“Significant adult”: how and why St. Petersburg residents are friends with teenagers from orphanages

Symptoms of the disease

The manifestations of Covid-19 depend on its form. Infectious disease specialists distinguish 3 groups of coronavirus infection, depending on the stage of its development.

Mild form of the disease

In most patients, the disease is mild and is characterized by symptoms characteristic of a common acute respiratory infection:

  • slight increase in temperature;
  • cough;
  • runny nose;
  • muscle and joint pain;
  • headache;
  • diarrhea;
  • weakness.

These manifestations may be present in whole or in part and indicate the presence of Covid-19 or other respiratory viral infections, since their symptoms are the same.

In a small percentage of patients, the disease is asymptomatic, so they are not aware of the danger in the form of the risk of developing complications and are a source of infection for others.

Moderate illness

At this stage of the disease, complications appear that are caused by the patient having chronic diseases:

  • immunodeficiency states;
  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • kidney pathologies.

Their manifestations depend on the specific condition of the patient, for example, with diabetes mellitus a sharp increase in blood glucose levels may occur, with angina pectoris - a heart attack, with nephritis - renal failure.

Severe form of the disease

In severe cases of Covid-19, life-threatening conditions arise due to complications. Their manifestations are caused by a specific disease and urgently require appropriate treatment.

SARS-CoV-2 poses a particular danger to the lungs and bronchi, as it can cause an extremely dangerous form of pneumonia.

It is characterized by failure of the pulmonary vesicles that provide breathing, which can lead to acute respiratory failure. In such cases, oxygen therapy, in particular artificial ventilation, is required.

Psychological signs of an adult

Friends, I have formulated some guidelines that you can use in testing your adulthood.

Please, don't judge yourself. Just take note where it still needs some work to grow a little.

I am convinced that it is easier for an adult to be an adult, not a child. Let's try to rely on our own benefit, and stop judging ourselves as bad.

1. A child takes, but an adult knows how to not only take, but also give.

2. The child accepts support without gratitude, because he takes it for granted. An adult knows how to appreciate the resource that is given to him. Therefore, he experiences gratitude.

3. The child does not know how to appreciate. It seems to him that adults have it easy, they don’t expend any effort. Adults know how to value not only their own efforts. They were able to grow to the point where they could appreciate other people's efforts.

4. The child needs another person to satisfy his need. An adult finds how to satisfy his need.

5. The child globalizes. If mom was angry, he will say “mom is angry.” An adult remains at the level of perception of processes, without globalizing. I'm angry now, you're angry now. All this happens because you are dissatisfied with something, and I may be dissatisfied.

6. The child does not see his mother as a living person at all. She is simply a function that “owes” him. Therefore, he expects attention and care from other people, without caring about their resources. An adult realizes that each person has a set of resources that he controls. It is he who decides how much resources to give.

7. The child has not matured enough to understand responsibility. Therefore, other people make decisions instead of him, caring about him. An adult is capable of taking responsibility. He accepts responsibility for his feelings, needs and choices.

8. A child makes another person grandiose. He is extremely kind. Or grandiosely evil. Being an adult doesn't make anyone grandiose. He sees the other person as real, real, at every moment in time.

9. A child needs the experience of an adult. He relies on the experience of an adult. An adult increases his experience, respects it and relies on it.

10. The child needs to be reflected, to recognize his separateness and, while maintaining affection, to maintain separation. An adult has enough resources and motivation to maintain his relationships and maintain his separateness.

11. The child cannot cope with his emotional states; he needs an adult who will calm him down, support him, and give him permission to experience his feelings. An adult quickly identifies his feelings and needs and can name them. He doesn't need permission to consider them valuable and meaningful.

That is, the child does not have his own resources to cope with his limitations. He needs an Adult who will help him go through all the riffs of growing up. We need an adult who has gone through all these reefs himself.

If his parent is not an adult, not mature, the child does not mature, his separation does not occur, the grandiosity in the perception of the world remains.

At the same time, a lot of fear and aggression accumulates in front of “their” adult, and towards “their” adult, which are hidden by defenses. Fear and aggression are then projected onto other people.

