Interactive communication is a modern method of exchanging information

Interactive communication is the interaction of interlocutors, the exchange in the process of communication not only of information expressed in speech activity, but also of actions and deeds.

Such communication is more like a joint activity aimed at realizing common goals for the group and achieving a specific result.

Interactive communication is the mutual influence of people participating in the communication process on each other to achieve a specific result.

Only in the process of joint activity of several people is the formation of personality formed. A person sees himself and his actions in others as a mirror image, develops new qualities in himself, and struggles with shortcomings.

Interactive communication is an effective process in which personal qualities develop while performing any activity: work, study, cultural and sports events, organizing and spending leisure time.

Why such communication is needed, and how it should be built to achieve the desired result, you should know more.

Basics of Interactive Communication

Human nature is designed in such a way that communication plays a major role in life. At the same time, a person is inevitably dependent on the opinions of everyone with whom he communicates. Cooperation in the process of interactive communication leaves a unique imprint on people's behavior.

Communication plays almost the main role for a person

All participants have the same characteristics:

  • common goal;
  • common motives for joint activities;
  • common space and time for performing joint actions;
  • timely coordination of the actions of each participant;
  • each participant’s knowledge of the rules of interpersonal interaction;
  • transfer of information from one to another.

However, the same rules and principles that create the basis of interactive communication do not at all mean the same behavior of each participant in joint activities.

Structural components of the interactive side

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The interactive side of communication is a conventional term denoting the characteristics of those components of communication that are associated with the interaction of people, with the direct organization of their joint activities. During communication, it is important not only to exchange information, but also to organize an “exchange of actions” and plan common activities. Communication should always involve some result - a change in the behavior and activities of other people. Here communication acts as interpersonal interaction, that is, a set of connections and mutual influence of people that develop in their joint activities. Interpersonal interaction is a sequence of people’s reactions to each other’s actions unfolded over time: the action of individual A, which changes the behavior of individual B, causes a response from the latter, which in turn affects the behavior of A. Thus, the question of what The “other” side of communication is revealed by the concept of “interaction,” we can now answer: the side that records not only the exchange of information, but also the organization of joint actions. In modern psychology, more attention is paid to the following provisions:

Firstly, the typology of interaction in communication can be divided into two main types - competition and cooperation

. The first implies that people will put their own interests above all else, while the second implies that they strive for common goals.

Secondly, the interactive side of communication includes the presence of public control. It is carried out through a system of social patterns and norms that are accepted in a given society. They regulate all social relationships and interactions.

Thirdly, each person must be guided by these norms and correlate their actions with them. Next, he will select the necessary, correct and those that regulate relationships with other people.

Fourthly, the interactive side of communication includes the system of roles that each person plays when interacting at home, at work, with friends and loved ones. Very often they clash with each other because they have to prioritize.

Psychological impact is a structural unit, a component of interaction. At its core, psychological influence represents the penetration of one person into the psyche of another person. The purpose or results of this penetration is to change individual or group mental phenomena (views, attitudes, motives, attitudes, states, etc.). Psychological influence can achieve the desired results only if the subject of influence has a set of special, professional skills. Among them, V.N. Kulikov names:

• ability to identify and formulate specific goals and objectives of influence, taking into account the requirements of society or audience;

• the ability to quickly understand those people on whom the influence should be directed, to understand their psychological characteristics and condition;

• the ability to choose (from the available ones: persuasion, suggestion, conformism) the most effective methods and techniques of psychological influence, taking into account the purpose and characteristics of the person to whom it is directed.

The effect of the influence also depends on the psychological pliability of those at whom it is directed. V.N. Kulikov writes that “such compliance is based on the psychological characteristics of an individual or group, but is finally established in the process of real interaction. It means reducing the criticality of those structures of the individual or social psyche that accept external influences.” However, both the individual and the group are selective about psychological influences. This is due to the fact that in the way of these influences there is psychological protection - a kind of filter that separates desirable influences from undesirable ones, useful ones from harmful ones, those that correspond to needs, beliefs and values ​​from those that contradict them.

Psychological influence is the influence on the state, thoughts, feelings and actions of another person using exclusively psychological means, giving him the right and time to respond to this influence. A psychologically constructive influence (useful and creative for the participants in communication) must meet three criteria:

1) it does not destroy the personalities of the people participating in it and their relationships;

2) it is psychologically correct (competent, error-free);

3) it satisfies the needs of both parties.

Main types of interaction (4 “Cs”):

• Cooperation (cooperation). Clear agreement on the goal and achievement of the goal by one partner does not infringe on the interests of the other.

• Competition (achieving a goal by one by infringing on the interests of others).

• Confrontation (pursuit of opposing goals; do not make concessions).

• Corporation (based on mutual benefit: “You - for me, I - for you”).

