me, he let me go without any problems, and when I got home he beat me up so I had to take time off from work (my whole face was swollen). I understand that it’s stupid to ask for psychological help; in my case, it’s easier to twist it at my temple. My sister says that I am the case when either they end up crippled, or when there is no patience left to run with whatever they have and grab the child wherever they look. But there is nowhere to run wherever you look.

My husband beats, humiliates, hates my family (2 answers)

Why kiss?

Kissing is a sign of trust. This means that partners are ready to open up to each other and share their deepest secrets. However, the question often arises as to why the husband does not want to kiss his wife. Let's name the main reasons:

  • Stopped opening up. You may have broken his trust or are slowly pushing him away from you. Constant quarrels, accusations and screams make the loved one doubt his choice, and subsequently all desire to show signs of attention, affection and warmth is lost.
  • Your husband is simply a selfish and stingy person. However, he did not hide his characteristic features, and his cold behavior could be noticed before marriage. Therefore, the blame here falls entirely on the woman - you knew who you chose. This does not apply to those who have become victims of a “predator”. There is a type of man who finds a victim, and the more invulnerable she is, the greater the excitement. In every possible way they seek attention, win, and when a woman breaks down and completely surrenders to her beloved, he simply loses all interest in her.

Think about it, do you show attention, give compliments and take care of your loved one? If not, then there is no point in demanding the same from your husband. Do you want to kiss? Kiss. If you want to hug, don’t wait for the first step - take it yourself.

No harmony in bed

Another problem in psychology is why a husband does not want a wife - the couple’s biorhythms simply do not match. Let's give an example: a man works from 8 am to 6 pm, so after sunset he is awake and ready to conquer the peaks. His wife works from 12 noon to 12 midnight, and when she comes home she dreams of a hot bath and a warm bed. The moment a man desires a woman, she refuses him for a simple reason - fatigue. And then a similar situation occurs, exactly the opposite.

In this case, you need to be able to adjust your biorhythms, either by getting used to the regime, or by changing your work schedule, or by sacrificing an extra hour for rest.

How to insult someone

There are times when we see the only opportunity to stand up for ourselves in the ability to insult our interlocutor. It is worth recognizing that this method is not always justified, and, at times, can even lead to negative consequences. But there are still situations when it is very difficult to do without it.

When is it necessary to insult someone?

There can be many such situations, and we will consider some of them in more detail.

When someone allows themselves to speak offensively towards us, we often “boil” in response. It’s rare that someone manages to restrain their emotions in such a situation and ignore the attacks of an aggressive interlocutor. Of course, if a person has managed to achieve the highest degree of self-control or simply cannot decide to respond to an offensive remark, then he is able to ignore negative words addressed to him. And yet, more often than not, it is not easy to restrain yourself.

There are situations when we are unable to ignore the fact that someone allows himself to be offensive towards another person. This is especially unbearable to watch when your spouse, your child, a shy girl, or even an unfamiliar pensioner comes under fire from offensive words. In general, aggression awakens in many of us when a weaker person suffers and finds it difficult to stand up for himself. Of course, in this case, the injured party needs protection, and will undoubtedly feel a deep sense of gratitude when receiving it.

This point is somewhat similar to the previous one, but the difference is that this time we are not talking about a weak person, but about an animal. Some of us, seeing, for example, how teenagers torture a cat or a drunken person kicks a dog, try to pretend that they simply do not notice what is happening, but the majority still cannot look indifferently at the suffering of “lesser brothers.” Of course, in this case, insults on your part will be more than justified.

Not each of us is able to humiliate a person without resorting to swear words. However, if you learn this, then you can say that you have mastered the art of the most “subtle” insults.

If you want to put a person in his place with some kind of veiled insult, take note of a few phrases.

  • Open your mouth at the dentist!
  • Usually those who interfere with their own lives get involved in other people’s lives.
  • Don't fall under the hot hand, so as not to fly under the hot foot.

Such insults may seem cool and funny not only to the person who utters them, but also to the person to whom they apply. However, it all depends on how touchy your interlocutor is. If he is too sensitive to the slightest hint of insults and is overly vulnerable, then, of course, he will not find it funny in this situation.

