10 stories about unexpected decisions that changed lives

New events and circumstances, new skills and people - this is life. Where to start making changes in life to make it even better and more interesting - read on sympaty.net.

When asked where to start making changes in your life,

should give the answer , and not a psychologist, coach or one of your supportive loved ones. Because only you can see what changes you can handle, and what problems need to be solved first.


For those who honestly want to learn and find useful information, the Internet provides many advantages. But for those who don’t want to, unfortunately, too.

Immersed in social networks and search engines since childhood, we remember not “how to do it,” but “where to find it, how to do it.” “So-called clip thinking develops, concentration of attention decreases,” says psychologist Alexey Nashchekin. — On the Internet, information is usually presented in an accessible way and in short blocks, so the brain gets used to the fact that it is processed easily and in 5 minutes. Many teachers, both school and university, note a decreased concentration of attention because of this. Listening to an hour and a half lecture or solving serious problems on your own is no longer possible.”

The wide availability of information and the lack of the need to make serious efforts to find it atrophies the skills of analysis and critical thinking for some. “The very important ability to find and compare facts, draw logical conclusions and form one’s own judgment on the issues under study has been replaced by pressing the “copy” and “paste” buttons,” emphasized Pavel Shalin. “This also implies a decrease in the threshold of criticality in the perception of information.”

The second story, outwardly similar to downshifting

Elena comes from a small town in the Ivanovo region. Her father was a teacher, loved animals very much and even went about his business with a pet pig. Since childhood, Elena dreamed of working as a veterinarian.

But when it was time to go to college, Elena’s parents explained to Elena that being a veterinarian was an extremely unprestigious profession and she would have to settle in the village forever and “twist the cows’ tails on the farm.” Elena went to pedagogical school.

Elena is an excellent teacher. Children love her for her conscientious work and cordial attitude. But life in a service apartment in Nizhny Novgorod did not appeal to the lover of nature and furry animals of all kinds. She and her husband already had a house in a small, half-abandoned village.

Near the hut, which had been rebuilt over the course of many years from scraps and pieces (and gradually turned into a two-story house), unprecedented flowers were already blooming and future household preparations were growing. And one day chickens settled there.

And then it went like clockwork. Following the chickens, rabbits appeared (it all started with one pair), then the incubator started working, and all this was clearly going to spend the winter. At first, Elena and Alexander visited their pets every weekend.

Each trip was perceived as an exciting journey to our favorite places. And later, when Alexander retired from service, the couple decided to permanently move to their beloved village.

The children had already grown up by that time, but the animals required more and more trouble. And the zealous owners decided to completely move to the village. Elena did not wait for retirement. Instead, she made a suitable schedule for herself at work and goes to work in a city 120 km away every 4 days.

The city is tiring, but at the same time it is a place for purchasing feed and marketing agricultural products. And it cannot be counted, because sheep, goats and pigs appeared on the farm, and the total livestock grew to such an extent that the number of “all together” cannot be calculated in any way.

And even though you have to get up, as they say, before dawn, even though in the evening you feel a pleasant ache in your body, but the spouses greet every day with joy, and the children try to come to the village every free minute.

Fake smile

Another interesting observation by psychologists: on the Internet, a person strives to correspond to his imaginary image. “All people post their best moments on social networks, which can often lead to low self-esteem, because you don’t see other people’s failures, but you know about your own,” noted Alexey Nashchekin. “Again, in order to fit in with your virtual “friends,” you may want to lie.”

According to Sergei Gorin, a psychiatrist and teacher at the Moscow Center for Neurolinguistic Programming, communications on the Internet can in many ways be likened to the carnival culture that existed in the Middle Ages: “For several days a year during holiday carnivals, people abandoned a number of conventions during contacts and behaved more freely, hiding behind anonymity - carnival masks and a general atmosphere of fun, which allowed any barb to be presented as an evil, but joke.”

Both the carnival and the Internet not only create the illusion of anonymity for the user, it allows you to pretend to be anyone. “On the global Web, you are what you wrote about yourself, and besides, you can put any beautiful photo instead of yours,” noted Sergei Gorin.

The downside is that the troubles of people on the Internet are not taken seriously. People are like characters in computer games, so regular Internet users are much less able to empathize, psychologists say. Thus, the development of social networks destroys the social connections that they were supposed to strengthen.

