How to get people to do what you want: 11 psychological tricks

How to make a man think about you: advice for both singles and those who are in a couple

Every woman wants her beloved man to belong to her and only to her, constantly think about her, fulfill any desires, remain faithful in reality and in his thoughts... Making your dream come true is not so difficult, the main thing is to follow the advice of sexologists and psychologists.
Rest assured, not only you, but also he will wake up and fall asleep with your name on his lips. will tell you how to make a guy think about you! HOW TO MAKE A MAN THINK ABOUT YOU: PSYCHOLOGY

At their core, men are hunters. They like to conquer and take impregnable fortresses, so it would not be the best tactic on your part to roost and be an eyesore. Pull yourself together, even if you are crazy about a man. Let him, and not you, look for an opportunity to meet and talk, to interest you in something unusual. A man should feel that you are a woman in great demand, that he is lucky to attract your attention to himself, that he is still competitive. Even if there is no more important thing for you right now than hypnotizing your phone, don’t focus on it and don’t say phrases like “I’ve been waiting for your call for so long.”

Let it be a secret for him. And never pick up the phone on the first ring - this is indecent for a decent girl. Show that you have an interesting and rich life outside of him - work, hobbies, friends, family. You must always be fully prepared and when asked in the style of “What are you doing now?” You should never answer “NOTHING!” What do you mean by nothing? Are you sitting in the middle of the room on the bare floor, without the TV, music, or computer on, and waiting for his call? This is at least strange, don’t you think? You are not a girl obsessed with his call who is ready to wait and answer the call at any time of the day or night.

In any case, you should be busy with something - watching an interesting film or TV series, learning a new language or reading a book, going shopping (even for milk or bread), walking in the park with the dog, sitting in a cafe, working out at a fitness center. club with a trainer, learn to dance go-go, sit in line at the doctor, get ready to meet friends. But you never know what you can do, even if it’s not very useful - the guy doesn’t need to know that.

But don't forget about flirting. If you are cold as an icicle, a man will not be interested in you. You need to be moderately affectionate, sociable and inaccessible. Be flirtatious and flirt with your boyfriend. He should think that you are an easy, mysterious, elusive, business-like, busy and enthusiastic woman with whom he wants to spend his free time.

Appreciate what a man does for you. Many girls turn their nose up at a nondescript bouquet of flowers, surprises, gifts, which repels the stronger sex. Learn to say thank you for small gifts, thank him for his actions, laugh at jokes, and he will be drawn to you.


  1. Become not just a lover for a man, but also a good friend. Listen to what he says, console him with a word in difficult times, try to delve into difficult situations in his life (well, if you don’t understand anything at all about his problems, at least listen). Give him advice, but never say “I told you so!”
  2. To make a man think about you, it is enough to leave subtle hints of your presence in his life. It is not at all necessary to transfer a good half of your wardrobe, a toothbrush, to his apartment, or place shampoos, shower gels and creams in the bathroom. It’s enough to accidentally leave your hair band or hair clip in his bedroom, lipstick or hair comb in the hallway on the nightstand. You can give him an unusual diary, perfume with an amazing aroma, a mug with a funny inscription - and that’s all, using your gift every day, he will unconsciously remember you.
  3. Be unpredictable and don't be intrusive. If every day you call him first, send him 100 SMS, he will take it for granted. And if you send an erotic photo shoot with yourself in the lead roles with a letter of unambiguous content to your work e-mail (in case no one except him looks at his work e-mail), he will remember about you all day. Leaving notes with unusual content in his jacket pocket, in the car or in the house makes him think about you more often.
  4. Create reasons for jealousy, but not serious ones. He should be jealous of you, but in vain. You can casually flirt with a waiter, bartender, taxi driver or salesman, smile at a random man, appear on the doorstep with a gorgeous bouquet of flowers, but saying that it’s for a friend whose birthday is tomorrow. Go to the corporate party in all weapons - makeup, hairstyle, heels and a super-cool dress, but leave it early and go to your husband with a bottle of wine. You should drive him crazy, but never make him feel like you can change him.


