Why do you need to update your site? And do you need it?

Why? For what? Or for what?

We do things, make decisions, perform any actions - and they all have a reason.

Are we always aware of it? The real reason?

Sometimes reinforced concrete confidence in understanding turns out to be far from the truth. Therefore, my answer is: “Rather no than yes.”

I would even call this not a reason, but a personal benefit, because any, absolutely any decision is primarily dictated by personal benefit. Selfish to some extent, if you like.

How to understand it?

There are several questions that we ask ourselves in search of an answer. And that's how they work.

The question "Why?" First of all, this is a reference to the past, that is, to what we cannot change. The answer will be “Because” - the person puts himself in a passive, driven position. I did this not because I wanted to - but because someone or something provoked me: the attitude of “someone is to blame, but not me.” Very destructive thinking that hinders one’s own development. Avoidance of responsibility.

The question “Why?” This is already a reference to the true root cause of the action. However, the very formulation of the question is so commonplace that it is often perceived as the same thing as the question “Why?” And to this question I often hear the answer: “Because.” Confusion remains in the search for constructive information.

The question “For what?” This is just a MEGA question. This is a question that forces you to start thinking differently than usual. Which obliges you to take responsibility for your actions, actions and decisions. And now this is constructive. Firstly, because it refers us to the future, and we have the opportunity to influence and change it. And secondly, we do not have the opportunity to change others, but we can change ourselves.

Now, using an example from consultations.

I ask a question (experiment): - Why do you want to save your family? Answer: - Because I love my family. We've been together for many years. We have children. I want my children to have a complete family and a healthy atmosphere.

I ask another question: - Why do you want to save your family? Answer (common): - Well, I’m saying: because I love my family. We've been together for many years. We have children. I want my children to have a complete family and a healthy atmosphere.

And I ask the key question: - Why do you want to save your family? Answer: - So that I feel good and calm. - Good and calm - how's that? - Divorce is bad. I can't afford to do something bad - then I'll feel bad. — Do you feel good and calm in your family now? - No. - Nevertheless, you want to save your family. For what? “It’s important for me to be needed and caring.” I don’t want the children to think that I abandoned them, abandoned them. - That is, if I understand you correctly, you want to save your family in order to feel cared for and needed, so that the children do not think badly of you?

Do you feel the difference? I won’t go into explanation of the client’s situation. This was not the main idea of ​​the article.

I suggest experimenting for those who have not yet used this gorgeous tool - “for what?”

  • It’s not why we swear - but why am I swearing ?
  • It’s not why they don’t understand me - but why do I need it not to be understood ?
  • Why aren’t they raising my salary? Why aren’t they raising my salary ?
  • Not why my child doesn’t listen to me - but why do I need my child to not listen to me ?

Why - this is your call for your own actions in your own life and in your own happiness, when you are its owner and easily take responsibility.

Reasons to travel

There can be many reasons for traveling, each person has something personal. Some people visit different countries because of work, some take a break from their daily routine, others are looking for the adrenaline that is missing in everyday life.

There are several reasons for traveling that people often give. So what are travel benefits?

Career matters and meaningless activities

Long studies, dubious courses, advanced training and a hated job. At one point in your life you realize that everything you did before made no sense at all. Why do you need a degree from this university if you are doing something completely different? Why this specialty? Why do you waste time at work where there are no prospects, money and chances?

Why do I need this? One day I asked myself this question. But after that he quit his job and moved far away. Once you ask yourself one similar question, all the tinsel is showered with unnecessary rubbish. Don't you have a decent answer? Then don't do what you're about to do. Don't waste your resources on pointless things. Find better use of your powers.

General rule

It is important to separate parts of speech in order to understand how to write “why” - separately or together. There is no need to rush, it is better to figure out what question the word answers. And also determine the part of speech to which it belongs.

Adverbs do not change by gender, number or case. In a sentence, they most often act as circumstances. The lexeme “why” is usually used in interrogative phrases; it clarifies the reason for the action. Grammatical features indicate that this is an adverb.

It is formed from a pronoun. There is also a negative option - there is no need. It is based on a pronominal adverb and the prefix non-. The lexeme is used in sentences with a negative connotation: he has no reason to come here.

The pronoun with the preposition is written separately. The word “what” is in the instrumental case, and the construction sounds the same as an adverb. But the writing is always separate, as is the negative version of “no reason.” This word form can be compared with another - “for what”. In a sentence, the pronoun is stressed, that is, it is highlighted by intonation.

