What you need to do to make your speech eloquent or how to master the art of oratory

Many people tend to consider eloquence a natural talent, and people who possess it are rare lucky ones. But, as practice shows in all spheres of life and art, talent is only a small percentage of success, everything else is perseverance and daily work. It is not difficult to develop eloquence. It is a well-researched subject that has been studied and taught since ancient Greece and Rome. We can confidently identify a number of qualities inherent in an eloquent person in almost all cases:

#1 good memory

#2 self-confidence

#3 ability to improvise

#4 competent and well-delivered speech

With the help of accessible and effective methods of self-development, each person can cultivate all the qualities inherent in a good speaker.

If you consider these qualities separately, you will see that each of them can be developed independently, or by attending appropriate rhetoric courses. There are also combined classes, the purpose of which, directly or indirectly, is the development of eloquence. These include courses in public speaking and acting that are conducted by the Benefis Theater School.

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Benefits of beautiful speech and applications

The word “eloquence” itself has several meanings. Firstly, it is necessary to correctly construct a speech based on arguments. Secondly, it is possible to talk about completely different topics. Thirdly, the ability to clearly express formulated thoughts that may well interest your opponent. There is a science that teaches how to express thoughts correctly and clearly and it is called rhetoric. Moreover, it has its advantages:

  1. Eloquence is the skills and methods of persuasion. If a person knows how to choose the right words for a certain situation, then it will be extremely difficult to refute his point of view.
  2. When learning rhetoric, a person learns to clearly formulate and express thoughts.
  3. If a person masters the conversation, then he will get the impression that his thoughts are reliable. Many people think that if they think correctly, they will also be able to present it.

Eloquence is influenced by mood and state of mind. If a person can cope with fear and nervousness, then this will manifest itself during conversation. Of course, pre-performance rehearsal will also give you confidence. People who master the art of oratory clearly plan every gesture, every facial expression and, of course, the report itself.

Rhetoric is actively used in the educational field , as academic eloquence. Also included in the art of oratory is political eloquence, which is quite accessible and simple in expression, but nevertheless can convince and infect people with ideas. Being able to negotiate is very useful in business. Negotiating, presenting and signing contracts are considered components of any business relationship.

Erudition is not equal to intelligence

School education is based on the principle “you must know from here to now,” and the program is constantly updated with new material, new subjects, new information, without which it is unthinkable to call a person literate.

At the same time, formally setting itself the task of developing independent thinking and self-education skills in a child, the modern program forces the teacher to work in a directive, authoritarian style, since it severely limits him in time and in the choice of topics. Hence the common phrase that is still heard from school teachers: “I’ve chewed everything for you - all you have to do is swallow.” Does anyone want to swallow something someone else has chewed?

The school curriculum is designed in such a way as to make a person an erudite, not an intellectual. The set of knowledge she offers is the truisms of science, crystallized, tested, approved. Yes, in a sense, this is certainly the basis for the development of intelligence. Having mastered the chewed truths (having memorized and learned to operate with them and within their framework), the school student becomes an excellent student. The popularization of the role of an erudite is now taking place on a wide front through mass media channels, starting from the simplest questions in the Taxi program (TNT) to the most “expensive” in “Own Game” (NTV). All these questions test a person’s erudition, while an erudite person is called smart, and the hidden idea is that erudition will help make money.

A new mythology of the information society is being created before our eyes.

Firstly, erudition in the vast majority of cases helps not to earn money, but to impress the interlocutor. Sometimes this impression is beneficial.

Secondly, the concept of erudite is equated with the concept of smart. In fact, a stupid person (having a low IQ) may well be an erudite! The opposite is also true: a person with a high level of intellectual potential can be an ignoramus. And - instantly learn what is required of him.

In accordance with the school curriculum and state educational standards, the Unified State Exam and entrance exams of any Russian university are rated based on the level of erudition.

And then something begins that was not warned about. If school education is based on memorization, then university education is based on the ability to compare facts and draw conclusions. A student is not always required to “know” something. Often this is simply not possible due to the incredible amount of information in any given field of science. The student is expected to be able to competently set a goal, formulate a hypothesis, outline research objectives, find information, conduct a critical analysis, formulate a working definition of concepts, etc. That is, just intellectual activity. It also requires skills of self-organization and self-education - the ability to act not on orders, but on one’s own initiative, skills in using dictionaries, reference books, catalogs, searching for books and articles, organizing a large amount of collected information, the ability to logically present a result or one’s opinion.