Distance is a test for any relationship. Most couples, faced with an obstacle of several hundred (or thousand) kilometers, break up, unable to pass the test of strength. It doesn’t matter whether a man went on a business trip to another city, or you flew off with your girlfriends on vacation, or he went to visit distant relatives, it doesn’t matter, distance can either strengthen or weaken a relationship.

Be sure to give the man your PRINTED photo so that he can look at you whenever possible. It would be a good idea to put your scarf or panties soaked in your favorite perfume in his bag. The unexpectedness of the surprise will make him think about you.

When communicating via video Skype, wear sexy outfits. You can arrange some phone or video sex to stir up interest. Send your man funny text messages in the morning that will definitely cheer him up.

Give your man a trinket that he can hang on his arm or neck. Looking at your gift, the man will remember you and want to see you as soon as possible.

You can give a man a surprise - show up to him in another city without warning. The surprise should have a positive result, unless, of course, it turns out that your loved one has not only a job, but also another woman. Although it will be useful to know.

“I can’t bring myself to get a job”

Angelina, I think the main conflict is that you are trying to force yourself to get a job, although in fact you want something completely different. When a decision is imposed on us from the outside (even by such a close person as a mother), it is indeed extremely difficult to find motivation to act. And even if you manage to force yourself, unconsciously you will still choose places where you won’t stay long. I suggest you pay attention to several important points.

The relationship with your mother is the first and very important issue that appears in your story. She insists on finding a stable job, which is understandable. For the older generation, modern trends in making money from their own business are alien and therefore cause distrust. Mom insists on working based on her experience and concern for you.

But it is also important to understand that you have the opportunity to explain your position to her and choose a different path. Your life depends only on you. Mom can insist on anything, this is her opinion, to which she has every right. But it is important to understand: it is not she who prevents you from doing what you love - you are internally slowing yourself down.

Now you are focused on how to suppress yourself, your aspirations and force yourself to please your mother. Do you see your happiness in this? You are faced with a choice - to live the way you want, or to suppress yourself and fulfill other people's expectations.

Your question sounds hopeless: it’s as if you are a priori prohibiting yourself from seriously doing what you love. But what happens if you choose your own path? What experiences will you face?

Now in your situation there are extremes: your mother is in favor of a stable job until retirement, and you are in favor of living near the forest with drawing mehendi (painting on the body with henna. - Ed.). Maybe your desire is an internal protest against overprotection and a desire to escape control? Perhaps a suitable option is somewhere in the middle?

If you want creative self-realization, why not try it in the city? There will be much more opportunities and clients here than in the village. Moreover, in the digital age, developing your business is becoming increasingly easier. Alternatively, you can find a stable job in a field similar or adjacent to the one you are interested in and start developing there.

When it comes to freelancing, there are some important questions to ask yourself. Are you ready to face difficulties, but at the same time continue to pursue your dream? If you can discipline yourself, then doing what you love will also bring you a financial component. But if you think that everything should work out by itself, then, of course, it will be more stable to find a hired job. In this case, you will have to make a deal with yourself, consciously understanding why you are making this choice.

How to make a man think about you

When a girl is seriously interested in a man, she wants to do everything to win him over, arouse his keen interest and desire to develop and deepen the relationship. But this is not always easy, so many girls worry about how to make a man think about himself and captivate his thoughts once and for all. There are different methods, so in search of your happiness you should try them - at least one will probably work and the man will start thinking about you constantly. And regular thoughts about a girl are the first step towards serious development of relationships and a close rapprochement between the couple.

Imitate an object

Observation is required here. The posture, intonation, facial expressions and favorite words of the object of manipulation should be carefully studied and mirrored. The more carefully this is done, the more successful the conversation will be. No wonder the British say that “like loves like.” Scientists call this the “chameleon effect.”

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What a girl should be like for a man to think only about her

A real girl in the eyes of different men can be very different in their ideas. Some people like strong-willed and strong girls who can stand up for themselves and do extraordinary things, but other men are drawn to gentle and timid representatives of the fair half of humanity who need constant care and guardianship. It all depends on the character of the man himself, his life needs and even past relationships, because a man can subconsciously compare his object of adoration with the girl who was before. But you can still highlight several character traits and behavior of a girl that will make a man think only about her:


Men are drawn to girls who always have something mysterious and unattainable about them, even after many years of dating. They need to regularly feel like breadwinners and conquerors, constantly conquer the girl and discover something new in her. Therefore, never show all your cards to your man, leave him the opportunity to think about what is hidden in your soul this time. You can leave your habits, character traits, some of your dreams hidden - let the man try to unravel them on his own.