There are many homoforms in the Russian language. They coincide in several grammatical forms, but differ in lexical meaning. This is why you need to be well versed in the difference between pronouns and homonomic adverbs . Examples of such words:

  • then he started asking around that corner;
  • why does he return - what to walk on;
  • why argue - why hide behind;
  • why worry - why the drops.

It's easy to get confused with such designs. It is better to remember their differences and spelling. You should not confuse pronouns and adverbs, and you should also highlight nouns that are formed from the last part of speech. Such lexemes have completely different spellings, since their meanings are also different. But it is enough to remember the rule once so that you no longer think long about how such words are written.

Pronoun with preposition

You need to remember that in Russian pronouns and prepositions are always written separately. There are no exceptions in this case, although many make mistakes. An independent part of speech, using a sign or quantity, indicates a subject or object, but does not name them. Pronouns in sentences replace nouns, numerals and adjectives.

They can appear in indirect cases together with prepositions:

  • For what;
  • him;
  • without anyone;
  • to anything.

In this case, there should be no doubt about the spelling of words. If this is a pronoun with a preposition, then it needs to be written separately. But some forms have their own characteristics.

If the sentence includes the personal pronoun “I” in the nominative or indirect cases, then at the end of some prepositions it is necessary to write a fluent vowel “o”: “above me”, “about me”, “with me”.

Third person pronouns, which are in singular and plural, also change. All of them, when inflected by cases and connected with prepositions, begin with the letter “n”: to him, above her, with them.

The pronouns “their,” “his,” and “her” become possessive. But at the same time, the preposition does not refer to the word in front, but to the noun that follows it. The letter “n” is not needed at the beginning of lexemes. Examples of such phrases: walking with her daughter, joking about their car, grieving for his friend.

Possessive pronouns are also written without the “n” at the end of prepositions. Derivatives of the latter are combined with words without any changes. Such prepositions include several lexemes: in spite of, outside, according to, contrary to, towards. They don’t write “n” after the comparative degree of an adverb or adjective: to be younger than him, to speak louder than him.

Negative and indefinite pronouns are also written separately. Between them and the preposition there is a particle “something”, “neither” and “not”: about something, with no one, with no one, about something. But you need to write words together if there is no preposition between the particle and the pronoun: no one, nothing. When the vowel at the beginning of the lexeme is under stress, “e” is written: nothing, no one. Thanks to this, it becomes clear how to write - “for what” or “why”. The rule applies not only to pronouns, but also to adverbs. But it has its own nuances, so it is better to study the second part of the speech separately.

Sleep period

Sleep is usually associated with lying down and closing your eyes. The process by which you become less receptive to external stimuli. A state of consciousness that is easy to recover from (as opposed to other states of consciousness such as hibernation or coma).

Regardless of the words used to describe it, the bottom line is that we need sleep to function, says Dr. Pelayo. It's a critical process that allows the body to function and stay healthy—and it's especially important for the brain.

“The whole body benefits from sleep,” Pelayo explains. For example, the kidneys slow down urine production and digestion in the intestines. “But sleep is really how the brain recovers the next day.” “Sleep restores the brain.”

This means that insufficient sleep or poor sleep harms many systems in the body and over time can contribute to the risk of chronic diseases and health problems, but the most immediate effects of insomnia that you will notice are those that affect your mind and thinking.

Why our bodies need sleep - tonight and for good health later. We intuitively know that we need to sleep. When you don't get a good night's sleep, you're likely to feel sleepy, not be able to think clearly as usual, and be moody and irritable. Because one of the key functions of sleep is brain restoration.

Why does the body need sleep?

Of course, it's not just our minds that need sleep. The body's other systems also don't work very well when they're too tired.

Immediately after poor sleep, you may notice that you are hungrier and tend to be thirstier and eat more, and people are also at higher risk of catching a cold or flu. Researchers believe this is because sleep deprivation has been shown to interfere with the functioning of the immune system.

Over time, chronic sleep disturbance has also been linked to an increased risk of chronic diseases, including the following:

  • Obesity
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Heart disease and hypertension
  • Depression, anxiety and other mood disorders
  • Poor immune function
  • Early death

You may not remember everything that happens every night when you sleep, but if you do it right, a lot happens in your brain and your body, Pelayo says.