Basic rules for creating a beautiful speech

Experienced psychologists and speakers will be able to talk about how to master eloquence. You just need to follow simple rules:

  • The interlocutor must easily perceive speech, and for this it is necessary to exclude words - parasites from speech;
  • Speech that is rich in epithets and adjectives is interesting and fascinating;
  • Vivid metaphors will add color to any speech;
  • It is advisable to use images and examples in your speech that will make it even more interesting and visual.
  • To master eloquence, you definitely need to train your vocal cords, this is so that the timbre of your voice is pleasant. You also need to expand your vocabulary, it is better if there are no repetitions in your speech.

Based on this, the answer to the question “how to develop eloquence?” It’s quite simple: you need to decorate your speech, get rid of parasitic words, and communicate with pleasure.

"Scientists have proven"

The most common mistake in an exam is when an applicant says something that to a specialist sounds something like this: “The latest research by scientists has proven that two plus two equals four.” The examiner involuntarily asks slightly mocking questions:

In what sense are “last”? It seems that the scientists you referred to are alive. Could you please clarify the date of this study? On what basis, where and by whom was this research conducted? What were the initial premises of the study, because in non-decimal number systems this statement is false?

Be extremely specific and correct in your answers. Pay attention to the year of publication of the literature you use, since scientific ideas undergo significant changes over time. Take the time to look for a modern point of view on the question asked in the ticket. Take an interest in criticism of this modern point of view.

Types of eloquence

Any public speech has its own specifics, depending on where and in front of what audience the speaker is speaking. Naturally, according to this distribution, eloquence is divided into certain types in accordance with the task assigned to the speaker.

  1. Socio-political. This category includes public speeches by politicians in parliament or simply in front of the public. Even congratulating the president on elections can be considered a socio-political form of eloquence. The person must speak clearly, convincingly and believably.
  2. Academic or scientific. This category includes various scientific reports or conferences. The most common type is naturally lectures in higher educational institutions. Precisely in higher education, since at school there is a slightly different type of presentation of scientific material, although very close, but not the same.
  3. Judicial. This type of eloquence can include the speech of a lawyer or judge. You can only see such public appearances in the courtroom or on television.
  4. Social and household. Well, this is the most common type. Just communication between two people is already considered eloquence. Congratulations, poems or just a story out loud - that's all in this category.
  5. Theological-spiritual (church). Wonderful singing of a church choir or just a service all fall into this category.
  6. Diplomatic. Correct etiquette, letter or telephone conversation between representatives of various countries and organizations.
  7. Military. This category includes orders, regulations, and military memoirs.
  8. Pedagogical. Teaching in schools and primary schools is considered pedagogical eloquence.
  9. Dialogues with yourself. You shouldn't take everything literally here. This could be thoughts or practicing a specific performance. And in general, it seems to me that soon there will be a 10th section in this category, which includes communication on social networks or on the Internet.


There is a pattern: sensational, exciting information is remembered much easier and faster than a simple and logical presentation of facts. Out of a dozen articles read on a question, the most striking information is most likely to be retained in memory and come to mind in a stressful exam situation. For a specialist, such a “sensational” message from an applicant sounds akin to the statement: “In 1982, N.N. found out that cows can still fly! He tied a cow on special suspensions to a helicopter and established for certain that a cow can fly with the help of a helicopter!”

During the preparation process, carefully select information on the issue. Eliminate fried facts designed to capture the reader's imagination.

Remember: despite the fact that the Internet is an inexhaustible storehouse of scientific material and scientific information, anyone has the right to post their opinion there, which can be either simply erroneous or deliberately misleading.

First, find out which scientists’ opinions in this field are considered authoritative, and mention their research in your answer.

What exercises will help you become more eloquent?

It is extremely rare for people to have public speaking skills from birth; this skill often takes a long time and hard to learn. And in order to train on eloquence, you need to do the following exercises:

  1. Take a text, no matter what it is, and cross out different words in it. Then read the taken text aloud and find synonyms for the crossed out words.
  2. Choose a topic and conduct a conversation for 4-5 minutes only on this topic. The story should be without a single hesitation, smoothly and calmly.
  3. You need to talk about a variety of fantastic topics, for example, if electricity did not exist, fairy-tale characters would suddenly all come to life, or if people now lived together with dinosaurs. The answer must be clear, clear, and open. It is advisable to include even the most insignificant details.
  4. It is necessary to take an explanatory dictionary and give an explanation of the words.
  5. You need to take any word and select five adjectives that match the meaning, and then name five that do not match the meaning.