Of course, men are always ready to help and support their girlfriend when she feels bad and doesn’t believe in good things. But a constant feeling of despondency from a girl will quickly tire a young man, because it will not be pleasant to spend days and nights with such a girl, she will always be in no mood. A man wants to see his soul mate beaming with happiness, cheerful and optimistic. In addition, such a girl, if necessary, will be able to support her man, which is also important.


Any man needs a caring girl next to him, in whom he can see a potential wife and mother of his future children. Therefore, by expressing sincere concern for a young man, you can make him think about you very often, because without your expression of feelings he will very quickly begin to feel lonely. At the same time, care is well expressed even in small things: straightening his scarf, listening to problems at work, showing attention to his family or pet. And a prerequisite is that care must be natural and sincere, since men distinguish it very well from a false manifestation of care.


Of course, the girl’s appearance is also important. A beautiful hairstyle, neat clothes, proud posture and a confident gait - all this attracts men like a magnet; they really like ladies who are confident in their attractiveness. Therefore, do not forget to take care of your appearance in order to please not only yourself, but also the man you care about. This does not mean that you need to buy expensive clothes and jewelry - a man will fully appreciate simple but beautiful clothes that fit well on your figure and emphasize all your advantages.

How to convince a man and win him over to your side

Many women, during conflict situations or controversial issues, want a man to accept their point of view. At the same time, it would be possible to avoid unnecessary disagreements and conflicts. In order to convince a man and win him over to your side, follow these rules:

Before you win a man over to your side, you first need to learn how to pay attention to the person you are talking to. You need to try to understand a man’s point of view on issues that are important to you and what exactly he is leaning towards.

It is necessary to have a conversation about what interests a man. Try to ask more questions and show that you are interested in this conversation. If you feel like changing the topic of the conversation, carefully ask questions and steer the conversation toward an interesting discussion for you. Then you will be able to win over and then convince the man.

It is best to conduct the conversation in a manner that is friendly and attentive. You need to talk as if you really need advice from a more experienced, wise person. It is also necessary to give compliments from time to time during conversations. For example, “what would I do without you?”, “how experienced are you in these matters.”

Next, you need to adjust the man to your point of view. To do this, start asking carefully leading questions. If you are having a conversation with an insightful, intelligent person, then tricks are not appropriate. It is best to tell it like it is, and then ask the man to describe the pros and cons of the issue being discussed. This should all have a soft, unobtrusive character.

Ways to make me think about you

To charm a man and captivate his thoughts - such an idea has arisen at least once in every girl who is not indifferent to a young man. There are different ways to captivate a man’s thoughts, they will differ depending on whether you have recently met, or have known each other for a long time and communicate as friends. The differences are listed below, you should definitely familiarize yourself with them.

Conquer a young man if you just met

If you have only recently met, but this man has already clearly attracted your attention, you can conquer his thoughts with the three points given above - mystery, care and optimism. In addition, do not forget that men love with their eyes, so you should always look well-groomed and beautiful. You should not resort to an open neckline and too short skirts; they rather awaken in a man thoughts about intimacy, but not about the development of your relationship and the desire to get you as his beloved girl. Feelings of slight jealousy are also good as a method of charm - flirting with others or leaving a date for some reason will certainly make a man worry that you have some other man who is vying for your hand and heart. This will encourage a man to constantly think about you and take active action in your regard.

Charm a guy if you have known each other for a long time, but communicate in a friendly manner

But if you have been communicating for a long time and everyone around you considers you friends, it will be more difficult to captivate a man’s thoughts. First, you need to get rid of the status of friends - to do this, you can slightly limit your time together, let the man understand that you are not interested in just friendly evenings. You can start conversations with him more often about how you dream of a strong relationship and a reliable man next to you. Then you need to little by little use methods that will help make a man think about you and miss you, while at the same time showing him that this man is interesting to you as a second half, and not as a friend. It’s worth making clear hints that you would like more in your communication, you can even try hinting to invite him on a date. If you are not a timid person, then you should talk frankly with a man and tell him about your warm feelings, which cannot be called friendship. It’s worth asking the man to decide: does he want to continue your relationship as a love relationship or is it better for you to stop communicating altogether, because it will be difficult to remain friends.

