My experience. Neurosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia and what to do about it?

Neurotic disorders (or neurosis

) is a group of functional disorders of the nervous system that affect a huge number of people in the modern world. The appearance of neurosis is facilitated by the accelerated pace of life, stressful situations, and a pile-up of everyday difficulties. Against the background of the disease, a person’s life turns into survival with constant emotional fatigue. This leads to disruption of communication and interaction between the nervous system and all organs, having a negative impact on the psychophysical state. Advanced neuroses can be aggravated by more serious pathological abnormalities, so it is extremely important to undergo a comprehensive course of treatment under the supervision of experienced specialists.

Features of psychotherapy

It is possible to treat neurosis on your own, but achieving the desired result in this way is extremely rare. The patient cannot weigh all the factors and objectively look at the situation from the outside, so he will not be able to find the cause of the problem and eliminate it. Therefore, it is necessary to entrust therapy to an experienced psychotherapist who is able to fully influence the individual and cure existing mental disorders. To do this, the doctor must find out the cause of the pathological condition and push the patient to tell him what is bothering him. Gradually, the patient will stop feeling like a victim of circumstances and will understand that you cannot change the past, but you can try to prevent similar situations from reoccurring in the future.

During a psychotherapy session, the doctor learns everything about the patient’s fears and their nature, because they are a protective reaction of the body. After listening to the patient, the psychotherapist will express his point of view, and then give the necessary advice and recommendations. In some cases, additional methods of relieving neurotic symptoms may be required, for example, group psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, etc.

After completing the course, most patients feel significantly better. They look to the future with a positive attitude, and the situations they have experienced no longer cause discomfort. Psychotherapy makes such people stronger, and they will cope with stress and panic without much difficulty.

The psychotherapist often biases the patient's work. His work is not only a way to earn money, but also an opportunity to realize his creative potential. To realize this fact, the doctor will help broaden the patient’s horizons, and he will be able to take a fresh look at things and more easily survive the blows of fate.

During psychotherapy courses, patients are advised to take up a hobby. It can be any hobby, such as collecting stamps or drawing, but it is important that this activity brings pleasure. Hobbies help you relax and forget about the stress you have experienced, so treatment goes much faster.

In severe cases, the doctor will advise combining medication with a course of psychotherapy. This will include medications to sedate the patient. It is prohibited to take them on your own, since such medications have many contraindications and are sometimes addictive.



Neurosis is a disorder of the human nervous system in which long-term, severe stress occurs. With this disease, a person experiences constant anxiety, irritability, and increased fatigue.

This problem can arise in any person who has experienced severe stress or suffers from chronic fatigue. The disease affects both men and women equally. You can cope with the disease if you seek medical help in a timely manner.

Only a highly qualified doctor can restore a person’s psychological health without allowing the development of serious complications of this disease.

Symptoms of neurosis

The first signs of the disease are increased anxiety, resentment and indecisiveness of a person.

The patient is constantly in a bad mood, gets tired quickly and complains of irritability. The disease is essentially a general name for several neuropsychiatric disorders.

Therefore, neurosis can cause various symptoms. The main signs of the disease include:

  • sudden mood changes;
  • isolation;
  • anxiety;
  • absent-mindedness;
  • depression;
  • aggressiveness.

In addition, a person also always experiences somatic symptoms indicating neurosis. For example, he often complains of headaches that come on suddenly. Sometimes they feel pain in the heart, joints, and muscles. Often people with this diagnosis have shaking hands.

The main signs of neurosis also include increased sweating. It does not arise due to hot weather, but as a result of strong emotions and fear. Particularly severe sweating is observed in humans at night. At the same time, he is bothered by insomnia and frequent nightmares.

The patient also experiences signs of neurosis, which indicate problems with the vestibular apparatus. A person may complain of dizziness, which gets worse when tilting the head back. In the most severe cases, even fainting can occur.

Neurosis can occur due to various factors. In the vast majority of cases, the appearance of this disease is associated with severe psychological disorders. Experts identify the following most common causes of the disease:

  • long-term emotional experiences, dissatisfaction with one’s life;
  • stress due to the inability to solve any problem;
  • strong feelings of guilt;
  • developmental disorders of the nervous system;
  • long-term depression;
  • addiction to strong alcoholic drinks and drugs.

