A girl stopped loving me - how to get her back? Getting your ex back

Possible reasons

A man’s feelings fade away when, instead of an attractive girl, he finds himself next to an ordinary woman who wears simple clothes and stops putting on makeup and taking care of herself.

If a guy said that he had fallen out of love, then this was necessarily preceded by some factors.

  1. Your appearance has changed. Perhaps after a long relationship you have stopped taking care of yourself. For first dates, a girl can dress beautifully, do high-quality makeup and hairstyle. If a relationship with a guy lasts a long time, she may stop thinking about her appearance, start wearing boyish clothes, stop doing her hair, tie her hair in a ponytail, even start forgetting to wash her hair, and stop putting on makeup. Such changes will allow the guy to look at his chosen one in a new way. He will not always be happy with the changes that have taken place. Feelings will begin to change and gradually fade away. And if a girl has gained a lot of excess weight during the relationship, it is not surprising that the young man will stop feeling attracted to her.
  2. The girl can get boring. The man is an invader, he spent some time wooing his chosen one, wasting his strength and energy on her. After he gets it, he gradually begins to lose interest.
  3. Regular arguments can also cause a reluctance to spend time together. Feelings cool towards a person who constantly reproaches or blows his mind.
  4. The guy may have a new object of adoration. Perhaps he is just a womanizer, or new feelings have awakened true love in him. The realization that the previous relationship was simply falling in love.

Main manifestations

The man starts to be rude and stops caring

Let's look at what the signs are that a guy has fallen out of love.

  1. The young man is not at all jealous of the girl towards other guys, despite the fact that he used to do this all the time.
  2. He completely stopped showing any interest in her life, achievements and victories.
  3. Stopped giving compliments and kind words.
  4. I began to pay more attention to my appearance and take care of myself. This is a sign that he has not only fallen out of love with his partner, but also that another girl has appeared in his life.
  5. The man behaves indifferently, is not interested in the mental and physical state of his chosen one.
  6. The guy can become rude, often loses his temper, and shows his negative emotions. Becomes harsh in communication.
  7. Stops taking into account the opinion of his partner. Consequently, he loses respect for her.
  8. More and more often he shows his superiority, points out to the girl what kind of man is next to her, that she is unworthy of him. Lack of equality is a sign of a doomed relationship.
  9. Noticeable changes in intimate life.
  10. A guy whose feelings for a girl have cooled will easily cheat. If the partner finds out that adultery has taken place, most likely the young man no longer has any feelings for her.

How to return the woman you love if she...?

The influence of stars on human character has been known since ancient times. Knowing the key features of the Zodiac sign, it is easier to return your beloved girl.


Representatives of the fair sex born under this sign are distinguished by purposefulness and toughness of character. However, they are not devoid of romanticism and sentimentality; they love sincere admiration addressed to them. How to get an Aries girl back? Arouse her feelings with touching letters, spend a date with her in the rain or watch a heart-warming film. A touched Aries needs to be taken into circulation “warmly”.

Zodiac sign Aries according to the calendar


Taurus are stubborn, down-to-earth and hardworking people. Before you get your Taurus girl back, you should put aside all romantic thoughts. Such ladies value perseverance, perseverance and pay attention not to words, but to actions.


Geminis always rush between two, and sometimes even a dozen, lights. Their opinions change at lightning speed, and it can be difficult to catch their mood. How to get a Gemini girl back? Strive for the same ease in communication and everyday life, and most importantly, be able to listen. After all, it is by the restless chatter that one can identify a Gemini in a crowd.


Cancers are vulnerable, romantic, dreamy. If you offend a representative of the sign, then forgiveness will not be easy to obtain. Cancer tends to hide from others in its “shell.” Before you return a Cancer girl, you should establish close friendly contact with her and gain trust in her.

Characteristics of a Cancer girl

a lion

The weak point of any Lioness is flattery and compliments. Even outright toadying will not alert the girl. In addition, Lionesses adore chic and beauty. How to get a Leo girl back? Arrive at her house in a luxury car, praise her heavenly beauty for the entire night and, to top it off, under the envious glances of observers, give something amazing.


This earth sign is not inclined to have their head in the clouds and evaluates things with a cool mind. This woman cannot be charmed by poetry under the moon, playing the guitar or candles in the bedroom. Before you get your Virgo girl back, buy a practical gift. Your loved one will appreciate a meat grinder, a good watch or a household encyclopedia.