Using "baits"

You can call this personal quality frugality or greed, it all depends on the circumstances and motivation, but the desire to save is inherent in almost all sane people. Any buyer is “led” by the words “promotion”, “discount” and “flash sale”, even if the product is sold at the most normal price. In addition, this method is applicable in cases where problems arise with the sale of expensive products. Included with them, you can offer a cheap product at a big discount, and in some cases even for free (by including its cost in the total price).

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Magic spells that will make you bored and sad when you are not around

When simple feminine tricks give a weak or inconsistent effect, but you want to make a young man really miss and yearn while you are not around, you can resort to the power of magical spells. It is important to use only white magic, which is harmless - black conspiracies can harm a person, and if they are carried out by a person who is poorly versed in this, then you can easily harm yourself by mistake. White magic is based on a person’s connection with some object that has energy. As a rule, love spells are carried out on the personal belongings of a loved one, or on common objects with strong energy - a mirror, scissors, etc.

It’s good if you have a photograph of a loved one or some item that belongs to him (a book, a watch, a scarf - whatever). In this case, you can go out into the street with this item in your hands at exactly noon.

Then read the following plot in a whisper three times in a row:

The object should be pressed firmly to the heart.

If there is no object from the young man, then a plot with an ordinary mirror will work well. To do this, you need to take a mirror and write the guy’s name on it with lipstick or a marker.

Then before going to bed you need to repeat three times:

After this, the mirror must be placed face down under the pillow for the magical effect to work fully. After one of these spells, a man will soon start thinking about you every time you are not around. He will be drawn to see each other for no reason and spend time together, because without this he will feel bad and begin to suffer.

It is better to resort to magical conspiracies in extreme cases, when no other methods work. Although, if a man is indifferent to your beauty, care, optimism and, in principle, does not strive to be near you, it is worth considering whether it would be better to turn your attention to other men who secretly dream about you and try to win your heart.

Additional recommendations

  1. External and internal order have a close relationship. In this regard, if there is a question about how to force yourself to work, then you must definitely pay attention to your workplace. If chaos reigns there, then it will also be quite difficult to collect your thoughts. Therefore, you need to regularly devote time to putting things in order and try, if possible, to make the workplace as comfortable as possible.
  2. Never work without rest, weekends and holidays. A good night's sleep is equally important for maximum productivity. In order not to forget this rule, come up with a punishment for yourself for each violation of the daily routine. For example, this could be giving up your favorite treat or doing push-ups.
  3. In order for internal discipline and work on it to bring positive emotions, you need to write down all your achievements and reward yourself for every success.
  4. Don't promise to completely give up everything that distracts you from work. It’s better to simply limit the time that will be spent on them.
  5. Before you start work, set yourself up for positive emotions. Morning exercises, a contrast shower and a cup of coffee will help improve your well-being and give you energy.

In the process of developing self-discipline, you will have to be patient and persistent. Perhaps not everything will work out right away, but what is more important is not the speed of obtaining results, but self-development and improving the quality of life.

Advice from psychologists on how to make a man think about you constantly

Surveys show that girls and boys remember their loved ones with different frequencies. Guys do this much less often. This is explained by the difference between male and female psychology.

Light flirting, a mysterious telephone conversation, a sudden departure - these little tricks will cause jealousy and make you think more about you

A woman has the ability to do several things at the same time, and a man is completely immersed in his work and is not distracted by trifles. To remind yourself, psychologists advise using certain “anchors”. Simple methods effectively influence the male subconscious.

Visual anchor

A modest trinket or souvenir given as a souvenir can become a visual “anchor” reminiscent of a loving woman. This is a keychain, an original pen, a photo in the wallet. Or a coffee cup that will remind you of you at the beginning of each day.

In order not to call again, you can write an innocent SMS or send a funny emoticon.