Sometimes neurosis can also occur against the background of other ailments. For example, tuberculosis or flu can provoke exhaustion of the body, which becomes the cause of disease of the nervous system. In women, this disease can develop after psychological trauma received during difficult childbirth or due to fetal loss.

The disease often occurs in children. The following can provoke the appearance of neurosis in them:

  • aggressive attitude of parents;
  • too much concern;
  • humiliation and neglect;
  • conflicts with other children or teachers;
  • parents' divorce.

All these conflicts can greatly affect the psychological state of the child. In addition, they can cause serious problems with the child’s social relationships in the future.

The disease can be cured fairly quickly. However, this problem must be taken very seriously. By strictly following all the doctor’s instructions, a person will quickly feel relief. If you suspect that you or your loved ones have a neurosis and observe its symptoms, then urgently seek help from the following specialists:

At the first appointment, the doctor will talk with the patient. The patient must talk about his condition and indicate all complaints. The doctor will also ask the patient several clarifying questions:

Next, the doctor will prescribe the person to undergo several procedures. They are necessary in order to exclude the possibility of developing other diseases that have the same symptoms as neurosis. Only after receiving the results of all tests does the doctor have the right to begin therapy.

A person with such a problem requires urgent medical attention. Although such a disorder cannot lead to disability, it can significantly worsen the patient’s quality of life. Refusal to treat neurosis risks the following complications:

  • extremely severe depressive state;
  • violation of social adaptation;
  • loss of performance.

Signs of neurosis begin to become more painful over time. A person with this disorder has difficulty recognizing other people's emotions. He is constantly in a depressed mood and feels waves of unreasonable fear. The patient tries to completely isolate himself from the outside world, reducing all contacts with other people to a minimum.

Only complex and long-term therapy will help a person completely overcome neurosis. In this case, the patient is prescribed sanatorium treatment. Psychologists help patients cope with internal and interpersonal conflicts. Also, throughout the course of treatment, the person takes antidepressants and drugs that normalize the balance of neurotransmitters.

There is no point in trying to cope with the disease on your own. Only a highly qualified doctor can help you get rid of this problem.

If you start therapy at the first signs of neurosis, you can cope with it quickly enough. Traditional treatment methods can be used to combat the disorder.

Doctors will help determine which remedies will be effective. Today, the following traditional medicine recipes are most often prescribed for neuroses:

  • Red wine. You need to add a little chopped motherwort herb to a slightly warmed drink. Stir and bring to a boil. Cool the product and strain thoroughly. Take the medicine twice a day before meals.
  • Chamomile. The flowers need to be brewed in boiling water. Pour the product into a bathtub filled with warm water. Carry out such water procedures every other day. You need to take a bath with chamomile for 15 minutes.
  • Honey. It must be dissolved in a glass of warm water. Mix well. Drink this remedy half an hour before meals every day for 1.5-2 months.
  • Herbal collection. It is necessary to combine valerian root, chamomile flowers, rosemary, thyme, St. John's wort, lavender, and peppermint in equal proportions. Pour boiling water over the herb mixture. Let the broth brew. Strain well and pour into the bath. Take it before bed for 10 minutes.

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Treatment methods

Psychotherapy for neuroses includes the following techniques:

  • Individual conversation. Treatment is carried out through conversations alone with the patient;
  • Group therapy. The specialist assembles groups based on certain criteria, such as age, cause of the disorder and gender. The goal of such treatment is for the person to look at similar situations from the outside and share their problems. During the session, people discuss ways to overcome current situations and support each other;
  • Hypnotherapy. Used by a narrow number of specialists to influence the symptoms characteristic of neurosis;
  • Autogenic training. The method serves primarily to relieve vegetative manifestations of pathology and is based on self-hypnosis;
  • Narcopsychotherapy. For treatment, medications containing narcotic substances are used. This treatment is used mainly in the presence of pronounced hysteria;
  • Rational psychotherapy. The effect of this type of treatment is achieved by influencing the patient’s mind and logic. Rational psychotherapy can be used both alone with the patient and during group therapy;
  • Family psychotherapy. The patient comes to the session together with his close relatives. The essence of such treatment is to normalize the microclimate in the family and restore normal relationships.>

Usually the doctor limits himself to individual conversations, but sometimes he combines several techniques. The choice of treatment method will depend on the cause of the disease and the factors influencing its occurrence.

Psychiatrist, psychologist and psychotherapist, what is the difference, how do they differ – Balance

Firstly, a psychologist is not a doctor ; this specialist does not have a medical education. Therefore, he cannot diagnose and treat patients. In order to help people, he needs to receive special education.