If you are thinking about how to get a Libra girl back, then get ready to be assertive. This lady always doubts everything, going through options for hours. To make a decision, you need to carefully press her with arguments.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign Libra


Sagittarians love live communication. It is necessary to prove yourself in a conversation. Be witty, bright, “the life of the party.” This will definitely attract your ex.


It’s hard to say how to get a Scorpio girl back. The lady is touchy, vindictive and will certainly want to take revenge. You should be patient and be as careful as possible.


Representatives of this sign are cold and secretive. Before you return a Capricorn girl after a breakup, it is better to thoroughly understand her motives. In addition, the sign is prone to self-criticism and depression. How to get a Capricorn girl back? To be there at the moment of lyrical sadness and lend a strong shoulder.


A creative, extravagant nature loves bright and talented men. If you don’t play the violin like a god, bake the best buns, or win a competition for the most beautiful tie, pass by. How to get an Aquarius girl back? Show your individuality, acting talent and turn on your charm.

Characteristics of an Aquarius girl


A complex, secretive sign that is not always easy to spot. Under the mask of external carelessness hides a cold mind, prudence and emotional vulnerability. How to get a Pisces girl back? Get to the very core of her soul and convince her that she is safe with you.

How to act

If a guy's feelings have passed, it's time to destroy memories of him

You found out that the young man’s feelings have faded away, now there are two options: try to renew them or let your loved one go forever.

If you decide to do everything to return a man’s love, you should carefully find out what exactly influenced the disappearance of his feelings. If you can change this somehow, go for it.

  1. There is no need to humiliate yourself, throw tantrums, threaten or blackmail. It’s better to take charge of yourself, your appearance, increase your own self-esteem, show the man whom he has lost.
  2. Don’t be angry, but try to behave cheerfully, smile more often, and see the positive in everything.
  3. There is no correct advice on how to restore the feelings of a loved one. It all depends on each individual case. The main thing you need to know is that there is serious work to be done on yourself and the couple as a whole. After all, relationships often fade away because they are not signed with anything, no one makes an effort to preserve them. You also need to understand that at some point in the relationship a crisis arises, which can cause a man to lose his feelings. At such a moment, it is important not to blame the young man for not paying enough attention, but to try to understand why this happens. If it is in your power, then fix it.

If you decide to let go, then you need to come to terms with the loss and do the following.

  1. Limit your meetings with him. There is no need to withdraw into yourself, to remain alone, it is better to constantly be surrounded by loving people, friends and relatives. It is your loved ones who will help you understand how to survive a painful breakup.
  2. No matter how much you would like to call or write to your loved one, do not allow yourself to do this. As soon as such thoughts arise, immediately switch to something else.
  3. There is no need to accumulate resentment against your ex-lover. Forgive him for not being around anymore. Respect his rights and wishes.

A girl stopped loving me - how to get her back? Getting your ex back

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Category: How to get your ex back

Hi, friend!

Roman Vinilov is in touch again!

Once in the life of most men such a moment occurs. And so I know how things usually happen. All was good. You spent some time together - maybe three years, maybe a couple of months. This doesn’t change the essence: you love her. But one day you hear words from her that change your whole life before and after. “We can't be together anymore. It's not about you, you're a good guy. We need to break up. I'll pick up my things tomorrow." You are presented with a fact. It’s as if fate, having started a terrible game, has reshaped your entire Life with one stroke of the pen. Everything is down the drain: happiness, joint plans, happy memories. Ahead is a dark tunnel, at the end of which there is no light visible.

Who is guilty? Surprise: you!

Did the girl fall out of love? Make her come back

These words are often thrown around by those who view real relationships as melodrama. The habit of deception destroys self-esteem and leads to despondency and poverty. The negative scenario is similar for many.

You quite expectedly experienced shock from the girl’s decision to leave. It seemed that just a few days ago the relationship was ideal and such a sudden change of feelings is simply impossible. You think you can just chat and get everything back. She ignores you on all fronts - on the Internet, on the phone. You ask your friends or, worst of all, girls for help. But they are as far from understanding your relationship as your grandmother. The advice will be as stupid as possible, like: “You just need to talk and she will come back. You just offended her somehow.” Right now, more than anything else, you want to hear some kind of explanation and cling to it, even if it has no logic behind it. And then - everything is classic.