Fake accounts are not so bad; it turns out that when communicating on the Internet, people begin to value their contacts less. “You can always make new friends on the Internet if there is a misunderstanding with old friends. Hence the desire to change the environment,” stated Alexey Nashchekin.

Control yourself!

Previously, I weighed 80 kg with a height of 164 cm. How did it come to this? It's simple. For some time I returned from work at 2-3 o’clock in the morning and always “via” McDonald’s, and throughout the day I ate only sandwiches, rolls or chocolate. A sedentary lifestyle and lack of motivation soon took their toll and I turned into a chubby person. And then one day I decided that it was time to stop and took care of myself. The first thing I did was switch to proper nutrition. In 5 months I lost 22 kg. My current weight is 56 kg. But this does not mean that now I cannot afford to sit with friends in a cafe or eat a hamburger. Against. I have a negative attitude towards diets and “magic” diet pills. To make your body beautiful, you need to “plow” and control yourself! After all, a person’s main motivation is his reflection in the mirror!

Weekend without electricity

There is always something happening on the Internet. “There are a lot of acquaintances there, everyone posts their news, photos, it seems that this is very important - hence the desire to constantly check the social network - news from friends or messages,” explained Alexey Nashchekin.

In addition, most entertainment on the Internet is aimed at the mass user, which means that it is not difficult to get some kind of achievements (best player, most active user, etc.). “If there are problems in real life, then they can always be compensated for by such achievements, but then it’s difficult to “jump off” from this,” Nashchekin noted.

Internet addiction has the same symptoms as drug addiction or alcoholism. The need to play is constantly growing, and a person experiences severe discomfort if he cannot sit down at a computer, smartphone or tablet. “Perhaps I would never have admitted to myself that I was an Internet addict if it weren’t for my child,” Alexander Erenko, an employee of one of the Russian direct sales and network marketing companies, told RG. “Children copy their parents, and one day I was horrified to learn that my son could no longer eat without a laptop.”

Psychologists explain Internet addiction by unresolved internal problems. “An emotionally immature psyche is loaded with a lot of information contained on the Internet and cannot stand it,” explains professional psychologist-psychotherapist, founder of the Center for Family Psychology and Psychotherapy, Artem Tolokonin. - It is deformed, giving a wide variety of deviations at the output. But can the Internet and gadgets be blamed for this?” The Internet makes the world informationally transparent and clearly demonstrates what is happening in society. And the degree of neurosis in society is growing. Only the reason for this is not gadgets and the Internet, but the frantic rhythm and lifestyle imposed on us.

The Internet gives us unlimited potential for communication and obtaining information. But that's why he's dangerous

What to do? Think. Don't give in to the Internet, resist. How? For example, like Alexander Erenko: “We regularly arrange forays out of town, demonstratively turn off all electrical appliances and spend time like Indians. I recommend that those who are faced with the problem of dependence on gadgets and the Internet in their family should spend an unplugged weekend - a weekend without electricity - at least twice a month.”

Infographics: Infographics “RG” / Maria Pakhmutova / Yulia Voronina

The ideal lifestyle is not a myth, but quite achievable. Everyone can live the way they dream and actually live. In fact, each of us lives as we choose. We become aware of this when we compare ourselves to others or do things we don't want to do.

By being able to see the big picture of your life and realizing that this is not exactly how you want to live your life, you become aware of the fact that everything could be different, better. Then we ask ourselves, “What do I want my life to be?” and “What do I want to fill it with?”

These are the very first steps towards change. The same door to a new life. This is not about perfectionism at all. It’s about not doing boring work, not doing things that don’t inspire, and not wasting opportunities and time.

So, to take the best from life, do what really brings joy, become someone you will be proud of, help others and spend more time on those who are truly dear, create new things, give and share... and just be happy and fulfilled in every day, do this.

Determine what your ideal lifestyle is

First, answer two questions: “What do I want my life to be?” and “What do I want to fill it with?” Answer them as fully and honestly as you can, because this will determine what you want from life and who you want to become. After a while this will become your reality.

The important thing to remember is to accept that you have to change yourself in order to change your lifestyle. Many people make the mistake of starting to change the world around them, forgetting that key changes occur first within ourselves. Therefore, remember this and develop the qualities that you need to develop in order to become the person whose lifestyle you want to lead.

Remove excess

Without this step you won't get far. Because now your life is simply filled with something that does not allow you to move on. These could be people, negative thoughts, events, habits, and so on. All you need to do is get rid of the extra burden; it has no place at all in your ideal lifestyle.

