Short SMS to a man to lift his spirits

For a young girl in love, her boyfriend comes first, of course. There are all sorts of moments in life, and sometimes the pressing question arises: “How to cheer up a guy?”

We will try to give in our article as much advice as possible on how to do this, not only live, but also over the Internet at a distance (via SMS or VK). But the main thing is that if you have a good friendly relationship, and the problem is really serious, try not to leave him alone, as this is the most important thing you can do at this moment.

Ten tips on how to easily improve a guy's mood

Method 1. Always smiling and happy when you meet

, you can instill in your loved one the confidence that you are the person with whom you will always feel comfortable and good. If he knows that there is a place in the world where he can hide from all the hardships of life, then this thought will always give him strength and improve his mood.

Method 2. Never follow the lead

, if your boyfriend is trying to take it out on you. Remember that we are all human and the best we can do is to be understanding about such an incident. But be able to distinguish an isolated case from psychological vampirism or the behavior of an immature personality.

In the last two cases, your problem is a little more complicated than “how to cheer up a guy” and should be solved first of all.

Method 3. We can tell a man how much we love him

. Choose words that he has not yet heard from you. A very good time to tell your loved one about your feelings is when he seems upset about some problem in the relationship (and not necessarily with you). These could be his friends or parents.

The main thing is that you encourage him at a time when he needs it most. Find on VK the most suitable photo on this topic and send it to him.

Method 4. We can invite our husband to play pranks

. It is clear that at an early stage of development of a relationship, such a proposal will cause the guy, to put it mildly, bewilderment. But a dear and trusted man will like this idea.

And it doesn’t matter what the proposal is: a love game or some kind of intrigue, his mood will immediately lift up and he will forget about all the problems, even if it is a short SMS on the phone or VK. And if you can somehow delay time until the moment of execution, you are guaranteed an enchanting outcome of this prank.

Method 5. Find words to convince him that he is the best

. It is also common for a man to worry about some failures, and by admiring his character traits or actions, you can raise self-esteem to unprecedented heights and stimulate a person to further achievements.

Method 6. Invite your husband to spend the weekend the way he wants

. It could be an overnight fishing trip, going to a football game in a pub or stadium, but in any case, he will feel like-minded and a kindred spirit in you. Agree, it’s worth it once to see the joy in the eyes of a loved one.

Method 7. We can organize a surprise for your loved one

, having previously sent him an SMS. It could be a themed party or a professional holiday that he conveniently forgot about.

The main thing is that he will forget about his problems in a noisy company and cheer himself up. And even if the next day the same question reminds itself again, the man will have the strength to resolve it.

Method 8. Have a romantic and delicious dinner

. On the Internet, VK or on special culinary sites there are many original recipes (shrimp fried in oil; fish on a bed of herbs or fondue) that can surprise even the most sophisticated gourmet.

The sayings “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach” and “a hungry man is an angry man” have always been true. And if for some reason culinary talent is not on your list of merits, you can always order food in a restaurant by phone or SMS (without advertising the author of the dish).

Method 9. Dance for him

. Not only words, but also body movements can lift your mood. Even if you didn’t study at a ballet school, your man is most likely even further from this and will not notice the imperfections of your plasticity. And simple rhythmic movements to his favorite music will not leave him indifferent. It doesn’t have to be a striptease or semi-striptease - just dancing is enough to lift a man’s mood.

Method 10. We all love to receive gifts

. The stronger sex treats them just the same as the weaker, and a guy will be very pleased to receive his favorite alcoholic drink, a ticket to a football match, or just a cute, inexpensive trinket.

The best universal methods: TOP 10

They are suitable for people of all ages, regardless of their interests, profession and social status. With their help, you can improve your own emotional state. That is, if you want to improve a person’s emotional state, you present it, offer to do it, or do it. If you need to amuse yourself, you buy it, offer it to one of your family or friends, or do it accordingly.

How to cheer up when it's at zero:

  1. A walk is a change of scenery and oxygen that improves well-being.
  2. A fascinating abstract conversation about something bright and positive.
  3. An inexpensive but pleasant gift - flowers, a souvenir or a surprise.
  4. A pleasant evening in the company of loved ones, loved ones and friends.
  5. Purchasing is a purchase that you have been putting off for a long time.
  6. New hobbies – dancing, mountaineering, hiking and others.
  7. Adrenaline - skydiving, rides.
  8. Delicious food - order what you like and enjoy in a pleasant environment.
  9. Relax by watching your favorite movie or reading a book.
  10. Listening to invigorating or, on the contrary, relaxing music.

By the way, lack of sleep is a common cause of blues. It is also worth paying tribute to external factors - perhaps you lack vitamins or constant conflicts with one of your colleagues, family or friends have begun to finish you off. In this case, it is worth eliminating the external irritant. That is, not a person, but contact with him.