Obedient puppy

Part one. You praise her to the heavens in your head, and now you’ve managed to scribble a dozen messages in which you apologize for the grievances you’ve invented yourself. You create a huge information background around her, all around you, you, you. And yet you are pathetic. The more she ignores, the more you sink. Over time, you begin to resemble a beaten dog that crawled with its tail between its legs to the one who hit it. She deserves it, right?

Part two. You are guarding her along the route you know. And so you look like a degenerate, spineless person, but you try to add pity - it’s good that it’s raining, and a passing car splashes you with mud. She can’t be cold, it will stir up her feelings, she will call you home to warm you up and caress you - you think. And then you will again ask for forgiveness for everything, look at her with loving eyes and say that from now on everything will be just wonderful for you - even better than it was. Yeah, of course. Perhaps she will listen to you. But the most you can expect is feigned sympathy and an offer to remain friends.

You get on a half-empty tram and go home, peering at the streams on the glass in which street lamps and shop windows are reflected. In one of the cafes you see exactly the same couple as you, and you understand: she is my destiny. All the happy moments of life together flash before your eyes. “What is she like... Unearthly. I love her. There are no such people anymore!” You decide to get her back at any cost, you come up with plan after plan... This is just the beginning, my friend.

You will write and call her more than once when you’re drunk (or when the rain starts pounding outside the window again). Then you will stop drinking, start reading a smart book and doing push-ups. Get a haircut and buy a new shirt. In a couple of weeks you will feel that you have changed and become successful. But you will again be broken by her indifference or even evil ridicule. The psychologist will advise you to be friends with her. And someone is fucking her, and you know who - because you constantly monitor her social networks. All that remains is to grieve.

There is also a slightly different story, although this does not change the essence. She was nice to you, saying that it was her fault, or she made you an alternate airfield, receiving expensive gifts and your property along the way. I have encountered this many times: a guy after a breakup or during a quarrel tries to buy the girl’s favor in the hope that this will help return her former happiness. He builds an incorrect association: once upon a time, beautiful gestures added passion to an already good relationship - they will certainly still help to establish contact. It will not happen. If your ex is not a whore, then she did not love you for gifts, gestures, beautiful compliments and attention.

Why women love men

90% of men who contact me about getting their girlfriend back were initially in a strong position as a couple. That is, the woman was a good bonus in his life. You had a great time with her, experienced a lot of pleasant moments, but did not make plans together. Basically, you were only thinking about yourself. She had a good time with you too. Afraid of losing you, she tried to please you in everything. It was quite natural for her to meet you at home in the evening, agree with you and tolerate your outbursts. She did it because she loves, okay?

This is the law of love: it is felt by those who experience an acute lack of attention from their soulmate. As long as you maintain this proportion on your side - that is, the balance of importance in the relationship in your favor - she is in love with you. And oddly enough, this is what women subconsciously strive for - to surrender to the flow of uncontrollable emotions. She easily finds excuses for why her boyfriend is acting cold, such as being too busy. After all, she is in love! This means that her boyfriend is not to blame for anything. As long as she loves, she is not at all drawn to quarrels. It's simple: she is afraid of losing the feelings she is experiencing now. This is a question of how a person perceives value. The most valuable thing is what is not freely available.

When you devoted time to a girl only when you were together, thought more about your affairs and your own life, she appreciated you more and more. She thought about you, dreamed about you, elevated you and justified you in everything - all because of the attention deficit that she experienced. And your steps forward - gifts, compliments, affection - were received with gratitude right then.

Shock that she stopped loving you

If you don’t understand what the relationship between a man and a woman is based on, then losing everything is much easier than accidentally maintaining leadership in it. Perhaps you saw nothing wrong with remaining silent in a seemingly harmless everyday conflict. Or he let her get away with a wild party, which she went to without you and talked a lot with her ex there. Or maybe you fell for her manipulation and announced that it was your fault that you didn’t remember what day you first held hands. Most problems in relationships arise from the stupid complacency of men who believe that a girl’s feelings are constant. You are used to the fact that you need to answer for your words, but this has nothing to do with girls and their words about eternal love. Hearing this makes you relax, taking it as a promise you can trust. In vain.