Many educational institutions today offer training to become psychologists, so within this profession you can meet clinical psychologists, educational psychologists, etc.

Each of these specialists works with specific problems in people's behavior and thinking.

A person who finds himself in a difficult life situation or is experiencing an age crisis can turn to a psychologist who, with the help of leading questions and psychological tests, will determine the nature of the disorder and help him understand himself and the problems that have arisen.

In some cases, the psychologist may recommend that the client see a specialized doctor. For example, if a psychologist encounters a case of unusual emotional lability that is accompanied by weight loss and nervousness, thyroid function may be impaired (hyperfunction).

And then the person is sent to an endocrinologist for tests and accurate diagnosis.

A psychiatrist, a psychologist, a psychotherapist, the difference in this case is not so significant, since in case of somatic diseases, any of these professionals will refer you to a doctor of the particular profile who treats individual somatic diseases (a cardiologist, a neurologist, even an otolaryngologist). There are many diseases in which psychological or even psychiatric symptoms come to the fore, although the main disorder is not in the brain, but in other organs.

If it is proven that there are no diseases of the body, and the person has a problem of a purely psychological nature, then the psychologist has the opportunity to show his skills. In general, psychologists have the right:

  • test people, including checking their level of intelligence;
  • work in a helpline - on the phone;
  • help teenagers and adults choose (change) a profession;
  • conduct various types of training;
  • help people identify their abilities and determine their place in life;
  • consult privately or work on the staff of a medical institution;
  • general psychologists devote themselves to research and teaching;
  • a clinical psychologist usually works in medical institutions, he makes it easier for the doctor to make a diagnosis;
  • educational psychologists work in children's educational institutions;
  • psychologists work with people who are addicted (to alcohol, cigarettes, gadgets) - in such difficult cases they carry out their professional activities
    together with doctors.

The profession of a psychologist is classified as “helping ,” so psychologists themselves must regularly maintain their psychological state at a good level, avoiding “burnout.”

supervision once in a certain period - when one of the psychologists acts as a patient, and the other helps him solve problems.

Psychologists are excellent at helping people understand themselves; they have many interesting techniques, tests, and useful trainings.

Psychiatrist, psychologist, psychotherapist, the difference is not immediately clear to people; for example, in some cases, communication with a psychologist cannot replace a trip to the doctor.

Excellent results are obtained when a psychiatrist or psychotherapist works together with a psychologist , providing the patient with comprehensive support.

The work of a psychologist in schools and kindergartens is very valuable . A specialist working with children in this area assesses the development of children and determines their level of intelligence.

And most importantly, it helps the child adapt to new, unfamiliar conditions (when a child goes from home to kindergarten or from home straight to school).

Children's, and especially teenage crises are easier to overcome when the child has the opportunity to turn to a competent psychologist.

Who is a psychiatrist and who does he treat?

What is the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist can be briefly explained as follows. The most important thing is that a psychiatrist is a doctor (as opposed to a psychologist). He has a higher medical education plus a certificate in his specialty - psychiatry. To obtain a certificate after medical school, a doctor must also study to become a psychiatrist in order to become a full-fledged specialist.

Psychiatrist, psychologist, psychotherapist, the difference between these specialists can be very significant. A psychiatrist has the right to consult and treat people who are mentally healthy, as well as those with mental illness.

Psychiatrists have a great responsibility , since they have the right to prescribe even the most “dangerous” medications that have a strong effect on the psyche.

In addition, a psychiatrist examines people to determine their suitability for driving and determines legal capacity (whether a person’s illness allows them to sign important documents, including financial ones).

A psychiatrist may admit a mentally ill person to the hospital if he poses a danger to other people or is capable of injuring himself . In a hospital setting, a psychiatrist observes and treats such patients.

Psychologist or psychiatrist who should I contact? This question is often asked to the staff of our Equilibrium Mental Health Center.

It makes sense to consult a psychiatrist in case of significant and prolonged mood swings (for example, when a depressed state lasts more than 1 month).

In the case of a suicide attempt, a few decades ago everyone was sent to a psychiatrist; today this is voluntary, but we insist on the need to visit this specialist even if you only have thoughts of suicide.