Auditory anchor

Choose a rare word that will become the code for your intimate relationships. Say it during sex or after, in the morning. The use of this word in the future will unconsciously evoke the most pleasant, exciting memories in a man.

The magic code word must first be repeated regularly to memorize it, and used less often in everyday life.

Olfactory "anchor"

Choose a perfume with a pleasant scent and use the same one at the beginning of your relationship. If your chosen one likes the smell, he will definitely remember it, associate it with your image and involuntarily return to you in his thoughts.

You can accidentally leave a thing with your own scent at your guy’s house, which will also remind you of you and set him up for a romantic wave.

Kinesthetic “anchor”

There is a psychological technique for creating a good mood in a man, the so-called kinesthetic “anchor”. At a moment of strong positive emotions, you need to touch the hand or neck of your loved one and hold it there for a short time.

10-20 touches will create a habit with which you can manage your boyfriend’s emotions when meeting, relieve fatigue or irritation . And he will begin to think how easy and carefree he is in your presence.

Principle 1 - Set temporary work standards

Without a ready-made plan, it is difficult to force yourself to work. Therefore, you must learn to plan and stick to the plan. What approach should you use in business planning?

I tried two different approaches:

  1. Make a plan for the amount of work for a certain time period. For example: I have to write 3000 words in a day and until I do this, I will not do anything else.
  2. The second is to follow a fixed time standard. For example: I work for 4 hours, with three breaks of 10 minutes, then rest for an hour and work for another 1.5 hours. And it doesn’t matter how much work I did during this time.

I am convinced that the second approach is much more reasonable and effective than the first, now I will explain why:

Quality of work: if you strive to complete the work as quickly as possible, then quality may suffer. If a person is tied to completing a certain volume, and not working on time, then there is no direct goal to complete the work. But, all the same, this person unconsciously strives to finish it as quickly as possible.

When I set myself standards like 3,000 words per day, I wanted to “get to the finish line” quickly, so I didn’t take long pauses to think about what I would write in a few paragraphs. This did not have a very good effect on the quality of the work: then it had to be redone.

I write different articles at different speeds, depending on my current state and the content of the article (for example, I wrote an article about alcohol quite quickly, despite the volume, but I can write some other text longer). So 4-5 hours may not be enough for me to write as much as I want.

Then I get tired, but I still need to work and fulfill the plan. If I'm tired, even my favorite activities can turn into torture for me. Then I do everything more slowly and forcefully, which also negatively affects the quality of work and leads to even greater fatigue.

Speed ​​of work: in my opinion, if a person does not set time limits for himself and does not strive to complete something within a certain short period of time, then he completes the work at his natural speed while maintaining the proper quality of this work, provided that he does not care doesn't get distracted. This speed can be defined by the transport term “cruising speed”.

For example, if I plan to write for 4 hours, then I'm not in much of a hurry. But at the same time, it cannot be said that because of this the work is going much slower. I'm still interested in getting the work done and so I get it done at a normal pace, I'm just not in a rush. Perhaps, in such a measured rhythm, the work moves a little slower than in a hurry and in an effort to finish as early as possible, but on the other hand, the quality does not suffer and fatigue decreases.

Imagine that you are flying on an airplane. This huge ship, of course, can turn on the engines at full thrust (at cruising speed, the engines of a passenger aircraft operate at about 50% of their power, if I'm not mistaken) and try to reach its destination before the planned arrival time. But this will lead to suboptimal fuel consumption: a lot of fuel will be burned. And, in addition, the pilot risks the safety of passengers when he goes beyond normal flight limits.

If the plane moves through the air in its normal mode, at cruising speed, then fuel costs will be minimal and travel conditions will be the safest for passengers. He will eventually reach his destination anyway.

I believe that it is better to work at your natural speed for a fixed period of time, without rushing or being distracted. Nevertheless, you will still achieve your goal, it will not leave you anywhere. You will simply use your resources more efficiently.

It will be better if you combine the two approaches described above in your work planning. Work for a fixed period of time, but at the same time, keep in mind the amount of the desired amount of work. Always look back at how much you ended up getting done. But this factor, I repeat, should not play a decisive role.

