The girl saw her boyfriend walking with someone else and found the best revenge. Her methods are every man's nightmare

What does friend zone mean?

What is a friend zone? Surely men who have at least once found themselves in the so-called “friendship zone” know what it is. This word first appeared in the cult television series “Friends” in 1994 (an excellent reason to rewatch your favorite series again).

The friend zone is a relationship between a guy and a girl when one has romantic feelings for the other, but the opposite partner perceives him only as a friend.

Agree, the situation is not the most pleasant. Surely such a relationship cannot be called healthy, because one constantly hopes for mutual love, and the second does not see the romantic development of events, but does not let go of the “good friend.”

Why do guys friendzone girls?

Are you wondering, “ Why am I in the friend zone?” " There are many reasons for this. The main one is that a woman does not see you as a man. Here are all the reasons why a girl keeps a guy in her friend zone:

  • The guy doesn't take the initiative in the relationship. Agree, it is difficult to start a romantic relationship with a person who does not even give a hint of his sympathy. Or if you have talked about your feelings, you may not be taking any steps to make the friendship grow into something more.
  • The guy doesn't show any sexuality. It is important for girls to see that a guy has sexual interest in her. Otherwise, she will not perceive him as a potential boyfriend.
  • The guy is not decisive. You don’t show your sympathy in any way, you’re afraid of ruining a good friendly relationship with a girl.
  • A guy is a convenient option. Often, men who are in the friend zone show softness and indulge the girl in everything. This is very convenient for her.

By the way, based on the reasons for the friend zone, we can conclude that there are two types of such relationships: definite and indefinite. In the first case, the girl tells the guy directly that he can only count on friendship. The second situation arises when a girl does not know about a guy’s feelings or deliberately leaves friendly relations with him.

How to make a girl fall in love with you if she considers you a friend?

Why does a girl consider a guy a friend? This question must first be answered in order to understand what reason should be eliminated. If a girl doesn’t like the guy’s appearance, then he should take care of himself: go to the gym, get himself in order. If a girl thinks a guy is unkempt and unfashionable, then he should take care of his appearance: buy fashionable clothes, maintain hygiene, do his hair, etc. If a girl says that the guy is not interested in her and simply doesn’t know her, then you need to find out about her hobbies, interests, desires.

Why is life cruel when it allows people to fall in love with those who do not return the same feeling? They love you, but you don't love you. They love you, but they don’t love you. Where's the justice? In fact, everything is natural. Nobody forces a person to love someone who does not reciprocate, just as he is not obliged to love everyone who loves him. We can say that a person makes his own choice when he begins to suffer and continue to fight for the love of a partner who no longer wants to reciprocate warm feelings.

When it comes to love, people cite the fact that feelings are difficult to manage. This is true, but only half. It's hard to manage what you don't understand. But if a person understands why he may not love each other, then he will have a chance to get rid of his unrequited suffering.

Why does a person love those who do not love him? This is a habit that comes from childhood. For the most part, parents rarely show love to their children. In single-parent families, one of the parents is missing, that is, the children do not receive love from him. In other families, parents are so busy with their work and worries that they do not devote time to their children. In still other families, parents show indifference to their own children: they hire nannies to educate them. Fourthly, mothers and fathers are simply so passionate about their lives that children grow up on their own.

If in childhood a person grew up among parents who did not show love to their child, then he learns to love those who do not love him. Thus, the parents themselves teach the child to love those who do not reciprocate. This is sometimes called “understanding what love is.” In this article we will simply call it a habit. Since a child always loves his parents unconditionally, no matter what they do, he gets used to receiving exactly the love that they give. If a person loved, and his parents treated him indifferently, or paid very little attention, or constantly compared him with someone, or criticized him and forced him to be good in order to receive their recognition, then he gets used to exactly this form of love towards himself. Becoming an adult, a person begins to love. And it is quite natural that he falls in love with those who show him the same attitude that his parents showed him in childhood.

Thus, the form of love that your parents (or siblings you hold dear) showed you as a child dictates who you will start to fall in love with. You will love. But the people you are interested in will show you the kind of attitude to which you have been accustomed since childhood. You may suffer from unrequited love. But you may notice that for some reason you don’t love those people who fall in love with you. This is all because you are not used to loving those who love you. You are more accustomed to loving only people who reject you. Do you understand the mechanism?