Find out the reason for your interlocutor’s bad mood, try to feel it. Do not try to switch him to more important problems, especially if these problems are yours. Do not aggravate the situation, and especially do not try to cheer up the person with conflicts. Show sincere participation, try to distract your counterpart. Invite them for a walk or visit, give them some nice little thing. But never finish him off with sarcastic, caustic jokes, much less scandals.

How to cheer up a man by text

Social networks offer visitors a lot of entertainment for all tastes. Using VK or using SMS, it turns out to be much easier to make a person laugh and cheer him up than in person.

  • Ask using emoticons the reason for his bad mood. His angry face, and then your uncomprehending face, will be enough to start an SMS correspondence. And, even if you live together, this method will always be effective, since signs of attention are pleasant for everyone - both the newlyweds and the husband with twenty years of experience in family life.
  • A good idea would be an SMS with an original joke on the topic. What would be vulgar for a girl, will probably seem fun and cool to her beloved. It’s just how the stronger sex works and there’s nothing you can do about it. Don’t be afraid of frank and provocative VK pictures; your goal is to amuse and distract as quickly as possible.
  • We can send a loved one an SMS with an offer to go somewhere. Usually it is the prerogative of guys to invite someone somewhere. Otherwise, he will be pleasantly surprised and delighted that someone took on his responsibility and took care of him.
  • If you are embarrassed to declare your love, looking into the eyes, you can write a letter to your loved one. Electronic or paper - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that he will read important words that will forever remain in his heart.

Always be positive, respond to men’s troubles and problems - and you will develop harmonious and sincere relationships that fill your life with happiness.

*when copying material, a link to the source is required

Positive poems to cheer up a man

For bitter coffee, get a chocolate bar, For a bitter moment - a happy thought. Just remember: EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY. Just remember that this is all LIFE...

Who's the one who screwed up? Who's in no mood? I'll start the Super performance now! I want you to quickly just smile, so that you can finally return to joyful life!


They say loneliness can be cured... With just one phone call. And your gaze glows like a bright rainbow, filling your heart with warmth.

There is a bright sun outside the window again, And instead of winter - summer again, And from the edge to the very bottom You feel His love.

You believe in something you can’t even believe in, And you float in the clouds like a moth. They say loneliness can be cured... With just one phone call.


And happiness begins with you... With your magical, sincere smile and a drop of spiritual fire that suddenly became inexplicably close

And happiness begins with a dream, warmed by a shared cup of tea and your words “You know, I miss you” and a gentle touch of your hand

And happiness begins with warmth. When your eyes, like the sun, shine, warming winter dawns and illuminating the bustle of the day.

And happiness begins with miracles of mutual love, sincere care and strong friendship sent from heaven. Everything else is, in general, calculations

I am a small text message. I'm cold and hungry. I ran along the air rails and finally got there. The one who loves sent me. Now I'm kind of for her.


Night. Street. The lantern under the eye of the Unclear emits light. And at home they are waiting - the wife is an infection And.. her mother!.. there is no outcome. When you come, they’ll start again from the beginning, And everything will be repeated as before: Again with a ladle, anywhere, First aid kit, iodine, second flashlight...


Why are you sad, my friend? Look around quickly! Nothing bad will happen - The main thing is to smile with your heart!

And it doesn’t matter what’s going on around you - Whether it’s snow, sun, or maybe darkness... Let your mood soar like a bird! May a rainbow rise in your soul!

When at the end of the road, Having come from afar, You can barely drag your feet - Sit down, drink a beer. And all your sorrows, no matter how great, will be forgotten and cast away from body and soul.


Everything will be: smiles, and flowers, And all our dreams will surely come true, And our life will blossom, as in a fairy tale, The soul in our chest will sing, as in childhood. And old friends will support us, And new ones will be found in good time. Fate, smiling at us, will wink at us, and will immediately send us luck to visit us.


Let your eyes and lips smile, tender, like forget-me-not flowers. Let the mood be bouncy, Let the day be happy and very lucky.

Let everything work out with inspiration, Let the song boldly burst into your heart in the morning. Sing it loudly, dance until you drop - You will receive a joyful day as a reward!

How to answer in an original way?

Below is a list of the most original answers

to this question:

  • “My mood is enchanting. Like a heroine from a children's fairy tale, I am in a hurry to help people and spread goodness! So you got in my way, so I want to make you happy”;
  • “I’m in a delightful mood, if you’re in a bad mood, then I can lend you a loan, but you’ll have to return it to me if I get bored”;
  • “I’m very sick, because I’m always in a great mood, do you want me to infect you too?”
  • “Mood is my decoration. How beautiful do you think I am?”
  • “Excellent, but, unfortunately, nothing in this life is permanent...”

It is also advisable to use these phrases only if a person is able to respond adequately to them.

In other cases, you should give the most neutral answer possible.

As it turns out, people ask the question: “How are you feeling?” for different purposes. How to answer this? It is necessary to select statements depending on the intentions and degree of familiarity with the interlocutor.

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