Author of the drawing: Veronika Lobareva



  • 1 Description of the technique
  • 2 Procedure 2.1 Instructions
  • 3 Processing of results
      3.1 Key
  • 3.2 Table for converting raw scores to standard values
  • 4 Interpretation
      4.1 Jam
  • 4.2 Demonstration
  • 4.3 Pedantry
  • 4.4 Excitability
  • 4.5 Hyperthymia
  • 4.6 Distance
  • 4.7 Cyclothimity
  • 4.8 Exaltation
  • 4.9 Emotivity
  • 4.10 Anxiety
  • 5 Stimulus material
      5.1 Questionnaire text
  • 6 Literature
  • 7 See also
  • “Significant adult”: how and why St. Petersburg residents are friends with teenagers from orphanages

    How to prepare to become “significant adults”

    Before starting training, I was tested at a drug and mental health clinic and provided a certificate of no criminal record.
    It doesn’t matter what you do, the main thing is kindness and humanity. The preparation itself lasted four months: we have one, I went there twice every two weeks, all the teachers there are psychologists. The first week there was one evening class on Friday and another half-day on Sunday. The next week we rested and digested the information. This preparation was very useful to me: it even seems to me that now the project has given me more than I gave it. We touched on sensitive topics and thought about them. It also happened that I cried, I was shaking, but all these emotions found a way out and it became easier. There were 23 people in my stream, these were different people: IT guys, engineers, girl writers, businesswomen, young activists. Only half made it to the finals. After the training, we had another interview and wrote motivation letters.

    How to select a child

    As a result, psychologists individually select a child for each adult. It is important to say that all this is voluntary - in order to get into the program, children themselves must express such a desire. Some people spend six months looking for a mate, others a year; it is necessary for a match to occur so as not to further traumatize the teenager. They asked me whether I would like a boy or a girl, but I answered that gender was completely unimportant to me, the main thing was that the child needed me and I could give him something.

    First meeting

    I met my ward a couple of months after graduation - it was summer, I was waiting for her to return from camp. They told me almost nothing about her in advance - and I myself didn’t want to know anything, so as not to label her, but to listen to her. We met, and I immediately realized that this was my child - she was like a copy of me 10 years ago.

    The two of us went to the park, talked about who loves what, who does what, she showed me some funny videos on her phone. At some point I turned on “Shashlyndos” by the group “Khleb” - I had not heard this song then. I then realized that we have a similar sense of humor, and this is very important. Now, when I hear this song, I immediately think of it.

    Contact was established immediately, despite the fact that she, like most children from the orphanage, is rather closed. But, it seems to me, I was even more worried than she was: after all, I waited a long time, it took me a lot of energy and time to prepare. I was shaken as if on a first date, but at the same time I understood that she was incredibly interesting to me - she is a very active girl with a lot of hobbies.

    Processing the results

    1. The subject's answer options are compared with the Key.
    2. Match the answer options with the Key according to paragraphs. 5, 25, 31, 46, 50, 52, 62 receives a “raw” score from 1 to 4 points, based on the following scale: 4 – completely disagree; 3 – rather disagree; 2 – agree; 1 – completely agree.
    3. The agreement of the answer options with the Key (Table 4) for all other questions receives a “raw score” from 1 to 4 points, based on the following scale: 1 – completely disagree; 2 – rather disagree; 3 – agree; 4 – completely agree.
    4. The total amount of “raw” grades is calculated. The minimum value of the sum on each scale is 8, the maximum is 32.
    5. The raw score is compared to a standard value, which can range from 1 to 10 walls.
    6. Standard values ​​on each scale can be classified into one of three groups: low values ​​(1...3 wall, 25% of the population); average values ​​(4 – 6 walls, 50% of the population); high values ​​(7 – 10 walls, 25% of the population).


    No.Accentuation type nameAnswer no.
    Direct rating scaleReverse rating scale
    1Stuck (D)2, 12, 15, 24, 37, 56, 7346*
    2Demonstrative (De)7, 29, 41, 44, 60, 68, 8050*
    3Pedantic (P)4, 14, 17, 26, 39, 58, 65, 75
    4Excitable (B)8, 20, 30, 42, 51, 61, 69, 78
    5Hyperthymic (G)1, 11, 23, 33, 45, 54, 63, 72
    6Disthymic (Di)9, 21, 43, 70, 7931*, 52*, 62*
    7Cyclothymic (C)6, 18, 28, 40, 49,59, 67,77
    8Exalted (Ek)10, 19, 22, 32, 34, 36, 53, 71
    9Emotive (Um)3, 13, 35, 47, 55, 64, 7425*
    10Anxious (T)16, 27, 38, 48, 57, 66, 765*
    • Items that require recoding are marked with an asterisk (see paragraph 2)

    Table for converting raw scores to standard values

    ScaleStandard values ​​(walls)

    How to understand that you are an adult

    Adult does not mean old. There are elderly people who behave irresponsibly and carelessly. And there are very young girls and boys who can safely be considered adults. An adult is a mature person who understands himself and those around him, for whom creation is more important than destruction. How to understand that you are a mature person?

    You are independent

    This is not about knowing how to tie your shoelaces or cook your own dinner. Independence is, first of all, the ability to solve your own problems, as well as set goals and achieve them. This does not mean that you have to start a battle with the whole world every day. You can and should ask for help and use your connections. An independent person soberly assesses his strengths and makes every effort to achieve his goals.