I’ll give you an example from my practice: today I worked for 5 hours, but wrote only 700 words. It's very slow, what's the matter? I thought about the article for a long time, rewrote several paragraphs, then they interrupted me. It turns out I couldn't write it anymore today. So everything is fine, and I can finish here.

But it could have been different, I wrote so little because I myself was constantly distracted by all sorts of nonsense. If so, then tomorrow I will try to stick to the schedule more strictly so that the work moves faster.

What to write to a man so that he thinks only about me: examples of phrases

You should not call a man, especially if he is at work. Love SMS can also have a positive impact on the development of your relationship. This is a great way to remind yourself.

It ’s better to avoid using diminutive words and call by name:

  1. If a loved one is preparing for some important event, phrases like: “I believe in you”, “I wish you good luck - you will be the best!”, “You are my hero!” would be appropriate.
  2. Words of gratitude after a joint event: “Thank you for pampering me,” “It was unforgettable,” “Thank you for the evening.”
  3. During a serious relationship, you can write bolder SMS: “You are the best!”, “Thank you for existing!”, “Sweet dreams for you, my love!”, “I miss you, I want you!”.

How to convince a man that he needs you

Sometimes it happens that a girl does not feel trust from her chosen one or he does not take her feelings seriously and does not believe in their sincerity.

And there are many reasons for this:

  • bitter previous experience, betrayal of love;
  • girl's misbehavior;
  • a large number of fans around her;
  • the girl's inability to express her feelings.

It is often up to a woman to make her man feel like he is the best. Therefore, sincere praise will instill confidence in him.

It is often up to a woman to make her man feel the best.

You cannot allow caustic words and remarks in front of strangers. Take an interest in your loved one’s affairs, studies, and work. Show him your attention by giving him a small gift.

Don’t compare your chosen one with anyone, don’t try to change him, but love him as he is. Don’t make wild scenes of jealousy, restrain yourself, even if there is a reason.

In society, show that you are a couple. A gentle look, a gentle touch of the hand, an imperceptible hug. Sincere love is difficult to hide. Sooner or later, your loved one will believe you and understand that he only needs you.

How to mentally make a guy think about you from a distance with the power of thought, how to attract a person

If suddenly the object of your close attention suddenly disappears, you can use esoteric practices that allow you to attract a person from a distance with the power of thought. But at the same time, it is important that the man is not indifferent to you.

Setting up for sleep

If you really want, you can fill your loved one’s mind with thoughts about you during sleep.

This magical ritual is performed in this order:

  1. Choose a time when he is already sleeping nearby or about to sleep if he is at home.
  2. Lie down, completely relax, forgetting about all your worries and worries.
  3. Imagine the image of your man, his eyes, smell, movements, say his name, remember the best moments of your relationship.
  4. Having formed an image, mentally penetrate it with your energy.
  5. Send him instructions to think about you at this moment.

This practice can be done daily, and you will see pleasant changes in male behavior.

A welcome call

If your sweetheart doesn’t call for a long time, and you’re exhausted from waiting, then you can also use magic and the power of thought to make him call.

To do this, again, you need to concentrate on the image of your loved one, imagining it in as much detail as possible. How he picks up the phone, what he thinks before calling. Remember the timbre of his voice. Be patient, practice, and this method will definitely work.

Energy channel

The psychotechnics of the energy channel allows you to create an invisible bridge between two people. To do this, you need to imagine the image of your beloved and mentally create streams of impulses moving between you. Start sending him your thoughts-reminders of yourself, imagining how they penetrate his head.

The powerful information flow will not go unanswered.

This method is great for reminding your husband about yourself on a long business trip. If you develop your energy potential and constantly train in mastering this technique, you can achieve amazing results.

You can force your loved one to think about you from a distance, and awaken love in him, by supplementing psychological techniques with a conspiracy.

Such actions must be carried out with caution, following certain rules and recommendations of specialists:

  • carry out the conspiracy completely alone;
  • perform all rituals on the waxing moon;
  • read conspiracies at sunset or dawn near an open window;
  • performing the ritual cannot be trusted to another person;
  • Don’t tell anyone about it, stay calm and wait patiently for the result.

We must not forget about our appearance. Beautiful posture, easy gait, clothes that emphasize the dignity of a woman’s figure - all this is very important for attracting male attention to oneself.

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