The nature of interaction leads to certain communication tactics: cooperation, collaboration, seeking a compromise (the main type of cooperation), persuasion, explanations (methods of influence).


Interactive communication: types

In modern society, in which various technologies are progressing, interactive communication has more ways of implementation than several decades ago.

Technology gives us more ways to communicate interactively

The main types of interactive communication are:

  1. Labor activity of the team. Solving assigned tasks in a work team is the most common type of interactive communication. Joint activity to achieve the desired result is typical for any team. In addition to real conversations and discussions, computer technologies come to the rescue: “Skype for business” - real-time communication between several interlocutors (correspondence, conversation in conference mode) with the ability to exchange files.
  2. Education. Any activity at school, college, university is a type of interactive communication. Distance learning is widely used using special programs (“Skype”), during which the teacher and student, using interactive headphones, can be at a far distance from each other, but this will not interfere with the normal course of the educational process.
  3. Organization of free time and leisure activities. The interaction between the organizers and performers of any event is also a form of interactive communication.

Options for behavior of participants in interactive communication

Different points of view in the process of joint activities often give rise to disputes and conflicts. The famous conflict experts Kenneth and Kilmann discussed various options for the development of such situations.

Behavior styles were determined based on the principles of interactive communication:

  1. Expressing one’s own opinion, a series of actions to realize one’s own interests and achieve one’s goals.
  2. A measure of the perception of the other party's interests.

If we represent these two indicators of interactive communication in graphical form, we get the well-known Thomas-Kilmann grid.

Five main styles of behavior in a conflict situation are identified:

  1. Evasion (silence, inactivity). This happens if a person, for some reason, does not want to defend his rights, propose his own solutions, refrains from expressing his point of view, and does not participate in the dispute. In this case, an avoidance of responsibility for decision-making is assumed. This behavior is explained by the lack of importance of the situation for the person or the high degree of complexity of the decision.
  2. Competition (rivalry). An active form of defending one’s own interests using all means available to the participant to achieve set goals: power, various forms of pressure on competitors. In this case, the situation is extremely important for the participant. A tough position is expressed towards other participants in the interaction in case of their disagreement.
  3. Adaptation (behavior “according to circumstances”). The participant’s behavior is entirely aimed at maintaining and strengthening favorable relationships through full agreement with any point of view of the interlocutor. This situation develops if the participant’s contribution to the result is not too great. It happens that maintaining good relationships is more important than defending your point of view, especially if the participant has too little authority.
  4. Cooperation. The participant is determined to find a solution that will satisfy all participants in the interaction, taking into account his own interests. An open exchange of views and the interest of all participants in developing a common solution are encouraged.
  5. Compromise. The activities of the participants come down to finding a solution that satisfies all participants.

Forms and examples

Typically there are three forms of interactive interaction :

  1. Positive (cooperation, agreement, adaptation, association). In the first case, it is expressed in the organization of joint activities aimed at achieving the desired result for all participants in the process. In cooperation, a number of people unite into a common group to achieve a common goal. Consent means that a person expresses his approval of the majority position, without necessarily participating in activism himself. Adaptation implies that a person adjusts to the given circumstances. Association - the presence of a close connection between participants in the process who are similar to each other.
  2. Adversarial (competition, rivalry). This is where the competitive aspect comes first.
    In competition, there is a clash of interests of subjects who simultaneously claim the same benefits or achievements. Moreover, such a social process is both positive and negative.

    On the one hand, participants in the competition try to make every effort, improve their skills, and develop effective strategies. On the other hand, they are in a constant state of emotional tension and may resort to forbidden techniques in order to get what they want. Rivalry implies the manifestation of a desire to prevail over an opponent of equal strength. It can manifest itself openly or covertly. Rivals are in a state of active struggle for power, prestige, realization, recognition, etc. They realize that one will be a winner and the other will be a loser, which encourages them to defend their own interests.

  3. Negative (conflict, opposition, dissociation). What is? During joint activities, serious obstacles to effective interaction arise.
    Conflict is the most negative type of interactive interaction, in which serious disagreements and disputes arise between participants.

    Opposition is a manifestation of a negative reaction to a proposed action, behavior pattern or strategy. Dissociation is a mental process in which a person protects himself from an unpleasant situation by withdrawing from it. He imagines that everything that happens has to do with someone else, and not with him.

Positive interaction is observed during any effective joint activity. This could be the learning process, working on projects, holding cultural events, spending time together and much more.

For example, a positive interaction can be called a situation when, during a cleanup day, the organization’s staff jointly cleans up the area in front of its building.

Another example is children’s joint efforts to clean the apartment before their mother’s arrival.

The adversarial form of interaction is typical for business and professional activities.

This is where the clash of key interests of people who strive to achieve career success, realize their ambitions, and ensure their material well-being occurs.

