A child has problems with classmates - what should parents do?

How to tell if your child is having problems in class

Children do not always tell adults about everything that happens within the school walls. If there is no close emotional connection between parents and children, it will be difficult for adults to understand the situation. What should you be wary of in a student’s behavior:

  • Doesn't want to go to school.
  • Comes up with any excuses (stomach hurts, teacher is sick) not to attend classes.
  • Academic achievement is declining sharply.
  • Doesn't discuss school life with parents, doesn't talk about classmates.
  • Doesn't meet with classmates, doesn't talk to them on the phone.
  • The student's mood often changes, and nervous breakdowns may occur.
  • The child returns from lessons depressed, his things may be dirty or torn.

If you have any doubts, you should immediately try to get your child to have a frank conversation.

Sometimes adults go to school to immediately deal with teachers, offenders and their parents. But first you need to talk to your son or daughter, try to find out what is happening within the walls of the school. Perhaps there was a conflict between classmates that could be resolved, but the children could not find a way out of the unpleasant situation.

You need to talk to your son/daughter calmly, in a confidential tone, and under no circumstances scold the child. The student must understand that his parents are on his side and will always help and support him.

How to communicate with a girl at school: action plan?

But first, a few words about whether it’s worth dating a classmate. Almost everyone has heard tearful stories from their parents about such a romantic, but such an unsuccessful first love at school. School time is truly the most romantic time, but it is not pleasant for everyone. After all, your first love is so often unrequited. Especially if you do nothing.

In fact, there are many examples where people meet at school and then live a long and happy life together.

It’s not that I recommend this fate for you, but you should take full advantage of this romantic time, if only just so as not to be considered a loser among your peers.

Of course, in your mature years you can more than surpass them, for example, become a cool businessman. But you want and need to realize yourself now, so why not. Otherwise, later you will think about the question of how to start dating a former classmate, although she will no longer be the first freshness.

So here's my plan:

  • First of all, you need to soberly assess your chances. And if you need to change something, then understand whether it is within your power. For example, you are a “nerd”, and she is a “cool”, liberated girl. Then she will almost certainly tell you: “Come back when you become popular!” That is, you will at least have to open up and show others and her your strengths.
  • Know your "enemy". Study how she lives and how she “breathes.” To draw up a sensible plan for winning her heart, you need to know what worries her, what she is interested in, and study her character in detail.
  • It's good if you get a chance to stand up for her. You don’t need to hire hooligans for this (by the way, there are plenty of them today). You can start by at least telling her the correct answer in class. Or if you are late for class together, then shield her in front of the teacher. Well, someday you’ll also have to fight for your girlfriend, life is such a thing. Girls, by the way, love this very much. Therefore, if your mother invites you to enroll in a dance school, state that you want to take up boxing, or the less traumatic one - aikido.
  • If you want to start communicating with a girl at school and bring this matter to a relationship, then start flirting with your friend. By the way, during their school years, girls still do not know how to properly perceive compliments, and therefore not everyone will adequately appreciate lines from Shakespeare or pompous epithets of your own composition. Flirt with a girl, use playful touches, jokes, banter, hints.
  • If you want to know how to ask a classmate to date at age 15, then you definitely need to join her company. After all, spending time together significantly increases your chances of achieving her favor. Moreover, this way you will keep your potential competitors in sight and spend more time with her outside of school.
  • In order for her to notice and appreciate you, do not act like a child. As you know, girls mature earlier during their school years - both physically and emotionally. That's why they date older guys, even if they aren't the best. At a minimum, eliminate stupid actions from your behavior and childish jokes from your speech. And in general, try to behave like a responsible and reasonable young man who you can rely on.
  • If you want to make a girl at school fall in love with you, then don’t forget to give her gifts - girls, in general, love all sorts of beautiful trinkets, and this is also a sign of attention. Of course, modern young people have become more demanding when it comes to gifts. Therefore, in order not to go broke, I advise you to give you noticeable gifts only on holidays, so that you have time to save some money.
  • To ask a girl to date, you need to invite her on a date. You can have fun, for example, on attractions, at the cinema, in a cafe or simply by taking a walk in the park. The main thing is that you feel comfortable and, if possible, romantic. Of course, the first time it may just be a “friendly” meeting. But if she doesn’t mind spending time with you again, then all the cards are in your hands. And don’t be shy, girls rarely take the first step themselves.

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Don't hit them right in the head with your proposal. And only after your communication has become more relaxed and pleasant can you remember your feelings. Do not forget to monitor her reaction.