    You are responsible

    If you think that all your problems are your own fault, you are an adult and mature person. An adult has the courage to admit that it was his actions or inactions that led to the present state of affairs. Neither parents, nor friends, nor other people, but you are the real reason for victories and defeats. Psychologists believe that responsibility to oneself makes a person responsible to others. Moreover, a responsible person suffers less from psychological problems.

    Do you understand yourself

    You don’t have to be a psychologist and fall asleep with a volume of Freud under your pillow to be a psychologically literate person. It is enough to learn to understand your reactions to the events happening around you and listen to yourself. If you know your weaknesses and strengths, and have also gotten rid of the grievances of childhood and youth, you are an adult.

    You care about others

    You should not try to cover the whole world with your concern - it is impossible. If you feel the need to take care of loved ones or colleagues and know how to do this unobtrusively, then you are a mature person. It is very important not to define for yourself the boundaries beyond which your concern ends. Don’t try to strangle anyone with your tutelage and encroach on someone else’s freedom.

    Do you value time

    A mature person knows the value of time, knows how to work productively and relax properly. He does not strive to do everything at once, as he understands that any business takes time. At the same time, he values ​​not only his own, but also other people’s time - he does not bother over trifles, does not distract others and thinks before speaking. Mature people realize the finitude of life and its transience. In this regard, they take every minute seriously and arrange their lives wisely.

    By the way, you can learn about the habits that prevent us from living, as well as how to remain calm even during martial law.


    Below are interpretations based on low (1-3 walls) and medium (4-6 walls) scale values. The description of high values ​​(7−10 walls) corresponds to the characteristics of the types of accentuations.


    Low values.

    Does not remember any insults, is unvindictive, does not notice insults, lacks ambition, does not pay any attention to critical remarks. There are no egocentric impulses (or they are blocked). The boundaries of the mental image of “I” are not outlined, the attitude towards oneself has not been developed. Forming motivation is difficult.

    Average values.

    He does not remember grievances for long, revenge quickly passes, insults are quickly forgotten, he has adequate ambition, and reacts adequately to critical remarks.


    Low values.

    He is distinguished by shyness, a developed ethical complex, sincerity and depth of feelings. An anxious, passive person prefers to stay “in the shadows” and avoids large crowds of people.

    Average values.

    Average sociability; avoids exposing himself, but also does not hide from people if he needs to speak in front of a large audience.


    Low values.

    Denies the desire for thoroughness, accuracy, and self-control. His home and work are a complete mess. Permissiveness, impunity, irresponsibility are manifestations at the everyday level. This feature can be both the result of social neglect and a form of psychological defense.

    Average values.

    Tidy in moderation: tries to maintain order at home and at work as needed; doesn't like it, but agrees to do work that requires thoroughness.


    Low values.

    Shows exceptional composure, a high level of self-control and self-regulation in the sphere of emotional reactions and relationships.

    Average values.

    Tries to stay cool, but sometimes loses his temper; able to adequately control strong desires.


    Low values.

    My mood is low. Pessimistic. Lack of initiative. Facial expressions are not expressed, coordination of movements is poorly expressed. Does not like fast physical exercise. Low thirst for intellectual activity. Little sociable. A suspicious person with a possible tendency to dependent behavior.

    Average values.

    The mood is average. Not pessimistic, not optimistic. Average degree of initiative. Facial expressions are average, coordination of movements is average. Average need for intellectual activity. Average sociability.


    Low values.

    Denies (or blocks) shyness and lack of initiative. Its distinctive features: verbosity, emotional mobility, constant involvement in activities, a wide range of behavioral programs.

    Average values.

    Moderately talkative, reasonable pessimist, even mood.


    Low values.

    Such a person denies in himself (or blocks) manifestations of mood swings, changes in activity, and describes his behavior as stable, stable, independent of external circumstances. Average scale values. The mood is generally stable.


    Low values.

    There is emotional depression. In its extreme form – coldness, “emotional dullness.” All types of activities are not emotionally colored and are stereotypical. The impression of emotional detachment is created.

    Average values.

    Average emotional sensitivity, stable, even mood.


    Low values.

    Such a person practically does not cry, and is rude and insensitive towards other people.
    Denies (or blocks) the feeling of compassion, is prone to deviant, and in extreme cases, antisocial behavior. Average values.
    He rarely cries, does not express special feelings for people, and shows compassion only when necessary.


    Low values.

    Denies (or blocks) subjective experiences of fear.
    He does not feel helpless, he is a determined, proactive person, and always feels safe. Shows courage in any unknown situation and is not afraid of accidents. Reckless. Average values.
    The feeling of fear is appropriate to the situation.

    ( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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