  • Shut your laugher already!
  • Stop waving your tongue like a flag at a parade.

If you want to offend someone with a caustic and offensive phrase, then, apparently, this person really managed to offend you. Of course, you should never show that you are offended or angry - in this case, you will not achieve the desired effect. Say caustic phrases in a calm tone, which can easily be accompanied by a slight grin.

  • It looks like the stork dropped someone along the way. And more than once.
  • They would have taken you to the Kunstkamera while you were still alive.
  • One more phrase like this, and you will have to move through life in jerks.
  • You should think about saving nature by sterilizing yourself.
  • It’s probably hard for you to love nature, after what it has done to you.

How to politely send a person away by calling him witty words

You may well offend a person, even if you are on “you” terms with him. To do this, it is not at all necessary to switch to swear words or direct insults. One witty phrase is enough. Therefore, you can even say that in this way you will send a person culturally.

  • Are you leaving already? Why so slowly?
  • I'm too busy a person to pay attention to your complexes.
  • Shock me, finally say something smart.
  • It looks like you never got over your youthful maximalism.
  • You should be silent more often, you would pass for smart.
  • I hope that you are not always so stupid, but just today.

And yet, most likely, you understand that in the case where we insult someone else, it is quite difficult to talk about any level of culture. Often such conversations simply slide into an ugly squabble.

If the situation develops in such a way that you have to insult a woman (note that these are still the most extreme situations), then, of course, you can play on her complexes. Most often, a woman's weak point is her appearance. Even if she doesn't show that your words hurt her in any way, most likely, you will still achieve your goal - she will remember what you said and it will bother her. It is also worth noting that some men can also be offended by mentioning their appearance or physical parameters. Although most often a male representative can be offended by mentioning his unenviable mental qualities, most men react quite painfully to these remarks.

So, some examples:

  • Alas, you cannot save the world with beauty. However, also with the mind.
  • Woman, you are not so beautiful as to be rude to people.
  • Just by looking at you, I can believe that man really descended from a monkey.
  • Don’t worry, maybe one day you’ll say something smart.
  • Where did you learn to do makeup in Valuev’s style?
  • What, no one wants to get married, that’s why she’s so angry?
  • Is everything really tight? Well, at least try to scatter some bone marrow.
  • It is immediately obvious that your parents dreamed of you running away from home.
  • It's true what they say: the brain isn't everything. In your case, it's nothing at all.

Create long-term systematic pressure on the enemy

Naturally, at this point we are talking about psychological pressure - the influence on interlocutors that occurs with the aim of changing their psychological attitudes, decisions and opinions. Often this method is used in situations where, for some reason, you cannot openly be rude to a person, but you also cannot help but react to his behavior. So, what types of psychological pressure exist?

This can also be called humiliation, which is expressed in the desire to morally suppress the interlocutor. You systematically point out some characteristic of a person, even if your words do not correspond to reality. Thus, you deliberately sow complexes in your opponent. For example, you can always hint or directly tell someone: “How stupid you are,” “You are very clumsy,” “You still need to lose weight,” and the like. In this case, it becomes difficult for the interlocutor to control himself, and if at first he practically does not pay attention to your words, then later they begin to seriously offend him. It is important to note that this technique is appropriate for people who suffer from self-doubt.

This method can be used by a person who is endowed with some kind of power - finances, information or even physical strength. In this case, the opponent is unable to provide a worthy rebuff, realizing that in this case he may suffer financially, not receive the necessary information, and so on.

This type of psychological pressure can be called the most rational. By using it, you are trying to appeal to a person’s logic and reason. This method is applicable to people of normal intelligence who are able to understand what you are trying to convey to them. A person who is trying to act by persuasion must select the most logical and demonstrative phrases, avoiding doubts and uncertainty in his tone. It is important to understand that as soon as the “victim” begins to notice any inconsistencies, the force of such pressure will begin to weaken.

In this case, the person makes an attempt to “starve out” the interlocutor. You try to put pressure on someone, but when they try to catch you in this, you move away or move on to other topics. You can also respond by accusing your opponent of making things up, twisting things, and so on.