So, if she actively supports the conversation, often smiles at you, and sometimes even takes the initiative, this means that she is at least interested in you. It remains only to understand how much. That is, you can act boldly, otherwise you will never know. But if she behaves distantly and even coldly, then this is a bad sign. And even make her fall in love with you. You yourself understand that at this level of communication, it is too early to start talking about relationships.

Why does a student have problems with classmates?

There are many reasons why a child cannot find a common language with classmates.

Moving to a new school. Adaptation to a new class can take a long time and bring a lot of trouble to the student. Unfortunately, the children's team is not always happy to accept a new student.

Good or poor academic performance . The team may not like an excellent student who is an excellent student and takes first place in Olympiads. The girl is praised by teachers and set as an example, but her classmates bully and humiliate her. A negative attitude can also be caused by a poor student who has a hard time studying.

Individual qualities . In a team, as a rule, they do not like it when a person stands out for his external or internal qualities. For example, a schoolgirl dresses provocatively, is interested in piercings, and actively defends her own point of view. It is likely that the girl will stay away, she will not have friends or friends in the class.

Aggressive behavior. A student can attract the attention of classmates with provocative actions. Sometimes these are offensive words, even fists are used. A child can complain to teachers about other children in order to gain support from teachers.

Increased attention from parents . Overprotection, especially in front of other children, can become the subject of sarcastic remarks and ridicule from classmates. Often parents do not understand the difference between total control and the necessary support.

How to find a friend among classmates and classmates

Educational institutions are places where children and adolescents spend most of their time. It is here that friendships are often born that can last a lifetime.

In order to make friends with your classmates, fellow students or classmates, follow these tips:

  1. Be confident. Don't doubt your abilities. Try to become a leader.
  2. Think about who you want to be friends with.
  3. Be sincerely interested in the person you choose, this can be the start of a dialogue.
  4. Contact him with any request or suggestion. Help him yourself.
  5. Try to find common interests.
  6. Start chatting on social networks.
  7. Take part in various projects, visit places where you can establish communication.
  8. Develop a friendly demeanor and smile more often.

When communication improves, you can take a walk together or invite a new friend to visit.

Look around, maybe someone wants to make friends with you too?

What is required from parents?

If you find out that a child has serious problems in class, you need to convey to him that you will support and help no matter what. It is important for the student to understand that his parents are nearby, understand his problems and are ready to help. Surround your child with love and care, but do not overdo it, because overprotection can, on the contrary, aggravate the situation.

Tell the child that it is not his fault, because the person is not to blame for being bullied and offended. Even if a son or daughter offended a classmate, this cannot justify the cruel attitude. Any conflict can be resolved calmly, without humiliation and the use of physical force. You have to pay for a mistake, but not at this price. Try to find a way out of this situation together. Analyze the behavior of your classmates and your child, try to understand the reason why they behave this way. Explain that the solution must be sought together. Students do not like it when their parents go to school to resolve issues without consulting them.

Also talk to your child's class teacher. Teachers spend a lot of time with students, and they probably see the situation from the inside. Together with the teacher, you can find a way out of the conflict, for example, come up with a common activity that will bring your classmates closer together.

Talk to your child more often about the rules of communication in a team. A son or daughter must learn to speak in a calm tone and respect other people’s opinions. You can turn to a psychologist for help, but first you need to offer this option to the child and listen to his decision.

Where to find new friends

Friends can be found everywhere. Take a break from the hustle and bustle and look around. You will see a world full of people: happy and sad, short and tall, young and old. Imagine, you can make friends with everyone, help each other, just communicate.

Read more: How to become charming and pleasant to talk to

Think about it, we were not born for work, TV or computer. We must communicate, learn new things, just love.

The easiest way to find friends is among:

  • classmates and classmates;
  • colleagues;
  • work colleagues;
  • friends from social networks;
  • visitors to various parties and events.

You can easily meet a person on the street, in a sports section or a hobby club.

Remember the words spoken by Benjamin Franklin: “Be slow in choosing a friend, and still less in a hurry to change him.”

What not to do

Many parents, wanting to help their child, can only make things worse. You should not use the following phrases when speaking:

“It’s your own fault for what’s happening”;

“Serves you right, you deserve it”;

“Now let’s go to a psychologist, he will quickly teach you how to behave,” etc.

You cannot blame your own child, because relatives should always remain on his side.

Another mistake parents make is to advise that they need to ignore offenders or respond to them in the same way.

What not to say:

"Do not pay attention";

“Give change”;

“Hurt them too,” etc.