Employees occupying the same position in the company may compete with each other during the implementation of projects, since everyone will strive to attract the attention of their superiors.

Negative interaction causes significant damage to the emotional state of its participants and reduces the effectiveness of their joint activities.

Parties that are in a state of hostility to each other cannot join forces to achieve a goal .

Thus, a conflict between spouses that arises when choosing new furniture for an apartment will lead to loss of time, irritation on both sides, and reluctance to make efforts to find a compromise.

Pros and cons of interactive communication

The advantages of interactive communication include:

  • quick achievement of results;
  • effectiveness in achieving the goal;

    There are significantly more advantages of interactive communication

  • formation of the personality of the participants in the process;
  • social adaptation of participants in society;
  • speed of access (when using Internet resources)

The disadvantages include:

  • the possibility of developing conflict situations;
  • incomplete self-realization of the participants in the process.
  • excessive enthusiasm for leisure activities.

Occurs when Internet resources are used in interactive communication: social networks, interactive games, etc.

Interactive communication on the Internet

With the advent of the Internet, the centuries-old dream of telephone users - to see the interlocutor - came true. And not only.

Today you can see your interlocutor who is on the other side of the globe, even on your phone

Interactive communication on the Internet in real time appeared not so long ago.

With the increase in data transfer speed, it became possible to communicate via audio and video:

  1. Interactive communication servers. The World Wide Web has thousands of Internet Relay Chat (IRC) servers through which interactive communication is made available. Any user can connect to such a server. You can communicate with any visitor to this server; group conversations are possible.
  2. Chatting. The simplest and most loved conversation is messaging from the keyboard. The message window is visible to all participants in the conversation at once. If your computer is equipped with a sound card, microphone, headphones, or speakers, you can exchange voice messages. A real conversation is only possible between two participants at the same time. In order to see each other during a conversation, video cameras must be connected to the computers. Conventional analog video cameras are connected to video cards, digital cameras are connected to the parallel port of the computer. Laptops are sold with built-in video cameras. iPhones, smartphones, and iPads have a built-in front camera.
  3. Special software. There are many such programs, for example, NetMeeting (part of Internet Explorer), Skype.

Interesting facts from history

Scientists believe that interactive communication, of course, at a low level, first appeared fifteen thousand years ago.

The first most ancient signs of such communication were discovered in Africa, therefore it is indirectly accepted that it was there that the first language originated. But, unfortunately, it is not known exactly what kind of language this is and which modern language it is related to. We can say that all subsequent discoveries: spelling, meaning of words were similar, but over time the languages ​​lost their closeness and became more complex and individual.

Today there are about seven thousand languages, not counting dialects. Every year more and more new words come into our communication, making our vocabulary more diverse. The Russian language alone is estimated to consist of one hundred and fifty thousand words. So, the average person in constant communication uses up to fifty thousand words in different variations. And this is necessary in order for you to be understood.

Thanks to language, you can share your knowledge, show feelings and emotions. We will never be able to imagine a world without language and without constant exchange of information.

Even in the initial stages, people were faced with various disagreements and different views on things. Ancient Greek thinkers spoke in their chronicles about the war of minds. Even then it became clear that a common opinion unites people into groups. These groups can take into account various interests: religious, political, cultural. Because of different beliefs and unwillingness or inability to negotiate, wars began. Theoretically, any conflict can be called a war, and conflicts arose between people on various grounds. Which at one time led to the ability to smooth them out and give way to each other. The ability to negotiate brought us to this level.

The importance of interactive communication in the modern world

Interactive communication is the active activity of a group of people, aimed at a specific result, communicating realistically, without any means of technology, or through telephone communication.

The role of interactive communication using Internet resources can be said without any exaggeration:

  1. Interactive communication is a unique tool in business development and economic cooperation (the use of servers and programs for quick file exchange).
  2. It allows you to organize and supplement the educational process with effective methods (distance learning in various subjects).
  3. Brings people together, allowing you to communicate while being at a great distance from each other.

Modern man needs to learn the principles and rules of interactive communication.

This will allow you to painlessly adapt to the conditions of modern society and achieve successful results in achieving your goals.

In this video you will learn a lot of interesting things about interactive communication:

Interactive communication and its necessity in team work

We go to work almost every day, but we have never thought about the importance of communication in a team. We don’t have such a need; everything was invented long ago before us. We simply skillfully use the acquired knowledge and implement it in life. Communication has long been the norm, and correctly practiced phrases and manipulation skills can make you a leader in a team. So, we can conclude that no matter where you work, if you have a large vocabulary and knowledge necessary for work, thereby you will raise your level among other colleagues.

For permanent leadership, you need to develop your skills in communicating with people and strive not only to receive benefits, but also to bring them. The purpose of our work is profit and moral satisfaction.

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