Experienced masters of oratory recommend performing them daily and preferably changing the topic, words, situations every day. You can also record your classes on a voice recorder.

What books are worth reading?

As for the answer to this question, it is as follows: you need to read the relevant literature. There is no need to study the dictionary until you lose your pulse; now there are a lot of manuals.

The following books will be useful for self-study:

  • You can improve your literacy and speech culture, as well as gain expressive speech patterns, with the help of Irina Golub’s book “The Art of Rhetoric. A manual on eloquence";
  • The necessary tips that can and should be used in practice can be found in the book “Kama Sutra for the Speaker” by Radislav Gandapas;
  • O. Bolsunov’s book “Oratory for Beginners” is especially popular; it contains an analysis of the most common mistakes that are made when studying;
  • By practicing, learning about techniques that will help you make a persuasive speech and negotiate competently, arguing every word is possible with the help of Karsten Bredemeier’s book “Black Rhetoric.”

Everyday use of specialized literature will help expand your vocabulary. But classical literature will be useful for the stylistic presentation of thoughts and the adoption of its beauty.

With the help of special literature in the field of business, it will help you communicate correctly and at a professional level in this area, and present arguments that can convince your partners.

When using literature on psychology, you can correctly formulate the logic of speech. This literature contains negotiation techniques, the art of communication and public speaking.

"The truth is always one"

The most brilliant answer turns into inarticulate babble after the usual question: “Tell me, what other concepts do you know?” The habit of one-dimensional thinking, satisfied with one-sidedly presented information, plays a cruel joke not only with applicants, but also with students.

If, when preparing your ticket, you came across a mention that this concept is one of several, then it’s worth getting to know the others. As a last resort, it will always be possible to include information about alternative views in your answer - and make it more complete and voluminous.

An applicant’s answer makes an excellent impression when he compares the opinions of several scientists (even from two different textbooks). It is clear that intelligence, critical thinking, and an active research position are manifested here.

Practical advice

To master the art of public speaking on your own, you need to follow these tips:

  1. It is important to monitor your speech and choose the right circle of people with whom you communicate;
  2. By reading books, it is possible to significantly expand your vocabulary and, accordingly, increase your level of knowledge.
  3. You need to talk only about the matter. Each uttered phrase must be literate, bright, and complete.
  4. If you are planning a public speech, then the speech must be prepared in advance. To improvise, you need to prepare yourself mentally.
  5. Speech must be loud, clear, connected, and in no case should you shout or shout down.
  6. When reading a report, you need to look at people, and not at a piece of paper; everyone can read.
  7. When pausing, you need to highlight wording and important words.

The professional approach is to find your own speaking style. A competent and delivered speech will be able to convince and influence the public, but in no case impose your opinion. This is a fine line and you need to feel it. You only need to convince the audience that is ready to listen and hear.

It is important to gain invaluable experience, because only through practice is it possible to hone your skills. You need to train daily. Only daily work and perseverance will be the key to success.

Another equally important question is: how to make a child’s speech eloquent. This skill will help him not only give competent and clear answers at the board, but also become a successful and competent person. And for this you need to read books, listen to audio recordings of fairy tales, and organize performances at home. You need to encourage the child to talk to him and ask leading questions.

If you regularly practice and work in developing eloquence, then every person can become an unsurpassed speaker.

"I discovered this"

Another, no less common, option: the applicant does not refer to scientists at all, but immediately presents the ready-made “truth” as if he had discovered it himself. It is clear that alternative ideas were not taught at school: there was simply not enough time for them - but the specialist taking the exam may be a representative of... a different concept. Knowing full well about the weaknesses of the presented “truth”, he will ask a couple of questions - and the “truth” will be left with a wet spot. Why would he do this? Maybe just out of principle, or maybe so that next time the applicant does not plagiarize and refers to the real author of the idea he is announcing.

Try to refer, if not to the author of the idea, then at least to the author of the book from which you took the information. If you speak on your own behalf, then you open up space for people to argue with you; and if you are only conveying what an already accomplished scientist has written, no unnecessary questions will arise for you.

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