Realize what is good for you

Now that you have gotten rid of unnecessary baggage, take another step in your own development. And this is the time to do as much trial and error as possible. What is meant? This is that you have to learn to distinguish what suits you, what works for you, and what doesn't.

The best way to find out is to take action, making as many attempts as possible and preferably making mistakes. As they say, the best teacher is experience. If you make mistakes, one day you will probably know whether it’s for you and whether it’s worth moving in the chosen direction at all. Experiment.

Only by trying will you understand what sport brings you results, what food satisfies your hunger and brings the greatest benefit, what time of day is best for productivity; the habits you need to create, how you want to look, speak and relate to others.

You may realize that waking up at 5am is not your habit and it has to do with productivity, although most successful people start their day that way. But the time of your personal activity occurs during lunch or even evening. We are all different, so act on your instincts and do what is good for you.

Try different sleep habits, peak hours for work, behavioral patterns, motivational strategies, and so on, wherever you feel like experimenting. Find yours and follow it.

Develop foundational habits

Foundational habits give rise to a whole series of new healthy habits. Getting up early gives you the opportunity to eat breakfast, do morning exercises and start the day positively. This usually leads to reading affirmations and writing notes.

For example, going to the gym every day helps me stay in shape. Afterwards, I always take a contrast shower, which allows me to remain active. The sooner you develop positive habits, the better. Once you implement these habits, your life will reach a significantly higher level of quality. Work on the main one first, and the secondary one will be transformed after it.

Here is a list of the main habits with which to start the transformation:

  • daily exercise,
  • meditation,
  • healthy food,
  • early rise,
  • plan for each next day in the evening.

These habits have been proven to work wonders and it is important to follow them no matter what. Create habits that will stay with you for the rest of your life, no matter if you are on vacation, if you had a good day, and even when everything seems pointless.

Find your passion

This is possible if you listen to your inner voice, concentrate on what you like to do and try new things. The point is not just to understand what makes you happy, but also to start following it, learn to be the best at it and make it an integral part of your life. Such a strategy will fill life with meaning, bring a feeling of satisfaction and never let you doubt that you are doing your job.

Make it your job

This is where you really have to work. But the difference is that now you will be doing what you really love, so it won’t really be a job.

If you want to become a writer, write as much as you can every day. Try to get better at this while learning how to promote yourself. If you are a fan of training in the gym, improve and reach heights. Pump up your body. Study this niche thoroughly, receive possible certificates and awards. Become a personal trainer and help others achieve their desired results.

This way, you will surround yourself with people who are committed to change and will be able to spend all your time being in the gym. Or maybe even open your own.

Once you start doing what truly makes you happy, work at it, dedicate time, energy, effort and believe in your success - you can turn your passion into your work. And it will be a truly ideal job. Which is what anyone who wants to lead an ideal lifestyle should have.

Decide how much time you want to spend working

Organize your work so that you work every other week, a few hours a day, or 4 days a week. But this, of course, will be after you have worked really hard on building your business (this will take at least a year) and built a system of work in the necessary way.

Travel more often

Traveling is one of the best things in life. And it is important to do this at least once or twice a week. Or better yet, every two to three months. Most people travel to escape from problems or to escape reality. But as you build a new, ideal lifestyle, you don't need to hide from reality.

Travel to explore the unknown, the unusual and not miss the beauty that the world has to offer us. This way you can discover new sides of yourself, learn more about other cultures and enjoy the beauty of the world. This way your life will never be boring.

Start a hobby

Figure out what else you love to do and dedicate time to it.

Keep your nose to the wind

Don't miss a single opportunity to learn and try something new. It doesn’t matter who you are at the moment or what your income is, there is always something to learn around. Don't neglect your spiritual world. Meditate, read books, find inspiration in everything.

Be open to new things

Try to do something new, unusual, and something you're afraid of several times a month. This could be a conversation with a stranger, a parachute jump, scuba diving, speaking in front of a large audience, dancing, visiting new countries, mastering new sports. All this will fill life with a unique experience and make it even more exciting.

Give and be grateful

Sharing is the best investment possible and provides much more than buying new things. Learn to give to others as much as you can, be it advice, help, inspiration, money or things you don't need. Do volunteering and charity work. And also remember to be truly grateful. Every step in a lifelong journey should be filled with acceptance and gratitude.

Everything you have, even if it is not much, is beautiful in itself and should make you feel deeply grateful. Try to feel this feeling towards all people, events and things that come your way in life.