“There are differences between sleep and wakefulness for each individual body system, but there is nothing more romantic than changes in consciousness during sleep, brain function,” he explains.

Possible examples

Both variants of words are found in literary and colloquial speech. But in works of fiction, authors often use adverbs rather than pronouns. Many Russian and foreign writers used the lexeme in their texts:

  • Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita";
  • Defoe "Robinson Crusoe"
  • Lermontov “Hero of Our Time”;
  • Stevenson "Treasure Island";
  • Kaverin “Two Captains”;
  • Reed "The Headless Horseman";
  • Tolkien "The Lord of the Rings.

In Bulgakov’s novel, the word appears in one of the sentences: “Why, why did he let him go there alone!” The adverb can also be seen in the reasoning of the literary hero Daniel Defoe: “So it was completely in vain that I tormented myself with fruitless regrets about why the storm threw me here and not to some other place.” This is how Robinson Crusoe thought about his bad but exciting journey.

The character of “A Hero of Our Time” is also known for his ability to think and reflect on his life for a long time: “And why did fate throw me into the peaceful circle of honest smugglers?” This adverb is also in Stevenson's book. It sounds like this: “Subsequently, I often thought why the captain, who lived such a restless and dangerous, criminal life, carried these shells with him.”

In Kaverin’s work the phrase is quite simple: “Suddenly he starts asking: why and why?” And in Reed’s book the sentence is long: “Once or twice before, the image of that skilled horsewoman had already appeared in her imagination, and more than once she had wondered why the young Mexican was going to go in this direction.” Tolkien also used this adverb: “True, he rarely put it on - why in pitch darkness?” This was said about the Ring of Omnipotence, which the hobbit carried with him.

You can also create several phrases with different meanings yourself. This will help you remember the spelling of words faster. Possible options: why worry and lie if it’s better to apologize; Why go to the forest today - for mushrooms or berries; if you don’t manage to meet, then why rush; there is nothing and no one to leave so early for, because all the shops and offices are still closed.

Adverbs and pronouns simplify speech, but at the same time make it more colorful and emotional. You need to figure out how they are written correctly. Sometimes they sound the same, but you need to learn to distinguish between them. Then you will be able to use such lexemes correctly and make sentences with them in written and oral form.

Positive aspects of volunteering

We hear more and more often about people involved in volunteer activities. They definitely found the answer to the question of why they need to help people. And sometimes we are faced with calls to devote part of our time to this. However, I would like a more meaningful approach to this activity, a clear understanding of who is able to provide the necessary help and how, as well as an understanding of the benefits and advantages of volunteering.

Benefits for the volunteer himself

Volunteer activities are mainly carried out by people with certain character traits and psychological characteristics. The ability to deeply empathize, a sincere desire to share and alleviate the pain of others are consequences of developed sensuality and the ability to direct emotions outward - towards compassion.

People with a visual vector of the psyche possess such qualities. Realization of sensory potential by building emotional connections with others, helping those in need, trusting communication, good relationships is their desire, their natural task. It is for this reason that they are endowed with significantly greater emotionality compared to others.

Such people find themselves not only in volunteering, but also in such areas as medicine, teaching, art, social activities - where they are able to help others and carry cultural values. This is how they make sense of their life.

When we do not use the properties given to us for their intended purpose, it causes us suffering. And we often don’t even understand what makes us unhappy.

For those with the visual vector, unspent emotionality can manifest itself in the form of fears, anxiety, mood swings, hysterics, overthinking over trifles, a tendency to overthink things without reason, etc.

Not every person with a visual vector will volunteer - you need to be internally prepared for this. For some, implementation in everyday life may be enough - there are many opportunities to show compassion. However, volunteering allows you to make the most of your emotional output. The ability to help someone who is obviously worse off than you, without expecting anything in return, gives much more in the end:

  1. getting rid of fears, emotional disorders and other negative conditions due to focus on higher-order feelings;
  2. new acquaintances, a lot of communication - what the owner of the visual vector needs;
  3. the opportunity to most fully realize one’s inner potential, thereby realizing one’s need and relevance, gaining the meaning of devoting energy and time for a significant goal.

This can be seen as an opportunity to make society and the world around us a little better and more meaningful, to transform them towards what they should someday become. A good reason why you need to help people?

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