A person loves in adulthood the same way he did in childhood. Whatever attitude parents show towards a person in childhood, the partners he chooses will treat him the same way. A person gets used to loving only those who demonstrate parental behavior. And if a person’s parents did not love him very much, rejected him, or showed indifference, then he will only love people who show such an attitude. At the same time, all applicants who show sincere love will be rejected, since a person is not accustomed to love when they love him.

The same thing happens with a guy who loves a girl who considers him her friend. He loves because she is friends with him, otherwise he would not love her.

You can make a girl fall in love with you, even if she considers you her friend. To do this you should do:

  1. Become the kind of guy she wants to see next to her, that is, change, fit herself into this image.
  2. Don't run after the girl, be a little inaccessible. Here you can also start hanging out with other girls to make your beloved, who is currently rejecting you, jealous.
  3. Be generous. If a girl asks for something, then help. If she needs your attention, then give it to her.
  4. Be independent from the opinions of parents, friends and other people. Girls love independent, wayward guys.

Signs you're in the friend zone

How can you tell if a guy is in the friend zone? It is very easy to understand that a girl likes you. There are also several clear signs that the girl does not perceive you as a potential partner and is only ready for a friendly relationship.

Signs that a guy is in the friend zone:

  1. You are not having sexual contact with the girl. You can’t even dream about having sex with a girl who considers you just a friend. Usually girls do not allow even ordinary physical contact.
  2. The girl does not perceive your opinion or does not take it into account when making decisions.
  3. You spend a lot of time together, but the girl perceives these meetings as friendly outings.
  4. You help the girl with everything. You may start to feel like she is taking advantage of you by asking for help. This option is not excluded.
  5. She is ready to tell you openly about her life, actions, and share with you the secrets and details of her sex life. Excessive openness suggests that you are just a friend to her.
  6. She reduces all your attempts at flirting and advances to jokes.
  7. She doesn't try to be the best for you. Believe me, if a girl is in love with a man, she will want to be the best for him in everything. If she can wear regular jeans and a T-shirt to your meetings, you are not the object of her admiration.
  8. She has a boyfriend. Well, there are no options here.

If your relationship with your lover has all these signs, then you are definitely in the friend zone. How to change the status of “friend” to the status of “lover”? We will tell you about this further.

How can a guy get out of the friend zone?

If there is a friend zone, then you can get out of it. Although it is not always possible to do this with a pleasant outcome for yourself. You can either completely break off the relationship with the girl you like, or achieve her love.

How can a guy get out of the friend zone?

  1. Show interest in the girl . Let her know that you consider her as your companion, and not just a friend. Stop being her friend, stop listening to all her problems, intimate details of her life, and so on.
  2. Be a man . Girls love strong, brave, brutal guys who won’t accept the answer “I need to think about it.” The question should be pointed out. If a girl doesn't want to be with you, stop communicating.
  3. Develop intellectually and physically . Become interesting to the girl, get your body in shape, but don’t forget to pump up your brain.
  4. Try not to pay attention to the girl . Stop initiating your meetings, don't call or write first. This hits the girls' pride hard. If she takes the first step herself, you have a chance for a relationship.
  5. Don't be too persistent and intrusive . Daily requests to pay attention to you will make you look like a weakling in her eyes. Act smoothly and gradually.
  6. Stop being a follower . There are often guys in the friend zone who are easy to manipulate. Stop being too soft, show your masculine character.
  7. Cause jealousy . Since you're friends, why don't you go on a date with another girl? This behavior may wake up your lover. Perhaps she will look at you with completely different eyes.

If all your attempts to make a girl fall in love with you are in vain, stop communicating. It will hurt you. It is best to break off all contacts with such a lady, start another relationship or immerse yourself in work. Love and be loved!

The girl considers him a friend

Hello, this is Lesha Doc and in this article I will answer the guy’s question, which sounds like this: “ A girl considers him a friend

By the way, if you want to get your favorite girl right now , then

Click: Get your favorite girl

If you have a question for me, then write, I will answer you personally .

On the topic of girls, I have been giving advice for 9 years, I have a huge experience. (all confidential). Copy my email from here below and write.

My personal email: [email protected] (all free)

And here is his letter that he sent to me:

Hi Aleksey. You write great. About me: 21 years old, I work, I make good money , I live on my own, I’m not a freak or a fool. She is a girl, 20 years old, lives with her mother and grandmother, and is still studying at university by correspondence.