The conflict will not be resolved on its own, so you should not pretend that nothing is happening. Advice to fight back can lead to even greater negativity and aggression from classmates.

Friendship at work

Of course, you need to be on good terms with all your colleagues. Even with the most disgusting people you need to find a common language. After all, a person spends quite a lot of time at work, often requiring the help of colleagues.


Show kindness when you pass by and try to smile at everyone. If you are given a favor, always say thank you.

Remember the names

Remember your colleagues by name, because a person’s name is the sweetest and most important sound for him.


Don’t forget about your employees’ birthdays; try to congratulate everyone. It will be very nice.

Quarrels, conflicts and gossip

Never take part in quarrels and conflicts, do not gossip. Rash words can ruin relationships, and people will no longer trust you.

Be punctual

Constant lateness or, conversely, early appearances at the workplace will begin to irritate the boss and other employees.

Carry out your work duties carefully and try not to make mistakes.

Read further: How to find friends in life, games and social networks (advice from a psychologist)

Dress code

Stick to a general style even if there is no dress code. For example, if a team wears formal clothes to work, worn jeans and sneakers will look ridiculous.

More communication

If you want to become a close friend of one of your colleagues, communicate more with him, find common topics and interests, and help in his work. You can invite a person to a cafe for a lunch break or walk together after work to the bus stop. In the future, joint trips to picnics and invitations to visit are possible. This will be the beginning of a friendly relationship.

How to behave as a schoolchild

Parents should tell their child that the worst way out of a conflict situation is to be influenced by the provocative actions and words of classmates. There is no need to respond with aggression, be rude, or call the offenders names. If a child is accused of something he did not do, he needs to stand his ground. There is no need to make excuses, look for explanations, or apologize. If classmates call you names or come up with offensive nicknames, it is better to ignore their behavior. Soon the abusers will get bored with this activity and move on to something else. For example, a schoolchild is called bespectacled.

If he starts crying, screaming, calling names in response, such behavior will provoke the offenders even more. It’s better to say: “Yes, you’re right, I have poor eyesight and I wear glasses.”

Build a trusting relationship with your child from early childhood so that he can always share his problems. Teach to treat any troubles with dignity, be confident in yourself and be able to smile in any situation.

Pen pal

Today, virtual communication is becoming increasingly popular. People correspond on social networks, instant messengers, on forums, and register on dating sites.

How to make friends via the Internet

A few tips will help you:

  • create a community aimed at introducing people to each other;
  • add friends to people who interest you;
  • accept friend requests from people you would like to communicate with;
  • find old friends whom you haven’t seen in real life for a long time;
  • correspond with them, congratulate them on their birthday and other holidays;
  • play online games.

You can start connecting with friends in real life by inviting one or more of them to a movie, a cafe, or an event. You can simply report places where you can be found at a certain moment.

Once you have met a person, you should not try to sell him something, offer him a job or ask for help. These actions are optimal for already established relationships. Also exclude rudeness, intrusiveness and aggressiveness.

How to make friends on the street

You can make friends even on the street with a complete stranger.

First impression

To begin with, make sure that the first impression of you is only positive. You should not wear provocative, sloppy or dirty clothing. Don't forget about the rules of personal hygiene.

Read further: Friendship and business: where to find a reliable business partner


Remember the power of a smile, which conveys friendliness, good intentions and characterizes a person as a positive person. Be in a good mood. Forget about shyness, be natural.

Don't judge by appearance

Approach the person you see as a potential friend. You shouldn't judge people by their appearance. Behind the most ordinary appearance there can be a fantastic personality and your future best friend.

Make a first step

Then start the conversation. First you need to say hello. Then quite banal phrases will help you, which should become the beginning of a conversation:

  • “I think we already met at my friend Vitya’s birthday party”;
  • “You don’t think it’s great sunny weather today”;
  • “Did we happen to study together at the institute? You remind me very much of my classmate.”

You can give a compliment:

  • “You have such a beautiful watch, where did you buy it?”;
  • “Your manicure is luxurious. How do you manage to get such a result?

If a person is not predisposed to conversation, the acquaintance will not work. In other cases, they will answer you.

Improvise, try to start a conversation. Listen carefully to your interlocutor. To learn this, you can read the relevant literature, take courses or find information on the Internet.

Enroll your child in clubs

Attending clubs is not only one of the ways to develop a child’s creative potential, but also an opportunity to meet other children of a similar age. Moreover, children are already united by a common interest. Under such conditions, it is not difficult to make at least one new friend.

As a rule, it is difficult for a child to get to know someone in the first two classes, but then it becomes easier, and the child independently joins the team.

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