The girl changes her attitude with lightning speed - and just as quickly makes a decision. This is what shocks the unfortunate guy. But if you understood all the processes, you would not be surprised, because everything does not happen overnight. The signs could be seen in advance. You don’t see them because you are blinded by her words: “Everything is fine.” But everything is visible from the outside. If you have already broken up, you can easily remember the moment when you lost your main role. That's when everything went wrong. When did it happen? You had a conflict or argument in which you gave in because you felt afraid of losing her. She said something stupid or wanted something that disgusts you, and instead of a calm and tough male reaction, you became emotional and/or made concessions. For the first time, you did not take responsibility yourself, because you were scared and let everything take its course. The separation could have happened almost immediately, or the relationship could have dragged on for some more time - but the crack in them occurred right then. Now she controls your emotional life, which means both of you are swimming in a stormy mountain river that will inevitably throw you onto the rocks.

Why did the girl stop loving me?

A woman feels life here and now, she does not remember her positive emotions yesterday. Her attitude towards you changes literally on the air. They are so emotional that they want to experience vivid feelings every second. Every girl tries to break the boundaries you accepted in a relationship. A guy who has taken on the function of a limiter creates two tendencies: she understands that her emotions are controlled “from above” and always feels emotional hunger - because not everything is always possible. Control over emotions is only possible if you are responsible for everything that happens to you as a unit (family, couple, etc.). She feels calm. But a deficiency of something important works well for all living beings - and not just for women.

As soon as you started doing what she wants, you took away two reasons for your girlfriend to be crazy about you: you don’t control anything, she controls you. This does not mean that the woman is fully aware of what is happening, everything is at the level of feelings - she feels that she no longer loves you. This usually doesn’t happen right away: at first, she even likes that you began to care about her more. Subconsciously (and often consciously) a girl gets high when she looks up to you, receiving both punishment and reward in equal measure. If the stick disappears and only the carrot remains, the woman becomes bored.

We can say that when a girl fights and tries to force you under her heel, she gives you the opportunity to improve. Many of her persistent desires are a kind of test on a man: can you continue to love you or have you given up. If you continue to act principled but calm, she will feel empowered. But most men cannot answer a girl correctly all the time. At some point, she begins to look for attention deficit elsewhere.

Reasons for breaking up with a girl

In the vast majority of cases, a woman leaves a man for one reason: he lost leadership in the couple and failed the balance of importance. There are a lot of forks in this situation in terms of the specific development of events, but if you highlight the main ones, you can outline the most popular outcomes.

  • Your girlfriend has changed her place of work/study. Along with a different environment came new emotions, people, potential attention from other guys. If by this moment you have failed the balance of significance, the girl may fall in love with someone else - due to an emotional outburst.
  • You have a bad streak in important areas of your life. It’s hard to stay afloat if a loved one doesn’t support you - so you’re trying to find moral help from your girlfriend. She understands everything and tries to get into the situation, but there is only one emotion inside her: he is a weakling. And again your importance falls.
  • Being demonstratively jealous is almost worse. This is how you show that you are afraid of losing her. She feels how overvalued the importance of this relationship is for you. No wonder she becomes uninterested.
  • Long separations - like in those vulgar jokes about a husband who returned from a business trip and... This is especially true when the relationship has already begun to decline. If at the same time you are leaving for more than a few days, then you are close to breaking up. She will be bored for a while, and then find emotions on the side.
  • Most often it happens that a guy simply gives back in a conflict. What difference does it make who was the culprit of the quarrel, what is more important is who emerged victorious. For a girl, life is all about emotions. And only those who can manage them command respect. So if you couldn’t restrain yourself and freaked out or backed out, your relationship is on the verge of disaster.

Do you think you broke up because of something else? Then take a pen and notepad and write your version of events. Now compare with those I have listed - I am sure that in one or more of them you will find signs of your situation. I mentioned the key reason - you have lost leadership in the relationship. That's why she's fed up with you and is now looking for a new source of emotions.

How to get your ex back without humiliating yourself

Getting your ex-girlfriend back is possible. But first, you must understand and accept the reason for your separation (which I wrote about above). It’s worth bringing her back if only to understand how everything really works, and not just for the sake of a reunion. In a situation where there is no balance of importance - and if it is on the girl's side - it is the woman who dominates and controls the relationship. Only a radical change of roles will help. Oddly enough, the girl herself facilitates the return (if everything is done correctly), because she is dependent on the state of love and will only return to it. By understanding how female emotionality works, you will be able to control and use it to your advantage.