It may take some time to create your ideal lifestyle, but that doesn't mean it's impossible. In fact, anyone can do this. Enough burning faith, desire and perseverance. In the end, you will realize that all that effort was worth it. And enjoying every moment of life is the main commandment of those who already live in their own, ideal way.

The formation of the information society significantly affects people's daily lives. Based on the examples already available, it can be foreseen that the changes will be profound. Thus, the mass introduction of television in the 60–70s of the twentieth century significantly changed people’s lives, and not only for the better. On the one hand, millions of people have the opportunity to access the treasures of national and world culture, on the other hand, face-to-face communication has decreased, more stereotypes instilled by television have appeared, and the range of reading has narrowed.

Let us consider the individual components of the way of life, analyzing what has already happened and what is emerging in our time.

Job. According to a sociological study conducted in the United States, up to 10% of workers can already do their work without leaving home, and 1/3 of all newly registered companies are based on the widespread use of self-employment, which does not involve regularly coming to the office.

Studies. In a number of countries, the number of children who do not attend school and are taught at home with the help of computer programs and telecommunications is increasing. If this trend continues, the school will face the most serious danger since its inception as a mass public institution. If we consider that school not only teaches, but also instills in children the skills of socialization and social behavior, then such development causes a certain concern.

Leisure activities are changing before our eyes. Computer games, which already occupy a significant amount of time for some people, are being transformed into network games with the participation of several remote partners. The time spent “walking” on the Internet without a specific goal, as well as on the so-called “chat”, with not very meaningful exchange of messages, is growing. At the same time, educational trips to educational sites, virtual museums, etc. are also implemented. As mentioned above, information culture is only a part of universal human culture, and the form of leisure is determined primarily by the general culture of a particular person.

The recent achievement of Internet technologies - shopping for real goods in a virtual online store - is already beginning to significantly affect the trading system.

The human home tends to become increasingly “informatized.” Houses are already being put into operation, in which, instead of a wiring harness (electrical wiring, telephone, television, security and fire alarms, etc.), only one power cable and one information cable are included. The latter takes care of all information communications, including the provision of many cable television channels, Internet access, etc. A special electronic unit in such an apartment will control all devices, including household appliances and life support systems, and help the inhabitant of the apartment live as comfortably as possible. Such a house is called “smart”.

Since for many people the car has become an extension of their environment, the emergence of “smart cars” is also important. Such a car, in addition to the already mandatory microprocessor devices that serve its technical part, is constantly connected with city information services, which suggest the most optimal route at the moment (taking into account how busy the roads are). In addition, a “smart” car is connected to its owner’s “smart house” and this house can be controlled from it.

Reading time: 3 min

A way of life is the specific conditions of a way of life that have developed historically, characteristic of an entire nation or one person. This category is so voluminous that it includes historical traditions and national habits of the population, which are characteristic of each representative of a selected group of people and represent deep mental formations in comparison with a person’s personal lifestyle or individual preferences.

A person’s way of life is formed in the context of the society to which he belongs, reflecting the economic, political, social relationships that develop in a certain territory. This is a global complex that shapes the attitude towards one’s own personal activities and the nature of production, the possibility of implementation and interaction with people, as well as the forms of building these relationships.

“Other people with disabilities look at me and often write that I motivate them”

Dmitry Ignatov

Paraathlete, journalist. Host of the program “Zaelo”.

I am originally from Kogalym, after school I entered the St. Petersburg University of Engineering and Economics with a degree in Public Relations. Although as a child I dreamed of being a patriarch - I don’t know why, but my grandmother told me so. In my last years at university, I made a program about men's things - a kind of video version of GQ about cars and all sorts of things. Therefore, it was interesting for me to join the army simply as a man who made content for men. I even wanted to write a book about it.

I lost my leg in the army. I served in air defense and walked past a S-300 missile launcher; it was poorly installed and fell on my leg. This happened in 2012, just when the Olympic and Paralympic Games were going on - I watched them while I was in the hospital.

I was very inspired by the Paralympic guys. I told myself that I wanted to get to know them, and now we communicate calmly, I’m even on the sailing team.

In 2013, I started swimming and immediately decided that I needed to swim across something big and interesting. I prepared for a long time, at some point they even began to hate me: they say, I constantly talk about this, but I don’t do it. Last year I got my act together, found the right people, connected partners and swam across the Bosphorus.

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