This method of psychological attack can only be used by a person who is in some way an authority for his “victim.” One way or another, you are trying to suggest something to your interlocutor, speaking in hints or directly.

Is it acceptable to use obscene name-calling and swearing?

Of course, we are not always able to control ourselves and cope with ourselves in peak situations, but you should make every effort to achieve this. If it has come to the point that you see no other way but to be rude to a person, then try to do it subtly and beautifully. As they say, there is no need to stoop to the level of “bazaar women.” Of course, if you couldn’t restrain yourself and moved to the mat, then there’s nothing you can do about it, but still try to prevent this and put the person “in his place” in other ways.

The point is not that you can somehow especially hurt your interlocutor with obscenities. It is simply believed that a person who has “sank” to swearing is not able to defend his opinion in ordinary words - to some extent, this is how we demonstrate our own inconsistency. Of course, it’s a different matter if, in principle, you always communicate with abundant use of swear words, but that’s a completely different conversation.

How to Learn Sarcasm Using Sassy Funny Words

Having learned to use impudent and funny expressions appropriately, you will certainly be able to gain fame in your close circle as a person with a good sense of humor and mastery of the technique of sarcasm. But it is important not to forget that insolence can be fraught with consequences, and with such phrases you can provoke your interlocutor to an unpredictable reaction.

  • Go, lie down, rest. Well, at least on the rails.
  • I could have offended you, of course, but nature has already dealt with it for me.
  • Nobody scares you, you will be afraid in the mirror.
  • Your mouth could use a stapler.
  • Well, you jingled the chain, now go to the booth.

Understanding the art of sarcasm

And yet, it is important to note that people who know how to express themselves in a sarcastic manner do not always use this skill when trying to insult or humiliate someone. Often, sarcasm is used when some non-trivial situation is being commented on - then it looks funny and organic.

It is almost impossible to comprehend the art of sarcasm for a person whose vocabulary is not particularly diverse and whose horizons are rather limited. That is why it is worth reading and learning more. Type into the search: “Authors who write with humor.” As you yourself understand, truly “sharp” phrases are in any case made up of words, the variety of which you can easily glean from intellectual films and books. By the way, examples of some witty phrases can also be seen in books. As a last resort, learn sarcasm from people who make a living from their jokes - we are talking about participants and hosts of various comedy television shows.

If you want to be known as a truly witty person, then do not repeat the mistake that is common to many novice jokers or people who imagine themselves to be such. Having heard or read some interesting joke or funny expression, they periodically repeat it in order to make their interlocutor laugh. The first couple of times it can be really funny, but then people start smiling just out of politeness, and that’s for the time being. As you understand, it is simply unacceptable for anyone to associate a master of sarcasm with a broken record.

If you want to be rude beautifully, then it is appropriate to use phrases that your interlocutor has probably not heard yet or those to which he will not immediately come up with a witty answer. In this case, you will probably look more advantageous. So, perhaps some of these statements will seem appropriate to you.

  • If these beeps continue to come from your platform, then your dental composition will have to move.
  • Are you sick or do you always look like this?
  • You should be stuck in a tube right now.
  • Pay attention to the baseboard so you don't forget about your level.
  • I would laugh at you, but life has already done it for me.

We take into account the possible consequences

When entering into an argument with an aggressive interlocutor, it would be foolish not to take into account the possible consequences of this step. You must understand and be prepared for the fact that you will have to move from words to action if, for example, you threaten someone with physical harm. If your opponent provokes you into further actions, and you simply begin to ignore him, then all your threats simply lose their meaning. Of course, it can also turn out differently - the person will be frightened by your words and become silent. However, you must be prepared for different developments if you decide to enter into conflict.

When not to resort to insults

All your “biting phrases” and “beautiful insults” have no meaning if you decide to use them when communicating with an insane person. So, what kind of person can be called insane? First of all, we mean the interlocutor who is under strong alcohol or drug influence. Surely, such a person will simply not be able to appreciate the subtlety of your insults - he simply will not hear them, or will react inadequately, even if your words are not too offensive. It’s really better not to mess with such people, even if they try to hurt you in every possible way. Your task is to completely leave their field of vision and not enter into a meaningless conflict. If a drunk person offends a weaker person, then, of course, you need to help the offended party, but verbal skirmishes are unlikely to yield any positive results.