If the relationship was serious enough (and not a fleeting romance for a couple of weeks), then parting in any case will not be easy. Most likely, the breakup itself will be accompanied by swearing, mutual accusations, and the like—you won’t be able to start communicating again right away. Over time, memory defense mechanisms make bad memories less noticeable and good ones more vivid. Therefore, the return timeout is very important, and it can last in different ways. The main thing to remember is that she must get in touch - and do it without aggression: “How is life?”, “Can you help me with something?”, “I’m a little bored.” These can also be beacons in the form of actions on social networks - for example, likes of your posts and photos.

Ignore - in order to return her love

The key is understanding and being aware of priorities. You need to step back from the old logic and do what really helps to win back the girl’s affection. Stop being afraid of losing her - it was this feeling that led you to the situation in which you found yourself. Instead, remember why she loved you. Then you were a self-sufficient person with your own interests and affairs, who was not available at the first snap of your fingers. But later you settled comfortably under the heel. She should again feel the lack of emotions from you, and so that it cannot be ignored, turn on complete ignorance on all fronts. Ignore any of her actions on social networks, don’t write or respond to messages (don’t even read), don’t pick up the phone. Until you reverse the role reversal, it won’t even occur to her to return to you. You are a resource that turned out to be closed from her, she will again want to experience familiar emotions.

But don't think it's easy. Most men cannot cope with being ignored, because women are masters at checking guys for lice. The arsenal of tools to piss you off is so huge that you will be shocked at the lengths a woman is willing to go to in order to put her guilty puppy back in its place. The most effective thing is to make you jealous. And since you actually broke up, get ready for photographs showing her naked figure on Instagram, provocative statuses and posts where other men clearly appear. If you take the bait and give away your surveillance of her, you are finished, she will turn your life into hell. She will tell you what an asshole you were during your relationship and before you know it, you will become guilty and caved in again. Male weakness evokes in a woman not sympathy, but a desire for revenge. Because this is a stone in her garden - after all, she chose you. It is clear that this makes her angry. And all this is due to premature removal of the ignore list.

Do you know what's most amazing? No one is immune from the situation I described. In ordinary life you can be tough, stern and successful. But a little girl can turn any man into an uninitiative rag that can be pushed around. Trust my experience: not only unhappy students come to me, but also very successful, influential, powerful men who could not cope with relationships with a young, cute face, under which lies a real Gorgon.

So don't feel like a fool for being in this situation, but be wise to admit the mistake. Any person is prone to making mistakes - this is quite normal. The main thing is to understand that the previous plan of action does not work. And most importantly: do not hesitate to ask me for help. This will save your time. You will be able to act correctly right away, and not go in circles for many months, repeating typical mistakes. Refunds are possible, but they are not easy to process.

More interesting on the topic:

Getting your ex-girlfriend back: answers to popular questions

What to do if a girl wants to break up or has already left?

"I cheated on her." How to get a girl back after cheating

We broke up a long time ago - is it possible to get the girl back?

I failed to ignore - what to do next? How to get a girl back after being ignored?

To get a consultation


Have a heart-to-heart talk with your loved one. Perhaps he still loves you

  1. If everything suggests that your lover has fallen out of love, there is no need to panic. Prepare for the fact that separation is inevitable. Try to have a heart-to-heart talk with the guy. At the same time, keep your emotions in hand, do not create a scandal.
  2. Forget about bad thoughts. If you continue to think about it, you will simply become depressed. Try to distract yourself with something pleasant, engage yourself in some activity.
  3. Talk to the young man. Perhaps you are mistaken, and the man is simply overwhelmed with problems at work, but his feelings are still as strong.
  4. If the guy really doesn't love you anymore, let him go. Do not allow yourself to be mocked if he wants to continue such a relationship and simply use your feelings for his own purposes.
  5. Don't hold a grudge against him, don't try to blackmail him. There is no need to think about the place or throw yourself on the neck of a new gentleman as soon as you notice that your partner has lost interest in you.

Now you know how to behave if a guy stops loving you. You must understand that you will not be nice by force. If you understand that he is unhappy next to you, you do not need to hold him back by all available means. Let the person move on with his life. Have pity on yourself, remember your own pride and self-sufficiency.

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