We dated her for six months, not everything went smoothly in the relationship, frequent quarrels out of nowhere, resentment on my part. I messed up terribly myself. As a result, they broke up on mutual initiative. After 3 months we crossed paths, word for word, and started communicating again. She herself called, invited to go for a walk, showed interest in every possible way.

Well, we started walking, I began to take a closer look at how she had changed, she was like me. And then the unexpected happened. We were with her at a general get-together, where I got drunk and told her that I loved her. She didn't answer. This is how we continue to communicate for the last month. We have sex periodically when the girl stays with me.

But recently she writes on social media. networks post, with our common photo, where she says how wonderful and beloved I am, but with the postscript “friend” . I thought, “Is this a twist? It seems like everything is just starting to get better, has it really gotten dull again somewhere? And he answered her that I was not her friend, and she was not my friend. She said "As you know."

The next day the girl went with her friends to another city to hang out. She invited me there with her before, but I had things to do these days. I don’t call or write to her after these words . A day later she dialed it herself, asking how you were doing, this and that, we talked, and at the end he said, “Are you at least not offended by me?”, I said, “No, why should I be offended.”

The next day he calls again, just to talk about nothing, we talked and after a few minutes I said that it was time for me to go (a bored friend was waiting for me). Today is day 3 of this madness. She has already returned home today. I called her, I wanted to find out how she got there, she didn’t answer the phone , most likely she was sleeping.

I still have an opinion in my head that I should have called her during the trip and asked how she was, how she got there, how she left. Please comment.

Set you on the right path. What should I do with her? Why is she acting this way? The usual backup option until a better guy comes along? I want to become a girl with normal relationships. Or understand that she is using me and playing with me, fix it or end it. In short, the girl considers me a friend.

So, let's understand this situation.

And I can immediately say that the girl does not want any serious relationship at this moment in time. She just needs a guy who will satisfy her needs for sex and short walks under the moonlight.

Plus, she understands that this guy is still a sucker and he won’t be of any use in material terms. And if you are going to date a guy, then this guy should be much older and have normal income. So that he would immediately take her to live in his apartment, and she would finally move away from her grandmothers and mothers.

It’s immediately obvious that the girl likes to go out, hang out in clubs with her friends , where she is looking for a suitable boy, while our guy is waiting for her call and trying to make her his girlfriend.

At the same time, the girl knows very well that our boy has a crush on her. He personally confessed his love to her, which means that the guy will always be by her side and will always help her if necessary in any situation. That's why she boldly writes everything to her fellow guys on social media. network that she has no one, but has a good friend.

And all the guys immediately begin to understand that she is not dating anyone now and is looking for a new guy, and they slowly begin to act and offer their services.

What happens next?

And then she will continue to rivet your brain until the moment when her ideal, which I described above, appears on the horizon. And if this happens, she will immediately forget about you . And you will suffer, because you still believe that this girl is your destiny and it is with her that you will find a family.

What do we have to do?

If you want a girl for a serious relationship, then leave this one and start looking for a feminine girl . But do it wisely and don’t rush at everything that moves in front of your eyes. The girl will have to really look and work hard. And girls like this are a dime a dozen, but it’s just trash.

If you only need sex, then for another six months you will be able to spend time with this girl, but don’t start ripping her brains about relationships , since you are not suitable for this role, neither in age, but in income, but in terms of her claims. And in six months you will separate like ships at sea forever.

It's up to you to decide.

This article is only a small part of what is on my sites ; they contain a lot of useful and practical information on this and other topics that interest you. You can immediately successfully use this information in practice with girls, without wasting your time. Now I have 2 websites: and

Click: More articles on this topic

By the way, if you want to get your favorite girl right now , then

Click: Get your favorite girl

If you have a question for me, then write, I will answer you personally .

On the topic of girls, I have been giving advice for 9 years, I have a huge experience. (all confidential). Copy my email from here below and write.

My personal email: [email protected] (all free)

What guys say about the articles:

“Lesha, from the moment I started reading your articles, I changed my life a lot. If you apply your advice, then not only your relationships with girls will change, but your whole life in general. Now I live like a MAN, and the girls feel it))” Egor, Moscow

“Thank you so much, Lesha!!! The tips from your articles are useful, they change your own psychology and attitude towards the world and towards girls. Now everything in my life has changed dramatically. Thankful to you!" Maxim, Ukraine

“Alexey, thank you so much for what you do. You help people find each other, while breaking all the stereotypes of behavior between guys and girls. After your advice, it becomes easier to communicate with girls and live in general. It turns out that everything is simple!)”


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