You should consult a psychiatrist when you are overcome by various phobias. Both severe unmotivated anxiety and prolonged insomnia can be a consequence of mental illness. Psychiatrists treat epilepsy, a disease characterized by hallucinations and delusions.

By the way, addiction to psychoactive substances (alcohol, drugs) is also treated by a psychiatrist. Therefore, if your relative is an alcoholic or drug addict, then first of all you need to contact a psychiatrist-narcologist , who will make an accurate diagnosis.

The main method of treatment for psychiatrists is medication. Therefore, a good specialist must have a good understanding of the intricacies of the action of certain drugs: antidepressants, antipsychotics, tranquilizers.

Many medications prescribed by psychiatrists (for example, antidepressants) do not act immediately; their therapeutic effect “unfolds” over several weeks. Therefore, the doctor must explain to the patient that there will be no immediate cure; he will have to wait until the medicine begins to act.

In addition, there is such a thing as “drug selection”.

Psychiatrist, psychologist, psychotherapist, the difference in this case is great, since the psychologist simply does not have the right to prescribe medications. Only a psychiatrist (or psychotherapist) can patiently select an antidepressant that is ideal for the patient.

This is explained by the fact that such medications have different effects on the psyche of people. For example, the same drug will have a calming effect on the psyche of one person and cause a psychotic state in another.

And the psychiatrist’s task is to replace the medicine with another one in a timely manner.

There is one more point in the work of a psychiatrist. Doctors of other specialties often refer patients to him for consultation, especially in cases where diseases have similar symptoms. A neurologist, endocrinologist, oncologist and other specialists often resort to the services of psychiatrists to clarify the diagnosis.

There is no need to be afraid of this, even if a psychiatrist discovers a mental illness, he will simply treat the patient using his knowledge and skills. Psychiatrists do not have the goal of registering patients with a dispensary (especially since this is quite difficult to do).

And if you contact a private center, such as the Equilibrium Mental Health Center, then you are guaranteed anonymity.

Who is a psychotherapist and when should you make an appointment with him?

Is the psychotherapist a doctor or not? This question is also often asked to our employees. Confusion in the “names” of specialists who deal with people’s mental health has arisen for a long time.

Psychiatrist, psychologist, psychotherapist, the difference between them is clear only to people whose occupation is associated with mental illness or thinking disorders. As we have already explained, a psychologist does not deal with diseases, he helps people resolve difficult life situations.

We also outlined the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist - a psychiatrist is a doctor and treats patients with medications.

A psychotherapist is also a doctor, and a psychiatrist who has undergone additional retraining.

Only a specialist who has this knowledge, confirmed by a diploma and certificates, can conduct either private activities or work as a psychotherapist in a clinic, hospital or dispensary.

It is important to know that neither a psychiatrist, nor even a psychologist have the right to conduct psychotherapeutic practice.

A psychotherapist has extensive knowledge of the human psyche. He can treat patients both with medications and using non-drug methods .

A good psychotherapist has a lot of them in his arsenal, especially if he has extensive experience and constantly attends advanced training courses.

Such a doctor can use psychotherapeutic methods : psychotherapy - group or individual, short-term or long-term.

Now the difference between a psychologist and a psychotherapist becomes obvious - these specialists have completely different ways of influencing the psyche, and the psychologist is not a doctor. A psychotherapist can conduct the following psychotherapy sessions: gestalt, hypnosis, art therapy, behavioral therapy, music therapy , etc.

Typically, a psychotherapist practices several types of therapies.

He differs from a psychologist and psychiatrist in that he has the broadest powers, since he is able to advise on all types of mental disorders, treat patients with mental disorders (but not severe ones, since they are dealt with by a psychiatrist) and prescribe any medications.

Psychotherapists diagnose and treat personality disorders, emotional disorders, depressive states, neuroses, and phobias. In addition, the psychotherapist works with so-called “borderline” conditions ; they are successfully treated subject to a well-chosen combination of medications and psychotherapeutic methods.

Causes and prevention

Neurosis is provoked by:

  • stress, overexertion;
  • psychological trauma (no matter how long ago it was suffered);
  • frequent failures, problems in the work, family, social spheres;
  • hereditary predisposition (personality type, influence of the environment in which the person grew up);
  • head injuries;
  • decreased immunity;
  • a sharp change in hormonal levels.


  • exclusion of stressful situations;
  • adherence to sleep and rest patterns;
  • proper nutrition;
  • strengthening physical health;
  • exclusion of new psychological traumas.
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