In any case, if you are sure that in the current situation you can do without insults by solving the problem by some other method, then it is better not to resort to curse words. It is possible that later you will have to regret your incontinence. As we have already mentioned, it is appropriate to take this step only in case of protection (of yourself or a loved one). If you yourself initiate such conversations, you will very soon gain a reputation as a boor and brawler.

Source: How to insult a person If you want to be rude beautifully, then it is appropriate to use phrases that your interlocutor has probably not heard yet or those that he will not immediately know how to respond to. https://alfaman.org/psihologiya/54-kak-oskorbit-cheloveka.html

I want passion and innovation

So, what to do if the husband doesn't want his wife? First, analyze the lifestyle and environment that reigns in your family. Realize how boring and monotonous sex has become. Understand that to receive the greatest pleasure, you need to be sexy, desirable and exciting.

Say: "No!" missionary position and five-minute sex. Talk to your husband about his fantasies, tell him about yours. Meet your loved one in a sophisticated negligee and update your linen. Buy sex toys, involve your husband in role-playing games - do everything to bring back the former spark. Feel free to try BDSM, flagellation, anal and oral sex, different positions from the Kama Sutra, tantric sex.

Are you ready for sincerity?

Do not rush to throw verbal stones at your husband and blame him for selfishness. Try to have a heart-to-heart talk and find out why he stopped paying attention to you. But be prepared, because you can hear the bitter truth, which is very difficult to accept. In this case, there is no need to scream and accuse your husband of sincerity - this way you will push him away and, possibly, lose him forever. Mutually find a solution and a way out of this situation, and then strictly follow the plan. If necessary, sign up for a gym, send your children to kindergarten, or hire a nanny. And don’t judge your husband for his vulgar fantasies.

What to do if a wife humiliates her husband?

What to do if a wife humiliates her husband.

How often do we see a wife humiliating her husband? Often. At the same time, the woman is trying to show that she is the head of the family, but she is very mistaken. It often happens that a woman reproaches her husband without any reason. Simply because she is bored and has no one to quarrel with. There is a type of wife who takes pleasure in humiliating another person, in this case, her husband.

What are the reasons for humiliation of a husband by his wife?

Very often a wife humiliates her husband if she earns more or has a higher social position. Instead of supporting her loved one and inspiring her to take any action that would help improve her financial situation, she constantly nags.

What to do if a woman humiliates a man.

We often see a picture at a party, when the omnipresent wife controls how much her husband drinks. And he does it loudly. Under no circumstances should you do this. Tell your spouse that if she is worried about your health, she should tell you about it quietly so that no one can hear. You cannot humiliate a man, especially in public, as this greatly reduces self-esteem and kills feelings.

How to prevent a wife from humiliating her husband.

To prevent your wife from humiliating you, try to talk to her and explain that with every scandal your feelings fade away. And all this may end in separation, and forever. Also say that you, first of all, are a man, and will not allow communication in such a tone and in this way. Find out: what to give for a wedding.

What to do if a wife humiliates her husband?

How to behave so that your wife does not humiliate you.

If a woman even once allows herself to humiliate you with impunity, she will repeat it again and again. Therefore, after the first insult, tell her that in the future, if she allows herself to behave like this, you will not communicate with her. And in general, she may lose you. Most women are afraid to be alone.

What to do if your wife humiliates you?

You should never allow your wife to talk to you disrespectfully in front of the children. If a child sees your humiliation, he will never respect you. And this is unacceptable. You are the head of the family! And period! Find out what you need for a wedding.

A wife humiliates her husband, how to behave and what to do?

There is an exception to the rule when a woman experiences postpartum depression. But even in this case, kindly and gently, explain to your beloved that this is a temporary phenomenon. Offer your help, and then perhaps you will not hear humiliating words addressed to you.

Be patient but fair. Don't forget about your “I”. And don’t let yourself be trampled into the dirt.

You are men!


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